East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 02, 1901, Image 4

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New neat nobbv
styles for party
and home wear
UurgMt wi- have
shown Price
Cleaver Bros
Jas. A. Howard. Karui loan.
Toilet soap large line. Noll's.
Cufls and collar buttons. Noll's.
Olvmpia oysters and clams at Down
iv' tish market.
ft ihirt waists, now 49c. Cloaver
Mr..- Dry (roods Co.
Wanteil A good, strong boy t wri
in atore. H. Martin.
Htorn room tor rent, enquire at Mr
Campbells' millinery sturo.
Heat school hot? erer sold
Cleaver Brother Drv Oooda Co.
Babool iininik.T. i Lo
Cleaver Brothers Dry Mood Co.
The flneat line of double breastfd
box coat in Oregon it Alexander's.
Kor Drat class riga or n cab at My
hour telephone Depot stables, Elvin
' raig. Prop.
If you want to tee a nice line of wall
(taper and bordera go aee C. & Sharp,
Court street.
Hchool auita at diacount of 10 per
cent duriug thia week. Cleaver
Brothers Dry Moods Co.
For tale A neat ti-rooin houae and i
lota on corner, nice homea all arotunl
it, 11400. I. T. Wade.
(to to the Woman 'a Exchange for
home made bread and paatrieM on W. .I
neadaya and Saturday!.
81 load bacon and wafer I iced
amoked beef in glaaa bottles.
thing verv tine for lunche at llawl-v
Muaic hall in l.alMw block will M
open for engagements on and alter I
September for dancing only Kiiitiir.
of C. B. Wade.
Call and aee me if you want frOMl
lea. I buv in carlota and will sell
cheaper than any store in eastern
Oregon. K. Martin.
New invoice of syrup pitebert .
bowla and pitchers, salt ami pepper
thakers, vegetable dishes ami pi I
era at llawley Bros.
W. K. Withee is agent (or M Do
mestic aud Davis sewing niacin in- A
fall line of supplies. Repairing a ape
cialty. All work guaranteed.
Lost On the street check for 160
ou First National bank issuel bv s. I.
Hutchinson to Cora Miller and iwl.r
ed by her. Notice is given that pay
ment haa been stouped on this em I
Finder of same will receive reward by
return of check to Dan Keniler.
My stock of fancy groceries is well
selected and I would like for you lo
see then., fancy oickles, relishes and
chow chows are of the bet imported
and domeatic brands. I have a tine
line of smoked lish, fancy Hsklrll
and the beat cheese on the market. H.
At bed time 1 take a pleasant herb
drink, the next morning I feel bright
and my complexion is better Mv
doctor says it acts gently on the
stomach, liver aud kidneys, aiid il a
pleasant laxative. It is made from
herbs, and is prepared as easily an
tea. It is called Lane's Medicine.
Lane's Family Medicine mover tl
bowels each day. Price 26c and BOc.
For aale by Taluian A Co., sole agent.-
School Books
All ready for
First Day of School
We have all our books lor both
Public Schools and academy unci
will exchange new books for old
ones at half price. Comp.mi.iii
boxes, rulers and blotters given
away with purchases.
Distributors for Umatilla County.
Ureal remount Ml ill II Alexand
er's. We have a Hrat class carriage painter
with a guarantee, Neagle BfOi,
N. Berkeley ban sold the Whnrf ami
Naah ranches to some people from
Have yon seen the new rimlans
every lady ahotild have one; at Alex
ander's. Todav ia the laaf day one can regis
ter to vote at the city election in De
cember. l.adic' "ilk and llannel waists in
MM dintiet pattern' and styles at K.
John t'lirtcr appeared before Judge
Beam thll morning and waa tlnel $16
for 1 -i ., drunk and using obscene
In the NMNM court, state of Ore
gon, reapondent, vs. Frank K. McOan
iel, appellant, a petition for rehearing
waa overruled.
tireshani. a little town U miles east
of Pottlaod, was practicallytdeatroyed
tv tire eariv Tueadav. The total loaa
ia about 00,000.
