JURT ARRIVED Finest line of Flannel Shirt Waists e shown in dleton. . . v e r Pen- 'oo are invited to call and examine them. .r. rv n i n Pflvpr ros. urv uoous lo. ENCOURAGED THE ADA DEMY 8V. Mr R D W ARD C. BAY. SICftBTARY BOARD COLLBGI AID. Thinks Negligence i alleged on the part (I tin' railroad company DAY. "UTolU K ". ITPHOTISr COMING. irn.rion APP" In P.ndl.ton on Thursday Night. il,u famous llVUllO- M KyDBrsmi. " . , r. cunt H IWHW ,nimnt, beginning tomor 'Ttiandiv, auJ ContlDOlOi during Miindti of the IM will . - - - it... uirxxiB on i k in, It.. Mt, . ami searcn iui nm , u. . . : ju pio.that will lie hinaen uy ,.ounie rename cm sous i-.-i k t!,t BUfBoaa. L .. mlurim Mi I I III iisrr persuu - i ....... vniiiu urn II. .. ... ...irn.uit. a niie. Winers ,. I., tmlv it a-. All OlTUIt BCIBBOB oor that promise some -ay , illaaiiosted with the light of i b ... t.aaa. iA i I li htm nlht-fM pn. HJ - fite a vtudeviilf entrrtBii.tMiuu. I 111 tj I I a I... toil Ibr availing will ipoau ... rapid. v tu th om wtiu goe io . i.li Utltl ,,r III. 'l I'll fllH I t HUf VH V av - - I ci coiupany are here. !)r HfllS' features in M.av rjtutir show will le given, also I I i I .........liana stiil u.ilnu . . ..J tl... t..l. ...I.anli. . IJS ilJUirill rt'tt.tll vnv.Mi.Bra ltd the coiuedy "fumuier W-Tl. U RUI II III'' I HUT t.flAt- i appear, i opaiar price win prevail ne- MU, au cents; lauiee tree ou graiir night Pendleton. nl that a passenger tram ironi t'ortiand en i tered the town running a fast a 35 miles an hour. Plaintiff allege tie 1 hml hi skull fractured anil wa other wise injured He demand a I en $170 additional damage money for a broken wagon and injuries to two horses. It will Ive remembered that Saltmarnh wa deaf and did not hear the train a it came into town. He and a eon were driving heavy team and the accident occurred were the railroad track cms the street in wept Pendleton BIOO. Ire iilmMxl ti .ot Couldn't Have Stood It. : brd bad ltchiug Pllea. They're ib'y annoying, hut Hucklin's Ar i s:e will cure the worst came pi:ea on earth. It him cured Hand, ror injuries. Pains or Lit Eruptions it's the hi'St Halve Ui arM. Price i!5c a box Cure linlhMrl Wlil.l 1. 1' Tullmun L. . -HIS THI U. R UN. CO. Damage . iiumaran want, bl'ii oiwi ttr Irjurlei Seeelvsd. -wpn v.. r-aii maretj , liy Im at- Hf, tuday tiled a complaint agaimt I. 4 N. Co. , praying lor f'JO.UXK) aMaiBjatioi lor itiinrie alleaed to 6to received in an accident or ' it tail at the cruaeing in weat BI00 Dollars Reward The reader. n( thl. naiM-i will learn thai there I. tit lean one BieaiMlil ill-eai thai Klenee ha. tweo able to cure In all Hi .taae.. and that l catarrh Hall'. Catarrh Cure I the only poMtlve cure now known tr the meilleal Iraturnin t'atarrb belns. a ron.lltu tlonal dlneaae require, a eon.lltutlonal treat in. Hall'. Catarrh Cure 1. taken Interually, acting directly on the blood and mucous sur faces ol tbe system, thereby destroying the foundstlon of the disease, and living toe pa llent strencth by buildlni BB the con.tltutiou aud a.i.titig nature In doing lu Work. The proprietors have an much faith In I', curative power, that tbey offer one lluudred Hollar, for any case that It fails to cure Seud for Hit of te.tinioinal. Address. F. J. CHUNKY & CO , Toledo. (Ibl Mold by Urugii.ts, 74c. Hall , family fills are the best Notice