East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 27, 1901, Image 1

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iMmmm I : i
Him T
NO. 4240
Ite Place
10 Duy www
where you can have a hi
utock to
select from. Call
and see me.
My stock is
M both in fancy and staple
L R. Demott
a splendid
showing of
New Capes,
New Jackets,
New Raglans,
New Three Quarter Lengths
To Women
Arc on special display here this week.
The Boston Store.
Newest Fall Fabrics.
Peau Da Sois
Luni PnuMlle
Satin Reppa
City Worsted
I rap I e Altna
French Poplin
Snake Skin
I'dile (Cheviot
Satin Victoria
In light and heavy weight and in hlack
mil color. A heautiful line of t rim
muirH to match.
Rt'meniier our
Dress Goods Sale
at the very low prices of
Bfe !9c, 29c, 39c, 49c and 59c
UMSMlltd valueH found here
Fall stuck here all now and low
Many new ntyh8 to how.
Watch our Silent Glove Sale.
All the stock for fall is
the host dressers are now
their choice. We are making a specialty
of high class values
now in and
pickini: out
$10 and $15
New overcoats are necessary this fall
as there is such a great change in the
style. We have them and buyers like
$7.S0 to $15.00
Please the best.
We thank our patron for the hig shoe
business of this fall. We believe you
like big values at small prices.
25c Neckwear 10c tonight.
Newgoods arrivinir weekly
SdlitiK at reduced prices.
line ol u if t books in uh.t..
ECS?' on
P Muced price. -i
China Crockery and
Classware for Your Table
makes thi meal tempting when the
dishes are dainty and of delicate
and pretty patterns. Uur sto k is
all up to-date, handsome and of the
newest designs and exquisite de
corations. Handsome dinner sets
fur v.. . I Ht sifts, as well as lint
vases, glassware and jardinieres, we
have in choice variety, and at sur
prisingly low prices.
Ten Boer leader who have been cap
tured since Setpember 15 hare been
permanently banished from South
The centennial celebration of Daniel
Webster's graduation from Dartmouth
college was observed at Hanover. New
Hampshire, Wednesday.
President Roosevelt haa announred
that he will make Washington and
Oregon a vieit neit year for the pnr
pose of becoming better acquainteI
with the great Pan He northweat.
Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt took up
her permanent residence in Washing
ton, when, as mistress of the White
House, she occupied apartments there
for the first time Wednesday night.
At a conference at Cleveland, Ohio,
of Senator Hanna and other repnhli
can leaders it was decided to postpone
until October 1 the opening of the
campaign in Ohio, in order that the 30
day of mourning for President McKin
ley might be properly observed.
A deed transferring the i.reat Kails
A Canada Railway to the Oreat North
ern has been filed in Cascade county,
Montana. The consideration named is
1750,000, and the deed is signed by T.
T. (Jail and .1. J. Hill. Bv the
terms of the aale the threat Northern
aurees to widen the road to standard
guage by October :.(), 1902.
L. Torrance, commander-in-chief of
the grand army of the Republic, an
nounced the following staff appoint
ments: Adjutant general, S. H.
Lowler, Minneapolis; quartermaster
general, Charles Burroughs, Ruthr
ford, N. J. ; inspector general, Wil
fred A. Wetherbee, Boston. Minne
apolis will be the headquarters during
Judge Torrence's administration.
Chinese are now seeking to evade
the restriction act hv taking advantage
of the transit privilege. Thev come to
Han Francisco, it ia asserted, and at
once depart for Mexico or other foreign
ports, only to cross the border hack
into this 'country at the first oppor
tunity, .since July 1, 768 Chinese have
arrived in San Francisco en route to
foreign countries. Of this number 25i
were ostensibly bound for (iuaymas.
Wednesday was "Oregon day" at the
Pan-American exposition. The weather
was delightful and many Oregonians
and former residents of the state were
present at the exercises held in the
Temple of Music. The program in
cluded music and address of welcome
by Director General Buchanan and re
sponses by E. L. Simth of Hood River,
representing Governor deer, and a I
dresses by H. W. Scott, editor of the
Oregon ian and Frank II Mntter.
