East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 16, 1901, Image 1

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fair tnniitht ni1 TussiUt Uffht S
frost tonlKh. 1 D trwTpTee.!" X
NO. 4880
111 ill
The Place j
To buy Groceries
is where yon can hl W
,0 ftleet from. Cll
, seo ft Mv OCh is
,ltrhotlnn IMCJ .in.l mplfl
0. R. Demott
How to win a Shetland Pony
The Waynr Knitting
Mills arc K,nK to give
away ten ponies How
moon do thny w;iKh?
Buy pair of Wayne
knit l'ony Stock! nfi
and make yotlfgtMM on
the printrd ticket. Y.m
liavc a r.hanct: to win a
pony. A Kurss with
every pair;
Wayne kmt StnekitiKs
tor linvs and ijirls art
the biggest
worth ever made.
Tripple htell
Tripple knaaja
Tripple toes.
In Buffalo Multitudes of Mourn
ing People
Pass Throuflh the Streets to Be Placed Aboard
tbe Car in Which It Is Conveyed to the
National Capital.
The Boston Store.
School Shoes Opening Sale Dry Goods
5 to 8 kid. $ ,W
1 10 IS heavy 90
13 to 2 heavy 1.1 o
Dm thou (or girli $1, $ 1 .-'"
U0nd &1.7."
Strong uhoec fur lioys, made
like a inaii'x hi....'. 61 .!'", I .-")0
.'b, 100, L25 tad 2M.
Bij: boys arc young un'ii.
Try the DougltJ ihm $:UM
inl SJQ
12 l-2c
15 to 32i values, fluids and Novelties.
This covers the least.
d g Tins line oi PUid and NoveltiM range in price (ran
I -r .-si t0 3.1t, will now be offered during tins sal.- at
this low price
If these don't attract you prices don't count.
-5( to 7J( values ot fine plaida, novelties and plain
colors ami plents ol them I'lir price i mad. foi
w this aali only.
coc to s.s valuei and a Rood aaaortment ol up-to
date materials, not it lew pn- hut many ol them.
J' ih,..,, ,,,, 00 centre counter countei aaail) lound,
A grand opportunity to get fall dress goods.
50C I.' 5 1 values COlOfOd and hlack novelties.
mg 751 to ti -:.s values colored and black novaltiei
Thane can I- appreciated when eoen
The Boston Store.
Buffalo. Sept. Hi. Tim remains ol
Will iitm McKinley this morning wore
taken aboard a special funeral train:
unci started fur Washington. Ail night
lent 11 I'imril ol soldiers anil sailors
watched at thf iifdBiiie ol ti." dead,
The train carrying the hotly to Wash
ington was made ap in part of the
same cars that carried the presidential
narty m an Francisco recently. A
pilot angina aroi led aha funeral
traiu by fifteen in milieu, to nee that
the track wan clear.
Th Wldowd Mourner.
Before the bod wan taken to the
train tbOQiaada Ol people Iih.I ntlmrl
ill tin- vicinity of the Mi I hum house an
early an ti o'clock. At 7:36 o'clock
Mm. Mckinley came out, leaning on
the arm of .Miner Mckinley an. I Mr.
l.ightfoot of the White I loupe corps.
She mm in deep nioiirniiiK ami heav
ily veiled. With llrm Ntep she walked
down to the carriage, BBBWlag no sign
of collapse. Fifty thoUHaiid people
with heuilH bared and howed were
around the depot when the nix car
riages hearing funeral party arrived.
On alighting from the carriage, Mm.
Mckinley Hhowetl the first Igh of
weaken lag, Slit wept bitterly and
walked unsteadily, it wum necessary
lor Dr Kixey to put It in arm around
her to hold her up. She wan placed
on the train at once ami the peculiar
feeling that death would MOO relieve
her of the pain of lonelineiej swept
over the crowd.
Throng In the Street.
The nresidnht' hodv wan carried
from the city hall to tbe waiting
heurse by Mix inarineM at 7 "0 o'clock.
