East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 12, 1901, Image 4

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    THUHSDAY. HKI'TKMHKH 12. 1901.
In ladies' and men's
They look neat
give good wear.
Practical Boot and tthoe Men.
Tablets and stationary. Nolf'a.
Jas. A. Howard. Farm loam.
Aroma coffeu, best on the market, at
HhwI.iv Bros.
Bcotch oaU and all kindn of muali At
llawler Bros.
Vegetables of all kinds, lies frnitN.
at K. Martin '
91 shirt waists, now 4Vo. Cleaver
Bros. Dry Moods Go.
Nieest eastern hamp and baron in
the city at K. Martin'
Hwift'a premium ham and break fat
bacon at Hawley Broa.
Late Crawford peaches, tine for can
ning, at Hawley Bros.
School handkerchief!, lc each.
Cleaver Brother Dry Good Cu.
Martin haa two delivery wagonx and
your good are delivered promptly.
Kor flrat clas rig or a call at any
boar telephone Depot (table, Llvin
Craig, Prop.
If you want to see a nice line of wall
papsf and borders go Mt 0. 0. Iharrj
'.nirt street.
Housekeeper wanted. Covered wa
gon and two horae (or ale. Inquire
at K. Martin's.
Go to Downey's tiah mtrket (or your
(reah flab, ahell tiah ami Olympia oyx
tars in bulk.
Juat received at the French restati
rant, (rash eaatern oyatera, Olympia
oyitera and craba.
Hchool unite at discount of 10 per
oant during thi week. (leaver
Brothers Dry Woods Co.
K. Martin is up to date in the am
oary buaineaa. If there ia anything
you want in hia line that he hain't in
atock he will get it.
W. R. Withee ia agent for tlx- I'"
meatic and Davia sewing machine. A
fall line of aupplie. Repairing a spe
cialty. All work guaranteed.
To all coucerned From thi date,
Beptember 10, 1901, 1 will le re
aponable for any debts contracted only
by myaelf personally. 0. f. Kimball
Conrad PlaUoeder iteaires to sell his
residence property, two lots well im
proved, corner of Webb am) Clay
streets at a reasonable price on uay
The homeliest man in Pendleton
wall aa the handsomest, and Others
are invited to call on any druit
and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's
Balaam for tbe throat and lungs, a
remedy that ia guaranteed to our. gad
relieve all chronic and acute ooegbl
asthma, broncihtis and consumption.
Price 26e and fiOc. For sale by Tall-
A Co., sole agents.
School Books
Bruitf in your old si liooi
books to us and we will
allow you one-half tin
price of the new books
adopted by the state of
Oregon for the ensuing
six year. We are bead
quarters for all school
books used in tbe public
and high schools of On
gon and all kinds of sup
plies of use m the school
room. Our prices an
right and the same to all.
With every pair
school shoes
We will give a
neat box containing
A pen holder,
Two pencils
and a rule.
just what every
boy and girl needs
Thc Pendleton Shoe Co.
Wm. FiTZQMALU) Manager.
A fine nillcli row for sale BBSjaBi
Apflv to HoyntoiiV teed vanl.
Best school hose ever wild, Mc pelf.
Cleaver Hrothers Drv Goods Oo.
Call anil see the btMtiMI new line
of street list at Mrn. t'anipliell'c.
First class wheat pasture Inr rattle
and horse. Inquire of Peter Watt.
For house moving hoc lien. Kiev or
leave orders at Ntwman'S OlgSl Store.
House and lot for sale, corner Lit
lull anil KailroHil -treets. Inquire of
Will, llirkev
The baseball fans of I'emlliton are
endesvorinu to net up another BUM
for next BandlJ
Pressed poultry, vegetable'', fruit.
amLa line line of fancy groceries at
the Standard gottwr y,
For sale Stock riinch ami cuttle.
Two corner lots two block' wet ol
Main street bridge. K. T. Wade.
