I THEY ARE OFF In a thousand placet the people who tell you they run sell better Shoes for less Money. than we can. If you will take the trouhle to look over our slock we will show you the beil lines in the market of the following goods: Men's Boys' Youths' shoes Ladies' Childrens' and Misses' shoes and a large line of Rubbers and Overshoes all sold at the lowest price for cash CLEAVER BROS., Practical Boot and Shoe Men PENDLETON, - OREGON. J i it day, si:itkmiu;k : L901. HRBVITIUS. Jas. A. Howard. Farm loans. For runt Two furnished rooms. In quire at thi aflat. Wanted A good, strong boy t" w.irk in -i t. K. Martin. Store room tor rant, enquire itt Mr-. . .11 mils' millinery store. All voters over M yearn anil all lire Mi are exempt I rum poll tax. Kvery citizen alioulil register Don't (ail to register before October 2, Kemeuiber tin- Saturday night bVibi i Kirkman'a orchestra, trillion floor manaiier. For tale A .neat tf.roiiin house ami I Iota on corner, nice homes all around 11, 11400. I I. Wade. (io t the Woman's Exchange, tor home made bread ami pastries on W. .1 nesdays and (Saturdays. Sliced bacon anil wafer ill smoked beef in glass hottles. -nine-in inw very tine lor lunulien at ll.iwlny Hros. Milan- ball fin hallow block will tM open for engagements on and after I Id September for dancing only. Inquire of 0. U- Wadu. (Jail and aee me if you want gru.-er-itta. 1 buv in carlou and will nil cheaper than any atore in eastern Oregon. It. Martin. W. H. Witbee la agent lor tin- 1 -meat i i- ami Davis sewing machinea. A full line of Hupplioa. Repairing a apc cialty. All work guaranteed. School Books All ready for First Day of School We have all our books for both Public Schools antl academy and will exchange- new books for old ones at halt prut:. Conipuiwin boxes, rulers and blotters given away with purchases. TALLMAN & CO. Distributors for Umatilla County. Toy a, tova, toy at Nolf'a. Have you reuimered'.' Itookn rloe on Oo toller $1 abirt wants, now 4tc. Cleaver Uroa. Dry (hxmIm Co. You loae your vote if you don't reg iater. Hooka cloae October U. Beat school boae ever aold, 26c pair, ('leaver lirotherx llrv (roods Co. School handkerchiefs, Ic each, ('leaver Brother llrv (iooda Co. We have a lir.t claaa carriage painter with a guarantee. Neagh- Hroa. Sewing Children 'a clothes a special ty. Mra. Ada Boss, olll June atreel. Ice cream -oila toingnt ami saiurdav a i Kiaippen'- drug atore on Court street. For first claaa riga or a call at any hour telephone Depot atablea, Klvin Craig, I'rop ' If you want to aee a nice line of wall paper and borders go aee C. C. Sharp, Court alreet. School auita at diacount of lu per i cent during tin- week. Cleaver Brothers Drv Oooda Co. A lady of experience ileairea a poai tion aa dark in a atore. Can give gocd reference. Aildreaa Clerk, care Kast Oregouian. New invoice of ayrup iiitchera, bowla and pitchers, aalt and mpper ahakera, vegetable diabea and plat tera at llawley Uroa. Norria Silver, North Mratlord.N. B.I "1 purcuaaed a bottle of One Minute Cough ('lire when auffering with a cough doctora told me waa incurable. One h it tie relieve. I me, tile aecoiid ami third almoat curetl. Today 1 am a well man." Tallmaii c. Co. My atock of fancy groceries ia well selected anil I would like for you to aee thou., hauuy picklea, reliahen and chow cbowa are of the best imported ami iloineatn- hruuda. 1 have a tin line of auioked liah, (aucv mackerel and the beat cheese ou the market. K Martin. The O. K. a V on Wedneaday iaaued a circular announcing the re-eetabl isli- meiit ol ita San l-'rauuiaco ateauiahii .