0 Children s uotmnjr ar low Knees. School Suits flitoQrit 0f () per cent on every lohool suit hold during tli.B week pggti ow w i .zo pair. $6c to 50c each. cotton sweaters 49c each. sweaters 9Se each. 10, 16c, 20c and 26e pair. ( 'aps Boyi1 )y lll-WOO tbthool hoei in Iho children and get thorn readj for next Monday, leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. that mity DOW come iAY,si;iTi:.Mii:i: nun. . .,,..-11111 . I V I M l V Hindi Clironlele Saya It Will Be a Buttle oruianu. ii .1 'ii ii.. iff tepnen .1 . i.nwnn UV! thf Ul UniOUl l liruilUMli, innmllH'ol I"" lilimrin nn which .. i ..,. I luilum f hi licnnh' no avowwl cmmuiHcv inr 1110 1 Tin nt-1 1 1 , 1 1 1 ! - I'M llir - irn not n i'""r" "- Orwoii, for lie liac irenuoiitiy . 1 .L. ii ..in. (1 ir 111 11 r 11 1 11 it III'' i.niiblii' lilri'"i- hi this part 11' i.. i . ..... I Mill Hll llllll' 1 111 111 ... .1 - 7 ' Li. L . ..I I... all'u u III lil.. lit II Mill! II' "H' i ol preientuiK hi candidacy. till Itl'ldOU 1 lim imci'ssaMi)' mi ii- iffiiiciim iwcausc 01 Us novolty. IrllL Mil" H'l II ln inn iiiriu'iiir ...... Tim itirtPi- fiii'l ill IllH cail- tin' interestinvr 1 it. oriop tin1 KiiiiiTiiatiirial situation ... 1 1 ... .. i ....... 'i i...... t two, anil 1 ' " ii' only twii, jihaaRlinii air u 11 1 ... nr i in i IV i in ! tUIODK tll rllllll IOUIIH III '1,1 nf ttif itate. Tliv will he .Indue mil W. .1 . Kiln, 1 1.1:1. of lla county. 1 here the tight will .tail tin rest ui M will lie 1 onloakera. Whichever of tin iiwccauful in tin- enmity ennven ntliiT in thi' I urn I iriinarina, KfreNnt IM county ami pructi- 1 . 1 I'mitTii uri'Kuii 111 mi' suite nil nu . 111' in' n in' ill 1 11 v 1 1 1 ImitilU lln- Imttli- will lm to fuiuaiunitv . Imtli an- ahovo re- 1 in oolitic as wall iih in the or I'fiira ui life; both have ' Dttml lor tlif KMiiiiiii tu which "(lire. Die dillereiicc hut eon Itliii: humdl i a man who is M'ilir tr iiuniilaritv lines. The. aJtuim him ami helinvc in him j 1 ..... ..... - r''. him iniip. -lail'miian M 11 not 11 tin ui.... ......... ; ..... - "."inni ' , .til.' mm point M Furnisli. on tin filth! IN II. HP.ua.. 1 ..... II , .... VIKHIIt(,lMI, ggl n W LI nil II I 1 1 . . ........ . . . I . , itiilliiril nUTV 1 fit I I 1 in rnuiilv and underHtHnilr - 1 111 n. iir in Mltliv ami jian nxluniluil iinmv tinancial favrirn hOBM tO hitn. Tba eontwrt bttwin tboM kwc bmo willhia Imttli" of KtnntM. It would iiul lu lalfNBtlBfl if aitbw wore Hlft of WlODlng, and it ih lolng to 0U in-ii-rt-Ht inj. Dryinii prparationH limplj dwtlop dry catarrh; tlmy dry up tin- m rot tool which adhere to the DMmDMUM and d conipi)ne, caimiiiK a far more MriotH Iron Die than the ordinarv form of ca tarrh. Avoid all dfyla labolODta and II He that which cleaiiHi'H. HnotlieH and healH. KIv'h CrHani Halm ih -in h remedv and will cure cut.irrli or ml 111 the head eaHilv and pleaHantlv All ilriinniHtH Hell it at 6t) centH or will he mailed hy Ely lirothem. ."it Warren St., N. Y. IMPORTANT CHANOE IN FIRM H" L.!iT,!R R8fl"S PROM ALBX ANDER HKXTBR S BUSINBSS. R. Alexander Continual Short Hlitory or the Large Store Whleh They Have Conducted. Harry 1, Hexter retiren from trie lirm of Alexander A ITextei R Alex ander continneu In the conduct of the are huaineiH that hax heen owned bv lirm. This announcement wan made today, and caused OOBsldtimbl interest on the street. Alexander A Hexter ts one of the heaviest mercan tile houses in the state of Oregon. It has heen one of the mainstay ol hw UlMOn uuring the past 21 years Both memhers of the Hrm are very able business men, and have built up a patronage that has commanded a hilh r-7 ii'iiikuoiii uie immense countrv tributary to thi. town Mr Hext. 