East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 11, 1901, Image 4

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In ladies' and men's
look neat
good wear.
Practical Boot and Shoe Men.
Jaa. A Howard. Farm loam.
New acbool books arriving at Nolf's.
Aroma coffeo, bast on the market, at
Hawlajr Broa.
Hcotcb oata and all kindii of mush at
Hawlajr Broa.
Vegetable f all kinds, ni.v fruits,
at K. Martin's.
fl abirt waista, now iVc. Cleaver
Broa. Dry Goods Co.
Niocat eastern hams ami bacon in
tbe city at R. Martin's
Hwift's premiaui bams and breakfast
bacon at Hawley Broa.
Lata Crawford peaches, iine for can
ning, at Hawlay Broa.
School handkerchiefs, lc each.
'ieaver Brothers Dry Goods Co.
Martin baa two delivery wagono ami
yoar goods are delivered promptly.
For first claas rigs or a cah at anv
hour telephone Depot stables, Klvin
Craig, Prop.
If you want to see a nice line of wall
paper and borders go see C. C. Sharp,
(kiurt street.
Housekeeper wanted. Coverel wa
gon and two horse for salt- In. pur.
at R. Martin'!.
School suits at discount of 10 per
cant during this week. i'Iimv.t
Brothers Drv Goods Co.
For rent Sevan room house furnish
ed, with bath room, for seven month",
from September lti. Inquire at this
R. Martin is up to date in the m
cary business. It there is anything
you want in bis line that he hasn't in
stock be will get it.
W. R. Witbee is agent (or the Do
meatic and Davis sewing machines. A
fall line of supplies. Repairing a spe
cialty. All work guaranteed.
To all concerned From thin date.
Haptem Iter 10, 1901, I will he re
sponsble for any debts com rat '.si only
by myself personally. Q, K. Kimball.
Conrad Platsoeder desires to sell bil
residence property, two lots well im
proved, corner of Webb ami I
streets at a reasonable price o
At bad time 1 take a pleasant barb
drink, the next morning I feel bright
and my complexion is better. My
doctor aays it acts gently on the
stomach, liver and kidneys, ami U a
plaaaaat laxative. It it made from
barbs, and is prepared ax earn I an
tea. It is called Lane's Medicine
Lane's Family Medicine moral the
bowels each day. Price 2Sc and 6ov.
For aala by Talman A Co. , sole agenw.
School Books
Brief in your old Khool
Looks to us ami wr will
allow you one-half tin
price of the new books
adopted by the state ol
Oregon for the ensuing
six year. We ar ln.ul
(juarters tor all school
books used in the publu
and high schools ol On
on and all kinds of tup
plies of use in the school
room. Our prices an
right and the sain- to all.
With every pair
school shoes
We will jive a
neat box containing
A pen holder,
Two pencils
and a rule.
just what u very
boy and girl needs
Tbt Pendleton Shoe Co.
Wm, FUMftAUj Manager.
A fine milch ci for sale client).
Apply t" BoTII toll 'l fsjarj yard.
Best school hose ever sold, Jic pair.
Cleaver Brothari I rv Gnods Oo,
Call ami see the beautiful new line
of street Imt At Mm. Camplndl't.
First class wheat pasture for cattle
and horses, lni.uiro of Heter West.
For linns., moving w (4eo. Kley or
leave orders hi Newman's Cigar Store.
Hons.' and lot for sale, MfMf UU
11th anil Hnilroml rtrsjtta In. purr of
Win. llickey.
Dresstsl poultry, vegetables, fruits,
and a line line of fancv groceries at
the Standard goraary,
Kred II. Irake is making some ar
tistic paintings at the exposition
building" hi Portland,
For sule Slock ranch ami cattle.
Two corner lots two blocks west of
Main street bridge. K. T. Wade.
.lames M. h'erguson has transferred
his property, se'4 sec 1 tp :i n r B
W. M.. for a consideration of ftMlOO.
Lot - 2 and :! in block 140, Keserve
addition above Nt. Joseph's academy
'or sale cheap. Inquire ol I'eter West.
Nolle can tell you nil about it; he
has Srh I its Milwaukee beer on
draught. It is always nice and cool.
Chas. I'eel has sold Ins property,
the ni4 sec 14 tp :t n r 83, e., to W.
II. .MrCormmacb for the sum of ffkOOU.
W. A. Williams of l.elah valley,
Yakima county, Wash., got $.r78 worth
of potatoes from six acres ol new land.
