NEW Ad NEW SHAPES The fall styles tor 1901. The "Elk' Fedor. Lonslev Derbv BAEltft DALEY One Price Clntlwrn, Furnish n and ffaitm, PendUto. feast MONDAY, BSPfClfBEli -'.i. iirii. IWO BRAVE BUFFALO LAWYKRS qeMHloil tlu following assertion tiros. i, MrWh welx would be disclosed II vicar . Rattan QNfMlMM ilnn't urow acln. Mr. iiwr'n latent political tii 11 1 "1I0 MM it"" east of the UMN Sl'Sile WHAT TO DO WITH ANAHCHISTS. MsMMI, in ami Titm. lawyer at Bdafate), imv 1 mciiim, MM MMMMI 111 the trial of Leo OMiI om lor tile 10 ml t il William Mi Kiin.'v. Ttier are jurists Ml WpMM , learned ami astute, am) r.l'lk Mtllilll L m the lieat of Buttatn's legal nrm titinn - by the ! iiii uimi Thirl"v "" mad gaj, rlin. ' 1 i .1 I..1 ill. iu I .m, I o-.t - 1 mhbImmi Arjiimeiit!. wore offered that h would I Ui eotnniU crime Ie aaelMMhls under an imp ipular tun- and won Id ii-iiai. tin nint-s rile traiM Mttj their name into din repute tliat ' ",tl"1"' ""any of the anarchistic 1 1 iiw- constitute lireai-hes of the . "r'H ' 'u "" nw niKiiiKn TOI III violent hatred of the at mm that his uttorneyH would in a MMJMMl share un hatred. It wan a ploa that em. Thene men were anked MM to defend Csoltfosi. iricndn iiiiportune.1 them to Kiel ind I'mpatch All of the in- cult and ail afhiitad with tueni snoulit Ml liMMl down mercilessly anildriveu from American soil, anil we would add that were it not for the j danger o! making an occasional min tage in identity it would lie pint itiahle, II. tlie siol of Moth God to -Moot any wlm rMiied to r.l.T to go a on- would a m ign t nave caused anv man to n.-otate. It in no small thiug to incur I Ml dinplenn ure of the populace. Once preju l' uiust a man the oimim sel.loiu cor rect their injustice, hut go on natin g without cause, until a man he dead , then, perhaps, doing tne junttn e tiled during hi life time. ror men high in tne eniimation of the people and of their fellow lawyer to run the rink of incurring the hmre.i of the "hoi polloi" was not trivinl. And i.earis and Titus wuie MM cen surable in that they hesitated before accepting the task. Ciolgos must have a fair and im partial trial, lhe dignity of th Ian winch he hroke will he uphel 1 oulv by arraigning him according to the strut ent forms and carrying on the cause just an in other cases. Vapid and fool ish utterances by exciti d person-- hi. on lynching the assassin are of a stripe with his anarchy. Anything out the fairest trial would MJ for the Ameri can teople to indulge in the worst and MM dangerous frrui of anarchy. When Ciolgou govt to the chair (or electrocution he ah ml. I go under the regularly deutrm'.ued verdict in a court of law of a "jury 01 his peers." Those Hultslii Ima -vers exemplified the teaching nf tie.' greatest lawyer who ever lived, lilac gn tone, whose preceots the have oiievi d in consenting i .. -cept the deism e. AN KTHICAL POINT iN THBATRIl ALS. The Wiedemann company endwl a week engine incut in I'ondletoii Sat urday. It is no small matter Jor a theatrical organisation M hold i.he at tent ion of 7' m oeople every night