Lots I and : in block 11, Kenerve
addition above St. Joseph'" .icadcmv
or sale cheap. Intiuire of IVt.r Went.
Nolle can tell you all about It; be
has Schlitx Milwaukee heer on
draught. It is always nice and BOOl.
Fir sale New Singer MwiO ma
chine, a llorril MOflBlnJ cliuir, a
portable bath tub, 4H Wet Court
Korlland and return September lit,
including two adulatloni to carnival
and exposition, fiMWi. (i li v N.
ticket omce.
B Saturday will be big day at 8 DO
kane. Hound trip from I'einlleton,
fii.AU. Hell tomorrow only, O. R. ft
N. ticket otlice.
Htani-liertf Br.i". have .mmmiciI the
bowling allev in the baeinent of the
liendrick't building and vill run it in
flrst-clsfiH shape.
Kor sale A law library of about .'0u
volume- .ui-l l.iw otln 1 nxlurcH, ;u 11
low price. Address Mr. M. I.. Ie
I'eatt, Athena, Oregon.
Iost On the street- ol Tamlli'ton,
ivory handle of 11 riding whip. Mini
er will please leave it M I'rooiue's sta
hie and receive reward.
Formal m i 1 1 i ner v ODSnlDgl 0 a thing
of the past. .Mrs. Hnac I ninpbell will
be pleased to show her beautiful line
of domestic and imported p.tttern hat-,
which will ! on displav, on and after
Monday, September In.
Anetia Council no 'i. I'egr 1
r'ocalionta. will give asocial dance
in Armory ball Thursday evening.
September 1., IH01. Mimic will In
filiiisbed hv Kirkiinin'- orchestra.
Kvervbiwlv promised a good time. Ad
mission AO cents.
IUer A Dalev, the in price cloth
iers, 1 11 r 1 1 1 -1 1 r anil Iniltora, have ac
cepted the Hgeno for the well known
"Longlev" and "Klk llrandn" hats.
they are popular priced g.Kids and
guaranteed. When in need of a hat
drop into their atore and see them.
The IVmlleton hand will give Its
regular weeklv concert tonight at 7:80
o'clock. Among the ix delightlul
number chosen I one h,' S.ms.i, en
titled the "presidential" and another
is the "Oregon Volunteer liy ftoss.
The program is as follows I March,
"J. VV. M.", by Mcl.vman ; oriental
waltx, "The Baram, 1 Beoaloesl i
overture, "The Homim-i." LaurendeHu
pclonise, "Presidential," by Housa;
polka, "Massa's Hirthdav," by Lan
rendeatl ; march, "Oregon Volunteer,"
hv Boss.
Wsldcmann Company to Play a Weak at
iha Kraxsr.
Wiedemann's big show, one of the
strougeHt popular priced attractions
that has ever played the coaat. opens a
week'- engagement a' the opera In use
on Monday, September ID. presenting
as an opening bill the four-act comedy,
"I'own in Kgypt," a story of southern
llinois written by Tom Wiedemann.
This company closed ,1 ucek at Baker
City last Saturday light and play.il to
over 70UU paid admissions on seven
A strong feature is the high claas,
vaudeville between acts, including Nel
lie Wiedemann, The electric dancer,
Bacon and Vain- tl peratic duettists ;
the Mullally Sisters, 111 an unique
aiugiug and dancing specialty . (.'has.
Harrington, tbe human orchestra and
animal imitation; and Joe llenueila,
the female impersonator.
Tbe solo orchestra ll one of the tines t
ever carried hv a road attraction.
Special attention is given to scenic
effects and stage settings. The prices
for this engagement are: Kntire
lower limine, :!ll cent- gallery, I'll
cents; children 111 gallorv, 1U cents.
The sale of seats opens on Saturday
morning, at L. . hrazier's stationery
Married Wsdnsmay averting at the Ho
man talholle Chursli.
