fir-onsl KUrUaU ofAutumn vjiciiiu LvAUIUll Apparel ' 1 kit V 1 '. The newest brightest sad beat ill Suits. Overcoats, Hats ami I furnishings for men sad boy'! I are shown in our assortment for rail ami inter t u i. Our extensive variety embraces so many different patterns una kinds, that every body'i teste can be Mliifledi Out prn es are tin lowest and ' the samr to all. and everything is guaranteed. BAERtf DALEY One Priae Olothkn, IStrniehera ami Hatter. Pendleton. fitu'K nl civilisation tin privilege or ii i- film nil law ntnl CORtlMttlnil all oroer, inn rether thet when one (orm ni lew or Kovi-nimi'iii lierenui ii' strmtiw ni the ends of government the people. iKtiiiK throtiRh the. nm ioni. niijfiit pheniv the form of the law not by the destruction oi so vara men! Inn by the snheUtution ol more wholesome laws, better Order end more oerfeef prov em merit benefitted II the txed upon the every safeguard the preetdent's Brad upoo the anarchy: vvlifti by tin1 asssiill itkda - . oitohkk in. ioi l)AIIA. Kaat Oregoulnn rrNDLIiTOW. WKERL1 AID BEM-WEKKLY BY l n m PublUhiukT Company, AT OR II. ON. UAIL M'lMKIPTIOH ! "ne top- T mail jne north, hr nil , One -ope per teh. ty earner . . trie ''-!.,! in n .in' atl mi ittU MM itmOM RATMi DM i one teat inci .it mcr.thk . . l is i . i -.itin , Single a umbers VMM M'llClirtlON BA TBI i One cops ! , On cryta m..-h. Trial eiierripttta fcaflecppr Ativan ttftlMa TM- '!', rr r e, . i One if.i r i, nf lets, in trini Weekly r month . . . . One inch, ei lea, in ife.iy uar nitiniri ........ fe tacfcaa. ch le.. la I ' v m l oak If per rn.mth 0-f I three tm rev MM IVenh t 1"' Naell Ml month. li'f i to tee m n, i . , per in n i er mout; V rt u-reeirn h. nt 1 1 (y mul eek One m h. r If. ii Hetiir tr in- lr thre la l.'i, in n eehlv . r in It per Bl ofith . I ttirt i' t in he,, m I ne lev e vt eitn Weekly, per in h ei month ... ....... ...... lolirl BMMfBll e W" emen. in Saini-Wrefc ) , Weekly t) MM laacrt.ue, per in.h,$i , ea.h uteiint IM lion , eo . .m. . uotlctl. ten i ent ier line. a r inertlim 8 1 t -i i i i per i mnih t m i m r. rotiifivo to lif thr host lutiMcsts of tin i pie mej force t ti-m to Hiuotiiei their raeentmenti bnt thoec extien cioc iin never online uiem to do so willingly. Kor tllene reasons, tile Kast On Konlan thinks that by a very IOB hOI W'allaio MeOemmeSt, aspirant '. ' 'onrecmiuin Mn(id'c at. is mi the nroieiie -n lndh Mi Simon end i Mr Oorheti Tin logh of tin Ituetion and ol reeenl history is tcetnet It W J BRYAN ON LAW. SIMON AND CORBETT. Tli Kant OroKoiOnn annoiim es that Wallace McC'ammnnl l Hrt land Is an ao v.d ,indl(lat fe.r the nomination tor ooiiKiess in the nee OOd (llatrtrt to miceeed Maleoni Mood It says the notnlnat ions are live months away but "Ihe pollti clans are Just now didiot the real work that will make ni the slate.-- end Itoailnat Ions " It thinks McCain mailt s reedlitecj will be Motor lavor ot the eastern OreKon i audi date in' Kovernor amonsi (ieer li however. oharaeterlxeH his candidal us another demanil mi the part oi Portlend for oAeea oi prominen It Hirther aya: "The cms m Hit ipiestion Is flow will Simon and .Mitchell altun theniHelves N to the eonuresHinai'. " ' The Now can tell the Kast OroKonlnn that Mi i'..mmanl Is one of Oorbett't bOWOn liiK'i Sii-ion's. The Meet OreKoinan doiihts thai Mi Cuinniani can im at the wame time remain the open ally ol Mr Si iron and of