llllll wraai 'I'll is cut represents one of ihp latest styles in NEW SHIRTS for Fall and Winter wear. $1 TO $1.50 each leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. PENDLETON IN PORTLAND n't HSU WERN0KSH1P CANDIDACY war.r.1.1. on One otJua. Lowell s putrvrm Pisnki. 1 1 i mII of I'cndieton ll an- Jtf, imiiMl.ni. 10 lb. next MM , h- I.. In , . . 'Ill iiinvi inn. 'i'""'" H 1 w . ... ,.lrj lull llBHorol WPJ" "KTCa .u... thf ltlt' ' ,v" .7.7" ... -.1 hum le el'i .. ... jm a. lllf Vliriinii ......... li.ii k.i i iirt ill i ipBIBOH ar- i that 1" renin. E .11 Icir it applies only ,m tlio have Mi advance '"i- r,(Mnaonwl tlieir intention " oe li.l'jiiJiii' Lowell in11""' s'w HbJ principle of vol ntitury election 'rtBi mi euii!"wr "r employe, UmiIIj, toil under d.rr Hltv, l'iioi)lanieiil or labor on such 1411 t court ol arhitrat ion mi(lit ggj Then Bs a WWjm n mt tlmre ih mi power in Hit' . i .... ...... .....i .-niiiiiii hum . H ..Ml. " I . L I... ... ..mi. .11 Ull(ltlllr lit H .III. I'M -'' " ... I... lit In. null true W.I IMn MBIMNi men SWW lrm' urturnot to work, 10 employ la tofDOttn employ it, to engage in lie or withdraw therefrom. II a met ! brokuii the civil I mrts may ispMlnl M If thure ll it disagree tMlinlr cnntra.'t obligations the lUeaiT ' tu have their differ m ! jtletl by arbitration. All i cu w done under existing laws, : - t:.:.w '- fmi . ion-t violent Inlictl amendment tu (lie noiiiti- Ml MO COUIUol lii -I' to MIDIBll tO B ir J aruitration mImi tliey volun at inter mt contract to do no. h lor Itw Uiucli-vuillite'f New Zuh rJlli tile niiMt ilistlll.'ilishu I soclel :jtat country declares Mint it in aoekery, delusiuii anil a anare ; i! it i) productive of more burin i . ami that iiiiIchm ii in speed- iaoiittied tiie industries of New tu! till go In afwlMtW smash " Jwwlwrr arbitration pounds well tu lipi ol tin? would-be riitidiilule . itk bouura, but inteliiuHiit BMlikaow that w itinnit a fltMIRgi WMMMtiM llWMIHtlM to a re .: o: lln-r- lr null i taaz in it . 'i- eutiii.-l Witt, the an- iiniiiicenicnt of'.lndne Lowell' candi ducy, Umatilla county hax two repub lican anpirantx Inr iioveruor, and it in thin niect of the lltMttM that ll interealing. W. .1. Furninh, ex nlierifl of I T mnt i 1 In county, who wan one of the republican nominee- for preKiden- ' tial elector laat fall, put up hi rod aome month aio. Thi action on bit part, H l generally believed, wax it lie to foreatall the candidacv of Judge 1 Lowell. Thoae who enjoy neraonal acquaintance of the two I'liiatilla HtateHiiien know that their relation I are not cordial. To what particular I tune tin falling out date i nut gen erally known. Neither i the caue of their diflerence generally known. And I'eu.l lei n i not the only eatem Ore gon town having a republican candi date lor governor. There ll IV in villi, with it enator w ill lamcon Mr. Williamson ha been mentioned (or coiigreH, Hecretary of Mlate and tate printer, but those who enjoy hi continence give it out that the sena tor' choice ia the governorship and thev asert that hi candidacy will lie aim innced a little later. Milton Eagle: We note with inter est the announcement of Judge Mtephen A. Lowell, of l'endletiui, that he will he a ctiididate for the republican nom ination for governor. Judge Lowell, if elected to the otlice of chiei magistrate uf our atate, would no doubt make an excellent governor and do credit to hmiHelf and to the people of this, hi home county. And, anyway, it i high time that eastern Oregon was receiv ing some recognition at the hands of the atate leaders and why not grant it by n uiiinating Judge Lowell lor gov ernor'.' The announcement wa made this week and will no doubt ue of in terest to many Miltonians who are per sonally acquainted with the judge. uj 1 1 1 r r, 1 3 I CLOCK, WATCH, KING. WATCH CHAIN, CHARM, SET SILVER FOKKS. UilVSSOS !r00NS : OR AN mill CLUCK nytlnni in the Jeweiry lint ? una fiMK.c.1 I WILL aH'Tllfc BKKT OK AMI' PBICI Louis H 11 11 i.'Ler Jfiweler and Optician I'lioru I mure calarro In tills Mill ul tbc ; ruutitry Until .11 BtttW ibuo put lugethvr. Kiel iiuill tii' in"! ii'w yeii.n n wh aiiiol in ua tnourabla. Kur a areat many yuars duclur. ' proinmui'i'it it n Iih hI dlsoaw ami preM-rilxxl j tucal ramadle., ami to riiuaWHIlty lalbna '' imru Willi lui iil truituin'iit pTiimiuui'uti It In- curable Srn'iirc lm priiveu ealarru n w cuustlluliuuitl iliwaw. ami tliereiure ruqulruiK ciiu.iiiuuuuhI treat mi nt llall'i ( atarrii run . awutotaotarad tj k. J. Cboner cu., rotwu i Mini. tbe only l uuslltutiuual cure un llic marki'i It l lakeu ililcrnaUy 111 ilown ul Irnni ii'ii trom lu . ivaapuoiiful. ll acti illractly nu Lka i.i I mi l BMOIM ur(ac ut tb systcin Tliey nltur me' liuielrml i ; lur any own u (all. In cure. Heinl lur circular ami luitlnm , . i . ..... i I I'llk'I'k'V L I'll lllitln Allure. r. rf. v ...... . w Tuleiln. Uhlo I rtulil h( tlruff IxU. 7 la, lUII'.'Kamlly 1'iU.are the bum. Pendleton Day at the Portland i arnlvai. There will he a auecial excursion to I'urtland from PaoalatOD ou Thuraday, October 10, for the Imnetlt of thoae IM ideaire to visit the exujaitiou auu car nival. The rate will he 17.35 for the ! round trip, which include two admis sion to the carnival. Ticket! good I until October lb. lingular excursion rate .H5. (Jail at tbe O. K. ot N. ticket otlice for full particulara. Many physician are now prescribing Kodol Oyapepeia Cure regularly haviug iiiind that it is the best prescription thev can write because it is the one preparation which contains the ele ments necessary to digest not ouly some kinds of load but all kunlaaim it there fore cures iudigestiou and dyspepsia mi m.tutr abat ita cauae. Tallmah V 5. a Winter Pasture for Rent. :'.7o acres heavy bunchgrass, 500 acres stubble with straw slack, isd acrH in, .ul . ImMl Niiriveled bv hot w iud? kiiiinuitf water, house aud stable on premises. ,irru KilvMr ir th Stratford. N. 11 "1 uurcnase! a bottle of One Minute Climb ( nr.- arhen sufterilia' with a , .i . .in i ,t- Inlil me was incurable line bottle relieved me, the second and third almost cured. Today 1 am a well man." Tallman & Co. TAI r a s i arv arm i kt m T i i ay sr x anil a m m. ra a a . Now i tie time and here is the place to net TOUQI ni uir tight heaters and Htoel ranges. 1 Ml neveii varieties of air tighU which I am oft'er M MMApU tlian ever before. ive me a trial and totftovijiotd. I also have new and complete assortment of 1 ,rry ni,, hfngtng lamps at greatly reduced prists. Joe Baslor. Mam Street, fendlelun. Helore buying a Heating BtOVC examine the German Heaters - AT W. J. CLARKE A CO. Opera house Block. ft PICTURI MANY CALLRD AT RORR CO'S. BOOTH. Some or the People Prom Here Who Are here. Portland, Sept Special corre- PpMMoe. Peodlatoii t ,, w,n Hre attaMlni Im Portland camlml make Headquarter at the booth of (he len- dleton Knhe ami PictDf mpanv' booth, pm in by Oharle J. Kerguaon, one ol the company, and Mi Kffie Jean rraxier. who for the entire month Will be in charge of the booth, and will he glad to assist !'e ndle'unian who desire to obtain information con cerning the exposition or to find their friend who are in the citv, That booth has already become a' sort ol charing hoiie for Pendleton ieople at the fair. Mmn hrazier' addre will be "Ihe Sterling," corner Ith and Couch. If anyone doubt that l'eiidletonian were here in force on the opening night, let him read the list of thoae who called at the booth: Mr. and Mr. I. B. Kelt, Melvin Ml, Mrs. R. Alexander, Mis bertha Alexander, Mr. N. K. Despain, Mis Conntance UeMPRin, Mis Kleanor Despain. Mrs. Charles C. Herkele. , M ildretl Herkelev, Mrs. Kffie Hopper. Mis Leila McKay, Mis Kthel Johnson, M Marguerite Leasure, Clyde Owens.Charle French, Al Slnaher, Dale slnher, Fred Drake, Walter liill, Mis Kav Kearnev. Mis Oertrnde Hunt, also Mr. and Mrs Manriie Johns ol Athena. Mis iter l na Well left for home, stopping en mute at I ascade i.ncks. and arriv- ihk ih Pendleton aturdav eveninu. Some Other Mentions. Oeneral Owen Summers and Mr. Kaheiler of the lair management cal led at the booth