ATTENTION? Arc you aware that no other house offei yOM to in ducemeiits as wt do 1 Original uptodati in Stylish, Perfect Fitting Clothing for ...Men, Youths, Boys and Children... Aa we I as all the latent Nov titled In Neckwear. Knws, I our In Hand, Striigtiea, Tecks, all special selectee patterns and at popular prices. BAEli fr DALEY One Price Clothier, Furnishers and Hati Pendleton. WKDNI'NDAY, OCTOHEK -, 1H01. VAOUKNBSS OF A.NTI-ANARCHY. A vnlnninous stream of words low tnrnuKli tiie rninmns ol the priBM Iron the prtiH ol writers offer in Men h tun suppression of auitrrliv ot. observed by the Kait regno iaa MMW alter the assassination of President MeKitilay, not one practical srl le hait been proposed whereby the detent able school of civil iconoclasts are ( bfl eradicated. Tliroiiutiont the mini berloas articles run a streak nf heal tin opposition to the anarchists, hut t express opposition in not beyond tin power of the moat ignorant pat i rot K.ln.ated men ami women of affaire who I'oniuine ho mucli white ;,an-i ami printer's ink siiouhl do mor than tin- I liev should offer a solu tion. OlM (ieneral T. J Thorpe ol tin- linxade of the First New York Dm gOOM, is now out with a circular let ter lieadeil "Suggestion for Legal Sii ireesioii of Anarchy, " in which lie succeeds in voicing a well defined It--nun : (or the suppression of anarchy, yet offers no suggestions looking la wards a aolution of the problem. A company of school boys could do an much aa he has dono, in meeting ami deciding that anarchy should be sup pressed, and resolving that the govern "tent should define anarchy and ni hilism as treasonable crimes, without offering a definition consistent witl tie' principles underlying our govern meiit. It ia a case similar to a npftia Utile cook Who iniKht ilei'lile that 11 man is hungry, reaolve that bin hun ger should be appeased, and yet make no effort to cook him a meal. Any on can eaaily write resolutions regarding nunger, but only a cook can supply that with which the hunger mav le satisfied. And so with all of the suggestion-! emanating from men of OfdtMfJ niiiiiW. It requires a statesman of very large calibre to handle this lug .pie tion. Others must akirt about the edges of it without getting even lieyond the borders. HANOI LEASING LAW IS OKAU. Kor the present, the proposed law for the leasing of public ranges in dead. It has bean killed hy adverse comment almost general throughout the entire west affected by its provi sions. The law never reached a com mittee room in tiie national house or senate. Yet, it ia juat aa dead as though it had been duly consider-!) and defeated by regularly recorded vote of one of the houaea in congress. (Sentiment againtt the propoaed law appaara to arise in all sections, and is run tlned to no one class. Large am) small cattle and sheep owners, exten sive land holders ami thoee having les ser tracts, buyers and sellers 01 live stock, bankers and politicians, town men and countrymen, all seem in have united in a protest that leaves no donhi aa to the present (ate of the measure. Wiul. the objections are obvious, yet it ia to be deolored that the only attempt to solve the perplexing pmh- leui has tailed. Nmiething must he done to prevent recurrence of tin troublea between those who use the range. The west can ill afford longer to deserve its present reputation for violence and lawleaaneas resulting from conflict