East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 08, 1901, Image 1

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A- ,,ni.nlh"nnlT
I I r'rtM rn,u, P,oh.bi, t.w f
r""1 lh' ....... Scan" i" '
"""u." I'lnaiill county nenp"
NO. 484
The Place
To buy Groceries
H where yon can have a big
jtock to M)Ct from. Call
and see mr. Mv stock is
igrge both in laBCy and staple
fl. R. Demott
Of Children, Misses and Ladies
Coats and Jackets just received in all
Mcs snd at prices that will suit even
the most humble buyer.
My line of Ladies Silk. Silk and wool
and all Wcol Shirt waists is the best
ever shown in Pendleton.
My lint of Ladies Muslin Underwear
has just arrived and is now on sale
at rediculously low prices.
It will pay you to examine my various
lines of dry Roods before purchasing.
The Boston Store.!
Newest Fall Fabrics. SUITS
Pel L 3oie Anion
Luni Pranelle Drap Ie Alma All tlie stock for fall is now in and
Qruitfl French Poplin dreHsers are now picking out
... . , .. their choice. We are m;ikni' a -pecniltv
Meh Miakebkin M. , , ... r J
. . . . of hiuli class values
1 Satin KVpp- Peblt Cheviot .
ClayWowUd Satin Victoria $10 311(1 S15
In light ami heavy weight and in black
and colors. A heautiful line of trim- OVERCOATS
tuings to match.
New overcoats are necessary this fall
RtmtmbfT our as there is such a great change in the
Dress Goods Sale w have ,,R"" huyen lik!
M the very low prices of $7.BO to $15.00
I2'c, Wc. 29c, 39c. 49c and 59c "
inwhd v4. fud her. gjjQgg yET.
K U HKEKS We thank oar patrons for the hig slioe
Fall Hook here all new ami low prices. business of this fall. We believe you
Many new styles to show. like big values at small prices.
Watch our Silent Glove Sale. 25c Neckwear 10c tonight.
New goods arriving weekly
Selling at reduced prices.
J-'.e line of ift books in white
Iff- binding, worth 35c on
Nj here for 24c.
JgMMMI 1 sample line of fine
PMded poem- and gift books at
Pe 'educed price.
1 PR:: V
and counters you will find only
the best of canned and package
goods, and the best of every kind
Whatever you want in fine grocer
ies ou will find here, and you will
find our prices right on teas, cof
fees, canned goods and everything
in groceries We pride ourselves
on the courtesy and efficiency of
our our store service.
v J
. 1 .....
--"s-carge ime kid dolls iy
yS- Good quality German
Other dolls 2c up.
uoll heads complete line in
"l-1. china and metal heads.
Toilet - 1....... ,-actile SOaP
--- juap 1 111, . w - - - - -
" bar, other DODular soaps 5c
wfttftad tmm Uur Please bear
Bnd our soaps average 33 13
per than elsewhere
bool Siiinlieoe slate pen
, . rr"v" -j
"JC, 12 lead m-ncils C. etc.
Redbrick nolf.
For Combination Folding Cots and
Chairs. Just the thing to take to the
mountains -
Next Door to Postoffice
I have a full line of the celebrated
Wood and coal stoves guaranteed to
he absolutely air tight. None of the
heat i wanted and the stoves wUJ
save ONE HALF of your fuel bill.
I .Aso havc a full Uai of cast cook stoves and steel ranges.
1 Pries are the lowest, quality considered.
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man,
741 Main street, Pendleton, Oregon.
senator Thomas t' I'latt of New
York, waa k guest nt dinner with Ptve
Ident Roowcvelt hi., I Mr, mm
A fairly well attended meeting of
anarchist wan hdM In a hall In Tot
tenham Court rued, Loudon, to limr a
lecture on the aaetuation of I'realdent
McKinley hy K. Kellev of New York
The audience, largely .omeed of
foreigner, applauded all reference to
"Saint' ('solffoM and IiIk "meritoi ioua"
OM t h nuaaii d aUtgWl anarchist as
MOblod in a hall fal Fourth street In
New York, oi imlhly to hold a hall In
honor of the organisation of the Krle
Arladter Hteinme, id to U a society
i-onipoaed of anarch Nta, hut the nature
of the aanemhlegv wan atiapei'ted hy the
rnaiiRffer of the hall and in a short
time 40 polioomei) wan on the iotno
The Freeman's Journal asserts that
King Bid Ward and QOMD Mexandrla
will arrive in Dublin to attend the
next l'llin hexbiwii IUOM and will
main a fortnight In Ireland, rtaltlni
I,onl I,ondoiHierrv" and the Ouke of
Ahereorn and Kolng to Itelfant. Their
Majetif, however, win not go into
the South of Ireland.
