East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 12, 1901, Image 2

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The fall style for 1001.
mmw T mtW
mmw VUbbbL.
The "Elk" Fedora.
Longley Derby
One Prist Clotkiar, Ftimithen and Ha
Pi ndu ton
HHHM MsMbbbsbsbssI
When public calamities occur men
re pat to tint test as to their breoiiiiiK
ami good taste. It is during periods
of unusual excitement that the tru
nature shows itself. At other times,
conduct is more likely to be regulated
by considerations of policy, and often
real feelings are repressed. Sincerity
conies to the front, however, when
emotions are suddenly aroused, ami
then men say what they really mean.
This brief homily comes as a perti
nent introduction BO a sermon on tln
quality of taste exhibited by some
preachers and newspapers in San 1- ran -cisoo
in dragging into their discourses
and articles on the president's shout lo
theaAmes of certain other newspapers.
The San Kruno isc (Jail has written it
self down as an ass, an ass with an
unusual lack of even an ase'x -.mi-.
Hut, just now, with the nation's chi ef
executive lying wounded in Uutialu,
with all decent people instinctively as
suming an attitude of courtesy ami na
turally manifesting evidences of apod
breeding, let the matter lie dropped.
The Call and certain clergymen ol its
citv, (11 tbey aaid what the Call said
tbey said,) would better learn BBBM of
the principles that actuate him who
regards the amenities by the prompt
ings of bis very nature. It the man
or men who control the Call's policy
and those certain clergymen cannot
by intuition divine what is the proer
and dei-ent thing to do on occasion
aill-h e Hit. lakt tlmm itut Mum. lii.iiI til
old Uaxaar Book of Decorum, ami
study Its pages.
Mayhap, there be in them some
small germ of a better character than
that they have indicated, an element
that may develop sufficiently to euable
them to master their now unpleasuiii
tendencies to take their place MMBtg
gentlemen in the editorial sanctum
and th pulpit.
Here is a suggestion regarding Cxol
goai: Let the courts at Huitalo acquit
him, let the officers turn him loose;
let but some fellow back there would
do the rest.
Why does not some anarchist tackle
Theodore Roosevelt'.' It would refresh
tne nation much to see the Rough
Rider eat him up ami spew mm "in
on tue sidewalk, for that's what Teddy
would do, moat likely.
On Webb street, next the woolen
mill platform is a heap of rabbits
thai is not exactly a thiug to Efbll
citiasns "point with pride." indeed,
when the wind blows from that rub
bish towards one, that one "views it
with alarm."
Is there a person in Pendleton who
does not endorse the street sprinkling
plans that have been followed this
summer.' If so. let him stand forth to
ii classed as a curiosity.
It is to be hoped that the officer
have not relaxed their vigilance in
searching for the cowards' who shot
C. A. Johnson's sheep and attempted
the life of his herder, Ous Peterson.
Sucii men are local anarchists, ami
need on a small scale what Ctolguaz
ought to gel on a very large scale.
Portland is prone to be hypercritical
when scrutinising eastern Oregon can
didates. Those thus far mentioned
seem to have fatal defects in the eye
of Portland newspaper men. Peihap
uone of the mentioned eastern Ore""
iana have assumed the proper relations
towards the gang. The gang is a term
by which reference is made to the
powers that be in Oregon republican
ism, and those powers be mostly, in
fact entirely, m Portland, with a few
volts of the political electricity switch
ed ones in awhile onto the wires of
some man from the mossgrown Wil
lamette valley.
at arm'" length, and saving just what
I something like soventy n t of - vnty
five million penile r.-ally think, they
are all a rattier poor lot. al usual,
I the common soldier is th most Satis
fying f"l I'M r i . ;ir l l-e
It was a bright remark nude by
; some paragrapher, that when the court
j of inquiry lias ended its labor- it will
i most likely be Ion ml that AdBstftl
j Cervera the Spaniard Is the real hero
of the Cuban naval campaign, after all.
