East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 11, 1901, Image 3

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    Children's Clothing at Low Prices.
danger of hog cholera
School Shoes
liscoinit of 10 pM M&t OB overy Mhoo suit Fold during
thin woek
Knee p&tfl 50c to $1 .25 pair.
Qj! f 25c to 50c each.
oW cotton iWOltefl 49c each.
(W ill-WOO. sweaters 96o each.
IjooI hose 10, 16c, 20c and 25c pair.
Mtfin the children and get them ready for next Monday.
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
i j ,day.si:i'Ti:mi'i;i: n. wei.
MM Miter ttlli "e First storv or
tut season.
Thin in the time of year IT ban tint
Miml ttii" re engaged i" hauling
Ettaaiittl ! n t1"' warehouses
Inmths fields, ami it is tin tin f
. ,ir umc linries us io sue m
..i trailer u mi re orceins mi'
'. L'l.waftn ,,.,, I I ' I I I C III OlSHIOtl
r. rini'ii ............. - .
Ih.' reejrvatimi mar tin- iiwni'y,
;rjr till- lliorillllg cany, MW
pan "iipi'liMn. ami ssiu uiui ne
i ihelt haul 1 11-'
or biRMt lol Him lm come to
over llii' ,i Mir- 01
.... i i ... lir.iiiiflit in un.
ka II I,,,.,,.,,, ivliti iu 1 1 II 1 1 1 MIL'
Wllllllll VmtTIJ MM until mi y.
I.,...! laimu II. ilrou- Willi niff
I.IWI n IMHI " " "
mill' mi Inn I rum liltuilla hnt-
. . II-. I... ..I ...I..... I
I IIP .'IIP" " " " "
...... I.: fir. ....I. ,.r .iii.i ' I. hi.
triri' more than mi" ami une-tiiiurtor
. .. .L I I,....- i :
Ihr i'ln I hi ii 1 1 1 a Irom w 1 1 it'll
I, I ill i not kmiw whether or not
MW it up that liill, hut pre-
. . . J i j i . .. : . i I ... i...
Steal. iDMUim ii a i" n tutu in i n
imlMkl ami In- null i lint have lieoli
Ui iwi pili ' r l .t i i -i .tin .
Inner' lory will no iloiiht bring
MVW l.nl . anil III furl he-
IBM llllle larKer en eh succeed intf
Mil. II milVIT. Ill lllll' ll'IIIIIIH I rll .
Mtrtion, fur In word it just so
wntv wlin known Inm .
Nil Istlmsle on the County.
Iiioitrttuig mi uivargMl are this
.".,. uii mr iijiiiii, s crop, .nr.
ni.rr i .rn. i ' i ; ii ii i i ii ii i i. ii. I..
I uther Jy. in an interview in
hit llregtiiiiaii, W. S. Hyors esti-
el It t ii.00o.000. Mr. KriiAiur
' rtates ttiat in imtn localities tint
ill air not ID tO the usual stuild
iMl" M) tin- balM Hint Iiun be
Nfaersl that it in unusually large
a.'tar. He mm the acreage in hirg
Un in dinner vu.ira, I lit that the
I ptr trre ip nut nhovc the average.
Arrivals at Hotal Pendleton.
W II Yurrott, Cortland.
I' (' Holland, I'ortlaml.
B B .lones, Dayton,
h Tihlen and wife, Col u mlms.
Rdwin Pith, l. ii Grande.
J F Milehc, -tarlinik.
M K llii..."
,f .1 HuriiH. I'ortlaml, Mil.
T W ,Iaclcon.
I. It Martin, 1'ortlar.d.
I) B Hall, I'ortlaml.
flag Met til very, Spokane.
Myd Woitishcnk, San PrBOCiBBO,
Harry Osgood, Taroina.
.1 I. Litthrnp, ri: v.
Ban Bteabelnnr, Portland!
K Roberta, Portland.
B 0 Hoehapm, Cortland,
hi I win Mbvm, I'ortlanil
Don't i.et Thom Suftar.