for a week. au I exert over them the in tlueuce tha t is undoubtedly wielded b) the actor m the stage. The moral (M sideratioi: s are importimt. Only Ol ie feature was sillijeo .. ,4,j verse crit iciwiu, ami that is the "up- Co-date" 1'ygmaliou and lialatea. Whether iiroduced here in a country town, or on the stage of a city theatre such exhibitions are not refining They are suggestive of debauchery in woinan'.iood, and that in to the bred jwrsoii extremely disgusting. Kepreeentation nf depravity on tin stage is not necessarily deg railing It depends upon the "rsxitif." II vn . be presented in a form to represent P tiie young its repulni veuess am: i cause repellaiil thoughts, it dues not barm, indeed, may bs the most valu in ie ot all sermons, Hot when it Im presented in a manner to make light of it, and to hint, for iusteuie, that drunkenness in a woman is only a (ok), it becomes reprebennible. This is a spirit of oritiuium not new, not couhued to tt.i particular inc. dent. It has been made timea with out number in even t. wn iu thiscoiin- try. And it ne.:d in-cisional reuewa. However, the Wiedeniaiills have gu n so clean and pleasiug a repertire in other regards that people will not n severe in coiidemuatiou tor this MM lapse from tue proper standard. 00V. bttKR'S bAN I Bit n ORBUUN 1 ANibM. It rests with eastern Oregon 10 take the nomination hy merely unliv ing seutiuieiit. hantern Oregon dele gates have it within their power to capture that iiomiuatii.ii if there ie u tiod iu the Israei of Oregon politics. tiovernor Ueer's hint that he is au eastern Oregon man because lie MMH lived in 1 in o. county i- not worth tin' breath it took to utter t. fie is a Webfooter, boue and marrow, hair ami hide, soul entire ami body complete. fie cannot logically lay Claim to being from tins part of tne state, once, up on bis own confession, . lie slept iu Chicago over night and ate at the Union League Club there, hut that does uot make him a representative of i Uliuois. Were (inventor (iter to remove his foulgear .anil uo oue will seriously peace. luciung other to commit crime if a breach ol the peace ami make- participants amenable to the penalties lor au unlawful assembly, lhe i tultie are insufficient for ' r.-.i. . I e .1 . Mini, it i. d 1 1 an archists, hut sucii laws as apply should he rigorously eiiforceo un'.il ntronger legi'iati in ran he etiAtted. Since the lameiitalio' oci'iirreine which look place ut Uuffalo our law expounders have been ingenious in suggesting im- ,1,. . proveiuuiit- in tlie existing law and the enactment of new legislation. lnee are ex post Mete suggestions, and,, do not apply to Ctnlgosz; hut the police power can he invoked to make the propagation of an archism much more dwMslll than it ha Meen in tlie ;.,-( liostou 1 runscript : It is a snrious rjiiention whether protective measure should not he adopted in this country to cneck the growth of anarchism. Tlie most ohvioun methotl of procedure that suggest itself i- restraint upon immigration. Hut it is difficult to see how this remedy could be made im mediatelv effective. There are no ear mars by winch an auarchist can he iiifallioiv kkMllflod, If au anarchist MM no' disposed to confess himself as SUCll III llld llOt lie prevented from entering tlie country. To he ore I .