A vagrant female of Olytnpia got
drunk recently ami made an unsuccess
ful attempt to break into the pest
house. Kobsrt Zink has sold his residence,
next to the Presbyterian church, to the
church authorities to lie used as a parsonage.
Ntansberg llros. have opened th
howling alley in the basement of th
llendrick's building and will run it in
first-class shape.
the city council will meet tonight
The chief business will he lo pass u
on measures sulilnitteil liv the ordi
nance committee.
The Itois,. Statesman says an app
tree on Jefferson street, in that citv,
in full bloom. The tree has already
borne one crop of apples.
For sale- A law library ol about 500
volumes ami law . 1 1 n lixt.ir.-s. .u a
low price. Address Mrs. M. I,, lie
I'eatt, Athena, Oregon.
William Martin Lnrampiiient No. 1
Pioneers of I'ncltb- will meet this e' en
nig in I. allow nail. .Ml meuitiers are
requested to b' present.
Lost On the streets -.t Pendleton
ivorv handle of a riding whip. Kind
er will please lenv-- it at 1-roome's at a
hie and receive reward.
It is announced hv the c-nintv schoo
snperintendent thai the State Teacher
association will be combined with the
teacher's annual institute, which will
take place in November.
A never failing cure for cuts, burns,
scalds, ulcers, and sores is DeWitt's
Witch liasel Salve. A most soothing
ami healing remedy for all skin af
ections. Accept only the genuine
Talluiau .v Co.
Formal millinery openings is a thiui
of the past. Mrr K-ise Campbell wil
he pleased to show her beautiful Inn
of domestic and imiiorted pattern hats,
which will Is- on display, on and after
Monday, September lo.
A net 1 a Council V '., Degr I
rocalioiit a, wil. un. a socia dance
in Armory hall Thursday evening,
Septeuilier It, 1001. Music will bt
funished hv .. r ,i orchestra
Kvervlsslv promised a good time. Ad
mission I) rent
Norris Silver, North Mrattord.N. II
"1 purchased a bottle of One Minute
Cough ('ure when suffering with
cough doctors told me was incurable.
One bottle relieved me, the second
and third almost cured. Tndnv I am a
well man. ' ' Tall man a Co
the .Moscow street-paving project is
held up for the present, while the
A I rat rat Paving coin pan v and the citv
authorities are searching lor the lion.
deorge (i .ode, president of tile state
university tsiard of regents, so (senilis
sion can be hail to take rock from the
university farm.
Waterloo boasts the oldest married
couple in Linn count). Mr. M. L.
Keigler m .' and his wile, Mary L. , is
'". They were married ." years ago
Tin- old coup'e walk to town, about I
mile, overv week to market their but
ter .ui-l egg- I'hi- old gentleman, now
engaged in burning brush and clearing
land, it at work every day.
Mrs. Ana I'urr ol Maker City receiv
ed word thai her son Krnest, who is in
Annapolis, had passed examination
for admission in tin- naval academy.
Youujt Dnrr was appointed a cadet by
Congressman .M I v last June, alter
he had passed a successful competitive
examination at i'ortlaud, where he
had to meet i.i contestants for the
honor. On receiving the oiUcial nu
tice of his appointment, Mr. Ilurr
left for Annapolis July 10, and enter
ed the Wemt. Preparatory school.
Examination This Afternoon Tsndsncy
Toward Contradiction.
In the office of Justice Fits tierald
this afternsoo, U. 8. Commiasiouer
John llailey, jr., it. hearing the evi
dence in the case against Kd Urisbofor
alleged criminal assault. T. O. Haley
defends, and Kdwin Mats, asiislanl
l llited States attorney, represents the
government, the evidence thus far in
contradictory, acordiug to the view of a
lookeron. Anna Hiamout, was called
to the stand, as were her mother, ami
Or. C. J. Smith ami Mrs. hrisbo.
The witnesses are brought in one at
a time, ami do not hear the testimony
of the others. Tbe case is not vet
ended .
Mrs. W. II. Hahb of Kcho is visit
ing in Pendleton.
Kred Hunn of the John Day country
is at the Hotel St. Oeorgo.
(jag I'ermger has gone to Spokane
0 take in the interstate fair.
Mrs. J, S. Wheeler Ol Weston is n
guest nt the Hotel St. George.
Mrs. Dean Tatom will leave tomor
row morning for lone, Oregon.