A decree of divorce waa granted yea
terdav alternoon by the circuit court
to Apple M. McHinald from her hits
hand W. R, M. Konald.
A I totals waa I Iroui the HMD1
tv clerk'- utile lt night nr the mar
riage ol lib-hard M. Palmer of Walla
Walla and l.ora H. Orcott of Milton.
Bumora are n tl-Mt about town that a
verv tine quality of aand haa been dis
covered near the Colunibia river below
Umatilla. The rumor haa it that the
vein ia six or seven milea long.
(rant Tliornburg haa juat received a
government ftatent trom Waabiugton
for hia Knirview addition, consisting
of forty MM lying in Fast (irauitu.
which had been under contest for two
DeWitt's Little Karlv Itinera never
diaapnoint. They are aafe, prompt. gen
tle, etteitive in removing all impuri
ties from the liver and bowels. 'Small
and May to take. Never gripe or dis
treaa. Talimaii A Co.
A man who wants to vote in the city
.lection in December can do so by
registering tisiay, which ia the laat
day. The registration office, over
which City Recorder Mean presides,
will ! open until '.' o'clock thia even
ing lo accoinonidate thoae who wish to
register ami vote.
Frederick Nolf, the Court street,
merchant, who edit- hia advertising in
the daily and weekly Fast (tregoinan
with considerable care, reports that in
the last few days he haa received or
der tor goala advertise. I from Alaska
and Montana, a lady writing for an
article from Montana and a man from
Alaska, both having seen his an
nouncement in the Kast Oregonian.
Kodol Dvtpc sia Cure is not a mere
stimulant M tired nature. It at;. Ti
the stomach complete anil abaolute
rest by digeating the f- . d you eat.
Yon don't have to diet but can enjoy
all the good food vou want. Kodol
DvSa'psi.i Cure instant!) relieves that
distressed feeling after eating, giving
you new life and vigor. Taliman ,v Co
Dayton claims to have stored in her
warehouses more barlev than any other
point in Waabiugton. There is stored
about 1,000,000 bushels, while h num
ber of carloads have already lieen
abippod. Columbia county ia a great
Parley growing county and most of the
product comes to hay ton for shipment.
About two thirds of all grain growing
in the county i sent out irom Dayton.
K. T. Cox, who ia in Camas Valley
In the interests oi the monthly ex
change lair, writes to the Kast Oregon
ian that there will be no shortage of
stmt to sell and if the buyers are as
much in evidence on the Hth instant
the lirat monthly exchange fair will
be a great success. The farmers and
ranchmen are much interested and ap
provo t ne , ...i iiio-i heart i ly . ''Mar
ket day" in Pendleton promises to be
a monthly e.ent to which all will look
"I had long sutlered irom indiges
tion," writes Q, A. LeDeis, Cedar
t ' n , Mo. "Like others I tried inanv
preparations but never found anything
that did me good until I took Kodoi
Dyspepsia ( ure Om bottle cured me.
A Iftoad who had suffered similarly I
put on tin' use of kodol Dyspeosia
Cure, lie is gaining fast and willlaoon
be able to work. Before he used
Kodol Dyaepaia Cure indigestion had
mad. him a total wrack. TaMman &
Ssvruor Swsngsr ot Wilbur U Charged
With Stealing a Cow.
Seyuiore Stranger, living uear Wil
bur, waa arrested thia morning ami ar
raiuged before Justice Fit tierald at -o'clock
tins afternoon for alleged steal
ing a cow from Chaa. F. Murple, also
ot Wilbur, it is alleged that the lar
ceny wa- t'tnii in i tttsl nearly a year ago
The examination was uostoued ami
Swauger was placed under f. si bail.