-, - ii - H im Mad made them selves MMPMHMM iu Kuroe as lead ers or uiemliers of auarcinstic societies 1 1 1 1 r, i -. : a i ;i 1 1 --loii. Hut some- ti.iug more tnan an immigration act i- reipireil to -tamp out anarchism. Bo long as MMIOfliMtl are allowed their nresent treed. im ol organisation, MtMV in.' ami nublicatioii, they will coin in ue to flourish. Notiiing short ot eon- plete alirogatlon of that freedom will i ' nnlish any suontantial results. -' llo placed beyond the pale N loir, the formation of anarch istir cuius should be prohibited: their iiiini ications should be suppressed and their leaders outlawed. tiling struck me. f'rotty soon I need I MM rorn whisky for medical (and other) purpnne. and I made ft, I have just llninhsjd working out the HO' tence. I gues you meant well. bu1 I yon iiiiin i know what troutde ou were getting your readers into." The editor of one of nor Nehrsska exchange in n nhori poem aeennen ois girl of having a wooden leg. Tin -hranka girl have much to put Hp with, and an sccusation of tin kind doesn't count MOflh, The WOndff i how the said editor found out ahout the wooden lug Such ft discovery It not what i known n pietii license. Kx. The names nf institutions Are thouglith and unjimt The "trnt" will trunt uohody Ami iiohisly trunt a Irust. An old proverb says. "One can sse Qod'l opinion ol wealth by the people! he give it to," i recalled by perhiip-' the smallest, mean t action ol a man 1 of wealth yet rOcoMOa, sav the linker1 1'itv I'emocrat Henry T Scott, tb president of the I'nion Iron Work of I Sun hrnnciscn, the conumnv wind I bflUt the battleship Ohio and' cleared : a large MM Ol M0tMF on the contract, ' takes the palm for smalliiesn. M ' -' of invited President , km. lev and wile to visit at bit home, dur ing their recent soj iurn in San I'ran ' I Mo, A the prenidential parte wan viottnw the coast to witness the iHillirhing of the "()hin," evervbodv deemed it aiipropriate ami MOBOT that Mr. scott nhould invite the pfwldoul to bis home and that the chief execu tive nhould accent the invitation. Now come Sir. Hcntt and collect from the entertainments committee! the sum of 'no for the board of Mr. , ami Mrs. McKltiley. There bn MvOI Iwen anything before like thin in the history of the I'm ted States, it shows i as uotliing else could, the littleness, . the iniserlv in ea line of tin- 'nan Scott. 04 MA K TH. .1,1 rtv: 111 K If I 11" PIH lrVISW i Their Ec7Cnia set.