feast IHI RSDAY, OCTOBKR 10. mm. and Children's Wc are showing a very strong line of Misses' and Children s Shoes and have a large assortment at all prires and our welts and turns are the heat to he had. Von will find it will be to your inter est to see us before children's shoes. baying your Cleaver Bros Prat. RjrMraon, night nt the rriuer. Ladies will be admitted free tonight to mw Rvnnrson - Rinal Kiitertmneni at the Fiater. 'ft seat at poKiilar price, latin free tonight. t ir I'rof. R BafMMl Roval entertainer. At Koreat Omve many prune ari going in waste en aCBQvMl 01 tba amp being large that the drier" MUMMl hamlle the fruit. Prof. Hynersnn w.i ilrivi through the streets hi Hatnnlay noon anil by telepathy search (Of ami Ind a pin that will he hidden ly h coin in it lev "( local citisen. Wehh street if still in bad Band I tion. The work of grading aiul improv ing the street still l.ig. The street i almost impassHblH to team- .in. I it will he worse when winter et .. At Baker I'ltv l'mtinaster IVtter has received notice trom Waahtngtnn that the department has allnwt.l iiim an other clerk i xiinnencing OtftobH 16. This makes an increase of two clerks and one carrier in the laat I I months which the department ha al o ved the Haker City office. Thi' increase is made Mamn heratise if the tin nana! large number of OQtalda post office that Mtiva their Ball tlirough the Haker t'ltv nth..- tiw kriwoiut, to- THE CHIEF TRM PLANTER EXAMINES SHITTING ALONG COLUMBIA SAND One REPORTS GOOD BUSINESS BHBVITHS. Jaa. A. Howard. Lattoat sheet uset cidar. tin 'a. Saur kraut, tine German make Martin's. 1 ahirt waiata, now Broe. Dry ttootla Co. Farm loana. music, 19 canta. Noil's, pure apple, at K. Mar at l; 49c. Cleaver Store room tor rant, enquire at Mr Carupbella' millinery itore. Bebool handkerchiefs, la each. Cleaver Brothers Dry Uouid Co io to Kmpire meat market lor fr oysters and clams in bulk and flsli. Save money by buying dry goods at Alexander's. Qc and investigate. Mr. Ruat, corner Ann and Itltif street, has a cookstove for sale cheat Beat school hoee i-ar sold, L'.'x pair. Cleaver brother Dry tioods 'o. For tirst claae rigs or a cab at am hour telephone Depot stable, Blvia Craig, Prop. rr.-sh frog legs, lobsters. Olynipi aim eastern oyster served any Ny at the Frencti reatraurunt. School suits at discount of 10 per cent during this weak. Cleaver Brother Dry Good Co. Home made candies a special tv Faucv line of bon bons at doedecke's 1 Palace of Sweats on Court street. Fine atock ranch for aale, in Camas I'rairie. Fine summer range adjoin nig, also 1H0 cattle. K. T. Wao. Take your picture to Sharp to nave them framed. Deaier in oila, paints, wallpaper and glass, 'Mb Court street. Sliced bacon and wafer tJtead smoked beef in glaa bottle. 9oBM thing verv tine for lunches at Hawlev Broa. New invoice of syrup -ii.icii.-r bowl and pitcher, salt ami papjae thakers, vegetable diaheo and plat era at Hawley Bros. W. K. Withee ie agent (or the 0th lueatic and Davis sewing machine). A full line of supplies. Repairing a spe cialty. All work guaranteed. The beat value on earth in boys ami girl school noee are aold far '2b rents at Alexander's. The sale of odds and ends at Alexander's is still oil. You can gat good for half-coat at this aale at Alexander'. Baer a Daley, the one price clothiers, furnishers and hatters, have just received by exprea another abi potent of tbeir wall known neck waar, comprising: hows tacks, airing tiaa and (our in bands. Haer their I'jc good equal the regular A New Establishment which Meeting with Success. The arm of W. .1. Clarke i Co.. ii. the Fraier oera house onilding. on Court street, that startc. in the gen eral hardware hnsines oi .lone 1. this year, retorts a very .tiinctor trade, nnii Ii better than thev exected. The firm came a heavv inn of up to date i lipids, all new stock, consisting of the I famous Majestic rauge. heating ami , cooking stoves, al! kind of cooking utensils, kitchen furniture, bnilderi- hardware, nuns and aniiininiti'ii. plumber's goods, electrn.il supplies and all articles carrie-l hv tlie liest (hardware stores of the large citu- Among the firm's specialties is enameieti ware, oi whi n thy carry a large and