DAILY EVENING EDITION EASTKRS (W WEATHER ml P L rs-" '' 1 1 l reen " 1-i.tfh. ., laa 1.1, aai aaaM PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OUEHON, SATUKDAY, HEi'TEMBEH 8, 1901. NO. 4841 atMaMBBSBfrafA f GBNIHAL NIWS. The Place so To buy urocencs where yon can have a big stock lo select from. Call Mv stock is ,l ee nir. gnu lar(?e both in fancy and staple groceries. fl. R. Demott a splendid showing of New Capes, New Jackets, New Raglans, New Three Quarter Lengths To Women Arc n special display here tins week. R. ALEXANDER The Boston Store. DRESS GOODS Newest Fall Fabrics. Peau Do Soie Arnurc Umi Prunella Drap Dt Alma liranitc French Poplin Melrose Snake Skin Satin Btppi I'. ble Cheviot (May Worrited Satin Victoria In light and liriivy weight and in black and OoluTf. A lieautiful line of trim rjiingti to mutch . Ruineniher our Dress Goods Sale at the very low prices of ISft 19c, 29c, 39c, 49c and 59c unexcelled valueH found here RUBBERS Fall stock here all new and low Manv new styles to show. prioM. L Watch our Silent Glove Sale. MEN'S CLOTHING. SUITS now in jdeking and oat All the stock for fall is thr I est dressers are now their choice. We are making a specialty of high tdass values $10 and $15 OVERCOATS New overcoats are necessary this fall as there is such a great change in the style. We have them and buyers like the. $7.50 to $15.00 Please the best. LOTS OF SHOES YET. We thank our patrons for the big shoe business of this fall. We believe you like big values at small prices. The total receipts from the war re venue sot during the month of August, 1901, were $6,499,277. The London New publishes an un ooofimed rumor that Lord Kitchener haii resigned the post of commander in chief in Honth Africa. Rev. William it. Spencer, chief sec retary of the church extension society, and one of the heat known Methodist ministers in the I nited states lil sttddenlv in Philadelphia Thursday. John George Nicolay, private secre tary to President Lincoln, and widely known aa the author of several works on the life of the great war president. Had Thursday, in Washington, aged 70 years. The various press dispatches indicate the imminence of great Kuropean war as the outcome of Great Britain's ag greasive attitude toward Turkey. John Bull is accused of having designs on Constantinople. Yale university has commenced ita two-hundredth vear. Its bi-centennial celebration will he held next month. There are manv changes in the pro fessorship. It is estimated there ia an inc rease in attendance of about H per cent in academic and scientific departments. W. J. Bryan expresses himself as op posed to any limitation upon the free dom of speech, which, he says, has been urged as a cure for anarchy. Mr. Bryan believes the evils of freedom. and further declares that the death of President McKinley cannot be traced to anything said or writteu agsinsl him. The warfare, he says, must be against anarchy, not against freedom of speech. Anarchy, he insists, is a foreign product, ami thrives in -t where there is the least freedom of speech and the press. Acting Governor Ureuholt of Illi nois, on iiiura.iay, ai ppringneni, officiated as chief executive of the state at what is intended to be the final re moval of the remains of Abraham Lincoln. The casket was taken from its resting place in the monument to Memorial hall, where it was opened and the remains viewed by state offi cer who are members of the Lincoln Monument a "asocial inn, some mem bers of the old Lincoln guard uf honor and the contractors. Alter viewing the remains the casket waa closed and removed to the new vault. COLUMBIA WINS OVER SHAMROCK o Latter Crossed Line First, But Lost on Time Allowance. o SHAMROCK LBD BY SIX SECONDS Columbia Allowed by Rami Rules II Sec oods Because of Her Smaller Measurements, and This Saved the Race to Her. THi: NEW YORK MARKET DftHD PDiom i vim unioi IN THE COURT Pandl.ton . New York PACIFIC NORTHWEST NBWS 25c Neckwear 10c tonight. New goods arrivingjweekly Selling at reduced prices. 