East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 03, 1901, Image 1

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limn mum
NO. 4245
'he Place
where you can
havr n big
iiock i
select fmm. Call
luiJ see m
My stock is
Lr both in fMCy ami staple
i, R. Demott
The Leader in Values 1
Befofl huyinR your winter wardrobr.
A Quotation of Price without showing Quality of
Goods conveys no Information
Money Saved is
Money Earned.
The Boston Store.
Newest Fall Fabrics.
ftaulX'Soie Arnuiv
Luni Pranelle Drap Do Alma
liranitc French Poplin
UiOM Snake Skin
Isatin Repps PebltUheviol
lay Wonted Satin Victoria
in light and heavy weight and in hlack
i'id colors. A heautiful line of trim
ming to mutch.
Rtuienilwr our
Dress Goods Sale
l) the very low prices of
I2!2i Ifc. 2Qc, ,Wc, 49c and 5c
till KOdled values found here
All the stock for fall is
the bant dressers are now
their choice. We are making a specialty
of high class values
now in and
nickintr out
$10 and $15
Pal liH'k her all no v and 1
lli'i Lew l vl
i! lie v
to show
ow priua
New overcoats are necessary this
as there is such a great change in
style. We have them and buyers
$7.B0 to $15.00
Please the baft
We thank our patrons for the hig shoe
business of this fall. We Mieve you
like hive values at small prices.
IWatch our Silent Ulove Sale. 25c Neckwear 10c tonight
The annual meeting nf the Union
Pacific will be held in Suit Lake City
October K and of the O. ft. A N. on
October . Both are for the election
j of director and the transaction of oth -er
regular business.
The Cuban constitutional convention
haw addreaaed a letter to Ueneral
Wood informing him that the change
which he suggested yesterday have
been made ano that the convention,
deeming it work completed, is ready
to diaaolve.
Mien Blanche Bates, the Portland
girl who ia playing the leading femi
nine role in Frohman's "Under Two
Flaga," at the Oran opera honae, waa
taken to Orace hospital in Detroit,
suffering from a aevere attack of ma
larial fever.
The Northern Pacific annual meeting I
showed that recent minora of lack oil
harmony were unfounded. Not only Tb SflCOOd
waa there no contest at the election,
bnt practically the entire vote was cast
by proxies made oat to J. P. Morgan
and I iv him tranaferred to Mr. Racon
and Mr Perkina.
Kumor cornea from Cardiff that the
near ttitore will witneas a huge amal
gamation of British and Spanish iron
and steel intereats in order o do bat
tie against the encroachments of the
American steel trust on the Kurnpean
market, inquiries made in London,
however, fail to snstain the existence
of such a project.
The final sale of the iate Marcus
Daly's breeding stahl islunent was
held at Shaepahnad Bay. Ihe richly
tired matrons from bis stud in Kng
land were in great demand ami the
prices were high, 41 head selling for
1206,100, an average of 96002 per head.
James K. Keene paid 1H,500 for Field
Azure, a famous Knglish brood mare,
and $11,1100 fot Lady Keel, the
dam id Hamburg. J. K.
117,000 for Pocahontas ,and August
Belmont $17,000 for Lucy Cross, an
other famous English mare. The oth
er 2 year olde alao brought big prices,
W C. Whitney taking a brown tillv
b St. Simon-Lady Keel at $1(1,000.
and .1. B. Haggin paying $16,600 for
a chestnut colt by Ayreahiri'-1.' I Hclave.
August Belmont paid $26,000 (or a
sister of Hamburg.
Breeze Was a Shamrock Good
Omen, Said Experts.
to one on the Columbia. Few large
sired bets are reported, however. Mc
Intvre and Marshall announce that
they have wage ml $10,000 on Colum
bia against $4000 placed on Shamrock
II. by persona whose identity thev
declined to disclose.
Among other bets reported was one
hv Joesnh Corvan, of .loaeph Corvan
A Company, who placed $1400 to $1000
on Columbia for the race yesterday, I
Rim Wu Such is to Set Wild
Wilb EDtbuslum Ibe Crowds
Upon the Snort
Reported by I. L. Ray Co.,
Chlaaao Board of Trade and
New Task
Summary of the Raee.
