East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 12, 1901, Image 3

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    (Wren's Clothing at Low Prices.
School Shoes
ll . .. nanl nn lirori' Colin, .1 auif rnl1
this week
Kee pants We to $1.25 pair.
25c to 50c each.
feyi' cotton eweaterH 4i each.
0091 llW0Ol sweaters 98c each.
School hose 10, 16c, 20c and 25c pair.
.i. ..i.;i,li-..ii and tmi tham lendv finr novt Ylimilne
Mgg in Mw "" o - - -v
;ieaver Bros. Dry Goods Co,
7Km.iiii.K mm. :
. I luianvlnw With
lllirim no "" '
Koore ot Bauer laty.
I.i,.the KveniiiK I .!. run nor-
K. '"r.X-JIHlge I. "Wl'll iimiii-kiitk
LoonM osrimeoi """essfni
,,f hia i-iuul nlin'y tor gorwruwr,
I - alata! iti lilu ,v li
u ci hi i i"'iii true in- is inn VIM
L'urriitlie eastern Oregon woods."
IThf Wenrain prints an lOlOtVlOW
. U M,,rr III li.iki'r i iiv .
Ja Htephfiii A. l.owon s pro-
aitun did erente "v surprise
,Btliiiiit)i," fiml .r. MnofH,
I triDil tliHCnnv'llsilM ill iipinioii Unit
, ili .iiii i iirignt man, huh nut
. I,.-- . x .. r i . 1 1 i-i nr iinnii-
llrieiii'e n i urv to 111 mm lor
to ol governor. Mr. I.ownll bn
, mitrli of an idealist tn suit tin
iiri people.
J. roriiisli of Pendleton in by
lnn HntMIUlT In tllit -fit I ill,
', -II Mi- d .101 'II.' 'Ill' pl'
Lm Oregon, from u Ohllll, DOIZi
..ii i; tliem .i I'.i'ir liny. II IM
Mr ntiiDK died on tin' trail, nut
nml.. iiml In- li i- ''i'il )
It tint vitv top rung oil tlm
m. lie i ii ... hi i tin. inoHT
tO'l IICCMMIll llllSIIII'SS llll'll III
Ian huruMi i- .1 imusehnid worn
till- VOtHM, llllil III' will tin -
Jlv lie Ileum (rniii
r beer lis U I H loW of
dI will nuike ii very i iittiroHt-
ir hit opponents, lioorge I
itvrUin, the ilui rath' wnr
, i well and (iivnralnv known in
i Ureaon, and iniinv of hie fol-
trliiui uieceis (l)r him.
U. pol iti:H liavi' mureel y miked
Ml it ik understood tin- crop of
inot ii verv licavv . 1'he nthee of
'Winter in Isiiug .Ii-. -1 fniolv.
U Vomit; oi tin- Itritiiililicu'i.
B. Bowen oi tin' I ii'iiim-rut bus
i lure ot Ih'i-h, luu.ing for it.
pHtolliifliiiiHiTH an- ttH i tu Hit
viiun Munilv, Inn en far no one
Carnival coming on.
elnrsdsv Hvimiiiif Sunt Im
IF'jrtland carnival will open in a
M MM of mileiidor ntieh hh in
PQ USUI III lit.. ..rll.u...ul 'PI...
... .... ...FIVIIV.. I II.
'ii.i.itiiii, Im i lil ititf will Im- il-
Wives or
Puythioj in the
gag m m m
"""STiiMKumi I Wll.l.
1"' nil uksi Ur
UID PUi , j
f - 11
Ai"".t(;f ,i iiaik,...
Itiminatml by nearly ::H(H) nloctrii
ItehtSi while tin- ml joining Mtilttm-
mull mid, with Itaflve aorw, will iiv'
liulite eiiunlint; 40.00(1 ranilli'-puwi'V
Tm I'urn i vh I will altoril a Wholt tnuntli
of jilnaniiri- anil lalUtttlM ImttOCtlon.