'Ke line nf i.f. kuL. : ...u:. j , , r" I'wvnn in vviiiii. 2., ?0lU wading, worth ,5c, on ""erefora.-. Summer's s: i.. i: r c rWpoeins and gift Looks 'at P" raduced price China. Crockervand il.ivw.nf for Your Table makes the meal tempting when tlie dishes are dainty and of delicate and pretty patter us. Our stock is all up-to-date, handsome and of the newest design i anil exquisite de corations. Ha ndsome dinner sets lor wedding gifts, as well as hne vases,glasswar and jardinieres, we have in choice variety, and at sur prisingly low prices. O. IIOHRMAM. The Dalles carnival and street and district fair will otien next Monday. John L. Steers ot Wheeler cotn.tv, aitcd SI fears, died in Heppner, Wed nesday, of ipina-1 ineniiigitis alter two months sickness. Hock salt of excellent quality was diaoovered near Vale by J. I. Mills ami I. W, llnrtch ol Baker City, who have returned from a prospectiug trip un the Malheur river. (ieorge Newell, near Weiser, Idaho, boring a well u bnake river for oil, truck salt water, in which there is some oil, at a depth of ninety feet. There is an excellent chance of strik ing oil. J. H. Hhinn. for many years a resi dent of I' it ion . Union county, died at Berkeley. Calif., a few days ago, aged tit years. He was a past master of the Baker City Masonic lodge. He left a wife, sou and daughter. Mvrou K. Haker, professor ot hug I mli unit modern IsniMiagcs at ette university, Halem, died Thursday night and left a wife and one child. The remains will ne laxeu to ins numo in Wiicousiu tor burial. rred Kddings, aged about lo years, ,lt i, old Hill, Southern Oregon, while hunting squirrels on (be outskirts of towu, accidentally discharged his Tl- caliber ritle, M hullel passing through his right instep. Judire Koelsch, sitting at Boise City, decides in the case of Idaho vs. Ir. B, W. Buraoti, that no matter How perni cious the docirine, a man is Iree to Ulk, write and publish, so long as u is not followed ny au act oi violence. The couuty board of equalisation of Kenton county has served notice on the Coast 1-aud & LivealocB oniupauy 10 how cause why the valuations oi us lands m Benton county snan not it placed at 11.25 per acre. The latter U Mire IS the valliauoll piacuu on me . 9 . ... 1. f V I k fn.i.lu pail. lauds ol llie oregou ... ....... road company and other holders of large tracts of wooded ami improved lands in the couuty. Highland, X. J., Sept. 'JS.-The Shamrock crossed the line first and the Columbia altout six seconds later, thereby w inning on her time allowance of 411 seconds over the Shamrock, which is sllowed her because Ol her smaller measurements. Oftlslal Tims. 1 he ollicial record of finish shown Columbia crossed line llrst, the time being given as follows: Columbia, Btllrflt shamrock, 8:81 kit. The c lumbia is thus given the race by only thirty-seven seconds. Six Knot Breeze This Morning. Highlands. X. J., Sept. M . - A tad calm prevailed when the yachtsmen begun bostiring themselves this in. Tu ning. At eight, however, the wind sprang up and mom there was a sis knot bre blowing. Llttl. Wind at w o cloak. The racers went out to the starting polat) soon after H o'clock. At that time the wind hail not