East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 11, 1901, Image 4

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We have just received
a large ihipmenl of
In heel and spring heel. Our La
French Enamel Shoe with Heavy
Extension Bole, Mat Kil Top, it
I a world heater. Ask to BBC OUT
La Fine Dongola Kid Bhoe with
Mut Kid Top with Heavy extension
Sole at
a very well shoe. The new $3.50
Welts are especial ly good valuei ami
you cannot aft'ord to overlook them
if you want a nod medium priced
shoe. Our new spring heel shoes
are uptodate and very pretty Vou
can save money ty baying yoar
shoes of lb.
- feast (j&KQXtttj
Ju. A. Howard. Farm loans.
Ladias and gents puraa at .Sole.
Boat school hoae aver aold, 26c inr.
Clraver Brothers Dry tioods Co.
for flrat claaa rigs or a eah at any
hoar talphoa Dupot stables, Elvll
Craig, Prop.
Krttah Irog lags, lobatara. Olynipia
ami eastern oyatara served any sty n- at
Um French reatrauraic
Home made oaudiaa a specialty
Faucv line of boo boon at lioadackVii
1'alaoa ol Sweat on Court atreet.
HI load bacon aim wafer
auioked beef iu glaas bottle. H
thing very tin for lunches at Hawley
New iuoie. of ayrup -pi tab art
howls and pitchera, salt and pepper
thakera. vegetable dishes ami plat
sera at Haw ley Broa.
W. R. Withee in agent for tin- I'
uieatic and Davis sewing machines. A
full line of supplies. Repairing a ape
cialty. All work guaranteed.
The hotuttliaat man in Pendletni. ai
well as the hauilaomeat, ami OlMN
are invited to call on auy druggim
and Bet free a trial bottle of Kemp's
Balaam for the throat and lungs, a
remadv that is guaranteed t. cure ami
relieve all chronic ami acute ouglis
asthma, broucihtia aud consumpti i.
J'rioa 26c and 50c. For aale by Tall
man A Co., aole agents.
School Books
All ready for
F irst Day of School
We have all our books for both
Public Schools and academy and
will exchange new books lor old
ones at half price. Compain.i:
boxes, rulers and blotters given
away with purchases.
fl shirt wants, una 4Wc. Cleaver
Uro. 1 ry (tooils Co.
Horn to Mr. ami Mrs. JoflR Neil and
wilt, this murinug, a son.
Store room lor ram, enquire at Mrs.
UamiiuellH' millinery store.
School handkerchiefs, lc each.
Cleaver Brothers Dry liooda Co
On to Kuipir. meat market for fresh
oysters ami clams in hulk and tlah.
John King was- titled f.'i in the
police court for lciog drunk ami dis
orderly .
School auita at discount of 10 iter
cent during this week. leaver
lirothers Dry Oixsls (u.
Kiiie stuck ranch f..r sale, in Camas
I'rairio. h'uie iiiiunier raug.- adjoin
iug, also hit) caith. I. T. Wade.
Take your pictures to Sharp Is have
them framed. Healer in nils, painti,
wallpaper and glass. 1.1)5 Court street.
An application for the probating of
the will of Williaoi U. Sell has hen
lilwl at the comity clerk's ottice. Mr.
Hell dieil intestate last May, leaving
about foooo in real .--talc ami nersonal
W. T. Weaaon, iholsouville, 'a.,
druggist, writes: "Vour Om M mute
Cough Cure gives perfect sutialaction.
My customers sa it is the lies' NUMdj
lor l ocghs, coids. throat and lung trou
bles." Talliuan i Oo.
Manager Roy Conk I in of the high
school football team has succeeded in
scheduling two gam.-s. The team will
go to Baker City on Thanksgiving day
and km. return tt t'niou to pla there
on the Pillowing Saturday.
A large numiier of I'emlletouians
have gone to Portland to celebrate
Feudletou day at the carnival. Some
of those mho went last night were John
Ib-atli man , Joe S'arks. I'eter MeUer
ii.ii 1 . Auguat Arp ami John 1 amain
Ticket agent, II. II. Halloek, was
kept very liusy Tnuraday tilling out
tickets for the people who went to
Portland. The tickets were of the
ironclad kind and on each was required
the purchaser's name and description,
even to the color ol the eyes ami hair.