The thousands of people thronging the
traeta in Iront u the huild.ug hared
their heads. Tbe national guard hand
plaved "Nearer, Myliod. to Thee,"
ami Mlowly and with nieaMiired step
the amOft Ml into line and the march
to the depot began. The escort con
Misted ol one company ol regillarN, two
coinpanieM of national guardsmen, u
company ol mur lima, a detail uf sail
ors, and a equad ol iiionntetl police.
Carriaaen with I'reMident KooMevlt
and the inemlierH of the cabinet, aud
diplomatic corps, senator and repre-
sentativoH readied the depot aiier
tbe lunorul prouaaaion. The body was
placed on the traiu i mined iately upon
arrival at the depot. It was placed in
the rear car on a raised catafalque in
plain view (roin outside. Tbe casket
was covered with the American Hag
ntreet, from the ci'y hall it was greeted
by a aea of face. Both side of the
street were lined with weepinif women
and ad faced men. From the win
dows of the biir ollice buildings pOOtod
bundrels of sorrowful people. To
mhke the scene sadder still, the Sixty
fifth regiment, hand played the dead
march Irom Sanl 111 such manner as to
move the heart of a Stoic. The DO
lice officers detailed ti hold the crowd
in check could have been dispensed
with entirely. The crowd whs respect
ful, awe-Inspired, silent. And so it
remained until the train hearing the
prooident'i body was gone.
When President Roosevelt stepped
Irom the carriage at the depot the Brief
and emotion he felt showed plainly
from every line of his countemince
Me wore a broad hand of crape on his
left arm .
Briar Service on Sunday.
Buffalo, Milhurn House, Sent. Hi. I
Tbe simple services over the dead pres
ident at the Milhurn Mouse began at
11 o'clock on Humlay. President
Roosevelt and the cabinet stood bofidl
the liier. Mrs. Mckinley and the
family were at the head ol the stairs.
Mrs. Mckinley did not break down,
A quartet pong "l ead, kindly Light"
ami "Nearer, My Qod, to Thee "
Hev. Mr. Locke read the fifteenth
chapter of Corinthians and offered a
prayer. Tbe remains were then escort
ed bv the cabinet and military to tin
city jail whence they were taken to
the funeral train.
Viewed en Route.
Arcade, Sept. !. n board presi
ter. commenting on the shooting
ot the president, said today of the
World correspondent:
"We would consider such a man a
parricide and would deal with him as
the ancient laws of Confucius direct.
"Me would suffer the 'I,ing-Chi,' or
the death ol a thousand cuts. They
are made with the sabre. Not only
would be be executed in this manner,
hut all of his IiIihmI. The family of
this parricide and traitor would be ?x
term mated. It, is the worst of crimes
to kill one's parents, but to try to kili
the Father of tbe Cjnntry is as bad, so
we think."
Reported by I. L. Ray ft Co., Pendleiun,
Chicago Board or Trade and New York
Stoek Exchange Broken,
New York, Sept. lfl. All the mar
kets showed marked improvement, this
morning after lieiiiu closed since Pres
ident Mckinley's death.
Stocks were especially strong, the
gains ranging from : to 5 per share
nt ll peeing and making still farth
er improve inent later, o the close was
at the top prices. Liverpool cloaed
I unchanged on wheat, 5 1,
e York opened '4c higher, 7n f"r
he, ember, and after selling up to
7ti ft-K, closed at 7li a-H. Uorn was up
a cent, gg Bg. Pork 10c higher, $15.80
January. The visible supply showed
an increase lor the week ol L',4Hl!,00t),
total :in,H7L',(MHJ, compared
with Rfl increase lor fame Jweek last
dentiul funeral train. At every point
ol vantaue since leaving llulialo where making
a lew of the train hearing Mckinlev's 1
, . . i.i , i.
remains lo vasningion ,-, , o- , ,.,, o M, viH,e ,vt)927..
tamed were crowds ol people waiting '
to uain a fleeting glance of the black ,,l)lJ-
robed casket. All bared their beads
as the train passe. I.
At Honored Dead Cataralque Used at
Funarali of Llneoln and Oarfleld.