increased tad the fear that the race would end in another llnke grew. I'he betting on the race was very light, Thursday's contest having scared the Shamrock's admirers. The Columbia whs a derid ed favorite at 10 to 4. Ths Race Bsclni. As soon as the yachts reached the starting point, a pretty iluht for posi tion began. Karh skipper maneuvered for all Tie was worth (or a weather s- siti and just before the starting gnu was Bred, the Shamrock wrested the windward position from the Columbia. The i luiuhia was off with a dash as soon ss the gun was tired and crossed the line about two seconds behind the challenger. Die wind freshened hit and the boat moved through the water with considershle speed. The Columbia is out-pointing the Sham rock, but the latter is footing Isster. The yachts are making very fast i.me to the outer mark. At II lit the Isiats are sailing a nip and tuck race. The Shamrock, gointr. like a racehorse, pull ed away irom the Columbia. At 11:17 the Shamrock appeared to have a verv light advanage over ti.e Columbia. Tbs Columbian Ah. ad. In no international race has there Willsm-I been such lighting as marked the first Reported by J L Ray Co.. Chisago Board of Trade and Siosk hans Brokers. New York. Sept. i The wheat market was a tame affair today and the close was the same as yesterday. At 70c in Chicago there seems to he unlimited buving orders, which turns the market up from that BO. It. Liverpool closed t lower, 57. New York opened at 75S ami closed, 7f. ' Januarv isirk was higher, anil closed at lit. It compared with flit. 12 vester day. The export shipments of wheal for the week are o,2fH,000 bushels, compared with 4,21,000 for the same week last year. Mock are stronger. Money, :t per cent. Wheat: Close yesterday, 7'i . i 'pen today , .".' ' . Range today, 76 to 75 7-H. Close today, 7."V St.H-ks: Sugar, ItS 88 1 sfe,d, 44. St. Vanl, 11 1-8: V. P., t7 ' . Wheat In San Fransliso. San Krancisco, Sept 'JH. Wheal, cents per cental. ANSON Q00DMAN SUICII)I:S be nue K1U UOllS (Q S O7i0d. l,Uality German JkM J? US -nPete line ' cm"a and metal heads. in Tfti I r M OUT una.... ...... -Fine castile soap popular soaps 5c, bar. Please bear clMlr , U,WV average 33 i"3 'u elsewhere. choi c..rri r ciis , " "ul'lJiies 25 slate ieu rin ' 12 lead pencils 5c, etc. "EDERICK nolf. 0l Clause Headquarters. m BAKER & F0LS0M Por Combination Folding: Cot a,,d Chairs. Just the thing to take to the mountains - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Li r Next Door to Postoffice "aeSSS TALL CORN AIR-TIGHT HEATERS I have a full line of the celebrated COLE'S AIR-TIGHT Wood and ooal stoves guaranteed to be absolutely air tight. None of the heat is wasted and the stoves will save ONE-HALF of your fuel bill. 1 also have a full line of cast cook stoves and steel ranges. Prices are the lowest, quality considered. T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man. 741 Main street, Pendleton, Oregon. ft do bbI eassM by 1 nit at A lartils Mill mid careful cultiva te. , .,! etc. ..sry Ui bsmmb tin toweling Btessj mid BMW eers Yrt tin Urasi who uiidri stand tliiil lie CM ' BMB brltliy coin ciop witliout frtduiK mid arccding sseM to l Inn), that lo MB esse S brultliy body without nlhrr can 01 CSltUr. But the tiody t tnll u;. jut a tin loin s by Mm BSMUlilatU B of tin aevereJ cbciuuui l Bwats on erhtcb vitality eVpsnds Ami Wll.