Mr. Corbet!. Time a when thin ion Id have hwen and was I, nt. at that tune Mr Simon wa os tenslbly workltiK for Mr Corlietl s lection to the senate He was man ikIiik Mr Corbett s oamiialKU, was ipnillllni Mr Corbett's money which was supplied by the latto to MTTa the usea of practical politics. Hut. Mr Simon so think tin ma Jorlty of well posted men. acted in bad tallh lowards Mr Corheit and soolired his own eleclion nirtln rmoi. . It If. believed that Mr. BIiiioii had alieady deieate.l tin Irtte Mr. Holpli s eleclion to the Unit ( d States senate the while he os tenalhiy was eiideavoi inn to Induce tin- icflrieiniere to eled tae w,,u died, vaiil many of his friends. Iioni disaiipoiniment over his defeat The nixlit Mr Simon was ttoetWl truth flashed in upon UW IUWWI of Mi Corbett. Mr Soon other real friends of Mr. Tin y then openly oharned they had reason slnoe to i, eli. i thai Mr Simon nan aeaeat wiih Mr. Oeraett bad actually connived at defeat III olilel. ween in which it were pos uihlc. to secure his own election All who know aiiKht of the inside tacts of that period ol OiejBB 1,011 ins know that one ol the aeeepted facts that have been bruited about over the state is that the editor ol the 1'ortland OieKonian had alieady ... ...... i ... I-1 .. I. .1..' vrltlen U leader III which . .......... wan oxeolialed in lanKuaKc "eh as only Mr. Bcolt himaelf can prodm . by Bkllliul joiuuiK tonetln i plain An Klo-Baxon words, that he was iitdin eil tO kill" it and substituted an other in which between the lines could be read anything bin joy over the election of Mi Simon This aliened laci is mentioned not as a positive assertion, but as that which is commonly believed by men who have taken Ihe pains to as I certain tin aotual stains ol tflslri at that time. These thine belne trm omes difficult indeed, to that. Ii Mi. McCaminaut hi kaow longed prateae ot Mr he can at the same time Is as a triiHted scion of the house nl Corbett Ah a matter ol tail Mr Simon is pemaai tee xrafa to Nlr OorheM and to Mi Scott, lor. political oppou (ntu to the contrary not withslaudiUK, these are not men who will brook in fractious ol oursoual hotior in. vx kaeaeeH of uolltlcn and what tnuy Hie standuiK and the Cornell nor have titer their not been that he Ml Corbett s the time (aim 'When God Mitl" there - light." there was light and that IVMi law I la. moon and stars Opi rate :. cordli c, in a Mxcd bj thi reatoi o! all tiiiiivs The human body op eratei en the llnwi m perfect Inn aim wild: this lav. Is violated a pen iltv murt In pHid Men BMm have doubted end dtepnted the, extetenra oi ii God bnt they ba 1 1 I n nu le lo roeltll that In "i lie mi their die putationo end lhli doubts there are natural laws which cen noi be vie later with Impunity. So society muei havi lawi end thotc law will eelel end be, Inforced in spite ot the pratMta ot those who oppoa ell lew .lie all KOM-riMliolil Pilose wim do uoi , indersiand the law and eVOfl I hose Who dispute the RUthoilt ol iln law an willing to take taK"' of the law whenever the need protection When Baum Chndiaaw and her fellow anarchists were plac ed.undei arrest they were quick to call tin a lawyer and rend) lo avail themaelvoa ol the iwroottfi ol the Bovernnent, aithouKh in so dolni Ihe) Invoked the aid el tin govern' mi nt Which the) had denounced While it was law that lorbade Ihe eaarehleta t do evil, it was like- wtet law thai threw