It is true that Schley has been un
justly represented, perhaps, hut had
he let his detractors alone, and none
his dignified way in siluncu, confident
in the discriminative sense of the
American people, and the corrective
quality 01 lapse ol time, he would have
emerged clear from unjust imputation.
They are so sweet, so tender, and
so grave tl.e. women ol the ...ft.
There i a thrill ol magic in their
very names. True, the Holy Mother,
isolated by her glory and her griel, is
too sacred to approai-b save on our
knees, but the other Marys, Martha,
Ruth, Naomi, IXher, -ami the rest,
truly they form agracioui. and a lovely
"No, 1 do not love them, thev
are ton iar awav '"a v. un.- las- petu
lantly cried to me.
"Ah"' I is id, "you must go to
them, approach tucni gentS ami with
reverence. Y,ti mav not rise in the
busy marts of men todav and call upon
them loudly to stand forth they will
not obey. They were creatures who
sought the -ha lows of the highways,
the colonnades, the vines; women who
walked veiled and were ever silent in
public places. Therefore, seek you the
shailows, too, and in some quiet place
Mil upon them with tender insistence;
and these dear Blblt women will taise
their broad lid- heavy with dark la-h
and on their grave hp- may dawn
-Ion inv-teriou- smile, the nddie
of whose meaning each ol us must
solve as conscious power, patient
griel, oi temler love Hetore long each
woman will develop a personality, and
we will leel as sure ol the haughty
ami imperial loveliness of Ksther as
we are oi the -'inhumed. Hebe beauty
of Ruth, or the willowy, wide-eyed
.Mary, sister of that active, anxious
Martha, who was so tendeny rebuked
by the blessed Master."
"For whither thou goest, I will go,
ami where thou lislgest, 1 will lodge.
Xbj people shall bo tuv people ami thy
go. I my god-" If reaching as across
tin- ages and through the cold medium
of type, these words still have power
to move the heart, wiiat must have
been their ettect when they sprang
warmly from the loya heart ami love
ly lips of that fair Ruth -most human
and most approachable of all lifble
daughter- in-law ! "The I,ord deal
kindly with you, as ye have dealt with
the .lead and me!" Ruth must have
lOVed her young husband passionately
indeed, fo feel so lender, an affection
(or the woman who bore him. So they
journeyed together hack to Bothlohem,
Naomi's oil home, where she cried
nut to the pitying friends ol other
days, "Call me not Naomi, but Mara,
Inr tlie Almighty ha dealt very bitter
ly with me, 1 went out lull and the
Lord hath brought EN back empty."
Poor Naomi was forgetting for the
moment the lovely daughter who had
followed her ami who, limling that the
barley harvest was beginning, went
forth to glean in the fields, that she
and Naomi might have some grain to
parch and eat. It is very easy to sit
in a cushioned seat ami read ol glean
ing; but try it lor just fifteen little
minutes. Crouch or kneel in the open
held hen. -nth the hiazing sun. Reach
out and gather from the stubble with
smarting, wounded lingers the few scat
tered heads of grain the rnapers have
left in their wake, ami after that von
will hetter appreciate Ruth'- labor in
the field of Naomi's mighty kinsman,
Host better appreciate the quality of
the heatitv that could survive under
such circumstances, and in a crowd oi
dams.d- at once Attract Die eye Ol the
master, coming to overlook the harveo
lOffi And what a pretty touch of sen
timent is in that onler ol Hoaz's, to
his voting men reapers: "Let her
glean even among the sheaves ami re
proach her not, and let fall also -nine
of the handfiils of nuriiose (or her.
that she may glean them."
He cautioned her. too, against going
to any other field than his, and advis-
eo uer in aeep close to his lamses as
she works I. Mo when the duv was
over, Ruth beat out the grain from bet
gleaming, ami, tying it in an end of
drapery, returned weary but trium
phant to the citv ami Naomi.