romplete atock. i verv piece of this ware is sold under a five years guarantee. The urn nnoce u specialty of builders hardware and is prepared to simply contractors and builder- (M short notice at special rates. The plumbing department of VY. J Clarke '. Co. is eqnii n ! with the most modern tool and machinery, which, with the verv pest workmen, enables them to do scientific plumning un ter a guarantee that means some thing and insures lirt class work. ! Kstimates of the cost of plumbing will be cheerfnllv Inrmshed upon ap- plication. The department of table and pocket cutlery, scissors, shear- and razors i made up of the best g.)d. which are I sold at tiie very closest prices, lieiug purchase! direct iron, in lactone in large lot- W. J. t'larke a Co are prepared to quote the loweat prices, and (teople conteinplating purcha-in' are invited to call, obtain quotations so that thev may be thoroughly posted liefore tiiey are ohiigateil. it M not considered inv trouble to quote price ami to iio goods at the establishment ot VY. J. Clarke A Co. ( all there and he con-vtneed. ACADEMY FOOTBALL SCHEDULE High First Game with Walla Walla School. Oct. 10. Manager R. Posd oi the I'endle ton academv I othal . h am na- been in communication with tin- manager of outside teams and ha.- -ovceedefl in getting a number oi games. The Walla walla high school ha asked to come here and il Coach NYaildell is in favor of playing so soon alter the beginning of practice the gam.' Mill take place here on Saturday October u. The new eoacb will be bare on Monday and will begin work immediately after his arrival. Two of the old niavers who not yet entered (or tin year's bavi h I- oi. baud 60c and their joc one are better than the f&C one aold in the other stoles. At bad time I take a pleaaant herb drink, the next morning 1 feel brigo: aud my complexion i better. It doctor aay it acta gently on the stomach, liver and kidney, and is a pleaaant laxative. It ia made boa herb, and ia prepared aa easily as tea. It ia called Lane's Medicine. Laoe'a Family Medicine movea the Ixiwels each day. Price 35c and 50c. For aale by Talman & Co.. sole ageuu. School Books All ready for First Day of School work are expecte. MM .Monday. Whitman will le here on November 1 and the QcMaadala acad-my on Ihans-iving. Pacific I'niveraitv ami Weiser high schoo have expres-ed the desire to tr thei- 'trengtl, against t lie academv am: it : .u-n tl.a: bold teams may play m I'eiidlcton. The academy learn was strong last year imt with the addition of a gooil coach ami a larger number of young men to draw Iron Unfa will be little comparison between the learns then and now. Manager Pond says that the team can scarce , a. MBjMMd to cojie with Whitman ami the I . of 0. but the boys will at least make a gosl showing. Explosion in Srvia. Belgrade Oct. lo. -An explosion oc curred in a dynamite shop at Krush ovatz hervia t-ia while the people ere preparing hir a reception to th knur aud queeu. Three were killed and lourieen uipireti. lie roval visit was countermanded Mai.i'a. Oct. !o.-A fore of Maca belies uiet aud fought several hundred rebel near Lipa in haianagas province tixlay. The .Macaoe!- were lorced la ratrest before the superior h.rce, loaiug ou of their udicers Lieut. Beau M aas killed. of the Results of Chief Forester Pinchot' Visit to Oregon. The Dalles, Oat, U), One of the re sult of the visit of Chief Forester Pinchot to Oregon this summer, in com pan with ami at the request of Congressman Malcolm Moody of The Halle, is that William L. Hall, chiei tree planter, is now investigating the sands of the Columbia river district. Mr. Hall aim came at the reoiiest of I Coiiuressman Moody. Last summer, while returning from the trip to Ontario, Mr Moody called t tie attention nf Mr. Pinchot to the drifting sands along the Columbia river, which are a menace to railroad ttaftic. and occasion vexations delays nt certain seasons of the year, annoving both to the companies ami the people who travel as passengers Mr. Pinchot was asked at that time if bis depart ment could not lend assistance in an choring the sandbars that now float over the surface of the earth whenever the wind blows. The direct object was tO aid