Sidney W. Moss, a well known eiti-
aeu of Oregon City, died Tuesday.
The Association of Congregational
Churches aud Ministers is in seaaion
this week at The Dalles.
New Jersey capital is behind the
scheme now on foot in Portland to
build a trolley line westward over
the bills to Forest Grove.
Harry Abbott, aged six years, was
abot in the left arm with an old pistol
in the hands of his elder brother at
Salem. The boys were playing soldier
with a pistol which waa "not loaded."
Norman V. James, aged 'i'i vears, a
member of the Salvation Army at The
Dalles, was found dead in tied at his'
room Wednesday afternoon. He waa
in his usual health when fie went to
A Swede named Jonas Karlstrom
from Freewater, was captured at Walla
Walla, flourishing a uew gun and
threatening dire things to the OVI
Four men carried him to tbe lockup
after bis conflict with Officer Mc
Audrewa. Yukon mineowuera are arranging to
take ttUO Japaneae to Dawson Uj work
tbe placer diggings during the present
winter. A Japaneae contractor is now
gatberiug the little brown men to
gether in great haste that they may be
taken to Yukon before navigation
finally closes.
W. H. Young, a prominent citixen
of Haines, Baker county, is misting.
He is about 00 years of age and holds
office of road supervisor. He is a
married man aud resided on a farm
near llainea. Last Thursday he went
from home on foot without saving
where he was going and since then
nothing has boen heard from h i n. .
The Assassin of President Mc
Kinley Taken to Prison.
Tbe Murderer Collapses With Fright and Only
Recovers After He Retches His Cell end Is
Safe From tbe lob.
Auburn, N. Y., Kept. 27 Csolgost
; now occupies a cell in the murderer's
room in Auburn prison. He will re
main under constant watch of two
guards, until October 'JK, the date set
for the electrocution, and he will lie
permitted to see no one hut a priest.
Ciologsi collapsed completely when he
reached the ,r t-nti Hi it o'clock fills
morning. He was pale and trembling
and was almost dragged from the train
by the guards.
Clamorad Par Hit Life.
The assassin was handcuffed between
two deputies. Twenty local policemen
attempted to keep back tbe crowd of
tiiree hundred, which surged about the
assassin clamoring for his life. The
prison gates swung open and the as
sassin was pushed through, but not he
fore some of the crowd had rained
blows on the officers and the prisoner.
As the assassin reached the prison
step his legs gave way. Moaning ami
shrieking he was dragged to the orison
office, placet! on a settee and scant
courtesy accorded him. The prison
physician administered a drink of
brandy. This revived him somewhat,
and the attendants ordered him to
stand up. Czolgost then tried to rise,
hut fell to the lloor. The keepers then
stripped him and attired him in a auit
of stripes. He waa hustled to a cell,
where he partially recovered from Ins
frigid and resumed his manner ol
stolid indifference.
New York
Heported bp I. L. Ray Co.,
ChleaNo Heard of Trade and
Steek Ixananae IreNees.
New York, ttopt. 27. The grain
markets were all slow today, with
scarcely anything doing. I iverptml
closed tj lower, 57. New York
oened unchanged, 70 December, and
closed 75, being the high and low
points for the day. Pork closed 10c
higher, 10.12 January.
Stocks strong.
Monev, 4. per cent.
Close todav, 7rl.
Open today, 7rt.
Mange today. 7M, to To.
Close todav, 75V
Stocks: Sugar IMpf) steel
Paul Irun, : I'. P. 97 it-8.
M; St.
