i DAILY EVENING EDITION EASTERN OREGON WEATHER (!Siiiiw.r",iTPpi IT thtt 'iMeilllMtn lnM..kl SstanUy. IirM Iron 'tonight .., PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OltEttON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1901. NO. 4246 ... m4 X w m , I A r " - GBNBRAL k Place , buy Groceries mi y" can have a big ck to self-ct from. Call It stock is me. My both in fancy ami Maple R. Demott U. B. WISE AND SEE R. ALEXANDER The Leader In Values Before buying your winter wardrobe. A Quotation of Prices without showing Quality Goods conveys no Information of Money Saved is Money Earned. NBWS. rhe Boston Store. DRESS GOODS mi I'mtu'llt unite MM inn Repps iv Wonted Newest Fall Fabrics. Anton lrap Ie Ahna French Poplin Snake Skin Pebla Ohtviol Satin Victoria black trim- pi. i i . a a ...... a . . . KUQ mmvy woigni mhi i ImIom. a bMuiiftil Line of A Al. V III 111 LitMl . -T 1. Dress Goods Sale at the very low prices of lC He, 29c, 39c, 49c and 59c unexeelled values found here RUBBERS I tiM' lur. 11 lutur oiwl tur B -A I A 1 I nil III) uw ti u ntu prices. I 4 I . . . , - r- a atcn our JMlent ijlove sale. MEN'S CLOTHING. SUITS All the stock for fall is th I test dressers are now their choice, of high class $10 and $15 now in picking and out We are making a specialty values OVERCOATS New overcoats are necessary this as there is such a great change in style. We have them and buyers the. $7.B0 to $15.00 Please the best. fall the like LOTS OF SHOES YET. We thank our patrons for the big shoe business of this fall. We believe you like big values at small prices. 25c Neckwear 10c tonight. A !ead trait was formed in New Jeraey capital iid at 1160,000,000. Two colored men ware burned at an early hour Thursday in Kentucky, for stoning to death William Hart, a printer. The secretary of the treasury an nounced the intention of the treasurv department to discontinue for the pres ent the purchase 01 honds tor the sink ing fund. A world's record was broken at the Harlem race track Thursday. Mr Chesney covered six and a half fnr longs in till i-5, beating the best pre vious record of 1 :1. .lohann Most, who was arrested Sep tember 22 at Oorona, L. I., on the charge of violatng the section of the penal code relating to unlawful assem blages, was discharged from custody. The International Salt company which expects to obtain control of the It mines of the entire world, has been incorporated in New Jersey with capital ol I:UUHXUH0, ami will issue bonds to the amount of 112,000,000. A strike of the men employed in all the mines of the New York A Scran ton Coal company, controlled by the New York, Ontario A Western rail road, is threatened. If such results '"i'1" employes will be made idle. 1'he Bulgarian brigands have tixel Tuesday, October 8, 1001, as the time limit for the payment of 1110,000 ran som money by the missionaries for the release of Mi mm stone r else she will lie put to death or lie married to one ot the chief brigands. An important conference, part in pat- ed in by Senator Hauna, Senator l-rye and Congressman LittleHeld of Maine, was held in Boston at which the feat ures of a new ship subsidv bill, to tie presented to congresr in Oeceinber, were discussed. It is stated that the proposed bill will meet the objections raised to the one presented at the last session of congress. Ambassador Ornate has appliel to the state department at Washington for leave of absence, and proposes to il for New York a week from next Saturday. It is believed Mr. Choatc'a visit to Washington is inspired mainly by bis desire to obtain an agreement un the cauai treaty, aiinougu, oi course, he also has personal leasnns for undertaking the trip. PACIFIC NOBTHWgST NBWS. UPTON'S YACHT WAS DEFEATED IN THIRD RAGE o Columbia Won Oot on 21 Sec onds