Mr. J. WttnMfft a widow raaidlnj
in laytou, Ohio, haw bMO arrentel hy
the pOuM at the iiiHtlgation of the cor
oner and it held a prisoner at the en
tral wtation pMidinK an invextlfration
into very MerloiiH chargeri. Mro. Wit
mer, 1 lie Mlice say. is siiNpe'tel of 14
murdeiN, the lUt including four hux
liandu, rive children, one sinter and
four members of dltlereut families in
winch he wa eniloyed aa house
I he ,ii mining claiuiH comprising
the row ii Point group at Pixie. Br
more county, haa DMD traiiMferrtMl to a
Ho-ton Syndicate. The consideration
is in the neighliorhood of 9100,000
AMoeiate Justice Sullivan, of the
Idaho Supreme Court, ha. received
1 7,000 trout ainl othel food tUhen from
the I'liited Slaten Finh CoiiiiiiIhhIoii
for the lake on the Silver reek ranch;
aay the Wtxxl River Timea,
Articles of incorpormtion of the WIn-
eonalii iog l.umlier I ompitny, of
Suerlor, Wis., have liwn tllel with
the eouiitv auditor of l.alah county
The capital st. irk is ftJOO.UOn, mud the
incirpiraUii are r. S. lOibeiTnon, A.
A. I .am. iii and H. I.. 1 1. I-or. si
C H. MUMk of Si. Helens, has an
apple tre in full hhxim. The tree
made a healtliy growth in the early
siirlug and summer, hut nearly iierish-
ed for water later in the year, and at
the tir-Nt thorough witting or tne
ground this fall started on it regular
A man by the name of Clark in re
ported to have made a lucky atrike on
Keck Creek, about K' mllea weat of
H al Icy While herding hona. in that
vleinltv a short time ago he came
acruMt a ledge of gold ore that varies in
width from three to the feel, the ore
anaayiug over $.17 kt ton, and there is
hetweei, Ml anil UOO lolls in Hlglll
Testimony Was of an Uninter
esting Character.
Captain Folder, of th New Orleans, Wis the
First Witness of tbediy. He and
Schley Could Not Agree.
In ic.illsi.cM'.il.le to litllletic
,'l aiiccess. In training, linn h
I M Ma 1 1 1."1' upon diet : eure-
ki 111. . tlir-iiii.fi. ' . ' '...',
PII Mil IIUlHty t the final tat-
eti.wu'i rcgu!arit i imnls.
Th.it It tin sec i t ot strength lor every
mull No in ,n Can he .tiong. r than Ins
Ktomarh. The i t-,, .ind irniruUr
oaling. of l.iisine s men, caus-s .1 v
of the Uowai'h md allieil ofipuwal
digektion and nutrition TlK IW .hi 1ms
no muiiii hcilt'i until thi . diawtaM mi
Dr. rterre'i finHan Medical Dbfovery
eeiet dis-.-.in-ot the si. .mi ii h and .ilu r
oruMH ot iig .tmi and nuiriuue tail
enehlw the nl) i i liuiH up Into mk
oiou. iiealln In tht eHiuiilatlMl oi IM
nutrition exlrai t.-il iron. Ml
I i.i n ; ki Hmi urtikh mIu.i
iu In .11 i.n.l -loins, Ii ii.m'.I. " mi'i Mi I l
Caudlll, MwMlaud .Mkghauy Cu s C "I
Wm Ull.lil. tu ill, NUlll.ll.K M Cd I'-. 1 "' ' Ii"
liinr I wlUr'tn 111 nrfri nls.ul en . ..I..IUM.II
luviag full itatadraci in In. .n.-'i ,ci. M' '.-1
virl mi l.,uk. In. ;uMra Me.li. .1 Mvry
win. hi did lui'ir l lu ' laUlwd I hi i
botllr I Ikjii u I" I I- It. I I hV ft 'I 1" I")
-i li.4tl.-i. Ifcrl thankful lul'al l Ibi hrae
ni I havt r-, . iv. .1 fi .in 1" im if ."!! i M. '1
kul Uacuvrry I ... lulil) " imd a I"
ail urruiii an a Hciud mid Mifi o ! -
lr. PiefOe'l IVllets cur. i .a, i ijalion.
You get
Good Beer.
When you drink
Guaranteed not to
fitn.su headache or
Auk forjit.
Schuitz Brewing Co.