DollS Par.... II I -I J
'"5- J0Od iinalitu
lOllS. Olh .!, .
lun 7 . ,,u"!' 2ac
turn,, uLeaUs-C0'plete line
iw, china and metal heads.
dolls 19
ou Soap
i;ibf, other
P1 nd 1 sc
laZ "ur SOilPs average
r51 man
Fine castile soap
popular soaps 5c,
bar. Please bear
33 3
No! Supplies -25 slate pea
For Combination Folding Cots and
Chairs. Just the thing to take to the
mountains - - -- -- -- -- -- --
Next Door to Postoffice pn
I have a full line of the celebrated
Wood and ooal atovea guaranteed to
be absolutely air tight. None of the
heat is wasted and the etovee will
aave ONE-HALF of your fuel bill.
1 also have a full line of cast cook stovea and steel ranges.
Prices are the lowest, quality considered.
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
Hs Kiprstisi Hlmistras Vary Hopsrul or
Taklna Home tbe Cup.
Highlands, N. J., Sept. 27. -The
Columbia and Shamrock lay ijuietly at
their moorings todav. Some slight al
terations were made on the Columbia's
mainsail, but beyond that no change
has hecii mad)' in either yacht. Sir
Thomas l.lpton is sanguine as ever ol
liftilig the cup. lie denied that the
('"lumhia got the advantage in yester
day's start in an illegitimate manner.
Columbia the Pavorlte.
London, Kept. "J7. The race for the
in.Tica's cup yesterday has further
shaken the faith ol Knglish lictting
men in the Shamrock. I he betting to
day ia 7 to 4 on the Columbia.
Will Cross ins Continent In Superb Train
at axpsnseor the Banker
New York, Kept. 27. J. PInTPMI
Morgan and fourteen guests, all nun
istem, left hero thin morning tin -in
Kranciaco, to attend the general con
vent urn of the Protestant Kplmupal
church. the train waa the movt
palatial that ever started across the
continent. All expenses will Is- home
hv Morgan.
Nn NeKlnlsy'i Condition
Csnton, Sept. 27. Secretary Cor-
telyou arrived here this morning with
ten valises, mippomid to contain the
personal papers ol the late rPNSldMt
McKinley. Mrs. Mckinley's condition
in not cnaiitfod thm mnrmiitf over that
of yesterday, when she showed indua
tlonn of imnrovnment. Iler ifi.-i, 1-
lear that the presence of (,'ortelyoii
may serve to intensify Iter anguir
and cause another collapse
rs. Pullman Wins Suit.
Chicago, Ills., Sept 27. The wife
ol den. M. Pullman, son of the late
Palace car inaguate, wan granted a di
ion.- and f InOO a year aim , thin
morning. Mm Pullman charged him
With desertion .
Mothrrhuod mean:, rithi-r h.iinii
or iniK M. Their ix bt . on happiiicc. tor
the mother, who in 0.00 and arcakaM
brings into the worlil a wNslfllH hul
which she CNN neither DUrse nor nourish
Or. Pierce' havorilr Prescript ION ht
wuiucn lor muthcrhoml. It sticnthrns
the uiatrrnul nrgaNlWN il trunquiliccs
(be Nanraa, u.oin.., the .,.-;ii. ..no
bnugs rrfreshiii U-rp II inukos the
birth hour pruclially p-iiilna ami gives
th. in. .tin ill. nuuriahliienl togivrher
TUan i no alcohol in " Favorite Pi
scription," aud it i abaulutely itvx from
upiuui, cocaine, auu all utnci J"
" Words lauiiut caurcw Iww anitrrul 1 mm lui
youi kind mlvK'i OU "UI rmulilt ""."P
tl..i, writes Mrs V m B. ! "I l'en.,f
Csinuusll Cu . Va I (ol ll'..' Il hs. iurtl uc
I hsd bceu In uuul l.csllli (..i I. mi ytsrs. Nul
fried (reMlly tvkfa ai tikl side. sUo with
br.uu dowu Milu. sod illy nerve, were iu s
dies.lful state After using Haul l-.ol.-e ol youf
OmvoMIc rics.ni.o-M, I SUI u sen 1 -oi
the u.tber of leu eutldiu
child 1 sum red I ueut eijflil
the s.uuJ I ud , uur
Vouug I'uilmau is in
lei on, a, Sept 27. -A great I 'in
of miners is taking place from CopDNf
river, in the All in district, liin rjal)
a few claims are paying, employing
but few men. Hundreds of men must
come out on accouut of a shortage
ins aiua is usao.