And when the latter had learned
that chance bad led Ruth into the
Hold of Bott, her powerful kinsman,
who bad taken knowledge of the
stranger, too, the match-making spirit
awoke in her and a grtat hope sprang
up in tier near: And when Hon has
taken lovely Ruth to wife, what a mo
ment came to Naomi' when with tow
ering pride and exquisite tenderness.
she lavs in her own bereft hosoni, that
1 1 n v ttbed, who is Ruth'- son, ami pro
claims herself his nurse: Obed of
whom the neighbors say to Naomi:
"He shall be unto thee ii restorer of
thy life ami a nouriiher of thine old
age, for thy daughter-in-law, which
loveth thee, which Is better to thee
than seven sons -hath borne him."
Clara Morn- in The Pilgrim.
"The Lord do so to me ami more
also, if aught hut death part thee and
Ule. " And the world-moving protestation-
were n A addressed t" a lover or
husband, but to an old and sorrowing
woman. Can voti not see the group
standing outside tin- walla, bv the
dusty roadside'.' Naomi, tall ami lean
and strong, gray hair banding her
care-lined forehead, a burning light iu
tier fierce dark eyes, for there is bitter
lies- in her griel, and her lip- are
pressed hard to keep hack unicitatiou
ami wild cries since the. a widow.
has lost both her sons, and now
stricken with soir.iw. take- her sad
WAy back to her own laud from which
(amine had driven her years before.
Rut by her side stand two Moabitish
women, both young, ooth widowed,
since they were the wives of Naomi's
dead son's. Hotb are tearful, both
have followed so far the mother-in-Igw
whom they lots Hut slut has en
treated them to return, each to iter
mother, till they may lind rest in a
husband's home. Ami one, a little
too full ami louse of lip, somewhat
wavering of eye, hesitates, while the
other supple, straight, ami strong,
hsstitates not at all. Her veil falls
away uudraped, almost to her feet.
Hie ween.- hut tvitl hei head wel1 un
and resolution -tumped upon every
feature oi her beautiful young tace,
whose Hashing eyes ami rich coloring
ol lip and cheeks make her look like
a Damask rose. And s we recognise
these women at once, "for Orpha
kisseil tier inother-in-l.tw iaii,l Isft
her), but Ruth clave to her." It
was a wonderful prom oi devotion to
leave tier MS people, her gods, her
country, to follow and serve the moth
er of her dead husband. What a
story of homely, happy family life is
suggested hy Naomi's word- to her
ty K r the people ami tliu onlv people in thu
' tiaddlsry t.uilnea. in I'endlniou thai cm
plova lull forSSSf mSChsllIca tile vear arminS
and make our own Saddle., Itarneia, etc , n.l
to not ship toeiu trom tbc (in tortus llkeeoiuu
of oui competitors and then tell you they are
a oo. u 'loin,, made; but tuuy are not.
Leading Harness and .Saddlery.
Call up::::
No. 5
and Sand.
Heavy Hauling
Kkpeclal attention given
Ui r-ousignuienui
Laatz Bros.
Today began the Schley court of in
quiry, and now for some time the news
papers will be rilled with the story of
how Admiral Bchley did this and did
not that, how Admiral bainpauii did
not tbis and did that, and why he
should have run his ship here and not
run it there, and all the time the
American people will be more and
more disgusted with the whole pack of
them, and wish them in the deuini
tiou bow wows.
T alt but our last big crop of war j
haroawas a lot, aud holding them olt
Disfiguring Humors
taMflgi buruuiK, and Scaly
Eruptions of the Skin and
Sculp with loaf i Hair
Complete K.vtcrii.ii and Inter
nal Treatment b) c uticura
The Set .3fJ
CviialstisgofCUTK I EH -ow'-j., . , to. lea n so
Ess skis of stasis -oi t ,.- sad ssfiss tits
thickened cuticle, t i in i u . I Nails SSI ( '.),
U lie-uiuly allay hcblug, irritation, aud tu
IUiiiiuiuIiuU, and au,,tli. and leal, and I HTI
ova Bsatfl Ttwi I.- .i' euol sad cisaass
tin- liloud. A Utg)l asl it- ele ii -ulb, icnl to
cure Un BMISt Uirturiiijr. dh-ttguriag xkID,
scalp, uud Mood huuioi , , ..-l, , tickings, sad
Urtlsasas, U'Hii less ol ualr, wksu tin- not
iptiyvlciuui- and all dlic, i.u.t-.ilc, tail.