between the breeders of si and cattle. There must be peace, and recognition of others' rights, and at this time such is not the rule. 1 1 the leasing law he reasonably oh jectiouable, why do not thoae oppos ing it offer some substitute.' Thus f.u there has teen nothing but negation on their part. They have killed the lea.iug bill, but tbey have provided uo other uieaua of eradicating difficulty and obviating bloodshed THE BATTLE OF CUNKKTTI The battle of confetti rages through out all this country. People are pelt lug each other with bits of colored pa per, sprinkling clothing and hats and sometimes tilling the eyes to the tem porary rage of the hapless victim. A trivial thing, apparently, yet it posses ses real value and perhaps fully as valid excuse (or its occurrence as do many of the famous battles that lend romance to the story told us by the world' his tor v There is a distant good coming from theap occasions when the people aaeem hie and indulge in relaxation of nerve and rest of mind. Then, too, some heaith(ul discipline is received, for one cannot join a merry con let 1 1 party without (or the nonce laying aside pet tlahueaa and being good humored. i And this is what some people never do I at other times. Hv all mean- let the battle of rjOBja j letti rage en, and excoriated be he who iiri crie- atop. He would stop a custom now becoming Americanized from Europe and which will do much to make ci- a- .1 pioplc better natured and wet ter spirited. LIFK UK OAIL HAMILTON. (iail Hamilton was one of the uril liant women of her generation. Her childhood home was in the little vil lage of Hamilton, Mass. Her real name, which she stwcially disliked, was Mary Abigail Hodge. As a girl he was precocioua, vivacious and deeply religious. She hegan to teach at the age of is in the then famous Ipswich Ladies Seminary. She early hegan to write for such newspaper aj Bailey' National Kra, Washington, the paper whl.'li first published Mr Stnwc's "I'ncle Tom's Cabin." and the Independent and for the Atlantic. She published in all nvi twenty hooks. She p. in many years in Wash ington, chletly ii. tin home ol James i. Itlaine. where -he became one of the most brilliant and forceful person alities in the social ami political life of lie- national capital. s She had a i uri us mixtiir. ol femi nine and tn.isi tilnic mutinies, i'reai- ieiits, diplomats ami the foremost dalesmen were fascinated bv her au dacity, her intelligence, her wit, her spasms of aenae, ' ' her irresistible pleasantries She a- f oik I ot flatten . No adula tion or praise to her face could exceed her eager ion, provided only It was tactfullv ami cleverly phrased. In repeating clever compliment.- paid her she a- frankness itself. To cull this a "feminine vanity" would he offensive; for have not men, in their way, a much vanity aa women? lint at any rah' .ti llamiltcii was no triller. There pervaded all her life a train of profound earnestness of con viction and of purpose. She was an enthusiast for goisl people and lor all g , an-. I, r -i . ..i., .in. I "sens ed" si . acutely the follies and menu- - -ten, . (I,, sin v ntitUseiieas and stupidities of even very good people, that she could not resist the impulse tn shake ti in up with her wit and sarca-in, or c. .11 tumid them with her troll epigrams ami figure- of speech. . Hut as lor tiiese twn volumes, with their almost 1100 pages of letters. hich an older sister had thrown to gether with bat the Idasi degree of ed iting -was it wortii while? or was it kindness to the not always brilliant .inai. And vet as a whole the hook is great I. interesting. Many of her teriitatmii . ol eminent wnuicii illuminate at many snatchv men ami minis the historic In, of the times. In niie of her letters she gave a gum inipressioni-i in.'ture ol herself: " ih Hear Judge; Via- I cross when wrote my last letter? 