-ervice. The live-day achedule will again be in effect, coiumeucilig witl the steamship (Columbia, leaving Port land Sunday night, September 20, and the hhler, leaving San tranciaco Mon day, September lit). The hour of depar ture will be the aaniu aa formerly. .Many phyaiciaua are now prescribing Kodol Dyapepaia Cure regularly having touml tliat it ia the beat prescription they can write because it la tiie out preparation which coutaiua the ele ment- necessary to iluest not oulv aoiue kimlnot to.iil hut all kiudaaml it there lore inn indigestion and dyapepaia no matter what ita cauae. tallmaii V Co. At bed tune 1 take a pleasant herb drink, the next moruiiiK 1 feel bright and mv complexion ia better. My doctor aaya it acta gently on the atomach, liver ami kidueya, and ia a pleasant laxative It is made from Herbs, ami ia prepared aa easily aa tea. It ia called Lane's Medicine. Laue's Family .Medicine umvea the bowela each day. I'rice 25c aud 60c. For aale by Talman A Oo. , sole agents. Shiny shoes, now and we have latest designs and Are the style them in all tin shapes. Our patent calf, patent kid and enamel calf shoes are selected from the best lines, and are strictly up to date. They fit, weai well and keep their finish. The Pendleton Shoe Co. 645 Main Street Pendleton, Ore. The Clam Club will have a regular meeting tonight. Norman B, Hnntloy, a Wall street man who waa formerly interested in several Oregon enterprises, died in New York, Wednesday. The ticket olllce of the O It. A N. will sell tickets today only, to San KrHiicisco and return at IM.10 by rail; 189.16 by rail and steamer. K. S. Johnson of the Kiler 1'iano 00.i has rented a portion of the Judd block lor bis piano store. He will occupy a part of tho.corner store room. t'ari Q, Morris, a young lawyer of shIciii, died Wednesday of typhoid fever. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jobtl Morris well known in the Wil lamette val ley. Snl Darling, 1012 Howard St. I'ort Hu ron, Mich, writes: "I have tried many pills ami laxative' hut DeWitt's Little Karly Itisera are far the best pills I have ever used." Thoy never gripe. Tallman & Co. The train for the Sundav excursion to Walla Walla will leave the (). H. & depot. I'etidleton, at 8:16 a. in., returning, leaves Walla Walla at 10(90 p. in. l or the round trip the fare will he only 11.41). The-inan routined to the jail on sns picion was released this afternoon. He gave a good account of himself, saving that he was troin I'omeroy anil had worked in the harvest fields there for sixty days. He aays that Ins name is Charles l-'ulton. I in Kllgene high school expects to enjoy another successful season 01 loot hall this year. A tax ol 26 cents has hecii levud upon each Student of the Kb.00 (or the mainlenance of tl.e team. Practicing will soon conn M and a cninpetent coach will he secured. The forty-ninth annual conference 0 tin- Methodist Kpiscopal church 01 1 iregou was formally opened at llills boro Wednesday morning, ltishop W. F. Mallalieu presiding. Uev. C. A. Lewis of Cortland was re-elected con ference secretary, this being Ins sixth year. (ins Lafontaine ha- purchased through .1. It. Dickson 60 feet fron tage on Main street between the Colombia saloon ami Martin's bakery He will soon begin the building of a one storv brick building. Mr. Lafon taine has also bought the Depot Stable 1 r.n.ct. troin C. fi. Wade. The Fast Orugonain lias something like 700 pOQOda Ol brown wrapping paper in rolls which will hi- sold to the person takinu. all of it for 1) cents per Huml. Alan a lot of roll paper holders ami cutters which will be sold at one-third of the usual price to the person taking all of them. The hatchery aites that have heen selected by the fish commission of Ore gon 011 the Snake river at Swan halls and on the (irande Koude river, are purely exierimental for the present season, and no permanent hatchery buildings will he erected until the certainty of the desirability of the selection ia established from actual ex periment. I'KRSONAL NKNTION. T. Latham is here from l.'kiah to-dav. P, C. Sperry is here from Pilot Kock. Mr. ami Mra. Kim Morton of Echo SMI in town today. Judge Fllis went to Cortland oh the d train this afternoon. C. K. Catea, a cattle DM of the Pott'l neighborhood, is a visitor in the city tody. Mrs. J. F. Itula-dew 01 Moscow, Idaho, ia visiting her parent in I'm dleton, Mr. and Mra. F. M. J.ynn- C. (I. Carter, J. 11. Haley, L. If. Kccder and