the rail road company, hut besides that is the !"ni'iistrat ion nf means whereby the rancher and fruit raiser mar utilise Hie sand lands and hmi how to avoid the piling up nt the enormous quan tities of earth that now make it im possible to use some of the Columbia valley tract. Mr. Pinchot, after examination, WM n v mred that something could be done to reclaim these land', and sei Mr Hall, his professional tree planter, with the idea that he is to apply lntn all to the working uut of the problem in the manner bet under the circum 'lance. He will report to the headquarters nt Washington ami it is hoed by Mr. Moody that the effect WillsM that the federal government will take hold and cure the evil of drifting sands that has ct e much money to raiiria! ."in pantes. and stopped the farmers from i c opying lands otherwise valuable. Mr Hall sissnt 10 days traveling over the road between The Dalies and t'matilla on a railorad velocipede, ac companied by an employe of the road carefully examining the character ise ami direction ol the big sami drill- and dunes with a view of determining on a line of action by which tliey may l anchored. Some of the Details. Hecinniiig near Mosier, i- miles west ol this city, the sand stretches along the river's edge in a narrow rlbl gradually widening and making into the valley until at thi potaM it raov pletely covers a strip one Btlla wide), ranging from low dune to iinit- Ai laat bfibi sweeping on up th. Co no- bia until it merges inh I - - -.n..n -age plain- alMive the mouth of the I'uia tilla river. To illustrate the lb ill lag cliaracter of these drifts, Li) years ago the valley above this city was a grasy plaiu'ilH)U which cattle were pastured, mar net gardens cultivated and a city r.t e track maintained. Tinlav, an average of 10 feet of sand overspreads .very sign of vegetation, sbiftiiiK so con tinually aud rapidly in the high winds of this section that it is a serines men ace to trafin nf the railroad company. To thi drifting sand alone was due the wreck of a gravel train eptemlwr 1'.' whan two engines, derailed by a sudden drift on the track, plowed into a drift of aaud, Killing two nf the most trusted engineers on the ronl. While more serious on account of loss of life, thi track is only one ot many where heavy destruction to rolling st' ex ami extensive delays to track have been experienced n the railroad company lor years. The loa and dam agi i- small when compared to the end lao expense of the larue lorce oi sand shovelers which the companv is c m pelied)to keep on hand along these e, thins of the road in order lo keep their tra a clear. I'UHSOtiAL MENTION who are alllietcd with blindness till able on anoont ol their sire to take advaiitaee nf the school at Salem. The enrollment Ht the Halaa institution is in the iieighhnrhontl of twentv-rlve ami there are at leat fifty others in the stale who have BO means ol self-sup-wrt. The method to la- employed for the establishment of the new scolinl will be to gain the assistance of the pnhic school children. The donation of a very small amount from each child in the schools of the slate will he sotVii'iei.t to erect the necesarv build ings. Thereafter. the school will iniiiintntn itself bv the Industry 01 the inmate. The students w ill Ih em ployed in the manufacture o mattresses, hammock-. Ilynet- brooms. sincs ami carpets. Mr. Nebergall will Ihuvh (or Portland tonitfb' to com plete the nrranuemeiits. THE STONE RANSOM FUND Grow Slowly, and Interest Seem to Be Waning. Boston. Oct. 10 - Kidder Paahod and company continue to receive sub. script ions to thi' stone ranom fund, but in small amounts It is feare t that the lagging interest may result in a fnilnre to secure the daaired Hinount even after thirtv davs. HELD VP AT LA GRANDE Tr.lnrr Orvil Senders Wt Pierce Loe Money and Watch. Trainer Orvil ' Sanders and Jockey ,qirce lef! on Tmsdav for the racng , e, a. U t.rande. They wen. ;;ver ! with o us le.rses sieim. 0 race W and and arrive,! Ill La 'irat.de as night Tbiy had no more than reach eir destination than thev were held paad robbed o! about M I" MKl a stop watch lelog.