Wanhingtnn, Oct. I, -Capl. Poller,
who commanded the .Ne irlenn- dur
ing the war, took the mand at the
opening o( IimUv'. Rianion of the Schley
court to remiinc hix textininnv ot vex-
tenlav. He .aid be filggenled to Sehhy
the circular hlockmle an being the more
effective in pfefMtiU MMpe, hut
Bob ley did not Mfee with him.
ItriBtol testified the I'exas wan t it -pired
"liif t' wiiile coaling iff San
tiago. He bM received llo orders in
I the even o the t n m v I'Dinitig out
Me fcii Hii'e the ihore hatteriei at
BMtleiO amounted to m illing ami
ai1 tliHl when Siunpiii'ii h luhurdixl
that tbey were nilence.l in a -hnri
Comnntiider Wainwrighl . l ni-
mended the (Jlouoeelef ( Hantleflo
textihed that the llrooklyn in milking
the lain, us loop, did not i a.- within
2A00 leei ol the Texan. II that lie
true, the Texas was not emlangi red ,
lie stated none of the Spaumh all i ih
turned her course an though to ram
one o( the American hhipa.
I. lent. Mark tiriHtol, watch officer
on the I'exaH during the w ar, testified
that nothing done to .lenlr.iv Hie
earthworks at Cienf ilgiwa.
Boiton Uankari Labia Monty to Kldnap-
ri In lha Orient.
Host. in, Oct. H. Although no ottieial
tatement wan i I, it is un.ler-
Htood ;A,l)Ut) wan cabled to Coiiitanti
nople this morning to be given to the
iniaaioiiarv, Mirh Htone'n, kidnappers
an evn'ence of gisid iHlth. Money
still in Iming received hy the haukerii
who have charge ol the fund.
Rumori or Mora Ttraa.
Washington, Oct. 8. It is. nnpoHMi
ble to verify at the state department
the report from Solla, Bulgaria, that
the hrigandii have postponed for a
mouth the date at which the ransom
fur Mins BtOM m to he paid.
rkvolu riON ron pkhma.
Shah't favorllat Hava Mada Away With
lha Publle Fund..
1 1 'imtant inople, Oct. M. Uefugeoii
from I'ei-ia repOli that country on
the verge nf revolution. None of the
ahah'a prom land reforms hava l.e.-n
kept in OponUiOtt, bUi umtead taxes
are in. reasmg and wholenale iiupriaoii
QMUtl and coiillai at ioiih hy tin. govern
n, en' are common. The ahah, ae
cording to report, in ill and complete
j in the hands of intriguing favor
itua who have aeiil all available funds
to foreign hanks ami prepar.sl lor
Might '.en the atoriu buratM.
plteopal Oanaral Convantlon Will Hava
Ona Praparad.
San Krancim i let K. l'h. hoiiaa
ol biahopa at the KpiHcopal general
convelition thm morning passed a
aolution appointing a committee to
prepare a Kwedmli tssik of prayer
The holiae of deputies r.V'nsidered the
BQtfl oi vesterdav ui tin- Huiituigtoii
amendment, paaaing the name liy a
bigger majority. I'he Gonedo delegi
turn wan IOC nelly seated thtl II. Min
UounlaO Pollaa Will Wttiti from Whit
Houia to Oawton.
Tacoina, Oct. H. The mounted pn
lice hava isarlecled a patrol system
aloug the upper Yukon supply aia
tioua, located every thirty miles fruin
While Horse raiibf to DeUBOU, a dis
tsnce ol lour hundred miles, to be
patrolled daily throughout the win
Ara Bautnar aioaama Up tor ine Win
isr's Oparallom.
J J. Mrattoii, ft, 1.. strattou, D.
St rat Ion, L M. Strattou .. M let
ward, Joe A. Worthy, Kemp Harden
tv. Henry Had lev sud Have Uredduca
with six 4-l.ore and two nOeB lOBBBI
are uieuiliers ol a part) that lias . ome
all the way loin ,-silvies valley, Harney
county, and Hear valley, I. rant OOUIlty,
to buy supiilies in Pendleton, fbei
left here about flbJO. Tiiuy have b. en
loading today at the stores I he party
was found at the htaudaid liroceri
comoaiiv's place ol business .'.liiiusl
ready to pull out 0BJ tha Jong haul ov. i
moiiiitalii ami valley ui uieir i.ome
ranches far into the luterlor ol the
state. This journey homeward Will
lake llrt-ui over road. In places nut very
kuoJ for (ravel, according tu the Mrat-
tons, oua of whoui aalii that thara is
need of repslr to lire gratia in r lowers
gulch which is on Ilia ui IdJIe fork ol
the John Hay rivar, a. r ... lha iloe in
to Ureal .ouiity. ill is grade ia hi
rouah couditiuu, probably because
.i....... iul aa k Mum hava failed to I
clear out tlie highway after driving
naiids aloug that pari ol Ilia country.