Oftnii r.hildren are tortnrel wttli
itehinu and burning mm and Otbtl
akin ilimtaaHH bill Ittirklen'e Arniea
Salve heal the raw noma, usimiIn in
flammation, leaven the akin Without I
acar. ('lean, fraitrant, rbeap, Ibsta't
no aalve on earth aa good. Try it.
('lire guaranteed. Onlv U"c at lallinan
i c.
a aaj m - -
Spokane I mar -Multi Fair.
h'or the ab ive tin- Waah i nulon .V Cu
liimbia Rivur railway company will
hhI I round trip ticket from Pendleton,
September M, II mid M, uo i until
teptentMi MtttanilMji liooBBtp
tembur Is ami 'u, koihI returning
until September L'.'l at M.flO. On Sup
teniber 8, a rate of 6.o0 will be made
lor the roiiml trip, OOd return in j
Sepleiiiber 17. Tlieae ratna inrlllde
one adminMinu to the (air. Half ol the
above rati'H will lie made lor children.
or AnythuiK in the
Jewelry uu?
'ToMKmiii i mu
WKYoi rUBkaTOf
'""'"AXli I'ttn i:s
.in,! i iai .1
Pood Ctianiad to Polaon.
Putref viliu food in the mtemrnef pro
dure- ttertM ii!,.' tin lie ill arnenir, hut
Or. Knn,'' New Life I'll I - expel the
poiaollH Irom rloKKed boweN, Kalltlv,
uaiily but aurely, riirinu conatipatioii,
biliouaueaa, aiek headaehe, fevera, all
liver, kiilnev mid bowel troubleH.
OuU' Ho it TallBMW A Co. 'a.
m a o
Low Rata to Spokana.
On Wedoeadav, epte,iiber 11, and
Satui'duv. SeDteinber U, the O. R. iV
IN. Co. will tell ticket! Pen Melon 1'
Spokane ., reinrn, inrludiUK a tuk
rt to the iuduHtrial fair, tor $8.50.
i Theae t -t expire Septeiulmr 16,
j Other aelliiiK dattta, Septemlajr 13, lb,
IH uud 'Jll.
Ou Friday, Speteinbur 18, the round
1 trin rate will be lii.M) ticket uood
I U..i.l.iilia, 17
nil .ii . ',,1 i,- n , ,t" ii .
lieo. W. l.aiie.Pawauio,Mirii.,wrttei-
"Vonr Koilol Dyapepaia Cure ia the
leat remedy for indiueatioii and atom-
,' i trouble that I ever uaed. I or
veare I ailflered from dviipepNia, at
limua compel liny me to atay iu bed
and aajMl KM BBlold UOtty, 1 am
coiuuletelv cured bv KodoT Oyapepaia
(lure. Iu recomiueudiiiK it to irienda
' who suffer from indigent mn I alwave
offer to uav for it if it fails. I'Iiuh far
1 have never p.iid.." Tallman A Co.
Rasidunoa (or Sals.
A nire Inniae and lot on Alta street
south of the court house, Pendleton
for i-.iid client). Ad.lros.-t. A. K. 1 109
First A veu i . HpokaMi Wash.
Sid Darliiat.lOia Howard St. Port llu
ron, .Mu d. writoa: "I have tried many
i pills ami laxative, but OeWitt's Little
harly Risen- are far the best pills l
have ever used." fhev never nri pc
Tallman A Co.
for Sala.
ILMX) .i re- of suiutiiorful low , 800 acres
of aliiohle wheat land; all implements
ml i i I. iieeaatary to work the land
liiiiure ol Purl llowinau.
i i
tuning gontlemM'l and ladies' cold and silver watches,
tnl ,j " ,n,ii orrins, chains and great variety of Jewelry
3ohi at extremely low prices during the month of AugUlt
pearly for the bargains
a most complete stock of furniture, linoleum, stoves,
Ord Q.1 Ty a,,d carPets-
lor plumbing and tinning given prompt attention.
Joe Basler9
Mam Street, Pendleton
Uraniteware, Tinware,
Bui lders' Ha rd ware
Plumbing or Electrical
Opera House Block.
