NEW HATS NEW SHAPES The fall styles for 1901. Fedora. Longley Derby BAERi$ DALEY One Price Clothier, Pumishert i!. Hatters, Pendleton. MONDAY. SKI'TKMBKK 1H, 1H01. tioei. Three yearn an" MS ,9M. 17 BMM of Hahilitif over reaonrre" was immense for an small a number of pen. pie. Proportionally, I'matUm conn, ty's mnm of liability would he !)2, OH). Jtnlire Sparrow ileservea pmiae by avery newspaper in Oregon. Kvery tax paver and laboriiitf man who con- tributes toward maintnani ov eminent id know of hi tint re cord. It placet .Indite Sparrow in an unique poeltlcrj auioni; county oilicials, and stumps bin a- approximating tin perfect holder of a pnldir truat perfert ly iliacliargniK it. Let bll lame spread to the corners 01 the eommonwealth, and let hii" example he followed hy all who occupy similar ponitiotm. TIIK UOVKRNOHSHH' HUBSTION. I)alle Time. Mountaineer .Indue Stephen A. Lowe 1 1 of Pendleton aspire to he governor of Oregon and Inn aspir ation are ciiiniueiiilahie.for to he chief executive of the ureal state of i iregon i an honor which any cititau id justi tied in claiming; and Indue Lowell has the mauhoiHl to come out hnlilly and atMive hoard and diSSloeS the prin ciples on which he stand", so that peo ple MM know what to expect nl him . tie he favored .vi th nomination election. Tlieac are ail K'mmI principles, such a should commend Mm who nive them utterance to the people who want Kim si and economic. u"verument. Hut wil! .Indue Lowell stand hy them in tin fact of party opposition'.' lie seeks the nomination at tin-! of the re ' publican state convention j ami should tii. i' convention in the formation of a platlorm refuse to tlie princi- plea enunciated o .indue l.oweli, ami still offer him the ninato.n, will he accept or will he decline'.' He has out line) the platlorm on which lie would seek to administer n,,' If the I party refuses to adapt his platform ami till offer biM tlie i). on mat Kin he can not he consistent to at pt, neither would he he worthy tlie cotithlelice of , the people if he dnl Hut should he hold out (or the pruiciiilcr lie advocate and refuses tin- nomination unless they are einlMslieil in toe pl.ltl inn. his as piration- in) he cinsiden d most com mendaole. and should reeOMBSead him as an independent cm i n t 1 1 - even if discarded hy Ins party. tiovernor iteur when reipiesteil to ex pros his view- roncerninu the uacy of Judge Lowell fur uoveruor, is honorable ! notiunu t" ai i.v siiouni lie . . . lie I- not tired of tin- i lb himself, and for him to aspire to represent DM mi I natural I thinks I r li tha Iowa in place of distinction. Ainoi- most Mitabli MM Ifl kbi Itate to til tion to do an ta laudabla. Whan man in the governor'! obair, mi. Kastern Oregon ahouol have the am such aa ttioee now mentioned in tins NO Pfll.ll II S .MIST MOW. Two of tin JKast Oregnnian's exchan gas already have contained bitter par tiaan reference to matters connecte.: with or alleged -to be connected with the shooting of the president. gGentle men of the prees in Oregon,' for the sake of the tender sorrow over the deatn of William McKinley, (or tin sake of the people plunged into pro found grief, for .the sake of common humanity, tor the sake -of our fellow citixenship, for the "Jsakeof alljtbat is dear to the American heart, aacred to the country mourning for its dead, re verential tor the kind, Christian man who atood (or such ideal jwrsonal character, let us for thenonce eschew bitterneaa. Let us forget tiiat we eVSf had differences, ami come-closer to gether in sympathy, not go farther apart in untimely bickerings. If there be one thing lor winch Wil liam McKinley stood, ami for which all but the one lonesome, iaolat ed school