Margin. RACE THE GREATEST EVER SAILED Boats Were Close Tofietber Throughout tbe Contest The Course Was Firteeo Miles With tbe Wind and Then a Return or Beat to Windward Shamrock. Ahead Several Times. goods arriving weekly it at j x line ol gift books in white Coding, worth 35c, on ior24c. Ls sample line of fine xms and gift Looks at Sliced price. m ?Sg i ON OUR SHELVES and counters you will find only the hest of canned and package woods, and the best ol every kind. Whatever you want in fine grocer ies vou will find here, and you will find our prices right on teas, cof fees, canned goods and everything in groceries. We pride ourselves ti... , nuri. sv and efficiency of our our store service. C. ROHRMAM. I- ive thousand shares of stock were sold at tbt call of the Oregon Mining Stock Kxchange Tuesday. The latest trust in Portland is a milk trust. The dairy men of rurllatnl and vicinity formed a combine Sunday and decided to advance the price of milk. Master William lluher, aged D years, arrived in Portland last Saturday from Switxerlaud, having made 7000 miles journey alone. He came to this coun try to make his home with his aunt and uncle who reside in that city. Captain A. 0, Banks, sentenced to three years' imprisonment (or otitam- ing money under talse pretenses at Nome, escaped from Deputy United Mates Marshal W. H. lden, at a ho tel in Seattle. He is still at large. There is talk of establishing a Cuui berlaud Preabyteiran college 111 Port land. The sum of 160,000 apprnprial- M from the ll.taJ0.O0o centennial edu cational fund ol the church 111 the United States is available for the pur- peee. Warren Smith, or "Locomotive" Smith, who has boeu chosen by Man ager KedmonU as coach of the 'varsity football team tor this year, arriveu (roin Berkeley at Kugeue. As an ath lete Coach Smith has a record that is ,. .1 t nom the Pacini coast. William Hut, Kicbard Waldron, Kdward rulherl and Joseph Wll kens were drowned in Behnug sea near fort neieiy eariy iu avawai Meager details of their fate ere brought by Nome passengers of ibe steamship Queen. Ibe bodies were fouud ou the beach a lew miles below Port Salety. Jobu Cran, proprietor of tbe well known women's furnish mg store, auu a i.mMtr merchant oi Portland, tiled a petition iu bankruptcy iu the United 1 t'oiamiiis 1 rn-r.i starting unr ! sseonds t lore Hnain"" Mnlilii'd 4 "SCfadi h nd ftaMarook (iv Inu shamrock li toryim eUise1 sbyl sseonai nalamkia's tlaii allowaacs if 4.1 iscunrt", save hsr lbs ' y .'I wonta. Highlands, Oct Ooltimbia won the third race II the international ser ies for the America's cup, finishing to day a loser to Shamrock in the actual elapsed time, but winning nhen the time allowance of 4H seconds was tak en into account. The race today was the greatest ever sailed in the history of yachting. Tbe wind was to Sham rock's goon at the first, but b dying away later it favored Columbia. At three times in the run todav, hain rock was ahead, and looked like a winner. The agreement was that the yacht winning three of the five races would lie winner of the series, lienci today's victory keeps the historic America's cup oere, III Mssessioli ol the New York Yacht club, in tbe cus tbdv of which it has remained from tbe drat. Story or the Day Prospssls Brlanl. Highlands, Oct. 4. With two clean cut victories to her credit, Columbia sailed lorth from her moorings this morning to meet the Kuglisb c halleng er for tbe deridiug contest iu the inter national cup series. At 8 o'clock tbe wind was howling along at an eleven-knot cl ip. The sea was smooth as glass and everything aoomcd to spire, to make it an idea! yachting day. Near I o'clock, the The wind had almost disappeared, ami the race had practically resolved it self into a driltins match. THE NEW YORK MARKET Reported by I. L. Ray ft Co., Peadleton, Chisago Roard ot Trade and New Tork Stoek Rxshance Brokara, New York, Oct. 4. The wheat mar ket was lifeless today and there was only Huctnatlon all day, with the clone the same as yesterday. Liver pool was 11 lower, 5 o New fotl opened at 74 lt-8. and closed 74j. Pork closed ,V higher, llo.ti'S Janu ary. Stocks steady Money. 