Tacoma, Sept. 27. Oriental ad v nee
stale that tbe marquis Shotai, tl
foruier king of Kluklii island baton
annexation by Japan, died in Toko
three wieks ago.
MeKlnley Memorial Assoslalloo.
Columbia, Ohio, Hept. 27. -The Mc
Kinley National Memorial association
was incorporated here Unlay. The oh
ject is to erect aud maintain by popu
lar subscription a suitable memorial at
Canton to the late president.
let In Sao Praiislseo.
ban Kranciaco, Wept. 27. iu a riot
on tbe water front this morning, two
spouial police, who were attacked by
a mob of strikers, sltot aud seriously
wounded ilevrmaii KanletN and Jack
Wilsoo. both strikers.
Hassalo's Harness Broke in Third Heat
and Ho Was Distansed.
Salem, Sept. 'J7.-Special to Kast
Orognniaii. --The postvonetl race, purse
UH)o, par tilt iiacers, was won by
Pathmark, Starkweather's horse Star
key, second. Thes were the only
starters at the Hnish. Kor the Capital
t'ity slake for trotting horses, purse
flitQO, Perringer's Mount I IimmI won,
Ratldleey's tlveta, second; Kirklantl'i
Sai Alene, third.
1 he posptoueN pace was begun on
Wtidneday afterinMin, there being the
following entries A. K. Heller's John
A. I rawtord, an tie vanter's ruth
mark, K. Starkweather's Starkey, R,
It. rongae's Hen Holt and Krank
Kraxier's llassalo.
Tbay trot awav, with i 'rawtord at
the pole and Mannalo trailing behind.
At the ttrsl eighth mile t rawtord hail
Implied to last place, win If I' rank
t railer, with liassalo, forged to trie
front position, and held it throughout
On the hack stretch Crawford took
fourth position, Hen Holt dropping
buck to last place, ami when the home
stTwten was reached the horses held
their (positions, llassalo winning the
heat easilv, with Pathmurk second,
St.irkev third, John A. Crawford
fourth, and Heu Holt a had tilth.
Time by quarters, '.V, 1:10, 1:41,
and 2:21.
In the second heat the pacers got
away badly scattered, lull tbe eigliln
post they were travel ing almost neck
and neck, with llassalo leading and
Crawford, on the outside, in the rear.
Here ('rawford made a spurt and at
tempted to take the lead, but he broke
on the hack stretch, and laifore he re
covered his feet he was far in the rear
ami never recovered his ihisiIioii
When the pacers reached the head of
the home stretch, llassalo led, With
Pathmark a ban second, and Starkey
third. Here Pathmark made a rush
and Kraxier only succeeded in poshing,
llassalo under the wire a neck ahead
of Pathmark, laith horses lieing under
the gad. Starkey came in third, Hen
Holt fourth, ami John A. raw lord a
had tilth Time, by ooartera, M ,
1:11. I It. and ItllM.
In the third heat the horsei- started
closely hunched, and at the word they
started around the track at locomotive
sieed. Hasslao taking the lead, while
John A. i r a w tor. I fell to the rear, re
maining there all around the mile. On
the third quarter Pathmark Imgan to
Iraw up to llassalo, ami on entering
the home stretch the two horses were
neck ami neck, and uinlei the gad,
ami Pathmark passed under the wire
with a ruaii, with Haaaalo but a few
left behind, Hen Holt in third place
and starkey fourth, while lolui A.
Crawford waa distanced. The time bv
uartera was. It'-,, llIlM, I tu and
In the fourth heat of the pace the
four horses got away in good shape,
and around the track they went, Star-
key taking the lend on the llrst quar
ter, and he held this place until he
Hnish, coming under the wire with no
aoeipetltor in sight, Pathmark, Heu
Hull and llassalo, in the order named,
t iniiig in a hunch, just luside the
Hag I he heat wan made in It SIM
lie tune hv quarters was to 't , 1:14,
I :ft2S,, 2:;ils.