about them ihe efeaeerdi essential to indlvldu ai libort) it was law that eaeMad Hies. people ('Veil III tile llllllllent when 1 1 1 1 passion was -lured to lis depths, lo escape swift ami sum mar) puniemmeut u punis lment which would have been Injiiatice. Dr. JobMOn said: "law is the Ml raeuH oi human wisdom eetiei upon iiimun expeiieiicc for the bene :n oi the public." No one hus con tended that law is perfect . the steady trend ol Ihe kooiI BOB ol tin world has been and is. to make upon the law such improvements a are siiKKcslci! by experience History is Hied with the achievements ot men who hac oricanizcd opposition to governments then exUHllKi but lion oi is accorded only to those who while protesting iKainst one form ol Kov'ernment oi om admlnlatratioe Ol ... rninen' propose to substitute in Its place, not anarchy, but another tone ot poveranMBt or another ad ministration complete in Us or. lei and in their opinion more llkelv to be edventegeout to the people. Bree om own Pocleretton ot in dependence, alter statiuv the ends it ayrerniMBti aid "whenever'aay form oi poveraeMnl beeoem de- tractive ol these ends, it is the rtehl of the people to alter or to all. dish it. and lo substitute a new piToniment, tayini lis foundations on s n l' principles and orxaniuiK lis powers in sm h lorm as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness " Thin clear riKlit MM raoognixedi not that It would kivo to anyone within Hie con ITCHING HUMORS i uinyiela Kxtruai ut lui. Trnaliumt i I'.m i i:iv'..ii i ru riusni. (4.-K- ), Uiilcaiiau tin- kla nl . i u.t- .ind Miale.1 1 a rn ua v onu lilt-li I .'hi. , te allay ItrhlUK and i-."'tlie and laal,.iB(l UTlciiaVHKaoLVBMi (inc.), luruol aii.l . Ii-kiii-c tUv liluod. A .llljflc gr I U (ll4in miMm nl ! i iiic Ilic M-vcrcfel limine Hui.l ihwusluMil Hi. VflW. I. 1 1 lm... e ii ( nm. Cum . I' .a , i.. ..... - ii i ... , .k:-i Hai'lt "frat So ioly will bo attention of all li manner In which was thrown about assassin When In president thet was the crowd excited upon the chief megietrate ami justly Indftnent, aonehl to rtoettoy the as sassln's life, that WM anarchy ; hut when the WOtinded president s.ild 'I, d no one hurt Mm." that was law It Is not diSeull to understand Why the Impulse ol the crowd at HulTiilo was to destiny the assassin, y i t had his life been taken an Injury would have been done to the i ausc ot food government It was in re cognition ol this lint that the an thoritlea look every euro to MVC him rrom violence! end In nil the history or the world the cause ot good gov ernment wni never more completely Vindicated b) tin authority ol the law nor bettor IIIiihI ral 1 than In the trial n or led the president's mur derer. The bar association Ol HnfTalo re alized that this was to bo a supremo test of the wisdom and lustiee of the law, ind therefore the association asked for the appointment ol two of the most eminent lawyera ol the community, Judge Titus end Judge Lewie ns nttorneye for the prisoner. Although the teeV was thoroughly distasteful ote. the recpomlblllty irotoeed b) the conrl vvhs eccepte by the lawyera ami within one week gftor the president was laid i" reel In spite of eecttemenl end passions. Ihe assassin went tn trial surround od by the protection eecorded to vers Indlvinunl under i he Inw, While it is the law thai require the life oi the president's assassin now that his guilt lias