East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 12, 1901, Image 1

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" r . - .. -
! "'"'""HiUl" 11 1,rT'
! -2? JJnirTllU.-o'inly opl.
i J- MARK THIS FAlsl 2
vol. 14
NO. 4827
The Place
To buy Groceries
whnrc yo.. can tan a U
. I rvnii
dock to Minci """
MJ Ml "'' My stn,:k is
Urge both in fan' staPlc
n I? IVmntt
VJi 1 w - -
First Fall Announcement.
Fall and Winter Underwent.
New Suits and Overcoats
Hawes and Stetson Hats
Florsheine's Fine Shoes
Alexander & Hexter.
The Boston Store.
School Shoes
j .
I to 8 kid $ .'.()
I n 18 heavy 90
IStoSheavy 1.16
Fiiio sIhm's fur -rirls $1 , $1 ,2"
HlOaiid 11.75
Opening Sale Dry Goods
12 l-2c
15 to $yic values I'laiils and Novelties
Tins covers the least.
ftroii"; shoes lor loys, made
like a man's, ihot, $1.36, l.-r()
L7I.2.00, li. jr, and fJK.
Ml boyi arc young men.
Try the Dooglfu ihoa $:..(m
tod ttJO
g f This line ol Plaid and Novi Itiei range in prit e from
1,7vC 15c to jot . will now 1"' offered during tins sale at
tin low pi ice
If these don't attract you prices don't count.
4dT .',5 M 73' values of fine plaids, aoveltiei and plain
r, colon and plant) oi then This price ii made foi
this sale Only.
(yf 5 1,1 s.s 'alue and .1 good assortment ol up 1 1
gj, i datfl materials, nut I few pieCM but many ol them .
These are on centre counter counter, easily found.
A grand opportunity to get fall dress goods.
Id g 6o t Si values colored and black novelties.
75c to Si 25 values colored and black novelties.
These can he appre ialed when seen.
The Boston Store.
ww rarent
lit ,.el,wJ
vrtl IUUIV
These Prices
llftA.1 U
... .SctoMa
Ntomapen y
Cl1 Erasers Ie
Wring Pencils.
US" Tahl . 1
E , 5c
0nd lk 2c bottle,
F Vour Money
P FOR :::::::: : :
ld School Books
On the Tray,
Hidtbosrd or Ta m
Pine china wan is always attract
ive, and you never saw such line
lima offered at such low pril SJ
in our present sale. A visit 10
our sales counters will well repay
you in the attractiveness of the
display. Then you can appreci
ate the attractiveness of these
prices. We want you to see those
1 1 7-piece dinner sets at $37.50.
ut"lt .And A. Am r
I as
ii:dii .......
01 gs and Blotters
'th Every Order
For Combination Folding Cots and
Chairs. Just the thing to take to the
mountains - - -- -- -- -- -- --
Next Door to Postoffice .on
"See Dem Freezers
I have a full Hue of
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
from one pint to ten quart, will freeze cream
in from three to five miuutes; also have a full
line of fishing tackle, hammocks, etc. See my
line before buying
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
Csolgoss said 1 "Ho, 1 want ne law
yer im When the time romes I
will I' supplied with soeasel, and
there will be plenty of money for my
It was. admitted by Walter 3, kings
ley, the alleged conimisisoner for nit
English betting syndicate, that the
story 01 wagsn betwese bin ami Pitto-
bnrn OHitnliHtR on the cup rare. g
(rreKHtiiu: HiHi.OOO. wao a hoax.
The WelMon (irocery company of
I'lttubnrit a corporation with a atork of
f .SOO.iiiMi, went inin the handu ol x re
ceiver. .The rompanv liaa 17 utorea in
that city an.l vtcinitv. AsseM air,! Iia
hilitien are aaiil to' Im about tlUft.tXW
The repfsesnlati vei of the ift mgssil.
xati.iDH OOmpf isiag the anti-Tammany
Keneral conference met to begin a Kerieo
of neaainnH until union candidates for
mayor, controller ind president of the
board ol aldermen have been agreed
Fhe I'atiH Mat in announce that M.
Ie I .hi mi. numnter of marine, haa
neeidod hhii the creation at certain
xeaportH and various roast points of
flotillas of submarine boat. The
tirst, consisting of sis venaela, will he
established at Cherbourg.