The defendant savs that he did not
steal the cow, but that it was purchas
ed by his father. Attorneys Carter
ami Itabn have been retained to de
lend the case.
for ths Uxshanga Fair.
B. T Cox and J. M. Kpence return
ed this afternoon from a visit among
the farmers between here and Okiah
They were working in the interest of
the Monthh hxebauge fair which will
take place in I'endletou on next Tues
day. October a. They were successiul
everywhere in getting the promises of
farmers to bring produce to the fair.
Fully 7 head of horses were off ere. I
and large quantities oi farm produce.
Those who are unable to bring some
thing lor sale, have promised to nelp
the experiment along by their pres
ence here.
Low Rats to Portland.
On Wednesday, October '. the O.
K. .V N. Co will sell tickets I'endle
tou to Portland ami return at fu.tWi
Tickets good until October H.
A allocking suicide occurred in the
country seven miles southeast oi Col
fax neveral days ago, when Weusell
ilorak, a Bohemian farmer, placed the
muzzle of a shotgun III hia mouth and
blew the top of hia head off.
A seufcaiion in political circles was
caused when 88 din ers and employes
ol the department ot public safety, in
Pittsburg, uearh all prouiiueut in po
litical affairs, were removed.
Prlsnds of the Prosssutlng Attornsy
Proposs Htm tor the Plass.
District Attorney T. O. Ilailey has
been named bv pronunint oitiMIM of
PradlfJtM to succeed Dr. F. W. Vin
cent to the mayoralty. Mr. Mailey's
consent to run for mayor waa the re
sult of Dt. Vincent'a refusal to accept
renominatioii for another term ol id -lice.
In an interview, Dr. Vincent says
that his private business demands hia
withdrawal. At the end of thia time,
he will have been in nftire for three
years. Me aaya that the work which
he set out to do has been completed,
and to remain longer in otlice would
result in the loaa of a great part of the.
enthusiasm neceaaary to the carrying
out of his Official dtlltiea.
lie baa fulfilled every promise which
he made on bis election tooftice. Dur
ing his administration the indebted
ness of the city haa been lowered. The
water service ia in better condition
and leas expensive. The lire depart
ment haa been made more effective by
securing a reduction of 10 per cent in
the tire insurance rates.
Mr. Hsllsy Interviewed.
Mr. Ilailey says that his policy aa
mayor of the city of Pendleton would
be "to follow out Mayor Vincent'a plan
ol action aa regarda municipal im
provements, to make the city a desir
able place fur residence and business.
A now sewerage system is needed,
and he would see to it that the need
should i.e supplied aa aoon aa the city
could afford the expense.
Much of the revenue which should
go into the i itv treasury, through the
police court, finds Its way Into the
county funds. Such crimes as petit
larceny, assault and battery, etc., do
not affect the people in the county,
but the people in the city in which
they are committed. Mr. Ilailjv savs
that his position aa district attorney
ami city mayor will enable him to
turn into the city funda much of the
police court revenue, that now finds
its wav into the county's strong box.
II. advocates strict preservation of law
and order and would see to the enforce
ment of all citv ordinances.
James Potts of Athena waa in town
Moae Taylor from near Weston was
in town today.
W. T. Paul of Weston transacted
biisinesa here today.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Qay ol Athena
were visitors in Pel. diet. n tisiay.
Mr. and Mrs. Mom .. Hlckl ol Was
ton were visitors in tOWR Inst ni'ht.
W. F. Meacham ol Baker i y is re
gistered at the (iolden Bute hotel to
day. O. W. Bradley was in town yester
day. He put up at the (Iolden Kule
W. II. ktdsav and daughter left last
night for an extended visit in New Or
leans. E. P. Marshall and Lee MiM)rhnuse
returned last night from the Antelope
J. M. Craig of Athena is arranging
to establish a weekly paper at Adams,
sav- report
Jacob II. .eh went to his ranch this
morning to bring hia cattle down for
winter feeding.