been Judicielly established. It Is likewise the law thai prevent! the conviction oi an innocent or Irreoponolbte n an V only did ihe OOUli imptire into the act oi til ii i- the shot, imt reused an examlnetli i t" i nedi by he mni eminent i hyet' us to whcthi the prl, one,- at t lane ami therefore, raep 1 " del (I. This dlP la ol luetlne, ibis met ous car" for the rights ol the pi t. on a demons! i ales Hie recUtUdl ol Hie government and the reggrd fOI the wisdom oi the very rules which Lewis as attorneys for the prisoner ami dospisi It is said Unit the anaiehtete who have been ilciyiiu tin authority of cm n ty ami the government also de ny the existence oi ii Ood The ue eensity tor govern menl is recognised in Holy Wi ii ami tin onstaut "i forts of statesmen who have had at heart the well being ot society has been to make human Inwi conform as nearly as possible in the laws oi nntnn and oi natures Qod. The laws ot pwfl have been imperieet and to iln end oi time the laws of men will lack perfection but the remedy Is BOt In tin dost nu t Ion ol all law hni in the remodeling ami reioriulng ot existing laws In accord ance uuh tin- lessons ol liiiman ex perieece Law is all pervasive ami Its authority Includes man. Hie cli max ot creation ei well as the santl' li st atom. ii tin tear ot Qod is the beginning Ol Wisdom. lite I'eeogUlllotl III till Ihorit) end obedience to law come mxl ill the pathway ol progress As centuries pees the biieier law should more nearly approach to ward tin serfeeUon oi thai divine law whose Infinite seope the pool do scribes when lie seys "That very law which moulds a tsar And bids it trickle from Its source-- That law preserve Hie earth a sphere Ami guides the planets In their course ' Commoner MISS VIRGINIA GRANES Graduate Nurse, and President of Nurses' Association of Watertown, N.Y., Tells How Much Doctors Use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Has Yet To Hear of Its Failure To Cure. it Is not Infrequent thai Information comes to our ettentlon P"i?R -hsV the medical profeaaion In general prescribe larre quantlUen ot ujwm . Plnkhnnt's VegetHble Compound In their private praoust it is i fact beyond dispute thai nowhere is to be found a unlveiealtyenoMsfui m curing fsmals ills, and the bi-mlnded pnvsioian Of to-dav Unulck to rerivnlxe bis duly to his patient, and does not I sit at i preearlbe the b.s. medicine he cen find.-the medicine thai bi re an i p.iekest to iM inj relief to his patient I for this ve.'.v reason W"'"""-!?-" trerv best phvalclnna are prescrVblng In their treatment ol ferns ,1. .11 wwm K. I'liiklmmN Vcgotoble Compoand, while noi In th perhaps, but in plain prescription bottles wit h t heir wn or druggusts nam. It is our pleasure and our privilege to publish g letter fr-n S IP nurse Whose reputation and promlnflnee in her profew.on lends much ueht to her ,, pinions and vv hose testimony goes to prove our statement in u. the high esteem In whi,-i, LyflU B. Pinkham's OfjetaMe ompoiimi in held l)V our leadini: pli , snians uiui ir.tincu inns. ., termine bin was islhle for GOLDEN RULE HOTEL. Cor. Court and Johnson It a PENDLETON OMOOM Steam beat Kleclrlc Liglm. Aiuerlcaii rlitti, rtr II. ii Ui 1 1 KJ .la; Kurupaau plan iOc, 7.V, fl.tti Hpcelal raiu. by wuek or imialb Free Bus fleets all Iralos. Comniercisl Trade Solicited. Pine Sample kooins Special Attention liiven lu Country Trade. CONK AD KOHLER