Archer ;
Kittitas, wash . k i THREW OUT THE OFFICER
miimcior Hutehlnson Olvat Plain
Specific Dlrastloni For
Coping are received in Pendleton bv
F. P, Wnmslev. O. U A llL'I'Ilt ill
letter written to Col R. C. .Iiidson,
O. R. A N. l in I nut r i ii I ii I hw I
1 fS ' , yj
BJttMlhMOB, of the bureau of ani
mal industry of the department of aK-
ricultnre of Portland which savs:
Pott Mortains Ravaalad It.
I have to inform you that the post
mortem examinations of Iiokh coming
from the (Jrande Boada valley indi
cates irreat danuer of another nnthrHa k
of cholera and IWln BltgM naoD the
hogs there, similar to the epizootic di
sease of last fall .
In view ot the importance of the
swine industry in this section ol v. nit
territory, it has occurred to me that
POMIDI you will de-ire in acoiiain,
your various agent there with certain
preciiut lonav mcit-nrr wliu b mav be
taken, and which they in turn could
communicate to feeders ami hreeilert..
"First, it should Is borne in mind
that the seeds of these Ideates gain
entrance to the hog almost entirely
through rontam mated food and drink.
I luring the time that these diseasas are
prevailing in any locality, the most
strenuous rare should be taken to keep
hogs away irom streams which drain
ither farms where the disease may ex
ist. Stagnant pools and wallows are
also a favored spot for the breeding of
these germs, nml should conaeuiientl v
be avoided; or, if that is impossible ol
arrotnpl ishment , such planes should be
kept constant Iv punned by the liberal
use ol unslacked lime. At such a
time hogs should have access also to
plenty of salt, and ashes which contain
ohsiilerahlc onanllt le of charcoal
It is a common custom to neglect to
give bogs salt, although they need it
just ih much as do oilier domestic an-
Knop Troughs Clean.
' Keeding troughs should be kepi
scrupulously clean, and accumulations
if moist lo iil ami dirt m the corners
and cracks of such troughs should be
removed and destrnveil each time (resh
lood is put in. 'Aheii possible, bogs
should be given a quantity of green
grass every day. When this cannot he
hi to give to them, alfalfa hay may
be gtviii. ft will be found that they
will relish this hay ami eat consider
able iiiaiititiaa of it. In addition to
this and the regular fond, linseed meal
or "Ail cakes" will la lOttd to he an
excellent digestive tonic and a highly
nutritious final, which has a tendency
to keep the bowels well regulated.
"As a medicine, the most ethca
ioiis formula that bus been tried is
the following combination, Hie ingred
ients of winch should lit npleteiv
pulverised and thoroughly mixed:
Wood charcoal, l pomm ; uiipnnr,
I pound; sodium chloride, 'J pounds ;
sodium bi-carbonato, .' pounds, so lium
hypusulphaie, 1' pounds, sodium sul
phate, 1 pound; antimony sulphate, 1
The dose ol this mixture is u large
tahleapoohlul for each 20 pounds of
hogs treated, and It should Is- given
)iily once a dav, and then nv mixing
bran or middlings or umai with lint
water and then stirring Into thil Im
proper quantity f the inadioioi Hogs
are mud of this mixture. It nirrciiset-
llii'ir annetlte, and w lien ibey once
taste ot lood witii which it has n
mixed they will eat it though nothing
else would tempi them.
'Finally, the verv best disinfectant
to use to ward olt swine diseases is tin
slacked lime. Advise that it be uaed
by the barrel, and no: bv the bucket
ful. It value as a fertiliier will alone
return its coat, and no other disinfect
ant agent is eiiial to it.
Moscow Dlslrlat, 0t R. Gibson,
Rider. Moscow.
Albion, to be supplied by T. C.
Craig; Anatone, to be supplied; Abo
tin. .1. S. Anderson; Clarkston, W. R.
Rakin: Clearwater, K. A. King;
Colfax, 0. F. Hawk; Colton, Charles
Flerv . Cottonwood, J. B. Buchkolr.;
Kllterton, .1. R. Daniels; Kn.licott. .1.
0 Kirkman; Oarrleld, J. 8. Smith;
1 iraugeville, O. W. Mintier; ki
drick, F. .1. .lames; Leland, 0 D.