Admiral Kaik Pasha, chief of the
general Btaft of the adiuiraltv, has
inaile his escape from I'onstantinonle,
going ny British steamer to Malta.
rnar 01 uie cons,'. iicni ot tlie me
morial to the sultan caused his Might,
flis property has been declared forfeit
ed. Six Hi. hi. an. I i loakmakers attended
a muss moetinu held in New York at
New Irving hall. An assessment of ,"h
rents per capita was ordered levied
on the l.'i.UUO rloakmakers of New York
for the purpose of tiiiiit iiik injunctions
against the cliiaUinakers' strike pick
Antonio Mutfgio ha. Iieeii arrested
in New Mexico. Mugglo, who is a
cornet 1st, traveling with an opera com
pany. is said to have made the state
ment not long ago that the president
would he ahot helore October 1, and
ttiat he was sorry that he Inmaeif was
not to do the shooting.
Justice McAdaiu, of the New York
supreme court, gives the opinion that
I. nun. i (iolduiau and other anarchists
who are natural i.ed can Ini exn.lled
from the country on the ground that
they have sworn lalsely in that they
have obtained certificate of citizen
ship by Iraed in SSStltyiag that they
are attached to the principles of this
government anil would support its
constitutional laws
'else, ItS
tiad a oseafortable
temeratnrw, 100.1,
mil hi
Senator Hanna Thinks it In
cluded Many Rulers.
Bnffalo, Sept. It, ::) bulletin
"Th prMldmi spent S quiet and rest
lnl lllgh I and has taken much nourish
nient. He f,els better this BOning
than at anv time. Me has taken a lit
tie Of "iliil food this oralag and re
I load it l'iils, 120; tempratnre,
100. t."
BeffalO, Sept. :. t p. m. "The
condition of tiie pwatdont I very much
the Mine as his morinntf. I he on
complaint is of fatisue. Mr. Mvut
said the aid id f.ssl which the president
took this morning has not agreed with
him verv well. "
S Inquiry Began in Washington
Today With Great Pomp.
King Humbert of Italy, Empress of Austria,
President McKlnley, Kmperor ol Germany,
Czar of Russia flan Partly Suwssful.
t'hirairo, Sept. l'J. Walter Weil man
in a -pecial to the Keoonl-Herald says:
Senator Manna tifmlv believes tl..t
the attempted assassination of Prest
dent McKinlcv was part of a gigantic
anarchistic plot to "remove half a do.- I
en heads of nations." In this cornier- 1
tiou he makes some startling di-clos-l
About two years ago the secret ser- I
vice discovered evidences of a plot
among the Patterson N. ,f ) group of
anarchists to take the life of President
Mckinley. An investigation prompt I v
At first the results were rather in
definite and inconclusive, and the set -ret
service withdrew its men. Hut one
of the agents who had been employe!
in the invest iagt ion, an exc linglv
able detective who speaks Italian,
prosecuted further inquiries upon his
own aci onnt.
Me made a report to HoBSSOl llaiioa,
and the report was ol a most startlinu
Buffalo, t. It. Whoa Doctors
Mynter ami I'.trk left the house after
consultation II ey said the presisdent
was oelng excellently Miis morning.
Mis breakfast consisted of half a cup
ot beef tea, some toaat, a OVp of OOffOS
and a little whisky. They were sure
that within four weeka he will U In
Dta health.
Tenillng lo Pron the Alleged Talklon by Ad
miral Ho. son and IndlratiDft the Latter la
PrejudlciHl Amlost Admiral Scbley.
tan Ba Takan from BulTalo In Two
Waaki to a Month.
HnttatW; Sept. It. HOW long it will
be before the president recovers sulli-
ciently M leave the Milhurn residence
M a uuestioii alsmt which the physi
cians snv little. It will he a matter nl
at lensl two weeks, according to rone
inonlv expressed opinion, or it may he
a month or more. Visitors are still
excluded Iroin the -irk ro.nn, and in
spite ol the patient's increasing
Strength mav be kept from the presi
dent's roo.'i for some daya.
Naw York
The Wasco Southern Telephone com
pany has decided lo extend its line, by
connecting Mitchell and Antelope.
The liandoii woolen mills arc run
ning dav and night now, and lull
crews will he put on as fast as arrange
ments are completed.
The l.awton Ntandard made its ap
pearance last Friday, alter having
been out of the newspaper field for a
month. II. (j. lienuryx is the new
(Salmon are making their appearaucc
la the i ...jin.i. river, aaya the Man
don Kncorder. A few have been taken
by fishermen, and disisjsed of at a dol
lar apiece.