-'g to W. I aioataiaa. The la'ter hear.) 01 the ';",,"ence this morning, but the de tails of the outmge ere uoi r I. i, ramie meet will Iwgin Tsuariaa ami last five days. ImmIu aae that lie was ..... i,,. ......... il ere in good Sal thev might have plentv of rest .! h.. in the best Wissible I m tl.e meet. Mr. I.al'onlailie leave for I at tralide on log. oh Mr. U- anxious to time so condition will Sun. lav even- ONLY A FEW PIANOS LEFT Traffic Delayed on Southern Pacific. Sacranienti Oct. 10. - Fire last night destroyed '.'"in feet of sheds and the station freight and section building at Emigrant ip on the southern Pacific railway delay iBf all tftflh . The origin k unknown Botha C-oes the Beer Rubicon. London. 0jt lo. lord Kitchener roOOTtl that Bee, Botha ha crosaed the Bevaan river north of Vpalta antl is prereeding further m rthward. Marshal of Hawaii. Washington Oct. 10. Tim BNaldtBl ti day appolated Rncatn tlanry of1 Hawaii to be Qoitad states marshal for Hawaii. Johnston A Riclgeway Stock Out. Excepting Seven. Hf the JobnatOII V Kidgway 4, .ven i.ianos remain on!-...-. are one Stoinwat . nnn Whltliev. one Crown ami two Sohl I . JUt STlIDh - ji wag; at . a v- " M M A 3 a. fj uur wiuiiiiii aaie U)ntinUes Puring this week. RtMatmber c pivoaw Free, Free, Absolutely Free With every suit ol clothed during this sale 1 n i 1 one njr. hat one pair suspenders and one nice tie Larret1 stock of sroodt in the count v tmr?r lllll I'lilCJ- sW BjlSSSI M1 WBV UIV loWPjH LYONS MERCANTILE CO, itoeki I hre nne v nioaeriaaji h.nierson, one Kimball- ' "" necessarv lo recomiuemi these iweww ments. Their names are their 0WI liest guaraiite'. lieiiiemher, tnere an not more to be offered at these rt markablv I Oft nrices. after these a remaining plain are disposed of, so that this is the last OPDOrtBOlty the people i '. Pendleton and the surround nig .oiintrv will have insecure a tine instrument at their own figures, lake advantage ol the otter. I'oine while there is vet a selection. Furniture and Undertak 9 --Ft: 2.50 Vnv ng, Ban : "stetr iii(ier s Minutim. JHJI Main and Webb 'ilYton. ( r'p)n." Pilot: Unclf Strict- n w w. II ejet on .the many nice ut the rare btncAni be "why po thert Sam: "axii has the fin.-st linaof p,.. mm i w round m EMfat i ii nun wm al i want to roriutare reetiom and is offering' m Man !stvlih iaIooq n- capture iboul $1400 &' a ot'iitly hut you iiinv a inn e oeoi premium ticket with every t weuty-:i ve cent purehaje of our teas and oxjlleee, ipioee, lactrtcti, etc., thut will be redeemed in pretty ohisa dishes. Redeem yourself by trying our ooffee, we ha e the goodi you have the money; let'i trade. Well of fine For i Ladiei WalkiiiL Hunt, mad stuck and guaranteed to jrivt good wear. A. RADER. ( 'orner Main and streets 8.50 A conipletr Iiml- of Btatiopiw aiul booki School DOOln and School auppliei . . Owl Tea House. 8 Hi nfother'i Pride ooffee. went to t'ortlai.d We have all our books (or both Public Schools and academy aic: will exchange new hooks for old ones at half price. Companian boxes, rulers and blotters givei away with purchases. The Columbia Lodging House NEWLY Kl KN18HK1) hAK IN CONNECTION IN CENTEKOF BUh'K HEl ALT A x WKHH H I - TALLMAN & CO. Distributors (or Umatilla County. F. X. SCHtMPP. Crop. The Place to Buy Shoes. 1b where you have the largest stock to select from The line we carry enables us to give a perfect fit aud guarantee every puii w. sell. Our stock of Hoys', Youths Misses and ('hildreu's sitoes is the best in the city. (Jail and nee them The Pendleton Shoe Co., 645 Main Street. t'has. Oreuliel thi morniiiK 11- H. Htannald of Kob was a fiaitOf in town veslerdav. Mrs. h. I). Fiaunar of Seattle is the Utiest of Mr C. H. Cartr Mrs .1. f, Adam laft yasieriia (or tier home in Mi Minnville. l T. iireehe ol I.a (irande stmii nf at the I'eiidietoh last hljht. C 1' Kidgway went to Walla Walla today to transact -oine bwlsaaf . W. ('. Kern, ea.countv treasuri-r from Hem is sisltlhtr at the home of las. kern. Jauier .ee ami family hat.- moved to I'ehdifton from Helix, to result- here permanently. I'. I, Nelson, after several months residence at Baker Citv, lias rammed 10 Maactiam. .Mrs. Mary Marshal and Mrs Susan Marshal of Canyon City are visiting relatives here. 0, ii. liurbin and family lett this morning for I'ortlaud t he grsut- a week or tan day. O. If. Vaughan, who former! owned a racket (tore on Main street, ir here agaiu for a almrt viait. K. .1. Muir of 1 law son City. Alaska, M visiting ill Pendleton tit- ia tnt- i-- ..: M ' and Mrr 1 I'ann.