1 am afraid so. well, l liao a reasi.n Inr it. Iliat onejthing remarkable about me. I am never disagreeable without some od reason, whereas you and the rest it the world will slitter . nrsell tn lose air tine polaa 161 whim. Hut that ty something had happened tn me. thought I was Ihreateoad with a loss I irieudsblp, regard, resmvt. and so look a sudden scorn of mends, and put on perhau high-heeled IhsiIs ami went mi a r.inmage. I an ...i in-tlnl and ill-lempereil arnund home. I hope Vnii won't g.. caterwauling over the house as 1 do in letters. 1 am nm prevish and failltlindiiig and horrid, Mil 1 am storm not a northeast rain stormy or snow L , but a magnetic storm, you know, that raves and rages through sunshine and clear skies, ami gives no sign except to the electricians. I'nfortuuately, you are an electrician, because you don't live with me. I can't lie cross to people that are right liefore my face and eyes, so I have to discharge my. thunders electrical through letters." She gives this snap-shot of Natha niel Hawthorne: "lie is a glorious man, a very ideal man iu bis personal appearance, with an infinite forehead, his gray, dry, long hair thrown back from it in all directions, deep lamps ol eyes glowing out from under their heavy arches, black eyebrows and mustache, a florid, healthy lace a pure, sensitive, re- very Isn't talk ticent, individual man, whom ft is enough to have seen, tn have looked at, to have been in the same house with. He talks little, hut be talks extremely well. " 01 Maria Mitchell of Vaasar College she wrote : "Maria Mitchell, the astronomer, was there, about ."SI or so, iron grav hair In curls, dark and rather mascu line complexion, line eves, peculiar mouth, i . her full lips, talks rapidly and a little recklessly like inn sailcv and witty, and tunny and entir.u original ami very natural and liVM vou a idea of st rength not i n the lertt semiiinryish, or teacherish, or ttni ladyish, or pedantic." (If Whittier she was evidently fond, as fie was of her: "Isn't Whitiler irresistible.' the Merrimac peerless? Don't about the Arno and the Khine they're no better than the .Merrimac, snd I don't believe there are any such rivers, either. Isn't Whittier even sweet? Isn't their Charles and Mary Limbness a Mrpetual poem .' "I went to Ameahury, to Wbittier's. They did not know I was coming. 1 rang the bid I, was shown into the sitting-room where Miss Whittier aat reading facing the door, and be writ ing, back, ditto. He jiimppd up ami MOM to me with isith hands extended. "Why, if is (iail Hamilton," and then we all three walked into I'aradise. shut the gate ami threw away the key. Miss W. is n modest, large-eyed, but not beautilul woman, gentle, timid rather, but opening to acpiaintaii. e -not well, lull of tastes and sympathies ami sense, no silliness heart not very demonstrative, nor very the contrary". He is the king of men, and what ia the good of taikmg?" a Despite the (act that Hie hook is twice too large