Dr. (,'. .1. Whitaker have rota rnod troin a lour dava' deer hunt. Miaa Fthel Johnson, who has been attending a business college in Port laml. returned in I'endleinn on laateve imig'a train. H. M. Werner, repreaentiug Strauss Hroa.' tailoring eaiablishinent oj Chicago, is at K. Alexander's store, taking orders (or tailor made suits. He will remain until Sunday noon. Strauaa Hroa. rauk with the best tail ors in the I tilted States. A party of twenty-mm- eraona, headed by lliahop burton of the diocese of Lexington, Ky., iassel through here Thureoay morning on the way to the general 1-. pis. opal conven tion in San Fraiiciaco. Uev. W. K. Cotwiue waa on the tram aa far aa Heppuer, and waa agreeably aurpriaed to uuil a number of old friends among the delegates. 0i 1L vt a.i. mid aon Ou have re turned from the state fair at Salem. Mr. Wade saya that the cattle exhibit tiie lineat ever aeeu at an Oregon fair. His own Herelorda made a good allowing beside the tine stock of W. O. Miner ol ileppner, John Spar,.-, ol Nevada and C. F I. add ol Cortland and -.cured four tirat and three third prises. He aaya that the races were good considering the muddy track. tory proof by KMipl or otherwise, ol tba payment of bis street poll tax (or the year in which the next election is to be held : Now notice is hereby given, that the marshal is hereby directed to prof I to collect from nil persons within the city of Pendleton liable for a llntl poll tax, the sum of 2. Hy order of the common council. Attest: 3, F. UFA M, Recorder. Dated this 2th day of September, INI. Notlo to Votsrs In the City of Pendleton. The following is that pari of the city charter relerriug to the aasesamenl and collection of a street poll tax: HaBO. M. "The inhabitants of the city shall lie exempt from payment of road taxea, or the assessment of property Aitiiiu the city for road work; provid ed, that the common council may aa seas aud cauae to tie collected annually troin all property owuera in aaid city the aum of (2 (or every f 1U00 of prop erty assessed to such person for city purposes during the year, aud In pro portion for a greater or leas amount tnau I100U, and lor ea -h male iiihalu taut of aaul city between twenty DOS ami fifty yeara of age .except persons who are a public charge or too iiihrui to perform labor, or active tireiucn, ex empt firemen or other person by the lawa ol the state ot Oregon exempt from the payment of road or poll lax- sj the aum of $2, to be known as the 'atreet poll tax:' aud tiie amount of money ao collected shall be applied to the improvement, construction and re pair of the streets iu aaid city, aaid money ao collected to he kept iu a separate fuud to be kuowu aa the 'street fuud;' provided, lurthur, that the marshal oi the city ia authorised to collect aaid poll tax, aud fur that purpose ahaC possess the same power aud authority ami have the same reme dy granted by the general lawa of the atate to the sheriff or tax collector for the collection of deliiiipient taxes." the charter provides further .No poison is qualified to vole at any ulec- tou who is uot entitled to the privi leges of an elector according to the lawa of tins state, who has not resided iu the city for ninetv days preceding aucii election, aud who hue nut paid a atreet poll tax within the' year iu winch such election is held. Provided. that all persons whoreby this act, or by the lawa of the atate of Oregon, exempt from ttie payment ol atreet poll tax, if otherwise qualified, may vote at such elections. The charter provides further: Aud no person shall be permitted to regis ter for the purpose of votiug unless he shall first exhibit to the otticor having chaige of the registry books satisfac- noon outlook FOR PAIR Parmsrs Give Mueh BncoiiraKement to The Bnterprtse. The outlook for the Fxcbange Fair, to be held here on October H, is over encouraging. The Commercial associa tion has jdaced the tuniiauchif nt ot Un fair in the bands of K. T. Cox, who, with J. M. Bpanca, lalt tin- morning for UoKajt creek to interview the farm ers. A message was received from Mr. Cox about 0000, saying that he had met with much encouragement from the farnierM, whom he bad met thus far. Horses, rows, hogs and other farm products have been proniis'-d ami every one says that it will he "Just the tlnng. ' ' Circluars have been printed and sert (o many who may have something to sell or something to buy. The promoters are enthusiastic in their II pertations ol making the experiment a success. Knterprising Pendleton has adopted a new scheme to increa.