Hell; Kewiston, S. A. Smith; Mel
rose, to lie supplied ; Moscow. Q
Month; Ner, Perce, .lames Oreenslade
iiakesdale, N. C. Kvans ; Palonie, .1
K Williams; Pullman, .1. W Flesh
er; Tekoa. John LeCorna.
a Case
There l more catarrh In this soctloti ot the
coutitrv ihsti all other diseases nut loeetber,
and until the Isst lew res, It was siippocl to
Is- iBCOrabla. Pet s great many years doctors
ironotinceit It n hs-al dlsess, snd irescrine.l
neal remedies, and by cnnstnntly 1st ling to
"ire with looal tfeataitlt DfOUOUUMd it in
iiralile. Hclenev has proven cstsrrh to he a
eonstltiitlonsl disease . and therefore requiring
coiistltiitintial treatmeiil. Hall's Catarrh Care
hi hii ol hi. tiiri"! In V. .1. I'heno v i . rnledo.
thli. Is the onlv consiitiiitonal cure on the
market, tt Is laln'ii Internally In dose, of from
ten drops to a tpaspoouhll. It aels dlrectl) on
the liloo.l nnd mucous surface of the system.
Thev offer one hundred dollar" tor any cne It
(ails to cure Send (or ctrcuU,. and testimo.
niais Addres, K .1. CIIKNKY .v CO.,
Toledo. Ohio.
Sold by druggists, 7"c,
Hall .'Fa in Ih Pills are the best.
Adams Pance Kelsode Furnishes
Foe the Courts.
C.d. .1 H Ralov went to Adams
Tuesilav to defend William Kartman
for resisting arrest by the citv mar
shal. The Maccabees of Clams had a
dance last Friday night at the citv
hall. It ia the duty of the marshal to
I e present at all functions that orrnr
there, and on the night in qoaftlofl
went to the hall in company with
F'tistman who was managing the dance.
I I ev built a tire and arranged everv
M. ! thing properly for the dance. Mar
shall Coffee then went out, leaving nis
lantern in the hall. When a number
of the guests had arrived, Coffee re
turned, hut F'astman, who was selling
tickets refused to let him in without
first having a dollar for admission.
The marshal thought it int-n led
for a joke, and tried to force his way
in, whereupon he was forcibly ejected
from the room. A w rrant wa sworn
out and Fast man w.s arrested tor re
sisting an otlienr of the law in Hie
performance of his duty. The case
was post pone, I until tojsjy.
Manhattan Shirts
For Fall 1901.
Hislini Mnliehm. Made kMlaTnaMU PJI
Year at Walla Walla.
Walla Walla, sept- 11. -Bishop Mal-
lolieu has made the following appuiut
uibiits for the ensuing conference year
of pastors coming under bis jurisdic
tion. He sends John I ren l renuie-
ton for another ytar, as evidence that
Ins people have been pleased with his
work. The appointments are:
Svokane Dlslrlel, Henrv Brown, Presid
ing Kitler. Spokane.
Chelan, A. Y. Skee; Cheney, J. P.
Uaraer Coenr d'Alene, T. C. Htalg-
.. .11.. 4 ,1 I ...
son; (..onconnuiiy, a. nu, -ceut,
to M suiiplied; Havenport, J.
J. McAlHstur. Oellglil, J. A. -iouiu ,
Hawlaaa. I niuruii Cable. Kainoiia, K.
Carpenter; l.atab, to he supplied
KiUville, to be supplied; uoraiuru,
A. W. Roberts; St. Maries, R. K.
Henderson ; tfaM Point, ,1. B. Mar
tin , Spokane First church, P. A.
Coil, Spokane, IllllyarU, u .
Kootitt ; hpokane, .lenerson street, J
H. Frv ; - pokane, Union Park ami
Moran, H. M Mobbs ; Sookane, Vin
cent, sieo. H. Jonas; Spokane, West
tirove, John saringson , Sprague, R.
A. (iailey: Wallace, M R Brown;
Wardner. 1). W. Raiues; Waterville,
R. 1). Osterhout ; Weliatchee, h. B.
Utter; Wilbur ami llarlliue, U. L.
Hicks: Wild Rose. C. T. Cook.
Walla Walla Distrlet. . H. Marvin. Pre
sldloK Blder, Walla Walla.