't will remain with Mr. Alexander for a timo until the change has been com pletely nitecti'd, although from this time Mr. Alexander is alone in the ownership. Mr. Hexter has not announced his plans for the future. The house was founded UI years ago as B. Alexander Co. , K. hoe ben Htein being a partner The latter sold his interett to the late Jacob Kraser, 16 years ago, who, upon the death 01 his son. Nick, was bought out by Mr. Alexander, 11 years ago. the latter conducting the business until ten vears ago .ir tlexter was taken as a 00 ner. Mr. Hexter had prcynmaly an employe lor Inn VMUrl Mr Alexander enjoys the complete coiitidence of the people of this region. He will continue to command the im mense patronage that has been accord ed the house during all of the past years. He is a tigtire of prominence in Oregon, and is one of the most 111- 'I Mai Masons on the coast, having hosts of friends who will give him best wishes lot the future, a future whleh his acknowledged ability as a tOMMiOf w ill fMfMtM K MOO; Pendleton Water Works. IH. II!: I'latzoeder Minger, meats, M.Mj L. I.arone A Oo., hay, i:t ; Brock A McComas, drugs, 27.40 THE ACADEMY PUIfl 0ROWS AMOUNT HAS NOW RKAOHBD A TOTAL OF 02,902. A BOY FORGED A CHECK in The part-been COUNTY BILLS ALLOWED OYOU NEED L'lTen . 'ATCH CHAIN, HlDU Cnir 1 .1 1 . 1 IVBi PORKS, FuNs OK AN iRN CLOCK '"mat in t,e tnr. Iii. j SplttaMIWIbl '"ul IHKMhsii "01AJID I'm, km IK Hunzicker CW..I.... 1 . . -v. auu lipuomil 4I0MMMI ui llaxtur'a Arrivals at Hotel Pendleton. B W Hardenhrook, Haker City, lohn I. Ashton, Chicago. Mob Moore, Walla Walla. Miles 0 Monro, Walla Walla. lOO T ( irant, San PrMDOlOOO, V Ottershauen, Portland. 000 II Smith, Walla Walla. . W Hunt. A I. Keatie, city. K T Cox. Wallula. A S Jackson, city. 0 M Hmith, Portland Wm Maher. Portland. Mrs H t Nichols. Wallula. Wash I'. K Home. I) ShultH, Spokane. A l (irant, Portland. S M I.oiiney, Portland. !l W llartholomew . W II Williams, Purtland J C I.indsey, Portland. T W Jackson, Purl land. J J Hums, Portland. - - Pood Chansed to Polion. Putrefying food in the intent ines pro duces oBOOtl likO those ol atseiin , but i'r King's Now I. lie Pills expel th poiOODI Irom churned IiowoIh, gently, vainly hut Htirelv, curium coiiHtipation liillollHiiesH, Nick headiiche levers, all liver, kidney uud bowel troubl Only a.'c at Tall man A Co. 'a. a) Harvey Waived Examination. 1. (1. Ilailny was 111 Adams venter day, to prosecute Low Harvey for an saultingT. 0i herguaon with a dan genius weapon. Harvey waived exam Illation and will appear at the next term ol circuit court. There had been considerable ill feeling existing hi tweon the two men for a long time ami when they met about a week ago 11 senilis that Ferguson fell to calling Harvey hard names. Harvey felt call ed upon to do nomething in return and, with a piece of wood, he struck the other a severe blow on the head such was the charge. Snl Darling, loll! Howard Ht. Port Hu ron, Mich, wrilua: "I have tried maiiv pills and laxativei but KeWitt's Little Karly