of Proposed Improvement of Webb Street. Notice i berebv given that, at the meeting of tbe common council of tbe city of Pendleton, Or., held on the 2d day of Octoter, 1901, it wa ordered that Webb street, between the east line of Clay atreet and tne weet line ol Oak treet, be improved by grading the ame with gravel or crnatied rock, the coat of auch improvement to be as eeaaed against the abutting property. Kemonetrance against tlieaaid proposed improvement may be Died with tiie city recorder within ten days from the date of tli id notice. By (irder of the Common Council. A teat: J. K. UK AM, Recorder. Dated thia ltd day of October, 1901. "1 had long eutTerrid from indigoa i hi. ' writea Q. A. LeDen, Cedar City, Mo. "Like other I tried many preparationa but never found anything that did me good until I took Kodoi liyipeueia Cure. One bottle cured me. A friend who had suDcred(similarly I on tbe uae of Kodol Dyspepsia ure. Me la gaming last ami win soon be able to work. Before he uaed Kodol 1'yepepaia Cure indigeation had made him a total wrack. Tallman .V Co. put Cun w a rm. . at b . r m w m . s I CLOCK, WATCH, KING, WATCH CHAIN, CHARM, Si: J SILVER FORKS, WIVES OK SPOONS. OK AN lUHj CLOCK w anything m the Jelry line? omTom!a.lu I will "'tot TUt HUT or WW AID I'KICKH uisHunzicker Jeweler and Optician "no AJaaaader and Heller's Stage Lines Por Sale. Tbe stage lines from riumpler to Whitney, Canyon City, Oranite, Law ton and Aiamo including all stock, vehicles, equipment aud government mail contracta. Terms, IKXK) cash, balance will be taken from receipts (r un the government contracta as earn od. A rare opportunity. riumpter Transportation Co., Suuipter, Oregon. B BBe 1 What'e Your Face Worth. Soruetimea a fortune, but never if you have a sallow complexion, a jaundiced look, moth patches and blotches, on the skin, -all Blgns of Liver Trouble. But Dr King's New Lire Pills give Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks Kirn Complexion Only 26 ceuta at Tallman & Co. Notlee. All persons knowing themselves in debted to me will please call and aet- tle. ii. M. M.OAN. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is not a mere stimulant to tired nature. It affords tbe stomach complete and absolute rest by digest iug the food you eat. You don't Lave to diet but cau enjoy all the good food you want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure instantly relieves that distressed feeling ufter eating, giving you new lift und vigor. Tallman k Co. If l I a A a i BBBs arsk a a t t a s time and her U the place to UK'tt heaters and steel ranges. get 1 Now is the NpiAl in air "an. aey'en v.. n..i .... .. .... ...L... ...I.;.. I. ...... ii. UI aM 1,1111,3 n iin.ii )" eMftpr tnun ever before. Give tne 'onvtuced. Iive a new and complete assort incut of "VaNad liuugjiig lamps at greatly reduced prices. I am offer a trial and Looks Ovsr the Ground ana Prospests are Favorable. The Rev. Kdward C. Ray, secretary of the Presbyterian board of aid to achoiyls and college, wa ia Pendleton on Tuesday and left thi morning for Baker City, in company with Rev. F. L. Forbes, president of the Pendleton academy, Rev. Robert J. Diven, pastor of the Presbyterian church, and Rev. Levi Johnson, Presbyterian Stin 1ay school missionary. They will at tend the Presbyterian synod during the remainder of