Charle Joerger, the year old son
oi V JoaffJWi died last night about 7
o'clock, from the injuries winch he re
ceived frum beiug kicaed on the head
by a horse last Tuesday. Until yes
terday noon, the hoy was bright ami
cneerfu! and it seemed that In- would
Distributors for Umatilla County
Kodol 1vsim sia Cure in not a mere
stimulant to tired nature, it affords
the stomach complete and absolute
rest by digesting the food you eat.
Vou don't have to diet but can enjoy
all the good fissl vou want. Kodol
I'vspepsia Cure instantly relieves that
distressed ieeling after eating, giving
you new life aud vigor. iallinan & Co
Old Folks' Club" Dance.
The Old Folks' club eujoyad the
taoood of a series ol darn ing parties
last night, the music, furnished by
Kirkman's uruhestia, begau soon after
0 o'clock and loutiuued until It,
About til teen couples were present.
.lot- Bll ih m Portland.
Peter (ieias of Weston was in I'endle
ton today.
Mrs. W. H. Camine went to Port
laml last night.
K. S. Johnson was in Wall Walla
today on husineas.
A. W. Oroyar of Helix was at the
' ml.leii Kule laat night.
W. McReynolds was in town today.
He registered at the Oolden Rule.
Dr. William House is moving into
his new olHce in the Jlldd hlllhlliig.
Mrs. Tom Milarkey and Miss Mil
arkey went to Cortland on Thursday.
Thomas Robinson of Helix in reg
istered at the Nubian Rule hotel today.
John A. tiros and wife went to
I'ortlami last night to attend the carni
val. Mre. W. W. Campbell i Spokane is
visiting her son, t.fo. Campbell, of
the St. Joe store.
Huh McOhae of Athena passed
through Pendleton on ThurH.iay on Ins
way to Portland to visit the fair.
I red K. Jiidd ol the Pendleton Wool
-muring A Packing company, left for
Portland on laat night's train, on busi
ness connected with the mills. He
will return Saturday or Sunday morn
ing. D. S. Hutchinson and children and
W. H. Hutchinson left last evening
for Hardy, Neb. The former nave
lived iu Pendleton for tllteeu years.
They will make their MM in Ne
Judge F.ilie returned from Portland
last night. He lays that his son Kddie
has taken a turn fur the hetter aud
that he hopes soon to bring bun home,
hur a while the boy was in a critical
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Havia, who are
at present making Milton their ahnl
iug place, were in town Thursday,
after a pleasant visit to their son ami
daughter, Mr. ami Mrs. Irvin K.
King, at Helix. They left on the
afternoon train lor their home at Mil
ton. Mrs ida Hamblen returned vaster
dav morning troin Hiac and Nampa,
i.im . where ht nie I n during the
past two weeka, in the interests ol the
Koval Neighbors of America. Mm.
Hamblen left this morning for Dayton.
Wash., and BUI institute a camp of
UM order at that place on Saturday
Portland Personals.
Portland, Oct. 11. Pendletonians
who have lieen here this week are:
Mrs. Wm. Slasher, Miss F.dith Slush
er, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ingram, I H
Clarke, R. 0. Ward, I-red Laupfcia,
Mias. Minnie Reiin, Mrs Wm UowMti
ami Miaar reda K lesch. . . llrad
lev of Atbena has also been a caller.
The Indians here at the carnival
were giving a war dance. It was a
rather tame affair, and aome ol the
young men from Pendleton thought to
unliveu the proceedings somewhat hy
giving a few genuine I mat ill reserva
tion war whooa. This they did. hut
a big policeman also thought to take a
iiano in the d.)inga, aud as a joke
placed the young men under the cits
tody of the atroug arm of the law.
There was dune no harm, hut the
voting men suffered from a case of
temporary nervous prostration.
John (liaison has returned from
Alaska. He is to be married in a few
days to Miss Pearl Smith, daughter ol
a federal official who has bald a posi
t at Circle City for two years past.
R. Alexander is here tudav
Baker will Play Marquam Shows in
Manager Oeo. L linker, who now
controls the Metropolitan theatre,
Portland: the Kra.-r In Pandl.toni
and the tlieatre at Baker City, makes
this statement regarding tne rooaiasj m
attractions here:
A matlor Mint 1 ileum' to sneak
about at thia time is to deny the
rumor that has lieen circulated Mere
t.ir inmu .iuvu tlmt owinLf 111 111V asso
ciation with the Metropolitan, I will
. . - . . L- tl..
no longer ne anie in pmv ioe ...m
iiiam Orand or ('ordray attractions in
this city.