Henry W. Si Invar and Miss Louisa
Froebach were married last evening at
M :. ill o'clock at the Koinaii Catholic
church, Bev. Kr. V an der Velden oth
elating. Frank (ireulleh aasbesl man
and .VI iea Mary I'roebacli, sister of the
bride, was bridesmaid Tbe wedding
was a quiet one, only a few friend
and relatives mJo invited. Mr.
scb war, is a member of tbe tirui of
Schwarx & (ireiilicb of the Kinpiro
Meat Market and well known here.
The bride in one of North Yakuua'
AipilUr young ladies. Iter parents,
who furmerly reuidmi here, aud other
relatives attended the wedding.
Orsaiatt hurupaan Authority on
Dltsatas. Says It's a (isrni.
The old idea was thai dandruff is
scales ol akin thrown oil through a
feverish condition ol the scalp is ex
ploded. Prof. Unna, Hamburg, der
many, Kuropean authority on skin dis
eases, says dandruff i a germ disease.
The germ burrows under the scalp
throwing Up little scales of cuticle,
and sapping the vitality ol the hair at
the root. The only hair preparation
that kills dandruff genus is Newbro's
llerpicide. "Oestroy the cause, you
remove tbe ellect. ,ot onlv cures
dandruff, but stops falling hair and
causes a luxuriant growth. Dslightfol
hair dressing.
To Spokane ana Haiurn 9b 60.
Tomorrow Friday) September Li
and thi date only, the (. li. i N.
Co. will sell ticket to Spokane and
return, gtsxl until September 17,
This very low rale includes one admis
sion to the fair.
The Portland Carnival.
I., urn. m rates for the Portland car
nival, and exposition go into effect
September 1U. Call at the O. K. .V
ticket oltice tor particulars.
Hstldsuus tor Sals.
A nice house and lot 011 Alta atreet,
south of the court house, Pendleton,
for sale cheap. Address, A. F. 1100
First Avenue, Spokane, Wash.
11 -in "Sf 1
Per sale.
1000 acres ol summerfallow, H00 acres
of atubhle wheat land; all implement-,
and stock necessary to work the laud.
Inquire ol Purl Bowman.
John Kndirott returned from Leh
man springs last night.
K. W. McCoinas went to Walla
Walla today on bnsinesH.
Mr-. M. D. I'nnlap of Spokane is
visiting Mrs. J. B. Matthew.
Mlsj Bmma Nolf has accepted a po-
siiion 111 t arrier's nunnery siore.
lodge W. li. Kllis has spent the day
in Milton m-pi' tmg fruit orchard.
C. I Cunningham, who live near
Hot man is In town OO bnsine today.
I. I. Lstmblrlh Ol the 1 irst National
bank left last irght lor Portland and
the sound for a few weeks viit.
Oliver Knottl and Tom RoUttfOO
came 111 from liirch creek yesterdav
with a lug wagon load of pumpkins.
Mrs Brltbo has left her husband
and sav- that she is going back to her
home on Wild Horse creek, near
I (.. Ilailey went to Adams this
morn tug to pmsecute it man named
Harvay for assault. He will be back
this evening.
Miss Blanche Canlleld i here from
l.eiianou. Oregon. She will teach a
MhoOl tat I'ulton district, eight
miles north east of Pendleton.
1-rank Frazier is otllciating as a
timeUeeper at the Spokane races, (ins
L. and Baby Hnth.two Pondloton run
ning horse, are entered 111 the mile
and a quarter race.
A. Perard has purchaed 100 bead of
-tuck cattle from William Broadl.eaii
01 liilgard. Mr. Perard already ha
a large number of sheep but he withe
also to make some money 111 cattle.
Mi. and Mrs. Leon Cohen were re-
gi-tered at the lintel Pendleton this
morning. They have iut. returned
fr.nn Portland and the .sound, where
Mrs Cohen has been ieudiug the
Ir. William Hoiife, now practicing
in Heppner, announce that he has de
cided to locate pemauently in remiie
ton. After a short tour lollowing Ins
wedding next week Wednesday, hewil
return here boat October Hrst.