and not half edited, it i- a iitscinaitug book, which one can not easily let alone, bill must keep at hand to dip into again and again prat I v because she i- apt to be so in teresting herself, and partly liecause the personages she conies in contact with are Inr various reasons so worth knowing about. I'eople are often unite too uncon- scinu-dv slow tn -ee a i unit - a Ol truth or duty or opportunity. When a person mines along with a "spasm of sense" and on the instant compels attention, it is an essential kindness tn be grateful for what is done, (iail Hamilton's services to American thought and life in this way were of ten of signal value. Shin Diseases ICckma, hrm, rsoRiasis, f,Air Rin-:rM. ACMfi and a great man other diseases of like character are claaaed as skin diseases, when they could just aa properly be called blood diseases, for they undoubtedly originate in the hloou, ne Cancer, Catarrh, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Contagion Blood 1 'oison etc. ; the on ly real differrner. hsitm in ).. ii.ipn.iiv ami nature of the tvivoti. The more serious Ata ...... ...v. ... t i u noison or virus, whicn i i - i ' i. v .ii.iiiii, .11., Hie i.iii in ii. . i .ill. i . . .-ro n iniii'. r . -. 4 is either inherited or iu other wavs eets into the blood and attacks certain vital Cancer, Catarrh, etc., arc vs ir"ls iniu i"e i . .. . . ors-ans or nnnear in the form nf terrible sores and ill. rs. while Itie muaer sou leas dangerniis akin llliaaata ini .msed bv blood humors or an over acid condition of that fluid. These a. id poisons, as thevcsireout through the pores of the skin, cause frn-at Irritation. With intense itching and burning. The eruption mav be ol a MUtuhu kind, with ex, essive discharge of thick, gumtnv fluid, or the skin may be hot, drv and feverish, swollen and fissured. Skin diseases, whether they appear as sores, moicnrn ui ti,uin I can nhetfrfully and moat alnceraljr endorse your spscinc as a cure for Bcssma, tho most lrrltattiiK and annovinir dlseasa. I think, that fleah is heir to. I was troubled with it for twenty-five years, and tried many remdls with no a-ood effert. After uslno- your medicine a ahort time 1 think I am entirely relieved. Teu can nvi thia atatement any publicity you may desire, aa it is voluntarily made, more for thoae afflicted than notoriety for myaelf. Vory respectfully, W. CAMPBELL. 318 West Central. Wichita, Kans. become more deeply rootea and intractable the lenger neglected, the akin in time n thick. Hard, rough and unsightly appearance. You can hide the blemishes for a time with cosmetics; ami washes, lotions, soaps and powders may relieve temporarily the itching and burning, hut eventually the pores of the skin become ao clogged up by this treatment that the poisonous matter llitown off by the blood can: ot nut of the system, and settles on the lungs, hent or some other vital organ and rin!ani'crs life. To puritv and build up the polluted blood is the right treatment for skin, and for this purpose no other medicine ia ao deservedly popular as S. S. S. It is a ptrftCt antidote for all bkmd humors, and when t.ikrn Into the circulation, irentlv but thoroughly eliminate! all impurities and nuts the blood in a healthy, normal stab-. The .