4 per cent. Wheat: Close yesterday, 74. Open todav , 74 3-M. Kange today, 74l4 to 74V Cloee today, 74'., -locks: Sugar, 117, steel, tit 1-8; St. Paul, M : V, P. MM Wheat In San rranaiiao. San Francisco, Oct. 4. Wheat, 08. Wheat In Chlsaao. Chicago, i.-t. 4. Wheat, ItS ft H to ttH &-ft. KINU EDWARD INDISPOSED Hat Rheumatism, But it Not In Serious Condition. Ahetdeen, -cotland, Oct. 4. The at tack of rheumatism from which King Kdward is suffering is not serious. Ills majesty, however, has given up hunting and takes short drives attend ed bf his physician. Reports from Scotland thai the royal nhvsiciau was summoned to the king's bedside increased apprehension regard ing his majesty's illness, rear is growing that the malady is id a more serious character than has been stated. London Alarmed. Imdoii, Oct 4 News is eagerly ought concerning the king's condition. The tad that no court circular has be. ii issued since Wednesday night in creased tbe general uneasiness re garding tbe king's condition. STRIKERS RETURNT0 WORK WENT SOMEWHAT AGAINST SCHLEY IN COURT TODAY Question Considered Was as to the Coaling. o COMIANDEKS COULD HAVE COALKD Say Severe! ol ThemEiana Sblp, lovi, Sajs Rofirrv Could Hav FUN the Bunkers. thf wind increased iu soon piping along eighteen knots crested with strength and was from sixteen to The sea aouu i.e. ame lute caps and tbe Mates court, placiug bis assets at louuo and liabilities at 10000. the princi pal creditor is the l-oiidou auU sail Fraucisoo bank. Mies Cremeu, tbe bookkeeper of Mr. Cran, la named as trustee. schooners running along the Jersey shore were bounded badly. Aboni U o'clock, the racers took a low and b it for the starting point. Ths right for Position. It was a rattling battle to see whnh boftl would secure the weather I When the warning gun was llrnd Cam. Svcamore laid his boal .ft a trille and nulled out from under Colei lee. Shamrock then came up iuto tbe mud. followed a few seconds later bv Columbia. When the alerting gun was tired. I". ti. boats slmsl away (or tbe liue, Columbia in the load and sham ruck i-. windward. The American croaaed the I me eighteen aeconda ahead of Shamrock. At 1 1 iM Shamrosk was Ahead Immediately alter the atari the race developed into a hitting match, III which nhamrock held the upper band during the early stages, running H and sailing on even terms withCoIum bia. Ibe American hoat, however, soon inline kid dolls 19 quality German Utiier dnlic u"US-Conil)lt;te line 'lu'Wand n.cial heads. in V -Fine castile soap ler ii hoar 1 J wai. rieiiiac at soaps average 33 i"3 cisewiiure. I V.. 1. applies 2 ; slate pen ' 'td Oenrila cr etc. k , -- j-i "tRlCK N0LP. SEE BAKER & F0LS0M For Combination Folding Cot and Chairs. Just the thing to take to the mountains A mi A Grtl W Next Door to Postoffice Feudleton, Oregon Will "K" deall she drop, m l think all.-s doinj; railnr a fine thing VefJ oltcn the futuri li"vvs Ucf thai MM as Using the iwuadatioa y mn ol unliapptuciia When the back acbae, ...l.u.i tl,..r.. 1 irreuil.illl ;. all olllt-l I'K .11. WKinauU ill then the hrl a" ow. to IgMMU n. to Una a .uit- lor ucr alluicllU. Tbt ua- ill Ir 1'ierce 1 .ivorilc I re acriptiuu la caeea ol womunl disease will insure a piuiiiil restoration to sound health It rrguUus th.