Tin- ruilroailH ami NtoitmlioatH Tt tin-
illl til carrv i i 1 1 In ami Irmn tlw.
rnrnivnl at ont ami one-thirij faro for
IM roitml trip, ami tln'ir I'xriireion
Hi'kotH will Im good for rovoii ilaye.
TImn will not i i a Hull nonwnl
tin' rarniviil miriiii anrl of I'titnrtain-
mwtt will im liomtf mi hII ihi time,
afternoon ami nvimiitK, with two mil
military liatiile tliHrniieHing nnnie.
The array of tttfMtlOM Will hp tinnur
pitHHHil, ami the carnival will iMl a
Pood Chansad to Poison.
I'utrof vinu foot) in tlio intent int'H pro
iIik.'hm nffitctn like thone of arntmii:, lint
Or. Ivinu'n Now Life Pilll expel the
poinonn from 'tlngKeil hovrolN, IMtlf,
easily hut nnrely, curinit count ipation,
liiliountienn, nick headache, ievern, all
liver, kitliicv ami howel troiihlen.
Oalf Ih at Ta II man .V Oo.'a.
Arrivals at Hotal I'andleton.
K W Spencer, McMinnville.
T Mahtal, I'ortlaml.
Mi.- Sillier, I'ortlaml.
M re Chapman, ItiiiKham SpriiiKx-
Sam Chapman, Walla Walla.
Marry KriwIUntinr. Chicago.
I.eon Coiiitu ami witn, city.
W N Dill. Dnuatar.
.Ian Meikle, Spokane
A W Williamn, San Kraiicinco.
I-' U llaiikec. I'nrtlaml.
(i M Krnnt, Sloro.
Bd OUUMM, iiraan Vtilluy.
J H Kirkpatrick, Stockton, Calif.
M II 1'iitton, IpokUWi
W K ilumlinmiiR, I'ortlaml.
K K iSteveiinon.
.1 W Myern, SI Loglli
J T Lamiiirth.
M (ierlach.
('Inn- A Itaniney, Chicago
(' M Loekwood, Wallowa.
.1 l .inliii, Knterprine.
.1 K Miller, I'ortlaml.
BImmIm Oaoflald. I.elntmin.
I ten Murria, I'ortlaml.
Andy Ny lander, I'orllaud.
Tliorc In niori' i iitiirrii III tlil mmtlou ol the
routilry limn nil other iIihuhmh put loai'tliur,
Hint on' il tin' Inn h' en. il Wrt hiiimm i In
in lataitM. rif a Itwt mmiy nan dooton
proiniuiicc'it It ii Iih'iiI iIImmuu Hinl ir.--. rilii..i
local roiueilliw ninl ly lountantly UIIiuk
r'tro with Iih'mI truntiiii'Ut iroiuiuuieil il III
ruriilili'. Ki'li'in r li proven rnliirrti In In' h
I'oiKiitutloiiai dlaaMMi Hint taarafora rviiuiritm
eoaaUtutiasal ifaataMat. iuiis Catarrh Oun
MBBlaflHirad b 9 J Okaaay v I In ., roladOi
'i.... u ihu only eouilltulloiial euro ou the
i i.i. k. It la lakon mi. inn in ilotux ol (roll!
I. ii drops u n loiuHhiu(ul. Il net ilirerlly OB
l In- MOM IM raUOOUi siirlu il the nyMluni .
They ortiir iiik' hmnlri'il dollars lor any an it
Lii. tn cure Houil lo: rireularn mnl li'lluio
uiaU A.tilroMi K. J. rHKNKY A : ,
Toledo, Ohio
tOUl " drugKil. 1 Hi '
lUII'- family Pill, are the hel.
Spokane Inlor-Slala Pair.