Washington, Kept. In.- The somber
catafalque that has in its day borne
the remains of two martyred presi
dents, Lincoln and liarlleid, was pre
pared to receive all that was mortal of
the third illustrious victim ol an as
sassin's cruel aim. It is newly draped
and was placed in position under the
great dome of the capitol.
Rooievelt Will Not Yet Oeoupy the While
Houie, But Live In DolOO' Resldenee.
Farmiiigtou, Conn., Sept. Hi. Mrs.
W. S. Coles, Mister of President
Roosevelt, received a telegram from
Close yesterday, 75.
t Ipen today, 7t.
Range today, 7l to 7ri 5-8.
Close today, 7r H-8.
Stocks Sugar, l:U)t; steel, 44 S-H ;
St. Paul, ltll'4 , V. P., 9.
Wheat In Chleago.
Chicago. Kept. HI. Wheat, 70 8-8 to
Wheat In San Franelseo.
San Francisco, Kept. 11. Meceiiiber
wheat, KM) i8 to 100.
Men at Work In National Tube Compny'i
Hills Today.
Mckeesport, Sept. Hi. At the Na
t 'on tube works this morning both
night and day men reported for work.
There are a lew malcontents who pro-
him saving he will nut occupv Hie text against settlement ot the strike,
Wblta Mouse lor the preaant, boi ill hut they are 10 much in tbe minority
m nks in Toittl Soap.
1 mho oi new soap
'x a box ' hars i
pHtitl leap, ., bar. lor
. i
hi, ujiiiH i iar,
l p;.. .
--- ap. miv - tern soap
PW, in rose violet, cama
"bkr bills CC lii i'. rr r 1 1 Itltttr
0 - '.--!
Fmftge, rubbei hands ioc
KAaL m ... .
iiu auppllea.
- pavi on nooks. ;i.
-mrmi i cu ie.a.1 oenci s c.
,toW $C, etc.
m your old houks, we
On the Tray.
Sidehtmrd or Table.
Fine chmaware is always attract
ive, anil you never saw such line
c hina offered at such low prices as
in our present sale. A visit to
our sales counters will well repay
you in the attractiveness ol the
display. Then you can appreci
ate the attractiveness ol these
prices. We want you to see those
ii7-piece dinner sets at 37.5U
The city council will meet tonight in special session for the
purpose ol appointing a ommittee to take charge of the ar
raiigments lor a McKmU memorial service to take place next
Thursday, That will he tin clay when the remains of President
McKinley will he interred in the cemetery at Canton, Ohi.
President Koosevelt has declared it to he a day ol national
mourning for the people ol this nation to congregate in their
respective places ol worship, there to mourn the loss of the late
President McKinley. It is not set known what arrangements
the commiftee will make in regard to the tune and place of the
ceremony, but it is expected that the opera house will be en
gaged loa the occasion.
It is expected that all arrangements lot amusements on that
day and eve ning he cancelled It will be officially a national,
state and municipal day of mourning, when, everything must
give way to the public expression ol sorrow for the death of
the chiel executive.
take up temporary
Coles mansion.
reaidence in the as nuve no influence in preventing re
sumption ol work. Not tbe slightest
dimirdftir m'fiirrrtd
CANTON. Partial Resumption at Pittsburg.
National liuard companies Ordered l'lttshurg, Spt. It.. Fires have Imen
to Report There. Iighled and general resumption ordered
in li,,lii,iniiiii n, ot all nun mane line oy an bjmu
. , . .1. ... .1 Tl.
,.i,,i h ., itti , urea io o ,. . ... .
B C ollllullUh, .in il. i". iiiiiniiii 7. .. -
starting of the train was as .pile! as tllt tlloul,ttUliM (a,p from all part, strike, yet all not are yet Mlarted be
muMihle. Not a bell was rung or of the state wiil attend tl ns-imies
I hi - 1 .
HP) 8( package,
J "MUf papers. IOC fW
paneae napkins.
I. . I
whistle tdowu. With mIow, eaay mo
tion the engine got under headway and
all that was mortal of William Mc
kinley started on its jouruev to ita
last resting place.
A Weeping. Silent Assemblage.
Aa tbe pageant turned into the uiam ,
of the pfOaMeal at Canton. r,very
orgauiiation of the state national guard
lias been ordered lo report at Canton.