-t Wrcl air lo ill IOIH dlSfSSSt of thr 'x(iii4H. mnl BHtrltivi system mi 19 ib b.d tin divert Bs esses kary food supply flUM IBS m.'tKi 1 iminr T mid Hit butjy esM BSS I' mi MCkl) .id iii eourUlx d Tin pl"pl digfstion sin! axsiimUtiuii ol food la (in mm ixM-utul of baJUi by lirdling dirar of tin l MSI m li mid orgmixil i!it( "oii nutrition In W-I.c lioldsu Mtdicd liM-ovciy iucrcases tUr digtativr .lid iuilUtlvr ywcis. stiniulatcf. lb. mtmn iii I1I00.I eiakine gtauds, mid Mfids lorvriy tas Hir body tk rich re coipu'ico M.....J ou wlmli pbsaical vijoi a I'M'. n v Clai UjuL IW" iKMllr. w -w. fu twia.'b trottblr " wrll i.ji.t. a ee u j . . 1 Co - II I 'I ur M wu. li .ua llial I did" I Uk aii mv ' 'm mjm, aurl'iius - ' f S" ..U-.--4 fill' ll 1 hardlv t 1 1. ... 1. r-"' '" ,jur k""' ni.it "! wllo.i l.a w ll.ii.rf. ' SruU , iu yu rh." wa a mmlrMnilJ lulu m a 1 yvui miu la Iww hai .,... I hla wife I lli Hialll I uuUI l,y a boUW V ! AM Jal (tul I did Utt I dou'l know nM I would have .Uafct H it a Ijciu I l I""1 OeUsS Md 1. j. UhssnwO' I J'Utcr WcaaanC rVllct. icgulau Ibr bvwrU and caiS cuuupUu bours of tlie sail todav. I bo Uolon lua tried twice to cross ' lie cballeiig . r s bow but taild cacti time. It is a pefiBBt IteaHtM k day and if slie dufS not win OhIuVs rat.-, in.- 1 niincfs 01 I lit in M:.- cup are small At I'.' ui tlie Columbia was live lumitbs abtad. but a low minute, later ! in- Hbauiruck put on a sudden burst of spots! but did uot oiiite overtake ber. fbe American Isiat is two ininules abead at IflllO o'clock An Uely Orowl from London lajmlou, rept. 2H. I be .'aturday He- vinw uriuts a Ion. arlicli. tOUB , in bleb UM race, for tln America's 8B are criticiswl bcaus I lie llitoresl in fbe contest iiitrs rslber 111 the DBf MllialitlBS id Ibe oMiiern lie a. I . la tban 111 IIih soamaimbiii of (he respm tivH craws. Tim article, tlucn is plainly ainifd at Mr i'bon as Llptofl iiitimatHs 1 1. at bis main tur.hf is to serum advertising for his w.ucs. Vaehts fosltlons Unch.i., ' At 1' -1 o'clock tbere was ic .ippar tint cbaliKe in lb pusilioii. ih Ibe boats. Sbamrosb Turns Msrk sirst At 1:40 o'clock tbe Miamrock wa Hr.t to 1 urn tbe outer mark. Ho- 1 lumbia lollowe.1 alaiut tbirty BMOBsil later. Tlie run borne la dead before ih.- wind and bolb boats are BUB 1 OS fast lime. Tbe Sbamrock Mill leads by neveral eecuudv, but may 0M UM race 011 tbe time BlloejtMB tkt breese was still boldliiK true at about aeveu knots Tbe race it a baart breaker, a it is now but a uuestion of ouiy a f. w minutes to determine tbe w muer. Sbsmro.k Molds L.ad. At 1:64 o'clock tbe yacbts were r 1 11 j Ilium 111 fast style and tbe B bain rook looked to le a mre will in-r, liarriug accidents. Tbe cballntig . 1 waa rai im lo make UP tbe I ' sec umi. .lie allows tbe Columbia. Ko lar 11 has luten tbo uretliest race ever seen ou tin course, fbe people along tbe sbore are wild with excitement Shamroab ioer.as.s LeaS At '2 o'clock tbe Sbamrock seeuml to lake on another buret of speed am 1., dm. awav from tbe Columbia CaoUiiu Harr bas succeeded in cutting bis antagonist's wind a bit aud gaiuwi a little. Ibe tolumtoia Ultbti Up At A .'AS o 'clock tbe Odiiinbie bee . ..,,1.1 i.ii Kith ilia :ibauiruck and tne tmn 1 ..... t. stm now ruoeloe oa .van teease. War Star B. 0..iar.d. hurt ol Speie, Isleud ol TridldaJ, u . u .iJ.iM in. ei va.1 yaetoruay fr.u.i 'rVssai aav Veuasoale will pvb ably declare war on Colombia on Hep tern be 2tf. A financial eriai esiets in Vsuaiuola. owiuat to tbe raiuaal of tbe Sauk oi Veoeeuela and tbe bank ol commerce Ui comply wuu rreeiueoi Ceetro'e demand fbet tbey subscribe to e foroed loan. rbe Cruiser Clevelaad. fSbatb, Maiue, Sent. W. Tbe eruieer Cleveland was suceeeslully leunvbed itere today. Tbe v ease I was christened by Kutb iianua, daughter tlie aeua tor, as tbe rus.al aiiU dWwu We ways