East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 02, 1901, Image 3

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bought more than our trade
demands, consequently are com-
jtelle! to reduce the price.
will pell our 12c Teasel
and other tine out in. us at
10c yard
Thursday. Friday, Saturday.
leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co,
, 1
m rr ,110
- . I lh
nt. on rrwsy "'r""""
Horn or urs.
Literature el tin win
(tnrnonn Ht i! o'olOOh
mMwmoI Mrs. R. AtamMff.
mwnbr r inviteo ic. hii.mi... .
I he the tint meet-ng oi tne hhhw.ii
I - Imi ilsVf.lrll li' le
miiiiuers ... -
n, nr I ic amiiiKi-iiitiut I""
litlls i.urnle covered booklets,
... i i
..... with, run Hi I lit" naraa, inive
,ll n -
. iittriii.itM anions me gwDRn
- , . , . .
.. .I... .,,,. lull'lllll- I .1' HI III
... ...I wlwi.,Ur fAr tllH I'dlllilltf
ilie on er nl Iiiisiiii-ss ami tne
nbtnhip lint. Separate leaveH are
I ..,.11 in In written
' l I . .. I I.
rriwmm. 1 III' liiisiens ni nai.u
... .III I.1.V11 iiri.lu. re.l the liric
i.ir i-wi i iipiii ,.. wm... .....
it the nic'tlllg preceding. 1 lllIH
; MB Ml ib Mttfled at a meeting
Ui (xrt iln' m 1 1 1 taki. in tin' it.
Mm. K. (. Tbnmpsoii will assist
n !elniliT III the .;lltertiiihini!lit
IM club on Friday.
kMCMDHxlatr those wlin arc par
ts KM M of utomuors in apply
:.i a iiia into tin- nuial nassaues lor
-Ely'i Liquid Cream Ha i ii. I'rice
Jailin the niruvinwr tiii.it is IS
rt I II T I
..i.i... IU . . :
o; mi- mini nri-iinrni mu . renin
n ti nuiitklv absorbed l.v tin
shrine ami does nut dry up tlm -
baltbv character. Kh' brothers.
sirrm Jit.. X. Y.
i .i ... . .
wneu a.iH.nutii ti. in. ul.plltVShlp tin
iter Mr. Mntiser. It ig tint known but
in presumed by his friend tbat h w
come again to I'endletun to make bin
ir You
attain. Wheelmen
nsions, else
in this town.
to observance of
Ilm to Intern Oration in
Snaep Buslnsss.
L. Vlorw, who ban I. sen a dentltv
oiual States Marshal nielli
, mm iraticiir-ii . .iiintu i rMi-
el Portland Un tami appoint'.! uh
MQNinr. Mr. Mnrtm uiiiiouiu'hh
. ... a l. a sv
ittMii to bin sheep interests. He
rwiiisnt of I'lMi.lli'tnn for many
reaiuviiiK from bore to Portland
Tlicro la more catarrh In tliia amnion ol the
miliary than nil other .llanaan nut toirnthiT
am) until the laat lew yen. It wan auppo.e.1 In
!" iii' iirnlile. Kor h itrent many yeara dofitora
i.r.iiiiMiiimu it n iiii hi iiuuhm. nlnl preiiTI l..-i
iiei rume.lloa. ami by ennauialy IriIIiik to
':'iiw "in. i.i'-bi irtmiiiii'iH .ri.iii..ni'eil It 111
i'iirHi.1.. .ii'ii i.i- i.ruvi'ii rninrrh ti. In.
OOUaulUMOUal illwane, hii.I therefuro riiilrliiK
i.i i i -n 1 1 1. ' . 1 1 iinn a . niHrrn t:iiri'
inainirn.'tiiri'il hy K .1 Chen.-y ,v Co , I'.iIimIo
iiiiiii. .in in.' on I v .miHtltiitlonnl ru re on the
ii.nrk.il. It la taken Internally In iIohus nf from
iuii ur.iw ion ie.iiiooiiiiii. u n.'ta iltriietly on
:no diooii nil. I tti iii-tiii- uirfni'i". ol the ayateni
i ney onor one iiiinilre.l .lollara lor nny nane It
fnllH to NN, Band lor olrOttUfl ami lnatlino-
niaia. Aiiurcaa r. J. ijhknby a ('()..