of anarchists had deep respect, it was his One sense of courtesy I POM his grave he criaa for the exemplifica tion of the principles for which he lived, who, even when wounded unto death, could ask forgiveness for aaaailant. This is not time for contumely it is time for fellowship ami kindred mourning. LIT THE CONTEST BE DIGNIFIED. Two American gentlemen o( peraonal dignity and high character will con teat for the supremacy at the primar ies next spring in Umatilla county, looking towards the republican nomi nation for governor of Oregon. Politics in theae days, "pity 'tis 'tia true," haa degenerated to a plane such that men.too ofteojlook askance at the operations of those who go before tin people in.the capacity of office seek. i iHi,M mmmIt t tiir is the prerogative ot the American citiaen. It V noAkve J) sagw aa vsr- w m v T BB j SB I CROWS HAIR LIKE THIS within ii WW month-. Nrwbro'b Hikticidi .the il.uttlruff ncrnis tatr 1) kills the dandruff genu? r that cause tailing ball W atuirm.illvbiildm.-ss. Ni If i lite r preparation hit ttu-r preparation lm i? lierpicide kills tlu-dillH drungonn. Pestroytlu i .iit-i', you remove the effect. Herpkrlde is a deligfatftll hair di --ln for tegular toilet Use. Lmxfsrrov, Most.. r.t. to. t i, o.' ii.'. 1 uu.-li.tli I- M. i ll-rin. Mi UMaOiO H.Li. win. 1 or Sal at all ririt.CI.js Druj- Sto.o. BEST FOR THE BOWELS ci. ir an, . Iran l ! la. CANDY CATHARTIC connection conn- lorwurd to oner uo-k bright talent ami conspicuous abili ties lor the public weal, the public is to be congratulated. Would that MOM men of like uprightness dnl the EMM. In thia contest an opportunitv wi! present itealf for the exemplification of the ideal phaaaa of our political aya tern, it wi 11 be poasible to mak tight one id which courtesy Mad fOOfd will shall stand forth aa the most no ticeable features. Let the llrOMjIe wax never an warm. Let the aspirants contend never so hotly. It is uuneeaa aary to inject into it augbt but what the author will proudly own a the work of hia hands, the conception of his brain. May this be the status of this pri mary election that might decide who will be governor of Oregon. May its history be such as could be written publicly in ita slightest particular. blasoned abroad throughout the MO told to the young voter aa that winch he may emulate in his coming politi cal career. This the youug voter haa right to h mand. He should insist that he w it near a tight baaed upon the correct idea of our suffrage system of odicial aelec tion. And the man who diaappoinlr bim in tin.- matter should recciv. "bard bumps" when that youug voter haa his turn at tbe'polls. AN IPPICIENlTcOUNTV n nor. James A. Hparrow haa served as county judge of Harney county, Ore gon, since June 7, 18U8, or about tin, years. When he took the oath of olio Harney county bad $48,U6h.87 of lia bilities in MMMi of resources, aa shown by a printed statement issued ami sworn to by the members of that coun ty court. Then, on June fjfj, 1U01, Harney uouuty had an exces- of re sources over liabilities of l8.rU7.UH. In other words, during three years of incumbency, County Judge Sparrow, who by the way is a republican, hail guided the affairs of Harney aMMtl sucoaasfully that no iudeiit, do, ex istad and the county would have mouey in the bank after all debts were paid. Huch a record is its own most elo juent eulogy. D speaks of faithful at tention to the affairs of the office to which Judge Hparrow was choaeu . It j t oat i ties of vigilance for the intereate of the taxpayers. It proves com pet en cy to meet the arduous demands made , upon a county judge. Harney county haa only 2bim popula Is III the asceiidencv in the State It , rests with It