East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 16, 1901, Image 3

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Tiiis cut rtprettnti one
latest styles iti
of the
for I all
and Winter wear.
$1 TO $1.50
onvsrttd to
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
.KM I.
no Cult I u l i f.lvm
Tmbi mm Bim -
..ii. w.iiu snt. Iti. -While tli
I I . -, -r
.1.- :....,, nr ilM ,! III! ! Ml,'
i n i,n mr im..v. : .--
c. . Willi! HI." IS limH'i-srins, "ul
),r me nuiiHgvmfiit oi .Mr. Cox as- pretty
Ibri volunteer corps ol ladies,
IllaWM ""' I'rct hiiii art-
Mttiwa on their bOffM in prepar
K, lortlifir rcat jubilee winch is
in tilt? t"t) Ci'litur ui me i:arui-
: ot frail oij Thursday oi lair whk
itbo tii Irlll M uirutui nvitr to
Tbsr are iri'iHrni)j to stune,
I tbsr will tin it.
;,. A ,i l.i Wa;U l..k am n 'I ahilii'
,f lttirt iftn . said L. r . SII
Witrr yutl-nUy. "1 here re other
ilfoiii oilier cities anil mey win
i.nit in Ion six I ilo thnm- grand.
ii.l a turned one nt tin- dav
j ty Uir over to the F.Ik. They arc
niigmt interest n the matter
lnliturD it oil r miixtiHHiiiiiv an
H aiivoiit;. Iinttur than most, I heir
irr with tlimn ;n tin- venture.
r Vioieu kma tneir li iihIiuikih rep-
K..D- ili"n'li 1 mi in llie snowing
mike ami tliey mean Heine ropn-
i .lull tie withmit stain.
"tnaitll over Hie Htate Klkx will
it Willi Willi on that day. Kvury
WlUIMt til f.lk mi llie street lie
i j" )( . li Iv that if -i 1 1 1 1 tikC.
i bite m arraugv.l that there will be
i ittn id sovthiii that is under
an. The usrale will ! at a lime
I ill can it and truin uoiuing
mdlMfinit the city will he bo timed
KIMir irrival or ilepurtiire will in
in ciiallict. Uuth railway com-
is tufr sgris-d t" tn ik. '
base. It wait then that the balloon
began to rise ami hetnre the inning
emled six run- bad been scored. Cro
nin. who bad I een pitching good ball
inr the Pioneer, Beamed to lone control
and uave place to TJIrir.h in the ninth
inning. The Pioneers BIKMred two in
the tint and one in the third, which
" the extent of their run gutting.
The game ended in a scum of 11 to :; in
iavor of the Invincible-.
Inpuis pitched gn.sl game ami war
well N ported hv Hartinan behind
the hat. Ulricb at Becntid covered his
share of gruuti'l anrl made minie verv
stops. I.ampkin was the Mar
at the afii'k, with bin three haBe bit.
Score by inning.
Invincible- 0 0 0 o 0 li a 211
I'lonei r- J o I 0 0 I o o o- I
Clark'i Fool Ball 7mm.
A football team compoBed moBtly of
young men clerking in ntnrew about
town wa organ ued ynatorday ....r.. .
at ine DMiNir gToanaa, rtM team i
light an I it id their intention to
Bcbednle ganiee with elevens averaging
alnnit 145 ponnilB. lhev bad their tirftt
practice vBtrdy and after ward elect
ed the following officer: Jaa. B,
Welch, manager. Mark MonrbmiBe,
captain. Kfdlowing ia a liBt of the
playera: Al Watlle, S . Kaum, tiur
nie Hay. Lee Drake, Chester Poster
Arnold Sbenerman. Kerkelev Hailev
Clarence AdaniH, Fred llartman,' Ivl
llayn, lallaii U Marra, Kalph Coon,
Karl Borie, i l iver Kelaay .
N'liititi Won From Pionoarf by a
Siiori of 1 1 lo 3.
Mciiiv alteri ii tin- Invinciblea
ail ibeir pihi record and covered
nam, with ulirv fiv tukimr a
ifioi tin-Piotioerti Kor live in
l tu lDviucihles slammed and
loil iwoieil at the ball ami
t'Ji! iml -iiiunln-1 ari l swiped in
Wt to the eixth inning, with
MC Olltaililtaii strike. , ..I
frtJ Lauiikin hit the ball for a
I TIM over aaataw n.n.l La
iiuih IIIIW
Tliorv It mure i-ntarrti 111 tlili sei tlon ol til
Down try than all otlier (tlnesses put logathui
and until the last lew jrea.w It was suppotwd t
In- Im-urni'ic. i-or a reat main vuurs ilu tari-
liniii.mil imI a a ,, ,0 ihsease ami prusrrllwil
: reme'ln -1 ami liy I'niistatitlx falling to
cure with local treatmunt nrtiuouncod It In-i-urablu.
