East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 08, 1901, Image 3

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c. .?.
$ iOO PiMf
I 1,00 rants
$12.f0 12:M Suits . $10.00
$ 800 $ fi.00 Pants 100
ft SJ0 I iJO Tants
$ 3.25 $ 2.80 Pants
16c Necktit's 15c,
by tlm
com thev
leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
l-day.tobkr S, 1901.
uwUTteom Will limn rmn-
dision D'.amonu.
,. u,.r. . t . I" "I Slid ail I
tasrtaii teams nsve vxpraaaea
. ... i.l.i ll HI 1 M IHM Kailir
. j , i .t . .u . . I m i iir
pMOiineDt t,ur-;n- men wore
luvsrlbf preset isst nigbt and
urn I'euJIvton sboriia i
Is sum rl hasvbaM. Tbe
HOt I'D? mm Iff discussion
H H. HlicKi wss insirurien io
C u, proposition made by tbe
i T.mma managers.
M schedule on Mindsy. Oct-
,i mnth l.l.H' HTU.T 1)1
3k. aiUW.' luituDii.K-.
M trip, liir iv".p,,w
IS BT aiwi iwi .up - .. .
I . . . ... I . ... ft.- ,!
.Still's l' ri uruuivii imki .
i: tn 1 :caia are the two tttlSt
,c uk northwest league and are. j
. ... m a .... . . V ' (ill I i ill III
There arc liaise who shout.
; twiner sugvlion oi an ei-
jl. ooi wet who risiui io snow,
it! itisr II Uo goo.) let-ling If - 1
tor tap tesmr and that the game
ii.. lor blood, fc.rn if ibera
(or rtid nm and line plunge, the
hoyt took tbeir part like veteran.
Tlie training was omifined ch i
the bark held, that each one might
know from the start hi poaition in in
terference an.! the part M should take
m burking the line. Falling on the
L 1 1 J. I . . . . - .
nan ami lacsiing eiuieii me alternonn
ii oi isst yesrs team are :ark in
KDOOl and nadv to lend their atDM
tenre in making a surressfiil team thi
season. Will Wyrirk played left half
laet year, lie if fai and hax iair
McOartv, the old right half, has the
- - ' i 5 i i . ...
amauvgr .i i.wfii an. i weight. tev-
ena, (ormerly (all hack, will probably
try tor line position this vear. fay
lor ha had two year's experience and
;- a valuahle man at goard. Croom
na nereioiore piayeti tackle, tie ir
making a try lor fall back and it
probably the niu! promimug man on
tbe team. til 170 pom.il in weight
together with his .strength and speed
make him a power tebiud .the line
Jim Wyrirk, who (.laved rod last vear
has not yet returned to school bat he
is expected to arrive soon. Much is
eiected ol the ne recruits as thev
showed tbe proper football spirit in
the practice yeaterday afternoon.
Sold Surplus anil Nn.
- - . . W ( w
a Short.
Mill is, wrhn is tl,.. ..it,
livestock agent of the O. R. vv N ,
is here attending the first monthly
market day. S-Mr. Milli.lhas recentlv
retnrne.i from the districts in the mid
lie weet where the drouth rle,l durins
the summer, ami ha given attention
to the conditionatobtaining on the
ranches there. Mr. Millis draws the
conclusion from his observations that
rattle are verv good nronertv in.l ki
timer nest March or May has
V Will h in hmttmr .1 1
, i , " . wwvw iiT.ii.nil. I
r "y re now. Thi he thinks
because the cMtle people in the u.i.1
l1e west sold all their surplus during
the droath times lust summer, ami now
nave no fenlero , .. ,1.
t , - v.i.w ..I .iitmii a re
... ..,.p i ..living nark the verv cat
.e u.ey soM ,nen, hot the rattle have
""J seni 10 other point.
Hie H'Ollle there were n, ...... .... I
M"'t Mr. Mllli. "Sellin
heir surplus cattle, they now would
"ae io ouy it hark umn an.) th.. m...
cannot do. I'hi creates a .),..,..
..mi. . . . r
"lc """uie wet, ami t(. .
uuu nere am in localities wherein
me uroutn .11,1 not take fWt at.
tana also is short on heel mddIv.
oai rattle remain in ii. ...., ki.
ill ....... . . urn
in oe .lasii iv tattennl n. n... .....