"To this statement I wih to make
an emphatic denial. Tlmre is DO truth
in it, whatever I will play both
Mariuam and Cordray attractions as
'Tim .in: i Minriti ior HUM an far
as the local theater is concerned has
been entirely honked and was accntn
pliahed long btfOtl ! had hiiv idea ol
ever identitving myself with a Poft
land theater. I shall continue t" play
the heat attractions I can pOWlblf ob
tain, and Baker City will continue to
receive the Manuam liraml and Cor
dray attractions.'
A Polish Fiend Pays the Penalty for
Killing a Woman
Chicago, Oct. 11. t.eo. Holinaki,
murderer 01 Anton List, waa hanged
here thia morning. Lisl and Holmski
marritd aiatera. Doliuaki (ell in love
with Mrs. bttJ aud seut Mrs DoIImM
ami iier children to Poland. 0M
after tier deoarture. l.isl was found
dead on the prairie, her throat cut
Hnltnaki was arrested .and eoiile-ed,
claiming self-defense.
Two Trains Came Together ir Soutn
ern California Serious Kssults
Los Angeles, Oct. 11. In a head
end collision between a lemon train
and a work train on the Colgrove
branch of the Santa Monica electric
roa 1 this morning four were killed aud
live seriously injured. The killed are:
P.luier K. Vinson, J. Turner, F.dward
Wuir and A. Johnson. The injured,
s. Wartuer, I. Nelson, A. Kor-e,
deorge ROOMS, William Cameron, K.
ITanagan and II 1 Pritchard.
Exolosion Occurs Near e'airrr.ont
are Miaaing.
Fairmont, W. Va., Oct. 11. -An ex
,.l.u.i,,i, misiiJ in the New kiitflaud
coal mine near here this afteruou.
Three hundred men were iu tue mine.
Six men are missing and the nunc is
a tire.
The Place to Buy Shoes.
Is where you have the largest sto k to select
from The line we carry enable us to give
a perfeol lit aud guarautee every pair we
soil. Our stock of Boys', Youths, Misses and
I hildreu's shoes is the hest in the city. Call
and sec them
The Pendleton Shoe Co., 645 Main Street.
By a Confutation that Destroyed Ev
ery Building Excepting One
Alba, Texas, Oct. 11 F.very bosi
BOfj minding and residence with our
exception in this city was destroyed hv
hr. asl Bight The loss is 1100, OU).
Securing Jury in Power's Caae.
' leorgetown, Ky., Oct. 11. The
work ol securing k,a jury to try Caleb
I'owers for alleged complicity in the
UOibal assassination was resumed thia
morn in. When the court uieiied,
three jurors were in the Imx
Claims to be the Hair.
Vienna, Oct. 11. Aaron HorowiU, a
Polish Jew of Halieia, claims to be
the bail l the late Bishop HorowiK
oi an Frauuisco. The bishop left an
estate valued at fdOO.OOO. Two lawyers
are uow en route to America to push
Horow itz's claims.
Treatment of Anthrax.
Hr. Wm. McLean, the state veterin
arian, tiled his report with the board
of domestic animal coiuniiaeiuuers at
the capitol, for the month of Septem
ber, lie reports the existence of
anthrax iu Klamath county, a disease
that had killed many cattle. Alter
detailing toe manner of his work in
this connection, in ascertaining the
diseaae, he says
"The treatmeut of tbia diaeaae cou-
aiata in preventing the same by render
iua the ayatein immune by what is
called double inoculation. Firat uaiug
a mild aatitoxiue, tnen in about two
weeks, with an attenuated virus, thus
prduciog a mild form of the disease,
From which the animal will recover."
He reporta maltguaui gleet among
horses in Uilliam county, but aaya he
has the upper hand of the dl
An Affray Occurs Near Canvon
City in Grant County.
Another caae ol trouble with sheep
men is reported by the Long Creek
Kanger printed at Long Creek in rani
rountv. It is evident there was unite a
aerinua ahnoting affrnv somewhere on
Canvon creek, amith IrOB Canvon
Citv, about two weeks ago. As near
aa we can learn, a party of about 10
or IU men attacked a band ol sheep
owned hy Kmmett Crochau ol Monu
ment, who was with his camplender
and herder bringing the sheep home
WBrri. The attacking party comni.uiceil
tiring, and, it is said, killed nne
sheep, and then began letting bullets
II v near the sheepmen. Aa sheep li
carry ritles to protect the sheep from
covntea and other destructive annuals,
and wen- not alow in returning the
salute, but witii more accurate aim
than their assailants, as we learn thai
three ol the as?ailants had onite -even
punctures made in their anatomy, one
being bored through the bowels. The
assailant" evidently thought they had
all thev wanted hv that time and
i,i i.i ml as fast aa their legs would
carry them, they having left their
saddle horses sou e distance away.