-, the at in on fire the blood arc forced out through the pores of tlie Vi vuusini; inicime rcuness, nurning; ann licinng. Is the Itcliin nt time, especially when the body over heated, that t'.io nil. lost distracted sufTercr feels thtvt be could tear the skin to pic. r-s, nnd that he must scratch or go cra?v. He kOOWl from experience that this only .. ... . - i.... ... . i . .i 1,. .II,,, terrible iur9 iiiiiiu:!!. ni'iM-, inn, iiiiiiik ucMnrimc in , . V : i . ..... , . , ul J,.,l iTi-rent to HfteT effects. wuiimiik nun ncnie.;, nc is lor llic null' miiiK . nun. are several forms ol liecorn, the moist, or weeping; kind, that co M M which i a watery, atickv fluid, which dries ntm ptaft oB to bmn-lue scales. Bo the dUcVatse at times that larpe scabs or "JKmM are both MUnful . m tro ibleaome nnd not easily removed. Red. disoentu. burnps and sores are Symptoms of Kcema. The dry form use.nly attacks UMIM hands nnd f, , t the skin, becoming bard and roueh. ofUM cracking o ct and bleedinrr, nnd nttcndr.l with much itchinp. Ecaema depends upon a jh. none 0 con " itHtm of tha mood, and lOOal applications, while soothing nnd cooling, andm.iv to some Stent relieve the lutlamma-t- .ii and itching, canuot be considered curen, because external remedies do not reach constitutional or blood diseases. Salves, ointments, pny dei s lotions and S' ape do more harm thin good, br BMHtag over and Hellaf up the pores of the skin, tlius forcing the pdjon l.i,. into the hlixxl. S. S. S. antidm ,itl nctitralttM the acid oi.,on:- ami '.::. . o! tin circulation all impurities ..'.to I "::i :-. ami fie pure, rich blood thai I to tin diaMM skin quick!- ell rs the inflammation, opens tlie clogged up pores, and thekia becomes soft, Bttootfa and r tdj to pcriorm Ha proper functions. To 1 rll of Eczema you must first end build tip tlie blond, and n- hiniri at id ffaetnadsdoH this nn S S S the- onlv guaran teed pttrelv Vegetable blood purifier. Send for our beok on bloo 1 .it: 1 nkm ilmeones, and write out iniv-iciau.s lot- nnv PARK Mr. 1,. Murno, Kscondidn, San Diego County. Owl., writes l " My body broke oat with s rash or eruption which lu r ,n of all sfforts to euro oontlnusd to get wcrsc. The itcbinrr. especially t night, wus simply trriblo; It would almost disappear at times, only to return worse than over. I had tried many highly recommended preparr.ttonn wt : v- lanefit. and h"aring of B. 8. B. detormlncd to n'v It a fair trial, and was luoxpr ii ..y dehghtcd when a few bottles cured me entirely, reiuc vlng- every blemli h and pimple from n:y bod v. I shall not fall to recom mend S. 8. 8. whenever an opportunity occurs. am WABHWO'IOT RTRKI'TW MHtTLANPi nRHOON A. P. Armlo"5 '-' "" "HBMJal A ISSMteSl, piOtltSSlVS -honl. mrsplciious for Meremli work with hMttdrtds si K:.iiisif In po.ltl..n bonkksepm nml str-!inKni.lirr Alrn.b pr..... I Si kMk slioi.hng whrrrvrt Mawra II Stssdllj rows better sad beltet Open St) Hi. fSSI BtsOsalS s.ln.lllr.', nut llinr rrhati rJasi Isstisstkss ksara wimt nn.i how r Irs. I., SX4 whut It costs I sUdnft-iu- free. Hoard ( MMMMI t rl.iMr--i. I'Kl nil".'..' . niti'AST ion Tims Schnguu i 1 From Psnni.ton ! "f 1). p soi i- ciiii:n - DAVID m nt'NNi ChloaflO' I'.irilnn.l HWH'II I y in vis II. Ill' IIIKlOli. U.. I . i . , ',"'' "Hirer. V Wertli. in,, ..... Lr! ' ' i,,,,,', CSS.'Sll.I K...I ""'"" -11. dvicc aud book free, 1HU SWIFT SPtiClf lc Ctt.. ATLaMA Medical dA. GOLPEH RI LE HOTEL. BYERS' BEST FLOUR To make trood bread us. livers' H nt Flour. It took lir-d BTMnllim at the Qhii ,un World's Fair ovorail couieti 1 1 in and tfive- "x e. lent sat infact ion wherever HSd. Ker s.'s i iittiiraiit"ti. We have the le-t Steam Rolll Hat lev, He.'