Kit l Wilson, well known here as
it comedian, passed through Pendleton
en route to I'ocatello, where he was to
join the Nohle company. Mr. Noble
lias bought tbe right for tbe coaat to
represent the famous play "lln Chris
tian," and will probably visit Peudie
ton during the preseut Reason.
J. K. Primer, I 'an McCaltdne, Frank
Fields ami (ieo. Latimer came 111 this
morning from Susanville to obtain
their w inter supplies. Thevwill leave
tomorrow morning for Kilbridge,
1. rant county. They say that the road
along the North Fork of tbe John Day
i- in very bad ha and ha been torn
up by cattle and sheep.
Mis Khie .lean I'ra.ier leaves this
evening for Portland, where she will
remain ior a mouth in charge of the
Indian Kobe and Picture Co. 's exhibit
at the exposition. I hiring her absence
Mis- I'ra.ier will receive treatment for
the eves. Miss Margaret Downey has
laaeii die iHisiiion in Alexander cc
llexter's tore tempnrarilv made va
cunt by Mihs Frailer' absence.
Waller Kllison, a boy formerly em
ployed at the Pendleton hotel, but
now a resident of Ashland, w ill receive
in. inn hv the death of an aunt in
Swuterlanil. Ills father, James Alii
son, lives in Alhauv. Ibe young man
1- to lie congratulated on his g.sj.l luck.
William Boegli, count v Hchool rii
perintcndeiit of Crook county, a half
brother of Mr. Kllison, will share
iiually in tbe estate.
Miss Christine Proebatel arrived
Irom her home in Westjn Wt'dnesila
evening, aud is a gue-t ol Mrs. 1 rank
Moille. Mis- ProehHtel will goon Nat
urdav morning Pi l.ostine, where she
is to teach during the winter. Her
brother, Charles Proebtol, is at that
place as head clerk in a large mercan
tile estahlihnient. Mis Margaret
Proehstel will soon go to Puget Nouild
t enter a hospital for a course of
training in the school for nurse.
Wanlad ths Children.
W. S. Rickets appeared before tlie
circuit court vesterdav to obtain a di
vorce from hi wife. Mr. Kickets
also appeared with her children and
anl that she was willing tor tier hus
hand to have the property ll the court
would allow her to retain her children
It wa- tlie will ot the court to obtain
a part of the property to enable the
woman to support her children.
Rickets live near the cemetery and
farms on Pat Kine's place. Some time
ago Mr. Rickets took her children
and went to live on one of Pearl Bow
man's ranches south of town.
for Stealing Shot.
I rank Cross was taken before ludg.
l it (ierald this afternoon charged
with having stolen a pair of shoes
Irom Peulaiid Brother's lodging Iioiidv
iim- ol our full ;rootls lius ur
rived. In our west window
wt- urc show-in. I line of
WvdgvWOOd tflbot und tinted
lumps. Si-ems like busint-ris
to otier tlioni ut the pru t-
quottd not uny higher tliun
common pi. tin lumps.
Owl Tea House.
Stone Jars 15c per gallon.
He pieadeel "not guilty" and hi ex
Ainination was set for tomorrow iftir
noon, at 2 o'clock. Complaint was
made on Tuesday to the chief of po
lice, who mimed nil ley set about drill
ing the shoes and the person who stole
them. The former were found in a
trunk belonging to Cross at the Hotel
F'astorn. Cro was found at flu
Pearl Bowman ranch and was drought
to town this morning.
Rsportait on Uood authority mat It Will
Bnd Tomorrow
Pittsburg. Sept. IS. It MM reported
on g I authority this afternoon that
the steel strike will I"' SStllOtl DSIOTS
noon tomorrow.
Powder Works Killed Seven.
Patterson, N. .1., Sept '.' The Oak
land powder works at PODtptOH blow
up this afternoon. Seven are reported
SIO Reward.
Taken from my pasture, buy hore
branded L with a bar ovar it on left
Hhnnhfer. PKTKR WKST.
