tIAILYtVENING EDITION EASTERN' OREGON WEATHER. 1 J w lAkK inw PACT. lonile .-,,..! , louillnwn: Frl . ' t"""oiT -n i(ir VOL 14. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY. OH KUON, I 11 V Its DA V, OCTOBER 17, 1901. NO. 4257 The Place To buy Groceries l where you can have a big Hoed to wlWSl from. Call m m ' M stock IS ar!c hotli in fancy and staple groceries. 0. R. Demott The Boston Stiff ) Kid filtilifl OirdB tifU R04 n. IMITATION STITCHING $1,25 (iirdle ml you look like thia. Always Gives the Best Values. The big busy Store 5 Ut pencil , goiiil onet . (or 51 "rederick No en Scll,n UoM llouUft Uiep. foikl koaps e er bofOM have kUi 1 1 kooiI values. PlDt lilt Map 31 . Imney, jiine tur, He 1 ah iji cake or 4yc down. Li imilinn "V.lliaiiv ' ro. 1 - Juan llll i. ., -mr wv , u ll.f,llll J Ltolls, r0y and Games The lite that ever reached the it liiini rlw r.i.iiiii' W niauui.o turera in Ciainaav. y wuc-ren U reinaikat.lv low mm hen . Ok S ,o kn.mil hnnk. Iiu paper hooks mi for sc 1.1, I1IAI 7 week lor mi.mo a M r , I ututniuer's ol 1 tnae books at 5 and 33 13 oft u'ar price. sPUdi lirll, ieK a, NnfvAll I" paper tot . i-arge -..if, i-.uies lot 10 i-45- --'ot McKinley and Koose Ladies' and gents' purses. china tlisties, glassware and r. New Imu aikaim. .mIIaI MBicura cases, fancy photo 1- , III, I, III facial prices Vasabne 5c, r'Ckaees m.txliu. r nnii'll I 'Ut Doiind ol. The Alexander Department Store. Hoys' and girls' jersey and conlunrv liters in red. brown, Mark and Miic 751 .01'. 25 Another ihipmenl ol Newmarket and Rgffjffna inst r. It eied. new and stylish coats for children from $2 00 up to $15,00. Ladies' box coats in all colors nnd full nf style In 'in fh 00 Up tO $32. 50. Our hoys and girls srhool hose l'onv' hose at 25c a pair have tripple heels, tripple toes, tripplt knees, tod wear better than an Othof ROgg ;it the price. Visit our Furnishing and lofl bats at all prices at I! $2.00 for the best. ITT, pr. JL CARPETS The largest stock in the city II fOAl want a carpet call and Me the line. Wo will give you estimates sewed and laid A Mammoth stock of Furniture. BAKER d FOLSOM Next door to Postoff ice. AIRTIGHT I liavf a full line of the celebrated COLE'S AIR.TIGHT Wood and coal stove guaranteed to be absolutely air tight. None of tbe beat is wanted and tbe stoves will save ONE HALF of your fuel bill. 1 also have a lull hae of caat cook stoves and steel ranges. Prices are the lowest, quality considered. T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man. 741 Main street, l'endlelon, Oregon. Goods Department Store Pendleton's Hi: Store Your ntxt Suit buy at the Big Store; any price you want to pay. ON OUR SHELVES and counters you will rind only the best of canned nnd package Hoods, and the Lest ol ecr kind. U Whalevet poll want in line fjnCMt ( Jj ies you will lind lu te, and you will! Bad urn prk m rifkl oh u ' (-CI' fies, canned ojoods and everything in groceries We ptide ourselves on iht courtesy and eitnK in , our store service of C. ROHRMAN. HEATERS GENERAL NEWS. Paring the last 1L' month, there was an excess