..I. is. klanliiK, eresseil thd
11 u -it . Untitling, crossed .-.i
IIM, I ill W.
Shamrock, ktartinf, nw-ivi IBS
11 u- m flnUhina, crossed al 2 II
time. I:16:rs),
i nlumhls won In actus tone. I I"
Tunc allowance. M sroinils, sildp't
I'oluintila'i victory, IM,
line at
Ilii. at
i paaa
u.,L .
'I'wm an v or wcfhiy
ttlin: a l redui t l iv lrai
in while
35'. l"'
MV iine nf aili
a HNiBg
" tor 2il.
'Miner s sample line of fine
mms and L-ift Looks at
P reduced price.
China Crockery id
Glaawara RrVo$jr Table
makes tin meal tempting when tlie
dislxs are dainty and of delicate
and pretty patterns. Our slot k is
all up 10 date, handsome and ol the
newest ilt-MlMis and exquisite de
c orations Handsome dinner sets
for wadding Kilts, as well as hut
vases, t;lassu an and jardinieres, w
have m choice variety, and at sui
priaingly low prices.
Eighty miles of track is completed
on 1 1 n- new salmon river roan in
(leorge II. Barber will construct the
basement of the new St. Paul's church
to be erected shortly on Catherine
atreet In Walla Walla. Mr. Barber's
figures are $2-.V.40. He commenced
excavating. Mr. Barber is a well
known Walla Walls contractor.
Mra. M. E. Outbrie, wife oft'. C.
liuthrie of Alma, Wash., eloped with
Krnest KeynuJds of the same place on
September 20. The elopement has
caused quite a senation and it is now
reported that the parties are some
where across the line, they having
been last heard from at (iraud Forks,
B. C.
A ruaaked highwayman held up
Mayor Henry K. Kowe Tuesday even
ing in Portlund at the corner of Kust
Sixth atreet and Holladav avenue.
within a block of the mayor's home.
The roll tier escaped. The mayor had
left his house to hoard a trolley car
alien thr h iguway man sprang at hini
out of the darkueaa.
James Edward Brady, the man who
committed an unusually brutal assault
upon a 6 year old child, Ida Pugsley,
in Helena was taken from the jai1 by
a mob aud hanged to a telegraph pule
in the hayuiarket square, about three
blocks frjui the jail. The crowd was
orderly, and after the man had Iteeu
hanged it quietly dispersed .
fhe report of the first quarter of the
made hv the UlllU-d
Highlands, Oct. :t. -A fair and full
wind gave good promise 'or resailing
of the triangular race between Colum
bia and Shamrock today. At H o'clock
this morning the neinouieter at Sandy
Hook registers! twenty knots, while
the sea ' quiet Hint smooth. Noth
Hnrr and Sycamore this morning claim-
Madden paid il the conditions favored their respec
tive crafts, so a corking race was in
order, said the experts, it the Hind
diil not rluke again. Extra careful in
spection was given the rigging ol holh
vac hts this morning, for the hreete
nromiHed to strain every inch of it to
the limit. Shortly after tf o'clock
tugs were hitched on anil the IMM
startixl for the lightship. Among the
guests on hoard Lipton'a steam yacht
Kriu today wre Mr. and Mrs. ii rover
Shamroek Ovar the Llna First.
At 10 o'clock Columbia, Shamroc k
and the committee Itoat arrived at the
liithtshin and nreoarations were made
hHitti vi -tr, as
Slates asaay ottice at Seattle show c a u,,,,lll(, p-hamrml.
dehcit under last year'M receipts of al- , American, the
moht $7,100,000. Ihe receipts Ol g' Id
were fjf.174,819. The falling "it a at
trihiiled to the different methoda
employed in the Klondike and the ex
tremefy dry season at Nome.
'Ihe ijuiuiault nservation in Wash
ington, comprising :t00, 000 ai res, prob
ii i I v Mill bl tbrovi open to settlement
next spring. I he contract lor survev -
the ri'Mervulion is alsiul to in
fur the start. The wind had flattened
a little when the tow lines were cast
off, but still waa strung enough to
worry the slower excursion craft that
attempted to lollow the racea.
