East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 16, 1901, Image 3

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    Itaprortentative of
Importers and takers of
Will be in Pendleton on Thursday, October
l7th and would be pleased to have you call
and m the fin8t line uf- ;
Fur Garments
ever shown in Pendleton
leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
ki,Shl)AV. QCTOHKK I'.. ltfOl.
wi Severely Injured in the
. . i r;
the eHt netiirm '
N puf
tr trun yesterday morning oe
flr'it tiettceeli II M'urii mm
l...mh.r III rU IIIK '"'
IjlU"" -
Ihont m n the train and wit
Ihf VMM anair n mm
t crowd of bOTM M, In
unit u Mvri
mi 10 I"" i ' ' -
ar not BOBTO onr 01 W
? -J - . o.wl 1,1,1,
Bjaa rounii n ni-ni ..........
I, into the clsle. and. an me
i passed bv he tripped ;nn
MCtped u fall He turned
nd beiwn to swear at the lit
,, i i . i i . ,
Itllov no mm
only to hi knocked 9010 ine
tiy the hulking Negro
Smith, a roeiOS nian from
kiton 111" MOW Kivcn aim
L i dlvi lor the iiHHallant An
oenwn on the other UdO ol the
il.J llkes'ise but lumped hlH aim
ttrurk Smith Instead The MM
'rll back. sinning ma neaei
Hull th' arm oi a seat ami inv in
It where he fell. Nearly
.i: in the rar turned on the
i who toon tound til iimclf ou the
Tin little Joekey. who had
r. taken no part in the I ray.
llloweu to wal! over the pros
body He took oceaHioi) to
L: one heel h.to the Negro's eye.
ft thf row wan ovei . the color-
I nun irent out on the plattorm
h" renuliifil cluriug (lie rest
Ilk journey to l a Oruncle HIh
' tH cut ami bleeillUK-
1100 MOON Kawara. sioo.
llMSmol lull uapi will he i,iem-,l in
lot; it,r it at Irani on. ,lralfiil
I BMBe Ssi Iwd Able lo cure lu all IU
iuJ mil i. .alarrli Hall a ('alarrli Cure
It Hi; potlUva cure now known to the
mm Inutility (.'alarrli twins a eoiulltu
iiMtr nwuiriM , ou.niiitiousl irt.ai
mil'iUurrl. I nr.- in lakun tnleriialh .
iJimiljr on ihf IiIimhI anil nnuoua iur
i o! Uu tritoui. thoraliy deairoylns: the
HUWi qi wr ,UH,'njt,- Aim KIVillK II. lln
: rBlb by bulldm- up (tic coliilltiltioll
ssium MHBM tu.loliig lu Work. The
f IST. , mil, -I, la Hi in iin I'.irallvt.
lUilluar often lor Hun, Ire, I Dollar, lor
Icutliai It lalla to cur. Hand lor list ol
ssoaiiu AiMrna,
t J Clil.NKY Jt CO.. Tularin. (11,1,.
J T bruunu, 7V
Jiruilit Ptlli an- tin- usal
The Time
m buy is now, right now
Witth, Ring. Jewelry, Silver-
Mr, Mid Silver. Cut Qloaa,
or Clock
1 M iroin our well assorted
nd uptoiliitf stock.
Arrivela at Hotel Pendleton.
II V (iildei, San PrOOcltOO,
leo W Harm, Portland.
Andrew Nylaodei, Portland
ft B Wier. Haetliigt, Nel
S J Cainenin, North Yakima
.1 Joaeph, Ban Pram iaeo
Oeo A ThomaH, Nan Kranrinro
Maty K Oei!
Nora Ceil.
J J Ololond, Portlonl.
B Hull Han FrsoelMo
I H Clark
M K'eneyJ lleppner
Kred NO'vton, Ht. LoOle,
Oeo. Mctilery, Hpokune.
S H (.ill, Spokane.
Mrt, l-imce .laokaon, Bnmpeti
A K (irant
f A Hicketa. Portliind.
.1 J Bum. Portland.
T W Jack-on.
0 M Lewia, New York
W H William Portland
Aire J W Newman. Latirande
T D Veeeey, Mo York.