Otl export over import of $1140 Ml IN .lamp J. Hill, preident of the Ureal Noithern, interviewed concern ing hi mission in t lie east, took pain to ilrny the report o( 11 , omi'inatmn ol the mrthweet mad. The commercial apple crop ol 1901 , according to the final report 0( the American Agrtrultui lit. 1 p laced at 18,00 .tKk barrel, again! l",000,0n0 one vear ago. ami nearly 70,000,000 barrel in the bumper etOg war 1 f lSKri Rev. Ir A. L Malet of (dorado Spring. Colo., will leave for Manila on the army tranport Thomas. It 1 tatel that tie tfoe to the llaml under Ine sanction of the wr ilepartment a comm iioner to investigate the charg e nf immorality ill the military camps. Coinpte de la Vauix, in an inter view, ay that while hi failed to CMM the Mediterranean, he run ceded in breaking all ballooning record, a' he remained in the air more than 41 bOOft, 'luring w hich time he succeeded III keeping the bgllooe. from tsoto four meter above the level of the a. thus solving the problem of Mobility, PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS Within 10 day the prn.ie atop ol Vanibill county will be harvested ami stored The ffJTOp li the best in 1 nan v year. Tlie receipts ot the I'allc land Office for the quarter ending BoptOIBhOI D, itkll, show a large increase ol hupim-M over the ame iiiarter in 1000. It 1 claimed by local pa pen that the cattle aal" in llarne, nnouty, (iregon, will amount to I I .(NM.iunj tin year againl 1000,000 ihi ear. At Baker City Kiiwanl Kverett Young will pnrchae the Dally (iregon Kh! Ill ieail of Colonel .1. r. (irsv I, the principal stockholder ami virtual ow ner ol the papio . J. T. Apron tiled a out III kha circuit lonrt ) Oregon CltJ Bgalntf I L, 0 'Himaii and other lor ill.TV; 'J.' The fill it I of great letOfeal t t mam I at it Involve the DWOeehlp ol gootb I Iregon I'll)'. Tlie prune barvent in I who county i now practically ended Although it hit 11 t been pooalbla to car.- I r the entire crop, there ha been a tar greater iiitntitv ol Milne prepared I tor the market than ever before in ti e hitory Ol the county. I'uhident P, J. .leucine" "I the He ' lens mid Mo-nl. .M inn j and Milling cum pan ie ol the linlieiuia district, an- I imuiice t nut arrangeiin 11 tout hei 1. completed lor hmblitig 11 railroail Irnm Cottage Ufottj, othi H-ierl , a dis tance ol .'16 mile through a region ol heav) limner to the Betu 101a mine. I lie following oltiiii- were u n ani on, in-lv bcteii at Ihe annual Hireling ol the I'ortlaud Tai mi t'- League: ('resident. A I. Mill : VlcepoalueOt, I J, C. Ainsworil. : troBaernr, IN M. I.u ol , critsry, J, N. leal: ineii.tu r i ol the executive romti.n Ice, J. W. Cook, Lao I ried ami J Ihirnion li - GIRLS AT While ih. 11 thr p Hi he relie.i upon h . v .oops nifWblinn '.iun and n. 1. .Hon mil Mai ' u 4 U f Miaavi .. 1 U Then- i iiu ali ' saripiioii '' aaal it tea opl.illl, 1 Lf .line all I all " S .10 Mir 1 illl 01. .l" I lata 1 1..0 Dr. J'irrco'a v'nninn.n Helta Meduul Adv iscl 1 aelit r oiii ' I .' II one- rem Mam pa to p.u t- proa 1 pinfj Addivaa Dr. R. V. Pitfc, Uuf- ilo, N V LOANS on WHEAT LANDS At lowest rates J. K. DICKSON, liaal OrcgoaUn Bulldlnx. I'endlrton, Oregon. Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line Huatoo at Caroc v , Mrp'. Ixiave Fend let. .li every day at 7 o'clock except Hunday, (or Pilot Hoek, Nye, Kidge, Albu and I'kiah. Qoiod ac commodations Keabonuble freight and pivaaenger ratea. City ofloa at Tali man Co'a drug gtfife. OUR CONSUL GIVES BLUFF TO BULGARIA Discovers Miss Stone's Abduc tion Was by Macedonians WHO MUST BRIM HKK BUCK O- He Refuses to Pj ifte Ransom iml D raind? (bp Arrfnt of tbe Prinr pil Instigators Cologno Oct it Tke Coktcne OajwHte' Sotiu rorrMpondont wtfM thnt I'niii'i siatoi. Cowul Dtrkte son. hi i'oi,t:intino io. hH dlocoror i poaftlva 1 nb in e that mihs atone mi iihiiin toil .it iht Inailgatlmi ot Mm .Ionian committee nti.l thut In ronai qui m ot tin ke lui roftiawl aheolntel) to pa the nuMraei de iMnded McklenMa, it i a. to .1 . 01 AcUallj iinioii.t the Bttlgarlart gov (rUMoal n tiil.o iininoillat. HMMMMfM to bring gboUl the kPI'taf m the 1 hiot Inetlgeton 01 the outfoio Meverul pronlMWl mcmhil ol the Ma odonlM oonnlttca alrrarlj keve hooli alio, lid II ih xiilil Another I;, v,, , Coaataettnople, mi r. third MlaeioaMi ''a been atepetclKwl in quval oi the two other tnlaalonatiai who hill 1 11 attonptlBI to net III touch with Mink Stone kidMPpOTB, lint irotn arhon no wont hu I n rf ivH.'il. THE OREGON WAS NEAR THL COLON Ai-rn She Surrendered to Lie Biook Ivn -More Evidence that Schley taee not a cuti. W11 hicKlon Oct. VI. ('!" :iiii IllUtlolt ol l.telit . Intel Brge li' autned arhon tin Beklo) rotirf con v n 0 1 hla morales, tie iMtlflod tin ool) vi I m ar the Colon when .1 .111 1 1'leloi oil to tlie Mi'Mil.lvii iv a h ihe Orogjoe I. lent, t oin ma ml 1 Qriffll elm ...ii I i.i'ii 1 1 on Ho Bfooklyn durlna lile Kill I -lined III' rlOenl Hi hlcV toil ii.. coRieiendoi ot the Kagle dm leg im voyeeji rron Ctrafuogjoa to S.I 1. 1 1 It U tint he ei ill hi not delay Ihe tQueitfon ee) looeor on tin gkigjto'g 0 on,. 1 ami tor the gutter to praeooe to tag t.ti aio im roal it. toetiaad thill Sehlov ' hi .iiliiK whs i ool ami . Im i i'i 1 1 1 1 1 1 11:11 n il 1I111111K MO I Lit t I Bnalgu Bwrl) who tiad aoreed on on Brooklye taetiaed the! during he hgVttlO the Vlr.iU.vn BJMtdi I t'.'ll ai ifcnegh to rut tka Brooklyn THOOUHT HIM TO BE THE SON OF GOO Vntim o' the American Crooks in a I ondoo Court Room. I oinlon Oct. IT At Oil morn lut' H geeelee ol tka trial 01 Tkeedon lapkaon end Mum ii iiui iliteeo .Kin Hid Iinikv Adam a prottl rl ivlth oiirl IimiikIiik over hoi hoiild era. taetiaed that tin- priaonon par kUedod bM imrent In hi til 'III briei hi 1 to i.oinioii Madaeu waa i i.ioii hot caiiititiK Tl ton n . in sin iii'iii' 1 ii Tbnodore Ui b the aoa ot Ctod Hoi aodueiloe fol lOWOd in a aleUUW BMUUMM to ecu ot th othei in tun., oi tin priaoeori A BgD muniD'i by the Bfowg 111 the .our! room lnterrililed In 1 teatl moej Extra prooeutloeg era bakee in pi voiil Ihe sietaloih 1 1 iii mot. Meg ike ptieonefi PVTMIANS TO ASSIST In Building tlie McKinley Muunmrnt at