At 10:5,') o'clock the warning gun
waa fired and the scrap between the
skippers liegan. At 11 o'clock the
starting gun was tired. It looked like
Columbia went over the line lirsl.
Official lime of the start waa: Sham
rock, 11:00:4:1; Columbia, 11:01 :47.
Yachts rooted Like Raaa Horsas.
With the lea rails awaah for the hrsl
time, the yachta bore away for the
first mark. Shamrock held the lead.
It was a rattling race and excitement
was intense, the hosts footed like
race horses, kicking the water from
in front in cascades.
At 11:40 o'clock they neared the
I mark, Shamr.u k going around lirsl at
ii:ui:u; uoiumnia at ii: . :in.
How ths Yaehlt lore Along.
As they tore along for the second
mark, Columbia little by little cut
down the hal leiiger 'a lead, though
tin- Imil-I mini, an wan still leading hv
over half a minute. Shamrock went
around the aecond mark at 12:40
o'clock, and Columbia 66 aeconds later.
I I, en began a grand tight. Columbia
l .Mint along al a terrible clip, ,-inl,
na- going like the
l OK
iiaardrd. I omuilssiouer Hern ami ol
llit- general land office said ludav that
it h.i.. robahle the old "sooner" svs
lltga KOUld he adopted at the 0MMlill
,,f I. ,,lh this and the Kt. Hall reeerva
t ions.
MOllS-Lan K i.: j jn.
o. hub mu uuus iy
wood quality German
Ylh dolls 2c up.
'iedus-.i:il1111it.. i;nu
Fehina and metal heads
r. on,:.
. J
-Fine castile soap
popular soaps 5c,
har. Please bear
0ur soaps average 33 13
thn elsewliere.
''Applies -25 slate pen
12 Wad tlHiirilu CP AtC
wmrv NOLF.
I w
For Combination Folding Cota and
Chairs. Just the thing to take to the
mountains - -- -- -- -- -- -- -
Next Door to Postoffice
IV lid let oil.
Oi eg on
I have a full line of the celebrated
Wood and coal stove guaranteed to
be absolutely air tight. None of the
heat is wasted and the stoves will
save ONE HALF of your fuel ML
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
Nu one nerds to tx- told to t r to cure
a OMICta Bttl any one will hi glad to
I nil, I nf a nu-1 .1, of tuir wlnrll will
be thorough and lakliiiK In I'line
C. ,M.-n Ur in al Disco Vt'M n a inedi
cmr which can Ijt cuuhlciith rcKt-
1,1 eurr .!-,.,.- ol the urkulis ol
repiratiou. it cures obstinata, daaf
si- .1 1 couxlu, lronchiti and Uk-eding
of the luilirt It cures whm UOthiRf
ele will cure, and the loi ul ph Mi lan
...... 1 uoihina mule that we
..mi rlik '
riir.- ia no aholiol u, "Oolden Med
ical Discovery," aud it n. ahjlutt
from opium, coaiue a
The dealer, tempted by the little aiore
,.,111 1, ud hv caa lie ill,Moii iiu-ilii oira,
Mill I., 1 1,1 . Irv aud 11 a siil.Miiuu-
K " Lliaeuvarv " b aski-d fur. No
. 1 , .uiu'.c rurdiciuc will aatiaf) thr sick
like "Ooldeu Medical 1 iua.war . 11
alwaya hel.. It alueart always cures.
Two yr su a trrrte cuug
ail I waa al lettered wlih
Mr F Skjjd ut Uuikhwm, l 11
Main itroet, Fendleton, Oregon.
aturtel un m
llarrl, " wrWaa
mu 1 u Miuu
I cuuld uul Urf nilil
wir l U'Uhl lr,tu .rviai
inc. oul l ttu avail. USUI yrai
ao o td I cudlil " Iwcalhr llir.,
at o ut. Ithtu IrVsd U fwra
...1 nl. .r, Ailri l.ikma ria
m ml III JfclH, . I
I aai a well uiau I '" " ...
fo auy out -ilfcrius "om ilw -aour IrouUr
Dr cicrce s Pleasant reiieia eurc l,-Upallou
Or Pierce'
aifti inr.ll
ao when I
h my n,wr
jUU a Med
I utile ol
nun at
k rue.lv
down the lead. Al 1 o'cloi k Colun. I ia
had caiiKht l.ipton's boat and a lew
minuter, later shovad her nose ahead
Thr, crowds on shore bogan hoailiiitr
like demons.