the first night. I'hev felt Ulite tionore.l, indeed, those at the bin ah, 1 mean. Dreamt Mrs. William House have laien at the Pnrtlan ', and are ex pected to pay respects l . the Pendleton inns at the bisith. Judge Ellis, wuo i attending hi oii r.udie alter an operation for apnen- licitis; U, W. Hum and .1. A. Fee have been at the Imperial during the week. M'hi IVarl l.nckev has gone in the I mversity at hngctic, accompahind bv her mother, Mrt. Kutler, who will return to Pendleton tint week. Mis I-ranees Todd ha visited with the laoailv ol Sam tilll lor two week ..nl returned b une to Pendleton. Hoiaiid Oliver passed throngh Port- land a few days ago, en rn...e to Seatlle to attend the I'nivervitv of Washington, instead of going attain to the Obi. i Weslyan University, where be has hereto! ire been a stn lent. Hto Metchan will go to Pendleton this week, to take a position in 0M M the big stores there. Miss Fav Kearnev is the guest of Mis Nona Hoiier whib- in Portland. FRUIT FAIR OPBNBD TODAY. Walla Walla Will Have a Week ot oaiety and Many Visitors, Walla Walla, sept. -'I. special Cor- resp uidelice. The Fiut Fair opened todav, with prospects for the "best ver. ' ' Those who have seen the fairs of turmer year believe this one, barring untoward events, will ex- eud all that have gone before Mana ger Van De Water and a corps of able assistants have prepare) as never be- tort , and everything is ready for the large crowds expected tu attend. The big pavilion in which the fair is held l un Alder street, opposite the .New- Walla Walla Hospital, aud i roomy and convenient. The management wa' tortuuate to secure a site ao close to the center of the town, and large enough to suit the need. the manager ol the Pioneer asso ciation of the Inland Kuipire are re solved that Thursday, September 2, Pioneers' day at the Walla Walla valley fruit fair, will tie one of the eadlhg leaturen ol lair week ana also a great event in the history m wis or ganisation. I'o aicouinlish this Dr. N. ii. Hlaloc.a, president, and Marvin Lvans, secretary of the Pioneers' asso ciation, have hit upon a plan tor a grand street parade which will vividly portray an emigrant tram crossing the plains in the early days when to reach the great west was not the mutter ot half a doteu davs but representee as many long tiresome months, fraught lib perils and danger inconceivaoie. Manv oldtiiuere are expected aud re- u'lesled to be present on that Pioneers day. Thev will assemble in Walla Malta at 10 o'clock 1 bum. uy morning and will be furnished with badges by the aecretarv and president that the old aettlers and tlieir families may gain free access to the fair groL.ida during the morning, afternoon aud eve mug. . LET BICYCLISTS BEWARb impertinence on Their Part as Described by an Bye Witneni. Said a Peudletoiiiau to the East Ore wouiau : "I aaw aomething the other day that made inv blood boil, aud caused me to bone that the people who ride wheels will take warning from this aud not uiaae it necessary for me to c in plain aud cause some of them to he arrested. 1 was passiug along the side walk, and saw an old lady ass. -tin,' home her daughter. The daughter was ill, aud the lady was advanced in years, aud scarcely able to walk with out help. Coming dowu the aidewalk was a wheelman, spriutiug at about a 15-mile gait, and never atoppiug as ha approached the two women. He rung his bell violently, aud even called upon them to get out of the way, aud theu dashed by with an augrv look upon his face, indicating that he thought he had beer, imposed upou, by the ladies refusing quickly to get out of his way aud not bother him as he turned the walks mlo race tracks, and ignored the rights of petieetriaus. "Now, this fellow is ignorant of the law. ile daje not realise that loot passengers have right of way, and that lie is not expected to iucouimude them ptoita iinug the walks for wheel rid ing. Indeed, the law requires him to dismount when approach I ug pedes trimm .nl hi,v uentlemau would do a mvhu 'if the law did not demand it of