Porraa lieco aajp Cass. Ooar.. ur l'n i . Button
as Ma Cats Ever Sfciuaiid n .... t Ijuaiar. tas
dealer in
Wood and
Henry Kopittke
Wlllard. Ill .
I waa In barf haltli this apring t
alt in. In bed f"r tonrvrfm.
Angnst I, .
r iiihI could noi
WBSS I wmron-
Y-i,ii.i .II..H tt'lirn I iM'san tomiuii
felt B.iwnak and had anr-h tsrribTsJ J
ba.-k and hip.. I had kldn.-i Inn, I.I,' and fall
In,, of the womb. I alo had bv.lrnral mils. I
vm in a had condition nli.n 1 nrr-ivrd o, r
"Idlea Birthday Almann, and rsSd "
wrtiwnwiitnfWoi'i'l Osrdnl and Tnedfow s
Blai-k-llrauirht. Bine, April th, I hSVS UtSBl
iur iKittlMot Wii f t'ardm nnd t Iip- ' rV
atss of Thsdterd'i Blaek nrmnht. Ifssiitass
n-twraon now. I SSa dn all ml work an. an
walkouttoarnanvof iiivn.-iifhlinra. I "'"J"
I would hav- bssn in lbs irr:...' had it not nesn
for Wine of Card,.!, ft HAVM. MYM
tr errs
It It well that wonwn art mor patlrnt than
mn. Pw mn could (war thf hitter pangj,
the s;ony snd ditrM that womrn rndtirr.
Thouiandt of women havr rome to look upon
auflerinit st a duty of th!r tx. But there are
many IniUncrt ol this heroic fortitude which
now rendrrt unnecrmary. Women need no longer tuffer for modesty J
sake. Whw of Cardui brint relief to modt women in the privacy ol their
hornet. Many ol th belt nomr t In thit city are never without thh v1
medicine. It curei whitet snd falling of the womb and completely eradl
, catef thete trSSjiagj periodical paint. Mrt. Dsvit' cure thowj vou conclu
lively hat you may expect If vou follow her example ami take Wine of
Cardui Thedlord t Black-Drau'itht sldt Wine ol Cardui hy rejulatlntt the
stomach and howclt. When vou atk your drmaM (or thete medicine, be
sure you set them. It wsi Wine of Csroul and Thedlord t Black Draught
that Mved Mrt. Davit' life. Never take a tubititiitc.
1-akk .M WAtMIWOTOW BTMnrn
A. V. traMtrsai I I . I'rlnclpal
A BSattknl. i'i"(i'"' whool, ioiplctioii
for thoroiiuli work, with SSBtlSti of tsrnrtnntca
In .Kwilloiiii n l,,.kk(-cir and utrnonrnnbrr.
Air...i. r i oi ., hiui, Mnndiiiii whsrsvsi
i. n ......liU .lows tifltrr and fiellri
Open all On- ymt ttadsatS admitted nny tlmr
ktei, ... rlaaa linirurtion. l.earii what nnd
how wr l, i. h. SSd nh.it it root. CatiiloKUr frrr
Hoard ol l)lrrtlor
D, f, THUMWOW rm'Sini N T
for a,ln,.' nnd literal, in
Uapartmiii rin I tiAtlanoofti
adSfSSV SMM IT" I'tmnn-
. MMllrtlK' 1 ' II. I IP!
1h lH' V.I'IWT
rtiAltati'HiirH. I, in .