Adams and Echo, Oregon, VS II
Zeller; Atheua, Ore., William
Oeweesi'; Oayluu, Wash., A. 1.. Haw
ley; Dixie, Wash., W. R Aruibeid .
Klgiu and Mimuierville, Ore , Wil
liam Speer; Enterprise, J. C. Walker;
r'lora and Paradise, S C. emitni
UnoUviHe aud Covello. Wash., R 0
1.., Ora,udu. Ore.. J W. H.
Millar; Long Creek, Trevor Orton ,
Milton, John Kvaus; Pataha, Wash.;
0.0. Richardson ; Pendleton, Ore.,
John Uren ; P.-meroy, Wash., R. J.
Boidi Prescott and SUrbuck, supplied
by C. W. Taylor; Union and Cove,
Ore., W. C. Router; Waitaburg.
Wasli., C. li. Haruian; Walla Walla,
Lee A. Johnson; Walla Walla circuit,
to be supplied; Wallowa, Ore., to he
supplied by Henry Martin.
The Dallas Distrlet. Robert Warner Pre
sidios Elder, The Dalles.
Antelope, Ore., to be supplied; Ar
lington, Kdward Baker; Belmont, A.
W. Bagley ; Bicktotou, Wash , C. W.
White; Cascade Looks, Ora. , W. H
Walker, Centerville, Wash., W. J
Ualdwiu; Duiur, Ore., 0. R Moore
head. Kllensburg, Waab., John
Hanks; Fort Siinooe, J. W Uelui :
o ii A O. Hrackeubury;
i.ilme'r, to be suppliad by W. D. Dfl
linger; (ioldeudale, Wash., U. L.
Nickolseu; Hoppuer. Ore.. U. L.
Uo.gl.tol; Hood River, R. R. Soauld
iug" Kiauo, Wash, supplied by J.
J iialloway: Lroue Rock, Ore., w.
H. Hendoraou; Moro. W C BpUbi
North Yakima, Wash., J. H. VOOd,
Ola., Of... mwltf OUrk - F1
Prinevi e, Or)., H. C. 'ara, rroa
ear Wash., t. H. Rubican; 8pauld
C Chapel, Or.. John Doran ; B ob-
b ll-'''blrrk:TbeuDvl'le:,
Wash., to be supplied; The Jalles,
Walton Hkipworth ; Toppeuiab, Waah. ,
lobe supplied; wasio, ssa'i I
New Dancing Club Formed For a
series of Parties.
A numlair of the yonng men of Pen
dleton met last evening at the West, rn
Warehouse Co. 's ottice and formed a
dancing club for the coming winter.
The club was a financial and social
success lust vear and the young people
have made -lahnrate arrangements for
the season now beginning. The name
under which the new club will be
kn iwti hns not vet been decided.
The first partv will be given at the
new I. allow hall on Thursdav evening,
September IM, in honor ol MissSemele
tiroate ol Spokane. Thereafter, every
third Fridav will la the date set for
the dances. The committee have re
solved to spare no expense to make the
vents socially successfnll.
At the meeting last night, the fol
lowing ollicers were elected: J. R.
Welch, prwldeotj Fred Farl, vice
president; Mark Moorlnmsi'. secretary ;
Karl Borie, trrtisnrer and Chester Fos
ter, fliKir manager.
Announcement is made of the wed
ding on next Wednesday evening, Sep
tember 18, of Dr. William House Ol
Hoppuer and Miss Katherine Osborn
Parsons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William Parsons, at the Church of the
Redeemer. Friends aud acquaintances
of the couple will be welcomed to the
church. No invitations.
Manv physicians are now prescribing
Kodol Hvspepsia Cure regularly having
found that it is the best prescription
thev can write laituuse it is the one
preparation which contains the ele
ments necessary to digest not only some
kinds of food hilt all kinds and it there
fore cures indigestion and dvspepsia
no matter what its cause. Tallman A
- m m
Fedsral Otncors Dig Up an Illicit Brandy
Still Near Hunllnaton.