- aisi. l"i. unhealthy draioa, heal jiiflaiHliiBtioft an: ukeratR.li, aud cuie female ruk uei. It makcb weak women Uoug, tick women well. . .. Sick women are iiiviii.i 10 uni.un Pierce, bv letter, re uf cuargc. correapoiidcin-c aUolutely pmale couiideaual. In lus thirty li..jil itiiM'Uce i ' I' - 1 - A kU l,ik Ml ..i...i..ia'.. liu lie, led and .uii.l tliau lialt million omn Ad IMI r k V Meruc. Hunaio, n 1 will dropyuu fcw ftMS lo-tay ia.lc ul r-vorll.- erc.r,aiuii 8-l f l" U, Pierce s Louiliwn .-e Lwof malltng vmh. Addre-Ur. k. V. Viercc, Buttaiu, H- AIR-TIGHT HEATERS I have a full line of the celebrated COLE'S AIR-TIGHT Wood and coal etovee guaranteed to be abbolutely air tight None of the heat U wasted an5 the etovee w 1 aave ONE HALF of your fuel bill. T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man. All and ears auu lerce, 74 Main street, Pendleton, Oregon. .ft .,1 ueaiK a ore ot Ur more drew away ami at 11 In o'clock led hv nearly a minute shamrock then pi ked up a betu-r breuoe and passed Columbia at 11 :Ci o'clock, shamro. k sped along like a fleeting ghost and at II :J o'clock led by about a minute, rer AO v.i. iag In Windward Hub. Ibe regatta committee decided the race Would le hTloeu miles to leeward and return 1 he aiud bail llghleliod 10 Whit beu the preparatory gun war tired. Both sloops kept well to Mimtward of the line. !t was evident the rival skippers eere going to tight it out to see who would get oyer iart and still twi within the handicap time of two minutes. The last yacht over thtt line in a run before tbe wind has the advantage, as the rear boat is al ways first to eaten favorable puffs ol w lftd Shamrock Turned Ahead. The Miamrock turned tbe outer mark a minute ahead of Columbia The boats made a pretlv race of it ift the run before tbe wind aud over the last half of the d islam e the Col um hi a more than held her own. Shamrock rounded tbe mark at VI 4 flat ; Coluu Ida at 12:4W:60. At l:M Columbia oaaaed Shamrock aud looked like Uui The challenger cusssil ('o lumbia's bow at 1 07, showing tbe Kng iishinan still in the lead. An uufortu 11.U nuH of wind . angbi t3bauira:k at 1:17. laving bef di a bit and Columbia profited by the loss. tee Vp at UM M At 1 m the vaebts were un faiJ Liruii Willi IU jii.m. ..tiiiiu. iu iavor oi Mbamruck. At 1 :40, Capt. llarr. by asiliog bia boat along the lge of tbe wind, gradually d Columbia out to windward of Sbauirock aud took a very aligJi 'eaJ over the cballeuge. Columbia galaeiJ ou Hhamrock, hot it was siow work iu 1- l.l.t air. At :U7 CoiuutUia led i. nufir a tew aeoouds f he Wluo nau tailed considerably. kBaaroe Led at S:g. Axti'A, H haui rock aupareotiy waa ahead, and at 11:86, Sbauirock was plaiuly ahead, with the wiud drop ping At 8:86, tbe yaabw still were three miles trow tbe tiuiah line, Hbam rock slightly in the lead. a PHniaa- ftaUb at S-ftlle Mark. Alsiut three miles from the tiuab liue, Hbamrouk took a alight i Sallort Hold OfT on Acsount of Non-Union Man. San fr.inciso, Oct. 4. A maiorilv ol the striking teamsters have relume I to work, also 400 boxmakers and most 01 the other trades, except the sailors, the latter holding M and refusing to work with non-union men. Look ror Boer War to gnd. London, Del. .1. -We learn ou very high authority, says the Daily Chroni cle, that a sudden ami complete col lapse of Hour resistance and the SmcO termination of the war 111 South .tin ea are anticipated. The attacks on horts ltata and Moodwill and other re cent engagements are regarded as tbe last desiterale eltorts ol men who are wearied by the struggle and tired of being bunted. therefore lieyond sending dralls to . oiupeiisate for losses by casualtlna aud disease there is no intention to despatch further reinforcements or to employ Indian insipa as rumored for gdardnig the line ol communication JAIL WOMKN WANT PIANO. bpokane toinmlsslonersftesslvo Peculiar Rsqussi Prom the Basllls. I he female inmates ol the