Dr. J C HponKla, Albono.
Kd Baieev, Ootobo.
Ed Ix)wr, Hun I rencieoo.
Geo W Kendall. Portland.
9 W Hunt, Portland
Strike a Rich Find.
"1 waa troubled for aeveral vear
with chronic India. -atlou and nervuuH
debility. " wrlten K. J Oreen, of l.un
caater. N. H.. "No remedy helped rue
until I bcixan UHliif; Klein, liltterh
bii b did me more good than all
the medicine I ever uacd They have
alao kept my wife In excellent health
lor yearn. She Bays Electric Bitter
are Juat aplendld for female trouble
that they are a grand tonic and Invlg
orator for weak, run dowu women
No other medicine can take Ita place
In our family. Try them. Only 50i
Sutlatactioii guaranteed by Talluian
a Co
Ma Linei For Sale.
The ataiie linen Ironi Huumter
Whitney, Canyon City, Granite, Law
ton and Alamo incladiua all atock
vehicles, equipment and Kovernment
mail ciintractH. lermn, IKNIU chhIi
balance will lie taken I r, iii i receipts
from the uoverninent conlrai'tn an earn
ed. A rare opportunity. Sumpter
I ramtportatiun Co. , numpter, OreKon
"I had loui auflereU from indiae-
tion," writee 0, A. LeDeia, Cedar
City, Mo. "Like olliem 1 tried uiant
preparation! but never found anything
mat ata me good until t took Awim
Oyapepeia (;ure One liottle cured me
A IriHiid who bad Buffered niiuilarly 1
put on the uae of Kodol Dyapepiia
Cure. He ib gaining faat and will loon
be oble to work. Before he ueed
Kodol Dyepepair Core iudigeatiou had
made him a totai wreck, rallinan &
The Place
Stage Coach for Sale.
Km Sale- Two aix-borae Concord
htajti- coachea. practically new. Car
ry II poopta Km : .i I at a burKuln
Apply to A. J. Vc 'uIm ion K'dellt)
Hidg.. Taciima. U...-.I,
W. T. Weoaon. Oholaonville, Va
druagiat, writee: "Your One Minute
Cough Cure glvee iterlect MatiHfuction.
My euatouiera aay it ia the beat remedy
for ooi'gha, ooida, throat and lung trou
hi.- " Talloian A. Co.
All peraona km. wing theuiaelvea in
debted to uie will plea ae call and Bet
tie. H. M. SLOAN.
Hti Pendleton's largest ami
liest ewelr store
wktrcavarythlog wo soil
Ufmataed as represented
Mothere eveivwliere uraiee One M in
II ic II.. 1 1 Ote Coooh Cure lor the suffer inga it baa
utct II Ulla&lIlCr relieved and the Uvea of tbeir little
onee it baa aavod htrikun at tne rum
of the trouble and drowa out the in
llaininatii.n. The children's favorite
cough core. Tall man A Co
Jeweler und Optician
aawui .i
Now is the time aud here is the place to get
""gains in air tight heaters aud steel range. 1
wve soveu varieties of air tights which I am offer
'"8 cheaper than ever bet'ore. Give me a trial and
1 aUo have a new aud complete assortment of
library and haugiug lamps at greatly reduced prices.
Joe Basler,
Main Street, Pendleton
The Celebrated
Majestic Ranges
H Une of Cooking and Heating Stoves
Opera Mouse Block.
Court Ruled Favor Means in the Li
quor Licenae Case.
In the circuit court yeaterdoy. the
' J Blckeuon vs. Chas.
i-nnningham was Drought up for trial
J-" "11" ''-"ned that defendant
Cunningham owed mm ,7tSJ0 for
,w. rei!tal 01 1!HK) CT" f SSStaiaj
land since 1895. T. O. Hailey ap
peared for the plaintiff and J. j
t, , ,n' CrtPr ''e' for the
defence Toward noon the question
o Interest arose. Counsel for the
Plaintiff argued that the Intereet on
the arrears should still he .i.ht r
ecnt.. despite the law passed in ifef8
"-nging ine legal rate to six pei
cent. I'he court tiok th.. .aji,
view : the session rP adjourned
to tot the law on the subject In
ine aiiernoon UM arguments w,.r.