Risers are far the best pills 1 have ever used." They never gripe Tall man A Co. Spokane Inter-Stale Fair. I'or the ah ive the Washington a Co lumbia River roil WO eonipanv will anil 1. .mi : trip tickets from Pendletou, BOptOOabor U, ll and 14, good unti September ti returning; alao on Bop temhoi in, IK and 20, good returning until epteiulmr 2J at 8.1H). On sou lumber .;, a rati ol 10.50 will be made for the round trip, good returning September 17. Ibuse rates inclinl one admission to the (air. Half of tin alxivo rates will be made for children WALTER ADAMS, Agent. J V ( I fUi W V W WV, SBiU ViUBM a uiorigagerecord,f22.lU; the Irw 111 sou Co., blanks, , Fred Noll, Hou't wait till vuu become chronical ly constipated hut take DeWitt'a Little barly Risers now and then. I hey will keep your liver and bowels in good or der, hasy to take. Hale pills, lall man ,v Co. PLEDGED ARTICLES Including . nagiini n, "lerls and ladies' gold and silver watches, to be soi l errings, chains and great vanity of Jewi:lr Coiui ,'iat tx,rcl,ely low prices during the noatfa ot AttfUII UtoiK ..1 UI,,l"ete stock ol turniture, linoleum, stoves, &rT T J carPets- 3 m PlUOtbiog and tinning given proniLU. attention. Joe Basler. Main Street, Pendleton Before buying I Heating Stove examine the German Heaters AT w. J. CLARKE & CO. Opera House Block. Court'i Reoord or Clalmi Passed Upon at the September Term. Following are the bills allowed nv the county court, for the past two months : Salaries of county ollicers O. A. I I an man :'on ; W. 0. Chamberlain. 838.98 H. K. Hall, IMP, W. M. Hlakley, 41ti.Hi;, J. A. Hlakley, M0 0. P. Ilavis, HOOl T. 1). Tavlor, 180; J. W. Malonev, 1800 0. H. Marsh, 150; Celia Renn, iOO; S. K. Vates, MOO; J. B. Mean, llll.Hli J.j It. Mr Hill, 2011; John Hrown, 120. Circuit court B. B. Hall, making transcripts, III. 70; H. (.'. Hranstetter, 2.70. t'nHl of appeal in case of Columbia tieorge and 1'oy Toy, reversed, $aH. School superintendent-Salary, g00 1 expense, 88.88; F. L. Forbes, M J, B. Cherry. IL Sheriff's expense Telephone, u.O ' ; A. R. Holmes, work on del loqDOMl tax liat, llMj D. Turner, 7.I0 tele graph, 11.75; Paul Uavis. work, 170.50 1 postage lor tHxes, .50; extra expense account I. James, 22. w; huartl of prisoners, 21,. H, . Assessor's expense ieorge Itu.un. salary, $2 HI, R. I . Brown. tlM ; .1 . P. Karl, IH2; Frank K, Welles HO. Insane expense F. W. ViaoOOl ac count of Walter C lark, A. Hcmlcr- m L. J. Roas and Mary Wolf, 20 ; Dr. I). J. McPaul, account of examination insane persons, III. Courthouse and jail Pendleton wa ter works, 7S.W; Allen Kros., wood, 1871.00 1 Pendleton BlOOtf ic Light com- louipanv, fid; iiuiiHioni i. I hum ps, m , hardware, 21.2o; 1. C. lalyor, hard ware, 5.75; Chas. Lane, paint nut, 14.50; Oregon Lumtuir yard, 75. 25; 1) Kemler, groceries, 14.50; leo ples Warehouse, mdse., 11.H0; Hale Boothhv, labor, IJ0, Hooks and stationery - W. 1. Cham berlain, cash lor stamps, etc., ;!!'. 05 : H. K. 1 ates, cash for statements, 1J.50; J. W. Malouey, typewriter ex pense, 111 .50, K. O. I'oh. Co.. 48.5B B. 1. Crocker, register, records, etc., 42.25; C. K. Maiomber, street tape, 14; Qi B. Waggouer, transcript of field notes, 27.40; H, K. tttes, ex- pressage, 1,75! Patrick A Co., rubber stamps, 1.H5; Olass & i'rudhomme. plats, 1 Max Haer. pens, fl.20; U. U. rraxier, paste, tyiiewriler paper, etc., f3.80; C. H. Crocker comuauy, Uud- pen- cils, lllk, letter Dies, etc., 1U.M5. 