Toleiln 'I hi
.loin oy iiriiKKiiit
Hall'a Kainlly I'llla are the boat.
You May py soma rinat
Mnort tarn ,
Mayor P. W vu .. .
latino the n. of h evni n-j7
ton K iminiit-
if m-i inrin
Willi 11 I...II... 1 .1
ticnt-r Hi-mi (;p prnyiaiona lm
3 C -"1 mn ioiiow
of the impertinence now
we oi many who ride
ne point" necenaarv
the law rP
IZ. a T""r '""'ng on tctoher 1, if
von deaire to ride on the aidewalka
...d JUu yon pay ,t yon bSSSuKB
on any aidewalk at anv time.
vou7.!!n":H8rinK the !?.
you cannot ride at im, fim m.:1
treet between the hri.l, and Railroad
atreet, which la tfie atroi r..nn;
and weat alon, the foot of achool bonne
..... ..or cn yon ride on Court street
T" "'" and Vincent afreet
wuraa in tnp street rnnninR between
pi!- i i w "nrt "vers' ntilln.
third- our licenae taK miia' he dig
,..ye,i wnere it can he easily seen
i ourin i mi must have
your Wheel when
any place in
L: tew. v m . . . ..
nun mn must rino l.ll
PpruBcninR a pedestrian on or off
aiiiewaiK, approaching from front or
"III . VIII IIIUS1 I latnnnnl .........
I . I . , " " " " itlllll
net oi wie pedestrian, ami
mm. no pedestrian
step aside even for
nas paid the
nave ...aoitite nKht of Mt n the
walks, and eoual riohta nn nv ...i..
pan oi me tuRhwava.
--lain ion must not ride on the
walks or itreeta faster than four m;!t
an nour.
ome oi the w beal man have iwmma
i k W "rro",,t- ''iregarding the
"kiiikui imii passenirers, and at times
causing the latter to stand in daneer of
n, ii-1 i. .
.u..... niieeiiiien k imrm ISSIOIl tn
rioe on the walks is a concession ma.ie
ny the city government, to allow mes-
senger hoys. liewsi.Hi.er carriers, i.l.v
sicians and others whose huaineas calls
hi. -in mn at in. I.t to use id.. uuiLu
ii wheelmen continue to riolata tl,.
law, as at present tbev do to the an
lioyance of manv liersons. thnexiatina
wraiBavBsva win pronaniy tie reMtalml t(,
uiai no wrieei mav ever tie ridden on
auy walk in the town of Pendleton.
ami. on
riding after dark at
town, on or off the side
Wrflk nast
II compel i', to
woeelman who
' cene. Pedestrians
Arrivals at Hotel Pendleton.
J It Nuhuadig, Chicago.
.1 O Mack, Portland.
0 H Htagman, Portland.
W T Atkln, 8alt Uke.
W T Hltlop, Portland.
John I. Cross, llostoti.
W W KobiiiMou, Portland.
B C Hkile, HiHikane.
W tl Fayle, Portland.
Jaa Schilling, Huston.
A S ileatlinlil, Spokane.
Or ami Mrs Win House, Pendleton.
w ii ratton, Spokane.
A II Campbell, Walla Walla.
J J Burna. Portland.
F H Pitt, Dalles.
John Sheeban, Ialles.
II t Keea.
I W Jackson, Portland.
W II Dindinger, city.
J Kennedy, Seattle.
A Uoderick (.rant, Port land.
Mrs W C Orr, Dillon, Montana.
Mrs Kliia Keppinger.
M (i Muueel, Portland.
J C Kriendlev, Portland.
J tl Cradlev!
.' I Lamblftb. Victoria.
K Creeue, St Paul.
of -nythins the
Jewelry lino?