county lail are longing lor a piano with which to while away the dull hours, savs the Spokeauiaii-Kev iew , and yesterday sent tbe billowing MMftftTftftlefttttMl hi the board ol county comiiiissiouers: room Jaii, Qgeabet I, itwi. Chairman County Commissioner ; hear Sir' We, the ladles contliied III the jail, 11 ic 1 llfg very inontouous and netiliou the county to furnish Us with a 11. ami. so as to make 1 1 lei a llllle more pleasant. " Tins eoiiimiiiiicalion was sigmsl by Kloreuce Schenaiill, 1 iiiuia Mel lor J Marv Murnhv. Iirne Kay. Mable plli e and Mettle I ireen Ih imoiunioat ion was carefully considered by the comiuisalouers, but action was postponed for the reason as Chairman iirai lit sagely remarkisl "We need lurther i n lor mat loll, as we are not yet iiiloriued as to whether they w iild want an upright or a baby grand. We will also want to know whether they will want a man or a wo rn. n to play the piaim In the mean tune we will place nirselves 111 com muuicaii'iii with pioiiiineiil pianists aud ascertain what their services would cost the ciunty. Also, they might want a prima dona In sing for them lisnerous Kir. Dean. 1 ommisspuier lieau waa enthusiast 1 on-i th. -proposition and aald : "The 'ladies' by all means ougiil to have piano, and il Ibe board refuses to si in tbe mailer. I will luroiah them one in y tM II," which declaration wasrec.elv ed l.y Auditor liuniiarii wim a guuer nut amlle. ( 'oiniiiiasioiier Hutler maintained an ominous alienee, which Uaiisi no gixsl an far as be waa concerned, lor the eU lerprlsiug project Of H.u nullity jail' "lady" guests. The "ladiea" of the county jail wh lung for the running influence ol a pi alio are doing lime lor the lollowiug otteiiaes: K lorence Scheiiaull, colored who nas lieen iromiueut at tbe poloe Latiou lor a number of years, is serv ma a JO day sentence for petit larceuy Kiiima Melior, Mary Murphy, Lome Kay aud Mable sepuce, all convicted uf vagraucy, and serving three mouth iiu- . the other, tleltie ireeu, the i.Mineaake of America's wealthiest wo man. could not be found on the Jail ,.wn.tHi but there are two other ie uiales there, Maud ttuaeel aud Mrs 0. bummers, aud one of ineee un ioubtedly signed the name m & Pleas Per New Nasal 11. J. U. Hiaucbet has been uhoeeu to draw up the plaas or tbe proposed HI. rraucls bosuiiel. 11s is uow ousy on plaus fur a hoepiul at foal lie and will not I at able to come to feudlelui. until Nov. I or after. When be arrives, aud as nart of the elans are made, tne foundations will be not iu. The re maiuder of tbe building will be eon. strucUsii as soon as spring o; Washington, 1 , t t, Coa! was the tlrst theme at the opening session of the Schley court todav. Judge Advo cate l.em ey read a statement setting forth th ml resources of the Hying squadron when the retrograde move ment began. Lieut. DjTBMi who had the llgurna showing tl al supply, read a state ment showing that Im le 's tqOftdrM coil hi have steamed at full speed un der hmed drsft as I. .Unas lirooklvu, H days , Iowa, l.tj letas, l.t; Marble head, J.I0. At the end of that time, the ships would have bad enough coal lelt to enable them to reach Kev Weat. Commander Kislgers, executive nttl cer ol Ibe Iowa, lestifled the Iowa could have coabsl easily at Hantiago on the lav of the retrograde movement. Me said he bad fto orders prior to June I regarding a battle alenild tbe enemy appear Me lirsl sighted Ibe enemy on Slay '.M', when the Colon was seen an shoved at the harbor entrance No order to clear lor action was given, to lllS knowledge He saw S second ship and always n p posed he saw a third at the barlior entrance After the war, Kodgers serveil as chairman of tbe na val hoard t.. determine tl.c eflscl id gun tire on the ships o both Meets The board found, so be