.! Kve and lloiirdlen- Barley. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BTEKS, lroprirtor. - . - Atlsutlv aprsss n l.i s. m , vis Illlnl install. HI I'niil Inst Mail Is. I 1 s. in. vis pokaae ..rue';. ' sue nmi Ki 1 8;' . " Wall,, Le riMKaiie.M allarv.faTT limn. .Minn.npui,, u , Ism. 1'iiIiiiii,V;m "'a sec. Coll ui;. iad p.-IIOOl e y for biu: A private 'rise for tvvir '.Inc ami da ..null' Prepares oafs In. a.lnls-lor te anv n .-MllrlM 1111 IIP ..mill. t. b ! .liiiPt'"' 'una r """""V,1,", Instru (tloi seeoroini t Ihi. lie- Tii.-io-". ,)Od 1 l IStl M mm: tiainlnf i In i '. Tb na ., VfrtO tn II A- 1 .-nt,. -an- ,.nc c-mi'l sf ustimeny, sic, sddreeft heurs. ind i te .i KUr- il. V. HILLn m. PrinelH9li MARS Cor. Court and Johnson Sts, PENDLETON OREGON Steam hem Kleetrlc Llshti American Plan, rate Ii K.iriismi plsn. vy. TV. ll.UO Hpnclal i te njOaaaf - i. . pncla! rsiea by wm nr month Tree Bus teats all 1 rains. Commercial Trade Solicited. Fine Sample Rooms Apectal Attention (liven to Country Trade. CONRAD KOHLEB PRUP TAPE WORMS "A tape siursi ii.i. . i. fast loug M issnt .-ani'- on tli sseas After my takltis two ( AS. AltKTS Tais 1 am sure ba ssuseU niv bs.t sealib lor lb' post tnrse year 1 sm stlK Uaitis Cicaru tbr only csUtsrtie worttiv of Bono oy mojiuIp p"Ple ' us. W h..slu luiro ailsi CAND v rnnoi urn. MMMW 'ft-P Monterastelli Bros. Marble .dranite Works We do own work and nuaran tee the same at lowest price. KMlnMMi ffiVM 00 all kinds of cut stone, full stock on hand. It will nav von to see ..or work and net pri Iiefore puMiag your order. M.iin St m ir 0, K. & N. rtepot, NMUitM CAINT HELEN'S HALL. PORTLAND. ORB. . .nu'WDKh isttu A Home and Da School for (iirl Ml SIC, ART ASH KI.OtM'TlllS l lcanor lebhetts, Ph. II.. f'rlnclpal uffsrs Ie k'lfl Tln school .1 U ,t.4i vo I iir.M.1 an. I a.ta.itntf. i In Selecting a Caipe: mm Of i Von will tin. I the laruon assort ment t. m-iei't Irani at I ailitu's store. Near go. si here in all the MM patterns, the itr.'Ueat vari ety and the host valii" for the MOBOjr. You can llud junt wtmt von want here and junt what von need. The hest carpet values ever offered in Oregon. Wall pa per ' heitper than ever. The won derful improved rotary White -ewuiK machine, buy no other until von trv it. tbefsaaa I 14 llealtl. ful an.l rvrtiiol Ii.iiiU' It oK'tl m'e Mi.1 at BSMOn bsildusy la Us rMsii) st Mi Dtaj rark. Tli.' anintar coti.liti.ti -t III.- civiiiim li.u tw-en matlf a matUrr of sprcial Thr lNt.1 clunilsrrv, cla. m i rvtfiutio.i r.-iiii. nr.- I.irjf. n.l Uioroiwiih rsalUialsa is tn.- NMMSrasSUta ot tn. i . ill-tin. i h in.n i-vr. r.