PMOP ii o m Um 1,,'heV. III. ijl I'. .Ide al W SB IPC Laurels Attain ! Tlx tw.iiw.i Saa maft Ou oow pfmlal Award to I.W.HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY mJau w.rld ml KwuHmw iaa Hold by JOHN SUHMIUT The Louvre Saloon raw ni s iur, . OKSUON I i'K are the puplu ami tliu uuly pvoplu la Ibn Ha.l.llory buinei In tViidluloii tbat eia- pi, v lull force of uiochaiilcii Ilic roar around. ' i ami uako our own daddlua, llarnuan, etc , and I to not ablp tbom from tbo facliirlu lifcu aoiau ol our muiiMtiuora ami ibvu toll you lliey are aj good aa uoioe tuadof but tbtty are uot. JOSEPH ELL, I.eatlloK Uarnesa and Saddlery . to eur UNbsH cam pew. ou abelyon, walla, ot lor wrapplug purpoaea Old uewapapera iu large Mm, tie- ol oue buudred each at lb oeuta a buuillu at T1IK KAH'I OUKOONIAN OKVIOK feudi. win Oragou Old Newspapers IK K SS K l M1H8 VIRGINIA 0RANK8, "Dkai: Mils. Pnraiuxi Twelve years oontiouous service at the nick bednin some of our promlnenl hospitals, an wall anal private home, baa given me vnrhMl experieiiees with the dleaaaai of ewmen. have nursed Home iium) UlstreawlnK cnaai of Inflemmetton ami ulcere tLon of the ovarieM surl I have known that dootore need Lvdle & Plnhhwm'f Vnjrttililu ('om pound when evervthituj else failed aitii then patlente. I linve advised mj patients ami hiandi to uae it. ami have ral to bear of ii Brnl failure to euro. - foot feare a pn I had falling of the womb from stmlning in lilting a heavy pauentiaud tutowingoi the value of your Compound I Imganto use it at OUOe, III III in si weeks I was well OBOB iiiok . anil baVB bad no trouble lUine, I am rnoet pleased to have hail an opportunity to say a law words in praise of your Vegetable Oompoundi end shall take every occasion tn recommend It." Miss VtaoiNta Gnawne 444 8a Spring 8L Los Angelee) CaX Preeenl nddrees. itc ii. therefore, believed bj nil women who are hi that Ljrdla i Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the medicine the should take. It lias stood the test of lime, ami it lias hundreds ol thou sands ot cures to its credit. Il should, therefore, lie considered unwise in experiment further, Mrs. Ptnkhum,Whoee address is ,v mi. Muss., u III answer clieer t a a 1 1 ami without cost all letters addressed lo her hv sick women. S5000 Itt.WAIlM. V Imv.l. ,n i will. lit. N UloMl Cll) llMtknf l. un, JWWO, nlii h will M it-l t Any ptMVOH w bl DM iln-1 iMl tlir iSoVB ivitrr In not gtmuuio, or Waa u 11 1 liev I Iwfor' obtftlBlM tbe VftMf! vrinl imbt Uiiaaiuai. I,liit I. riitkhuMii M tliciui- ti., I.ynn, MtMtv Hotel Pendleton Liniicr New "ttnaj?e ncni Strictly PIrst-Class Fiicellent Colsme. livery Modern ConveoieD e T i Give lh a Trial. Kateb $2 00 a da) Special Kates by Ween or montti (tar and Millard Hun Headquarters for Traveling Me I The Best Hote' In Eastern Oregon. Van lran Bro.. Props Successors to J. E. Moore A CARLOAD OF CR.M:i all ol the newest and latest patterns, especially selected lor our Autum trade, has arrive 1, and the BOOdl are now in our store readv loi the inspec tion oi Pall huyers. They comprise the tines! line of wiltons, tapestry, ingrain and bfUSMll ever shown in Pendleton. Carpet ei 50c to $2 yard W allpaper and mailing al cost. Un dertaking goods always OB hand. JESSE FAILING. FRAZER OPERA HOUSE. Oeo L. Bakar, au.i Muaagur, Jaa. U. Wileli, IjckI Uniiaiter A HomeSpun Heart A Play that Will Live Foffvgf, A oomptsuion Hsy to Humao HegrUi. One Night Only MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1901. Popular prices: 35c 50c, 75c, 00. Uvalaun aak at Kiamar', Hlatluucry (Hon- I'liday niuiiiliif. The Place to Buy : : : : Ih where von nm l'"t gOOdl quick Mini dhsep prli es. H,.! line of Lumber, Ltth, Sliiiirl's, Huild ino, paper, Tbt pAper.Linie aiul oement, Pickets Plaster, Brick, Sand, Mouldina Screen I lOOW V Windows, Saeli ,i.