"Hut little repair work ia needed,"
aaid one of the party, "and the peo
ple living out our way would appre
ciate verv much ifthe authorities would
lake bold ol the mutter and see tiiat
tha road ia nut lulu good condition lor
freighting In Uloat other places, the
roads are all right."
Hllvies is beyoud Canyon City, ami
ouila a distance into Harney county.
Boar valley is iu Oraut, and ia beyond
Oauoyn also. These outdta will have
to haul the freight bought here up tiie
grades to C'aiuas 1'rairie, down into
the haaiu of tlie uorth lork of thai riv
er, up the grades on the other side,
along the "hat'klsine" between the
north (orb and the middle fork, and
then 'I n into the valley of the mid
die f and up a three mile hill to
the ' aa (buy DOUM up on the
plateau to go on to Long Creel
Thence they will go up a mountain
and down into K.n uiMev and on lo
Canyon City, reaching thai town bl
descending a steep mountain, and
cl nullum out up a hill that is thirteen
mile long before striking the grades
down into the vallies in which thev I
, live and engage In livestock raising.
"Range haa been g... .. I during the
paat season," was the slate -nent of
them all, "and we are well satislled
with the OUtCUme of the summer's
operations. ' '
Raportad by I. L. Ray U Co., Pandlaton,
Chisago Hoard or Trada and Nsw York
Stosk lirhtnn Rrokars.
New York.jOct. K. I he w heat mar
ket was strong irom the start toda.
InflueUOed largelv hy the heartv f II
eign buying. Ileerhohui, the Kuglish
authority, -aid, eyrlv m the MM,
unit America could name the price ol
wheat tin- ii'ur, if so dtopoood. PhePi
has bOM heavv buying the past week
in a .(iiiet way without altcctiug prices
materiallv, bUl since vesterdav there
has been an advance of ls with clon
ing prices at the top.
Liverpool was I H higher, . 7 1-H,
New York opened 7' :i-M, an.l closed 7l,
Stocks higher.
Money, 4 per cent.
Close yesterday, T.'i :t-H.
tlpen todav, 7f H-M.
Uange Imlay, 7ft l-H.
Close tmlay, Mi
StiM-ka: Sugar, 115; steel,
I'nion I'acific, IMI7-H; I). S., tel.
Whsat in Chlsaao.
Chicago, Oct. M. Wlieat, llt ll-M to
70 H-H.
l-ormad In Cailforiila lo Control Alio Ora
eon, Washlnalon and Idaho.
I'orlland, Del s. t here is a tight
on h. t ween the bill hoard people and
Hie tobacco trust which promises to
alte. t the entiri rthwest. A combi
BOtlOe was binned by the billboard
coiniianies.il .-.iu rraucisc.i winch re
suited in the ownership ol every hoard
iu California. Koccutlv the hill hoard
company of Cortland wan bought out
at a very high price from John T.
Williams, who jn kept in . barge tin lei
sslarv, and now plans are on lool to
il.k.h Hie hi 1 1 hoards :n all the largei
towns of the imrthweiHt from BoiBB
Citv lo I'acoin.i. Some of Hie hoards
are already under control o the Han
hrancisco people. the object of the
new combine i to control .-verv board
in California, Washington, Idaho and
other neighboring ntates and then dic
tate terms to the tobacco trust. As
the trust disnn u vast amount of adv. r
li-ing on board-, pushing . heap brands
ol cigars and chewing and ninoking
tobacco, the Man h'rancisco combine
In pes to he able to raise rates, and the
trust, being without other boards to go
to, must come to the center or else
cease advertising I lit i r goods ei.ept
through the press
Ix ara Uaad Proiu Batlls or Sunday at
Big Spring..
Meddesboro, Kv, Hit H. (..ss
Cbadwell and Win. Morgan, who w-re
ueuedud in Sunday's battle at Xig
Spring!. Union church, are dead,
making nix dead from the allrav
Dr. Kraosc Answering to Very
Serious Charge.
o -
UlN Swurlgi Allpganre lo (be MM Crowo
nd Wllle wnrnor of the uij
of lohinnnlmm.
I on.,.n, m t. h. Tin. trial of lp.