"""unit..,,, , uu.i,
awftaAJU) I'UK'Ks
HIKIJ ii i : . i, . ..
Jeweler and Optician
ki iiuar and lloxlor'a
White Man Turned Yellow.
Great consternation was felt by the
mends ol M. A. ll-igartv of l.ei ingtoii
m . wlieu they saw he was turning
yellow, ilia akiu alowlv cliaiuieil
color, ii If, his eyes, and he suffered
terrih.y. His malaih was bellow
Jaundice, lie was treated In the l.i-et
doctors, but without benefit. Then he
win- adviaed to try Klectric Hitters,
the wonderful stomach ami liver re
medy, and he writes: "After taking
two hottlos I was wholly cured. A
trial proves its matchleas merit (or all
stomach, liver and kidnev troubles
(bily L'f.c. Mild by Tallman A Co.,
Mary Jane luitln Dead.
K Alexander has received a notice
of the death of Mary Jane TuHtui, at
Wrangel. .Alaska, on Septum tier
Mra. Tuatin was the wife of Fred
Page-Tustin, who waa a lawyer in Pen,
lleton eight or tun years ago and will
be remembered by tin- older reaideule.
Tfae remains were brought to Seattle,
where the funeral took place this at
lor noon.
Motions eveiywhere praiae One Min-
ute Cough Cure (or the sufferings it haa
relieved uud the lives of their little
ones It baa saved. Strikes at the root
of the trouble and draWa out the in
(lamination. The children's favorite
cough cure. Tall man A Co.
Nolloe to Holders of Bloycle Licenses
All i i censes are due on October 1
ihoee wishing should get them at once
and aave trouble.
W. T. Weaaon, (.holBonviluT Ta"
druggist, writee: "Your Uue Minute
l;nugh (.ore gives perfect satisfaction
My cost, nners say It is the best reined
tor cocgliM, coids, throat and lung trou
bles, lalliuan a t.i.
a Honolulu Coon" and the Character of
the Entertainment.
The "Honolulu Coon" comnanv will
be at the r razor on rridav night. Tlie
prices will be as usual, 50, To and 1.
At lioiae the company made a apb i. lid
bit, playing to crowiltsl house ami re
ceiving high praise from the conaerva-
five Statesuiaii. The Stateamaus
summary of the work of a few of the
artiata will convey to the people of
ibis city what they have for this even
ing's amusement
I he cmiiiiiM 's Inn strei'l pa'ad. lit
11 a. hi. showed them t.. puasess excep
tionally tine uniforms and musicians of
great merit:
A mnil.'l, clean, lauteh-nrnvok imr
show is A 1 1" in lulu Cmiii7 which held
the boards last night at the Sonna
"pera bouse." says the Statesman.
I be piece may he called a travesty
for although there is a sliulit plot, atill
that stands only as a uivot around
which revolves a bright collection "f
vaudeville and novelty bits which
were all agreeable surprises to the
large and moat appreciative audience
assembled. In the olio McCiirver and
Heed proved themselves to be the eoual
of any colored comediana win. have
ever appeared here, Harry Heexl intro
ducing aouie of the finest acrobatic
work ever seen. LaShe, the Black
wire walker, ia phenomenal, while
lirewer, the contortionist, seems to be
made of rubber. Kid Alston, the solo
buck dancer, danced himsulf into hiitb
favor with tin- audience with a very
clever musical act. Lilly (iaray, sou-
l.rette. who can alive pointers to manv
vaudeville favorites of today, ia partic
ularly clever and wineouie.hor dancing
being exceptionally tine. Laat. but
not least, ia the Honolulu Ladiea' quar
tette, whose charming harmony -Mid
stage presence was accepted with grea.
favor by the audience.'
Id Grots Arrested for stealing 916 Prom
Kelsay Walker.