the week. Idsas or ths Board Mr. Kav came here to see about mutter connected with the Pendleton academy. He represent tbe board that supports the school and colleges that are under I'reshyterian control and that has done much for the academy here, tine of the principles governing the board is that the people in a town must eihihtt a disposition to heir . i , . m . r . . ... nieinneive oemre me liosril si es tend sid. Mr. Kay is pleased with the manner in which the iieople here are taking noid ol the matter of uhscrip tions. If the present indications hoh i i . . .. . . . . Kiaai aiio me fiow oe secure! mat is now striven for. the board will nn S i-A-J.. lounteoiy exienu some nirllier Assis tance to the academy. spirit orseir-Hsip. '.'am pleasexl with tbe spirit M self-help your people manifest," said Mr. Ray. "It is indicative of a pro gressive tendency that shows in the well built town In which you live and the reputation far and wide tbat your little city lias name. I. 'lielp to him who helps himself," is a good motto, and tbat is tbe governing idea of our board m the disposition oi the funds that come into our hands for distribu tion. "The work your academy it doing is of an excellent quality. Consider ing tbe lack of facilities, the academy is not king remsrkable progress. Rut better buildings are needed, and the effort to secure them should not be abated until they are actually under course of construction. Keep at vour work of securing that 17500. it will bring good results." The visit of Mr. Ray, so it is be lieved, will make for the furtherance of the academy' interest. Its friends teel mucli encouraged with the fine prospects. Joe Basler, Main Street, Pendleton The Celebrated Majestic Ranges h Line of Cooking and Heating Stoves W. J. CLARKE & Opera Hou Block. CO. GUS L. WON NONBV. Lafontalns's Running Horss will Build a Brisk Block. Oil Lafontaine is a prosperous res- tatirsnt man who also owns a btg band of cattle here and in the county. lie lias lieen interested in running horses for a number of years, having kept u string on the northwest circuit and devoted consideranle time to at tend the race meets. Heretofore, he has won onlv nominal sums of monev, and at times has lost considerable. But he has kept at it, until this season he hss come home with "dough," a big panful, enough to build a brick block r0x0 feet, two-story. At the present time, Mr. I.afontaine is overseeing the workmen who have begun excavation at the lota opposite bis restaurant and next south to the Seibert-Roesch building occupied by the Leezer Makery aud the Hchempp Columbia tiotel on Main street. John T. Van Orsdall has the contract for the excavation, and has his men at work. Aiuiee Delongvert and H. Moussu tiave the contract for the stone foundations. T. F. Howard is tbe architect. The contract for tbe superstructure has not yet been let. Although Mr. l.alontain- has not yet announced a name for the building, it is probable that it will be called popularly "The (ius L. Block," for tbe reason that it will have been built with money won in purses by the fleet running gelding ius L, of the Lafou- taiue string. Mr. l.alontaine refuses t . .livtilge the amount of money tie won during the 1901 season, but at Butte an I Spokane he took some handsome purees, and, so it is said, got to "the talent" somewhat in the