In i he filth I, eiit a hue start was
made, llassalo trailing Kraxier's horse
em.il to he in good shape and able to
i he the heat, which would have
g rail luni me racei, aiiu lie pannno
I.. Holt on tie llrst quarter, but
after the hall mile .onl waa passed,
Hassalo's hopples broke, ami lie waa
off his feet in an instant, dropping
rapidly lied iml.aud was effectually out
of the race. I'lie other horses raced
around, closely bunched, Starkey aud
Pathmark racing down the strut, li
neck and neck, with Heu Holt close at
tDSil heels, and Willi a splendid spoil
the first two passed under the wire,
Starkey winning the heat by a nose,
with Paihmark second, and Heu Holt
third, wdile Ifassal i was abut out, an
eighth of a mile away. Time by quar
ter, ii1,. 1 Ins,, lift.
After this heat the rate was port
poiied until Thursday, when It was
loiabarJi Pathmark first, Starkey
second .
Willi the htsi
Itoui. slid wilh
clii lllr Slid ssi .ick
only tbrre boors 1 belieie Ir fierce revor
itr Presctptfoa be (he beet uiedl. ii" In the
woil.l fur suOeriug leiuaie. i visn you i'w
suites.. . 11 '1 hope
uoule wot
thel Cod will bless you
Main street, Pendleton, Oregon.
' aa al a
li Pietie s Common Meuae Mcouai
Advlsei, in paper coiers, I- sent jret uu
receipt of U one -cent stamp, to pay
cipcuse ol mil
K. V. fierce, builulu, N. V
OfclaNoma Tews Sueusd
fort Worth, Texas, Hep. 27. -uoNt
tbe entire business nan of
Cloud, OklalMMua. we deetruyad
dre. Ttte lues is fiuu.ouo.
Puaeraf aerrlae fes Prtaee.
Paris, Sept. 27. --Ttte on aa I swrvioe
tor Prince Henri of Orlmn was held
bare this woruiug.
A Peer UllsaaJrs
lately starved in IxumIoii because be
could uot dijaet bis food. Karly nee of
Or. King's New Life Pills would have
saved hi in. Tbey strengthen tbe stom
ach, aid digestion, promote aasimilatiou.
improve appetite. Priee 26c. Money I
hack 11 uot aatlsaed.
di Co., druggist j
There are 240,UUU guests dally in the
hotels of Pails.
Proven That Schley Did Es
tablish a Picket Line.
Judge Adforai Ldmltj Did i Letttk SlrutllM,
Bui No CrowlOa-Oir of Scbloy s Lawyers
Poured Hoi Shot Into Hn Breastworks."
Washington, -t.pt. 27. -Judge Atl
vsatc 1 t'tnlv had mtemhsl to follow
up the atamlMtloa of out ship's
captains at this ni.iniing's st-mnoo of
the Schley court of iinpilry, hut they
were not available, so he derided to
call several witnesses, who were anai
ous to leave the city.
I. ieii tenant Sncsr Wml testtrletl
that he had orders to run l as close
to the INNNBI as pnssihle, hatl he ap
peartsl. lit. heard or knew of no
ertoris to discover whether the Spanish
snips were inside ..f OnnsInnSM harlnr.
Captain Wlis Aaaln en stand.
Captain Wise resumed the stand to
correct his testimony of yesterday, lie
said the dispatch given him for de
livery to Schler directed the 'atter to
protaod with all Hissihle haste to
sauting" As he ("mid -chley at San
tiago he Old not deem it necessary to
inform Schley of his own movements
Captain Woed Rssallsd.
I ilenaut srencer Wtssl, who coin-
HNxSM the Huisiut, testilletl that his
vessel was on tiie picket line This
important statement was for Schley's
side, as it was maintained that he
had tailed to establish picket lines.