to m.lke the selection, hut I it is certainly to he hoHid that the -e-lection will not btll on V, J. Kuril is!,! of PdUton the man with the chame- leon like polltMBl pruiciph. Shaniko Leader: Judge Lowell of I'endletou has puhlicly MOOOJMMl him self aa a repunlican candidate lor gov- , EffMM We thought ever since We li rat j saw his circular letter he waa a candi date, although in it he said he waa not, but just seeing how the people 1 atoisl on tlie i uesl ion. ar Eav7 1 ' mM w , EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY KEEP YOUR BL000 GLEAN Stephen A. Lowell, judicial district, naa si ni the columns ot Athena Press: ex-judge of thia Dually .iniioon ed in the Pendleton Kait flregoniaii, that he ia a candidate (or the iiomiuation on ! the republican ticket for the odtas) Ol governor of tlie state. It is yet six mouths before the pri mary elections ami there is at least one other avowed candidate in this county, and others weat of tin Cas cades, with fiov. 'ieer seeking re-noin- Itck!M!M! Awful Itching of Ecema Dreadful Scaling of Psoriasis CURED BY CUTICURA OjW 1 M Hsj.ii-, u clean) the skin of oratta aad saaiat, Otmottaa Oiataaeul ni lia ilciUag, and sooth.- ajid baa), and COTii i in HasoLvaxT, to cool and cl auas in. blumt, make the mosi couiil.l. .on I Beady ears treatment lor (orturing, dis lixuring liiiinors, raheo, and irriutiou, Ma oi hair, whn h bawoasad lha skill of the besi physiciaaa and all othei ri sj lies, a aiugfo set being often aumcieul to cure tin Uiudt oiutuiate case. CLTICURATHESET$I.25 Or. kuii iv (us m, si. lit . Haaultiai '. said irrysUx f oit, p is, ( Bmus. RED ROUGH HAND! WllOiHHalr' l-it.r! ill .. Ice, Wood and Schlitz Milwaukee Beer. Henry Kopittke ination. Ho there promises to he u lively acrp on hand when the pri maries are held. Judge Lowell, ih announcing his candidacy, also gives out the platform on which he stands lor the nomination. CURRENT COMMENT. The Sainton Paystreak, whose edi tor has protiahlv worn Ml hi iants and easy chair, at the same time gives vent in the following wail: " I hen are no two ways at. out it, there are far too many papers in BftlltB OolOM hia and unless some of them get push ed off the earth, or their editors fol low the example of Klijafi, and leave In the air hue, the press nl thia pro- will ileuenerate until it becomes us and I less ntul servile as the party rid den, corporation poisoned journ distn oi the east, where the editors pav their printers in turnips, sorapimn. church social tickets, or anv old thing the do. llBOjMMI subscriber happens to have in Ins possession when the editor over tikes him. " Colonel Pat !onan has taten hack in I'enver and has BOM) talking to the I lenverites in his own peculiarly pointed way about Colorado and Ore gon. Me says among other tilings' "Your mines have dwarfed all the gl ittering romances from the Arabian Nights to romnion place everyday reali ties, it' o made the (aided riches of Midas and Croesus look like lb Iff) cents. Your mountain and canyon MMMi are unsurpassed on earth in anv region so easilv accessible. I am told voti had from 50,000 to 100.000 delighted tourists In Colorado this summer and vou should have from odo.noo to 1 ,000,000 every year. Hut while your climate here in' Colorado sometimes slips a oj, ours in Oregon never does. Last winter, while lilin sards were whistling Ho miles an hour from Colorado to New Kuglaud and whisky freezing in the glasses from Dakota to (tenrgia, in Portland, Or, lawn mowers were running, ami all the early spring vegetables, fruits and berries were in market everv dav. .And while this summer the thermo meters even here in your thrice hies, eil metropolis ol Colorado have ranged troin 