For the ah ivc the Wunlnnglon A t'n
liuuliia kiver railway company will
mill round trip ticket brMfl t'undliiton,
pi. mil." W, II and 14, guod until
SepUiuihur ll returning ; alnn ou Sep
tember 10, IS and 20, g i id returning
until September I'd at IH.fM). On Imh
teuibttr I, a rule ol H.5U will be made
fur the r mud trip, good returning
Heptttmlicr 17. Theae ratta include
one ftdmtMlOd lo the (air. Half of the
aboii raten will be luude for children.
U01118K or lha City Council.
The citv council mat laat uigbt in
; regular Heaaiou but iailud 0 IfMMSl
BUMb uuHirtaut buaiueaa. The puti
I tiou uf J. K. Tuinple, praying for the
j grading of Turner ntreet and a peti
tion for a Mhlewalk oil Coabie atroet
i wan referred to the atreet uouiiuittee .
I The matter of npening College atreet
i wan referred back. On a motion the
j marshal wan iuatructed to uoilei:t ex
prean liceuae from the liotela.
(in p-'ntl:iiien's and ladies' jjold and silver watches,
'obe i "uls' err'nKS, chains and reat variety ol Jewelry
Cm., ,at -xtrumely low prices during the moaita of August.
I klear'y 'or the bargains.
a most complete stock of furniture, linoleum, stoves,
53i2ck1wyyd car,ets-
w plumbing and tinning given prompt attention.
Joe Basler,
Main Street, Pendleton
Bafon buying a HMling 'st"'
exaioiue the
German Heaters
Opera House Block.
Salai of Wool In Boaton Markot are Lasa
But tha Prlea Remalna
tha Sama.
Pendleton, Sept. 2,-The local mar
ket in quotable : Club, No. 1, 43c;
hluentem, 44c. Salon are incoimeq tten
tial. Buyern complain of senerally
unfavorable condition obviating- bet
ter pricen. (irowern hold opinion that
improvement will occur later. RMM
practically no nalen
Portland Dull Markot.
Port land, Sept. 12.-The Cotntnerc ial
Keview nayn: The local wheat market
in dull and npiritlenn; there in nothing
doing whatever. Karmern are all btwy
attending to farm work and havi- not
begun to move their croi tn ware
honnen, and are not aelfing freelv
Some nalen are reported dailv, but imt
Manga to cut any figure in ihe niaritet
here. The dullnea in attributed to
the foreign market, that have report
ed deel i nen daily in the cargo market;
nut only for spot venneln but vennein
to Hoat later on. We nee nothing in
the nittution at present to encourage
tarmern in holding their wheat; it
lookn clearly that the marketn are go
ing to be lower; there ii too much
wheat raiaed and the production ia too
great all over the world thin neanon to
give any encouragement for higher
pricea. "
Quotations for wheat are 64r for
cluli, Me lor blue ntem and fillc per
hunhel for valley, with a tendency to
lower pricen than thene figure.
San Franclioo Inactive.
San Francinco, Sept. 12. Wheat in
active. Karley, very quiet.
Wheat Shippi.ig, No. I, MWoj
choice, HC4c; milling, U tn 1.0i'4.
BoWley Hrewing, TH to H2S;.
('all hoard nalen:
Wheat Inactive; Oucemher,
tl.00 1-H; May, 1.04.
Barley No nalen.
t'nrn -Large, yellow, $1.45 to fl.55.
Boston. Wool Strong.
IliHton, Sept. 12 The wool market
here allow a falling off of nalen thin
week, but value nhow no nignfi of
woakiienn. The market for territory
wool cmitiuuoi- ntrotig, and buyer in
need of nupplien are paying full former
raten. The icmired bania of rale on
strictly tine wool continue at about 44
m 4m:, with tine medium at 12 to ttV
Fleece WOOll are in ipnet demand,
and pricen are more or lean nominal.
There in a quiet tone to Australian
wtniln, but - ..'in moderate lute are be
ing taken, 'notations:
Territory Scoured hums: Montana,
tine, 14 to Hie: nennred, 14 to lie j tine
medium, 14 to Ulc; ncotired, 42 to 43c;
maple, in to 17c.