Messrs Marker, Mashurg and Hirst
have sold their I'mpqua tract of tim
ber luud, consisting of lo, nun acres, to
a Miuuesota firm, who expect to build
a lart(e mill in the near luture.
The (all fishing season oM)iid lues
day at Astoira, Imt there is not a can
nery in operatiou on the lower river,
ami it is not probable that there will
be, although it is ladieved there are
mure salmon in the river than usual
ut tins tune of the vear.
An injunction war granted the Port
land City iV Oregon Kailway company
by County Judge Kyau, restraining the
city authorities Iroin arresting em
ployes of the company or otherwise in
terfering with the operation of pas
senger, express o: Ireight cars.
A man who gave his name as J. I
Wardell and who could not atute
where he lived, was arreated in Port
laud and taken to the police station,
in order Mit his uieutal cuudition may
be inquired into. Last Mouday he
walked into the Kirtt National bank
ami presented a check lor 16000 signed
"Major William McKlnley.
It bj aV evil ga for tlie wit, and
niolliei whfii si .i kcau hei worn luc,
III the lull KM, ail aSBS the question.
"!- it Day .' lJoes it ay to aaciifur
In .ilt I . and haminaai
t; .'a '. .widd.il lov. " But
it lt U allouier qtiek
q) which rightly
ikes paaosdeaes ot
ks it pav ' It is
"Is It nice;,
IS '
EL health and iiuppinea
Hall a million women
answer No' They
nest base weak and
haw bee I at ids
strong by In I n i
i-.uoi its Preacriptii it
The' were Mi k and
" PovnriU !'r at i ip
tioli " in ,i d l h e in
well. It will do the
atune for almo-.! every
oinan w In i gi v ii
a fair and l.iuJiful
trial. It slops weak
ruing drains, heals
inllainiiiaUou and ulteratibn ..ml cure
female w. . kill-as It I1..1. , . il.-is lb
Ueivvs and cucourars the appetite.
j rs,M . ti.l l Iir.nu .. iiiolhc-i Amd
lhi...l. ii'.l i"' I""" K-K-iO ..k.i
At I
,., hclu lie I
- ,rian
irlui uca
iiu- 1.1a 1
m lirllrr
Ik ilir I,
milium." I lll so. suit l.v Iter Unit I lld
lakea Ibcui u- inoinh I oailrt niy uu
It. ..-,.. ,rk CJItrl.l M.t.lliuu I. '"! '! n
g.ir.lco Ion I s stout, lhu I hs.l . v, r beca
While wailllis Isi'iv " vol""" '", ",'
baby came (llVis on. vv Ilir silh v hil.li abt
is gun eleven uiouttwold ami U a U. altliy cliiW
As for ast, 1 feel ..ug now as I hd l
.-gbleell veals ..I ak "
cBccriully recouiiueml l He tee s iiiriiiciue to
..II ..- I .. .nkillll "
.111 I'll.tn.'i rt v . "
lxctor PtowaVt1 PtOMSnl IV-UeU cuac
UltouaucM ami sick Ucadac'ho.
It was to this affecl
To Ba "Removad.''
1. The Prune of Wales m
Kdward of Kngland).
-. King Humbert ol Italy.
.'I. The Km press ot Austria
I. President Mckinley
ft. Kroieror William.
i, The cxar of Kustna
This was the program of thi Paler
son group of anarchists, according to
the report of the detective.
Mis written statement was taken to
the White Mouse and shown to Presi
dent M.kiiilcv, but Mr. Mckinley
gave no credence Me refused to he.
lievethat anyo.ie could wish to "re
move" Mill.
This report was tiled away in Wash
ington, ft fias I n telegraphed for,
and will probably he hero tomorrow or
Tuesday. There is intense curiosity
to learn ll the Italian detective who
prepared it, and who seemed lo have
an abundance of evidence and cm urn
stautialitv on winch to base his state
ments, knew or beard anything of this
Polish anarchist who shot the presi
dent last r relay .
"I am liriuly convinced that there
was a plot to destroy the president ,'
said Senator Manna. "It will la no.
Usee that ol the sn beads of slates
who were 1 mi the Patterson pro
gram of two years or more ago two
have been killed by anarchistic assas
siui -king Haasbstl and the empress
of Austria.
"Attempts have h.-en made ajRW
the lives of three Bore President Mc
Kinley, kinijeror William ami the
Prince of Wales, as he waa then.
Coineldenae la Striking.
"Admitting that the attack upon
tlie kaiser was not made by an anar
chist, the coincidence is still startling
ly striking.
