East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 11, 1901, Image 1

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! BSSS ..nnntT PM)pi
NO. 42ri
he Place
o buy Groceries
where yon
can have a big
nock m
select from. Call
J Sfc me.
Mv stock is
bntli in fancy ami staple
i. R. Demott
Of Children. Misses and Ladies
Coats ami Jackets just received in all
size- snd at prices that will suit even
the most humble buyer.
My line of Ladies Silk. Silk and wool
and all Wcol Shirt waists is the best
ever shown in Pendleton.
My lint of Ladies Musiin Underwear
has iust arrived and is now on sale
.it ridiculously low prices.
It will pay you to examine my various
tines of dry gOodl before purchasing.
The Boston Store.
Min and hh hats at an prices at iviiairtini - ni:
Kid m
l,'r'"' sM I
$1.25 Girdle
I ami vou Lm1c likf
$2.5(1 for the belt,
Your next Suit liuy at tin
Big Store; any price you
want t' pay.
Always Gives the Best Values.
The big busy Store
New Arrivals at
endletons Popular
'ton Wagons, J 1.09 to
rim'l Tins, fotaaaaw lillc
j 1 ... .
llJli Carriages.
Fin . 1-. .
...ic ui silltn
nery, Tablets
and counters you will find only
the best of canned and package
goods, and the best of every kind.
Whatever you want in fine grocer
ies ou will find here, and you will
hn l our prices right on teas, col
fees, canned goods and everything
in groceries. We pride ourselves
on the courtesy and efficiency of
our store service.
Lamps wuhout a doubt
I Km mi I'tndleton.
4,h0l'can.l Episcopal
M Md Bible.
H selection
of hne rings,
warranted for
P $1 50 to 3 Oy
HWBpUUBM of fine
,0'-t CksK. Leatlui
Muvenik- books and Cel
'"tides Hmuht at enc Oil
-O" J
Md bold on same mar
lederick No
see the
The largest stock in tlie city. If you want a carpet call and
line. We will give you estimates sewed and laid.
A Mammoth stock of Furniture.
Next door to Postoffice.
I have a full line of the celebrated
Wood and coal ntoves guaranteed to
be absolutely air tight. None of the
beat is wasted and the stoves will
save ONE HALF of your fuel bill.
I aiSo have a full LtM of cast cook stoves and steel ranges.
Prices are the lowest, quality considered.
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
Russian believe Afghanistan i on
the vergp of civil war.
Rumor thai the canal treaty ha
been negotiated on the basis of the
Davi amendment are discussed with
languid interest by the Kngl ish press.
The poetofhee department derided to
place the late President Mckinley'
head on the new Issue of postal cant
that will appear shortly niter lVeeui
ber 1 next.
At Baltimore the National Kiver and
Harbor Congre adjourned nine die
after adopting revolution embodying
its xentimenu favoring liberal congre
ional appropriation Tor the improve
ment of waterway.
A the situation i at prevent. It, 0,
D, Borden, the cotton cloth manufac
turer, doe not expect the 30,000 opera
tive in the Manufacturer' Asseoeia
tion of Fait River mill to strike on
October 21 for a 5 per cent raie in
wage, a ha been threatened.
Prince Ching ha written to the min
ister of the powers requesting a with
drawal from Pekin ol the foreign busi
nee establishment. He aay that
Pekin is not a treaty port, that foreign
bnines houses have been illegally
established here and should be moved
to treatv port. He desire the
ministers to secure their removal.
A royal decree isitied in Spain order
the payment in gold of all tales or in
terest upon bonds, shares or dividend,
and .on redemption by companies who
are to pay their shareholders and
bondholders in gold. As there is no
gold in Spain, the taie will he paid
in pesetas, calculated on the baais of
tha official quotation ot the gold
November 15 has been agreed un
aa the date for the Jeffries-Kuhlin
fight in San Francisco. Jeffries hai
posted his $2500 forfeit in cash, and
nothing remains now but the selec
tion of a referee. It is generally un
derstood that Harry t'orbett will be
cboaen if he can be prevailed upon to
accept, rim llegarty, the Australian,
who came to meet Mctiovern, ha
agreed to meet 'Kid" Lavigne In
San Francisco.