V. I , II..I
ket, ami therefore there will be
.en uiere practically nothing. Next
.win or .navour people here will rin.l
0 good .leman.i that i iii i. .ui..
. nil. i, l.llr
o ilo some business. The ,Ln...l i...
supplving the shortage ,11 t-,i ..
Oregon. Texas ami New Marian tfml
gard the IhI sitnatioirthe bet lot
ionr or Bve year past. 'The supplv of
hav hereabout i ari, ,M wi( ,(,
able to carry their feeder through the
winter in good shape."
nrmg of the
be accomplished
verv manner to assist in the work of
erad.rtion of the disease, and pro.
pose to enlit the Indian in the
- urine m me event the Indian,
operate arithl him and other who
lenu vainanie an), the
neae.t;-poni,.i ninv
lefore hwg.
"It Is difficult, ' Mid
kins today to the Kat
to secure the
They are not
encourage the
it lies within
Will forward all
eomplishment of
Agent 1 1
i Irnwn laa
Indian' DO-onaratinsi.
mclineil to do much to
Plan. But, in so far a
my power, of rourse I
project for the ac
me proponed end
ttOO Dollars Reward, f 100.
rtic ra i.t. ol ti... imi will 1 pi
.am tbat tlii rr it al lraat .mr .lr. a lful ll.uaw
I hat science lias beru ablr in cure ID all It
la-.- ami that 1. catarrh Hall , atarrli Cure
U the ouly posltlvs cure new known tc tic
me. In al iraU'ruit) tatarru belD( a constltu
tlunal .Unease reualra a constitutional treat
tbe fact that the Pendleton i went. Hall's I'alarrb fure I. taken lUternaUv
h. tl, t.rst Mthil.itinn la acUog dlr lly on the bloo.1 an 1 dmui fur
it u giuraiiiee guod baaabkll.
uo were instrumental in
tb arrangement are : Krank
J. Kuriiifh and L. Bet-
Couidn t Have Stood It
t kad Iti h. ng Pile. They're
akPoylnf; but But kiin a Ar
bt will cure the worst case
ob earth It has cured
v For Injuries. Paint or
: Lirnt .', ' lie beKt HJvlv .
"Jrtt Price a box Cure
ij Sold ty Tkllmsn it Co.
Pruue Last N fht-LIn Up of
U school f.jutball team met
Bini :o the first regular prac
tt aMOti. They were a bosky
ptayan clad mostly in uniforms
M oat into the end. wore back
takal bouse after tbe afternoon
jj the short signal practioc
a i a x i k
I . MJj
.-r:M rt x iru-
WwaaaWTWa W
aaythine io the
j"ir)' line
'''tOl THH. Hk.s r OK
i. rap k
J w
Ilk.' ft J . . . . .
Jeweler aud Optician
'"aauaaderand Halter's
faces of the .yslem theret.v
luuu latiou ol tbe .liseas.. an J giving tbe pa
tient strvngtn bv bull ling tip the constitutlun
and aaslsuug nature induing Its Work Tbe
proprietors have so much laltb in Its curative
powers that Ibry offer One Hun-lre.1 lKliars lor
any case that It (alls to cure. SeU'l lor list ol
le.t.uiouials AJ.lress
r. 1. t'HKNK V A CO.. Tole.lo, Ohio.
Sold by Iruc(ist. 7Jc.
Hall's Famllv Pi. Is are tbe best.
Arrivals at Hotel Pendleton.
J I Hall, New York.
K S Kdgertoii, Seattle.
I I Mernabao, Portland.
II M Dtv, Boston.
J S Iiavie, Rochester, N. Y.
W (i Goodman, Boston.
F K Ramsey, Portland.
L W White, Portland.
bnlts. Spokane.
A S Heatneld, Spokane.
Geo W Harris, Portland.
Andrew Wylander, Portland.
Geo Herreu, Portland.
8 L Johnson, Cosmopolis.
L Eisfeldar, Portland.
H B Keas.
J S W de Jong, Louisville.
B Waggoner Philadelphia.
A Welch.
G 8 Youngtnau, Portland.
I B Cotnan.