"It that detective was correct in bis
diagnose of the situation In anarchis
tic circles two years ago it must he ad
mitted that they have stuck pretty
close to their program.
"I have no doubts thai OeoJogSS was
in a plot. We cannot hallOTS (hat he
was smart enough to plan out this
thing all t.v himself. Of course he
denies that lie had accompl leeg, hut
the probabilities are that he lies like
a horne-thlel. it look more than that
bead of hia to scheme out all the
elaborate plan of this crime.
"Me admits that he was inspired by
I. m ma tioldmau It is known that
the iolduiau woman was recently in
liutlalo It is known that ( laolgQSS had
relations with anarchistic leadera in
Chicago and elsewhere, lie is no', a
degenerate or morally irresponsible.
Me ia an anarchist, and we propose to
run lo earth every man or woman that
had anything to do with the crime or
the plot it ng of it
"The wretch's own lather says he
ought to he hanged. Anarchism and
assaaaiiiatiou are getting to he the
curae of the world, and it is high time
all civilised nations were uniting to
staiim thrin out."
As aoon as the report oil the plots of I
the Patleraou group has noun received i
here it will be lurued over to the ape- I
rial service meii, and it is i,.i..-. that
it may throw some light upon the an
tecedents of Friday's trim.
Hagardlug Goldman's Uullt.
Buffalo, Sept. i. ra-mtai of War
Kuot said this morning that the state
authorities will uuqueatiouably try
( aolgoas, but relunisl to sa v wlielher
Kinma tioldmau will be brought from
t hi. ago at once or not. Kxtraditiou
paper have not beeu prepared by the
district atloruey and that otsvial does
uot known when they will be. lie
alao relosee to aav w hether or not there
ia eufticieut of evldeuco, to conned
I iolduiau with the crime.
Auarblt May a. Islaasad
Chicago, heut. 18. lulea the iiuita-
lo authoritie take aoiue step to alius
aood cauae for the further I,. . I. ling of
Gold man and the other anarchist now
under arrywt here, tbey undoubtedly
will be releaaed. The Buffalo police
had not forwarded additional evidence
up to noon, and apparently getting
ready to pull out of the t 'Im ago eud of
the affair aud allow the police to bold
the bag.
aaalful Nigtu rak Sum aourlabaieat ,
-Some Solid food.
Hultalo, Soul. U. a. 111. "f'be
Reported by I. L. Say a Co..
Chleaco Hoard ot Trade and
stock Kxchanae Broken,
Ni w York, Sept. 12. -The grain mar
kets were all lower at the oieuing this
morning, oil) there was some good
buying orders on hand by foreign
i c, -.1 tl ai the opening prices were
the low ones tor the dav and the close
the high. Liverpool closed 7 f-M.
New York oHned 75 7-H, lleeember,
and closed 7tl'. Corn was ui. a hall
cent, and pork 10c per barrel.
Mocks lower. Money, I per cent
Close yesterday, 7li l-H.
' en iislay, 7ft 7-H.
Kange bsggf, 7ft 7-H to 7til. .
i ;oe tislay, 7.
-locks: Sugar, ItthJ ; steel
K Paal, lg . ir. p.. (7 5.H,
Wheal In ( nicago
Chicago, Sept. 12. Wheal, 70
111 7-H
N. P.
l-H to
L ndon ategalSh Bring Ilia Allagad Kacl
to New Vork.
lee York, Sept. 12. -A liiidon dis
patch cays a report is current that
Botha, the Boei coininauder-lu-i hiel,
haa surrendered.
London, Sept. 12. No continuation
.1 the rcsrt that Botha has surrender
! is obtainable in oilicial oiiarter-
Three Mai. Ware Char.ad With Murder
at Cairo. Illlnola.
Cairo, III.' . Seal. 12. Three negrisea
who last lelejSjef murdered Wah
ThoeUM were taken from the jail here
lasi night by a mob composed of ne
groes. The three prisoners were taken
to Wicklell,., k.v and hanged.
Knur laaleSSS or the Port l at a Stand
still. New Orlaaaa, Ippl II Pae striae
ol longshoremen began thl morning,
hightech bundled demand an increase
in wages. I be business ol tlie p it ia
limit j. ally at a standstill, though there
has l en no v'olence.
0, A. H. Uowu to builiia.