00 to 110 degrees of climatic hid lishness, the mean temperature of Portland tor years has been .V de crees. " M. What $ S. & Does for Children Children arc eonst.mtlv exposed to nil ports of dis MM. Thr air thrv breathe is filled with perm's, sower gut and 1nst front the filthy streets are inhaled into the lungs and taken into the blood. At the crowded school rooms and other public places they come ifl colli almost daily with others rreoverinp from or in the fn'. Stages of contagious diseases. You can't quarantine against the balance of the world, and the best you ran do is to keep their blood in good condition, nnd thus prevent or at hast mitigate the disease. You have perhaps learned from observation or experience that healthy, robust children (and this means, of course, children whose blood is pure) are not nearly so liable to contract dfJMBMI peculiar to them, and when they 00 it is gem rally in a mild form. On the other hand, weak, emaciated and sicklv ones seem to catch every disease that comes along. This is because their bhod is lack ing; in all the elements necessary to sustain and build p the body, Poisons of every description accumulate in tin v tern, because the polluted and sluggish blood is unable to perform its proper functions. Such children need a blood purifier and tonic to give strength and vitality to their blood, andS. B. S.. being a purelv Vagi table remedy, makes it the safest and hi it lor thcdiln otoi .institutions of children. S.S. S. is not only a perfect blood medicine, but is pre-eminently the tonic for children ; it increases their appetites ana! strengthens the digestion and assimilation of food. If your child ren have nnv hereditary or BcqttifBd taint in their blood, give tlu tii S. S. S. and writs to oar physicians for arty information or ad rice wanted : this will cost you Both ittg, and will start the little Wt iklings on tlie road to noemty. Bosk OH Blood and SUin Diseases frc' TfiE swim CIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. V ml In Selecting a Carpet Vim will find the largest assort ment h select from at I ailing' -t"re. New goods here in all the latBel patterns, the greatest vari ety nnd the best value for the nionev. Yon can tintl just what vou want fieri- and just w hat vou need. The best MtpSf values ever offered iii Oregon Wall pa per I has pST than ever. The wt B aerial improved rotary White sewing Machine, buy no other until you try it. JESSE FAILING. Hotel Pendleton Undur N.:w ilanag'-Tiint Strictly Ptrst-Ciasb KxcellaDt Cuisine. Every Modern Conynnien HESsBLijBVaX MWHaV 4ftlBsssB laaaEM B l! jjfl flVlJB Give U Trial. Rates $2.00 a day Special Rates by Drees ot montc Bar And Kllllard (tojms tleadquArters for Tr&vellng Met The Best Note In Eastern Oregon. Van Dran Bros.. Props Successors to J F: Yloore Don't Forget the Fifth Annual I AT WALLA WALLA SEPT. 23 to 29. LARGLK. BETTER, MORE AT TRACTIVE than over before A world of fun in a week Tftke a weuk 'i rorft from bufiMM OMttl, bring your wiiV and ohirdrea ami tnjov the fun. Wlglatr'l cttlebrated laml t'ruin Seattle will turn ill the music all week. Liberal Premiums paid for FRUITS, GRAINS, GRASSES. ,) sJJ park a.m. WABBjrjroTOSJ BfMMTI A. f. AMMMMgi LI.. B.. MBsJsB A pwgUSSlM hool. IIMHplMSBi fnr BMNagM work.wW" InMdftas -f I'siasMi In position. ... bookkatn an.l atrnoaraphf. pnett f I "K' ""rrvrr kn.mii'. it BWaMljl BWrl brttrr and lttrr Or"-" ill thr raat BMSeBB) admlttr.! nny time. Prlralr or clnw ISSWBBSM, Uf n'"1 how m MMB, tBd hnt II coata. BaMMfM fr Hoard of nirwtora n. i' TttoUPBOW PR i BJtDBJHT n. son- coaw - - "AV M i'i'N"- WW Shopjune eitle. is niJrTARY 3EMY USIOMPacihc -"nin Portland Worth, nl, I "l.rt SpSOlal m,i:i, -oi'L vis fllilil illRIOn. Allantlv K "i s li 1 1 a. in, via Html i mo, ii, "'t Laic, Ishtm Bi ""rih, (im.ha. k ' " " full, Chi MBS ami tMt m p.,,,1 iii. . 