F. W. Stewut aud wife of Union
are at the (Iolden Bule. They will re
main a few davs.
J. F. Krause baa been suffering
with inflammatory rheumatism during
the past (our days.
Mrs. Win. Koesch aud daughter Miss
Treda went to Portland tisiay to re
main for a short time visiting friends.
L. A. Parkhurst is occii.ving a posi
tion in the Pendleton Shoe Co. 'a store,
fit was recently with the Peoples
Jerry Despain of Dkiah is running
his shingle mill lull blast. He says
that the demand lor shingles is greater
than be can supply.
John Kydd and Mr. Hollenbeck of
Toiichet, Wash., were in Pendleton
and purchased od head of bucks from
C. B. Durban of the Meadow lawn
firm, Antelope, Wasco county.
P. H. Lycette of San Francisco is
visiting his son , Jaik Lycette, lore
man at tiie Pendleton Wool Scouring i
Packing Co. Mr. Lycette will return
to his home in two or three days.
Blue Mt. Fagle A. D. I I re-
turnod early this week from a business
trip to Pendleton. He drought home
with him a complete set of the Dinted
States statutes, to be added to his
law library.
S. II. Christiansen of Helix haa sold
his residence to Frauk King of that
place and has purchased fifteen acres
of fruit laud of the William Thompson
estate near Milton. He will engage in
the meat ousiuesn at the latter place. j
A communication has been received
from Bev. John Ureii from Sacramen
to, Calif., saying that I.e has enjoyed
a very pleasant time visiting old
friends and relativea in California ami
will return to Pendleton this week.
He will preach in the Thompson street
church both morning aud evening ol
next Sunday. He says that he will be
glad to see Pendleton ami the old fa
miliar faces.
Fa (Iraude, Perrv, Hilgnrdaml Rlgin I
to pull him through.
The party in this county also has a ,
card up its sleeve in relation to the .
snerni a mnce. i ne leanera nope to
induce Postmaster J. C. Ardrev to run
I for that office with or without the en
dorscnient of the republican conven
tion. If he can he induced to resign
tba lucrative job upon which he now
WO DM to have a life lease, thev heliew
that lie will have a walk awav.
Other candidate- have not yet bMO
! mentioned.
Shiny shoes
Are the Style BOW Uti we have
them in all the latest designs and
Our patent call, patent kid and
enamel cult shoes are selected from
the best lines, and are strictly up
to dale.
They fit, wear well and keep their
The Pendleton Shoe Co.
645 Main Street Pendleton, Ore.
Soma Raslarn Oragonlans Arc at the
Hsad ot the Movamsnt.
Oregon is not destined to have a
campaign witli but two parties battling
for tiie spoils, says the La .ramie
Chronicle. Already a new set of poli
ticians is being trained for the arena
of state politics. Thu new organiza
tion is not building upon the ashes of
populism but upon its own founda
tions, its 'principles are the rights
aud privileges of labor aud it will be
known as the labor party, the plat-
hum will I -ma 11. 1 remedial legislation
all along the line in thu intorests of
labor, but the favorite measure which
will be the campaign slogan, is the
lei low service act so much talxed of,
especially in Union county, during the
last campaign.
The raison d'etre of the new party
arises out of the alleged mistreatment
of all labor interests at the bands ot
both old parties in the legislature.
Instead ol depending upon campaign
pramiaai the laboring men will organ
iie in sufficient strength to hold die
balance of powoi and demand their
The political center will naturally
be Portland lor the slate aud La
1 1 land, for eastern Oregon.
The prime movers in the organisa
tion of the new parly are Belt Unit
loan oi Kainela, the well known poet
of . r. ui.le Buude ; Orion of Multno
mah and Poor man of Woodburu. It is
understood that all of these DWW will
want a seat iu thu legislature. Huff
man will lely upon his wide personal
popularity in all parts of Union cmn
ly aud upon the heavy labor vole in
Portland Telegram Bneniras- tho For
mation oi on. in Oregon.