- hours, Tfl'M Cditii Pipe. Latnber Van!. r. FORSTER, - Proprietor. Wholesale dealer tn Ice, W ood and Schiil Milwaukee Beer. Henry Kopittke PHYSICIANS. ,iv. V,. u. i i. I, K 1 ) K K I ( ' K IN .IlilHi attlldtsa nUes Itoart, la to i; a. ; iios ti m. natapSiMK ri c W, V1K0BHT, M 1). OKriOBMBAB ol rtrtt Sntional Msnfe. OStSS lioiim 10 to ID a. di. , I te I l' in Hi:, i . .1. SMI I'll, OKKH'K OVKK THK Ktsdlslon iavitiK anna MseeeneSti rcmilcni c U'luphoiir ! II. H. iiAUKIKl.K. M. II. HUM K i' A I'll n myall'... aid WurKeou OBt In liuli i'uIIiIIiih III"!" "li'''. "lac 7:i ; r1' Ssnss, buck ii. i. U M 1 i.l.KU. M. li., 0B8PAI N BLOUK. triiMiH ami norrvi'la eye Iroublua, cniarrlial on. in 1011- and ISipsllM iioaring. UiSSBSl prsystl) inn 'I fr r-irai uvi' urrora UK I). 1 M I' .v I I., IH aM 17, A HHI M 1 1 A lion LI. i"M IvtoiilioiK.' l. rvaliltnrn lole pfeSaSi black 111. JhTKOPATmTc I'M YHICIANH, PBS kayu a Kuyua. Otttrc, ouu blimk woal ol Sua luu Sl.irc ub. Lynn i;. iii..vkumlkk, oubomic ami SSrtSIM 'iii aua and dlSSSSM 01 woimtii opp. Hun i, 1:01 StsaSff and Maiu SIS., I'midUi tou, Ore ATTORNEYS. UAHTKK .v. KAIiKY, ArroUNKYH Al 1. 1, oOnv 111 rtavlus Sauk MiiiMliis HKaN A I.OWKIiI., ATl'OKNUYh AT Law Hooui 11 .VMociaiiou Hluck. I'ouUlc ton. Oroaou. r. a, iiAii.KY. i.awykh. oVbioi Ih InOd Ssllrtlsg 1','ii.t.' ' . , orvsuu. N. HKKklil.KV. ATTHKNKV AT oAW. ouict' in AaaiHiauuii Block. K. 1). lloYli, ATT'UtiNKY AT LAW. court bi. Ill L it. bbkobb, ATTOKnBY at LAW I' Orogou. JAMBS A, KKK, LAW OKKHJL IN JIH SslllWaf iTi.LMAS a PIBBOB, ATTOBMBTM al law. Mr. Sulliuau lia, o- uu a lmltlvd I . prseUoa in Usiaad ilm paluul oltl.o, anil wiaki, ,p(. tally ill I'auui l.i Hoouia lu, II, U an 1 1 Van... lalhiii in... 1 HANKS ANU SnUKKRS. l'Uh r ARM KK'b UANB OK WBBTON, WaaUiu, Orvgou. Do. a h. n ,. banking uumuok, Kaciiaugc bouHiii au 1 aold. C',11 1 Uoiu pruiupliy SHSnesST W Aflalra In WMH i.. !i nimli 1011 au I , ropurlaal 11.111 Uj 111 . -uaalioii , ..liii.iiu,'. i roapoualble eltlaoui, odlceri H. JauiMou, uroaldaul; (iao. M I'rovpiicl, Tlou prvalituoi , C, M. fUNS, eaalilor J. H Ktllsorv, aaaiauui caalilcr , Uirtulura U. A. Uaruaau. M M. Jouua, T. J. filial, U. 1' Ins I K Ktllgor-, HoiMO Jauieaon, li. W rassMsL KIBOT NATIONAL UANKUt A I'HKN a . OrSfsa t'aplUI, tfal.UUU. aarpiiik u.iU proDU. Si.uou. inlemat 011 Urn iluioaiia. Ooala lu lorvlKii ami iluuuilir uihuiik 1 olluclloua proapU) alK'uduil 10. Iloury ,:. Adaiaa, proa idu'il;T.J, Kin., viccpioaiUeiu. S. L. Bar MUiOSslilsri Mr. K. I. Haruou, Malaiaut senwi K1KHI NATIONAL HANK O K ImCNI) Lh ion ' apiu., I7J.UIJU, aurpiua, ttu.oau. Tram a, un yvuvrai bauklug buaimiaii. Sst'baiiKi aud UllUKraiililc iraualcra aolil 011 Dtucaao, San Krauciaop, Now York aud oriuclpal poiuia iu liiu Nortuweal Dralu Oraaru ou Chlua, Japan aud Kuropv. Makoa eollociloua ou roaaouabli t.rui Uvi Aukouy, prealdaul, W K. Matlock . .. -prvaidviu; e B Wade, uaiblor, U C. ueruaoy. aailtiaut catldoi rUS I'KN I ILK TON