A RKSIDKNI OF Wll.rtlN N K Hi H HO R MOO t) SHUUTS HIMSBLr. II It Reported That Ha Did so Because ol Dlseppolntment In Lore. Milton, Or.. Set t. L'n. Anson Wood man, a Hoy m vears oio. cominiitiMi sun ih- last lligbt bv Hbontlllg billlNelf tbroiigb tbe beatl. Countable .1. I.. Miller of Milton, says that the allair bappeued at tbe bouse of Martin Combs, a farmer living ten miles from M IIIOB. Tba eiact time tbe fatal -hot was tired is uncertain, tint Ibe body was found late 111 tbe evening, with a bul let bole tlirongb tbe bead, ('unstable Miller was called and be 11111 Iiately untitled Ur. W. U. Cole wbo gave m StriH'tloni to procetnl Willi the lllillesl A jury was impam-lletl mnl pris-eeil- ed tn Comb's bouse. Tbe verdict bas not vet been received. Manv minors are alloat here hn to tbe cause of tbe suicide, and friends of the .leceaseil say that tbere was a wo man in tbe rase. Woodman bad re ceived 11 severe d iHiip ni lit Hunt as indi .tie. I by bis words and actions Just be fore the suicide. He bad been drink ing e gb to eprr In 11 to any reck less deetl, and tbe result was tbe tak ing of bis own life. Mexico's Pan-Amerlaan Conarsss. Waabingt Kept. 'M.- All but two I Ibe - lb met n an republ n s have appointed tbeir represnutet ives to Ibe rail-American congress (o lie held (ic tnh.-r 21 at tbe City of Nlexico. Tbere t. I'liiittries are Honduras ami tbe linminicau republic. Tbeir represen tatives will be appointel lielore the congress meets. Bussta Will Take Ships. Sbangbai. Sept. 2H. -Cbina is lavor- ab.v coiishlering tbe Itussiau oiler lo purchase tbe IV 1 Yang -una. Iron, con sisting oi tbree fest cruisers, (our tor pedo boat destroyers and some tblid class cruisers, the price, SaQQOiQQO rou bles, lo lie deducted from tbe wer indemnity. OF INQUIRY 0 to Judge Advocate Apologizes. SIHLKY IS HOT THE ACCUSED" -o Ctptiln McCillt TmiiIIn That There Wrt No Ordtrs lo Dnw Oil the Bsllcrles it Stntiuto Wssbtngtnii, Sept '.'H. - Wben the fab ley ooatt "pened this morning, the largest audience since the -essoin be gan, was present llefnre taking the testimony was reMBSSd, Attorney Hanns, BSalstlBf Ibe BOM sdvia-ate. apolagfaed lot raferrlna lo Behley aa "tbe BOtMBd" an. I aai.l bereslter be would refer lo hlM as "the applnanl " Captain MeCalls R.eall.d. Csptsin McCalla was n-called anil testified t lint lie knew of 110 orders to Iraw out the s,t, 1H ,,, t,rt(t,.rlHB ,, May II, or of any reason why tbe American ships BOB Id not have ap proached within tlrniK distance of tbe Colon. Captain McCails -lal.sl he llrst came in inula. 1 with the living .ipiadron on M I'1, INKX. lie was not asked anonrd Inr the purpnse ol making it re port Ibe captain mi reselling Kev West informed Captain Chadwick, Ad miral Sampson's chief of staff, tiiat e secret cisle bail heeu arraugail with tbe Cuban insurgents, but be bail not giv en it to any one else. Keloid at his ret'irn tn Cieiifuegos n tbe morning of May '.'4, carrying dispatches to Admiral Schley, and then I. 'I.I him ol the arrsngeinent to communicate with the Cubans and the Infor BMtloa thai the Spanish fleet waa in the harbor ul sntiagti. Schley Im mediately SSBBBted tn Ins Bolaaj shore. Schley seid be bed trouble coating, but lelt if he returiieil to Kex West be would he ooarl iiiartialsd. Hau Antonio, Tex., Sept. UH. A watersisiut or clouilbursl near the h. a. I alers ..I Alamela creek, in I'm sidio county, September '.'.V caused the death of II prospectors. Wire to Alesae. Washington. Sept. M. - The signal office of Ibe war department ItW Ml lirect telegraph coin ion n list inn with fori Kulwrt, Alaska. Ibe line, were completed September 24. MEDICAL SOCIliTY MEETING Ur. C. J. Smith, of Psndl.ton. Blasted fresie.nl lor Kn.ulng Yeay. lira. C. J. Smith and W. W Cole have 1. 