region ol the pool boxes where the betters on the races assemble to excnange casu on their judgment. RBS0LUTIONS OF CON DOLBNCB . Tribute to ths Memory or the Late Lewis Cass Rogers. Whereas, It has pleased the all-wise lather of us all to remove from our in. .1st our beloved brother, aud fellow- Mason, l ewis Cass Rogers, who de parted this life on Saturday, October 1901, lie it resolved, That in the death of Brother Rogers, we have sustained an irreparable loss ol one who was a lov ing and faithful husband aud father and a prominent and useful . it i ten, whose disposition was such as to cast a ray of sunshine on all he met, aud whose life was full of kind deeds. Resolved, That he was, as a charter member, one oi the louuders ol helm lodge No. 94, A. F. A A. M . winch was subsequently merged into I. mat 1 1 ia lodge No. 40, in which be first imbibed the principles of maaoury aud we rec Ogoija that he did much to promote the interests of masonry in our miust wbich he so much cherished. Resolved, That we tender to tbe wife and children of our departed brother our most heartfelt sympathy in their I bereavement, aud, as a solace in this their hour of sore attlictiou, wa point to the bright promises held out to all tbe faithful votariea of masonry. Resolved, Tbat these resolutions be pread upon tbe minutes ol Umatilla No. 40, A. F. A. M. at Ivsbo, Oregon. and tbat conies thereof Oe furnished to the widow aud family of our de cease.! brother and to tbe Pendleton Lireee lor ouhlicatlou. W. H. BOYD, W. H. WILHON, K. B. UTANFIKLD, Committee Umatilla Lodge No. 40. hobo, Ore. October 7, 1901. m Avoid all drying inhalants aud use that win. h rleansee and heats tbe membrane Kly's Cream Balm la such a lemedy aud cures ('atarrh easily and oleaaantly. Cold In the head vanishes uulckly Price 60 cents at druggists or by mall. Catarrh auaed difficulty In apeak i iik- sad to. a great extent loss of hearing. By uae ot Kly's Cteam Balm dropping, of mucus has caaed ,.,)., aud hearing bave greatly im proved J W. Davldaon. Atty at j.a Monmouth, 111. The Peoples Warehouse Have Just Received a Handsome line of Ladies' Belts You Kino Leather Belts Mack and tan in Corded l'lts iii Sateen Pulley Mack are the Lich October Bynad will Heel la Baker City. Portland. Oal. 9. -Preparations being actively carrleo lorwara lor Presbyterian syuoo oi wraogu. f. ... i h.ld in Baker City. I., i a ii f.ramissis to be one of Ibe most important conventions held ,-lnioua circles in im suimaw. There will b representation from this city. Stops lbs ceugb aa Work 0 law Col. Lossanv Brouf yu.u.ue 'J iu our day No sure, us pa Prtued-osum ( lorded belts in Smiii Pulley ilack Jet Klaatie belts witb good buckle in black 16c 25c 50c 50a IiOveh Belts in Patent Heather Black Good line of Elastic Belt in Black Nice line of Silk Klas tic Belts in Black, with sterling buckles Fine Silk Klastic Belts in Black It, pay to truile at the ,Sum Can't chase Afford to Pur Elsewhere Baton knowing h ,lv,i, r .,. ....,, K ,,,lr,, ,. ,, maoh M im rmii pnaM, ,,, ,,, lv for we load in itylp swav. Special for this Week MEN'S si I is in i,aiK I'lllc. brown a tli I lam I. mixtitrN, w.