Clevelaud, ept. 12. -The thirty-lllth
annual eiicamplneiil of the (trend
Army p. n- l for business Ibis niorn
lug, and was devoted to report.
reater l.ond '11
ha a p.. p nlation of
VTseblagtea, p,. it, -Promptly at
I S'stost tall afternoon the Schley
court of inquiry was salM SB onler
b Admiral Hewev. Dignity and
splendor marked the ,ia.ning. Offl-
. mi Btlgastta wa seaarved to the min
utest detail ; ,rHM mnfer,,,, wjt,
all their plumes an.l gold braid lent
brilliancy to the scone. 0 BStM a
'1"111 tl Dswej la peed for anlst,
Kear- t'lnnral Schley sprang to hia
feet t0 thSllSSSJS Admiral llowiaon,
bi Idsnlral iev instead looked at
lodge tdVOeStl letnley, who asked
that IbeqeSStlaa as to whether the aea-
tk ns should bj . en or secret ts-decld
Mi After a brief einrutiveconferenro,
Judge Lesalej bsgsa reading Naley's
letter deiuaiiding a curt of inquiry
and "i her letters and paisirs hearing
on the call lor tne invest igat Ion.
At the ronclusl Kear Admiral
Behlej srossaad forsaally ssalleassnl
Me said he regretted to objts-t to
llowison, but i.eh. !, Um formed
an opiaioa Mini had expressed It pub
licly, said opinion as formeil and ex
pressed being adverse to Schley
bvldane Disparaging to llowison.
V. A. In il, a Bootes reporter, waa
called (.. the stand. lie lestlllisl that
H 'Wisoii told him S'hley wa not a
competent .is lampssn, did not have
as high standing, and that Sauipaou
was entitled to all the credit lor the
Santiago victory.
Noa, H, sp,m teetited lhal Uowlsee
toid tiien neb ley ought lo bate been
conn nartlaled hw bis conduct at
FostM Nleholl leetiaed he heard
Hewlsoa ipeak disparagingly oi
Seh lev .
Howlton Cannot Serf.
Tin in then sdjoaraeg, while
llowison made a written statement of
his side ol the SSSe. When the slate
nient was llnnhed, the court re-couyeii-d,
llowison said he was without pre
judice, hilt adlnllted I Iglll liln-
aaid MaaipeeB wa the hero ol Santiago.
Me genlod saying Schley ought not to
he in the aavfi ai the ssnerasssa f
the reading of In sialeiueut, a nuin
tiei ..I questions were asked llowiauu,
after w1 ich la-mlev, Mewey and Ben
ham retireil to nnnaldef llowiaon' eli
gibility. Thev returntsl lu ten min
utes and said .s,.iley'a oblectious were
sustain. si
lb., "iiirt adioiirneil until llowiaon'
successor I. as been named
A r QOlSeS to S Olvan Away.
Beted phiUnl hrnpist ha started to
give away hi I'irtuiiH lo.iiarllie in
all parts id tin. country, and no doubt
much good will he ar.ompliahed
Ihere is a BO the! agency that ha alao
in i . 1 1 1 1 p 1 1 s his t a great mai oi g.Htu,
namely, lloaletter'a Stomach Hitler
tee i . on- ohlsh has bsoa eeriag
vtouiaeli Iroubh lor the peat si year.
So doubt it has aci oiiipl nhed more
real good than any other remedy. Vou
cannot Is. entire!) well uuleaa your
Mil - in s".".l condition, and ko
Is-si mi.l. nie to bring tin about l
Hosteller's Hteetseb Bitter It pro-iii.iii.-
appetite, mauree digealiou,
OareS dpspepela, regulate the liver
and k.eps the bowels regular, alao pre
Met! ta b bing, heartburn or llatuleiicy.
DeaM I ail I lo try it, but lie ure you get
the g. inline
ct esssooooossssaeflaosa'saoaeaoaseiiisesseasiiiis l
I lAKhll. hi . aO'l Maaag.-r
i a ii w r i.fii, l-i PJaaaat r
lf, lis, I
Preaenlinf an i ntirelt n:w rcj)cri"irc "f ConMy,
Company of 25 pcopk-, auperb band and orches
tra, six htrong specialties).
jpiiiiig lili, il. luSr nc oiiiudlji
rkere I a purtioa oi Mu.nuaiu ii.iu.ns kuuwa as aypi
Ourpricea 100,200 390, No Uiutr.
The aale ot rt. aU opeua al 1 . U. hlo ' rial Bisggg
The Oregon Mortgage Co., Ltd.
On improved property at lowest ourreiit ratea.
Cws. F. fl. Pattullo, Agent,
WaJle Wall. - Washlnjrton.