Kd tiroes was arrested laat night
charged with larceny in a dwelling. It
is alleged that dross asked a young
mail by the name ol Kelaey Walker to
remain with him on Monday night,
that on going to tied, Walker placed
his watch and puree containing 16
uuder the pillow: that in (be morn
ing the puree and un.uey were gone,
but ttie watch remained. Police offi
cers spoke to (iroee alx.ut it yesterday,
out be denied any knowledge of the
affair. Last night be was caught at
Kultuu with some of the money on bis
person. It was known Uutt dross I. ad
no uioiiev i..dor. the robbery, because
Walker paid fur Ins supper at the res
taurant on Monday evening. tiroes is
a new comer but be has succeeded in
gaining an unsavory reputation while
he has beeu in town.
en aimm half an honr later than the
time named for starting from the light
ship. .
"The conrsea ahall be, aa nearly a
possible, thirty 30 1 nautical mi lea in
3. Starting time 11 a. m.
"The preparatory aignal ahall be
given tit teen minntea before the start
ing aignal, and a warning signal Ave
minntea before the starting signal. In
case of a change in the time of start
ing the same signals shall be ueexl.
"At the starting sigaal a yacht may
cr.isas tne line, the exact time at
which either yacht first croeeee the
line after the starting signal .luring
the BDceeding two minutes to he taken
as her etart, and the end of that per
iod aa the start of the one crossing
after its expiration."
4. No race ahall he started after 1 p.
V Kace must he sailed within 6
"If In any race neither vacht gives
over the course within five and a half
lOJt; honra. exclusive of time allow
Bin-e, sucn race snail not count am
mnst he roast led
An unfinished race of one kind
shall he repeated until finished."
8. Accidents will not count after
preparatory signal.
"In case a aerions accident occurs to
either vessel prior to the preparatory
signal, she ahall have anfflcient time
to effect repairs before being required
to start, or it such accident occurs dur
ing a race, before being reunired to
start in the next race.
Kach yacht ahall stand by the con
eequeneea of anv accident happening to
ner alter the preparatory signal, and
upon ine occurrence ot am such acci
dent disabling either vessel, the other
vessel ahall sail out the race."
liach evseel shall have on hoard
during races, and present during all
measurements, a representative named
ny her competitor.
M. H
Saves Two From Death.
" Mir little daughter had an almost
fatal attack of whooping cough and
hronchitis." writes Mrs. W. K. Hit
land of Armnnk, N. Y., "hut. when
all other remedies failed, we saved her
life with lr. King's New Hiscoverv.
Our niece, who had consiimpt ion in
an advanced stage, also used this
.inter f ii I medicine and todav she is
perfectly well." Iesverate throat and
lung diseasea yield to Dr. King's New
Discovery as to no other medic u n
earth. Infallible for coughs and colds.
50c and tl bottles guaranteed by Tall-
man A Co. Trial bottles free.
- a)a .
The Oragonlan Dined With the President
In Washington.
A press dispatch from Washington
says "President and Mrs. Roosevelt
entertained a tew friends at dinner to.
night, the number including Senator
Mitchell of Oregon." It it to be pre
sumed that President Koosevelt will
entertain many persons at dinner, hut
hot all Will he admitted to the honor
of being tnciallv announced as of a
arty of "a lew friends." Senator
Mitchell appeals to have a very strong
iKieition personally in the national
capital .
C. I Wade i am.- at The Dalles.
Another attraction at the fair, aavs
The Dalles Chronicle, that no lover
ol fine stock should miss seeing ia the
herd of tlerefords belonging to C. H.
Wade of Pendleton. He has ten bead.
ami they are tiard to Uiat, among them
tieing the lamous L'-vear-old Hurhaiik.
Odd Fellow, the prixe calf, and Bell
Donald, the prise yearling heifer.
Hotb the latter took prises over
Sparks' famous Nevada iierd. Mat
chon XII., the famous yearling
bull tbat was bought in Chicago when
calf for cliaMt to IliaJl), is also among
the number.
is Ockermau.Ooaheii.lnd. i "De-
Witt's Little l.arlv Risers never bend
me double like other pills, but do
their work thoroughly and make me
feel likea hoy. ' ( 'ertain .thorough, gen
tle. Tallman A Co.