HAV1NOH HANK. 1 Buiiielon.Ofouou. Quran fasti March 1, liVW; capllal, laooou. .urplu., su,uuu. luujrB.1 ,1. lowod ou ifuiB ilupoaiu. Sacuausu uoiglil aud aoid on all principal pomu Special at ivttUvu siveu ui lolleiUoui. W. J.Turuiah. preaideul, J. N Tuai lo-pra'diut . T. J Morin. uaaiilar A 11 l II l far I s AMU SUILOSaS. T. If. MOWAUU, AUCU1T1CCT ANU Hi purluivudcnt, uiakea rouplaiv aud reliable plana for bulldlua. lu Ibn clly or coiliury Uoonii?, Judd bntr.llii, ' HV,ffMK L'OLJt. OONTU AOTOBi ANU bullderi Katiiuatoa luruiihod ou tborl uo ," Ju work a .pociallv I'rouipi aoriu. simp ou Bluff .iroel, uear jfalu alrwit U A,Y' I'UNTBALTOK ANO builder kaiimaiea lurulabed ou ail kluda ol uiaaoury ceineui walk., aioue walla, etc or der. can be left at ibe Kaat Oreaoaiau once UHNTISTS. JjjSSSff1'' UKNTIBT. OKKlOil MILTo: Vluga II U. MBTZLKB, DKM i LSf. 8A- k Buildlus. HIDBS. HHLTS AND JUNK. vol i an QB'J rui UIOUB8T MAB juui iiiuob, pen and all kiuda Ol juaV, audi rubber. bL. ,',,,,,. 1 7i :S2r.'ft. "v bolll,)r lro" ' " au.i., i Ti ' T "fius iu 00 coin, worm of hera iuatav To-r." "7. uve V""" MUSH l .sliatik ,V Co , oIlice'auiT warc- IN I'oi Nl I HK HUKK1NAJTTKB OB- CilJ urarabal aud will be old .1 ine oi'ptrllfou ol leu daya for coala aud exiieuaea. "v"""u 1" T , , . oraiioen w in a ouartar- circle ou tell .boulder aud A ou rlgbt aiioul a iiooui ljll pouuila. ana aUmt A yef, - . - - ualed riepieuiber i,, ltj. J M HKATHMAN. City Marabal The Eaat Oreatuiumn ia rv Son's icpieeeiiiative pspsr. It loada, and lao peupio apprsclsts it and a trow it by Usir lineal patronage. It is ths advor. istuK medium ol thia aectiou. WW. aaaaaaS V7TeTT?TsV SHOipijai fOUayn. Bali u,, tiTZTl - nnrjesi Jt. I'anl IWsllS Walw7tIZZT"l -a. I k:"'' Ocean and River Schedule rUOM I'OKTUND Jor H, KranclMx, L. 1 1 ovary s day.. s ajtfay, 111 llan SOSBI ; Columbia ai... Siindiiy ,'r IS. M. ! To A.torla and ypwff 1 """, Dally u. WllUtt m uuuds) am oreaoii City, Newhen 1 Salem, lUl , h B 'orvalllnan(lWT sad Sat? lnMn' WuiametiaanYki:i "i aiulHKI hii.1 Way Undin'p" 1" J l.l'UVI Klparla I IQO a 111 Dull) Snake mr si umsi iii,,i,. i '"kk; -1 1 zxz "..wni. 1 iaj, k. r. eAasuY.asm, rsssssJ Take the... Washinjcton & Columbia River Railway Km- OhkajgO, Ht I'sul, Hi. Ixvuii Kit I ...I'll,, Ul l.w. M U. 12, I tf'ic, wmaiia, and All Points l.asi and South I'ortland and points on ihe Sound TIMK CAItl). SKI'TKMBKH I. in We.l n. .1111.1 l.cavi. Walla Wallal p. sal oii'ioii . i' in s iaa in 1 .i" put , Atnt, 1M n :i.i am ; Hcittl. '.1 am. Kaai Mound loav,. Heatll. I :U aa; Is 1 .1" pin , rtrtivi' ana nana 1 an: 'i nm . -i ..k ine :l am Kor IsforSMtiOS rKanlla( rata, kkl SSM iiHMlriltoll. i'.dl ..ii 01 ..lilntll W. ALtAMa. Ami I'aadliuro.Onaal s 11. 1. v..i.i...iir vf ii. r. a., Walla Walla. Walk You get Good Beer.. When you ilriua' PILSNER BEER. (Juuraiiteed not t en 1 1 h Imadache or tll..lllt8H Ask for it. Schultz Brewing Oregon Lumber li WOOD UUTTSBlt Kor bsrua sutl SgglHSf Uiiospsr than tin. Lumber, Utth, 8hinale& , Building rspf- Tar Paper. Lime and txnient, Muuldiuaa. Pickets, Plaster, Brick and Sand, Screen Uoora Wiou"" ai . .A IVvarft. Terra 0s Borie & Light, M Alta St., op- Court Ho THE.- Oregon Mortgage LIMITED. FARM LeS Ou luiprorad proaM al lowaai eurraal CHAS F G. PATTULLO Walla Walla, Wait- Farmers Custom Fred Walters, V0 capacity , BI barrel, a aaf Hum eaoSaussd lor ( flour, Mill aed. Oboa