For Cdmbination Folding Cots and
Chairs. Just the thing to take to the
mountains - -- -- -- -- -- -- -
Httt Door to Postoffice
. .Oregon -
Oil , .
enrs Purses
fklgj jus, received, 5c to
I "' beautiful hi....!, K .ll
rw . .
U other
Nid a nmm nurse we
' - ',1, , I , U LJ
n-vun aim lowest nw
I'opular shades
I si II I A
wick Noli
I have a full line of the celebrated
Wood and coal stoves guaranteed to
t,e absolutely air tight. None ot tne
heat is wasted and the stoves will
save ONE-HALF of your fuel bill.
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
74i Main atreet, Feudletou, Oregou.
Tile Utile tellov.
lias blown with ull
bi strength, and the
downy tutt.s null
Cling to the dander
I lmii lem Aii'orcl-
Ung U tin oracle ot
childhood mothei
dim. uol waul bull
Hut mothei would tell
u Milieu nt sturv She
III-, noticed tin weak'
in k ol the lungs, and
it she MM bun now,
flushed with hiMinusnal
effort and struggling to
stifle tb cough which
followed It, wt'd foal
bow much sue wanted
him and wunted thuac
" weak " lungs made
strong, that she might
not KM hun.
f ;or " w eak "
lungs ohstlliate
SOHgbi hein or -rh.igi
. ...... 1.1 s-
a u d euiacialioli
there is M medicine healing and 0
etreugttiemuK as IK fieror lloldcn
Medical Discovery. It is ei,ieciall
valuable lor children, building u weak
liodiew with aound, fieultlii fleah. It is
eulirelv free from alcohol and nareotica.
uuMiiri Leloir Ull.. tu ,,l,l,.i i ,w.,o
ur aeurly t
AVI S ) ,
Washmaton Will Clue All hxeeutlve De
partments or the Government.
Washington, ept. Ifi. Orders were
mined tudav closing all the executive
I departments of the government 0.1
ruuBdav, Weiinesuay aim 1 i.ms.i...
Mrs. Roosevelt Also Rn Route.
Oyster liay, tiept. i. Mrs. Uuoae
Kiln of tbe ilea ureHideut. left
c a use Niime 111 tne men are iu 111 nu
mnr at the aettlemeiit aud n fuse to re
turn to work.
a Kevoit.
1'ittsburg, Sept. Hi. There was a re
volt of steel striker against tbe offi
cials of the Amalgamated this after
noon by which the tin workers of the
Mlar plant decide to continue to strike
independently .
Ik bad it tb
writes J M
Co., Ga- lh
lay - , . . . . . 1
Ancr you' ' '.,.. -( f,,ll.l I wntl.
Wilt H CVCl.OllM - -
I., lrlii Ull" li iroui or , i.,,,..
It 1. ...uk I-
In aou all kinmiit'i
oi CaeMfop. acrenee
lim ihi auoil uml iu.il.
ll,l llllll all, HIHXI
Ills wi" . .7 jr..
111111 inei,'iocv " 1 ........
. li.'llltf 111 !M14I!
inn, Sb brouKliI luui Uk
hi,., v.iui sreal
kul Uucovery
TV, I'.. Million Sellsi-
aent he,- on receipt of stamps to pay
rxpeiise of awiliuK f ,n,i " ""
cent lUpf or 1"' At-a li
H. V. fieice, UuUalo, N. x.
li Imviiik caineil mill lei
would .1,. lmii k
"'i' "JlJ. . hi .1 voll. r. ".oldeu Med
nun ...... 1. - .1, ,nl,,icil
lol a 11111, -J -
Medical Aclviaei
Mure-au Law
Declared Unconstitutional
at Portlaod.
f'ortlaud, Ore., Sept. !t. -l'heoir-
cuit court upholds the Lock wood dl
leiiis ature. The Moraau primary law
was declared unconstitutional . Tbe
decision 11- most important in state
OF M. B. C umtHKKU.
for VVasliingtou this morning to attend rt)Ct priumrv law that passed tbe last
the funeral ot the late rrosiueui mv
Kiuley. Mbe was dressed in deep
Orand Jury Hmuria a Charae ot Murder
In tbe rirst Degree.
liuftalo, Sept. 10. -The Oxolgoss caae
wa presented to the graud jury loday.