After the most BMUIM of Ir1rMH
will, ('..Illinois Krailnali) iaWtMIM
her lead, she crueaed the line ahead
and won the second heat ol the 1 ui
Ai ie ilia Daily liases.
New York, Oil. o -The lolloam.
olhcial statement waa given ool by tin
sigueih to the agreement 111 tOMllMKMR
Willi Liotou's rnjiiDst for raies each
"Ihe agreement deteruiluiiig Ihe
conditions and governing the races lor
the America's MB as agrntsi RB4NI by
the cumiuillre ol tha New York Yacht
Mb tad the Ituyal Ulster Yacht ilajfa
are hereby unxiined aa lolloars: Mi ike
out clause beginuing: 'The first rare
shall he swiIimI on Saturday, epten,
htr Mi lUOl, and subatituUi the fol
lowing: ' The races shall Isa sailed 011
the billowing dates, namely: HuptMi1
lar Septemlwr 'M, October 1, aud
October I, IWUl, and oach following
da except nuuday; provided, how
ever, that immediately on the conclu
sion of the race ol October I, and of
us. b success! iug 1 a, I or regatta i om
mitlee shall inquire of eacli ofjutesl-
aut whether he is willing to slart the
next day, aud should either contestant
reply in the negative, one day shall
intervene bafore starting the day's
race. Suudav shall uot count as such
intervening day. '
"for tha New York Yacht Club,
"Kur the K..vai I .sin V a. Ill Club,
' l halt man
iBglim caaasaaat.
J oud on Oct. S. Tha iiiorulug v
Laara indula-e in liltla coasuiaut on ths
' . . . . ,1 l. j r.
nui lorinanoaa 01 ia1 nuauiua rwu
Ill.f.tllM till
LMsrluuiaaucai umiu tu uuuurtu uv
I 11 1 lit tuut 1 UU that the cbaflsuwr would
show holt-r 00 1 ho UUUiguIar uojras
and is anparently iui proving her lurui,
her work ia vweterda's light alra lv
iua area! satlslacliotj. It is gonoraily
conceded that uhajicsw ( liftlug the
1 . u 1J...
cuij luuk origUMtr. mr. usuumv-,
rod 1 lor oi the YachUiuau, bus declared
in an wurview that ha thiuka the
ohanuadl of ihe challenger winning the
cop are remarkably gouo, pruvioiug
she aula uuly ordinary luck , althoogh
with a airong wind aft Columbia ia a
uiarveloualy faat V
New York, Oct. I, There was
scarcely anything doing in wheat tislay
ami toe price range was only a half
cent. Liverpool doeed unchanged.
ft--r!V New York ORtMMd at i4't and
sold MtfMW M fl and 71 :!-8, elOtltlfl
tixkr- were very dull, the vacht race
nveiving all tlM attention.
M oimy, per cent.
Clnse resterd ay, 74
Opta tislay, 74
Uange tislay. 74 ;l-x to 74 7-H.
Close tislay, 74 V
Htocks: Sugar, 1174: steel. 43; St.
Paul. lfii , C. P N i'-H.
Whaat In Chlaaco.
Chicago, Oct , -Wheat, M to
Sampson's Lata Arrival at ths Raitla
Oan Into tha Kvldanaa.
Washington, Oct. It. Ilelore the
Schley trial osanal this morning, Kay
imr, counsel for Schley, stated Ins be
lief that in view of the rulings of the
court on the subject, Sampson would
not lie brought into the case. Schlev'n
counsel, however, was pleased at the
tact fhat got into the record tuati
inony of the witness who aaid that
Sampson arrived an hour and live min
utes after the Colon surrendered.