Utah, Wyoming and Idaho Fine ,
IlOfc to 15c; scoured, 44 to 45c; tine
medium, 18 tn 14c, scoured, 4 lo 411c;
staple, Hi to 17c; scoured, 4(1 to 47c.
Australian Scoured basis, nof,
prlee: Combing, superfine, 74 to 76c;
imperil nc, 71 to 72c; ginid, M to 70c ;
average, (15 to 75c.
San Francisco, Sept. 12. Wool
Spring Nevada, 10 to 12c; Flastern
Oregon, 10 to M Valley Oregon, UI
to 14c. F'all -Mountain lambs, 7 to
He, San Joaquin plains, 7 to lo HnOH
iioldt anJ Mendocino, lo to I2i .
Banarn Llvastoek- Staady.
Chicago, Sept. 12. (Jattle Ke-.eipts,
25,000 bead; market, steady in easy;
good tn prime steers, t" 16.50
poor to medium, M to 5.H0; stocKers
and feeders, 2.25 lo 14.25; cowl ami
heifer, 11.50 to II ,90 canners, l.50
to 2.40; hulls, 12.25 to 4.75; calves,
t) to li.25 Texas steers, IS.7I to $5.25.
Hogs-Keceipts today, 28,000 tomor
row estimated,, 2d,tH)0; left over,
2iil)H; market, steady to 5c lower; mix
ed and butchers, ti. 10 to IMS I I I
tn ciioice heavy, ii.50 to (.M2a ;
rough heavv. $ to $h.40. light, $5.10
to IO.ru ; billk of sales, $( to $0.50.
sheep Keceipts, 25 000 , matkel,
steady to strong; good to choice Weth-
era, $:i.75 to $4; fair to choice mixed,
$.!.50 to $3 05; Western lambs, $4 to
Vallay Wool. Hldas and Palti.
I'orllaud, Sept. 12. -Hops-10 to
12'gC pound.
Wool-Vallev. 11 to Id'-ai; Kaslern
Oregon, 8 to 12 '.c ; mohair, 20 to Sic
per muiiil.
Sheepskins Shearings, 15 to 20c ;
short wool, 25 to:i5c; medium wool,
:0 to (MJc; loug wool, 0UY to $1 each.
Hidea-Drv hides. No. 1, lti pounds
mnl onwards. 15c: dry kii. No. 1, 15
to Ih iMiuuds. 15c ner tiouini ; dry call,
No. L sound steers, (10 pounds aud
over. 7 to be do 50 lo 00 pouuda, 7 to
fUoi do tiuder W pounds, 7c; kip, II
to 110 pounds, 7 to 8c, do veal, 10 to
14 p.ninds, 7 to He; di calf, under 10
pounds, be; green uusalud , Ic p r
pound leas; culls bulln, staga, moth
oaten, badly cut, scored, hair-slipped,
woatberbeateu or grubby., oue-third
Tallow-2 to 4c; No. 2 ami grease,
lo "' per pound.
I'elts Bearakius, each, as to aiaa, $6
to20;cuba, each $2 to $5; badger,
each, 10 to 40c; wildcat 25 to 75c;
bouse cat to 20c j fox, common gray
M to 60c; do red $1.60 to $2; do croas
$6 to $15; lynx $2 to $3; mink 50c to
$1.26; marten dark Northern $b to $12,
do pale pine $1.50 lo $2 , muekrat 6 to
10c; skunk 25 to 35c; otter llaud) $5
to $7 ; panther with head and claws
perfect $2 to $5; raccoon, 30 to :i5i ,
wolf, moiiutaiu, with head perfect,
$3.50 to $6; prairie wolf or coyote, ou
to 76 , wolverine $4 to $7; beaver, per
skin, large, $6 to $ti; do medium, per
skin! $:; to $7; do auiall, per akin, $1
to $2; do kits, per .-kin. 50 to 76c.