Canton, Ohio. iiirMoim.. not it Oraatd Okee cellor Porti 1 in hi ol Ho Iowa KniKtita 01 Pytklaa. im aiii aieii to gaipreeaa Ckaneollor plotkora Ui 1 miuemi that On- nun thoiihttnd I'ylhian loda 1 in keaeriee contribute u aum not gcadlei two dollar ooek towerdd ho el. lion ol Ihe MeKllih ) Inoiiil in. nt Bj 1 'union ll In anggcHled that tin money expected I mm thla 101:11 h iimiI in provide the bane oi tin monument McKluh . waa a Pytklee fOI twenty yBra PANAMA CO OFFERS AT REDUCED PRICE To Sell the Concessions and Proper ty to Ike French Concern. Waabiugtou (t IT Fieebleel Itutlli oi Hi I'ai. una Canal Co all oil on Admiral Walker of tin I'nlled States una 1 '"rmmlaalrte today, aud off' i . to aett the ooecoMtoea. tka 1 all why ui. t all rights laataeaaeil h ii. I , . 1 1 1 out 1 I'll to the I'lilli 0 S1.1i. lioi . 1 iiiui nt It la uiideralood Hutln offered U) aell for aeveral mil lion laaa Oian the valuation hereto lore placed on the property wkiol wah $ 10T.000 0110 EPISCOPAL CONVENTION Held Last Ssesion Today- Cuba a Missionary Jurisdiction. Sai. rVauciaco, Oct. 17. The Upla opal convention held the concluding . .-,!. n todav The deputlen pBHaed 11 i. solution dlvutlU Kaiiban into two dioceses making a. missionary dloreee ol tka western halt The bouea d bishops passed a resolution constituting the island ol Cuba into ,1 missionary dioceat under the juris In lion of the presents bishops of tka Kpiscopal church, who will take charge ol Hawaii. THE NEW YORK MARKET Reported by I. L. Ray A Co.. Pendle ton, Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stock Exchange Brokers i York Oet. 17. - The ekoet market waa atronger nt th. ofejfMlg Notwlthatandlna the break of yctenla. l.lverool , oai d i' . New York oiwned at Tti. obl up to Tii'.j and ekMMd "H. CklCMO opened and closed 70 M' Park i". highiu. nr. 27t Sin. gfl higher Money MM' cent Win at Ckme voterday Tfi',. I Ipeneil lodliv Tt'i' RMBja p) to Tti'tr. Clone 7i!', Stoeka Beier, 11.11. Heel, MH St I'oul. l lH4 I I' w- Wheat in San Francisco. Ml l iiineboo. Oct 17 Wlieat , 111 'IX Wheat in Chicago. Chlcegn (t IT Wheat T'i4 to NonrHwaaT must wake up. Lew ! and Clark Exposition Furnish es an Opportunity for It. Iurtland, Oct, i. UoaeorulM tke 1 Hint 1 'In it. ei.leiinlal Ogpoel lion. Ooloeel Krnnl, .1 Cm tier, the well Iii ovi 11 no v simper iniiii ol Walla Welle, teld Ii ee laletvlee It I lor tlie people ol Ihe I 'lie I lie north wee! arko are leteraattMl m the - ol this enterprise to Itel to Keiher 11ml BffBOO up and get rid ol lln lj Inns-. MiehB VV lull we neeu is ii thorough ewekealng to qui oppor tttnlttea." Preeldont Mohh'i nf the 1 1 II ... V I '.. 1. ... I II II VI I II.. I . .1 tin H i' Co., era lekieg hold m tin . mi, 11 1 .1 v 1 inn in 111 01. in 10 1 0111 On 1 111 I llOt he evpeeted to do it alone 1 itm men In I'm Hand ere weHiiua ilii.ni look these ilava oWllIK I" llo i Ho . iii.. nl ol tile' KiltlilillliK law. ov Ch v Altoriiev t 'tin nihi l 1 11 ml I'll. 'it, hi. . 