So far they have not, to our know
ledge, sworii out a warrant against
the parties who shot them, and it la
aafe to say thev wont. The next time
thev make an attack on sheepmen
they will probably la- more careful to
know the men thev attack.
Prominent Citizens will Secure Sub
scriptiona for a Saw Mill.
S v. Whipple IBM morning, eays
the Aatoria budget secured the assis
tance ol several t lomiiient citixeus to
go with him to call on the atople of
Aatoria and to get enresiin from
them the amounts that tuey would la
willing to subscribe lor stock in a
sawmill to be erected in this city.
Those who will accompany him are
Hon. C. W. rulton. President B. Van
Duaen of the chamber oi commerce,
F. A. Fisher of t iaher llroa., Martin
hoard of Foard B Stokea Co., J. T.
Unas of Hoax, HlgginstV Co. and Judge
J. (J. A. Bowlbv. In calling upon the
difterent people tin plan will be out
lined lully ami it is neither a gift en
terpriae nor a plea ior a autaidy but
a business proposition iu which the
pr ilils to he derived Will be So plainly
explained that many will he surprised
tlut AtnerieaiiN bave h.-ei iH-rmitted to
....... ........ nl.iaul t.. l,u .udtti I.i I i . I
IIBVf- laiVlf .'Wr . ' 7WT7, , ... ...V ..DO ......
ties of the lumlsHr interests here so
F.x-Clnef Justice neott of Washing
ton charged with criminal assault,
proved an alibi.
r F Wb.te of Gray's Harbor Ha.
C- ' purcbaaed ttM ,lf
S L, Jobnaon, ior w. r . .
renoieion . . . ,
i-tin rue He came owre .
pn-liminarv matter- ui the 0C
D certain points HfWjl
naM policv to Dl pursued. He will J.
nntoCoaniopohsan J.toJJ
.u. i... i ,l. I'l-ndli'tnti a nnsi
h umv interior town ecec-s. -;
That he bought. the MaWMHg
y's vard here i bis proof of the
Sih-mc be feels in IVn.ltaM "
nlare of business
' c F. While is manager of tie
r- , I'MMIIIH V.
tirav's Uarhor coiniuen
a v" rv large ...anufactur.-r 0 QBtbar,
, ,e heaviest on the Par. tic coast.
I -'-Til .,,, .. - manager.
V . J, rseweu - --
Milem McReynolds.
LMB Mib-n, ami MM Irene A Mc
Revnol.ls were niarr.e. fl g cloCI
nn Thursilay evening at n- . ' .!
psrsonag.'. h the pastor, the Baa. K.
f.. .. o..i. i...... 1 1 vihI iii 1 kiab.
. K lllg. nuiii ii" .
Md are there highly regarded After
visiting here lor several
.ml Mrs Milem w ,11 go to Seattle M
reside perinaneiitly.
What's Your Face Worth.
Sometimes u fortune but never II
yen Unvc a sallow complexion, a
jaundiced look, moth patches and
blotches on the skln.nll slgna
I Iwi Tr nihil s Hut Ir Klnc a New
IJfr Pills Rive Clear Skin. Ro8
OBaaka, RJeta Complexion. Only m
cents at Tullman A 1,1
Our Clothing Sale Continue
ik tii. it-. .. , I MnMkaVlMUaa
Free, Free, Absolutely Frpp
w - - V
W ith every suit Of olotbei durim tbii sale, one nitt
hat. one pair suspenders and one nice tic
Largest stock of goodl in the county to select froT
our prices IN guaranteed the lowest
Furniture and Undertaki
Uncle Sain : "St-, .
I 'n.la.'., ir
L Llir I1 11 III Tllfj.
iwuir .Tl i iri.
A.l ,1 11' II
itihiii llilti w ' r r jtr..utc n
'lleton, )regon."
Tilot: "Why go there''
Unolu Sam. "Bermis.
ha t lie tiiicst ins nf v.,
to ne foil in 1 in l-'oi,..., ,,.
ami we all want n
,.n liu- innnv inrc turiilt lire (THiitiotis nto .,...
0 . pi
. .- Ml .
Oi the rare hargams ne is onering.