John K. Proome, the Athena Hotel
proprietor, was in town yesterday.
Mrs. Robert Stantield ol Hotter creek
is spending a leu dnvs in Pendleton.
Miss ("destine Moorhouse has accept
ed a positon to teach a school near
Unite. I states AttofM) Mnvsof Port
Inml was here today to prosecute the
Hrislsi case.
ihh Hess SwiUlerhas returned from
Portland, Victoria, Vancouver, and
other places on the coast.
Mrs M.ir Moiile will leave tonight
(or Kankakee, Illinois, where she will
remain during the winter.
Mi A. Itader has purchased the resi
dence oi 11. L Carl -in Main street.
He moved into his new home today.
Mrs. C. J. Carlson came to Pendle
ton last evening from the Concord
mine. She is the guest of Mrs. W. f).
Mrs. Louis Wrenawald and faioiU
returned last night from Meadow
creek, where they have spent the last
two months.
Mrs. James Crawford has gone to
Ueardon, Washington, to visit her
daughters, Mrs. W. H. McCoy and
Mrs. H. Ui Hums.
5 H. I.. Carl and family left last ingot
Tor Portland. Mr. Cari is an old resi
dent of Pendleton, having been in the
barber business here for the past ten
The hotel at llingliAin Springs has
been closed for the season. C.
Averv, manager of tin- hotel passed
through here this morning for Walla
I). 1 Kivnn is in town from the
John I'av country with a band
horses, which he expects to sell to the
Hritish government. N. H. Pinker
ton, local agenl at Athena, will make
the purchase.
Mrs. Chapman ami Miss Laura
Chapman who have been at the Iling
ham Springs hotel, during the summer,
are registered at the Hotel Paodlotoil
today. They are returning to their
home in Walla Walla.
Key A. L. Thoroughman and wife
are here tisiay and will remain a week
They are now living in Spokane,
where Mr. Thoroughman has charge of
the Forest Park church, on Monroe
street. He has attended the annual
conference at Weston.
Ira Krb of Krb ,-. Van Patton, who
are constructing the new building (or
the Weston normal school, passed
through here tisiay from Salem on his
way to Weston. He says that the
walls of the new structure are already
up ami that it will soon he ready for
Victory for the British.
London. Sept. II. Lord Kitchener
todav reports a decisive victory for the
Hritisb under Methuen in (irant Ma
rn-'- valley. Me drove an fonder
and Delarey Irom a strong oslti.ii,
and left lh dead 41 prisoners and their
wagons and stock on the tied'.
Will Shorten Visit to Canada.
London, Sept. U. Truth announces
today that the Duchess of York expects
an accouchment in January anil that
the tour of the royal couple through
Canada may lie curtailed on thai ac
40,000 0. A. R. Man In Parade at Cleve- J
land, Ohio.
Cleveland, ()., Sept. II. This is the
great day of the tlran.l Army encamp
ment, made so by a parade 01 tlM raj
erans, fully forty thousand of them
being in line. The parnde was review
ed hv many distinguished OfllMfl -if
the civil war and others prominent in
the nation's council. Senator llaiiiin
occupied a carriage and MM liberally
applauded by the ennuis.
The sentiment arnnnd the head
quarters today appeared to be. hs strong
as ever for Oen. Daniel R, -ickles for
commander-in-chief , .
BCHLBY inquiry tomorrow
"lot tho
GOLD DUST twine do yvur work I"
are all In Washington
H en d v to Begin.
Washington, Sept. 11. All is now in
readiness for the Schley court ol in
ijiliry which begins tomorrow. Wit
nesses and all persona involved with
the exception of Admiral Sampxm are
OB the ground.
fall "roods lias
line of our
rivetl. In our west window
wt are Hhowinu a line of
Wedge wood efleel and tinted
lanijis. Seetns lik- busilMM
ti oiler them at the Driee
(noted not any highfl than
OOmmon plain lani
Owl Tea House.
Stone Jars 151 p-i hHqb.
Agslnst Psrtons Connsoled With ths
Sevsnth National Bank
New York, Sept. II. The federal
grand jury which is investigating the
affairs ol the Seventh National bank
handed up four indictment this alter
MMi Por the persons again-t whom
they were fouml bench warrants were
issued. The names are not to he made
public until the arrests are made.