The annual meeting of the Western
Union Telegraph company was held in
New York. Stuyvesant iKiah, president
of the Illinois Central, and Samuel
Spencer, president of the BonUsWB
railway, were elected to the directory.
The gross earnings for the year were
U,354,i51. an increase of $ 1 ,"iH.r,."s'J.
The expenses were lltf.'i'iH.wol!, an in
crease of 1 1 ,07'.i4. nod the net earn
ings were $rl,rl86,249. an increase of
IMe.KMi.. During the year 1, 4111,143
were expended for construction.
A blockade of gram ships i on at
Puget Hound.
The big Herman ship Henriette is
coming to Portlaud.
Dr. H. P. Tuttle, the inventor of
thorite, dropped dead at Tacotna.
Oregon's farm exhibit took tint
prize at the Pan-American exposition.
Dr. K. V. Hoover, who has just been
elected mayor of Koseburg, is the son
of the late Dr. Qa W. Hoover, an
Oregon pioneer, and was horn In
Koaeburg. August 11, 1873.
William Pollinan and a number ol
other Baker City men have filed on the
waters of Rock Creek, and have an
nounced their intention to establish a
power system for the generation and
transmission ol electric power to linker
The Puget NjiiiiiI Kridge A. Ilredging
company, a Seattle corporation, was
notified that it bail been awarded the
OWn (I DOS tfMt, valued at I'.'.OOO,
U00, for dredging the baibor of Manila
and completing tin- old Spanish break
water. Salem is just now feeling lb, effects
of the wood lauiiue which was predic
ted last summer A 1 1 bough the roads
are now excelluut for hauling, the price
of wood is high, and apparently going
higher. Second growtb fir brings from
$:i to 3.5U per ord; large fir, $3.75 to
14, and grub oak, 14 0 $4.00.
The Portlaud charter commission
decided to incorporate in tbe new
charier a provision for an executive
board of 10 members to have charge ol
the departments of Are. health, police,
itraata, parks, lighting, harbor ami
all other departments not otherwise
provided for, such board to lie ap
pointed by the mayor, and to serve
throughout his term, ami no I'juger.
A New Woman."
IiiMt-aae tuukefc many a woman prema
turcll old I 'irk -rimmed eyes, hollow
rhewM and mated fm MnawMsV
ied h) litleMit-k and loe.- ! ambition.
Home duties arc a wrarine aud aocial
leaaurek Mt 110 attiacUon.
Ona of tbe ruDiinonirti expressioni, of
women cured hy
I Km lor Piofl I I
h'aorite 1'rev rip
lion u tin. " It
ban made a new
woman ol nir "
There's a world
0 meaning m the
word. It means
the kAurkle
brought bai k to
til eye, thr coin-
plrxiou tinlcd
witb the i o.n hue
of Malta) blood;
ilic lot m ro muled
out anew in
w I iul- hod) radiant
Mam street, Pendleton, Oregon.
graceful curves
with heettn.
Or rtarrn ' Favotiia PreecriptUMj
n,.iki ik women atrunx and .! k
momma well. It dries debililatiug
drain., Ileal. inllariinitioii and un ci a
Hon aud cure leiiutlr weakness 11
make, new woiuru of tboar j.reiuat urely
aged by diseef .
Ir I " ' mrdulis . .or III, la-' I baec
rcr utii " .riln Mr.. C K,-l'i. lieui.w.
U.O..U In Oiefji.u "t Iwallli l.ll.
run au when r..a,lltc4 Mai by icllrr M
limu. .cit.uu 'i "y a1 uu."
ally I u,,rvT...V" '..i.u7.: ,13
ualuiuriuu ut la heart . ii I Hal l touui i
-jlltcly walk waueluur. I fcll ullrily .u..i.i
f...i io Uxl.r. ol I" iTC,ie. r...u....
" . .. , , ., i, Marllra Dls
rre i ixi"u ...m v.- - -
cuvcry uiailr a ucw wuu."