-e the town 'a trade, says the Weston Leader. Monthly exchange (airs will be held, at winch farmers uiav meet with buy ers, barter their products, and do their trailing. The lirat fair will be held October H. A never tailing cure for cuts, burns, SCalda, ulcers, aud sores is DoWitt'l Witch llaael Salve. A most soothing and healing remedy for all skin af ections. Accept onlv the genuine. Tallman A Co Notles. All Modern Woodmen anil Koyal Neighbor! are requested to i t at the Hendrick'w bull Satnriliiv Smitem- ber L'H, a' B.'UO p. in. to arrange lor the entertaniinent of Head Consul North cott. J, T. BROWN, Consul. Attest: (i. A. KOCH1NS. IM A HliKI vmlA NlfiHT I .-sporting Life" M elodrama Orsat scsnle Attraction. -Hporting Ufa," h Itl BiJ nnlnilran... with a very seen inhellishmeid. which , . nounoad !nr prodnallofl at w.r",l'a opera hooai neaf liaaalAv. The pn MM written b (Veil Kalelgh and Sevtnonr HIcltS.LondOn antbora, and II M(d to imssess all the elements " J oltetnenV all ha haarl throbs, and an the loves and hates IndlMBOOl to plays Of j,s chancier, in addition to snttie entirely aotel metbwh ol itirrlng thi inn emotlona, If li Ww acts and DO leH u.an twelve seen and among them it ll claimed Willi loond aoma ol the most daborate tage pictnrei efar wen. Doring 's long runs in New York and Chicago, the magnitude ol the scenic environ ment was mere frequently commented noon than anv othr lesture. and vet ,1,,. prtM ol both cities was nnainnions in pronoonolna the play itself a su- nerlor xrtirle ol melodrama. 1 he sitriled boxing bout and exciting race course n-enc are two of tin- chief faatum of the piece, and tba first, at ! least, is an innovation. Tn the uninitiated the interior of a boxing club during tin- progress of a glove routed, with all its attendant M tnres will dine aa a genuine surprise, and tiie manner in winch those alfairs MO conducted la strictly followed mit ' m the mimic bout in "Sjiorting Lila. There are a great number of people employed in the production and among then' a score or more are lamiliar to our theatre gonra. Qeo. W. Lane, Cewanio, Mich. .writes: "Your Kodol Dyapepaia Cure is the ben remedy lor indigestion and stom ach trouble that 1 ever used. Pol : years I suffered from dysepsla, at times compelling me to stay in bed and causing me untold agony. I am rompleteh cured bv kodol Dyspepsia (lure. In recommending it to friends who suffer from indigestion I alwavs offer to iav for it if it fails. Thus far I have never paid ." Tallman A. Co. R;W.Pnreell,Kintareville,Pa. .says be ' suffered U vears with piles ami ciiubl obtain no relief until DeWitt's Witch Hatel Salve effected a permanent cure Counterfeits are worthless. Tallman d Co. Gamblers Robbed Hut that isn't what we wish to call your attention to. It's Mother's Pride tin- best twenty live cent coffee on earth. 'Hi may pay more tor something infer ior. Try it. WINTER SHOES The GREAT TEST of ihoe i ,ts BEHAVIOR in WET WEATHER. A shot- not prop erly made ot made ol leather not properly seasoned SWKLLS WHEN WET and loses its shape Our shoes are made of the most careliilh t a n n e d, thoroughly stretched and seasoned leather sn that tliev not ONLY WEAR but keep THEIR SHAPE even aftei having been THOROUGHLY WET. They are made artistic 'stylish and comfortable Inns besides heme, inexpensive in their cost are lit :it .an 1 f.lil' in wear so long as to be the most econo mical slmes We fit all kinds of feet PER PBCTLY ai that's our long suit ST. JOE. STORE GRANULATED S Friday, Saturday With everv With everv With everv With everv With every With every With everv $ 1,50 purchase, B tin purchase, 10,00 purchase, 18,00 purchase, JO. 00 purchase, SB 00 purchase, 00,00 purchase, s n; v pmpih Monday, Sept. 27, groceries excepte,!, rocerles excepted, groceries except,!, rni nries excepted, Kroceries axOBpted, Krncnries excepted , groceries excepted. opTaSSSSfc S IwitdioilSCfc. 