' B s
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to me will pleaae call and set
tle li. M. SI.OAN.
Glllett's Combine Harvester
and Threshed 3,000 Aeres.
Tutuilla. Oct. l.-M. H. (iillett'B
steam com bin. -.I harvester made a mn
of over 3000 acres this season, making
an average of over HO acres a .lav for
fifty days running time.
Robert Radge haa gone over to North
Yakima for a viait
Joseph Miller arrived at Tutnilla on
Saturday on his way to his home in
Wallowa, having spent a verv profit
able harvest at Walla Walla.
R. Wi Walker came over from Gold
endale, Wash , last Monday in re
sponse to a telephone message inform
ing him that his son Charles Walker
who has been working in the Athena
neighborhood had been MftOMIj in
hired by having a log roll over MBe.
Mr. Walker the elder was formerly the
Cumberland Presbyterian preacher at
Kcho, later at Freewater, and for the
last four years at Onldendale.
Walter GUIotta ia down from the
Palouse country, where he has been
rnnmng a threshing machine.
W. P. York, a very successful raiser
of heavy draught horses, was oyer
(rmi Rltter for a load of npetloi to
dav. tony !.r-.- and Heorge Facas went
nn to (tillilan.l to a dance on Friday
Purl Bowman made sale of 3ia) sacks
of barley at H5 cents a hnii.lre.l last
0. Rngg, a shcepraieer from north of
Pendleton, was a Tutuilla visitor tialay
hunting for sheep pasture.
tieorge New kiss, a Hircb creek fann
er, was over from that burg yesterday
(ora supply .dm el barley. He ex
changed the blisiardy climate of Da
kota for the balmy air of Birch creek
three years ago and has no regrets at
mak nig the change
Mrs. F'.. Di Turner is seriously ill.
William Catherman went down to
his Foeter farm on Monday
O. I . Bowman recently diieosed of
a section of land in Coombs canyon to
John McOracken.
P,d Morebead, a well driller, who
has sunk quite a number of deep boles
in the ground in tins county, last
week came over from akiina where
be spent the summer. He already has
his hands full of contracts at his old
trade and is at present at work on
well for Klmer Snyder. While absent
he purchased a piece of land under the
Snnnvside irrigation canal near the
town of illah.
Miss I. on Newport ia up from Kcho
on a visit to North lutuilla tins week.
I i. re-., iialnv AirAirrtandM
a mill nun rfnx't ivr iuiatui' thrr art utility wh
derful Mr i1aitfhtr anl I wnTf rn.i hnrni utth
. ktomarh ami ur hrvaih wao trj bad After
taking a f of 4'arartu tt hatr Improved
wuuilerf ully The arc a triai hrl u ib f ami if
wn im mina Naii
111. ftlltvUbuuM m immnati Obtu
It'll mas a
P1Sai.PI I'ulutal.le It.nsni T.nit i.i.mi im
lUMI. !.! ... kl-l. It. ill . ... i.i. i.r IU . tie
ei-rllBg hr.,1, BBwBSSB, ' ' B. .n.,,,1 ft l..r 111
hi ami
tf'iar.i.ttii1 l.f ntl drua-
II Bl lolinci . Hal). I
i B t A m. I ar-k. bbsbv a av a axaa b
, "OW i I the time aud here is the place to get
arguins n, ur tllt i10ttters uuj ateei rallK0.s. I
J" von rariatMl of air tights wliich I am utl. i
T BnP. koan ever before. Give me a trial and
ui havi a new and complete assortment of
ftrjrand banging lumps at greatly reduced prices.
Joe Basler,
Main Street, Pendleton.
The Celebrated
Majestic Ranges
F" Line of Cooking and Heating Stoves
Opera house Block.
School Team Practices Academy
Coaeh Comlne.
The high acbool fuutball team had
its tiret practice tonight. F'ilteeu uni-
lormed candidates turned out into the
enclosure back of the achuo! house aud
worked hard for forty miuutee. The
team tiae good material.