Teslimonv was given by attending
physicians aud eye witneitsei of the
Buffalo, Sept. Hi. An ludictim in
was returned aguiiist Colgos at 4 tl)
o'clock this afternoon cnargiug murder
111 tbe first degree.
"Snawl-goteh" not Insane.
buftalo, sept. lo.-Leou Ciolgogit is
uot iuaane.
This fact was established by an ex
........... i,... iiimiIm bv two exuerts in the
Next Vear In Colfax, Wash.
ures for the District..
Next vear the M. K. conference jusi
held iu Walla Walla will be held at
. ,1 las I'he membership of the ar
ious sections of the conference follows:
Walla Walla district-Total member
ship, 2130. church buildings, Hi , par-
' v. . 1 . I I 1UI. 1 .
Honage, M : nuuuay sconois, ov , vcai n
era and otbcers, 340; scholars, IML',' .
value ol church property, gttl ,160 ; par
souagea, 114,776; debt of churches,
Spokane district Total n.eiuoersthp,
is, church buildiuas. . ; Hnuday
teachers auu omcera, uo ;
, 1 ,.U ..itv t.riaon. airhuola. o7 : teachers aim c
The exports are br. Floyd b. Urego, scholars, 8300; pareouene, 10; ooe
the most uoted alieuist 111 Buffalo, aud I ohurch coat over $12,000
1 1. fc'..u1-r iM.lie,. suruuuu. Moacow dlatrict lots
Tbav will luake a report embodying
their oouolusious to Ulstrict-Attorney
and Secretary of War Koot de-
ecribing the uieiiUl aud physical char
acteristics ot the assassin, the char
made ami their cou
of hia
uter of tbe teats
Tbev declined to discuss tboir exam
ination, hut ll is learuou
..i,-.l that the Uiau who killed
prosideut is In full eujoyuient
meiital and ptiyaical lacuiuea.
The exauiiuattoii was ordered by tbe
dristriot attorney to determine whether
Caolgos needed medical attention or
should be treated as an iuaane Hereon.
Tbe examination was conducted under
dramatic circuuietaiicvs and agaiust the
protests of (Jxolgoas.
China's Treatment or Assassins.
New York, Sept. 16. The World
say a. Wu 1 ing-faug, Ubiueae utiuia-
Moscow district- total uienioeraulp,
17U6; church huildiugs, 2; value oi
cburchea, fl.oOD; Sunday schools, 84;
teachers and officers, 331 ; scholars
The Dalle district loUl mem tier -ship,
1716; church buildings, 8V; val
ue, $oU,aV7 ; pareouages, 23 ; value,
$13,u0u; Suuday schools, with 306
teachers and 2330 scholars. This dis
trict baa no debt. Last year the
meuiberenip uf tbe coufereuce raised
$61,1(84 aa preachers' salary and con
tributed 16713 toward the support of
the ureaidinir elders. A total sum of
$60,336 was raiaed in cash for the sup
port of tbe church, aside from b"U4
iuas aud iuiprovoiueuUi. One ciiuro)
in Spokane was erected at a '
r .' ' . . of all
i'i,i jwre-oiru
Makes Thursday the Day of
WbiD Business Is to fiv Suspended tod tbe
People to Assemble and Testify Sorrow
Ofer tbe Loss of President McKlnlej.
Washington. Bofjt, n.-The official
program lor the funeral services tomor
row in the rotunda of the captol was
announced tin- BMhTaiag, The follow
ing is an outline Hymn, "Lead,
kindly I.igbt;" prayer ; the hymn.
"Some t line. We'll I'mlerstand ;" ad
dress bv Bishop illdft Wa I hvinn,
"Nearer, My Ood, ToThe,.;" batMelie
The Mourning Proclamation.
Milhurn House, Buffalo, Sept. 16.