Meiem e lis proven enlarrb to be a
constitutional ilisense, sml tliereforu requiring
eonstltulioual truaimeiit Mall's Catarrli Cure,
iiianulaeiuruil by F. J. ('nancy ,v Co., Tolv lo,
t'blo, Is tbu only eonstltutloual cure ou the
market It Is takeu internal!)- lu dosos of from
teu drops to a tenipooufol. It acts directly on
the IiIihhI mid iau-oiii siirlai ec, of (lie syxleiu
Tliey offer oue buudred dollurs for any eae n
falli to cure. Hun 1 lor circulars ami lestuuo
Dlali. Address F. J. CHEXKY k CO.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Hold by druRgins, 7
Hall s FmnlTy Hills are tbu best.
knives ok
"Wvthing in tbe
lewelry linc
"lacTaiwtri oi
teUalD i-Kii u
lcw:ler and fri..iu
' s. Ill II
State Treasurer Moore today, iHsaed'a
call for all outBianding scalp bounty
warrantB indorHed prior to January 1,
1UU1. Stated in round numbers, the
total amount of bounty warrants issue I
under tin old law win H'JU.UUO.
I pon these there is due about ll-'.odo
! uitereat, making a total ol i:il.',ouu
The iaat legislature levied a lax Of) one
mill, which produced approximately
117,UUU, the last of which sum is now
fuming into the state treasury Irom
the aeveral count iea.
ieo. W. Lane, I'ewamo, Mich., writatl
"Your Koxiol I)ypepHia Cure ia the
lasat remedy lor indigestion and tom
! acb trouble that I ever uaed. Kor
year I suffered from dyapepaia, at
tiiiiea compelling me lo atay in bed
and cauaing me untold agony. 1 am
completely cured bv Kodol llyspepsia
Cure, lu recommeuding it to friend
who Buffer from indigeatiou I alway
offer to pay (or it if it fail. Thus far
I have never paid.." Talluian h Co.
N. C. .lohuNiuof Hilley finished
threshing a '.'ii-a' re tract ol land, w hich
yielded IM6U buabel ol oats, or nearly
K6 bushels per acre, and a amall field
of wheat, which averaged fVi buabel to
the acre. Only u few more day will
be required to complete the . harvest
ing in VYaahington county.
Mauv physicians are nuw'preacrihiutf
Kodol Dyapepaia Cure regularly having
louud in.it it in the beat preMi-riptlon
they cau write heeauee it i the one
preparation which contain the ele
ment i s-.u to diget not only aome
kllldsol 1 i i, Inn al. Kinds and It there
fore ru res indigestion and dyepepaiu
no n. utter wlial lis cuuae. lallmau iV
"ru, mit Ha Hai Baan
Old Faith
The Hev Hugh Miller was pastor of
nm Bapt.sf ebONh Ol IVndleton
lireo year K Hi one ,Uv made
pi hi c am. ninccment that no longer
could be hold th.0 tenet of the Chrf
nn faitli, hence could not hones.lv
continue to otand in a pulpit as the Bf
ponent ol that creed, nor of the ,l,
tnnes o Calvanism upon which the
theology of the Baptist c.bnr. h ll
toiinded. He w -i.. u. .. .. it-.
" ""in i oe
""ran one SBMtJ evening, in otien
service, creating .jnite a sensation
thereby. He then attended a thmloci-
mi institution of a dlflatiii nhootei
rri IKIOI1S i r , u c I t
In VIM ol the widespread publicity
given Mr. Miller's departure from that
church, Ins return nnd his statement
of present beliei are of interest. He
has written to the Rev. (iilman Park
er, who in torn writes to the Pacific
Baptist, dited hv the Kev C. A.
VVooilv, D. D., formerly pastor of the
chnrch here which Mr. Miller served-
Kditor Pacific Baptist: It will lie
remembered that two or three rears
bark, Kev. Hugh Miller, pastor of the
church at Pendleton, Oregon, publicly
renounced the laith, resigned the pas
torate and withdrew Irom the church.