Deputy United -tales Marshal Al
Roberts, accompanied by Deputv In
ternal Revenue Col lector John Muito,
on Tuesday arrested C. C. Davis bet
ter knowii as 'hum" Davis who is a
prominent ranch owner living on
Snake river a lew miles below Hunt
ington mi the charge ol running a illi
cit distillery for the inanulactiire in
frnit brandy. A portion of a still was
found on Davis' place and sunt to Port
land where it will be used as evidence
against him. Davis is a noted charac
ter in that section of the country w here
he has resnle.1 lor the past M) years
He is married to a Chinese wife by
whom he has two children, a boy and a
girl, aged 11' a:;d years respectively.
The ollicers claim that they have a
clear rase against Davis who is now
in the countv ja l awaitiug his pre
liminary hearing which will probably
take place tislay before Unite I states
Commissioner Moore, Baker City.
Dryine preparations simply develop
dry catarrh; they dry up the so, returns
which adhere to the membrane ami dt
ci.inpose, eaueinu a far more serious
trouble than the ordinary form of ca
tarrh. Avoid all drying inhalants and
use that which cleanses, aootal ami
heals. Klv's Cream Ralm is such a
remedy ami will cure catarrh or cold
m the head easily and pleasantly.
All druggists "ell it at SO cents or it
will be mailed bv Klv Brothers, ."ai
Warren St., X . Y.
Rerused lo Dunns the Candidacy oT
Judge Lowell.
The Salem correspondent of the I'ort
laml Oregotiian writes: "UoVerDOl
iieer has decline. I to discuss Judge Lo
well' announcement of hi candidacy
for the gubernatorial nomination at
the hands ol the next republican stale
convention, or to make any statement
regarding state politics. He savs
now, as he did in answer to questions
some time ago, that it is too earlv to
discuss state politics and that agita
tion in tiiat direction is premature.
But even though the subject wen- time
ly, he aays be would not consider it
proper for film to discuss another
man's candidacy . ' '
Arc now herv
your inseo
IfithOUl say
arc viptotlate.
ever w o r n
bow good
li 0 W w t 1 1
your launtlrv
you if you
to nsk him
no ot lii'i shirt
holds its color
well. This
make them
bosoms, with
cull's ;t 1 1 ached
short botomi
in all sizes,
t h e pretty
don't have lo
and rpady for
tlon. It goer
inn that they
If you have
ne you know
they look and
il'ey tit and
man will tell
take trouhle
that then is
made that
so uniformly
season they
with i h o r t
ami without
White hirtB,
and full drefis
'nine and hh
styles, v 0 u
The Peoples Warehouse
Reliable Clothiers and Hatter.
Mormon Diahopa' Pills
Chur. h Si.J turn I ... -,,.T 11011'..,
ol tclt SI.UM, 1i.mc4Ii .ii,
igsr. tt.-tMtitSiivf,
potenTf. fcoet Power, aiaht-loeees, Bparmato
in aaca, am pes ires, emtnrji mieetone. Lapse
Illy, niRancni,liniiinsi. io niHrrr, -OSS or P'
ill I f Hi. I- .l... . I Ih
I.I .'I t .n, .ll.intf ft
lost Manhood. Im
irhoaa InsomnU, Pa ne
ecu. Nervous pe-
Bemen, Varicooele.
" i.'i. nrm s. .....n. ,.-vi...i.
&-n.'.ns ' I hi' hSJ SS Me SSe tsror . ntrt.. ... .1.',. ' I s .ilHri .'...an''-. I.. (MM
m wmr-'i.i.M iih ataaa QNakn m Addreee. Bishop Remedy Co., Ban pranulsao, Oal.
'i.'IsSI.Kin P4I.1 s H . ') llllt'UHIsts, l'RMut.KT)M. UIHUIIN
Buy vour (iroceries of F. S. Younger & Son
They pleaac flic
They satisfy the
A delicious food
drink, which, as a tabic
beverage, is preferable to
coffee and tea.
The nutritive and delic
ious properties of California!
retained by ou P m YOUNGER & SON.
CeSS (SB maiiuiai-iuiv auu'
are fully extracted by
from 5 to
10 minutes
fastcilious Im'imiisc lln-y arc clean,
i .t r il u I tines Itfiausc ol iiun (nirits.
appeal tn tin ( iinoinii al het .nisi pun is always reasonable.