-kin't rem. .in in an irritated ili.caaetl I ondition when DO iriahed With rich, new blood. S. S. S. is the only guaranteed purely vegetable remedv, and the sale-' at- 1 I- I ,!:in beautifler. Write our phv iciana if you have any blood ot akin disease, and thev will cheerfully advise JTOU without charge. THi: SWIFT SPHCIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA. OA. IK USE Colin Soap Hotel Pendleton Under New .Tana?em?nt at Strlotly nnt-Otl Bxcelleat Colsine. Kyery Modern Convonuncfc liar hi t'.llllari iloornt. The Kent Note Van bran Bros., Proi)9 1 GI?p U. a Mil, Rates $2.00 a d.r Special Rates by Ween or montl h 'quarters for Traveling Met In r:atern Oregon. Suctcssu. to '. ' Wu nr Asaisted hy Cuticura Ointment, the (ircat Skin Cure, for preserving, purif ylnjc, and beautifying the skin, for cleansinK the scalp of criiatU, acales, and dandruff, and the stop ping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, itchings, and dialings, and for all the purpn .es of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Milliona of Women use CUTICUKA .SOAP In the form of baths for annoying inflammations and irritation-, or too tree or of Ion -aive perspirations, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, especially mothers. No amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used these great skin purifiers and beautifiers to uae"any othera. CUTICUkA SOAP combines in ON I SOAPatONI: PRICE, the llHSTskln and complexion soap, the HliS'l toi let and baby soap in the world. Cumplclr Treatment lor rn humor. CuTlceRA Koac, to cleanse the skin of crusts ami maii-H ami soften the taieksastl ontlokl. CUTtei u iiisTMRsr, to Insunitly allay itch ii.l lultauiuuiliou, anil irrualiun.'sinl isKitlie ami lu-al, anil I i 'Tiei'UA KusiLVKM , In cuvl Hili I i ll-AlUMl the IiUmnI. SuM l.rou(huul llii- world. Unual. IMocSl t Nsw ( Vii'.s. - l ..uurhouc B'i., Iabuuu. lurTSa 1iuu abu mm. i oaf , koin lip . lkkui, V. S.A. Thoroughbred Bucks. Best stock on Coast the i;l Telephone connection at ranch. ol Kock or IVndloton. Chas. Cunningham. ill . IMI The Place to Buy : : : : Ih where von can get quick and cheap prices. Put in your order for header beds water tanks and feed racka. Rest line of Lumber. Lath,, Build ing papor, Tit paper, Lime aiul oement, Pickett Plaster, Briok, Sand. Moulding Screen Doors & Window!, Baih A Doom, Terra ( 'otta ripe. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Vard. R, F0RSTER, - Proprietor. i Wholesale dealer in Ice, Wood and Schlitz Milwaukee Beer. Henry Kopittke WANTKf). HALKHMKN, '!' SKI. I. BUUUUL I.IHUA- rioii snil hioiiiI i's in si'lisul I...K r.ta. Liuersl pnilKi.illiiii. fliilon Hi liiHii I .1 1 ii i -ii i iik Co., Clilisau, HI PHYSICIANS. IN JDII1) a. m. ; I to f J)K. W. O. COl.K OKKIl'K null.liiis DtBi-i- hnnr. 10 to 1 p m 1 elcpnune 77 K. W. VINCKNT. M. I). OKKICK KKAR of first 8snk Offlcc hours tu to U a. m.i l to J p. m. ovbr rm I I'li'ptlllUH II, m Tho Latest SolentMc Disoovory is ba.-1-d on the principle, "Destroy tin- . 1 1 . you rtnove ihn affect. '' Ilcrijjcidu kill.s the irerius that taiuo dan drull'hy . 1 1 t; 1 1 r: up scalp u-i limy burrow their paatuaiDUi way to llieh.iirriMit.where liny finally dc-troy tin- dan Without duudruil jrour bair will .jiu.v luxuri antly. Herpicide MOpS il.onli nil' und lall lltg Iniii, und stun- hair ruwina within in days, One bottle will convince mi ot tlih. t-ur bisic at all Hrst-Clas. UruK Stores. fill III i.'l I R IIDTKI i UVaUVIaUl Ul'Iwlw II" II,!.. ill 9 '4 JIm 1 UHHHbVHbbK !S!!!'nn J? wl Cn 1)K. C. .1. SMI I'll. OKKIl'K pi inlli tun -i.i, nix- ri-.l ll'lici- U'l.'pllilllr U. B. liAKKIKbll. M. I) , HUM K 1'A'I'H Ii I'Iitiiiisii sml Huraisiu lltSi'.' In Iml.' Hullillna 1 el.