N Berkelay. i -t
.... Locamy rorgss to th Front In Im
proving Brds.
r l. . . .
v i 1 ii a countv is fast lorging to the
i ron t as a stock raising country, savs
tne rrinevine Keview. The catt)
ra.ser lor a nnmtmr ol vears have
been improving the breed and have
spent ronsnlerable money in so doing
tear ago it was the number thev de
sired but now they are looking more to
inequality. I he range has become
partially eaten out and cattle have to
oe text more or leas and our stockmen
nave come io me rourlusion that it
costs no more to raise a good an unit I
than a poor one and that there is more
prom m raising the former class.
For the last two weeks several im
pnrtant sales have been made and de
monstrates the fact that the market at
nome is better ttian abroad.
Last luefdav mI t 4isl of three .n.l
four year old steer were delivered to
Messrs. Lyle .V Brown of Cross Keva.
Of the above amount Mr. 8. 8. Stearns
sold Jid bead am he was t.aul i. 4il
per hundred weight. Thev Were
weu-lied here, and brought him BS7
.iris is one ,.' u,e iiesl a e ma. e in
the rouiitv.
Heretofore, our cattlemen have hail
tourive their cattle from LA) to ''io
Ullles tiefore thev Would be wenthe.1
ami in thi case the shrinkage would
be quite an item. Now that loss can
lie dune awav with bv a delivery at
home. Messrs. Brown have
always given the top price lot rattle
and are men who understand their
business. They expect to take these
rattle to their ranch near Cross Kevs
and feed them.
C. Sam Smith, whose nlant is situat
ed on the Ucboco aboat Li miles from
Prinevilleis one of our nriiirioal cat-
tie rai-ers. Mr. Smith take a ireat
deal of pride with his cattle and has a
ne cattle as you will nud in the coun
ty. He has tbe Hereford breed. Re
cently be sold tJO bead of vaarling
steers to Bob Cannon, ol Mountain
reek, for :'.'. and 50 head of yearling
heifer for a head to Shown A Can
non of Mitchell. This is the best sale
Im this class of cattle reported in the
cmity and .i- a just recognition of
the care which Mr. Smith has given
other good sale have lieen reported
but have not tne figures at hand to
g . e
I kit. l.i .... I... M
....... .r-. ,,, Krlin me attertisi ani
mal within an enclosure, and tbe ap.
plication of the curative agent that
are now known to be efliearion, the
mangy ravnses will to a large extent
lie cured. "
I lie aiaealU has Itesn during form
er years that the state and federal gov
ernments have not worked in harmonv,
and as a consequence Ittle ha MM
done to remove the disease from the re
servation. It is possible that under
the plan now proposed, whereby the
agent and the federal meat iMpSJCtui,
Or. Lantl, will operate together. Some
etter results will le reached.
Th Irishman Proposes to Hav th
Amrlea's Cup.
Mr I liomas Linton ha mnni the
first intimation that he will challenge
again tot tne America s cup, said gthe
new inn neraiii on .Momlav.
You may sav for me." lie said.
"that if the cup is to leave this in
try I am determined to have it "
rrom saving more than this sir
Thomas aked to he excused.
George L. Watson, the designer of
Samrork II. had left the Krm only a
few minutes liefore Sir Thomas made
this announcement. If Sir Thomas
foe not issue a challenge for a rare
next year it is not unlikely that there
may he a rare. It Is reported that
the emperor of Germany is OBOSidsi
ing the matter of challenging of the
America's cup. There is talk of nth
ers also challenging.
It is understood here, says the New
York Tribune's London OOCrMpoad
nt. that Sir Thomas l.ipton will not
send a third challenge through the
Royal I'lster Yacht club lor the
America's cup. Many p. -pie at insider
that as the contest is' an international
one, no private individual should be
permitted to try to bring back the
trophv to thi country. The challenge
should, it is maintained, emulate
from a representative body, and there
is no club in the I'nitexl Kingdom that
ha a better claim to represent the
nriiisn vanning interests man (lie
Koyal ucht squadron. So far as is
known, however, there is no ioten
tion on the part of the (anion Co we
club to take any steps in the matter.
Some storie are current in (lagow of
new challengtrs, and it is even said
that the German emperor has an eve
on the cup, lut little reliance need be
placed on rumors of lb 1 1 nature.
Former Pndlton Boy, i has Nabaraall,
Propos On far Portland.
Of a former Pendleton loy, the
Baker City IHtmocrat says: Cnas. K.