-niii anil ne casi was turned ove
i m. jury Mt..r three hours con
nmrrenon. a Verd Ct WBk mtnrn.,l
giving Judgment against the dr.t,.n.i
bui. t iihh. I 'iinn ni lint., ... , i...
i yj iin-
imouni ol J.tiSl.lh
I' k.
iin- men wen anaii!n..ii r,.r
'rime v. . h,. I.lridop pleaded guilty
of obtaining money undei IgJjgej ore
toaeoi anil was sentenced to one year
I. .m' ienueniiar Hubert K.llv
Hini Jamoa itHtui plemdod umitj t..
.iiv cnnige in Mm,, I, iHrcenv anil
each wax given three montls in the
counu tan
The Meant Liquor License
"i lo K. Means liquor llcoOM
caoo, tin court ruled that tin county
nan erred 10 striking from the etj
mm hum me ''"Ui'in. trance Je nsn
unit appeared on moo The ess. i..
nan in we count) court. A petition
neci and i remonstrance against
It. Twenty namw on the petition
mni appeared on the remonstrance
i lie county c.iurt Mruck the twerftv
mimes rrom sac!) Instrument thus eic
leating tne petition. The -In-iilt
conn held that a petitioner, by tak
ing ine proper st ps might have nH
name removed from the petition be
row it was presented to the county
court, but not alii i wards It was
also the opinion ol the OOOII that II
the names were properly on tile pe
i ii ion. iney count not ulso aiipeut
upon Htnl should have been Kttlcken
Ironi t tie remonst riinci
The case ol A J. Overtuil s Kd
win Woodv wit- begun toilav In lh
'otllplHll't tlie iilHIIltlff alleges trial
the detendunl W'mulv has in bis kb
session tieionglng to him which h
fetuses to lent or.', tow It: horses
I bull I marc tc . valued In total
ut $ I . u:::i He claims damage s to the
amount ot $m, In nis answer, the
llelenclatit iletnes lilving i, his pus
session tlie tiersonal property lc
scribed ami woroorei savs that tin
property which ho has was leased to
him by .las P Whlttcmore for two
years ami that the lease was niadi
on .Inn I 1 ml lie claims also that
Hi. ilinmigi dom tu Ins dalrv and
tanning busineas by the removal ol
I lie property which he a leges to
nave leased, is CH
Attomeyn T. O Hslley and J. J
liallerey were counsels for th' plaint
in and Stillman k Pierce and John
I .a w rej tor the defense. Amotion
to strike out u portion ot tlie rcplv
wus sustained by the court and the
session was for that purpose post
pOBOd until I : SO o'clock.
Judge Ellis Tomorrow.
Judge I'.llls Is expected to return
in time for tomorrow's session. Judge
Kulnii says that he c annol iiosslbly
remain any longer than tonight aud
il i In caae ol Overdorl vs. Woody is
begun this afternoon, a night session
may be required in order to ftnish
tin iiroc cedlngs
In the Cnion county circuit court
the i net Dial the greater part ol the
criminal cases lu Uulou county have
been dissjaed of and the majority
ol civil eases are not ready for trial
permitted Judge Eakiu's nbosnm
Conviction has resulted in all crim
mal ases tried P II Mm ray and
l.uthei Smith pleaded guilty ol lar
ceny cit horses aud were sentenced
to tin slate penitentiary for om nd
tferOO years, rearectlvely
two other cases ol great import
ance to tue stockraisers ol that
and adjoining counties were those
agdiusi Tom liayncs ami K W Deal
tor larceny m horaes Hayues al
though a young man. is the leader of
an orgs inI'd gang of horse aud cat
tie Uneven who have been stealing
ami running stock into Idaho and
Montana aud there disposing of
them Ileal lias rather an uucnvl
able reputation as a slock rustler,
having been arrested and tried on
thai charge ou several occasious. but
OOOVictlon wus novel had until Oils
lime, lu both cases the prisiiueis
were represented oy able counsel aud
invtclioii was chiefly due to the able
muiiiiei ill which the prosecution was
'.mluoteel by Samuel White district
atlot uey
M. L. Jones Asks Attention to the
Highway out There.