School Opens
Monday. Sept. Ifith.
A Mtlfl ramindtf to parenta to
to call for a pair of our ichool
hhosx ior the children WE
l.vcrv pair
Absolutely Guaranteed!
ho Ponhlo
s ware
thi: pitti-rs op phkt.
716 Main Street. Pemlieton, Or.
.' S. -
Buylng a Sold Briok.
m 1 1 le- 'iiMpuiuiiu.-iii rulllUK llivrelrom I
no ouiuparison to lite dluppolutiuDUt wlilcii
luiauahuui uol gaillug llin ilgbt klud of repair
work ou our usrrlaac. I in.-re la uu duappulm
lui in when Me do the work, tMHiauae our work
1 slwsya ton. 1 ik 10 and our prices ar always
. Ci
Womao'i Work
Is tryliiK on Hi eye. Ii there ih any train
fell wlttii etvliia you should mibiidt to r tm
aMsssurss i". niQLvastcs trkiab win r
lore the tlKht to noiiual eoli'titlon. Other
le tola I M partial oil nluoai iua iumiII.
HavlUK a lams look 01
Kyeidassus and Spectacles
e can ill all or. Unary iiug 111 a fow uniniiea
asatal tSUll SSSI Where there are coinpllia
ttoim we make to order
sign Big Kyv, Malu St., I'aieltulou, Ora.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Kor barn and dwollinu..
Cheauer than tin.
htiiUliiiii I 'a per,
Tar Paper,
I, one and CuMOBti
IMastci ,
Hrick aud Sand,
Screen Doorttll Windowii
Sash and Dmirs,
Terra Cotta 1' i
Borie & Light, Prop i
Alta St., opp. Court IL.um
You get
Good Beer..
When you drink .
tin ann teed not to
cuiiso htldsWhl or
Ask for it.
Schultz Brewing Co.
J sstsB
I ... !!, tl f.,r .....I
discharge, lllUaluut.tluu.,
1 r rllMti.ti.a ,,i 11 1, .r.l d
bu, I. ,111,1111 or utiicuu. uietutirauu..
SrcaLL, cu.lA.lub e.inlebt altil iw.l u.1 - l.t .
llifcHSCska:uiCu. ,ul P"'."ou.
Lci.ciaati'.u.BMi aW Uruai
-Art of Skirt Making"
Is the correel dwwription of
Wa are mhlbitiai In ""r -skirt deprt
ment the latest dorwol Itylti ol iki
uBHte" pettleoati. Thej m all made
with "EHI" glove flttlORtdJambU top
fits Perfectly over a Hustle.
Hi, "Elite" dc. away with th ob
lectionoble He itring ami bunching
around the wiisti htu bo opening in
bach and particular women will always
,,,! ,t R perfect lifting garment.
Lyons Mercantile Co.
Pendleton. Oregon.
Furniture and Undertaking.
T T I lltliAM l.,....i,-,l
m v 1 DUlO DMII Dni avwaasw
Sh Uuder's Furniture Store, oornt
P Main and Vi-iit tivt'ts. IVn-
Q3rmW! , .-.on. o , p,:
W 'l'- Unoie Sam "Becat
BUM lit'
lias the liiu'rtt line of Purniture
in in- (bund in liusii'i-n ( hregon
and tfe all waul to ft'iVHt our
eyei on tit many nice furniture reatiom and teoure iome
of tin' rar bargains Iw is offering."
Corner Main and VVtihli treete.
rnrr a 'uii ami school ia ETljrCT
affvEaiEai 1 '..mi with eooli outfit of booki I ll L. E
Bohoo Book cVltnl and Distributor tor Uinatilht OountrV.
Booki Mpeciftlly for Pendleton Aoadtny now ready.
..p8!Hii I ill
Hi! St Gwb
n:( oak vi Aii, fiop
I KitKuUl hwM stDdm Heatod
huropean Mian
III i.k ail a nli (rum depot.