1). St)I.I COHRN -
Monterastelli Bros.
o do otf own work MM UfM
bn the. sitmi. tit lowHttt iirirc.
KltiBMtBt Ejlvta OB til kindn of
rut atom Poll I took oil hum!.
It will iiv you to sat our work
and k"'i pflcoi bo ton pltoitf
your ord.T.
St.. near i. R. N. depot, Pendleton
I. M rtiony.
nnd p.ini
A nrtvnlo BSWSS
ror bo.ir llior Hn.1 da)
nimll I'r, inrca boy
t.n ndnilal.'ii to any
clatltlllr school 01
,,,ii. . and for bimi
II ,1'H'IV 'imi'l''
. ,,o.i., Tlmrnual
intiii. 'Hon iircnrdlns
to thr I" i m. Hind-
,., . ii.itn iir n h
. I,...' tian
eanrinps in Itf
land. OfBc ntur.
ah.il! '"':" ,
... ntuini.ia '
M ii
j W. HILL. M-
Oi DrttkOf I ft
Best stock on the
'I'deplnmr ftmimffitin at Itnoh.
dreti Pilot Rook or Pendleton,
tfhas. Cunningham.
Portland Carnival
and Exposition
September HHIi to October 19th.
it xii TRI1 RATE,
VIA ( ). R. & N. CO. S LIN B.
I'or lull particulars call at tin- Q R, & N. ticket cillice.
Bishop Scott Academy.
BaBttti i"i
A Home School for lioys.
.Military and Manual trainiilK-
I'ali term optnt Sept. ia( 1901.
with a la' iilty ol tw.'lr,' ,'oiiiwt.iut tt.ai'lmr.
Who BBrlsrStSBll mv- nnd tak" an liitoro.t both
In tin- work nnd In Ihuv play of pupil..
TBS aim ol th. principal and tea. ltar. i. to
SSVSIOP ,'liara. l.', a well a to prepar., uny
for roll.'ic" nnd in.- profea.loii.il and umluea.
svssatloni oi life.
Hie null, Iuik- are liiir lliorouKlily reno
t. d .111 Hie i,i,.' aiiiov. i mo l'Ti, mm Inula
and are lisiilu.l li MSStllt ItJ
rile yomuer boy,. rSSStM careful attention
Iroin a ,, mi potent in.iir.iu
for Illustrated i'atloiu,. write to
mast sal,
Short jjNE
Union Pacific
S ml
:!', 11 ni
rts it 11 11 1
'it I..
E.p rein
0 I ft a. in.
via 1 1 II 1. 1
vram Psndlsion
I ...
Worth. n u,Lt
"' ity.st uSakW
ssosiid U.i '"'
XI. I 'nil I
f',n.t Mull
R. is a. m.
Halt .,kPi ,,.. a.
Worth, tim.h. t"'
eaa,. an,i aai ,, a-
WSUB Walla, aSHa.
"poHe,,U(. ."
'lliiBeapoli,, K
Un lull, unl.
'hicaso ami Kan.
kc, ,
Ocean ami River Sched ,
All "all In. late.
SSI! uyery ,,tTI
naTTy 1
co.umb.. mm
HI p. m. "
Patty. tt, Hi,.r-
BBBllay tlrcsoi, City, SKb,
and Way Urnllnaan
a.tj, Corvallla and War i
I ue. igH Uiidi,,,,. '
and Hat.
, ' B inn HivSrs ,m
I una. 1 lira, iireaon t It,, inrin
and Mat ami Way ImBS
Leave ' '
Hlparla Snsko Hiver
I w a. 111
Ually. Klparlu to ItSwattl
ft I WA.Mal.KV Aseut.
Mod a.;
nd fn
Itl D ,
Moo K
University oi
Hogfti OreRon.