Manager Roy Conkliu lias received
au offer of a game from the Baker City
high school, but the uate and place
have not yet beeu decided.
Manager Pond ot the academy team
has received a communication from
Dave Waddell, the new coach, eaying
that he will be bere on October 14.
In the letter were some instructions
lor preliminary practice. Waddell la
now at McMiunville coaching a team
deo. Mraud of Helix haa entered the
academy ranks. He ia a promising
candidate lor the toot ha 1 1 team.
aulas Covernlnar the America a Caa
Team Bases.
Here are the condition, governing
the aeriea or international vaunt ra. ...
1. Boat M liming -i "III ol , rut,,,
takes the cup.
J 2. Coureee .from bandy Hook Light
abip): "runt race To windward or
leeward aud return.
"Second race Kquilateral triangle.
Third race similar to nrst race.
Fourth race Mm ilar to seooud
Fifth race Similar to nrat raue.
In everv caae the oourae from the
starting line to be laid to wiudward,
it possible, from Handy Hook night
ahtp. . . .
"In caae a course, aa requireo ny tne
oonditiona, cannot be laid out irom
Sau.lv Hook Lightship, me regatta
committee may provide eonie other
suitable starting point, and m this
case tiie preparatory signal will be giv-j
Belching of Gases,
Pain in the Stomach.
Distress after Eating, etc.
There ate many raa.ed.es for theaa
troublaa, but lew cure.
will cure the worat caeee.
imIi-m Dumas boM, wtin Kioraiit-im
ti i o , hieiia't- in., aaurai "I t.,... baa
a auHbrwr from atomaon trouble. for in
yaayra, li uulmliiatud ,., ult-eratlon of
the aloiiitti-li lu-i Mm-. I. TOOB Nau'a
i apapala I iireaawi am eiired."
For sale by Tallman dc Co., and all
flrat claaa druggiata, or send to Frank
Nau, .-..ii. ami Hotel Fharmacy, Port
land, Oregon. Price $i a bottle or 6
bottlta for $s, cxpreaa prepaid.
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred W attar a, Froartatar.
;!, u UN bariels a day.
Floor escaaiujsd lor waeal.
flour Mill Peed. Hopped Peed, etc . alwayt
o. hand
Has the following bargains
320 Acres Wheat Land,$1.000
Bent Stock aud Dairy Kauch
iu Camatt Frarie, Cheap.
Good Houae, 8 Lota, $1200.
'E are tbe people and the only people In lue
Saddlery oualueea In I'eodleton tlia. em
ploys lull foroe of laet-hauloa tbe year around,
ana make our own neddlee, llaraesa, sic., aud
io uoi ablp ibeio Irom tbe let Ui.iu.jllk. ao.ua
el u. eoiupel.lora audtbeii tell you Ibay are
aa goo.1 wa dome made; but Ibey are uol.
Loading Manic a a and Saddlary.
Worth of the best
Laundry Mat binary
and a
oi how to operate it
accounts for our sm
cess in the laundry
It pays to tradr at the Ptoplct Warclm , ,
Boys' Clothing
Mothers: 0n
voti Special carr
"Hist b taken in arlecting btr'l
- loth.nc ,n order to comhinf ser
vice and ttyle, onr elathiaf it the
best that ran be bOvfbt, No infer
lor makes are MM frlfl and -tir
prices are not highai than you usual
lv pay for poorer qatUtit Kvery
ihiAfl in boy'l weans here and priced
less than usually told for. We have:
Hoy , l ,,, ,rou,.r ,ut. U o
Boy s Knee Trouser sulfa j.j, to o.oo
Hoy '.Knee rrousei.nh vratSto$io
Boy Vestee ..lt. frm fl , , $7 ,0
BliBl youi boy to us and you will
always be our customer
Ptndleton a (ireatest Store ("loth. is. I'uinishers and llattr-rs
I.i" itiunir. i i ...rr. ' ' "iesrat
y.si ol wa
Send ua
and you
regret It
Very DeidrahJe
Very (Jheap.