For I 1 -ailies' Stylish Well
Walking Boot, made of fine
sto. k and guaranteed to give
gootl wear.
( 'oi lier Main and Weh! Btreete.
Bnyi a Ladiee' I'atent
Corona Kid
Welt Street Boot that eannot
lie excelled. This is an ex
tremely dressy BD06 ami one
that will OOmmand your at
tention. The Peoples Warehouse
A complrte lint- of
Stationery and bunks
School hooks ami
School inpplrM
Veil lin l Il
..... --li ii i r
cic. net and
designs in
Utiocis, pocket
jnirscs. card uio
Canes in all sn les
ennuis, iinuH
Inti rnational PoultTJf Food makes them.
Ib-i l Meal ivt:s them flavor.
Clumshclls make them solid.
Mica grit aids digestion.
Try a BinpiB
Hay, Grain and Feed.
127 and 1 ;y East Alta RtfOOt
1 . 1 1 . n ,
ftbout $1400 at a laloOQ re
cently btlt von may "capture"
a three oen1 premium ticket
with 'ery twenty-rive cent
purchase of our teas and
rotl'ees. -pices, extracts, etc.,
that will be redeemed in
pretty china dishes.
Redeem vourself hv trying
our coft'ee, we hav e t he gOodl
you have the money: let's
Owl Tea House.
Belli Mother's Pride eoHee.
aubsenbers '
M-oisir- in Hi- I hiujO
Mime- or Kuropp. remit
in by postal notr. chei-t ur
tumi u ih- Kaut IKBKI
M nu.s Hi.- uei piiblitbere
,USU pou dwire. aid t win
a- It wui 10 vuu .uil tumuir .11 rlak ol kits
oiou. btiuif 1041 (11 taem.lU. It will an too
will. iroiibT.' ni.ii n II you r iuUi rlber
kg itir Kin OMBUOM1AN. ill rumlttiug lull USD
dsdurl toii purraiit Iroui tbe piiblUuri prlos
Add rasa KAH-I hKKWIniaK PVH !0.. fsudU
ii, 1
UDTT'C nrillltrnAllll I I . TIk-v orarasM
ih".s. irreiruuniT
1111,1 wiiu. aw
,,f ....... ,,;,.., " i'i... ...... . 1 1 it v V I S' 1.1 m
n........ ... ul .!....! ,.r ...... I..'-
.... t I . ... . ... .. I,' I.. Ul UILOIU WMU
, 1 . . . . 1 1
ilt iu. f . KJ iri.v ltV IlilL
w ' "i i' r. u u- U7.MI ipi.-nr 1, iv in'..
f. lv dniiTL'lMtM. lili Mo'l 'I' S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A L Co.. CleTclsoi
l"U 1 1 vi.K H 1 vi M v N si 1 (., UBOOOI41 PBBlfLBfBI. 0BB1
Let lit, I'ut Our heads Together
II ou wi.ni ttrat clau carrian reuairiUK dou.
mt an pr.par.il to to sv.rjr kiud ol cartlas.
repair work 111 tin- vary bait maimer ourlaTl
iii - sr. ins b. iu Psadlstoa Wxampioyoaiy
kllllill workmen We 00 all work promptly.
mi prleaa ar.' reaaouable, W ran give you au
eatiuiMi. on itny kimt ol earrtage work
.mm. a i 1 , a i a , '"ffV
Hotel I Ga
(IB l4V.U'l 'fil
MeRantly Furnished Stem
l.urupean Plan
Block anil a hall Iroa Br
Sample Koom la cosupita
Room Rale
50c. lb
The Columbia
Lodging House
BET. A l.i'A d W KHB H'l'f.
P. X. SCHLMPP, Prop.
l rat civctl somt
Fine After Dinner
And many Fancy Delicacies at
Standard Grocery Co
Opposite Gulden Rule Hotel.
Another Big Smash in Prices of Pianos.
will be sold at less than factory cost.
I I I A mm . . m a 1 1
tor) nanrM tor $
pnnu riunos ror
$750 Pianos for $468.
$650 Pianos for $418.
Just think of it a Piano that has always been sold here in Oregon
cannot today be obtained for less than $850 is going for $18.
thinu ale :il rm i(Miiiiuliii"l Inw nrioc
a'-' - ' - " " I in I Vp7 ' I UV. 1,
JOHNSON & RIDGWAY, Factory Representative
.juuu uiuviv, vumcr ui nam ana court streets.