Illgliuit .utidard In the lUls. Two hundred
louramln Literal nr .'. M.-ien. " and the Arta,
"d EllKUieerillK 'ill' I Mil.,,- New
biilldliin. and e ,npui. iii, a.-veii now lu.lruel
BtstasaH OUU ralamss sddsd t.. library in
I'JUI Smuiuer.Heliool with I 111 varsity credit;
.penal eourae lor loaeli, r. lor law and
iiiedlnal itudvnl. I Mrlineiil of education
!?r. ,c',r principal ud uiurtiiieiiloiiti
lullloii free, eoilof Iivink low Thras aludeiita
liaatsd ssasianalBs I Earas ssstorn mover-
title. In I'.ail.
Mend uame to I'realdeut or (ei(.rar lor
clrcularaaiid eaialoicuea. Mfsas, OfafBa,
A Home and Dij School lordirls
MUttO, Altr anii UjUOUTtOM
BltMtjf lehhottii, Mh. I.,
Take the.
Washington &
Columbia River
tar Obtafo, st. Paul. hi. Lsak tm
mm I ity. St. Jim.. Omaha, ami
All Points Lasi and South
Km iiunu anj pointi
on the Sound
i.e.f lion 11. 1 n,.,v.. htMii. vi -1,-. 1...
.v..... , .... , r.,uaaii,'
1 ' . : Arrit..
mil . "" Utile 1 Hi,. .
Kan Hound lavc Healtle 1:1:, pui; Tkibi
ion . Arm. w,,Mm Walla laaftiME
i -i am i Mpokaue 9 ItJ aui.
Kor liiioniialiou rea'ardiiig' rata, and .x.
inodailou-, call .ui or iddrei.
. ALIA MS, Af.ll
Walla Walla. Hub.
White Collar Line
Portland - Astoria Koutc
Str. "Tuhomu"
I.e ivc
Dally rouu I inn
Astoria . .
tmm Oatjt I
The Dallss-Portland Koutc
Str. "Bailey Gauert'
Till, i
Th, .-.
I ailch Ulat
I. to Vi t)
sjrti sli i
wlii-ii that i.
..I trut A, v
TV l--.il la
IlltV .1 tWi'lll
t.i iri . bssad sai MaMsasj
' aiilhua.lvaalssxMo(ahealfii.
It o. i, . i ,r,., w 4t.
Jl, uui.lt, "I tie cm .,,
th,- jtr.'iiiiaaa ha. been
i auutnal ltUnlH.,1 The lied
ruviuti',,1 r.N i.i. jr.- Urse tnd
i ti.e . ..iiatriK'tioii ,.f ih.
r.N.,,, a SSSS t. the BBS.
en Uken IsanvMl all NjM
I a well i',ilip,,..l acliuul,
I. t,,r tr.,,,,,1. ,,itiH u
j Th. alSI ( thu acho.il
II 'Mrr. i ,, (Or, let,. ,11. U,
lltli',. in. in , (..illutfe
u , ,,, in. itovsWasMal
pteuilair I", l'.ajl. A lac
' r. luauiw lur child,
t iihlivi'lu il cjr, au,l in
tMiat rssalav
skssi iii Em uu.k tic
in Art ui,i or4Uir, aud
Dally raail mil
eicepl M.i....
Vanconvur, OSaWStj laSSta St. Eartiii
fprlaas, Hood Uivei. While dalaea, L)ie Ui
1 tic I '., .
heave I'.lttlan.l ISO
Arrive The Dalle. Iss
Leave"! he Dalle. li aa
Airivo I'orll.ud Wfi-s.