It will also he remembered that the
Oregonian gave if Inrge circulation
under flaming headlines, and com
mented on the narrowness of the sect
nd the broad in inded lless nnd c, uir.?..
of Mr. Miller in brenking the bonds
that held hi iii to such a chnreli !
Jfrl r ntly reieived a letter Irytn
Mr. Milier. savins tliat be -cntu-
has been converted and bfM bad BMM
wonderiul experience. He say.
I must teil vou ol the irrent soiritn.
ai cnange thai I have experienced, and
simply say that I am now rejoicing in
a strong faith in 1 esils ('-!-: .i tut-
Keileemer. This change has not mnie
a a result ol speculation, as have
former ones, but from a deen ami now-
erlul experience. It has in come
oyer me with lull is.wer all .it once
It had small beginnings, but now it
il si strong that 1 am never wholly
without it. I am not, however, with
out temptations, and the adversary
seem- to a-Hil in, re thai: ever
with certain tortus d doubt, but the
power of brist is alwavs with me
and I am gainiuit around."
He lorther savs that, "attracted hv
the plea of a cr-edless I'mstianitv . I
supposed that with another denomina
tion, I might find room for inv ration
alism, and so joined oue of their
churches. . 1 have not preached ince,
and have not been inside one of their
churches for six months. Mv new and
growing experience has made it im
poiBible for ma to feel at home among
Again be says: "This experience
has cleared up doubts, which I once
suppose! were insurmountable, and
a all things clear: 1 am another
doubting Thomas, who, having seen
the Master, exclaim wit love and
adoration' 'Mv Lord and my Godl "
Personally and with many other
that were grieved bv Brother Miller's
course in Pendleton, 1 greatly rejoice
in this triumph of our Lord over the
spirit of anti-Christ I am ure that
many will join me in offering special
prayer for bun, and look for the full
eat poasible victory o( truth over false,
hood. I feel that the Pendleton
church will rejoice in knowing these
(acts concerning a luruier pastor, and
therelore will not regret the kindness
extended to him under tn at trying
circumstance. 1 think perhaps when
the record is made up, it will appear
that it wa through the faithfulness,
fidelity ami prayer ol a oiinecratad
Ctiritian wile that Hod ns been mer
ciful to our brother. Your in the
Whatcom, Wash
Kev. K. W. King, the paator here,
read the letter Suuday morning to hi
a dav
go to
friends. Mr. Matlock leaves
or two for Portland, Mraaea
Seattle to sail lor Skagwav.
from the 8kagwav Alaskan, a paper
printed there, is taken clippings of an
article, ni prices in Dawson. from which
nns is an excerpt :
"There lias been a slump in meats
in Daw won, the oast week, caused bv
Hie unloading of summer holdinir of
stock in anticipation of winter.
"The following prices announced hv
the slaughter house mn. are prohahlv
being met bv the market men today.
"Reef, wholesale, 18c and 20c. Re
ceipts have been large the past week
Former prices were 221 and 25c.
"Mutton Itar.nnunced at 22l- to 25c.
Former prices M to 2c. The herds of
sheep are plentiful vet in the Klon
dike "Pork has taken the largest drop.
The slaughter house men announced
2.V as the price for today, against a
price published last week of No, i The
slaughter house men are anxious that
the price thev receive be published to
the world to red nee shipments. It; is
a BkBoted question if this hearing of
prices is not part of a plan to prevent
large stocks coming in at the last end
of the season, as was the case a year
ago. Certainly the prices we now an
nounce are not very strong encourage
ment to shippers. While storks in
hand are abundant for present needs,
there is not enough tn.guarantee that
prices would not soar skyward should
there be a stop to importation
"There has been a slight tailing off
in eggs. Prices quoted now are MS to
17 per case, as against f 18 to 120 of a
"Receipts of fruits have been heavy,
with no iintahlcchangcs in prices,
most of the stuff being taken in storage
warehouses for winter use.
"FoteteH have taken another drop.
Wholesale, 10 to c per pound.
Prices a week ago Mc
"Ham and liacon refuses to recover
in the face of the bear market.
Prices quoted, 22V, to 25c."
. . - -
BM I'arlmg, lul2 Howard St. Port Hu
ron, Mich, write: "I have tried manv
pills and laxative" but DeWitt's Little
Karly Risers are tar the best pills I
hBve ever used." They never grille.
Talluian If Co.
Arrival at Hotel Pandlalon.
S Yotinginan, Portland.
Mrs T 0 Salt, Arcadia, Wis.