1 1 1 IH I I III, ' II I llHh OllllOld till Hint mm blues out ol Hight ami ' In 1 oil vv III Im 1 1 1 1 II I it he the i OH ninj "i Bovornl Hinnti eonei atoraa 1 luii prartlcelh rel) upon the Mint mill lllllo lor On ll exlstelu e I In . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 I 1 ill 01111I 1 loive II.. VI. I In 1 mi 1 loselv puaheil tor 11 11 oppni I unit v in .11 tiieii ireea a at we proa am A PRISONER AND PATIENT ESCAPED Frim the Walla Walla Hospital Un der a Crlmleel ctiarge. uelie Welle, Week., Ool it John r rhompeofi ggjeg la yeefe. Inarm mill age 1. 11 1 Meuii imiii gleeeue in Hi. 1 1 -i 1 11 1 iimb 1 t real un lit loi 1 an 1 ol I In stomach. and uinlel 11 iiiuilnul ihiiige escaped VHlenlu) ind ait efforts to toente inm kevi I'll VI 'I IHIIIe I llDIIIIISOII WHS rougfcl "V'l Mom .Ninth N.il,lnin al 11 ka ago 1 Iihiki ,1 niih , n lag Ileum to IihIIhuh ami wb in have been tried at th Novi'inlei term l Hu United Stale cnoil A Weil aao a disease aahl in hi ,111111 ot Hu HtolllBeb io ellipeil iml I loom BOM nil. removed I" the Ni w Wiill,. Will hi hosplllil Vesleiday he aVgg Bd tlie aureaa and uttrmluui and made 1 m Hi iii' of Miss Margaret Kelso. waiia WeNe Week mi 11 Mkn MaiXUiel Kelso uxeil yean died at iiu Bonn oi km taiin i .1 a Kci su 111 Hu eit) I'Miei iav afternoon Miss Kelao was a alsti 1 oi Huni 0 Kelan m tke Term me larggei end no' 1 ideil I011 , 11 , yeuis Walla Walla Boy BuryUrB. Wall.i W.illa VVath Oct 17 I'lilli, I'.illio . .i nl Willie C'l uil two bo) ahoui ii. yeaix oi gga wore iiiesliil last ulKhl liaigeil with burglar) Tke imo uM'ured fti m ash When aiicleil lbe i on 1 d .mil 11 I ui 10 0 I lo In, no 1 Education 10 Poito Rico 'I in Hluetisi oi mi,, ... 1 1 in I'm lo Ith o i yen liiwl. II w e eon in 1 Ho amount sp, ni Im the small noli. 1 oi pupils enrolled, but ua the ounli) I Mimiuaiiv brougki m ntoeet ".ml Willi .mi oil, Hull HVnlem will Identl 1 heegod until " reaeh prea lit state ot imrfertton In II I country the peopb an- being ed u au 'i in the mil iimi there la a lire on Im dyspepsia indigestion ilpgtioe llvor nnd kidney troub lis. and thai eeadlclgo is llostotters Hioioui h llllli ih II should be taken u Ho v'i lust .vmploiu II you Would uvonl unueiessMiy nilffelllia 11 will give prompt ndtef and even) mil. 1 ine its BUgdredl ol .i ople. In ludieg etnn) uromlueni pkyeloinne, huve taetiaed auring the past mi, ycuia PIANOS Wakefield & Failing Haw no Secoiillittiul or Iiintution liaiiknijit itOok Hut we .ill sell gd are selling III tin last two week sin 1, reliable ClIISOQI as V. B. WA-DK, JAMKrif BAWKORD, MRB, A JOHNSON . I N. SAM I KLH, J. I). IHKKAI., B. THOMHHON, B. A UVNKIN. M It. HI Oil KB. At V041AI., J K KOBINson, JOHN 1 i HI' I I. It 11 We can tcll you a piano at from $50 to $75 cheap er than anyone else. Stt our New Phao on tke Floor lor JlSltJU 1 I'I'rK 1 III HI ECKLES SAYS ABOLISH THE SUB-TREASURY o Former Comptroller of the Cur rency at Milwaukee. o P. C. UOFIU, TAC0IA, C0UHSKLS EiUhllsbtnii lolrrntllODil Btoks With B' ui. He- m All Ibe l-mtu-,. GtlrM ol III World, Milwaukee, int. 17. The laat lay's session ol the ImnkeiH 1 onven Hon opened wiih the lustallailon or Offlnen Therf were address. and debetea then in order The prinei iml Bpeekei wu K Com pt roller ot tke cuiiomv jgmee Bi'klei i Ohk rego. Kaufman International Banks the first speaker. I' 0 Kaufman. ot TaeOtna, outlined the .