A Corraspondanl on Dolnga In a Pendle
ton Suburb.
Tutuilla, fapt. 11. Deputy Sheriit
Til Tavlor was a Tutuilla viaitor lo-
b fV Miller sold last Monday t
I'erry Houaer a buucb ol bogs jut olf
the stubble for ft ceuts per pound
live weight
Sam Hitimr tiulsbed his season s run
of about 1000 acres beading and thresh
ing last week
Hurt Blair, who owns several hum!
red cords of wood uu Meacbam creek ,
came down from Sprague whore lie w
rauuiug a threshing machine, on Sat
urday, in respouae to a meaaage- which
informed Inui that bia wood waa all
burned Ou luveetigatiou, however,
he found oiilv about twenty cords una
sing and returned to Hprague on Mou-
day .
Robert l'orter, who cuts about 6000
cords of wood auuually at Meacbam.
ia dowu from that thriving burg to
day He is something of an inventor
...ii ia at ureaeut contemplating the
erection of a chute by which wood will
he couveyod Iroui .vieacnam w """"
ton, incidentally beating the O K A
N Oo out of quite an amount of Hlthy
lucre every year. The idea was proba
bly suggested by the acieuttata W
have recently been trying to signal the
damd Mars, or the caudtdatea who
are trying tn inal tin governmental
'"Sew" Nelaon. lormerly an 0000
ive farmer of llmatilla county, i
ilnwn (mm BorokO Flat, Wash , thll
week. He baa 90 ill about a taction ol
grain to harvest, ami abrntt seventeen
hundred acre lo need thin fall
W. R. Parker, who with hi partner,
Sam Oonolobool, ha npent the sum
mer mining near The Oalle. came up
lion there nn Friday. Mer. Parker
A Carmichael are nld time miner
having npernted in early day in Colo
rado and MontOOO,
Perry Uoold, nwner ami ojierator ol
the Nolin warehouse ytem. w up
from Nolin recently. The business of
the nvntein han developed to nnch pro
portion that the 0. R. N. Co. ha
been compelled by that ami other
caune to shorten its line, and build
the Nolin cutort.
Charles Mason, a railway contractor,
i up from Portland with an outfit of
teams and scrapers to fill in around
hridgen and culvert on the O. R. A;
V Hi- headquarters i at the Hotel
Hutch Henrv in North Tutuilla.
The new academy building on Mc
Kay i ready for occupancy and invita
tion are out tor a general sociable
good time there nn Saturday evening
September 14.
Kdward Stanshnry, who has lieen
working with Frank Michael' thresh
ing outfit, ha reigned hi position
and opened a bowling allev in North
Thomas l.onpgan last week sold a
stack of straw for $25. That article
seems to lie in demand. Thomas Ham
ilton has returned from a trip to Kan
sas where lie went with a shipment of
horses. A dislocated shoulder which
he rOOOltOd in a railway collision, also
ome horses injured at the same time
for which tli company refused to pay
verv remunerative pricen, reduced
somewhat the profit of the trip.
U. s. Attorney Maya Saya That Mra. Brls
bo Lied to Him and to tha Court.
The cane ot the I'nited Staten vn, F',d
Hrinlm for criminal ansau't nn the per
nnn rif the 1.1-year-old girl Ar.na Bia
mniit, canie tip for examination before
I'nited State" Commissioner .Inhn
llailey, jr. Deputy United State At
torney Mave ol I'nrtlaml appeared fur
the pronecuti hi and T. ti. Hailey for
the defense. The complaining witness
Anna BiOOMWl wa first called to the
stand I' pori her testimony rented
chiefly tli" fate of the defendant, and
ne wa examined ami cross-examined
long ami carefully. Her tory. al
though in some place scarcely plausi
ble, was slraightlorward to the end.