1 auiinr J. tl. Mi Hill, exiieuse, 17 Walla Walla hospital, account of Chas. hvaiis, fti llawiev liros. , gro ceries (or Jones family, 3.76; Dr. W. Q, Cole, operation and lour trips to Walla Walla OOOOODl ObM Fvaus, 50; berry & Loati, supplies (or Ihom aon. 5.15; W. T. Porter, digging, grave, fn Krock ik McOomas, drugs, 4.50. Application for rel iel W nlow ol J. A. Wells, 50. Coat of appeal State yn. Minnie Crockett, J. J. Murphy, f2o. Claims by coroner - Holding 111- ucsts. witnesses, pirin.-. etc.. fj0.4a. J ust ic urts Tend leton 1' istrict ; State vs. AI Stephens, f. state vs. Davis; H.25; state vs. W. Van Ordstrom, 10.10; state vs. Ja:k Wil son, 111.40; state vs. Charles Rue, 180.08; slate vs. A. Hicks and H. Alexander, lti.50; slate vs. I. Junes. 3.15; state va. J. J. Breele, f4.t0; state vs Hoc Nett, f 1 1 . 20 ; state Vs. L . R. Sayers, fW 45 ; state vs Robert Kel ly and James Rands, - i state va. 0, B. Kuowles, f I .0 state vs. I . .. i'udd and O Cruwuer, 38 75 , state v Ouorge Haigh and Frauk Day, 37.55 Milton district: Mate vs Jambs Lav ing, fU In, stale vs John Woe, Klch- anl Roe and 01 is f1 raukl in, fll'.'i Athena District' Slate vs. J H. Col- lius, $4 n5; state vs. Pete Ha(er. f. stale vs. H. b. rairchnd, p 40 ; state vs ('liarles Squires, 4.45i state vs A. J. Davis, b. Adauia : strict: Male vs John One, f I I 1 Roard and Bridge -T. C. Taylor, hardware, f , , J. A. Dupuia, labor on H utter creek uriuge, f i- 10, rsratiy A lluwdvshell. slrawing road, 110.60; tue Fletcher company lumber, H5; H. T. Cook, bndiie work, fib; A 11 1'odd, road work, 141. H; Q. M Froome, rig, 3.6t); B V. chills, lumber lor Desolaliou bridge fl20 7tf ; W B Hale, labor, 2 .50 ; T. T. Nel son H Co., Iiluckamilliiiig, fitw.ou; Mooluomery Bros, lumber In Athena Lumber On , OH.U6; work in diatriut No. 0, U6 ; Al Jobusou, fin Q. W Uroaa, 4; Kieualluu, U; (J. Bauiater, 814; Pete Hberidau, la bor 011 Butter creek bridge, fll4 M ; Bam Roae, labor, iu20, B Hopper,, IE County hospital -Allen Bros w.iii, 200 25, F W Vincent, salary, O; llenrv Kopittke, ice, f -w; rsouuri Campbell, fruit, 2 25 ; the Leeier Bakery, f. 1 rurmers 1 unnun iuui, 32 i8; Alexander & tlexter, merchan dise, 84.00; Telephone company, f d ; Hansford A Thompson, naraware, 30; Dr. J L. Miller, meuicai aa- Hlstauce, &; U K nib creamery, uuimi, 0J0.14; f C Taylor, hardware, ti.20; tenuieiou rvouer mn.o, A K Cole, uuraiug, 14; Klvin Craig, cab, 1 Charles Beale, dray- Ira Slblev Brought From Butter Creek to Aniwer Charge. Ira Sibley, a 17 year old bnv (rom Butter creek, was brought before Dis trict Attorney Hailev late vesterdav HltertlOlltl rharunrl ill ullam n 1 ntt in are Imss a fumed check, at the Savinirs 1 Matlock, hank a short time ago, He waned his examination and will appear at tbo Octoher term of circuit court. In a confession, the boy aaid that he had stolen the blank check of Hiram Smith ami then walked all the way to Pendleton. On the way he came across a school house, which he found to be open. There the check was forg ed for $190 ; and Hiram Smith's name was placed at the Bottom. He presented the check at the Sav ings bank for payment, hut the cash ier was suspicions and after compar ing the forged signature with a true one refused to give the cash. J. l . Hi nt lev was set upon