Or llercr . 1. uiiirnoii belli Mo heal
Adviaer i seiU frtt on receipt ol l"P
to uay epeuc oi "'" '
uuchxdI ala in p - rre-j-
OoetM, or 31 stamp. " ' k" 77L
ii.u Addreae Of K. V". 3
Hro. hireet. Bufiaio, N. V
Episcopal General
Debates It Warmly
It Wis Referred to tbe House of Deputies, Who
Are Today Discussion It With
San Francisco, Oct. II - heated
debate occurred m the house of depu
ties today over the adoption of the
marriage after divorce canon. I'r.
Huntington of New York moved an
amendment to allow the marriage ol
divoiced parties if innocent, when the
cause had been adultery. Dr. Ihitlle
added another amendment to permit
the ratnarf iaga Ol parties divorced
aeekintt r, murri.igc Indentions are
both amendments will be lost.
Statistic were quoted show lag that 111
twenty years divorce in merica has
imreased 100 per cent, while the
population has grown only i0 iarcent.
The increase is greater (ban in all
Rnropa and Canada.
Yesterday, the house of bishops ad
opted tbe divorce cation anil referred It
to the bouse of deputies. As passed by
the bishops, it reads :
"Canon :iii of tiie solemnization of
matrimony :
"I I be soleinnitat i hi of matr
no Hi v ill tills church is u servile in
which the mutual consent of tl
parties entering into this state of life
IS given III the preseme of . minister
who haying pronounced them in the
name of the II dv I runty to i.e man
and wife, 'invokes the divine blessing
upon their union.
2. The reouireinenls of the law of
the state regarding I he conditions for
the civil contract id marriage -hall in
all cases be carefully ohserevd before
the marriage is solemnised.
"3 No minister shall soleinniaa 1 1
marriage ot any person who is a minor
under tbe law of the place ot marriage
unless the parent or guardian f sin
minor is present, and consent inu,
shall have given aritten consent to th
marriage, r is permanently a resident
in a foreign country.
"No minister shall solemnize
marriage except in tbe presence of at
least two witnesses, the minister
the witnesses (song personally in
iliailited Willi the parties.
"F.very minister shall without delay
formally record in the proper register
the name, age and residence ol eacl
partv. Michrei onl shall lie signed by
the minister who performs the cere
inoiiy, and if practicable, hy the
married parties, and hy at least tw
witnesses d tbe marriage.
"4- No minister shall solemnize
marriage between any two is-rsons un
less or until, I y liniuirv, be shall have
satisfied himself that neither sarsnn
lias been, or is, the husband or tl
wife of any other person then living
unless the former marriaiie was an
nulled by a decree ol sum,- ci v 1 1 mirt ol
comiietoul nirisdict Ion for cause ex
ist ing before such lormer marriage
The bishops have yel to consider
anon 117, providing for the discipl ine of
isrsons marrying after having been
divorced. This Will also cause lively
The Jacksons. aha Horoa, Anawe
for Alleged Crime in London.
Loudon, Oct. II. Tbe bearing of the
case of Theodore and Laura Jackson
al lasil loriaa.lwaa resumed to. In, l.aura
I ai knoii la Auu Odelia Oiadeharr,
spook prieeleas wall known in th
I nitnd Stales. The couple are charged
with obtaining money under false
pretenses and lurling young girls into
a preudo religious order lor immoral
Miss Croisdale, one of the victims
was in the witness chair when the
aeaaion openod this morning. She
testified sin, had been initiated Hit
"l tiess ratic 1,'uity," the sect of which
the JaeKsons ciaiiiusi u, u me ima is
with a rope fastened around her
Pasae were made ladore her, she said
with a lamp, water and a sword
Jackson told her he waa Christ rein
carnal Miss Croisdale then d-. riocd
the oath. in which she swore she
would not allow anyone else to hypuo
Use tier and would keep all secrets
under penalt', of submitting herself
the deadly current ol a will set in mo
tiou by the chief oi the order, by
which she shoul 1 he slain or para
Ivzed without visible means, as if
blasted by a lightning liaah.