Capl. Sigshee resumed tha stand to
correct Inn testimony ol yesterday,
I lent. Doylea dinact exaiuination
wiih continued, lie said the ItriHiklyn
was in all the bombardments in June
Ihe Spanish did not remain at their
gun, but as they wilbdmw they look
snapa at the Hrooklyn. Me saw Schley
under lire during the liouihardtllf ills
and the battle of July .'I.
Lieut. Iioyle alao resumed the stand
tislay aud testifissl in answer to the
iiiestiun that Schley before and after
the battle was so self-poHaisml as ail) -..in-
cuuld in- under these circum
stances. Kovle gave a thrilling recital of the
Krooklyn's part in the battle, lie told
how the Brooklyn kept up coustanl tire
on the Vlm-ayu aud the Teresa, and,
after those vessels were put out of ac
tion, of the chase alter the Colon.
Mis atory gave M indication of alleged
cowardice M Schley s part. Doyle ad
mitted that in writing the log of the
Hrooklyn he said the ship turned to
the westward when the battle hegan,
whereas the Hrooklyn in fact made the
loon eastward. He test i lied he made a
mistake because be had Ikk-ii busy at
the gllllS, hut corrected the log when
Commander Sharp called bll atteiil
to the error.
"Are We On ihe DerenslveV" Asks tha
London Dally Mall.
London. Oct. S. The repeated ham
merings the Hoers ara giving the Hnt
mh have created the greatest public
alarm and depression The I'aily Mail
today asks. "Are we on the defcli
aive? "
The war nltice today isniiml urders loi
the Kilth aud Ninth regiments of I an
cera aud the I .igliteeiilh and Ni e
Mis' Hussars to prepare to leave ,,r
South Africa
The archbishop ol I'nrk in Ihe cur
rent issue ol Hie York I Iha-eser-an Mug
atiue iroHises a day of national hu
miliation as a means ol haslenintr MM
MMM i ' IWitn-h arms in Hoiilh Africa
gxplusion 111 MsKssiworl.
Mi Kiii-port. ii. i Sewer gas ex -
: ioh, in the haneuieiit of the I'eoples'
loiage plant Ihia uiornliig and
r rei ked the uiaehiuerv and part ol the
,i. i Ming. Kiigii.ei r I'rice and Kire
mm Kingi h y wen latally injured.
Hallls en i liars Ossarl.
.I rha Island, lrica, Oct 3. A lar
ega IMsltj iiiciilly capturrd a I up.. I,
caravan near liaiiierghu in the Sahara
desert alter a severe light with heavy
casualties and MsMMd a rich haul.
fhlladalpliia Wsrshousa gurnsd.
riiiladelplna, Oct. 3. IdMM'l big
storage warehouse was destroyed hy
In. II. , MMflllRdJi He bias helug a
liiarler to a half a million
lou In Hungary.
Vienna, del. , He. cut elm tious in
Hungry OtMfMMI many dislm ham en
llhcisl raiairta alios iweiitv-nimi pn
sons killed and forty-seven injured as
the raeult of riots.
.Admiral hampaon surremh M id 'on,
maud of Ihe lioaton navy yard. His
successor, Hear Admiral Johnson,
calhul upon Sei relary Long Mi pay his
respra Ik .
Governor Gage Made a Politi
cal Ten Strike.
Sblps In LmiIdk ihf Port. ih First
Ten Weeks Nlnnj Per inl Will
Return lo Work.
PltMllOO, Oct. I, -Oovernor
age MnMMl last night that,
through his MilftthMi terms satisfac
tory lo hotl, parties had been agreed
pOBi and that the teamsters and
water front strike was settle, I
The peaceful settlement of the strike
resulted m folly Hfty DM it of tha
membership returning to work thia
morning. It is expected that at least
ninety per cent eventually will Im re
employed. Trans I'ai Hie I ices have mil yet
made an agreement with the unions,
but expect to tislay. The oceanic and
coast I lues have.