The suggestion for a state hoard of
trade 1 a a good one, aava the Portland
Telegram. D the right kind of men
from different parta of the state would
get. together and formulate n plan, and
act harmoniously, earh locality acting
principally for itself and within its
own local lines, yet all co-operating
along similar lines and for a common
purpose, carefully studied out before
hand, much good, At no verv great ex
pense to any one locality, could he
accompl isbed.
Or, if not very much was done ex
cept to arouse an interest in the sub
ject of attracting desirable immigra
tion, and disrtisai.ig ways and means
for accomplishing that object, the ef
fort and expense would not he wasted.
Public interest could thus be awHKenid
o that the next legislature would not
ignore thia subject --unleaa what it may
do in aid of the ino.'i centennial should
he considered sullicient aa it might
he If by that time, a year from next
winter, the success of the exposition
seeni" MMMd, This propoaed atate
hoard of trade could then he prepared
to tell the legislature what it wants,
and why, and help to secure it
But more than a year, including the
whole vear of 90t will elapse before
the next legislature meets, and in that
time much should he done, and can be
done, along this line.
hoard uuartnr; tiiat for the next fifteen
minutes the Brooklyn received and re
turned the lire of the two leading ves
sels. Sharp denied that the tleet ever
got '.'A miles off shore during the block
ade. His log showed that on the night
of May U the Vixen was two miles off
shore and the fleet five miles.
Do von suffer from piles'.' If so do
not turn to surgery for relief. DeWitt's
Witch Hazel salve will act moreiUiok
ly, surely ami safely, saving you the
oxa'iise ami danger of an nasrat'oil.
about $l-lo at a Mloon re
cently iMt 3 m may "capture"
a tlirto oem prow i una ticket
with every iWBOty-fivt cent
purchase ot our teas and
coH'ces, spices, extructs, etc..
that will be redeemed in
pretty china dishes.
Redeem yourself by trying
our collee. we have the goodl
vou have the inoncv: lot's
Owl Tea House.
Sells Mother's Pride eofiee.
votbrs nusr PAY TAX bufobb th.y
Only 400 Had Been Bnroll.d up to Thrs.
This Attsrnoon
The poll hooka c t 2J2r
night. IIP .0 that hour vo ra ma
place their names upon IN roll TO '
t .,. mnnt. ipal eleclnu, '
, after tonight. IN y bM
which a voter may exercise I ts Ogl
ol suffrage will be U prj" n a.
11 certificate signed b six Raw
testifying that h Il R legally qMlllw
VOter Oi the oily Ol Pendleton.
The poll lax of HmOtt be pa d be
fore the VOter may be rag.-ered.
Heretofore, an erroneous '
the contrary has been made and it is
desired thai II b 'rr.vteil. Mo
careful reading of lis. charter of the
town settles thi" a the fact.
Persons more than fifty ve.ua old, or
firemen or -oblier,. are exempt irom
the payment of the fl DO II fax.althongb
thev also must register nr present at
the polls the certillcate referred to
Tnasmiirh aa not quite OB1' ,he:
legally qMllfled voters in the tnwii
have registered, it .- hoped that there
will be a rush during the remainder 01
the day. and that w hen the polls close
at H o'clock tonight abetter allowing;
Indicative Ol MOM interest in the city a
affaira will he made.
C. M. Phelrs, Korestdale, Vt.. sya
hi- child waa completely cored of a had
ca-e Of ecrenm by the uae ol DoWltt'fl
Witch Hazel Salve, lieware of all
eonnterlelta. !t instantly relieves piles.
Taliman Co.
" lot thm UULU uuoi wwrwnm 00 your wmHti
Sann lor our r rw.
"OoldsnRulas lor Housework.