w mi - I "alloa to Port laud B
r.nr. . ( Mi9m Ul ,.rlUll,, 4U, fatiu... tW
Meale. the very heat
Mioday trip, a leadlUK laalure. Tkl. "
lit to. arauda.t acoui. allracllou.ouiaiti
Ticket, lor Ulh !, Ilea ou lain l 111. On'
and Hood liner
Laudltis-Ko.il ol Alder Uriel
liolh I'tiouaa Main I 1 . .men: -
A.J TAYLtiU, Asl.. A. torts, DBS
JOHN M. KILL, i, iN. Asl., Till Dalle., or
Will. I , Mil, . i WVI.K- Aa-enu. WSIte SuSM
I'KAI HKK A ll.HtNl, AKia . Hood Kini.'m
J C. H'VATI', ASL, Vancouver, walk
I w UMOHTON, Asl, ruriliiT
Praitrkk Noil, Agt., PmMh,I
' i.i mil i;
I '
'Inch will Ui'f ,tj i,,,,ru
apply to
Hie IViidleiiiii icadein)
river in Pendleton
The Portland Carnival
Oon'l Iobb hiflii pjCfUtt tfM 1 1 tat Hi- I'oriUiul Cariiival will Ih
nit Kxpo.ltlon lt,.il,i'itu.i. llultunmali rt-hl T. .. . . "
afi. iiiooim,,,! avtulnf. from Si-iit? iiiiier Is toOutuber uT 'it will .
tnourrai m-.i -Mf.(Mition, tli-.t . ver ooourftd Oil tht Paolfte (Jtmsl nnri
all luduftrios will tM- rsprtsantod mn, umi
Tlieiv will he i wo lull iiiilil ;ifV 1 1 i : i I u .niiiiiiLi.. l. t .
' --- . v . i i n-1 1- ii i . i .i
a Milllarv lYMlrUtlUSfJt, Athlttk
in tlir
will run
nottol iHfial itttra,-ti,iiis, iii.-ltnliti
tiaiui'-.. Horn). Show . Kiraarorku. aAn
All . . . . . .
Vi 'l -ti T i . ",i'! 'lal "'"i I rat,-,, un,!
m-.-ii ,i:tviloui i I , i I,.,'.
w - , ----- .
siou Utktta will bo Mod for
fin en
. oi'rw iiri-in.r..
i , i, I,. ,i ,.n..
a-s lul,., I'rin,
ill-- lllatlllilioi, ha.,
Aooitttlltad List by Uie but lS
..it .,.!.',,,, luttutfmduatas an ad-iiiitt.-ii
Ui Mm. otnittottaa.
a ontlnttB oouita I'liimi I,, ik. Im,4,
btnasa oollom utofltrttt
-all ttrni basiua Uapttoibtr IHh.
ll r . I.. Ktlltltl'M i in.
. , .... in.,
""'-,""' Priaolutl,
Ll'N(!HKS : :
Ml lireu' .if the Kullioua stUfaaa"
I.. ....i. i ....a..... . . : . .
',' -oi iii-oi no ii'M'1 un' i- ih-ioic
ton mill Siaufortl. ! -
Under New 1anaj;einiiU
Farmers Custom Mill
Prod WalUrs, Proprietor
Capacity, 160 barrels day.
Flour ezctiauged for wheat
riour, still reed, L'aopped seed,
in hariii
Help or Situation
C F.Cook's Eiiipluyiiient Apity
Uorusr Maiu antl Alta htruet.
Strictly Kirst-Citib
alicliefll CulSIOe.
Kverv Modern
Btr viiif Kllllard Uoomi
The Best Hol
Van Oran Bros., Prop
Giyp 1 a Trial
Hateo $2.00 a
Special Kates by
eex or moDtli
laUquarttn for Trvill0 mtn
la bastei ii. Oregon.
Successors to J. fc. noore
UJHPflBtVrt 0f J IbmIbI mm
V a mm ii i AMD rirvitiN iT!., PORrLANO. OB
TUOJiOUaitNuws U tt,. kayuoi. of th. Holm- u-taod.
of euecla.1 ill I Aa A ka.ua anil aim
- - - ......... ... I UM. Kiruui wura
Uuaui aalf.rall.a i i . . .... .w
.... uuauiieaa uien and woman la tue arv,
m thai object
Mfepri Ha. tu dol.iK
with ewafylns success, for fourth 7
l a. as i i
wi i oil 1LL.L TitATSUl lial AUK.lt