-.,'., I , t 1 . end pruhnhlllthM ot gvenl trade ! relopmenl between the weatere const Ho' nnd the Orient Kaulnian ml Onateil I. to hit ion BJ 1 oimress nil lluullnr the establlshluenl ot Inter Bat tonal ImnkH with homhpuit to rM In Nee York and brum lie in nil the leu ling "I'' ot the world I ir (Vlioli.h Sot) T.rjsury gVklea told tke aaaorletlon tnut tlie sub treeaur) was a eetnoce to trade ami ikei tiie govornmonl ikgwi abollah 11 lie endoraeri the viewa expounded bj A it fftk'kne) in ins itdilri ss vi Hterday In tins rngpggli no 'in. 1 inual deration of Htlckney'a auegeatltiii tkel Ifca United states follow KuroN' I'luns unit lo'.opt their blinl.tllW svstelti No 0iHtsltloil de reloped 1 the new eel Ol oiflcera In forinall) ehoaen, eicepl to Woorelnr) Brnni h t he selection ul Myron Horrieh lo be prealdonl wee unaui moi-ii retiand AHHAICNl D FOR ROBBERY Four Men will be Tried Torrorrow for Hobhing a Chinaman. hi!. 1 'luii 11 ill I'rlee Todd 'Is imrn eed 1 din Hllyard wore m I in toie loath rit Qereld Mil arternoon ion k. -i with mbhiiiic tki Phi na man PongYlpa el Meeokem oil Tueadn) lllght They will he tiled lomorroe ,efternooe kefora the sume nOUrC Tkei were lironghl froir vi, ,1 knot tins morning by .1 m Bentl) end i Tnrnei end pkvtod lg I he 11 ill 1 Mil EAMl MUSSEL OUT OF JAIL. First Wife Wants Absolute Divorce His Lordship Will Marry Molly. 1 on, inn mi 17 Bar I itusstil, hi 1 lull Is last was sentenced lo bj v tkrm mnetka m jail im nig em) was leb-BHed this morning ii earl' 1111 witi- will ask the court to moke km divorce absolute. II Oil he grsuleil Ihe earl will forth a nh unii 1 1 Molly Honn 1 villi whom In I. u m 1I1 11.111 1 led in Nevada Uoeis Invade Cape Colony 1 ondoo t 17 A Cap.- Town 'IIM'llt' ll I. noils that U lloel C'ini iimii. in ot gee homiied boa reofhod ho nope errivleg in the vicinity 01 HoM In hi t'hev Hi'cureil IIIUIIV Bg loll- aed a ipiaiillly ol oini'ii flee Kn in h ha grret in porenU to llopeliehi tort y miles I mm Cbm- 'I'oW II Slop Fruit Treea to Canada Welle Wnllg Wnnk Ool I?. iVulhi W'ltlla (lull trees .lie lliultug a tnnrkm le otkm oonntrtoe while ih. noli fioin Ihe molhei trees la rt it .1 1 11 tt admirers and pun hasers nil nn 1 tl gBlf) C I. Whitney, n I'muI mil aery man la piepsrlug for aklpmenl IkM runt trooa 10 th. minli ol I ..nil Ahenleeii near Vol mm It c Tin kherdeeu ranch con usl ol .' 10 m res in orchard u large liomhci of trees having 1 11 ahlpped lloln IbU set Hon The trees have proved o ,.i , ,1.0 1 n that e not km shipment Is being made Rubbed Paymaslei Mlddh ikoro Kl Ool n ratal Col gen. peynmetoi of ihe Vlrgggjlg Iron Coal Hud toko eoeipnn) aa akol and robbod ol HjutM u short dlatane. out of town tills morning The ohhel em apeil Pop. 1 Health Uneatiafactory. Holm II I 17 The pupe'a heOlth is reported iieaelleferlnn ooe lit i.in kowever, la unt cuiisideiMo alarming rtlBKtl VV AKgKOOMS