-pli.iu.- O filet-, black 71: r-sl lenrv. black it. I. I.. MII.I.KK. M. Ii.. HKSI'AIN BLOUK, trusts mi.l .orn-. t. t r.xi tl.s, cslarrlial ..n III .in- iiii.l r 1 1 . i r. I n.'.iriiin 1. 1. ,!..- properly ftttit lor refrscttve srron Ml. 1). J. M'KAI'L, KOOM 17. AHHOt ' 1 A lion . ... i I .. H realilencv Urle ptioiiv. black Ml. OSTKOI'AIHK PHY8I0IAMS, lKH. ksrw ik Kjre Ofllce, one block wait ot Bos Ion Htoru DU. LYNN K. BLAKKsT.K I-;" CHKONlij sml nurviMi. atssasai and iiiwswwot wosasii. (ipp HoU'l, cor Wstor suit Mmii St.., I'vuillu tou, orv IlKrART ton SiORTliNt Tims Sohsduis f 'hleafn f'ortlaiid SpiM-ldl ' .''. Ill vln ilunt-InRton Atlantic Rxpress I D s. m. via 1 1 in. t . I listen. Hilt Lake, iienr,. Wortii. (im.K. b" " City sT E5lH st. Paul Ksst Mall s. in. Ha HpokHiie aa t Willis Wall.,, Uw1f ''. Ml'nse.u'i, 'I ij.j'uuith.C;.",,' - e, i bioan0)jltu1 Ocean and River Schedule nOM I'ORTLAND. :iiQp. in TTairr escept - ii ii . I a s p. ni. Hatunuv I" p. ni. A" tubisn Kor s .ancl Saile-err kaafS Columbia Rlvsr To Attorls trnlia.. Ull.llB(. ' k a. ii.iii' ai Sunday k III Hivsr tmm :iiy, N.wbw, i-aiviii, iii lepsndtnc... T. Tiles Tfirw ami Hal 7m. m . Tues. Tlirs. mil Nai baart Kipuris :t a. ui. Pally -'orvallls ami Raj Ullllal. .-il i at Wlllametia and ram. hill Rlvsn otmn CtTty, njtoD ami Way U,Att, Snake Hlvar lttprl:. to U union warn stUks '-"t. a tsiir ATTURNKYS. t ARTKK a KAI.KV, AT TOKNKYH AT . Ofilce lu Sviii, Bank BulldlU(. HKaN A LOWKI.L. ATTOKN K Ys A I Law. Koom U AMSK-latlou Block. Ksndle lou, Orauu. T.Q.HAILKY, LAWYKK. OKKICK IN Jmlil Bull. lin, Peii.llulon ort-aou N. IIKUKKLKY, ATTOKN KY AT LAW Ofilce In Association Block K. 1). 1IOY1), ATTOKN KY AT LAW. . .. i: St. , Ml L. II. KKKDKK, AITOKNKY AT LAW, fuill(loii, Orefiou. JAMKS A KKK, LAW OKKllIK IN J 111)1) Uuliillu HTII.LMAN I'IKKCK. ATTOKNKYH at law Mr Mtilluiaii lias 0B i linltluil to prailir. in l.iutoil i-ialc- paiu, m,-u. Buj uisk. s .penally , I'alem Law Kooius 10, II I: ale I M Asaus'lallon block BANKS AND UHUKKHS. r. r AMHI.KV,awnl, H4tate Take the... Washington & Columbia River Railway Kor Clii.-ui, St. I'aul, hi. Loukruii sas City, Ht. Jo,-, Ouuluv, ati-l All Points liast and South Murtland anil polnti on the Sound TIME tlARU, HKf'TKMBIR 1. .Minn. i invr nana waual Ileum pm spokan i u:.i , wnre IMI am ; Mcsltl. I aui. I'.M.' 11.11,1... ..AW.. . . , ,777 - i-i-ipis; ihs . - - ii. . nm .Lu.. nm. ikaircMaa S: am . Spokane tiil'i sra. Kor on. ii mat. .in rtiaarliun rsta. sail icm nin.lsiioii - call i t lrasa '. A1UMH. Altai .. ........ I'noillaiou, unsa NN ilia ilia, Walk. 0 NORTHER PACIFIC "Til iili - unaaui no :)sfv ; i. Kl4W3tly Furaislied Steam Heated liuropcan Clan Majajjj and a Half Iron ileput. Sample Kuum in cunnectiua. Koom Rate 50c, 75c. 51.00 Vou get Good Beer. Cor. Court and Johnson Sts PENDLETON. OREGON Slaaiu beat Klecirlc Lights. A OMrloaa Clan. rate. II. J i la i .10 a day Kuropeau plsu, 50c, Mo, I1.U0 opvclal rale, by weak or month Fra Bus Heota all Trains. Commercial Trade Solicited. Fine Sample Rooms Special Attention Uiven to Country Trade. CONRAD KOHLER PROF Help or Situation Wanted. C F.Cook's Employment Agency Corner Main ami Alia iStroot. I'KNDLKTON . . OK KG ON Wlum you drink PILSNER BEER. friiarinttad not n OUlti