Steamer Walla Walla left port tislay
with ii union crew, the Ural in tan
week' opinion is generally expreaeed
that Oovernor Uage by his suiveeafol
mediation has made hiuisell so imiuii.
lar politlotlly that his WRORllgdlttoil
and elect lou are assured
mh I-r.iiicisi ... Oct. .1 The morning
session of the I i-ixopai convention
was taken up with reading rwfOMl and
referring them to the various commit
teen Ihe Woinau's Auxiliary opeinsl
its triennial convention with religious
ceremonies in lirace church and a aar
HMM bv Hishop Nichols. The huiiueaa
inoeting was held this alteiuism.
Ishop Morrlf ssrmon.
The seruinii hv the venershla Hishop
Morris wss a si rung missionary plea
from the text "Launch out into the
deep anil let down your nose for a
draught, " and Joshua's worda to the
children of Israel, "How long are ye
slack to go to Niscsa the laud?"
He declared that the mission of the
church of leans Christ waa to all na
tions, ranks and conditions. Hha is to
launch oul and cast her nets into the
deeps ol ignorance, poverty, unthrift,
aormw, shame aud crushing grief,
the deeps nl avarice, too, SB Well as
licBotleil worl. Illness and stolid, stupid
lad lib rem e. It was for tha furlhar-
gg this work hy the use of the
hi st means that the no-inhers ol the
en, t e ut ion were Kathi-red here in this
lo the most ol them lar nff part ol
Ihe couiilrv.
As a resident of this I'acilic cnast lor
thirty vears, he felt thai be could
speak ss one aim knew its i Is Slid
lis promises sml wss sware of Hie
slackness el His church in coining out
til possess this gissl land.
The hishop Uoted from a simmm-Ii
latclt ihin.red hy ('resident Konae
valt in Denver, in which the than vice
pr. indent r-lmwed Imw slow the slataa-
im ii ol H arlv days ol mir country's
history were to realise that the great
west was to Income an inhabited end
civilized land within any reasonable
I !lns ignorance was rslbw led
in ihe i hun h iipis, rlunitlea ware lie
laMad MtMM ol It and the MMRa
UUSJtll lOM to IIM i hurch is irresrsble.
Mmsklng .1 (he siiavsti. ii Iroui some
QMrleri that Hie MlUsli nary UMfMlM
t Ion needs recoliBld. I si loll lln- bishop
plaead biRsxatll oa raaard as an unbe-
I lever in the necessity ol rado al
ebgllaS lb aid he did lint lielieve
Ihe , bun vef had a more nil. KMl
miasioiisry admiulatralioii than al
"It is the old slorv ." he addetl, "of
Sim, kins- son., .in alls M whom lo lay
Ihe blame instead of taking It home I"
OMfaelvaa II all Ihe clergy, hishona
and laitj nad done as well aa s few
have dune there would have beeu Mu
aiaaioii lor thisiry for Ihe recoil-
ttredt lofl ol our missionary system. '
fOUIld Old NUUIS Minsk
Port TOMMIM Ii Oal ItM steam
er outsell arrivsal this morning from
Hawson a lib 471 passengeis and 60,
UUU Kvideu.e has las-u ohlaiuerl that
the Nome mines were worked yians
ago lolh.r.lam and lusina k disio
have been disioyorl lielow the sur
face. Orssl kalpbullder Dead.
Philadelphia, Oct. 1. Henry W.
Cramp ol Ihe Cramp ship budlliug
llirm, dud this morning ol pneumonia.
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OOdiJOO OSOdO 8 8 8 o 4 0 8 8 0 0 n tilJOdSr r, 6 6 8 8 8 t 0ii 3
basHk sk.il Mrbssr
wsi.u Less I m.iisk.i
New Yora, Oet. 8. The Tribune ia
authority for the statement that the
prevailing odds ia the luteroetioael
yacht raoe appeared Ml ba about tsiii
. IB
aW . .... I It. kai
I u w
;l "
I nunuLULU .
if 4(0. 9
RMH ak
Tan Ninf.fL riiuriji jfif Vrkbv. October tTf it
le mu italics luuicsuaiiT " - "
E a pmrtormw. Prta oc, 7BC. $ i.
C aasissesal sa aaaMs-s assfca-s sMss.
M,,fl tr a.eaaaRaiiRRdRRllllH Ill
wwih ileailiinarters.