-'ii. o t. Uu- sun lirflit li at .. Umi la t. ..I tr n. Stt) IYII .1 tn; Tin lf- nato stss ' IM" Pi n. sjfaais ss r oollvrf.' :l..inivnt 14, I .;. A fa.' ksSSfl tor . l.i 1.1 I i4i v irv and In- Ms Meats i ir. r l .11 I RLI Yllt B. StSS an II ..S, r till ia..rv i'irvi . . pun (,, I Ki UIK I I s. Prill. JESSE FAILING. VARIOUS CONLBIIS. "I ami my father ixtfore me have MaM MOdiofl your paper lor titty years or more, and 1 wouhiu't miss a copv of it for auythinit it wouldn't seem natural t. no withoot it," w rote a man to tie- l omnibus 'ia. Klujuir-er-Min. "A year or two ago tin paper ... . a iiumiiei o! pointed editorials urituikt farmers to ralst- evertlniitf they '.I at I. oiu. 'What's the use of Mtyiag anytniiig, it said, while you cati raise it at home" Well, that (uticnra I HP P saiant t'i liouO MWMCii ... CURE NO TO-BAC Ij.i. t,. Is n Weai'-i -i t.r.,e !,-. a CONSTIPATION. ... IMH..H..I.., I.- l.i. II SoM and f.iararnrrd bv a luu I IIKI . Irun abil nakc-. the liuir grovs. Clears the Complexion. Softens and v liiiens the Hands. I'rc-rves atiJ lK-autifie- the skin ot In lanus and Children. ,.' ,, - r.r... 1 - sax . tli'; I ru.afljr - a- is t ' . orw mi Vi loot.. . ' - a. You get Good Beer. Oregon Lumber Yard WOOD GUTTER! For barus and ilwell iagi ChaMpor than tin Lutnher, Lath. Buildiug Pa pei . lur Fuper. Liine and Cement, loulduii.,h. Pickets Planter, Bfflck aud Suud, een Door At Wiudnw.s Sash and IKhu s. Terra Gotta Piuc. Borie & Light, Prop'i Alta St., opp. Court House. Don't Forget the Fifth Annual Ut tl Ml AT WALLA WALLA SEPT. 23 to 29. LARGER, BETTER, MORE ATTRACTIVE than evur before A world ot fun in a week. Tftk i wot'k's rest from hnillUM cares, briug your wite and childrcti and euj n the fun. w.un.'i - Mltbrtted btnd boa Fltsttlli will furniHh BUlio all Um wt-tik. Liberal Premiums paid for FRUITS, GRAINS, GRASSES. Bishop Scott Academy. PORTLAND, OREGON. I.iuinle.l :--u A Home Sib. jui for Boya. Military and .Ylsnua! trainin(. Pall term opens Supt. 12, tQtt- wlia a (a.'ull) ol isrulre .'omtuiii tva.'ii irs win, mi l r.iau.l lxiy .,u i uku an uiiurust butn iu tu.' sror., 4111 in tUey play iT pupila. rtie ilia priutipa, ami leavasrs Is to ilvvi.i narai'iv a- wt., a n. pr.iparv Imv. 1 '"' ' "' srolssslu 1 1 an 1 i.n.i'i",. STOOSUOIU Of Ilk- Tbs buiMiuKs ar bsiiif MaMgMl rono Tatjj.l ou tUu utonl appruv. ,1 as.idsru mstliods ami art- limiud b elucsricuy I '"'uissr boys rsuslTa cartful ailsullon iniui a . ..iiipeluii'. matron For lllu.iraUKl SSlsMfUS rite lu ak rui'H 1 alwiLL, Priueipal. Tiie Pendletoo Academy PREP ARM kou College, Ocean and River Schedule. ' ILAN'D PROM Pi All salllug .Ists snbisttl i" sMmm. Ip.m To, Ha ynmva Xallersry .,iay,. '' -ri!ir. . SttMAV Co,umb' ivsr - I', in. I . Astoria aud Mlaraaf Uii-iiun lsu4! 111 p. ui. I h.ill. ox. Mill., 6a 111 1 1 H. Ill fuss Tbrsi uii.l sat. V Hlanisue Rivar lOrrgnn City, Nowbtrf MMn, lu ISISSSMl I "Si U (Ung, , "i ain ami iay Untliugt. aM sffi Was fcs B i1 tn I s. m. Turn. Tnrs ami Hat l.i'l.V. l;iiarln MJ a. ui. I Jail, r. Wllismatissndtsai. hill Hivcri OrSfM Cll), liayt,D MM Wsj Uiiili,i(i LP t . Son aj Snake Hlvsr KlparU 1 1 Uuiiion s am si Kt.AMM, iMKluta lanT . i n jji. !.. White Collar Line t'.irt land Astoria Kutt str. ''Taborna" Teaching, Business. Tlu-. Imwi.'ul . urw- .rrjarw, for ?u Iran. ' t. I- r.