She gave place to her mother, who cor
roborated the daughter's testimony in
all but a few details. The United
States cane proceeded sat isfactori 1 y un
til Mr. BrinOo was called. She had
stated to Mr. Mays und to John Hail
ey before the examination that she wa
ready M swear that nrisiio into con
tided tn her bin relations with the girl
Anna Biamout.
Mrs. Brlabo Surprised the Court.
On the witness stand her testimony
wa- entirely diflerent. She naid noth
ing which was likely to have weight
against her husband Afterward, in
bia remarkn to the court, Mr. Mavs
naid plainly, that Mr. Brmbo had lied
to dim and had lied to the court. The
pronecution rested alter Mrs. Itrinbo'
teatiin iny, and the defense brought
f OWOfd a few witnesses to show that
it was impossible for Brisbo to have
committed the irnne at the tune stat
ed. There wan little argument on
either side ami Commissioner Hailey
took until 7 :30 o'clock for coimidera
tiou. At the time mated he said that
alter a thorough examination and a
personal investigation, he found that
the evidence was not nullii i''tit to war
rant him in holding the prisoner to the
gram) jury, and l!rihii wan discharged.
Attorney Mays and Deputy Marshal
Morse returned to Portland last night.
Uon't Let Them Suffer.
Often children are tortured with
itching aud burning enema ami other
skin diseases but liucklen's Arnica
Salve heals the raw sores, expels in
flammation, leaves the akin without a
scar. Clean, fragrant, cheap, kOOM'l
no aalve on earth as guod. Try it.
Cure guaranteed. Only Ml at lailmau
& Co.
Thirty Now In Coureo of Conatruetlon.
Bastde Those Completed and
Thirtv new residence are in course
of -construction now in POOdlotOO.
This is the consensus of opinion among
lumber dealers and builders, ijtfite a
number have been completed, and
many will be built during the (all.
When the wheat crop turned mil so
well, contrary to the expectation .i
mn.t people, building wa OOOtllOIOtOd,
and, since that time, carpenters have
been IC great demand, as well a
building materials.
It in noticeable that the'restden.en
eoti.trncted during the pat year or two
are of;a,type.tHlier,tlian most ,n( those
that had previously been built. Many
pftttV arch itectural 1"igna are seen as
,the structures near completion, adding
to the appearance of the town. The
000t runs from $sim0 to feOJG for each
Building will proceed late into the
Ifall and winter, on account of the in-
creased demand for men and lumber,
land the temporary stoppage of work in
some cases. The price of wheat will
determine in many instances.
Among the structure that have been
built or are now being put up are
these :
Some of the New Butldtn.
Mrs. John Vert and Mr- W. T.
Hislop are building four houses on the
block liet ween Col lege and Thompson
streets on Alta for rent, and are refit
ting and painting three more in the
same block. These houses are now
ready, or will be in the cases of those
not completed, bv the end of h tober.
A. Pi Nanh. the O. R. A N. conduc
tor, has built a bonne on JoOBOOO
street in north Pendleton.
V. K .Indd is building a residence
near T. i. Hailey' house in north
H. T. Hextet has 001 up a residence
two blocks from the Man street bridge
in norl h Pendleton .
C, S. .lackaon is now building a
house on Jackson street, three blocks
from the bridge.
John K Rubinnoti, who bought the
l.indsey house on Jackson street i
making extensive repairs, and adding
to the structure.
Conrad Plalaoeder has a new house
in the rear of William Slnsher's resi
donee, across the river.
Mr. Biggshy in building a bouse for
Rome one else not known at this turn
Frank l ight ha built on Conn
street, MOW Main.
J. W. Privett i putting up an 8
POOH bouse.
I. I.. Ray is building a stone resi
dence on the corner of Water aud Vin
cent streets.
ludge Bill han built a residence on
Lewis street, corner of l,ee.
C. s. Wheeler ban nearly completed
a bullae aud photo gallery c imer Alta
ami Cotton woiwl.
Chas Cunningham is making exten
sive repairs to his house.
si -
The officers ol the Wheeler Count v
Pi meers' association have selected
Mitchell an the next place of meeting.