him. "The olbi . is need to take Up this question again, and they need to do ao about every mouth. Home of the riders should be disciplined, and if a few were made to sound a night in jail, it would he a wholesome lesaou. The , duct of si line ol the ridere is that of those lacking the first principles ol u.,utl.III.U. t. i.rili.imiiM riders should reuieui isir that they must nay lieeuae to ride on the walks, aud many of them have uol done ao, or their nueuev mii aoiue time in September." Ile anticipate the most interesting educational meeting ever held in east ern Oregon. Speaking ol the change in the text honk need in the public school in Oregon under the Daly law, Mr. Ackerman aid to the Fast Ore Ionian : "I have been pleaaed with the man ner in which the people have accepted the changes in text hooks provided lor bv the new law and selected by the text book commission. There has been no complaint excepting that the books were delayed and did not arrive in time; but, for this, no one in Oregon i blameahle. for the local agent, QUI it Co., did all in their power to see that they came in time for the opening of the school vear. I believe the new books will lie found to be better than thoe ned heretofore, and that the school system was advanced by their adopt ion The text book comniission was wise in their action, and did that which maker for the betterment of the young people of the state." FEW SHEEP ARE SHIPPED Remarkable Season Among the Breeders In Oeaaon. I'r. I. until, stationed at Pendleton aa iDapaotOI of the bureau of animal in dntrv for the department of agricul ture, stated today that thi ha been one .. ihe mnil exceptional seasons in the history of the state, in the matter of shipment of sheep from the state to i be east or to other state on the coast. "We have record ol ."iXOO sheep shipped by K. and Otto Hoetteher to t'nicago or to he marketed there, and tonight Hie Kaldwin sheep company MOOI through Pendleton six cars of high bred bucks to go to points east IrOBfl here. The latter I inspected at Bhanlko, having just returned from there. Karlier in the season some ycari nigs and lambs were sent from Klgin. These constitute almost all the sheep that have been ent from Oregon thi vear. ' "Heretofore, heep buyers have bought in Oregon mid trailed to tbe ea-t thousands IBM thousands going over (tie mountains to be pastured along the nay, and rlnallv marketed in Chicago, Kansas City or Omaha, with some going to the northern route to St. Paul. Nowadays, the trailing of sheep s aboal ended. Last vear, one man trailed HtHX sheep from Oregon to Cali fornia, and that was about the oulv lot that went out over the trail. "Ei Boat Usher now here used to trail ir in lo.lkki to 40,000 each year, and other buyers did the same a 200,000 sheep were trailed nut Irom eastern Oregon every season." Ail sheep shipped must he rigidly inspected, and cannot be moved unleas vouched for by the bureau of animal industry. This ia preventing the spread of disease common to sheep in former years, ami will eventually eradi cate all such maladies practically fr on the sheep of this part of the world, at least confining them to the localities in which thev originate. AGAINST EXTRA SESSION Spaakar L. B. Reader Replies to Bdward B. Young's Inquiry. L H. K let of Pendleton, speaker ol the hooae in the last legislature, in common with other member of the legislatnre received from Fdward Kverett Young of Baker City a letter asking his view a to a special ses sion of the legislature to consider mak ing an appropriation for the Lewis and Clark Centennial. Mr. Young is one i f the commission appointed to prepare for and manage the centennial. The Portland Oregnnian opposed Mr. i oungs scheme in a lengthy editorial, and various comment hv press and citisens have been made. Some of the members of the legislature have in clined slightly towards the special ses sion, but the preponderance of opinion seems to be against the plan. Mr. Reeder expressed himself in thi manner, representative of the senti ment 0)1 most people ot Oregon : Pendleton, Oregon, Sept. 11. 