-r Mr. and Mr. Cha. H. 1'arry will laaad a week at the exhuaition at n rtlaad. They left this morning. Mr. ami Mrs. Max baer went to Portland this morning to attend the carnival. Thev will be abaeiit a week. Q. W Kiught of Helix stoputrd here last night while ou hi way to Port land ti spent a few days at the carnival. H. A. Lowell went to Heppnar this morning to speak belore a meetin,: ol tht- pioneers ot .Morrow county tumor row night. Mrs 1. (j, Hailey left on this monuug'i train for l'ortlautl Mm will meet Mr. iiailey there on hi re turn from Seattle. nr. auu jirs. a. a .uhit- went to I'ortlaud tine morning. Mr. Noble is in very poor health aud will receive medical treatment there. .Mr. ami Mr. Judd Oeer f Gov laaed through Pendleton to Portland tin morning. Thev left their little chil,d with Mr. and Mrt L. V Cuukiin. Air, tieer will return here on -Sumlav to make a short visit. L. A. Purkluirst rt-. ...I a tele gram from Portland tin.- morning in forming him of the serious illness of hi wife. He left ou tiii moruiug's train wr, rarkhurat was in good health when she weut to I'ortlaud laat Friday. Buyi a Ladies" Patent Corona Kid Welt Street Boot tl tut cannot ht excelled. This is an ex tremely dressy shoe and one that will command vour at- a tention. The Peoples Warehouse Feetfitters. ou get Good Beer.. Cants in all atylM FRAZIER THE STATIONERY MAN New line of Cutter, I etc. New M designs in .. A. I I r' Am ii. Ih. ...POULTRY. ..EGGS... International Potiltn Food makes tea. lici t Meal Hives them flavor. Clamshells make them solid Mica prit aid- diRestion. Try a sample. C. F. COLES WORTHY, Hay, Grain and Feed. IM and i3o East Alta Stteet I'endleton Let;t sjf'ut Our ttead Together thu.t.- ou oi;- k.ud out; last .cTi .tii. Miy i u NCAGLE HHO& V KENTUCKY t KENTUCKY .WHISKEY . , tv. Mka, l"tr (it'll 1 1. naawii aKafer When you drink PILSNER BEER. Guaranteed mm to oanai headache or dizziiieHH , Ak forjit. Schultz Brewing Co. TT I I ill fl -r- r n.-" unin run "LB R imm f i llll: huropaan Man laP ami m I i Hi lllU m,.,k and a hall lriT tea 1 lnt"1 ' fr Room Rate K, r- . ll r. 1 A f Pa"N VM I expect peopl to ko I 1 l X l W III! Willi ... I' w w W V I . m 1 1 u lul v i l v " ' v era i - u i i n I IW- The new store can never be known unless It advertises aoii bj Jims acumui The Louvre Saloon Maieaeei oeaiae Subscribers to Magazines if vui asi ii ua cnW for mcajiutM or uowti.nirt iu in, I'mtaii -iiau-- . h .rup.. rr nil '. by du.ii note, chect or kiiJ in uir ur naauo NUN lOe IMl putihaUers irltr ot U pUblltatlOD you dv.irr and a. will ut lo lot and Miiint ai; rm ol laa mouc bciu lo.t i n ibtssialU. It will tare you bolh trouolr aud tuk. II you art- iutw rlUir lo tht kUrt uuno.Huii. lu rtiinillia you can ' v' -ii ooui iv puiiiniicri priw AUiitw .r,i unFIIUftlAlt rtlH. t:o. Bft ll'.i.T uavv it mu ftrudi. TRANSFER. TRUC Kl N;, ST QRAG K. CR0WNER SON. TKLBfHIiNfc Ht S J us t received sum Fine After Dinner Cheese And many Fancy Delicacies a' Standard Grocery Co Opposite Qolden Rule hotel. Another Big Smash in Prices of Pianos. STEIN WAY, KIMBALL, C FLICKERING, and others mm be sold at less than factory cost. SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND To be Establiahad at Portland by Cna. Nebergall. i 'nan NuiMiraail. Hit) bliutl loan from ttakur City, ia in faudlaton today. He II mi ins wav tt I'ortlaud In uroalili,' a board of troaletM fur the eata blub men c of a nell-supo-mintt cboul lor tin bliaatt Mr Neborgall aay tbat tliert are a giewt many Mirou in tin. atau $750 Pianos for $408. $650 Pianos for $418. u ' a k i m a a a.B '- llll S 'atf . Ik d m a . - l I iiwf t Is I ti lr tT it a Pi...... l a. a . a- ...n'l . uiai IIHS i vv . x 'lz U...... 1 , 1 1,...- iti I irCKC"- canuot today be obtained for less than I IflRn I. iv.r $IS. W tin Hi else Ht i-ii i-i-siakiiiliii.il, i . " " ct ...i iow prices. JOHNSON Km 111 rVaT 11 T A m , i i.!al kiuuway, Factory Represents Judd Block, Corner of Hain a nd Court Streets.