Noiergall, the well known Baker bilml
hoy I tnxioita to establish an indust
rail home in Portland, for hi fellow
unfortunate. With that end in view
hi friend In thi cltv who knew him
le( ire he met w ith the unfortunate
accident which robbed him of his eye
sight, have tendered their assistance
ami encouraged his humane effort bv
donating a lilieral purse.
Mr. Nettergall's idea is to establish
a home for the blind that will he self
sustaining. He asks no charity. He
wants to teach th unfortunates a
trade, and make an opening for them
to earn the "bread of life." Broom
making, mattress manufacturing ami
other trade will be taught, and the
work done will lie paid for, thus mak
ing the inmates of the institution in
dependent, and free from the humilia
tion of accepting nny charity
Mr. Nelergall ha been promised tbe
hearty co-otasratlon of a number ol
prominent Portland citisens and hi
numerous friends in thi city wish him
success in his noble effort He will
leave for the "wehfoot" ntv in s few
Don't Let
Her do the
eAT' F .Ires
It pays to tnulo at lli Hj
Can't Afford to
B( lorr knowing what (lvant. . ,
it. h i at tins store TL. . w
sing; is demonstrated La.
V fM U.U ,,, o..l I 7 ' '
... ... -.,7ir- aiway
ari oi pr iprr
it does not r nt
Special for this Week
MEN'S si
mixtures, w
littors. glut
in black. 1,1,,,. . .
. , "wo aim i.mr v
III tin ... .
" 1 'iimnicii ami
7 !(1 '
MKN S Al l. WOOl
lt't til llrw stvlt
perfet t
m a Urge
"! hem Ir.
Boy s Suits
lt()V S LONG PANTS SUITS i...... , .
in .Miir. ) .it k
Cheviou, itmgli ma.ir. ihould Im
Jd Iwtl I .line at avg
St' I I S, knee pants suits
MinbM patterns. jg
wrth 13,0a at only
itnl fancv
Stlbl .it ft,
hi s rw rii 1 1
in a I. its!'' as-.oi ttiiont n(
tlir thing for sclinol. wt
7iN- " lain s i fendlettin, Orsgon.
I'lif Stt)i that st'ts tin1 tiacp
Wo will
liinrv tl i ii n
charge you triHe
a 'liinaman u
i it li'ttT.
-- i i ., .
KxTlm '.' ' XwTr I ' rl ' s. Is iS4 M r.ama ) rtsaTSIos
? " ' I- -- .T nl. S ...ir H ,' I. RTTJI -.,..., , B.w. .!.
aajSaS SllmylsMs Ik lln "'.'I M Im. .. SI.... n. ..If BaaMfl ,,,.',, s.iTm
" awaafiafcaawa, wiia i,s. t. uis.. few AdSrasa, aiahop Namatit Oc, r. PranckMo, Oat.
Olt 4I.K HV I' VI. I. HAN A CO.. PWmtWIi I'RNULimiN, OltMiOsi
I 1 1 ll DTD Marhle -Granite Works
I If I j C S"t iH We do our own work and jrnaran-
II I f I I F H I lM tbe same al lowsat pri.c
w " till aBHKfl I mutes Mlven oil all kind ol
& . jBV-W Mt It stuns Kit stm-k mi ban. I
avats Ht H v T" - JT It will .a t.. ..iir work
'all ailil ' a Ht-.-PL 1 ' KmI l'ri '- lietnre (Mar inn
saaMtSI ii K. .V S. irMl,
finest flavor amu
absolute pupity
c- j pantee o
e.o, kfi.isi .... o
Mac Ltoas For Sal.
The stau liu. s from buinpter to
Whitney, Canyon City, (iranite, Law
ton aad Alamo including all stock,
vehicles, equipment and government
mail contracts. Terms, 910U0 cash
balance will be taken from receipt
from the government contract as earn
ad. A rare opportunity. Sutupter
Transportation Co.. BOmpter, Oregon.
What's Your Face Worth.
SniHime a fortune hut never if
ou nave a sallow complexion, a
jaundiced look, moth pat he and
blutcbea on the skin -all sians of
Liver Troubles But Dr Kings New
Ufe Pills give Clear Skin Rosy
Cheeks. Kit h Complexion Only L'f.
ent at Tallman A Co.
All persons Xn Wliii tiiemselves lu-
dobtl to me all! pleaae call and set
tle. H. M. ILO All.