1901 Hon. Fdward Kverett Young, Maker City, Oregon. My Dear Sir : Helerring to your favor of the 7th inst., request ing mv opinion aa to the propriety of an extra session ol the legislature for the purpose of providing a financial basis for the Lewis and Clark Ccntcn nial, would say in my opinion the urgency ol the occasion neither de num. In nor just i lies an extra session. Committed to the exposition tand most of the western states as well as the parliament of British Columbia Our recent legislature pledged support of the state and impowerad the citv of Portland to raise funds. In view ol the Inregoing it seems to me that a weil formulated plan for legislative action presented early in the next regular session would meet the de sired ends so far a our tate action is concerned and give ample time for the legislatures of other states and emigres to make appropriations : and the power already given to Portland to raise funds ought to provide all neeary fnuda (or the preliminary work of the Commission. L. B. RUDER, Representative. A never failing cure for cuts, burns, scalds, ulcers, and sores is DeWitl's Witch Haxel Salve. A most soothing and healing remedy for all skin al ections. Accept only the genuine. Tallman V Co. Walla Walla Fruit Fair Kor the above oecaion, September 23 to 28, the O. K. A ft. Co. will make a rate of $1.00 for the round trip Irom Pendleton. Tickets to be gold September L'.'t, '.', L'f and 2i, four davs limit Notice. All persons knowing themselves in debted to me will please call and set tle. II. M. BLO I N fOPlif,MT (! haLBeD Rightly Made Clothing M 01 a K-cat ileal more nrr MIM than von think. Ivrrvho.lv dltliMi ., DiegJ) dtMMd, ityluli jroung man Yo wr 0. t'Yw fttopto ,hink w(n hv tt- nic. lv dratted Tew know (lla, j, means, , clothing. mtdt Not MMjNtly made, rightly make. A made, ready to wear suit ii WWI ' sometimes l etter a I - I man .. tailor nude suit. You t. ii tin- rjiflertQi batty; mada mil and .t rihti read) 10 wear smt or riglith t.n lor rit;lifly will lit en .i can't lailoi m idf NRW Pall Suit an marvela ol itvla - and our price) are than others will ask and little 'canty lower Drop In any Day . W I ane, Pewamo, Mich., writes : Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the be-l remedy lor indigestion and stom ach trouble that 1 ever used, ror years I suffered Irom dyspepsia, at times compelling me to stay in bed and causing me untold agony. 1 am completely cured bv Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. In recommending it to Irienils who sufler from indigestion I aUays offer to pay lor it if It fails. Thus far I have never paid.." Tallman V Co. Oregon Slate Fair. ' Salem, September L't to 28. On We lnesdav, -eptember 25, the O. R. .V N.Co. will -ell tickets to a!em ami return, guts! until October 1 at Ill.IlO. m m m Henry Hraydoii, Harris, N. C, aaya , I took medicine 20 years lor asthma but one bottle of One Minute Cough Cure did me more good than anything else during that time. Best Cough Cure." Tallman .v Co. Lewlston Interstate Fair. To la- held at Lewiston, Idaho, Oc tober 7 to 12. Koiind trip rate Irom Pendleton named by the O. K. N. Co., 7.20. Don't wait till von become chronical ly constipated but take DeWitt's Little l .ir v Risers now and then. They will keep your liver aud ttowels in good or der. Easy to lake. Safe pills. Tail man A Co. FlGPRUNE Cere Ski The scientific blending of California figs and prunes with carefully selected grain makes A perfect cereal coffee of delicate flavor and fragrant aroma. A delicious beverage having ail the satisfying qualities of coffee and tea. The Peoples Warehouse Mormon Biahope Pllla ' Pftfr?: fear Ks?i?&m hlllty, HViidiicbe.Unnlness Loses Imlnil tmlitlnnii, or OdnetlDntlon. atons voue TwItehlnH of Kyrlldl. p.w nni to Mnrrr Cjulcknaee j. ywn y um ImWu ni ih. ,." Oil i hl , . Iltw ( ).. Our.. LnM H..I. n..ii.ii.ii.. f.iinnn lnomnia, is. in, is, Lame iars. Nanoa i, Vajni ii us De 1 1 n Charge, a, mis ne 1 1 1 . Still 111. IM th. I.. Ill .... 