5 years, 10, 15. 25 year
of Momach Trouble No matter how
long standing
will cure you.
We want the weakeat atomacha to
treat. This remffdy will restur the
atomach to a healthy and normal con
dition. II you have n , n suffering
with dyspcpala brgln taking thia
remedy and see how you will grad
urlly Improve
I or eal - b I adman A Co., and all
first claaa druggist, or aend to Frank
Nau, Portland Hotel I'harmacy, Fort
land, Oregon. Price $i a bottle or I
bottles lor $5. express prepaid.
Worth c
and a . .
the liest
01 lino 1
- . l ST r , A,' Al 4C
ol how to opi ratc it
accounts lor our su
cess in the laundry
Send ua
and you
regret it
..1 it.
El) 'a Crooa
l'H;aul:r,...iUi -
tm- iiixwisi an is .
Ileaiwaeiafffkaaii 4 aa
away a Co.'l iu tl.i I. 1
I 1 .111 llulni - 1 '1 Into .bo wntrll., preil
...r n... nu.iiiiir.Lu, uiiu is alworiMid. Ususfis ou
uud..tc siid u 1 i.rr fo...,.. It is ayt drying -U.
out orodu-i: uwuuii. tJirge bua, ao asuui at Uug
vi.u or by uistl ; Trial bur, 10 umu 1 ui
ti.V ltUollimiB. io Wariau iUaet York.
(hAt ftvt f)8 W. J.
I I Kill II
"Nerve Waste.
Due ot lilu uunl lielptul book, on wi
miiiiu oi uwutMl 1. tliat ulltliHl "Nerve
w mi.- " by Bff. inrrur uf Umu Frsuvlaoo, uow
lu IU dfiu IkoUMUil i ln. work of n bisw
rluuocil aJ repuuble ebrsluUu l. lil agras
able ooutrs.l u the ml sum of falsa schlug
-hl. li urev.lt. ou Ult. UiUtro.Uiia ubuct. it
bouii.ls u ijir,fully ooutdiMl ud "r. n.J
..I.,., .ml liutlu two sraei uinriu oi u
itiiui aud blucority.
It is MuUorsod by botb ibc isUglous aud
ucular pres. 1'ti. ('hUago Advautm .ays : "A
ueiuaal ol lb! book aud Ibe aupllt allou of 11.
piuulpUa will put bualtb, bbw ud bear! lulu
Ihi.uaauil of hvo. tual are now .uSeriuf
tbrougb i vou. nupamuisut."
The book U 1.UJ by umil poiipa'd
Oue of lbs atuel liileriwliug cbapWrs baplr
a. oo Naxvluas aud Nsrv Toutos ba. bans
prluHKl asparataly """P1 "bapun, aud
will be soiitluauy addruss lor slatop by the
uubllsbers. TUJC r-AC'lFIt f I BUamNU i'O.,
Uui Oub. gau frauuiaou
bKWhl.l., Manager.
Manhattan Shirts
For Fall 1901.
r TW'TOl
re now bolt
you? Intpto
nilhout say
&ro uptotlate.
tvef w orn
how o o t
h 0 w w t l 1
your laundry
yon if you
to ask bin
oo Other shirt
holdi its color
iii. This
in:k thwDl
boioms. with
cuffs Mtlaclu'tl '
short LXMomi
in all i08.
t Ii e pretty
thm't have to
and roady for
titMl It gMS
Ing that thoy
If you have
one you know
they look and
they At ami
man will tell
take trouble
that there in
inailc that
o uniformly
st'iiS'in they
w i t I) short
and without
white shifts,
and full tlri'ss
I rOtne ami tat
styles, y 0 u
The Peoples Warehouse
Reliablo Clothlera and Hatlora.