The Journal do St. Petersburg says:
"It is earnestly t- be hoped that
civilized countries will realm- that all
that has been done so far has hitherto
missed the mark and that redoubled
energy is needed in tbe struggle
against anarchists. Tin- Journal de
St Petersburg, which is edited by the
foreign otlice says: " l-'.verywhere will
he felt profound indignation in iire
erne of the odious act whose author i"
atllliattsl with tbe redouhtanle interna
tional band called anarchist "
School Opens
Monday, Sept. Kith.
A fjranUfl ri'iiiimlor to parents to
to call (or a paii oi our Khool
shoes lor tin- children. WE
HAVE Jl'ST W ll A 1 Y 0 U
I' very pair
Absolutely (iuaiantccd.
The Peoples Warehouse
716 Mam Street. Pendleton, Or.
HieharJ Maysc, Inloxieatsd, Fliisd fhU
ariernoon by the Jusllat.
Kicliard Maver was arretted yester
day for striking a small Uy at the city
corral ami was tried thin alien. -.on tai
lor. Justice I- nii. -raid, lie was lined
I1U and costs The boy was Hichard
Wade, the H-year-old son of Henry
Wade from Upper McKay creek. Wade
was putting up his team at the cm rail
when Maver who, was drunk, demand
ed the horsed. Tile boy refused to give
lliein to I11111, whereupon .Mayer struck
hno a severe blow, kuockiug him
own. Policeman Micks was called
and witfi some assistance the offender
was lodged in th.- city jail.
Lost 20,000 Pounds Value.
London, hept. 11. A sensational
robbery was reported to tiie police to
day with the Martinis of Ayleaburg the
victim, lie was relieved of jewels val
ued at twenty thousand pounds at the
Walsiughaui hotel last night.
Uon'1 wait till you become chronical
ly constipated but take DeWitt's Little
Early Hisers uow and then. They will
keep your liver and bowels in good or
der. Kasy to take, bale pills. Tall-
iSt Uo.
The Columbia
Lodging House
Oregon Lumber Yard
Kor barns and dwellings.
Cheaper than tin.
littitditiu Paper,
Tur I'upct .
Lifjic anil GMMstti
Hrick and Sand,
Screen Dim. - A. Windows,
Sash aud Doors,
Terru Corta Pipe,
Borie & Light Prop's
Alta St., opp. Coart Housr.
Farmers Custom Hill
Fred Walters, f roprtotor.
! ... 1M barrels a 47
Flour icauge.l lor wCn;
riour, MUlMOsVOsBsfBatVlM, mn
n anrt
P. X. SCHtiMPP, Prup.
Has the following bargains
d2() Acres Wheat Land.laOO
Host Stock and Dairy Ranch
in ( ainas I'raric, Ohtftp.
Qood House, 8 Lots, 1900,
Very Deeirtble Reeidenoe
Very ( 'lieap.
Buying a Gold Briok.
" 1 il liaaHiinuiciit renulllug tbcreiruui U
110 ooiuiutrlsoD 10 kbs ditsppoiuiiutiul wliuli
0OSMS (roiu uotgsiliug ll,.- right klu.1 o( repair
work on jrour uarriagi- Tlir) U uo dUspiKiiiii
uivut whsn we do thr work, Iwciuhuui work
in always doue rlKOl and our urlcsa srs slwsyn
I-'kAUUl, 14c
Also a big list of
county property cheap.
town and
ll vol' WANT TO HU1I
Hills.- lor uiagailuua or
uewiMtorB iu the United
blates or Kurope, rvant
by posul uolu, check or
neud to the Kirr osawo
Mi&a the uel publUUeri
price of the pubHcattoo
you dvslre, au.l . will
you uud ..uuic :. wtk ol taa
1..-1 lu tueiaalU It will save you
risk. II you are a aubacrfber
U the ti OksuoMiAN, lu r.-uilttlug you can
deduct leu per ceul from the publisher' prlos
Addrea. KAMI OUgUONlAN I I'll. CO., I'eudle
ten. Oceaou.
There arc more ctothes rubbed out
by ums oap ihssn ere worn out.
washes cloth, better and I n ueh U - fSSSXSJUSiSi
the most daiicato FaDno ana "an, , - thm V0UB..
It will clean pots, pans
lit (or cur FREE tOOKir;:. v.c.u, i. r.-
difher.. Iloors, himKun
THE N K rAil-i
r ii
(rr Hcu'rw
;o. St. Loui'
Nr Yrrli L'ct Kl
Furniture and Undertaking.