I W Kid path, Boston.
I II Clarke, Pendleton.
I MM "Mi'vens.
M B Metler. Pendleton.
L Mneleav, Portland.
B H Dennis, Puluth.
K I Peterson.
K M Pearson, .lackson, Mich.
H S Shaw, Spokane.
.1 L Hamilton, Chicago,
Merer Abraham, Portland.
T P Smith.
D T Worely, Detroit,
I II liowdv. Detroit,
Wm Maver.' Portland .
0 M Smith, Portland.
Tho Duncan, San Francisco.
i K Ingles, Kansas City.
K Sponagle Athena.
iieo Mctlilverv, Spokane.
II ii Stollex . M Joseph.
Wm Tyack.' Portland.
r II Klaeck, Portland.
F A Pickets, Portland.
T i Hailev and .family, citv.
p Qraat, i.a QnuMto.
F Y Scbuck and wife, citv.
Qeo W Baker. Walla Walla. '
J A Allison, Portland.
W Kurt.
"Oasof alKb'ntTIUen s a,ld lad,es' t4U and silver watches,
10 be sol i nMf chains and great variety of Jewelry
Comte.,iat , xtre,udy 'ow prices during the month of August.
I CI car'y l the barnains.
umn "U;st LolP't stock of
i ;:('ck,er .and cpts.
piumbtng and tinning given prompt attention
Joe Basler,
Main Street, Pendleton
furniture, linoleum, stoves,
ttwiore buying a Heating Stove
examine the
German Heaters
Opera House Block.
High Claat Altraetlon lo Appaar In Pen
dleton Thll V inter
Peudlrton is ileatineJ to m-u and
hear aoine high clas theatrical attrac
tion during the coming seaaou. iieo.
I.. Baker, manager of the Pendleton
opera IlOUe, ha Issikeil the hest
available talent During the courae of
the winter, such personage a Daniel
Hullv and the great tragedian, Fred
erick -Warde, will iinp-ar uimjii the
lioard The b iking are
Septemlrer: Weldemau iV Co., Sept.
Iti; Richard A Pringle's Minstrels,
September 25; Sporting I lie, Septem
ber 30.
October: Wilber K irw in Opera (' ,
October 1 ; lUn-ilr instn-l, Octo
ber 2-' , I l.e ('oinuioii -.nuer, t..r.er
Several buogiug pending during tin
November Mr. and .Mr.- Clareuca
M. Bruue, Nov. 7, Jess of harr .
November 11 ; Hunting lor Hawkins,
November 14; Devil' Auction, Novem
ber 2V; vVrotig Mr. Wright, November
December iu nun Minstrel, De
cemlier -t ; Yon Yons,n, lim e inljer '4 ;
William Collier, December 17; Orau
Opera Co., llecember 21, The Burgo
master, December 27; Richard Ool b-.i
in Old Jed Prouty, Ditceinher i.
Jauuary Romance of Coon Hollow,
January I; At the Old Cross Road-.
Jauuary ; For Her Sake, "January In:
Village Parson, January 22; Human
liuarut, January 27; Rupert of Heut
au, jauuary IV.
February. At, Valley Forge, Febru
ary 5; F;ieventb Hour, February 21 ;
Cncle Tom' Cabin, February 25.
March Daaiel Sully. March 12;
Barlow' Minstrels, March 12.
April Frederickl. Warde. -April 19,
May Lewi Morrison, May
The above attractions are positively
Ii i iked, with a number of others'!, be
beard from.
beorg f. Kosenburg Writes grom Skag
uay Travel Pick Up.
W. F'. Matlock is in receipt of a let
ter from (ieurgu P. Rosouberg, writteii
Uj Skawgay, where Mr. and Mrs. Ros
enberg have lived for a year or two.
Mr. Rosenberg has beeu'eick with lev
er, but is recovering bis strength, si
though unable yet to attend to busi
uess. tie says winter Is likely lo ,, .no
on early there, and that tho peaks
about Skawftav an a r. a Ii I cover.-, I
with groat masses of aoow. Travel is
pick lug up, and every train uu the
White Pass & Yukon railway brings a
full load of passengers, bound oot Irom
the Klondike, for the winter Mr.