I fi VOU Ol
i . . .1 i , on. .o m-i i.u i a , .mi ii i i r.'ni l, iili vli inn, will
iii-mi'iisit iiii''IW4ii hf H. ii. i ilir . , i. i . laal a..hJ - -
'""'" l llll' llBI'k.Srlillu.l ImU.I N. ,. ..1. . .
I lli.xll.H II, alio ai I. ... . 1 anil ..n.il-nll...
. if I...I rti.s'krd
i I Mills. Inrif.
ffl ainl llii' iii inui y urKuu. ol ml liiiuriiiw
i I I'lm M . i.i,M.iha
I l,llil.1:mrisi,uwiw
It slut s all linaw. he rliiv nr il.til I'r. x
Ipii't In IsiM-riiiahirrl ii-il an. I all tin' I
llvi r. It... ti. in. t
ap.t rrslur, , NtI1it. i.
Tliar.'a msurtVri r an- not cured by ISs lnm Is l. rsnf m ,.. r rs-i t ar tnnililil wm, a
r..s n ,iiw ...... nu. .nu rill"", ioimo- sun. . i i i . , . . . ,.,
vuranlee alrau anil i y r. mm. . if ...... . UihvuuI n , I a : uuaiaNii tura.
ay mall, rsi'int fur ii i i-1 in-iilur ami li-si iiiiiiiimia
Aii.inwa l A im, m.m ima.au., e. o. Uo
rn . I.K ll I l.i.M N . ( .
I 1. 1, 1 1
I 3-. Han Knu.-fcnot1aL
lull -i s N ii , i, is. OIIRUHSI.
Buy your (iroceries of F. S. Younger & Son
l'lii'V pb'.isr thr l.isti iIkhis lu'catisc thry .ire rli an,
Tlii' sjitisly thr i .ireful Dili's lii'i .iiise oi then purity.
1 In appeal to tlio en i non in ,i I lie, .in s, pi i. . , , nw i ir iMin ibb'
1 lu te .ire many, no Mould, who aell groceries without thought ol
punt, or eosl, simply liei ause the) lind .i mil profit lor themselvea
Whatever JTO0I roofMM may lie vfl u, a i all ami we will treat you
I'llONK .'S
Don't 1 ur-ri the l:ifth Annual
IT 7 2
i '
to 2.
than i.'ver helore A woild ol Inn in a week.
'l ake a week 'i real froin buiinaM oareii Lhring your
wife nod ohirdroD ami enjoy thi fun.
r a
et'lohratud hand from Seattle will furnilh
the mueic all u k.
Liberal PrcmiuniH puid for
111 SclcctliiK u Carpet
. ill und ka largest aeeri
i it b. t Iroui at tailing's
I , w gis.ls here iu all DM
latent pattarM, tbe greataal vari
, i v in ! i I.i MOl value for lb.'
moiie) 1 'I iau lind juat abat
ami waal hoffi '"i ool bat roo
,,,,., II., bOO) rast values
Oft i "It. ml in I rregoli Wall pa
M i i ..,r than avor. The won
deriul improve! rotary WluUi
aawmg i n, bine, buy no otber
until you iry it.
Yard ou Webb -nm
Opuoaite lluut Kreigbt DOOOf
III. ,.. r.fnlili ai.uli. Inu 'I
iu the lumber line and can guarantee
uriuea to be aa cbesto, if not vtiaMpor
ii, an oi tiottt Wa also carry a large
line of Kx.rs, Windows and Moulding
fun. a uuubauiplatiug building aiJI do
well to tss us before placing Choir
ordera. We aiao carry Cascade Mm
Kir wood. Pboua afaiu tf.'
i n make good bread uaa Uyars' st r lour. Il luu drat
Keiuium at the Oiiicaero world's Jrair or all orMauatf
,u, aud gives eauelleut aaliafactioo wbereeer need.
Kvery sack is guarauliisai We have the beat Musem
Koiled Bailey, Hood Kye ami Beardlesa Bariay.
W. S. Il VI KS. rroprictor.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink : : : : : :
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
m iif i