Krsuse, W gBUBTBOl o .I diannashurg,
lor high treason, began this morning,
on .liargssuf hating forwarded inlorm
atinu to t. t.s.r after taking the oath
'f allegiance lo lbs Brltleb crown,
rbe pmsarntion read a Idler Ir-.m
Krause le I r l.ey.ls, the Ihwr lUPUp
BSD agent, in which Hie prisoner told
hej M l"' bad AKree.1 to a 21-lionr arun-
' ' c HI the time ol the occuutllou ol
lobeUMMl in order tliat tlie Honrs
might h,. allnwad to increaaa their
for. es and umve their gold to Pretoria
I'rsiatutlsa Bsnlloni Prosldanl's Kill
initta Poidbla Csaaasltaa.
rgi'town, K i . . Oat, , - The aae-
mid trial ui Celeb Towers, charged
with i-oiitpracy in the assassination
of Oovernnr Bowel, tiegan this morn
ing. A Irmig array of legal talent
appears fnr Is.tli sides. AMOfUOl
t'auipball, lur the pr ose.-nl n.n . In ad
dressing the cniirl said "Who knows
hut the assassination of M. KInley wai
Higgest.sl by lb., assassination ol QuB
bel ami tin man hangail lor that
Four Railroad Men Loat Lives In a
Wreck tula Morning.
I Ilea. N V . i ct h rout men
ware killed in a irelpht wreck on the
Nee York ('en ml near orlskauy
morning The ib ail ure C
Shaiiuoii Kli ui..'
w ith
glue, i ...,..!
Kiatik Arllvle ..inilli hire nn
Pel BMP, llinkemin Wm V elr
wink wan canned by a colllaior.
a In igln engine.
London Haan of Araaar'i Oaalh.
Ijin.lnii, Del. K.- The Indian olllce
has race I ve. I notillralloii ill the death
of the Ameer ol Afghanistan. No
details are given
I U Ray ti Co.,
Bur tu.t wii
StookM, liotuttti
Mil. I I illllll
for sasa or uo rusrgia.
New York Stack Hackeage.
Chicago iilock I svbaage.
Chiuigu Hoard el I ads
LoudOUi Oct. H. I..,rd Kitch.ner
rep ols MM casualties during the
week ending yesterday, M) kille.1, '.'0
BTOUndedi -II captured, no surrendered
...rl st,,...
........... . .
WlUafd. IU
sit uiilaMl
gus.f i
Auga.l I, .MM
i ot'.i. airs
ia omn " -v
. .ar .Mil "
WI..I. 1 bMfSJI U, .It ui I
iX?'' s i.ad .ucli UrrltTo in.. iu . ,
i ,u, j.l i,,.l. ii. aJ . I.. 1 1 . I
aar or ins wm.uw -.' -
u Iu i Iwl adttlou " '.'''rf, 'J'
eilis lli,ll..Uir AIimsiis- ' 'J 7
Hi. . lo.ught an... Aiirnni. i ua. iea
Biur Luisa'f W,i I .V.bo .d iar k-
acaM ..r I nilord . iii- m. .si.i '.' a
STp-im-u a I o." du .ii m, - . i s-d swa
MlkVailosMaayali; asigkbor. TJJ"
I , I iu. isn, la tie had II
Vi..u,od. n -V'Jivu.
U B) wU Oval soMisis mil RM peial Has
msa. Tew rms vaeid Uu Uw knur paags.
the sgaay sad duli dial susas iadw
Hwuma of wowaa hsvt taias lo Ussk epea
Mlfl.iin u duly u' thP MJL
Mey kut.rei- J 0 hsrwfc Isroasdi wUfeh
aow raadsr. uanaca-ary. Wasaaa mU aa hMV Ufjl JfJSJ
ak Win oi lrdul brmas raiW la aaeds.t sa ki 0v ertvaty al w
hoest Maay U UN belt Koims k Hisi uly era atvw wBkeU Mvsi f-al
inaUuias It rurct whiU. aad l.lllag al tha hw and M?Uiy
.si.. Oust d.sl Prkdul imiM. Ur Davis' tmt .- vmi
SCI whsi vmmfmui l u I--- bar a-s.. .d
La, die ireidlurd . ttWX Lv-ighl sMs UkM 1 Cardai by '"'-'
SsmI 6 bu.ci. Whs IN VW druU l 0. 1UI dm.-.
aae S Uum. it RM wa W CU saJ Tke-arsT IMaU t
ot asfrs. Osvsi' Uh Nawar lafea a MiasWiuU
lea & Perrins
The Original Woroeatenthirv
Butlera, Chefs and Cuoke pronounce
it the beat Sauce; piquant and
apputiftog, it unrichea ull diahea.
TSsi .1. i . . b .... , UsuU.
Sanu Clause Headquarters.