Roeeuberg notes that the steamer Seat
tie left the previous day with MM pas
sengers for the stales. Mrs. Rosen
berg was to begin leaching again on
September 16, today -
Reterriug to the narrow eecape of
Mr. and Mrs. Matlock, who cancelled
passage they had engaged ou the ill
faled Islander which went dowu iu
Alaskan waters, coming instead on the
Humboldt, Mr. Roeeuberg congratu
lates theuand also sends the congralu
atioiis of their numerous tikagway
Henrv Bravd'in,
"I to .k Illed ic i in
tuit one bottle of
Cure did me more
else during that
Cure." Talluian
Harris, N. C, says ,
tO years lor asthma
ne M mute Cough
gsid than anything
time. Best Cough
At Co.
John II. Pedlgo has tendered his ver
bal resignation a deputy county at
torney o Walla Walla eourtv, to Ins
chief and tin- firm of Pedigo oTCaih
has been dissolved.
5 years, 10, 15, 25 years
of .Momach Trouble. No matter how
lung standing
will cure you.
We want the weakest stomachs to
treat. I hi remedy will restre the
stomach to a healthy and normal con
dition If you have been sufferiUE
with dyspepsia begin taking this
remedy and see how you will grad
ually imorove
I or sal by laUman a Co., and all
first class druggists, or send to Frank
Mau, Portland Hotel Pharmacy, (Port
land. Oregon Price $i a bottle or 6
buttlrs lor $5 enpress prepaid.
IAK arc the penple slid the only people lu 111
aa4'llry tiusiness lu Heudlelou itial stu
pluya full force of mis Lo.ul, the year arouiiS.
and in' our own Haddlas, Uarusss, stc .aDd
'to uot ship term Iroia the faclorle like sums
of uur aoiapetitois u l tbeu tall you tbsy' ars
a good as uome laadv; but tbsy are uot
Leading flames and Saddlery.
Call up.
No. 5
Sa nd.
Miss Snow, Daughter of Mormon President-lias
910,000 lipid Crown.
Salt Lake Citv, I tah, Sept. 16, -Salt
Lake is today crowded with via
itors from outside points and contig
uous states who have availed them
selves of the excursion rates and spe
cial train to attend the Klks' carnival
and festival. F'or two weeks past
WOrkeM have besjn bfM transforming
Third, South and West Temple streets
into outside pavilions, bodhs, and
tent for the freak shows of the street
'fair, and a large throng of pleasure'
seekers are enjoying the sights this'
tnort mg
Purple and w hite, the predion iual ing
colors of the elabmate drcorat ions, are
everywhere living, from every pole and
store-front in the cilv. Fesitivties
were started early with an unique pa
rade in advance ol QMH Mabefle ami
her court of maids of honor.
The queen of the c.irnival l Miss
Maltelle Snow, daughler ol President
LbMNMM Snow, "Prophet, Ser and
Revelator," also president of the
Chnrch of Jesus Christ of Latter Dav
Saints, hv his favorite wife who dwells
with him in the palatial " llee-1 1 i ve"
house. Owing to the fact President
Snow has loaned the big Mormon Tab-
'ernacle for the annual grand bulge
meeting of the Klks in August, HH2.
the Klks unanimously selected Miss
Snow as their queen and in addition
to supplying her with elegant cos
tumes and a victoria for the occasion,
also commissioned a local jeweler to
manufacture a gold crown studded with
jewels and valued at f lO.iHki tol her
The festival will terminate on ' Out
ernor's Day," F'ridav, when Hovef nor.
Wells of Utah, Hunt ol Idaho, hi I hi id
Montana, and possiblv the chief exe
cutives of Colorado and Wyoming will
be present.
- m
ror Sale.
HMii) acres of siimmerfal low, Htsil acres
of stubble wheat land; all implements
and stock necessary to work the land.
Inquire of Purl Bowman.
R W.Pursell,KinterBville,Pa.,says fee
suffered 2ft years with piles and could
ontain no relief until DeWift's Witch
llasel Salve effected a permanent cure.
It is a matter of pride
with us to have the best
here for our ctiBtomera
and to have It at a right
Tr would like you to
notice the superior fit
and wearing quilov of
our Hsrt, Schsffner A
Msrx clothes and see
how little we ask for
They're the kind sd
vertised in the trading
msgsrlnrs and worn by
good . dressera everywhere.
The Peoples Warehouse
ReliMblv Clothier and Hatter.
10 Reward.
Irom mv pasture, buy horse
I. Willi a bar over it on left
Mormon Bishop'
III Mil li"-. I- 'ci..n, rlttMH, l llsrvllr m
DOtencr. Loit Power. Nlstht-Lonse. 8
nBnok.BslI Daalrafe, eimlnal Bmi
hlllt. Haadaena.UnfTlnasB toMarry.