The- 0RBAT TEST oi iho
is its BEHAVIOR in WET
WEATHER. A Bhoc not prop
iirly made or made Oi letthot BOt
iirniisrlv SC.lSiitli'H SWELLS
WHEN WET tad loti lU shape
Our siloes art' mailt- oi tin most
carefully tanned, thoroughly
trot Chad ami seasoned leather so
that tin y not ONLY WEAR but
keep THKIK SHAPE even after1
having been THOROUGHLY
WET. They are made artistic,
Ityliah ami comfortable lines 1
Besides heiii; inexpensive in their
cost are (il A KAN 1 1.1. P t. wear
so Ion"; as to be the most econo
mical shoes.
We lit all kinds of feet PER
FECTLY as that's our lonjj suit
The Peoples Warehouse
716 Main Street. Pendleton, Or
m,l,., &m clothss white and clsan without Inhrv to the fabric in any wtj. ItawaaaM
Setter thsa TrsQuirs, only half the abor. andeojts much bu. r It twihST1
Uvitonthe diihev pans and woodwork and thsywill look like raw. HnamsTi 1
hard woik without GOl n DUST foi wroate sconomy buy out Urge packsja, '
THU N K FAIKUAMU uaii-Ai'i. iiiitaau. oi i-ouis nw rork. Bcttoi,
NEW WAI8TIMGS In plain ftgorod and stripes, til tbc j
neweat thniL's Iresh from tbr lootus ol the manulictuten
You can't aftonl to pass this store if yon want 1 nice dress ot
waist The prettiest dress uood window in Pendleton is u
the St Joe Store, corner Court and Cottonwood. Cio and take!
a peep at it.
Our Rush Still Continues ajid we thank the peo
ple for then liberal patronage.
Furniture and Undertaking,
y f jChfrUhrd
AwarJi d
Cold Medal
euid Ijjr Mm- -. 11 '1 1 1.
The Louvre Saloon
WV X Mr -v X iVU Mm ' '
I 'iiclf am : Mcer tor
liiuier's Furniture Store,
Miiin and Welti) street;
rlloton, ( )rcur(i :."
Pilot: "Why go there'''
Uncle Sam: "Beeauw
lias tlw liitest line of Furni
to le found in Btitfrn ()
and we all want lo feast
eves on the many nice furniture roatious ami secure
oi the rare DaVglini !' is offering."
Corner Main and Wehh streets.
Let (J I'ut Our heads toitetlier
II you wsn: lint cIsm csrrlss.' rrpsirlox .ton.
I Wo arc MeaeMd ui.l.. svvry tiu.l of ssrns'
I I m rvM I u.irL It, III.. vrv luial i.im.i.iu. ii... ...Il
lies sr tee best la ft adliiea Wseinpi.iyuui
I klllful Winloall work promptly
Our pru sr.' rossouablv. W can give yon an
eiliiual.' 011 any kiu.l ol carrlav work
A 8009 plate line of
Stationery and bonks
School I looks and
School supplies
rr a t a wrj New litM of f
etc. Newindi
designs in
good, pocket I
purses canl
HUN 1)1. K I ON
I U. Ray iSc Co.,
Buy suit sail
Sk ickH, HondH
Canes in all styles.
Combs, Bn
tiinl ( Treiin
for usah or uu msrului.
New York 5tock bachanse.
Chicagu Stock Hachange.
Chicago board of Trade.
Uuurl HU..I.
I ...
The Columbia
Lodging House
P. X. SCHKMPP, Prop.
Just received some
Fine After Dinner
And man)- Fancy Delecacies
Standard Grocery C(
Opposite iolden Rule Hotel.
in Pendleton. A chance to buy pianos at tremendous reduction.
Sile Commences on Thursday Morfl
Pianos on exhibition at Judd Block. Corner of Main and Court Streets.
IH'ltllt re a -
JOHNSON & RIDOWAY, Factory Representativ