1 p.. ill from TortUm!. where Hey attended the meeting of the Ore gon M iln al soc.ely They report tbe inciting to have been very llistrint'vc aiid Hut they bold thoroughly eiip.ved tbeillSdlvee. The program was so es b Ifl that there was not time lor tbe reading1 ol all the papers, llotb pby liciaOl had papers prepared, but they a. 1, .ii the latter end ol the program, and 1 nnm oiiciitly did not get au op portuuitv to read them The society held a session yesterday iimmiug on hour. I the steamer Potter, while on No way to Multnomah fall. A compliment was conlerred upon eastern Oregon by tlie election of lr C. 1 rim I til as president ol tlie asso ciation for tbe next year. lr W t. Williamson was elecle.1 vice president, Dr. A. I McKeiuie, secretary, Dr. Mae Card well, trsMdrtr. ih Df. An rJPBW C Hmilfa was chosen as delegate to the Aiiierican Medical association meeting, at Saratoga, r rKliSIDHNI KkKiliK I AII.INU Alt. ndlm I'liyilo.ni rear Hla Total Col lapi. Within a a .mm. Amsterdam, Sept .'m Private infor mation Irom HllrerOB indicate that I xii I Krnger is la ling rapiillv. His alien. ling phyiciaiis lear bis total col lapse within a ne. nth. Many signs 01 ai ut nlle ilecay are nuie.i M.Klnlay't ri.lur. on Bank Note. WaHhiiiKtnn. M et. '.'H. - The isirtrait ol William Mckinlcv will he placed on a series ol tea 'lollar national hank notes, to lie issued by Ibe treasury tie pertinent shortly. benjamin llarrl .on's portrait will ls OB the new Uvea. Soma Hor Suit and r.alheri. Washiiiglou, Sept MV Oeneral Miles has rei-niniiieiidiHl to the se. re tary d war that soldiers of the coait arlill.ry who asaisteil In the capture of McKiuley's assassin shall la. mention ed In the dlst nginshe.1 service order. The roua Is Wall Asaln. Home. Sepl '. The pope, who has been stith-ring Irom atlack ol diarrliisae, is entirely recovered. HE'S AN EXPERT MARKSMAN Csptaln O.o B. Bsrtlstt Shoou With ins P.ndl.lon Spurlain.il. The 1'eiidleton -p..rt-man's asia lion had a guest tins alteriKsm lu the twrsoii ..( Caplsin 1 rs-c I llartlatl. who tepiereitt. the PbUTB Cartridge oomuan oi aatl t'epum Hart loll went nut lo tba club', grounds at I o'elOOB ' ' inpanie.1 hy uieiulssre ol tl,e dub aie:, i" addition lo pertlri paling in S 0OplS Ol IBOreS lielore the traps gave a v-rv intsr.-.ting exblbil aith a M-eallbre ritte, using lM smai lest cartridge He d. ne.usl rate.1 their , arkable ah B QUlit, surpri.- Iaa.hu Hie -ieof the certridg.-a. wbh Ii were loaded with e new mioI- mukeleai '". " '"V; Si,eratn.ii leinilea and other small object, were IbfOWB, lBB the elr, SUU the captain hit tbsm ailh marvelou. rapidity. The force ol the dimuoUive bullets waa deuionatreted wben tbe ....... I. .1 tin. I. rat- end an empty boteuil .arm ll ! " l '""r 60 vards He alao .hot with his the mark, using a mirror. . Itar licit alao gave S axhibUioii eitb Ids r. ,. eating .hotgun. 1 urowloa .in empty taaMta can m the , I , , pi i up, driving it lartber ami fartbei u'a" l"" ubaubel Ol hi. gun wa. empt led . t aplain llartlett left UM Walla Walla ai i o'clock this alter pool. beck to Utile LISTER'S ANTISEPTIC TOOTH POWDER is an ImytorttA BMlitii Irom ih! ftJiiiiula o S11 bmi Bagliah lurcgiou tooth pOfJldl Josejdi UisMfi praptfajd Hit em i- 25 cents Large Bottle. PruMian Stock Food Prussian Lice Killer Prussian Poultry Powder We are a(ents for tins territory (or the above reraiios umppeM'S PHA9HA0Y, arwww nnn . .aj ,-illlOI CT inn I