Also a big liat of town and
county property cheap.
aVLasVOrba the iBUEUtf avl
lays 1AM iwa.u as OiMia.
aoU aa louJlTo ttUrm
iuatdutl rafl-t Pr H
u. fo Piuu.wit.1 litiblimortberin.au. parte.
. i ..a... aa. i.t. ua iu
all aud See
1 C SBlf kCO.
ery bo la wa"t
far Sale by Tallaaaa fe
, aaa
rop'a CL
U) pr.
I Will.
r lw
For prices on all
kinds oi .
Windows and
HiJI Work.
YsvrJ on Webb Htrtsjt
OpfMJsita Hum rrabt Oapot
anil rtnrrw BBS
r..-. '.".r'T."'..""""'' r y 1 ,'"r, hT t-lirala ht-.i90t't-rori,tar imtihiw,! win,
rtl ll.l-.NK list ot.l) known rems.1. win,, ,i , ,.!? u
ii.rii ; .Ntslrt'ii ami mn. retornrtj It I irsd saSMit ll.vl n (. iu.wuei.1 , urw. Sljub
b mall. Hen. I Inr russ . In nler anil I. -Iltniinlwlw r run ure. wiwa
i.i" . '.illB.-r, the ! -..' r. 1. 1 h ti ( a f I , i
i '" """'J "'""' ' . Wr,.,. w,aillt; VtwmXS
I nii.ni .wii, M, r, (i,.,,,,!. i..in. e . . . . : . r.
ii""'1" ",' HfjfnslnrT and nil lbs hi.rmra el .. t.., ,. , -1 ,K M rleaaesatrie
sn.t rreiloressmai wl-ab ..T...,v " ' ... ....i,ni,.-. i ruil U wlowusibeae
A wl. l. IM ... I u. Uni am. Han Vw,-..-.w
rut hai.k iiv I'li.i.M n .: . paPfettiarfa. k ,.. . i oaaatsfl
Buy your Groceries of P. S. Younger & Son
They ph ase the fastidious hri'.iuse tin y .irr clean,
They satisfy the careful out s because ol their purity.
The appeal to the economical becaaM priCf is always reasonable.
Thore an- in.tiiy, no
purity or cost, simply
doubt, who s -11 groceries without
because they tin. I a good profit for
thought o
tlieuisi-l ves
Whatever your reasons may be give u a call and we will treat you
i (
I'llONK ,s
mav 'tarn BBaW BaMlSaTaaW
Moatetistdli Bros.
We i tr own work and guaran
i.s. the same at loaeet price
Lst iniatxa given oil all kinds of
rut alone. Kill I stia'k on band
It will pay you to see our work
and get prion bawaN placing
your order.
Main St.. it. it 0. H. 4 N. drpnt, Pemtlrton
ISi-lore pun basing i nine and
look over our large and com
plete hue of heating HtoVes
who li we an- selling at a ver
low hgurt-
The Leading Hardware Men.
In Selecting a Carpet
-..,ii a ill tlu.l the largest assort
sjasal to select from at I ailing'.
Store Mae g.ssla here iu all the.
latest patterns, tl... .-ma test vari
at , aal MM lieal value for the
u ' i can find juat what
want her., and just wbat you
aaaji, I'be u..i niaet values
..Ib rtHl in tlregoii Wall pa
pur ciieaper tbau ever. Tlia won
larful improved rotary Wlille
sawing u.aibii.e, buy no other
until you try It.
io make BSej breatl use Hyers' Hisl Hour It look first
premium at tbe Chicago World's Kair over all oouipetl
lion, aud gives excellent aallalacliou wberaver uaed,
K very .ack Is guarauleaai. We have the inait MUaaiu
Itolluri Bailey, tsead Kye aud Saardlaas Barley.
W s. 14 VI HS. Proprietor.
international Poultry Food makes theiu
licet Meal gives them flavor
Clamshells make them solid
Mn a gnl aide digestion.
I i a sample.
Hmy. Oram and Pasd.
w,yfc:.l AJum.cci Pendleton, Oregon