5S PWol IZ h JO pound, of 50 ponnJaSgyN l" MofaSlS Our prices guaranteed the lowest; largest stok in the county to select from. LYONS MERCANTILE CO., Furniture and Undertaking, ITrw.l ii Sal m 1 1 ft . Radtr'i Furniture Store, com, Ma... and Webb street. p cfieion, i Oregon. ' Pilot; "Why ,r0 there- Uncle San.: "Be,-aiH(1 has the finest line of F to be found in Etotan n. end w all or ent .. eycH on the many nice furniture NMttioni and secure so of the rare harframs h- is offering, . A. RAOER. Comer Main and VVithd streets, A coinplote line of St.itnint:r- ami boolta School hunks ami School supplies FRAZIER THE N'W line ol U.ttlcrv, IjJ BtC. New and U uoaio, in Kill gOOda, pocket be purses can! STATIONERY owi Tea House. The Peoples Warehouse That's tin place. I 1 Subscribers to 1K YOU WANT TO HUB crib lor mKlue" or nnwapaporii In the Wotted H'sUm or Kit rope, remit If uoital uole, i'hec or emi t the Kt i not.... M, ao NIN publlsheri. riaPdzmes pnos me iMUJiicsuon s Ton desire, end we will have It sent to you end ewumu ell rlek ol the moue Iwlus Ion in tin) met U ll will saye you both trouble end rlik. II you are a ubecriber ui the Krr Obsuonian, iu remitting you can deduct ten pur vent frotn the piiblltben' prlos Add rem KAH'l OHKHON IAN PUB. CO.. Heieii. Ion. Orevou THE PITTHRS OF FEET. 716 Main Street. I'ctulleton, Or IS I'Of'Xn-THK HKKKISAKTKU IH. Isevrlbe.1 Hook haa been uken up by the City maribel ami will be eohl at the expiration of ten day (or i-iUi and expeuiee. Oue nr., 1 horse, brau.Ie.l wiih aquaMei Hielt V ou led ihoulder nudA ..11 nshi dioul der, weig-111 .iboui mm pooudr, age about .. yeara. Oaled H.!piember ii, Ivui. J . U. HBATIIMAN. City llarehal Unm TeWI n n r J WILL YOU BE THERE? W.- lake reat pleaeure iu invitiug you to attend a pCOieVl exhihition that will be given in our store ou September 27, 28 and 29. ;it which turn- we will have on display a very Urge stock of fine Imported aud Domestic Woolens, not samples but huge piaaai of woolens. We have obtained these piatM gOOdl for the sole purpose of allowing our customers to see the goods more like what they appear when made up. A Special Representative Will Be Present especially prepared to take your measure carefully on the above dates, for a very high quality of tailor Ins at popular prices We guarantee a perfect (it or no sale, and especially recommend workmanship ami trimmings. Don't fail to call even if you are not pre pared to buy at once, but leave your order for future de livery. All the new Oxfords and Cambridge 1 1 rat .Mix hires, Knglish Striped Worsteds aud popular Blua Serges will be contained in this display. We triut to have the pleasure of your attendance. R Alexander. Canai in all itylaa MAN Combs, KrusM list received sonic Fine After Dinner Cheese And many Fancy Delecacies at Standard Grocery Co Opposite Qolden Rule Hotel. Call tip: No. 5 (or Wood, Coal, Brick and Sand. Heavy Hauling toper-lei atleulluu siveu lo CounmuiiiHula Laatz Bros. The Columbia Lodging House NEWLY RURNBHIJ HA It IN (ONNKWW IN UKNTKR OF BLOW BET U .iaaWEBBKW I .X. SCHliMPP, Prop. GOLDEN ill M IcrHKHT 1 Let Us Hut Our Meads I 1 1 lrt ll... .epaT, VJST; ."J-' ' iarHaae . M Pn,e, ..Tea-onebiV " s'SSoVM'a'n e.ituiu- on uy kmj u( oarrlag "wSJ yoU NEASLE BROS. Wholeaale doaler iu Ice, Wood and Schlitz Milwaukee Beer. Henry Kopittke f 4 ,nH JohllSOI'l PENDLETON. 0RW Steam lieel. K'''''"1'' H'-lniaMI Amnrlean flu. ra(ea.J "a KiiriiK.-n pteaiicSiaa jpc. i.l raw bj ssp 1 i-rc. Bus neat Commercial Traik ' I. LloOUU r-ine 3i"K' " AtteDtleB4, Country Trarte. CONHAD KOHUf- " THAN SKI TRUCK ST OK AG CROWNER I; Tai.aruo"