Lr. nS V r-rri rr rrt
More, corner
s i i , iti n, i
of th' rar
the intny nice
bargtina he
Unole 8ni
uler s Purniturt
Main and Webb
eton, I rTegon.
Pilot: ' Whv uo then?"
- Unole ani "Beoftuee bt
ha the lincMt line t Furniture
to be found in Bittern Oregon
and wt all want to feast our
furniture rtttions and secure some
is offerint;."
Corner Main and Wehh streets.
rprC" pencil ami scliool ha- rprr
BMfcfc given witl each outfit of I let REbEi
Bohool Book
liuuks especialU
ami Diliributor for Cniutilla County,
for Pendleton Aeadtmy now ready.
Before purchasing come .nut
look over our large ,nul , nm
ltc Inn ol Matiafj st....
wliicli wc mt- si lluin at a very
low figure
Tht) Laadiim Hardwam Men.
OHU DAK VhAl' , fiop
Hiegdatly Furnislied stodtu Heated
l urpeau lan.
Mldck anJ a hall from depot.
Sample K nun In cuiiaectl-m
Knniii ItatC
50c, 7Sc, $1.(10
f .
i-cmiLCtUN. 0DPM.1
Hl".un h.-i ifi...... . vn
Commercial Trad, salkj
sample Room
vuuntry Irsds.
f'llVUAIi Krnm,
mini iu nr. j
-! : IOHS '
The Louvre SaiooJ
The Place to Buy;
i -vii.'r.. von can Ki
and cheap prion, p,t J
vniu ordar for deader bj
ratat taoki ami MiJ
Bsit I nit' of
Lujnber, Lti,
lng par, Tar
paper, QtM ami
cement, lickets
Pltittr, Brick,
Btnd, Ifotlditi
Screen Doors i
Windows, Sash
rl I inors, Terra
Oottt 1'ipe.
Lumber Yard.
R. FORSTER, - Propri
You get
Qood Beer.
When you drink
iuaranteetl uo
cause lieadai'lw
tji..llieiH -
Ask for It
Schultz Brewing
llli. cua
81X UOfUM rt
UK. W. t.
, i,lk ornci
uulldluy i)IBi- aur,
rjtui limit' u
tTspliouc 77.
d. or
i oa.t'
Bring your jug
and have it filled with
Pure Bulk Maple Syrup
Standard Grocery Co
opposite (iolden Rule hotel.
r, W. VIM'KNT, 1
ol Kirst Nsliouslat
a. m. ; 1 w 3 v n
0B. 0, J SMITH, 0ffj!
rualdeur.- K-lcpUoue S.
u a aa UITI Kl.U. Mi1
I. Ph.uial. su."
ailll.lluK TelfpliuW
iiarr -
jTu mii-i.kk. M.M5B
inala ..,.1 i-urrs; i- wj SaarSl
cuu.llliou.au. .. SSm0m
bsvc 11
aeul lo vuu
bulU trouble au.l
Help or Situation
C F. Cook's Eiupluyiueia Agency '
Ur. M in....... 1 1, .i i m.i
I'ii. ui I mi st a
Ul. Ull.i.l. Hl.-rtllua.
iVllllia I'll, a T
i.i 1 1 I M'KAl'L-
tiou Usak TsltfMH
DllOUC, Lis- ioi
Murwiii'iillM fMVB.1
i. ... siori
1K. t.V .N N K
aud pt
(p llultil. ool
Uiu. ur.-
A H i HIIK.' A1,a
uc rlnu,uu.u I . ujj M
Mlll'.r.r, luraJi
Inilliler. r.siiuau.'
lico. Joh ork
Mliuu ou bluB lnl
l) A.
dr san 1,1
Mai. vgrjzdt
f i .1 1 ia
Uoruer M4111 ami A In .
I'l-.MH.l. 1 i, . . ()N
I N III t fll.K
i'ii., ....I im,iTi".:,Tu rrruawuava:
sk i u. i.r avul
.1 by ilri
arv Im,i i- ,.,.,.,..., m."
b "il..iir!..,,i uiv,l,.i
WI1.L1AUH U iu fo. V,
' h ' ' I'' . ri.kkii.ANi. d
r . .,.,',. MAN. Psw-
... l.',d.l Buildiul
ir. A MANN,
for a!, by Tallutan 4 to., CandlaMu
.a U ..... L. . , Hi' I I P'