testified, that Ibe per cenlage 01 oamage inuicieo ny tne Itrooklyn'a shells was about 14 per cent. Me said be hs l never u Of lered by Kvans to tell alsnil the signal I ights al Cieiiluegos. MISSIONS WAS 1 mi: subject Usnsral Lonvsntlon Rsfmsd Yst 10 !isat Oslsaats Prom Hawaii. San Francisco, Oct. 4 Al this leorniug session ot the p.piscopsi cm volition. In John llslsirn, delegate from St. Clements chaad, MuuolulU, was refused a seal, pending stilt lenient ol the church controversy of Hawaii. The claims ol 1'ittsburg, lloslon, t In ciiinati and New llrelans lor Ibe next convention were presented. On mo tion of .1. l'lerisinl Morgan, they were referred to the committee. At II o'clock, the two houses met in p. ml session ss s Isiard ol missions. and the remainder of the day was spent in the discussion ol iniaaionary topics. 0. S. L AND U. P. QAM I KS l"g. jury la- d Kuougb uiouey was received from ibe all o nan sea of the gate receipts to pay all pauses of toe I state lair aud poaelbiy lease a belaaaj. M. I Wisdeau. tfte trotary. f-l Not to Bo Lonsolldslsd In Orasha kp Harrlmaa. alt l ake. Oat, 4.- All rumors rev- alent to the effect that nregon Short I. me ,.nd Union I'scitl. headiuartera would he consolidated 111 Omaha are set at rest by a wire received ny I reel dent Snow d the Mormon church this morning, from K, M. Ilarriiusn M New York, cluaing a 10 year lease h.r three flOOri III Ibe Ueseret News new building. oora Paul it sua. The Hague, Uag, 4 1 'om Peftl Kru rar'a DOoditlOfl is Hirliirbing to his friends Importanl docuinelit" which have been in his possession lor .eyersl .Iwvs remain unsigned Win. Oavli Again 111 Loan. Walla Walla, ct i. William Ha vis, chargtsl with attempting to uiur ,ier KfBt llaworib, hli laiibless ia4 heart, was brought tadore Judge Ihoin aa II ' Mrents yealerday thai lieuiigbl plead lo a nee inloruialioii which was file. I bl tl BBt albillie) Havis plead.-d not gulUv, and was remande.1 a tl ish-fy ol the sheriff where he will remain until neit Monday morn When he Will l laseu isjiorw that his gmlt or luma-euce may ietermiuwl. Davis was c.sil and coiiatrimi 111 tne court room, and before making bl. ptftl asfcisl the curl il the new inloruialioii win. Il was 11 led was in any manlier ol a loon damaging nature than the flrsl I'avis appears If nave proaperml dur ing his prison lib., and had lakeu ou lleab so thai when he laced Ibe judge yesterday he was sleek and 1st ralber than cadaverous as Imfore his incarcer ation ihs leOl VHkai ckor Luiuinsrslsl Bsylsw PlasssHal ss.see, uoo Orsoii. Wetiiinaiea aad Idako. 1 he I'urtisiei UeeMftereiftl Re left Kiv.-s the I ..II .wing ligurea lor Ibe IMOI wheat crop lor Oregon, Washiliglou and Idaho : Oregon 1 matilla, 4.000.IJUJJ shsr mail -.',0011,000, liilham. Z.aoO.UO. 'n ion 'tavOOUWi, Morrow. Stfft.UUU. Wasco, 800,000,' Baker, 10.000, Wallowa, leo.OUO; tiranl and (laruey, 216,000, Marlon, 060,000; folk, BOO.OOO, 1 aue, 600,000: iduu, '16 .000, ileulou, ftJO. - 01)0; VaniiiHI, W0O.0O0, Wash in P n . dfto 000, Cladkamas, HiO.OUO ; Liucoiu, Joaenbiae, Jackson, Oouglas ft others, m,0M, total. 16,46,000. Wash lug ton Wbllmau, W.600.OO0. Liuixdn, 0,000, (ssi, Walla Walla, , . usi . Adams, 3,61)0.000, Hpokaue, 1.600.011; tiarOebJ. l,J00,0OV; i. 1 HMiiuai. vn..iki.i me imi tin, BOO, 000; Columbia, 0A0 000, ma 600,000. p-rankllu, 470,owi S60.000, Clarke, CMMPfis and utiuiM. lUO.OOO; tola J, 1. 1.1.,. N feressi, B.mmssp i a.sawv . ... 21S- wMmLMt 1 11 1 mm .!... -' 11, mii wmm www - -7 jpasw will reaoh nearly aav.i 009- lioa, a.ikJN.onv; mm w r?. , war; avoar wowtuw w mu 1 ft . -s- e.atWUMMJi total, 17.tJ00.000 I " - I a . a,a mm aafflsl AlUk of ai, ew,w,viss. turn fJ-Heine couauuip U0t; sued far IMtt crop, 3 000.000, Hour eetiu For export, 8e.M0.0Du wuse lleaduuartorb. ft