Samp. i' Koom hi connection
Room Rate
5k, 7St, $1.00
UiMort pttrahaaiof eeejM ami
look OVOI our larc and cum
plete line ol heating stoves
Which wr art- eelling at a very
low ligurt'
The Leading Hardware Men.
Bring your jug
and have it filled with
Pure Bulk Maple Syrup
Standard Grocery Co
Opposite Golden Rule Hotel.
ur a hi in piatlb WfMe)f
bv i a tircae. 1 1 .1,-1 o I tt.t
ffi.uu, oi a Duiuue, m.to
utuiai svtii wi
The new store can never bo
known unless It advertises
expect people to know what
you nave to sell If vou don't
z vwvskaaas am
Cor. Court and Johnson J
PENDLPTnw nn,r.St
HtPHm hem. Hsstrta uht.
K''"r-i. Plan.
Htwi'lal rain k. T' ?'J
" "! or g
Free Ruh fiesta all Trala.
Commercial Trade Solicit
Fine Sample Roomi
Special Attention aiv,nt0
Country Trads.
For Gentlrmn
who rhrHah
Oil., S
The Louvre Saloon
The Place to Buy:::
Im wlicrr yon can net quirk
and aheap prices, pnt m
your ordar lor deader Mi
water tnukn ami feel rackt.
Heat 1 in.' of
l.uinlitir, Lath,
Bhinglea, Baild
in papor, Tar
pftper,Liini ami
otntent, Pioketi
Pliarter, Brick,
Sand, Mouuliiij!
Stirecii hoors ik
WintltiwH, Sash
A- 1 lours, Terra
Ootti Pipe,
UnDker lard.
R. F0KS1LR, - Propriett
The Columbia
Lodging House
F. X. SCHliMPP, Prop.
J. L
a.'iu- uiv iiinwn I'iUm.i.
mi. . iiKiii.' au'i "Tl.. uil
Blnln. bll.-rv u I elaK-lrio sasfa.Ji
prTosTor will onliauga lr
I'l'ii'lli'i.'ii. iir.'mi .
iu. v, ... u.i.K 'oki;iwJ
Ullll.llUU Ira"' liuura, .-
11. in. 'l'jlupliou 77.
.. .. .imiiKl
ol Klrtl Nliou. UiU OB w
a. ui 1 1 iai i p. a
I CUU1C 'it ' '
rukulvucc U'K-i.iiuiK 1.
if euraiolaf sad MaM Rj
.Imii.!. l)La.ck il.
. 1,. .Ml l.l.l-1. T-u.kfcav SS"
ireau SJM Sjrraa w wj "ha4rlai.
cou.ttllou. sad 1JSB
..r..i,rlv Ullf.l I." ixira.H""i'ru" .
.1 .1 a. 1 1 a 1 1 ' S"i '
I tUll UitM'ai IfH f
Kay'AKye 0ss,estssa
lull BUI ft
DK.l.YNN K.lll.A;!
au.l Dcn.i'in nil""---. iu ft
Opp lli.U'l. i-r
it.n. wrc. 1
tTV.jiuwabh fwji"2
perliuouucui ,h, dU "
Blaui. ior uu."i"
17 JuJd buliulas .
HH KKK A f siJai J
UullUera ...,iy. rWl"
Iff 7iZr.tMi7aai Maw--,
BMIVs was I,
1 u.v UONTK-V1
.'-.ueiii . "rr. ..u.iaiSTi
,l..r , !..' letl al me
h. A. VAHOtlA Ma"
111 JUU'l DUlluiu
U" Dl.ma. - j
IN l-.H-M. THi: IlKKKIrtJji
1 k i.- K.-Tia.Sl
l.lly u.arahl ' di
... .l l.ir .-ol ' '... W--LI
OUC li bow, WV,, boot MjfiB
l.ll.' lllU.tl.-i- ' . K UUW'!
WaliKlMriT. WW-.- .-.1
" j . a. kjuTsuaaei