Captain Hood on Stand.
I. lent. John llo. ..I, who coiumamleil
the Hawk during war with -pain,
test i lied he delivered a dispatch to
Hchley Irum Sampson, in which the
former war told tu go to Santiago with
all sissihle speed, ss the Siianish lleel
was there. Hcblev maintains that ha
received a letter from Sampson after
the receipt of this dispatch, ordering
him to remain at t'lenluegos.
Ths Judas advosat Was Angr'.
After adjournment Judge Advocate
1 , Icy strisle angrily lo the table Nf
copied by Schley's counsel anil de
manded to know why they hail charged
him with giving tecords of the case to
the newspaiiers Lawyer Rayuor de
tiled he hatl made the charge, hut
Lieutenant I'arker said he had his
suspicions as to who gave them out.
"Vou are always lull ol suspicions,"
angrily exclaimed Lemley. "Well."
replied I'arker, "1 have hatl a sus
picion lor s e tune that y tut are not
a gentleman and I am not sure hul
that suspicion is well fouuded."
I.etnlei ignored this remark and left
Parker's presence.
Slainpsea'i Rsqusst Nsrused g
I luring the altermaju session a re
tpiest from Admiral Sampson that at
torneys Stayluu and I'ainpliell lai pet
nutted to r, present his interests before
the unirt, was rweue-l and refused.
sCaila Tasss Hand.
( apt M. ('alia took the stand ami
iMtlMd thai he told Schley the Hpan
ish fleet was at Santiago, ami urged
him to go there, as ordered, even if be
MM Id not stav there. Mcl'alla said
that Hchley would have had no
dlStCNltl in coaling Ifoiii a collmr
alongside, ofT Santiago heritor.
stsppsd Into Llvs Coals.
'When a child I burned my bait
frightfully," antes W. II. Kails, ol
lo, i. s. ill.., Va., "whicl. caused horrible
leg sores for N years, but Huck ten's
Arnica Salve wholl) cured me after
averytlnng else felled. " Infallible lor
burns, st alds, cuts, sores, bruises and
piles. Sold by Tall man A (Jo. .druggista.
"Nerve Waste."
tins ol (lis ui.mi btifhil bonks ou aarve
west lis r Issus.l Is INNl sulltlad "Nsrre
Wssu," by I" Saersr ol aau Prauclsuo, new
U 111 Aftfc iNeaiaNd' Ikk Nnti sxaer
rlsn.e.1 au l isutstls pbfiii lati Is lu are
sl.ls . onli.l lo lbs fast tuut ol tolas wblug
altl' b ptstslliuii UU li.lsisstlug subject 11
sls.ui' ls in steluily 'ousl'lsri'l suil (.is. o. al
4 rise, aad iiib kaa rssi msriu oi eia-
dom and aluierlljr
1 1 kj euilurssd b bolb lbs isllglous su4
so...... fits. Inn nnsnsjn a4faasa aafti "a
us.uesl ol tbs book sail lbs ttiulUaliou ol Its
prim lattd pul bsaitb. uos sinl bsarl lute
tbnussiiUs 'I UnM NN NM suBstlus
llirougb nervous liuparsiasul."
I Us keek Is H by wall putSHisiu
unsol ibaawisllutertMtliiai'bapUit t batter
it, ou set rlnss and Nsi lotilrs bas base
pnuSs-l sspsr.laljr ss a aut(iis ubapur, sua
will be ssul to sur saJrass lof stamp b lk
uubiuu.ii INS PAOtTK PUNUNU1NU tVU..
Not A.si Sau Prsuulsou
Fnztt Ojiera House i
'.., 1. tl.Ssl, latsss Sll'l Ugl
Jas. a
ilcb, Larsal Msusasi
Muiday. September pih.
Hold by Telliiian Ir,,. a aggti'
flic-. 50c, li.oo and (i j"
NscUsatoSI L- U rsasise'. boob .KM
Clause Headquarter.