-ii mailt, well Mmmi ind perfect filters. ,ilni fJ.jO it isjj jj. MEN'S M L WOOI SUITS in iftv oi nrw styirs an, I tiattcrns vry b4mm wwtd villi litl ihrca.i, rtall) gforth pii; iiiinsii.il raiui .ii , , ()( a large var Mil tfrimtniBi Boy's Suits BOY'S i.oN. PAN is SUITS in ,ml lanc ( hcvmts, strongly nib old at s. Krcat value at CALL AND SEE THEM. blue, black hniilil he $6.00 BOY'S rWOPIECi SUITS, knn- pants mi ill a large assortment n .leirbte pattcins. nf the iIiiiik for school, well worth ,,t only s.fvO ThePEOPLES WAREHOUSE Words Lad to Blows. Conrad Plattoeder and K. O'Oara came to blow vesterdav afternoon at tbe tatter's store on account of a mis- Ths Hssllnnvllls Fair a Susesss. McMiiinville, Oct. The lifeal fair whirh elnaet) Saturday night, after three diiv existance.was a tlnati- icit vear understanding over a meat bill. Pre- rial mv. The attendance as all vinus to the flsticufls, tbe two men had I that .- cipec'isl ami the merchant been using some angry word over tbe I are well ph ased w ith their experi- telephone. O'tiara said something I menl. Aimtlicr fair n av lx given Inch the man at ti.e other end of the 'phone didn't like and Plalxeder im mediately set out for the Standard grocery. Upon his arrival there, he made an attack utsm his eiiemv. O'Oara. Nobodv was hurt in tbe light that followed, but two window pane were broken in the scullle. 19 710-71S-, J-, lain 5troct. Pendleton, Oregon. The StOft that sets the pare. MANHOOD RESTOREDr.':!.,?!al!L bla Vuai isr r. tin prsnertpuon el a mreoos grsarli phystr Isa. Will nn-sir eur rm (,iag (..it, ustir tlls'iteisi.f tits . ii. nova musns, u, Ii as l.atsi Slasihssaa, laassasalaa Pains Im IfesS Sarh, Ssaiisal ssilssltisis, Ssnsaa Isskailt;, lajiatla I nlllnrsa t Sl.rrt I irtaunlsg lirsln. I i. ..o .,..nr,iiaa I I sl..s al I liissrs I, v lis f or i. lahL I'r. vt-tiM u.ili k nrss i f iliirtikrsn ' ' " M rkMhJ ,fit-i . niit-rntaltTriiira aim ail rut. n..rn,rs .1 .,ni.,at r. i I SIIRMI II , . . I i. .- k .Iii. . n un.i .lit, in ln.tr V ii rs si is tf all I iin.iir hum . I Bslasatlii 1H1 ns.iim Sill SI I t.HK 1,1 h si l 1 lian arsiii siitTsr. ra ar I rnrtxl hf Porlnts Is luvanss 1 psrrs.it ai ImuMsd will, I CI I I HI N K Mi t.i Sliown r . t Willi. ,ii i n orrii..n. SSB IssOni,. is.a k Wrltlsa guaraiioseslvsii an. i inno r rsturiii-.t if a .sin s idssj uol t-OtsI a ts-iiusiMWi t-urt $1 uo a baaa Ssv aVs instil. Hi-nil fur ssKir . frriilitr an. I li'siluiiiiiisla, w ' 1 aililreaalSA WOl. niuii (v., t: u. Boa am. naa riaiiiasawrai Knit t t. K H V I I.I.M N ti 1.(1 . IIHIIiiallWrw, ' f N 1 1 1 i IN OIIRIIitl r k lilt THREE CHICAGO DOCTORS Failed to Do for Miss Mabelle L. LnMonte What Wag Accoiu pliNhetl by Lydlu K. IMnkbam'H ' -' f able Compound. ' Drah Mum. Pinkham: V waa In Bn nwful state for nearly three years itli a . uiili. ation of female troubles rhiob. three phyaiciaus called by dif ferent names, but the pains were all the sauir 1 drcuded the time of nir MARBLE and ORANITE Monuments Don't Let Her do the Wanning... Bin allatola 1 Bll t& 1 MAHKLI.K L. LaMO.NTK. monthlv Beriodl for It ns ant a .