'resident Koosevelt issued the follow
ing proclauiHl lea "A terrible liereave
ment has liefallen our people. Tbe
president of the United states baa
been struck down; a crime committed
not 1, nlv against the chief magistrate
but against every law abiding and lib
erty loving citixen. ('resident McKin
ley crowned a lile of largest love uf
his fellow men, of most earnest endeav
or for their welfare, by a death of
Christian lortitude; and both tbe
way in which he devoted Ins life and
the wav 111 winch, in the supreme
hour ol trial, he met bin death, will
remain forever a precious heritage of
our 1 pie. It in meet that we, as a
nation, express our abiding love and
reverence for bis life, our deep sorrow
for hii untimely death.
"Now, tberelore, 1, Theodore Koose
velt, president of the Tinted State of
America, do apioiut Thursday next,
September IU. tbe day on winch the
body 01 the dead president will be laid
in its last earthlv resting place, aa a
day of mourning and prayer throughout
tbe United States-. I earnestly recom
mend that al. the people assemble on
that day 111 their respective plac.ee uf
divine worship, there to bow down 111
submission to tbe will of Alungbty
0Oi and to pay out of full hearts their
homage of love and reverence to tbe
great and good president wIush- death
has smitten the nation with bitter
"In witness whereof I have here
unto ei my hand and caused the seal
ol the United Mates to lie affixed.
"Dene at the c ity a Washington, tbe
1 Mi, day ol September, A. D, HJi,
aud ol tbe independence ol the United
Slates the 126th.
"By tbe president.
"JOHN HAY, Secretary ol State."
Bishop Whipple Is Dead.
Kairbault, Minn.. Sept. 16. Bishop
Whipple, lam.-I I n aork among the
ludiuin-, died DON this inoruiug of
heart trouide. He coiieearated
bishop ol the diocese ol .Minnesota,
f'roiestanl Kpiscopal, 111 ltSu.
A Later Telegram.
gnjf Lake, -ept. 16. -The IKIk's car
nival has been postponed until triday
on account -.1 the death of the late
President McKinley
Paris, Sept. 16. Kugeue Uias, the
oomposer, is dead at Pans.
Washington, Sept. 16. -Mgr. Uph
director of Catholic Indian HUMS
sjojn nine 1664, died here on Thers
dav. New Yora, Sept. 16. -Jobaun Moat,
arrested ou a charge of circulating IO
ceudiarv 'ilerature, was "'d 'u
police court Bail was fixed at 11000.
Moat was locked up in default thereof.
-an Fraaeiaeo, ept. 16. The federal
graud iurv lodav returned three indict
ments agaiust ex-chiel clerk ot tbe
uiiut, Waller N. Diuiuiick. charging
luui eitfa thelt of the miasm $30,000,
and two uiiiior discrepauciee.
Bail was fixed at $33,000
Cripple Creek, Sept. 16. John M.
Clover, ol Cripple Creek, Colo., au
ex-congressman from Missouri, ha
been arrested on complaint of deorge
McCarthy , a justice of tbe pee- aud
postmaster at Clyde, charged with
criminal libel. He waa released on a
bond of $600.
City of Mexico, Sept. 16. Ameri
cana arriving from Uouth America
stale that tbe Colombian aituation i
tar wore tbau reported by tbe paper.
They say that probably 146.000 men
have been killed aiuoe tbe beeiiuuuag
of tbe rebellion. One as an claims to
have seen a thousand dead bodies piled
in heaps and consumed by buruiag.
Ai; aiua, ia., Sept. In Clark How
ell baa acquired a majority uf Use
tuck of tbe Atlanta Couaaltoiwe).
ii.yi,, ....... I, -I iliti full isaveaw
Colonel W. A. Hemphill
"r""' . . -a
Tbi. witb Mr. Howe.. -
taiaan a ujaiui
w I vr
iioiuuias. , . .
shares of tie capital stock ol
."Tlli' school
afa. who
i-., young peswasa a- 7. "TT'i
called upon uim auu
3-,it with flowers, bave been ar
raicued and tne 11 teachers have
at Vaeuaia. Ku-
tlMiir UMkcners aau
. .. 1.
ne renal" 01 toe mi"""
Cgui ie lieadiiuartcrs.