M. L. Joues of Oole is iu town, hav
mg brough in a baud ot 12 lal beet
utile, which he acid lo Schwaiv 4
Oreiilicli al lu T& lor si. . is aud I " ...
loi cows Mi Joues states that LBS
mile on tin John Oay road leaning
down On mountain to the north fork
it the river is In very bad condition
The rocks hav - not been cleared
mni. the highway duriug the sum
life I He asks O'l hehalt ol tin peo
pie living thereabouts, that the load
M g'w-i, at I ut ion such as will plac
n in good shape again.
DilUrd trench, trow the bead of
ButtOf creek, also brought in Go cot
tie for shipment to Tacoma They
iron bought by William Kuinish. the
oiiyer at about the same prices re
eived by Mr Jones.
'Grass has not yel started to
grow, said Mr. Jones, ueuce tne
livestock is not doing very well thus
tar during the fall. Koine muai
come before there will be very good
teed for the cattle aud sheep.
: have heaid nothing of trouoles
between sheepmen aud cattlemen in
our region, and all is quiet along the
He Says No Mob Formed to Lynch
the Blacksmith.
Pilot Kock, Oct. 16. -To the Editor.
In the Koat Oreoouiau of the btli inst ,
appears an article that perhaps does an
injustice to oerlain parties, t refer ki
the article needed "Barely Kacspsd
Lyoohing "
The facta are Mr McWllliOiUfl ume
hen- for euiplovuieui. Being in ueed of
woikuiuu. 1 engaged lnui aflei his ar
rival During the dor, it was uoised
eboai that on the way bars be bad
spoken lu dispsraglog terms of the late
preeideut aud justified bis assassination.
Newest ideas are here for your selection. Lowest prices for
your consideration. Prices of these silk skirts ranginir
from $5.00 to $22.60.
Stylish and elegant, in the choicest patterns, made especial
ly for our trade. Prices from Toe to 6.60.
A mother's delight to know when she wants a dress for her
child she can come here and luy one at very little cott
Prices from 39c to $4.60,
See Display in North Dry Qoods Window of
AgtMit Butt trick's" Patterns.
It pays to trade ot the Peoples Warehouse
Can you Think
Of anything more annoying to a man than ill i 1 1 1 ik .
poorly made underwear. Examine oui underwear, few
the softness of the fabric, notice the neatness ot the male
tng. You'll find our underwear the test W ire ireful
in the buying; buy only the high class reputable makes.
It cost us a httle more; you pay the s,im, .v, tN tood
gradeiahere in heavy winter weights (..nt wool, .ill wool,
lamb's wool, natural wool, medicated, camel s hair. tl. , , ,
lined, etc., etc. If your underwear h is failed t,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,
to your idea trv ours. Any price beginning at
50c to $3 a garment.
Fall Dre.v Shirts.
Onr tall dress shirts are different frenii nthers rhej
are right; we hal them made that Wnj Cut right, made
right, (eel right and wear right ; closed fronts, open fronts
dress bosoms, all rettgth sleeves- trv one, thai II tell the
storv .
$1 to $2.50 each.
Artistic Colored Shirts.
t SliSin patterns in shuts have an nil I m i
This is the character of out fall line no it ntntnon plai I
ilesign m the whede lot. Kvers bmlv wears colored slim
now. evr-n men who .1 lew e ars age, m . r ,,, ,n,., na
the would. We have the best yn shirt in the land WS
know it. Prices
50c to $3 each.
Tin wss, o( course, rotentod liy the
peeple o' onr village loi , wlult we
are not a- large san . nt.r New oik.
we liul I .1 1 in 1 1 , 1 1 palitotiani to I ties
Call for School Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that all out
standing warrants ol school district
N,t 111 ITntMtilt. aauaiafta ....... .....
square in. b M the largest cilv in the gad loeladlag warrBnt No. iWo.' will
oini.g ol the charge aga'iist
Mt Williams. I said tn him that 01 iter
the 1 ircumstanue I could not retsin
him in inv employ, ami. il l.e had
maile any remarks of the tenor reported
tint it would be well for him to move
on ar cmr people were gsnoo in. ense.l
st it He denied that he had iraeic
be paid on presentation at the Pendle
ton Saving bank, Pendleton, Oregon.