Laxative Bruuio Uuiuia Tablala.
A 1
Uriorgiat- roluuil ibe muut) if it tails In cur
a. n ur.jta t signature is uu aacti bui .
s a a- av m. a i a a s a ex i m a-
Has Us Own Building, and Is out of
The only Woman' club in the state
to own it own home is s library asso
ciate m in. the little Ujwu of (Jranite,
over in the mountains of eastern Ore
gon. eati' eight years ago the so
ciety was formed, and on the very
sensible plan of bulletin from the
ground up,1 they got a lot and had a
buib ling uiiivwl on it; increasing the
sise and improving and lieautifymg it
as tbeir means justibed, says the Port
land (Ireguiiian.
I lie . la'inll. COmpOSed of lea
thsu a score of aoinen, waa organised
on strictly business principles, conse
quently incorporated at once). A year
ago some debt, necessarily incurred,
was Wljed out, Slid tbe pretty little
buildiog which is assessed at ftiuu
belonged to. the women, who by eu-
eutertatnmeuts, social affairs and the
hardest kind ot work had earned it.
A library is rapidly being accumu
lated, and the women hope to receive
the beueUt of the late library law.
None deserve it more, for none gave
it heartier support before its taaaage,
and from their midst came the repre
sentative whoaw untiling effort carried
it to victory, the name of this dub
is no misuomsr The I'auiihters of
tlie time
and here u the place io
heater:, ami steel raueeH.
Now is
rsiu iu
flftlax m
a vrietie, of air tights which I
ueaje-r than ever hefore. Give
'kit" Uvea new and cotuuleLe assortment
,r"'. slid liatiging lamps at greatly reduced prices.
am orler-
a trial and
Saaaja. S EaZjaBBBaW- '
Muid by JOHN H Hatllil
The Louvre Saloon
la .1 lu stag H art
aL'.uUi us tlaaii.itwrsa.
Kl)'s Cream lib
rh imii i II ' ' .
III dlsra..t lie I
llcurssialarrSaJeld' M
saray a cold lu la L s,l
I t. mi Ilaliu i ' "1 Into Me nuatnia, sursas
oyer lb tuciuuraii ai-u is a'iruL h.if la iui
iu4iauaiul a cur lu.ki. ll 1 WA drymg duas
UlA ui.luia sue.!.'. Ij,rge 60 MLU al Orug-
g.su itj utail ; Trial s " , 10 cent by atalL
aU-Y tiliO'l UKUfi, M Warrau Huaat, Nw York.
r hat f wis 'yjtjy
Joe Basler,
Mam Street, Pendleton
The Celebrated
Majestic Ranges
m Line of Cooking and Heating Stoves
Opera liouae Block.
or Starting Horses rrovss Salliraciory
ts lacing Man.
Tbe "no recall" svstom of startiog
horse, whicti proved a great success
iu Csllforuia aud Knglau,! has been
tried a few times in Oregon aud Wash
inglou with considerable success.
I he gate is placed across tbe track a
short distance from tbe wire. Tbe
hursea starting io tbe race are made l
line up Lmfore it and when they are
ready to the satisfaction of tbe starter
tbe barrier dies up aud they get away
The "no recall" system seam to
pleaae tbe spectators f row lbs fact that
tbe borsse alwas bars a fair start and
are not worn uut by delays or false
hroak. The horse get away lit much
better ail ape aud murw tjuisaJy (ban
when tbe lecsli was in oneratiuu. Tbe
I. lira. uMijur. nr. all i Imviir ..I tliM I
.- ISLII. Uiuuaau.l
'' ' ""''" """" ' "-"" I I. n.r.mi. Im uamiiKul.
. . t iti.ii 1 1 . ftu m n nMul uiwMa I
it is at least an iutpruveueut ,.trr the!
ulu. aud will uuJuuhteOJy be I., tt. r
rheu tbe starter aad iockeya hecjuie
more Umiliar with it.
"Nerve Waste."
Uu ol lb most balpful books ou nervs
weakuas avsr laauad I ttial autllbxl "Nrv
Waats," by Or. Sawyar ol Sau Francisco, uow
In lla nllli ihouaaud run work ol au eissr
rlucd aud rauulabl bjraj, lan la lu agree
abl uiulraat to Ik vast suu ut lals atblug
wbiib prevails ou tAls luusraatlng aubacl. II
abouud in naralull coiASldafad and practical
a4vloa. aad kaa lbs two gral uirlu ol wis
dom aud sincerity.