his trail and returned last evening after a long chase in the vicinity of Butter creek. There In more I'ntsrrn In thin nei'tlnn of Iho 1 iiiititry than all other illneMon put together, stiil until the Inst lew yen. It wn Happened to Is' Incurntile. P0f a grcnt mnny yenra doctors foOOUnecil it n Incut illnesie nriil preseriho.1 IiickI rempilleii, ntut by constantly falling to r'lre with local treatment pronounced It In cttrabla, Bclenea ha pwvoo catarrh to be a cotiatltutliiiml illieane. and Iherelore requiring oonstltMloBal treatnent. all's catarrh cure. innnufactiireil in- K. .1 Cheney .V t'o , Toledo, Ohio, the only i'nntituttonal cure on the tnarkei II l takoti internally in dnne of trom ten dropi to n leaipminfiil. It acta directly on tha iiiiiini Hiiil muooua rarfaoaa of the system. Tovy Offet on a dttndreil 'lollars for any ease it falls to cure Heinl fur circulars ami teallino Hints. A.lilress K. J. CHKNRY A CO., Toleilo. f)b(o Sniii by drofgiata. ) Mh I! "s Family Pills are the beat. m a THftATRE NBXT WBKK. Repertoire Company to be the Frar.er Opera House. The attraction at the oiera house for the week beijjn 11 i ng Monday, Septem tier 10, is Wiedemann's big show, the strongest popular priced attract ion that has ever played the Oregon cir ctlit. Their engagement at Baker City last week was a series of packed houses, playing to over . 1 '( paid ad missions OH seven performances. The opening hill is the 4-act comedy, "Down in Kcypt,'' a story of Southern HI inois written hy Tom Wiedemann. The cast is adequate and the scenery and stage settings will compare with the high priced companies. Between acts, six strong vaudeville leatures are introduced, including Nellie Wiede mann, the electric dancer ; Hacon and Vane, operatic duettists; Chas. Har rington, the human orchestra and an imal imitator, Petite Leila Marie the child artist; Mr. Win. Digletou in clever sketch: Joe Helinella, the fe male impersonator . and the Mullally Sisters in a unique singing and danc ing act. The solo orchestra is a fea turi that will please lovers of high class music. The prices for this en gagement are In, 20 and .10 cents. The sail- ol seats opens at I ra.ier's on at -urday morning. Don't Let 1 hem Suffer. often children are tortured with itcniiig and burning ecaetua and other skin diseases hut Huckleu's Arnica Salve heals the raw sores, expels in flammation, leaves the skin without a scar. Cleun, fragrant, cheap, there's no Halve on earth as gotsj. Try it. ('lire guaranteed. Only J'icat lallman A Co. The voting contest lor king and iUeeu of the Koaeburg free street fair and second annual caruival closed at 2:30 Tuesday. Mrs. Willis Kramer of Myrtle creek was elected queen, and F. Roach of Rnsehurg. king. Subscriptions or 0100 or More Deelred Sum Nearer to Belno Secured. The fund for new structures for the Pendleton academy in subscriptions of 100 or more now Amounts to 2002. Additional donations reported today Mrs. S I'. Sturgis 1250; W r . 100 The list now stands: Cash on hand from entertain ments and given by students and church 352 W, J. Furnish . N T. 0. Taylor 150 W. B, Ladd of Portland, v towards purchase of aite I M Fast Oregon ian 100 Temple I Wtl.ox Itki Dr. C. J . Smith 100 Henrv Scales . 100 E. J. Murphy 100 James Crawford . . 