lioaiiucliy or iJi..incaa Ask for it. Schultz Brewing Co. TRANSFER. TRUC KINO, ST OR AGE. m CROWNER & SON. I tl hl'HUM MAIM 4. Qfegon Lumber Yard wood QDTTMJU For barns ami dwoliiiiKs Ctieaptir than tin. Lumber. Lath. Shingles, Kuiidiim Pajer, lar Paiwr. Lime and Ccmeut, Mouldiugti. Pickets, Plaster, Hi ick aud .land, Screen Dour.s a. Windows Sash aud Doors, Terra Cotta Pipe. Borie & Light, Prop'j AlU St., opp. Court Honae. LOANS on WHEAT LANDS At lowest rat;s J. R. DICKSON, Kaat Ureg onUn Building, Feodlctua, Oregea. 1-AKMKKH HANK OK WKSlilN ixjiiani .uil sold r.ii AfTkiri. In 111111 m roporle.1 uuou li Ym . u leiuuuiiuiit I'ltUcll 11 I uuiiut-M am i ii. l.ii .1 . r 7 m llllU lir.iljil 111 ll..i.l.- l. urn. r. I riM-lnlc. J H. Klllsurt S. A llsriiuai. n jni.-un ureaidviit 1..... u lrt- rasMvuiiC. M. fieri. . ( a.luer mnuiii ciiier, tlirwtors 'i i.i. ui- 1. j. I'm,, ii 1 ttlllaori. kobsri Jainsaou, '. M ra w.J. K Iroebtui K1KHT NATIONAL HANK OK ATMKNA lo.UUJ. Interval ou UniJ 1ep.w!u Ileal. 111 ferolan ami aomo.11. .ici..i baUaatUia nut, 1 J, Kirk, vn. ,.!,,. ...,! fc. 1 'B,r KIKHT NATIONAL HANK OK HKNDLK 1 1 'Spnai, 7u,uui . Biirpiua, Sflo.Ouu 'lru fU s aeuera L,.nki..u C3lS"5,-" ud Wlr.phlr irau.t,,, mM on Vhn V m! -rsui-lMxj, New York su-t ihiui-imi noVi, n lue NorUiwa.1 nr.n. 1. .VT .r' . u " aad kUiuU. kf.a . zr.r ""y"-J lurm. l-.i . TiT. ""iiii.oii raaouDn .1 ..;.JTX..?rz?ml: f'os'oeui, . r. Mat i...iiui i o aue, oasuiur 11 1 lllliiniu vi vwM.wi , ia . -- , . M.i.Niui , mmiiui 'rwS.l,.KN!!1'BTON "AV1NU8 HANK ai'S'20, Owtimi M.rcn I, Tali MPllal, luo uuu. plan, Oj,u., IUofo,i -1 aiiTi sola uu mi ilKSr:. v -,., u-ullou ivn t .V.ii.vr....r L ."is'si brellilaaT- I fcl T.i r " J ruruisu WlYeiunler ' T. J AHLH ITnt TS, AHI) BUii.DflHS V It UUV . ,.. "iw n Ann a m h i r u i "i a u it. . - m 17, Judd buirdiui BSSJBMI, plsu "tSfiL :.V.:.,-.,',!n,,':toks anu 11. 1... "." 1111 iniiicil uu wum a h peels buoii ou Bluff tlreel. uear ou itiuri bu .pecishv Hr....... mmm meet 1) A Li . vi . - 1 , Wfl 1 Ki Hill A Nil OKKIOK OMMTUTa. "KM 1ST. 8A MILTON U UMTILBB vlng, bnk Buildlug. 1 dIV,LVSLtBINArs' dk- lanslttpiuib.r 20. lavi. J - M. HaUTHMAN. ,jU, Mantial. IN I'Ol'Ml THK L'.vi lx..77Tr sc-rlUvl k. . r V 'si 1 n u ----- na- uet-11 1,1 UK '. M.r.UaT.udwM.T"..,1?". uf "X of leu day, or cusuVuTuVki ""rl,uu I Usled Sepleiuber Zi, luoi J "1A1UIIAN Tho Kaat Oregooiau ia w " fwuiaiivo paper. It laada ..a KINS Pullman Sleeping Cars, EleKant Dining Care. Tourist Sleeping Car I HT. PAUL MINNKAP0LH IM l.l TH I FAKOO kooK8T0 I WINNBPM HELENA Ms Bunt. I'll U.kl ''II I II I. I IS (JHICAOO WASHINGTON I'HII.ADKLPHIA I U MKK BOSTON and nil iM.inis Biat ami Hotith . ... .. .i.i 'KIM. 1 iiruuuii ui-KuiH iu -r . l.iiuiiiM and Northern I'scllc Stssaikif ami AuierKsu Hue. TIMb SCHKOULI. 1 . I IA 11 , .UI. M I if U'. I i ..1 at ... Kor further nif..ralloii. Hum fl sml ticket., call on or wrile ,"r, , ditto. . iregou. or , A. 0. 01AIW I Q 1 1 U UU HUIHtvu THE . First Ever in , . I . ., . I 1 1. I . I. M.I Nil ...ti v.ivi ni, ....v...- ,iirf - 1 1 11 1 ii)r 'Ki( o. uiwiv- ALli KINDH OK LUNCHE8 : 1 MPORTt Ht IHI.ITZ ATLA8 UKKK TD . I 1,1.' v.v 1 f I I 1 1 Klilllllilr Mil firm; never here Lefore : ' THE MAZIiPPA 821 Clly Uarsaal Kaatero Ore- . . . .THE. j 1 1 1 II . II -.a . ... . mi I II IlliWinll m or M ir LVs FARM L0 Ou liuprorvsl propeiw at lowaat current raua CHAS. F. G. PATTULLv ,- Walla Walla,