II is udoad by bulb Ik rsligloua aud
Htuui pras. Ta c'bicago Ad sauce sajrs: "A
uaruaaJ ol umi book and U application ol lis
priu. iplas will put nas.lt. bop aud baarl lulo
ol Uvm Ibal ars uow auSsrlug
For prict-s tin all
kinds o( .
I lixirs,
Windows and
mil Work.
Yard on Wnhh Htrnet
(IpiMMiUt Hunt Freight l)sMil
In make g.ssl bread use Hynra' It at hlmir. It Uk Srst
lirmnlum at Um Chiragu World's Kair ,ivnr all oompstl
t inn, and st'viw Ktcelleiit satislacl i,iu whnrevsr iistal.
Ren sack i guarautMetl. W have th laist Hteam
Knlltsl Hanev. HsnhI Kye and liear.i Harlsy.
W. S. HYI-RS, Proprietor.
Ever in Pendleton
LI'NCHKH :::::.::::
W mi.it ATLAN BEER, The tin
-i brew of the Kamoua Milwailkfai
ttriii; nt-vr hen-la"fore ::::::
Best stock on
Telephone oonnfEtion ll ranclt.
ilfMi I'ilul UiK-k or I'. -in llrinii
Clia.. Cunnlnflhani.
SJ.OO per Day anil Upwards
I local Hatal
laths 1'a.lln.
JU k ar Iba paopl aud lb oulr poopl lu th
' Saddlarr BaaUSSS lu Psudlatou Ibal sui
plora lull loraa oi uiaiiiiaulcs lb jrwar around,
ana uiaka our ou Sail. lias, ilaruaa. tc , aud
io not skip thauj Iroaa lb lauiuilaa Ilka auiua
M sui ouiaattiiurt sa4flBtu lali lava y ar
a good a aoioa ai ills , but laa ar uot.
eAMTB aasus luaan
Li.an.s Wllklas. laaiaa Aasal. latsr-
Cbsritw Wilkiua, aaaut at tbo l ma
il. la Indian rsattrvatlou, is loteroausl
iu the curing- of lbs mangsi inai si-
dicte BO uiany of the cayuass on iu
rosurvti. At this time, says Mr. Wil
sins, tbe Indians are mostly in tbe
otouulsius hunting or ashing
.i .,. .t iw.ium uraclicaliy none
those tbat owu borses. The Indian
ti.at ruiiiaiuasl bam owu no borses, or
acgrcely auy Mr. Wilkias dasiras
I ba book 1 11 UU bjr mall paaapala
Ouo tin aso.1 luuirnallug cUapUis . baploi
ax. ua Marrlua and Narsa loulca baa M
aviaaaat aarslrfr a a asuiisbt c-aaalo, a4
a Hi a auu bu aujr aAdraas lasts u, Ik
pulilliSTf-. THB fACiriC H Ml Kills'. M
lS SSJS. Sava li.itis"
Sard ..as, ttt ll
SassrrSB)! saal aalaa
m hooss. Cu.m si
EJ SS ass BlsSSsr f raaS.
TIk Rail Oragoman
laaWaia Oar an
- -
I Saaaasaw
f gSSJBF 1 . i i..iSi BJ
I Sjk-ar,.i.. M f .isji.n
Bsltaf C"a!i On
j laaBL .... , j EflBI
cum Youatnn
i m Hut d Ivi ..un.iuuU
iMfcirii, fBmmm$L,um.
KiiiA.ii.-isa i- uUfiUm
aiu . O I I. -I
jt?U& Bgjgj 9t . bF e ewQ
BSMjB-B IwassWsjPBPsWsJ 1IMtBsansssasrdPsass! EEHWsPPwHi k
t siul lb asiaalu
M AsV, U4 i fcttlltM, d.7a
Sasclal Hstaa la Us slay Osaaoa
far tour lata aud oianscrclai travsssrs
Oaitlagt fmtum I
ataataru Oia-
B fwaotaivs naasr. ll Wads, aaui
Lb pf.ta appvaclal It aa4
ban Libaral paiionag ll t tsa sdvar.
UMUgj ntaaiuBB ol this sasllaa.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink : ::::::
Polydore Moens. Proprietor.
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