100 Rev. Or. B, P. Hill Ol Portland 100 Rev. F. L. Forbes UK) Jesse Failing liHi I laldane Dicknou ItH) J. II. Converse of Philadelphia of Baldwin Locomotive works -.tHI Leon Cohen 100 C. R. Wade 100 Judge W. R Kllis 100 Dickson 150 I iXI Manhattan Shirts For Fall 1901. J K. T. J. Morris Mrs. S P MnrKi W K Matlock ne 100 Total Mel Athena Peraonala. II. B. Nelson of Weston spent yes terday here. Homer Kendall of Helix is here to day. C. A. Fischer last week sold his tine residence property corner of Fifth and High streets to Mr. P. K. OolbMPB, for 11100. Mr. 1 lecher and family will leave on the first of October for Pleasantoii, Calilornia. where they will for a time make their home. J. W. Fills returned vesterdrty from a business trip to Pendleton. Frank Moran returned bomo yester day from San I rancisco on a short visit. He expects 0 leave Friday fur British Columbia. i. C. Ostium is transacting hnsi- th is week at Spokane. Mr. 0i A. Fischer and daughter, Miss Winnie, were Pendleton visitors yesterday. , re now here your inspec without s;iv- are uptodate, ever w o r n how good h o w w f I 1 your laundry ynn if yon to ask 6im no otber shirt holds its color well. This make them boeomi) with cuffs attached short boeomi in all r. t h I hm pretty have to aaaai Bu and ready for tilMI. It one. ittg that they It yoo have one you know they look and they lit and will tell trouble there is that rmly t.hev man take that m:uh I sti uniiM easou with short and without White shirts, and full i I !ome am itylei, v buy, rss nee o u The Peoples Warehouse Reliable Clothlero and Hattero. k-ii:.ri-Thoi'ak.4iJ.iJ'iji With every pair OF school shoes V will give a neat hox containm1; A pen holder, Two pencils and a rule. just what every boy ami girl ooodl ,ht Pendleton Shoe Co. Wm. Pi ruLkAi.u, Manager. DYSPEPSIA Fur six roato aleflaja ad dre ppla a its ist rm o. could sal Dotliiaa but luin louat and j Ubmom atuaaaak nuid i... Jin miu ilisc-a e.en thai. j.t Man b I beaai iai.ni.' I'ASC'AltKTS and suae mei. 1 bavi ateadil) Improved until I acu as well M 1 ever was ,Q mr ill. , , PJa. m ii Ml near. Newark O FlGPRUNE Cereev.1 CKildren who drinh Figprune tHrive and grow strong. The perfect food drink for growing children is FlGPRUNt. It is made from carefully se lected California figs, prunes and sound, well ripened grain. Looks like cofiee- Tastes like coffee. But there is not a grain of coffee in it. Boil from 5 to 10 minutes only ALL. GROCERS SELL Figprune cereal $6000 cttfsn. j I i .mi fi i. Mormon Dlshpps' Plllei" pots n i , Lost Power, NlahfLoaaae, "e fn Hack, Doairea, O'mlnsjl Irhlatl lillllv, Heii(liicee,Unfltns tO Marry, Lp Ins. nrmiitnrrhoea tsP f rye nnaa TidY1 uckne Blone, Lame M , ..,o M4 ii-jr tiKioa; RH ftp. to Lost ManhooeW Im- Inoomnla. Vb hi I - n .1 b men, Vnrlcooale. pnafi Mope Ner a I In ii. "l l ill or Conatlontlon, voua Twnchina i ri-. r i i lMr4 lh Iniiii i ui HmitMn. . . I ... .11. . - "i '". Aiialrees. aianou Simiii, to., l.n Pia'nuiauu. o.i. c i hi s v t.K ii v ! i.t, vi is ,kci nattitatoY, enittiRvoei oirmosi. Bu your Groceries of F. S. Younger & Son Why? Tliry please the (astcdimis I mm austt tin lean. 1 lies satisfy the t -awful ones Ina ansc nt thru iirilv. I'lii- appeal to tin I't niioinit'al Imm .uisi' pi h i r, always re ii'.onaldo riictc arc iiianv. mi 'loulit. who tall Kroceriei without ilmnc-lit ni tlii'insi'K i". puritj oi cost) litnpl) becauta they Had igood proHi for Wli.itcvcr yum ii'.isuns