There are reiny, no doubti who sell groceries' without thought ol
purit i ' i cost, siinplv Met aiise they lui'l .1 gnntl pinhl Im thi'insel ves
Whatever sum n dsons may he uim us .1 call ami we will treat you
.H'H K 1 i:i.i mcv
I'lK l
At All
j ao
Henrv llravdon. Harris, X.C., says,
"I took medicine Jo years lor asthma
but one bottle of One Minute Cough
Cure did me more gtaid than anything
else during that time. Beat Cough
Cure." Tail man 0. Co.
10 Reward.
beej my pasture, bay horse
L with a liar over it on left
R W.Pursell,Kiutersville,Pa.,says be
suffered Jr vears with piles aud could
obtain no relief until DeWltt's Witch
I lam I Salve effected a permanent cure.
Counterfeits are worthless. Tallman ft
-a ajs- -e
The Tacoma Retail (irocors' Associa
tion is protesting vigorously against
the marketing ol pnaess bntti?r.
Worth of
and b . . .
the Lest
M;n hiiH is
of how to opt rale it
accounts lor our suc
cess in the laundry
and you
regret It
If ..u L.t.n'l a regular, b.altlij tfurmmg of UM
civ T auO .-lea.lt i t" lk-
liouk Irt
sua unit
Zmt Ui Wrllr ti lite eaawpl- iJ
ktiutth Addruee
t ... inas.kl I sill ALU i
5 yeara, io, 15. S year
of Atuiiiacb Trouble. No malic bow
loag a I audi uk
will cure you.
u. .iu the weakeat atowacbs to
tnui. 1 Ins reiiiely will rcatora the
etomacb to a baaithy aud aorraal coa
ditlon. H you have been aurferiag
with dyapepaU begin takiaa this
rcusody aad aac bow you will grad
ually Improve
For eaj. by Tailaa Ce . eael U
flrat cUaa druggists, or aaad to Frank
Nau. Portland Motel Pharmacy , Port
land. Oregon. Price 9i a bottle or 6
bottles (or $5, eapreas prepaid.
A. t SHAW k CO,
W. J. fSKWKLL, Manager.
Yard on Webb Street
OfBOBite Hunt Weight lies)t
We are preareii lo luruisb anytlnog
in the lumber line aud can guarantee
urices lo be as cheap, if not cheaper
than others. We also uarry a large
line of lioors, Windows aad Moulding.
Partiee uouleuiplating bulldiug will do
wmII to am us before placluv their
orders. We also uarry
fit wood. Phone Mam Kf
Don't Pemt the Ptfth Annual
SEPT. 23 to 2.
than evt-t heforc A woihl ol fun in a week
Take u week's rest from buiittesi OttfiM, luiuj;
wifu ami obirdrea ami nj y the fnu
rVeVgner's oeJabniad ianl from Beattle will IWnitii
the nuiic all ipeek
Liberal PremiuniH paid for
In Selecting a Carpet
,, ill lei the largest assort-
t i aebst from at railing's
hire Nw g'sals here in all the
letest patterns, the greatest vari
ety and the Imst value lor the
HKHMJ, You -an Miel just what
Mm veal bare Baai juat peal "
rUa lt carpet valued
oflarad la OraBoa Wall pa
pet I ueapal than ever. The woli
lerful Improved rotary White
aeaing machine, buy DO other
until you uy i.
To make good bread use Myers'
uremiuiu at the Ohiiiaao World
Het Hour it look Bret
S ran over all uvMuoeii-
ver useil.
lion ..oil irlv, ecuelleut sallsiaetlou somas
u i. u,irauttMMl. We have the
(tolled Mai lev. Heed Bye and Bee rd lee Briy.
beet B team
iu i l l 0MM i It
UNI, uu akeiraa, walls, u'
fur wrappius uuruoaM
, i ., ..-.JUnifi Im l.iaa I
NeuvmirUrt buadlaa ol uu. Luudrad
i tt srwr. - .j. oan,. . bundle
ei in a at oaaooaiAK ofrio. fud
W. S. HYERS, Proprietor.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::: :
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
or iif ffl