Oonstloatlon. Btoos Ouloanssa
run, no, or ...lid.
Represents the Kig(jWest
stundard of excellence
in cereal coffee products
54 California figs and prunes,
Scientifically blended with 46o
well ripened grain, makes a table
beverage of rare quality.
In FlOPHUNt: there is
bincd, with the delicious
flavor, all the nutritious
health-giving qualities of fruit and
Boil from 5 to 10 minutes only
' I. hi,, r - t . ,, , in I
lr,, r, o I ,-.
Ou'ti Lost Manh
iiscm.itorrhoaa Inaomn
'"", -ti eaos
1. S1srous Os-a-.
Btp Hsr
s i . k hv r
. i ... i
Aderass, stisnop Remsdr Co., Ban rraneiewo. Oat,
rM i 'isi .. I'ws in i i UN ouiiiiow
Huv vour Qroceries ol F. S. Vounftr & Son
Tin y please the fasteilious liei .time thes ,ire i lean,
l lie satislv the i iirelul onirs because ol their ptirilt,
I In appeal to the ucnnoinie.il lieeause i . . is always reasonable
There are many, no iloulit, wlni sell urm fries without
DUrit) r cost, simply beiutist; tliey A ad .1 good DfOfll tor
Whatever vout reasons may b iv n . i ill and we will
(hought of
tieat you
fruit and
) U I ( K I Mil, I VICW V
Woltll ol
and a . . .
the liest
Mo 1 1 1 1 1 1 i
of how to operate it
accounts for our MM
ess m the laundry
Send us
and you
regret It
Portland Carnival
and Exposition
September i!th to October toth.
( H INI run RATE,
VIA O. Ft A N. C . S LINK.
l-'or lull paitii ulars call at the 0 l I N tn ket nfln
I I W Ms I'.V, Ag, m
Help or Situation "SSjB
LF. Cook's Eaptojoeot Hftocv
Corner Main and
Alia Stre.1?
W. J. KKWKI.L, Manaer
I HiIbI SI. tone
- nli 1 Klettditly KuroMbod Slwm Heitud
l.ui pc'i Plan
id , aii a hall o ilepol
lisVpii " oi cunuevlloii
Kooin kale
ah. 75c. $1.10
Yard ou Webb Htrtsst
Of uueito Hunt F'rdiKbtjDeiJot
Heavy hauling
Ksfscial altsaUoa gi..u
Uj i ou.iguu.eui.
Wa art. frejiarod to furnish auythiu'
I iu tb luuitwr in. . aud cuu guarauUMt
price lu U m utuNif, if uot idiafr
Uusu ottirs. Wm also usury a laa
Is.ji. Wlmiiiwr and M.iildlug
Part i . cuutvinf U!iUi bulJdius; a ill liu
sell U, ase u beiora plaeiug U.ti,
orde. Wa also oarry Oai-arlo Kcsl
ir wood. Phoue Main Wf.
In inakti nssl bruail uan Byars' Ii at ITiOsW. Iltafak Iff!
praunain at lbs Uhloatfo Wnrltl's Fair nvur all ooiuoetl
I lou. ami glvna Mgnallout satlsfartnn fbrver nscsl.
Kvar. sack is fUarsnUtt! Wn havn thu laatt HtMtni
It'll . si Hailay, HmxI Rya and ftnardloss Barley
vv H. hi i. km, froprlmtur.
Thay ovamusue Weak
teas. Irregularity aud
uujlaaioua, luuraavse vlar-
h and UuuUi "aslSI
B V ul UJ.iU.tl u. ill. ,n
.WsaaaW uuiuui.isxi, uiiliu ilui'l,,i,uni ,,f i,wuu. auj budy mo
,r. ii"u reiueuy ntr w.uurii .-.jnuls tli.nn
BBJr -s a fiisaaurd
0 . SJAI.K
by drujriflau.
II . I 1 I.I.MAN 4k O.
1- ..1-1,
Thuy a.. I II i; MA VKJiM " to guU et
f Usfoluf iuuuI of oiyaua and booji
woumu uiiuals tbsut. ( susut so hJM
al ini l-i ii lion. HV MAIL.
UU. lit l 1 i ii BAIK AL c o., ClvveJeasa),
lllll nnnri. I
Ksn,i.a.J. uMsMfCMT.
Laatz Bros.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink : : : : : :
Polydore Moens, Proprietor,