may Ii nctit. Kivo ii a call ami we will treat you Worth ol Laundry ami a Hie liest lunery F. S. YOUNGER & SON. UICK DELIA BRY. PHONB pi i HDigoinositiggiiiHiiriHiuoioeiiiiiniiigtinaiiim n NEW FRAZER OPERA HOUSE. OBO i aAKia Laoaoe aa4 MaaoflOi i is WtUDH, Loaat Hoaaajlti WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1901 THE RBPBRTOIRB MONARCH W HI DEM ANN'S BIG SHOW Praoaotiog an eoUialy nev rapertoira ui Cork i Company of 25 people, superb band and orcheA tTafi six si rony. .specialties. opeules lil II. lie luai 001 i uinul) KNOWLEDGE "DOWN IN EGYPT." ol how to operate it accounts for our sui i ess in the laundry Iiusincss. Send ua and you rcKi'et it your will work The Domestic Laundry. Help or Situation Wanted. C F. Cook's EiiiplojiQenl Hp Oaraff Mam and Alia Kl NDLKTOM Meia I lo re 1. a iiorlma ol w i linji lllliiol. in m ' si' " Oui prieee IOC. 20C. 30C, No higher, The ,lf of Heats nM'ii at I. 11. Kraicr'i Sal iiida MorulliK. I on. in r seOtl M shi vliSiisfisyykbvvusituuuiififlfifiXiiDBBuuwuuu uuuvwauuuanaauaa Strent. OKKOON Hotel SI Ghb OhO HAM VP All Prop KleKiatly Kami .M Staioi HmImI Purapaan Plan. Itlocb and a hall Iru ai dapol. sample U mm lu . oiiuettloii KuOfll Ketc .Sue. 75c, SI.I A. C SHAW k CO. .!., ,.' i PSlmlo canov w CATHAHTIC -ITt T a aTYl afW w I sfc'.Wb.l l --r WHOLhSALl: AM) KhIAII. HlBtuut H.latabls Hnunil Ta.tr Onod 1)0 I WWW) I. t I.IK i4 muin m. ..ii. i. it i lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictly vcyctaldc, im i f I )i ik I i kt .SlILTk tly hariiilci., aure to accomjiliah On .ilcsl known female remedy. eiH.um P.l. table e,'Uoil Iw.r liuuil Nt-lni i.rii-l VVe.krn i.rlirlur 1U( ... CURE CONSTIPATION. . laadaaj caaaaafi "... mii...i iwi NO-TOBAC a.iul und j.ii.iaiiUM',1 u i Uiu 5 years, 10, 15, 35 year ot Atouiacb I rouble No matter how Iook ataotllap; NAU'S DYSPEPSIA CURE will cure you. We waul the weakeet atouiataa to neat This remedy will rest re the atomach to a healthy and normal con ditio.. II you have bee. aufferiag with dyapepala beglo trnktug this reineUy aad aee how you will grad ually ianprove. I or sale by Tallraa. Or u aad all Hi at claaa drugxlata, oraend to Fraak Nau, Portland Motel Hharnuacy, Port taod, lu eg on Price i a bottle or 6 buttle for $3. epre prepaid. CAUTION aww.o- ni onunuirr.n. iiiiil luiii.itiiti.. inn villi r.r .imll. klrili.tur. nu sol. bi,4(ui Cueaiaf u, wil.UAUn ufo m aui. a..uw CI. Tli. luiu. n nul at eau la aeu toei Oar- l I. HI III. bullll in". "Uau Oki". Kn ! itl.K II, IV I. VI a ;!.. OltUUUlOTM I' I ' "'.K I , OltKU ON . Yard on Wehh Strict OpuoaiUi Hunt r reighl lies,t We are prepared to furuiaii anything tn the luuiuer line and can guarantee prices to he aa cheap, if not cheaper than othere. We aleu carry a large line of lioora, Wiuduwa and Mualding. Partiea uouteuiplatiug building will do arell to aee ua before piaciug their orders. We also carry Uaecade Ked Kir wood Plione Main Wf. BYEKS' BEST FLOUR lo make d -'l ni,. uw i, WoriiJ a Pair over al I eouipetl vera' Uat t It look Oral iii. in 'im at the (Jhicoao lion, and givust excellent aatioactiou wherever Kvery musk i guaranteed. We have the lieel Rolled Barley, Seed Rye and Reardleee tUrlmy PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. HYKKS, Proprietor. For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink : :::::: Polydore Moens, Proprietor. I IBID