Intereat cease from this dale.
Meted October If. ISUI.
Clerk School Dialricl No. IS.
Okoreaow Sisheosf Fills " ; 1 r e... i.w
Chuiih aatf OiaiT lli.iwwT rvtiin. f ar, . iha a m ,,l.l l , ..njf ., i
,1 Mll aluM. ilimiMtiuti, M iar,, tr . . .t ,' . k. Ourl LOSt SSanh
bllllr, Haadacha.Uo'lbi.u to M
rmutorrhosa Irnomn
.. Sua
(missions. Varna eaok, sr.p
rr. Lriaa or S W.m Oaman, v,.r.
uiesneae or uia-
1. I, ....
M Sja.Tl.m. i-.TxM TA,..,T ,, a c.tra K .1 1
M.IM CI.I..IUU ll.a k..la . .. h. .. . . i ,.... ... I, I I ,. I
m ..r ' Mk Km c .. AOOrssSS Otshop Nemetlr Co., Ourt r luniiieiu, Oal.
ihood. lire
. i. wains
emen, Varleoeoeis,
ehnrge, ,Otps
,.tl, .n.b.lf.
""i s v I lev I V I I . cf N N SOI leu'
VI, I , (on fIIK(4lirel
I'rWili'i Little Ksrlv Hisers never
Iress. Ts 1 1 ma n A Co.
such remarks, but slso admitted that disapnoint. They are sale, p'onipt.gen-
uuiier ine circunisianees ne might nave t te, etlec t ive in removing all impuri
asid more then he should have done, ties from the liver and bowel Small
I then said to him I could not einpb.y ami easy to lake. Never gripe or dia
mm longer, ne then procured s con
vey snre snd led our villsge.
Whilst "iir people were verv much
incensed e ver the matter, ami voired
tbeir sent nut-lite pretty freely, there
was no mob ol men or Imivs, no ropes
preeared nor parsed of Mr. Mew lb
Will v.. ii kiudlv give this s place in
your valuable paper as a matter of
justice to the people e Pilot Kock,
and slso to Mr. McWilli'ins, ss we do
not wish to do him s wrong.
pose ss s town in
is raoipaui.
James A. Howard
Court St. near Flrot Nat. Bank
Has Real Estate for Sale
See Here i
nor to
800 acres of choice wheat land in
which mob violence a body, In the best part of the coun
ty north of Pendleton: 400 seres of
Mr McW il I iams said he madr tt.e the land now in summer fsllow and
remark that lar better men than Mc- I being sown to wheat. Qood dwell
Kinley bsd been killed. BtOOl inning I mo, barn, machine sheds, etc.. ate.
Abraham Lincoln am! James A. Oar- I Well of never faibna water 10 feat
field. I , KtiV. ! deep. This olace muat be aold at
Stops the Cough and Works Off the Cold.
Linali if Brouio ijulntur lable-la . ure a enld
la one day No curs, ue pay Pru t M esiut.
Bid. Wanted.
On esisvstinu on Main street neat tn
Citv Bakery ami tirtrary. Kiel must
be in bv Oct. Wh It. M AKTIN.
t inle. rsi s Lydia I . IMukhani's
Veiretahle t oniHitind After
Following Its Kerord For
'Daaa Mae, Pigaaaa Health ia
the greate-.! Imhiu U sttiwed uu human
ily gad th. itf.,n anything that can
restore lost health la a bleaaius'. I
OO ' I.Vfllu B. I ' i K I. .mi ' s ei
Ctublcf ( llluuild us a bleaaiug t..
stale aud .Nation, it cures hei uiuth
ers aud claiighteiK aud makes them
well aud slioug
160 acrea of wheat land aouth
Pendleton, $800.