-ouple of days in Isrd in awful agouv I flnal- lv made up my muni mat me giMm d's tors were guessing ; aud hearing from different friends such good re ikim- ,,f i..,iih E. Plnknatn'B eK- fUllili' omiMMiml, 1 tried that. 1 blerw. the day 1 did. :or it was the dawning of a new life for me I um-U five bottles before I wuh cured, but when they were taken I waa a well woman on. mori i our oiiiixnino ir. eertainlv wonderful beveral of my frieiiils have used it since, ami nothing but the l-t do I ever hear from its, L in- MAHKI.lt b I.aMontk, ago of v forftlt If asoo. tfllmonial f mot f rutin: If LydiM K. IMiikliMiH'B VbT tabli- f 'umpiiund could COM .Miaa I., m. mi. why not you? Try it und at! for youraflf. Mrsi. I'iuklmiii udvlsifN Hick w nieu free. Addreaa, Lyuu, Mush. BEST FOR THE BOWELS Wo will ohtrgt you a trifle more than a Ohinanmn hut we will do it better. Thfj Domestic Laundry. BERKELEY Mas the following. I..., pan. :i2) Aeries Wheat UndsflSOO He-t StiM-k and Dairy Kaneh in Oamas I'rario, fhttp Qood House, h Lota, 1900. Vory Desirable Kesiihiiie Very heap. Also a lug. list of town ami county property cheap. LOANS on TO -ft A U'lrKln....! Nonterastdli Bros. Wt. .In our own work ami guaran tee the same at loasat price. Estimates given on all kinds ,1 cut spine Full spa-k Ofl hand It will pay you Io see Mf work and gel BfiBBf BMBM sUsttBjg vour order Main St.. tier 0. K. & N. iffst, Pcn'llrlon BYERS' BEST FLOUR To make gissl lireail use livers' ll'st Hour. It look Mrsi nr. .inium at the Chiiiago World's Pair over all ooin,wti tion, and gives nicellent nat isfact ion wlierever uaeil. Kvery aack is guaranteed. We have the heat Steam Kollesl Hat ley, Heed Kye ami Heardleas Barley. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W.S. KYLKKS, Proprietor. if i i u t' BTtU I pusl 0L.1 Ulil M II in. .at Uf ft ' I CANDY CATHABTIO u.. i. I Will Itm. tap VUUf , 111 iln B)hptf vto gtluUi Tlaaj lisui.tii 7 ki bili. tttw tutf WHEAT LANDS Thoroughbred Bucks.... Best stock on the Goaet Telephone eoiiiieetion at raueli. iliims I'ilot HiM'k or I'einlleton. r.l- Cha.. Cunnlnflhttm. At lowest rates EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY rlsuui fslaisia. i -1...1 i- ' JJ'Jejft S...r Hl.k... w.l.,. t. r I . Wrllr fol lirs ..... l. auU booklsl UB sill. -.I.. . ' ' sissu.k. ssassi iuasi.1, ...... ...... tss iuss KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Heartburn, Belching of Uase, Pain in the stomach. Bloatinar. DIstreM after Bating, etc. There are many raawedses far but law cwrw. J. R. DICKSON, Kaat Or ego ota ii Itulldliig Peadsclon, Oregon. AMIiKICAN PLAN. S3.00 per Day and Upward. Incst laths CaUlk Nwrthtssst I. .U. Ray tk Co., Bur sol SSil Htodcai. Houd. and Cwrctig) lar oasS oi iiu saarf la. NAU'S DVSPBP8IA CURB wttJ oau-e tlM werst raaaa. lt.lt. M lr.tot.it. i. a win, Kloralielui i Co . l.-feUiaetu, 111., aarsx "I hut . I. . u ..uSkmr Aruui alirinsxili trtiilrla ror 1(1 I ysaara. it oulmlnaUxl In ulosrratluu or I tli.- aioiuas h tastt VI r. h Took Nau'a rrj-spsiiasn u r sua sou o urwu New Vswat ttegajw FJBE- TtP A s. anitfMBBJpy aaLalfl ItWiM IsBBaaaaafc ft WLWLW mW BBBBBsKS ' rsHrrlrsHrl LI XmmJ ' BBJ BBhi ! rKillrllsHE U 1 "ifT iH (EcSLbbLH KnflHW BfcaBaaMaJN."'"M (sfcAsS a ilTiT' mmC - " - J "sMBaaaaaaaaaaaaar mi TswaW TH E PO R TLA N L I iHTLaaJD, (IMIUDN SgsflsiaJ fetaUa ls UsMtarsj Oreaww lor tourists anJ iwosaaaf ciai travelers c. aowaaa. iu ill largo I oi sals b lalliaan . C. first class a rug gist., ar send to frank Portland I total fsVaSjaacy, Fort -Or aw on frka fi a BsKlis or 6 - -- las- a. rald Daily Baal Oiafastiaa. aaiivated jr catnav only . cU a weak. For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink :::::: Polydore Moens. Proprietor. ditu nnru rnv nrrn ii f unn ku.