1 Fa.t Mall , BposlSlBN man. MUUvtaMM at' , s.i.'i a. ra. via BpoaaBI fa ... 'i.'i!b s 'am, tmiuth, BJJfa? . , . "" UK" Aflq Kw(. A prlvata s"' for boar itnit and ila puptii Prapsrta wj sdmtssfon to aru i lenttne soBop! ' collcax aril OT Btaa-rn-aaltrp NfW "'" romplatsly equlpisw tmildlns. Thor3Sf: Inatmefloti ..c ordiiir to tha bwt m' tti'i' ' flood lW?itttt M nun' tralriliti. TBj principal . Iwanty-thraa rsnr; iDtrlnc tr Von ttnd i 'HI'-' Bn'irat' shall Btfei , ..1; . .. ..'l.1ii11IK Hi'Si' saUl U an.'. iimpii 7 , , ' uf i.-tt morv. ate. a.l.,r. aa. J W. HILL. M- D- BVtoSlBSJli V. f)rT I I rrfl n llisliiip Scott Academy. Pi IRTLAND, ORBOON.'d IsTt). A II. nut' School for iioys. MIIIMry and Manual trainlne. Ptll term opens Sept. 12, lyoi- with a faculty ol MSltN .-onipatoiit tai'har who iiii.luntan.l ly 'tint utk" an uiioruat hoth in Iks work mid In ill.')' play ot pupils. The aim ol tha principal ami lua.'hsra ta to ,1'ivulop ,'itarai'tar as w..i as in pr'parv boys lor cnlli'Ko ,111 1 tin. ami tniiltioaa avoeatloM of iifu. The null, luur" arc nrinc tlioroiiKlily ratio vm.'il mi tin most app'ovi'd mo loru uiatho.ta ami art- liulid"! by lentrlflty. I'hf youiiS'ir boys reouirv i-arufui attuut'ou (Mm a compottMii matron For Illustrate! catalonin- wrilv to AKnit.'k l N KM' I LL. raaetpat. Ocean and River Schedule rum pomtun i) - n p. m Hall, v x.-apt - null v - p. ni. Satunuy ll' p. in. Ilullt x Hub day Sh iii. All nailing ilatan t.ibjtc For 8an KranelMo u. - Columbia r. ,nr To Aatorla an.l Laii.tlnnn Wlllamstie Hivsr OMESa City, Newbtnj. m, Salem. lii'lewadsAtiatt and May Undlnsi 1 a. m. Corvalll. nj Way ia,.. Tusa Thrsi Undlnn ami sal. ' "" 0 Tt, Wlllamstie and yam- ? , t(t kill lii.'s. Ilirs ireiion ciiv ii.... u'a. hiiiI Sat Oregon City. lTu,B n0oP.i vniv. 1..MV. It I par la M a m Hall laaM HELEN'S HALL. PORTLAND, CAIN1 V )ri.ANI). OBB. Ftil'NUKU l-' A Home and l)u school lorQirll Snaks Klvsr -"iiiu 1 mil, MI SI''. Akf asi BXOOUTIOM Bleaaar Tebhetta. Pk, n., Mrlnclpal Tin ki ., ffcr t.. sirl . nn.4.1 an,; t.i.iroiiLrb iimuii.ui. -on iti, tliu.hntaaMl a kSasM lul s.i' I rtdiHxl Iiuom). It oseuptaa a larga aad at-tras-tivc! iiiu in tn. tivimti ,.l tin iv prk. Tin anitan cnii'lltnui ,if tin- , r, i 1 1 -- h.s nunu madi- & utttur .it apetui atuntiuii Tin lietl. ii Mitt rtfciution ro.nn. in- Urg' tinl lli,ir..iunl' tclltlUU.I 111,1 the ...listriK'tnni ol tile hulldlng is aueh tliat ovr nsm. opaii t., the sun I'll. ,'r-'l' :r, ilk- o'i, topfo.l.le all the naaaasary appoitituienu ot , II . ,uipK.l actiool, 111.1 u. liimiiJi uver llllt lor traimiui pupil- in tin ni'Mt ippr.o,. iiiutlnstk Tin aim of tie- scIi.m,I isr..i. t!i.,miigi, awl wii uaiersi laasrasNsas la irl. .11.1 s . ,,ui 11. rtttnu lii- iik tor k..l., kj. lien that .Inirwl, SSd b' anl 111 BM Uavvlopuwnt ot trii. itnt wi.tiLiiil) ki.4rActer Tlie Fall trui open, aeptemisif I.,. MM. A las'. utt ,.' tweutvvumpuUnt u-a.-n. r. . :..r sinlii 1 1 . , 11 tiul 1 . h . . ...r, ami 111 I" " I ' - ' ' , '-III the M'lSI' ! PSttUMitt aloiiv. (pevUluu iu Art aiHl orator), aud "' . ,.,i, I - uisl' lor !: Tn..-tK . .,11. s ktllLktile t""1" iri-i ... 1 11.. I.iu.vclillg ai. 1 norwistcs rulinii. A i m.iasiuiii. SUallW hMt H for ilhulraU-d aataliaua apply to ki.kvmhi 1. 1 r.itiiKris, priu. r. K AAMHLKY. Agtut. PtsdlMN Take the... Washington & Columbia River Railway far C&laMjn, It Paul, st. 0mtm it- 'ity, Ht. J.a., ( iiimlm, ami All Points Last and South fori land and point on the Sound riJIK CAKI). StlM'KMBKK 1, " .' himiiiii Luave Hlla Wsllaii am rtt n pin ; apokaun . -' pm; Arrlre Ik I i ' nin : Seattle I am . Kaal It niu'l Leave Seat lie l:issai:1ai ill' pm ; Arrive v kuh e. aim ' .1 am . -ip.ik.iiie 1 . 