11... . I 1 V BjMMfcJ I ......a Will lit, ni' besn, c.i.ui... aea Addreee. Slehop Remedy Co., Ban Fraresleeo, Oak ruitiMiKHV v . n i N . t;i.. liltOtttfiara. PBsTDLROIf, OaUMtM. Buy vour Groceries of F. S. Younger & Son Why? Tliey pl.j.ts. the lastnllDils lie. iliise tliey are clean, riie satisfy the i irelul ones lie. .nisc of their purity. Th) appeal tu the ecunuiiiic.il lifiaiisr pine is always reasonable There are in. my, no iloubt, who I ' rocafiflfl BfiUlOUl UeMRhl l purit ot cost, simply lie. ause they fiml a l;ooiI prohl lor thenisel ves Whatever yout reasons in ty It" nivc us i i ill and we will treat you nnht. F. S. YOUNGER & SON. OU1CK MKI.IVKUV I'llONK ifl Hotel Pendleton Boil from 5 to lO m in utea only. ALL OROCERa. Best Cereal Coffee. Under New fliinajfemeiit I lit SCHOOL booh cmanums state There is Sunt. Ackerman Bays Little Complaint. J H. Ackerman, state superinten dent of public instruction, lelt lor home on the haturday night tralu.hav ing attended the meeting to arrange or thabUW Teacher's meeting here la N". X6 lor a three day-' mmiou. W't iiru thi neopls nu l tlM Bly people lu tbe I'Uery ouoine-- in I'euilletou that em. ploe I .ill Ion nl iuK iiuie tin- yr urnune end loelte our own rtal'llei, Heruees, etc., IM 'to not ship iheui Irom tbv tactorles like some ol our eoinputilon euil.theu tell you they are u good m uuui mwlei but tbey era uot. JOSEPH ELL, I eadlag Mar aces and Saddlery tiartburn, Belching of Oases, Pain in the Stomach, Bloating, Distress after Bating, etc. 1 here are many remedies lor these troublea, but tew cure. NAU'i DYSPKPSIA CUkK will cure the worat caaea. lnleM DUniiUOOk, Willi Kliirpheliii Ail,., ii .. -. III., uiva: "I liuve In n a BitrTi im renin bLOUIMC'Ii teoubli -lor U yamrm. ll i iilinlimloil In nb oeutloii nl the ali'iiiwi li luat Mureli. 'look Nau'e 1 1 -.il.i . ii re auil miii I . " For aalefcv lallinao at Co . and all llrat Uaea druaclata, or euJ to I rank Natl, Hoi i laud Motel Ftaaraautcy, Fort imud. Ureaoa. Frice Si a bottle or 6 but lis. lor$, aavreaa prpml4. A. C SHAW k CO. W. J. HKWEI.l., Manager. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER DEALERS Yard on Webb Htreot Opposite Hunt Freight,!).)!)! We are prepared to furnish ail) thing in the lumber line aud can guaraulMe prices to be aa cheap, il not cheaper than others. We also carry a large line of Doors, Windows and Moulding. Parties oouteuiplatiug buildiug will da well to eee us helore placing their orders. We alao earry Cascade Jl.l Fir wood. Phone Main Vi. A Strictly First-Class Kicelleot CdIsioo. Bvery Modern CoDvenleoLo Bar and Billiard Mooma The i. si Hot Van Dran Bro9., Prups 1 J k f jf F-A AflHajeflBBef cHnHjHB E E HI D GlTf Us I Trill. Kates $2 00 1 day Special Hate, by Week or mootb HaadquarUrB for Travallng Man In EaBtern Ortgon. Successori to J. E. Moor HEATING STOVES BflOM pun hasiii BOMB ami luok u.ci oill laitfe ind ' ("" plote line ul heating stoves win. Ii we .ue si llini' it .i v er v low figure HANSFORD A THOMPSON, Th Leading Hardware. Man. $6000 Worth of the best Laun.lry Malunt;ry and a KNOWLEDGE of how to operate it account!, for our UC ceas in the laundry huiine8. TRANSFER TRUCKING, S T O R A G K. ami you rag-re It your will work, oavar ''iiii Hotel SI. Gb i ii i i IMKVUAU, Frig KlflRdQtly Farolsbed Steam Heated I uiopeao Flan n, ... k aad a hall Iroaa depot sample Koorn lu coaaectlua. Room Kale MK. 75c. $1.1 Thm Domomtlo Laundry. PEHHWQUL PUIS I'hmy uvereuava Weak now, iriogmariiy auu omiaeiuu. luumaja rlr- iir ami nauutu imiu t wiouetruatiou " Tboy are "1.IFK BAVKIW " lo ma il 1. ii I.. I. .1 Mhllnir ,i.. v. ih null, ni ul oriraua aud bud, nu buuwn remedy fur wouiuu eouals ttitun. i en not do harill--Ula it- nre Uotd i at s iui .( nit a in hail, by ilrugTtflata. Jilt. Mol'i " C UEMICAL CU, CierelaJiajOWu. Kou e.ti.K hi tai. i. man am. mn ii -.. rssui.i oaaooM. CR0WNER & SON. For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink : : Polydore Moens. Proprietor. fimi nnnurny nnu r unmiti nrrn mi mnuu ulu.