35 acres choice fruit and garden
land near Milton. One-half of tract
en bearing fruit tress, 7 acres alfal
fa. An undsr Irrigation. Flnsly Inv
PTd'.cr.. on McKay Creek. SS 7 ,. AU Street
acres al botton land undsr irrlgstion, i
balance good wheat land, well im
proved. 660 acrea good wheat land, In a
body, four miles from Pendleton;
terms half caah balanca on Ums to
suit purchaser at t per cant Interest.
liefore purchasing come ami
look over our large ami i mn
pletr bnc id heating StOI
whit h we are sellnic; it a verv
low ttgure
The Loading Hardware Man.
International Poultry Pood makes them.
Heel Meal gives them lluvni
Clainshelb make tin in solid
Mica grit aids digestion.
Try a sample.
Hay, Grain anil l eed-
I'enilleion, Oregon
Don'. Let
Her do the
&' limfri
Granite Works
We ilo M)f OVS work ami if. i trait
lee the same at lowed price.
KaiiuistiMi given on all knela of
cut stone Kill I stuck 00 liaml
It will pay yea to aai work
ie I gut prnea Iwlore la nig
your ord.ir.
Main St.. MSI . H. iV N. SJSSL. Pe ihlh ton
PBJKCBM vikcsvI a
PraM'tlelllg Physletail au.l l.eeluit.
" i or ttfteeu veara 1 have uoteil the
ffeel of your Vegetable I I .iiijaiinid iu
uriug special diseaaea of muru
1 know of milhiug superior ror
jTSrian trouble, barrenness ami it
has prevented hundreds of dangerous
rrparattoas where nAjrokelaas claimed
it was tlie oi. . chance lo get well.
..e i at ion and inflammation of the
womb has U-t u cured in two or Hirer
weeks through its use. aud as 1 bid If,
purely an herbal remedy, I unhesitat
i"g"ly give it my highest einlot M-iuent
rreteruelly jours, Uti. r . visual a,
ansiug Mich -$i0O0 '.( aaea-. taa-
timunlui U nal fmt. I
If vou are III do not Leeltate to
get a bottle of Lydia B. I'latk-
bsvui's VegrtMble t ouipuuuu avi
oiu.ee. awod write to Mrs. flult-
ui al Lyuu, Msvse. for
aadvlc ; It U entirely free.
Belch! ntr of Gacs,
Pain in the Stomach,
Distress alter Hating;, etc.
There ore anony remedies for these
troubles, but fOW cure
will care the worst coaes.
11, de at luiuuiuca. with Klorwliuliu
A Co , 'Uluasto, III , aavya: "I bave Iweu
a aurTt.cear from aloiuuoh trouble ror I O
vusvrai. Il .-uliiiliiaitd lu u lc cars i lou or
iue aUiutaw ta lavat Msrvk. Took Nan's
llyaMiaUrunsuel sol uurecl "
We will charge you a trifle
more than a I Miiiiauiaii hut
we will do it better.
Mas the following bargain
HO Achb Wheat l4tnd,$1500
liest SUik and Dairy Ranch
in am At- l'i ane, Cheap.
Qaei Houae, M IajU, $1'JU().
Very Desirable Residenca
Very ( heap.
Also a big Hat ol town and
county property cheap.
To moke good breed um Hyars' lUat Hour It t.s.k drat
preiniuiu at Hie Chicago World's Kair overall eyuiuiHitl
lion, aud gives esoallent aatislacitoii wherever iismI.
Kvery eaes is guarantees.!. We have the treat TtTSm
Hulled !U my. hWl Kye anil Itcaardless Harley.
W. S. It V I. Mm. Proprietor.
Beat atook on the
Telephone connection at ranch.
dreee Pilot H k or Pendleton.
Ohua. Ounnlghum.
Far gala my Tollaaoa Co , aad all
first class druggists, or seed to Freak
Now, Portlaed Motel Fhorosacy, Fort- i
lead, Oregon Price $i s bottle or 0
buttles lor $5, empress prepaid
For Health, Strength and ft
DlAaaissaa IkrireL s e I
i ivaouiv u I I il IV
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.