1 1 1 am. rnr iiiioriualinii reganliug raw. aad ktas in. niatlous. call nil or nplraaa M. AHAUIAMI auii"a. viajj.. D . - ' i I I I 'I II r. At. Willi Mkiu, Wiiti. White Collar Line Portland-Asturla Koute Str. Lih'.mu" Tias i.'AKii ' Dally roul ir.u exeaaissaa. lA-ave Portland "AH , Astoria r i. The Dalles-Portland kouu Str. " Bailey uatzert i Dally njl ir.M Mini: i .... k.; MAflBtlnicGRhNfTE Oregon Lumber Yard Ponuments. 3t Laurels Atjain ! Thv ftina tviposttion bU niaaaV Ih Qmm Mlal Av-teinj ll I.W.HARPER KENTUCKY WWISKEY SJaM m. uai wars aiao k-,,rJ,l at Nsv Orknan. I1MV1 tsia ra lA'A) sou VSorl.u tan Hi,.... Moid by JOHN n ilMIl' I The Louvre Saloon fEMUUCTUN UKBUOI, WOOD OUTTFK for barns mikI iIn alii tut Chuapar than tin. Lumber, Lath. Shiuuleb, BuildiuK PaptVi lur Pucr. Lime aiul Cement. MouldiuKb. Picket Plahter, Krick aud nuud, Screen limiinAi Window-., Sash aud l)iors, Terra Cotta Pioc. Borie & Light, Prop's Aha St., opp. Court Hout Farmers Custom Mill frad Walters. Hrvprtetor. Moaterastdi Bros. ilarble'Graniie Works He iln our own w.irk ami giuran te tlie aaiiit- at lowest Bffiee. Katimatas nivun ou all kintla of cut -i in. Full Meek on littinl It will pay you to see our work anil gat pricea before placing your ortler. Main St.. pjear U. K. X. depot, Pendleton I lie Peodletofl Academy FKKI'AKKS FOU- Collttge, Teaching, Business. Tin ,'luMtit'ul i-iiUDM' irt-uit-s fill ell- (ran. . i.i FiesllllMII n, uvelti -ol- U'lf.Mi- u,- friiiielon uiiil -.laiiford. i be UutltuUoo hiv. been placed upon tbe AcONdlMd Isint by Hit-Slut, lloartl at KdiMatlon, so tiMt Bns4uataH ad- lllitled to slule cert IliivaiM A biiMitwta B0UMS e.uai u, t- lieat UllslllaSS i-olleKe in oltfi. il Fall Mm begiin. fSeptoinlier lull. UUnm MX. F 1.. KOUHK.S. M. Fli., leiitlleion, (iregtin. I'riucipal. . . . THE Oregon Mortgage Co., LIMITED. FARM LOAMS t lowest currsui rsies CI I AS I Li. FATTULLO, Agt. Walla Walla, Wash. . .jataa uas. ij Vaucobv.r, .-si Look, a Uprises, MixmI Kirar. 'inu- daiiaoa TIME CAKI) baa l'ortlaml Atrivt. Tht! Iiallaa laMffv tag liallea arrtfa raftkMi . IImIIms In I'tirtlali'l r AKI. : 1 lAi,M ... k..-,iM,,,i ratum LJt M. ',., KM ary baat riuuday tripa a luailiug iMluni. Tan s tia tin- grali, leal SSSBlC allrai'liuoi 00 tarU Tiokala lor i.oili iMta. bua ou aalaat Tat too and lluod kikor Lau.luig -Fool ol Aldar almst HutU I'houaa Malu .ill Fortlasd. Dot- A. J TAYLoK, Aft.. Aatorla, lira JOHN M KU.l. olN. Agi., Toa Dallaa.uri WtJLKultli .i. VERS guu, Wklta BUsa-l-KAl 'tEll a BAKNK4. Agu., Hoo.1 kittruii. J C. H'VATt", Aat., VaU'-ouvor. uH K w i:kii:H KN. Agt.. I'..rtlan.l. or. Frederick Noll, Aft., Pendleton, on. THE First Ever in Pendleton IMFOltTKI) ENOLIMH IHJio"" . s.iirr i KTOl'T I', il.'ll I. .N DKAl HD' ... oikii, no i VI i'ii I; i 1 WBLItl atlais USS jBtjj eat brow of tin- Kamoua Mile" firm; uever ! ire before : THE MAZEPPA 2l Ham 1 HEATING STOVES Before purchasing come am) look oei .mi largt: and con plSJle line of heating stoves which we are selling at a very low lijure HAMSFdRD A TH0IMP50M. Th Laadiny Hardwatre Man. Oapaclij, IB) tarda a day. Hour saotaugwl lor wUoai Sloui, Mill toml, cuopiMMt yuii ju aaud ale, a,wjy expect people to you have to sell know what If you don't HOW DO YOU ADVERTISE? The new store can never be known unless It advertises weds (25 VAMMILL AINU ELevtMfH ST., ruBHAau, OH. " "'. otjao, of aii.clal attenilon. To u. aamaat bays and m I taj buslnaa. man and aowan U tta warB Us '"til ll,rt hM.-ft .laala.a. a .a. ' nr.irif -irlfr ajuccess. tor fourteen g al : Is aaaavass -