-,liiiii,i, ..u,. ,,, ... 1 HIV. 11 'l( l?Ks.a al.-. I'miivtui, unil St.0..l rtM UuUtuUot im- bsju ulaotxl upon UM AotWKtlMd List i.y th. dutte lluanl or h.lii. ati.iii, so tliat aM4UaUM ar.' ad iiutleii to slut.- i'.irtil.'u(.-, A I.usiiih . our e,,ual to thi- IhhI busline, . ollegr in ottered. Hull term begin,, September th IV fill MM u. 5E.V'K L TORBW, M. Ph., . vimnTmu, VJre(oll. I'rilii Ipttl. 1 HE NV'hon you drink PILSNER BEER. iuuranleed not to cause headache or diuzineBB Auk for it. Schultz Brewing Co. Wholtjaalf lealer iu Ice, Wood and Schlitz Milwaukee Beer. Henry Kopittke AMERICAN PLAN. S3.(K) per Day and Upwards I 1 11c.1t Hotel in the Mac I In. Northwest. BalaaaaaaalfeaaaatoaMMr Oregon Mortgage Co., LIMITED, FARM LOANS Ou liuprofwi propuny si lowest current rates CHAS. V. (J. PATTULLO. Agt. Walla Walla, Wumi. .ran,- roni in, "- pi msui. Tihk i'ahjj ' benrc I'urtlaud 7 I 4. nan mm 1 1Uim. Auttl . I hi- Dalles-I'urtlsna kou it Str. "Bdlley Gatzert "; VaMeafWi OassaM U'l, . iLm.. priii.. .I.....I kh.t ini. -w.ia.ia. biial . H, II.IIVI. IIMK CAKlJ lA-ave I'ortuuil jfcJ Arr l v. I in II .I.... . m Loavv luu Oalles lass aiiivv riiiiiuuu .... aSBJ I'AI 1 1 ' "alien tu I'ortland LSI Moaisa tuu rery Isml Sunday trliM a i.m luu Isaiurs. Tali u n t- i.n man i. .. .tiiraciioaioii m.'.. I i.'Srt. lur imiiii b. . ir on MIottTSsUiaa an. i ilu.i llivor LaudiOK ol Al.lsriirsil ll.illi lMMM .lain ill furUasd, iJttSH A. J TAVl.ou. Aal.. Aalorla. Ors. J 'UN M. PlhUioN, Alt., Tu, UallsLUn IW..KHKU & MVKUS, ASSllla, ASiw SbSH. I'KA I .Ifcll .v IIAI.M ... iJi, . Uoe.t aitrsi. J C. 1 a I 1 , As--. Vau. 'iuvsr, Salt K H . UaiUM roa, afV. rMMMV I icdcriLk Null. -Vjtt-. I'cnJIeton, Uf.'. Take the... Washington & Columbia River Railway For I 'hleairo, St. I'aiil. St. Louis, Km- na.-. I'lty, rtt. Joe, iuaus. sud All Points l ast and South Portland aud points on the huuuJ tijik i:ahd, UflfttM ii ', West liuiiini ia'sv.' rtslia ttUs pa I ial.n .am. n-n ... . I. iii . nposauo stu sm Pur luloriualiou rvgnrlius rsl illixlatl.lUi. jI -.11 or i tilrcsi 11 A iAMs. AIM- H B. CAliKhKIIKAll. . V. A., Halls Mails, MatS rni' First Ever in a van rifMmn knolisH ihiL'BL nui M , i ii lit i ii ' '. - ALL KIXUS Ol IMPOKIE Ll'NCHKS : HI MI.IT Al'I V- BKKK Thr eat brew of the KuiuoUs liriu; imver here Is fnre : .... ......... kj.i in Help or Situation Wanted. C F. Cook's Employment Iqmj Uoruar Mam aud Alu ftlreot. HENDLKTON . . OKKGON THE PORTLAND POHTI.AND, OH BOON. Special Kates tu Lantern Oregon people lor tourist and commercial travelers. visiting PortMnd. Headquarters M. C. BOWKKS, Manager. OaUy Bast Oregoniau, dalivarad by carnsr, only is cssaU a wool. HOW DO YOU ADVERTISE? The new store can never be known unless It advertises expect people to know you have to sell If you what don't 02 YAMHILL. AMD CLeVENTH Ts., POHTLANO. Ok. si Z.sraHN,a8 ta ,h' -lh- mm " saaa. J P"1 "' To taka- agftMsl X- " 2 auhol J. T. U"'n, bu"" and bj MS rs tS.a MJMJ matyiug aucc..., for lourt.a a " at e vi. - " " ruw UsIslMj-UATWU UIU.OUN