Miss Croisdale testified that Jackaoi
outraged her in the presence of Mrs
Jackson The latter in a loud voice
demanded repetition ol this tesliuiouy
Jackson thereupon declared that he
aa physically incapable aud de
maoded a doctor's examination Ui
pore tbe statement. The prisoners
were removed until tomorrow
The Late Preeident Snow waa a Mum
Married Man Hie Fvnmrml Occur
On Sunday.
Salt Lake. Oct. 11. Apewtle Joae
F. Htuith, who will euceeed to
presidency ol the Mormoo church, ia
a uephew of Joaeuh Soiitb, the founder
of Mormouisui The body of President
Snow will he interred uu Sunday after -OOOB,
alter the morning service in
Halt l ake Me had uiue wivee, three
living, and forty -throe children.
Empress Cannot
Berliu, Oct. II The empress ia
suBeriug frou, a bad attack of lu-
aulunia d lie tl i nwnnaai ,m U. .1. i nl ,iu
j ia aa eJturt to raaluue bar weight
Reported by I. L. Ray A Co.. Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers
New York, Oct. 11 . The w heat mar
ket waa stronger today, on better cables
and the government report, which was
considered bullish. Liverpool closed
' higher 5 I 7-H. New York opened
3-8 higher, ,ft'e. and gatmsl i
at the close.
Stocks were excited and higher,
Paul leading with an advance of
tier share since yesterday morning
talk ol consolidation of St. I'niil,
P. and lireat Northern.
Money, 4 r cent.
Close yesterday, 75 1-S.
Opening today, 75'.
Range tialay, 7ft .!- to 75
01 we tndav, 7,'i '4
Mo. ks: Sugar, 11V: steel,
Paul, IrW; 1'. P , Itki',.
Says That the Nam Statement
Fators Scbley.
43,': HI
Tbe Court Will Tell Him Wbeo tit Is Wioled
To Appetr in ibr Case, Says Haply
It His Letter.
Two French Fishermen Picked Up
by a German Steamer.
New York, Oct II. The trans
Atlantic liner i.raf Waldersee, arrived
this morning from Hamburg with two
French fishermen on board. The men
had been picked up many miles off
the French coast having become lost
in a small boat. When discovered they
had been without food and water for
five days.
Rock Island Tram Not
i 'inaiia, uct. 1 1. I be reue
the Itock Island train was held
night near Avoca, Iowa, is aim.
without foundation.
Held Up
report that
Dr. L. B. Perkins Tells of Experien
cea in Northern Luxon.
Dr. I.. IL Perkins has returned to
Pendleton after a year's absence in
the Philippines. He lelt here In Aug
ust ol nasi to act as a contract surgeon
on the western coast of northern
LoBOBi He was given the rank of first
lieutenant and was stationed at Panga
Inah II and C companies of the 111th
I oiled States infantry were garri
soned there and in the immediate
vicinity, and it was Dr. Perkins' duty
as contract surgeon to look after the
n Is oi the above u tinned troopa.
Dr. Perkins said in an interview:
"I hiil not the eipenence of the
great majority m , pi,, who have!
been in the Philippines during the!
last three years. During my atay In
western l.uxon, 1 had not the pleasure!
f bearing a shot fired in anger. 1
was stat loruwl in the sleepy town of i
I'angasinan, and my duties were to
care Ipr the two companies of Infantry
stationed in the immediate vicinity
" i bat portion of Lnnon In which l
was stationed was remarkably peace
able. The lighting bad been done
before I arrived, and it was only
once in a great while that I was made
aware of the fact that war existed in
Hie islands. Frequently the hanging
of a rebel occurred to break to some
ettenl the inotiotoiiv of the unlet life.
Shortly after my arrival, the insurgent
iieneral Pnslo was canl ured md ...ml
martialed and then hung on the plaia
before the convent, where the soldiers
Were garrisoned. These events had the
desired eltect upon the natives, for It
was dilbcoll to supply the place of
'be insurgent leader who had Iweu
bung In each of the eight or nine
hangings which I witnessed,! waa well
aniuaiiited with the circumstances and
III every case the victims fully de
served the punishment which thev re
el ied .
"The climate there is eiceedluglv
monotonous. I he skv is a constant
glare and the heat ia so intense thai
during the midd'e of the dav. the
lb. era and men lav around in thn
shade and wish thev were hack in the
"(be army has done much for the
natives in Western t oon I or many
years lucre was a hand ol robbers,
ailed Ladroi.es, that were in a habit
ol swooping down upon the small
towns and villagsa and robbing the
inhabitants of their rice and what
ever else Ihev could carry oil. 'The
American I -u.es have driven the band
first into the mounlaius and finally
oil the islands I be natives of that
part now Ine in peai e and qnist and
seem to P.- much more i oi, tented than
nan lofors,
"Pangasinsn and the surroundiug
country has a more heallhlul climate
than other parts ol the island. Only
about 'i per cent of the soldier, are
sick and they sut!er Irom malaria
lever and dysentery.
"I should not care to spend another
year in the I'll 1 1 1 1 pplues, hut I du
value highly the year's exiwrieuee re
ceive,! there. The trip Imiiie was de-
I'r. Perkins expects to leave in a
few days lor his old home in Ilea
Moines la.
I'r Perkins hss been a guest al the
'olden Hole hotel while I n I'tiud letuu .
Waanlrsjton, Otf . An tanis
Una by Judge itoanfM faMlny served
as a prelude In the Schley court today.
He admitted that the yesterday state
ment by t'nininaiiiler Manx of the
m - 1.1-1 a a a
""i '. wnirn was lavorable to
j Schley. LeM Injl Mj, ycterday he had
' MM presented the Marix statement to
the court liecause it was unsworn.
The fact was that Maris had sworn to
the truth o the statement. I em lei
explained to tbe court that he was in
i nffOf in saying that the statement was
unsworn, but added it waa not such a
paper as was usually admitted aa evi-
dsn at,
Schley's Cablegram Produced.
Lemlay introduced a cablegram sent
to Washington hv Schley alter the ac
tion ol May II, in which Schley said
the reconnaissance was intended prin
cipally In injure and destroy the
Colon, that the reconnaissance de
salonOd the presence ol tbe Spanish
licet, ami that the Meet was coaling in
tln face of (lie enemy every uinnI Jay.
Lieut Mewsy, watch oAcSf on the
Massachusetts during the war, testi
fied thai lie thought the eiieim could
have Mraa On! st night and made an
Sampson's Attorney Turned Down.
William H, EfjnytOn, New York at
lornev, who same tune ago asked to Iss
allowed tu represent hear Admiral
Sampson before the court of inquiry
and whose request waa denied by the
court, on Thursday presented a letter
to the court reiterating the request and
declaring I list counsel for Schley re
peatedly brought aiupsun's name into
the proceedings in a manner which re
llects on Ins honor. A reply was sent
to ftteyton to the affect that Admiral
Sampson was not a airty to the in
quiry, snd he would he untitled when
the court considered hwn Interested
Question as to Smoke.
Admiral Taylor, captain ol the In
diana during the war, waa the first
will ess this morning. He denied he
had been ml ill. -I ul smoke seen M
Santiago hartror on the night ol July g,
or that he hail lawn warned of attempt
on the part nf Hie Srianiards to as, ape
being imminent Nulsslv mi (he In
diana saw anv smoke. hVhley ami
Liana ai muling to the Paatiiuouv,
were aiming tlmse who saw the smoke
Rnynoi li the cross awlnattsn has
en. lea vie. I Ul shuw that Schley
not in.-. i Samnaaa of tM smoke ami
that word was sent by the Vixen to all
Tumid luuk
nk. 0.. i
Bui W you hn
Tne (.1 KM
d. in.., i and w I th
en il liar tfiu.
"UsttruyUw una
yew rtaasvt th fj.
ntt I v
N OaiuVuff. ae
I. Ilui. Hsu. ae
a.iaiMii. il yew
with NtwBKO
tv uk y l sVuijhU ' "" ' a
L MtaVi aud Mauagur,
VI .1. U. Uaal Mauas.i
Oii N i'fjt Only
An -iatliii rfi. (liiiilm lion of fie am i esalul iliama
14, 1901.
Dradcr Two Hags j
riMEBtnd b) tin- l-eou M tiatienback Company with Louise I
McC'ailuin aa Cigarette f