East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 11, 1901, Image 2

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School will open in a few days and pan
will be looking about for clothing for theii
Boys. They should ramttnber the n
clothing house -Baer ft Daley." We have
the largest and best assortment in the ity,
our stock being new and tins vr.it a pattern
Our pricas are the lowest and the tama to all.
Boy5' Long Stocking.
We have a fine article, every p. m uranteed. Prici per pail
35 Cents.
One Price Clothiers, FwrniiKera and Hail t Pendleton.
James Hamilton l.ewtw of Seattle
defended Nordetrom and kept hit neck
from the. hangman's nooee for ten
yean, fie made a gallant tight, and
added greatly to hia reputation an a
criminal lawyer thereby. Now, an
chief counsel io the defenie of Mm
Uonaidinoa, for the alleged murder of
the lata chief of police Meredith in
that city, he withdraws from the casu,
and alleges 111 health. From other
sources cornea the aaaertion that h has
been forced by public opinion ostenxi
bly to leave the case, owing to tin. f t
that there la bitter feeling against him
on account of his skillful defense pm
longing INordatrom's case for so many
years, and endaugering the wreaking
of a jost vengeanes upon a man who is
believed generally to have been guilty.
In this caae is a vital principle in
volvad. If Mr. Lewis Urml) believed
Nordstorm innocent, he was right in
lighting to the last trench for the sav
ing of the man's life. But, if on Mm
other hand he was actuated merely by
professions, pride, all the time think
ing hia client guilty, he was injuring
society, snd public feeling against him
would in that case be just.
One of the characteristics attributed
to Lincoln by his biographers is that,
when convinced of a man's guilt or ol
the injustice of a client's cause, lie
imtaediatley withdrew and advised Mm
client to plead guilty, or, in a civil
oaae, to settle with his adversary.
It will do no harm to revive some of
this old time talk of the dead Lincoln,
even though there probably ue much
of notion in placing him upon a ned
estal so vary much elevated above h is
fellowa. Lincoln was in all likeli
hood of the earth earthy, and proba
bly defended a man just as hard as did
any other lawyer. However, MN
there Lincoln such as the biographers
describe, and were they to stand so
firmly for absolute justice, and refuse
to defend men whom they know to lie
guilty, the profession of the law Maid
be the bettor.
Anything that will enhance the in
terests of the sutor town of Walla
Walla please the people of Pendleton.
There la a very kindly feeling for that
solid little city, and hope that it may
in the future aoompliah so much of
progress as in tho past Improvements
there give pleasure here.
Bat as to a public building to be con
structed by the federal government in
Walla Walla, fjjalem or in any town of
likeaiae, there is little need for 11,
and it woeld be poor buaiuess policy
to ooastroet one.
Only upon one consideration will
such an act by the federal government
be justified, ami that is this: If it
can be shown that tbe annual reins
from suitable buildings for the trans
action of tbe buaineas of the poatottk-e
there will equal or exceed the interest
upon the coat of the building it - de
sired to have erected. Otherwise, the
federal government will be leapondiug
merely to a demand I rum those who
exert a "pull" if they accede to the
request for a building in Walla Walla.
This is not applicable Walla
Walla alone, but to all towns of com
paratively small population in which
little Isderal business is transact d.
If the policy of putting up such build
ings is to be pursued all over the coun
try, no one will fail to congratulate
Walla Walla in the event ahe secure
tbe desired building. But, neverthe
less, it is a poor policy, and is born of
the system of distribution of patronage
by those who gain places of influence
the affair- of the government at
' the would Iw assassin as a blow at his
own sell. President Mt'Killlev stands
! for our institutions, lie represents
out republic, lie is the American
people when one aims a bullet nt bill
Senator Wellington mer.lv rends
himself out of the respect ol the pro
1 nle of the nation, of the world. He
'voluntarily takes contempt for a nar
iron, bigoted, p.i-ill.iiiniioiis. prejudir
I ed and venomous person who under
proper conditions would MTOlfl into a
i murderer.
The East Oregoiiian will print stud
expressions as may lie made by the
pres- ol Oregon on the repuhi lean gov
erncrship nomination:
Portland Morning Oregoiiian in lo
cal column While the announcement
of .fudge Stephen A. Lowell 01 I'end
ton that he will he a candidate for the
nomination for governor in the repub
lican state convention next year is not
a surprise to the party war horses of
Portland, there are few. perhaps, who
were prepared for a declaration from
him so early in the game. That .lodge
Lowell has gubernatorial aspirations
is general I v known. Hi- (1 ruial eutrv
into the race so far in alva if the
nominal ing convent 1 in 1- what furnish
es the element ol surprise.
With tin' announcement of Judge Lo
well's candidacy, Umatilla count has
two republican aspirants lor governor
and it is this aspect of the situation
that is intereatiiig. w. J. rurinsh,
ex-sherift ol t In- 0 mut . who was one
of the republican nominees for pre-i
dentil! elector" lasi lal, put up 111s
rod some months ago I ins action on
his part . it i- general I-, believed, was
done to forestall the candidacy of Judge
Lowell. 1 hose who euiov persona! a
quaiotance ol the two Umatilla states
men know thai their relations are not
cordial. To what particular turn- this
falling out dates Is not generally
known. Neither is the cause of their
difference known unless it had its
origin in Lowell's failure to be renom
mate.: lor circuit judge in the I'eiidle
ton district last vear. Judge Lowell did
some etfective work stumping the state
for President Mckmlev in tin- presi
dential campaign last fall but he did
not hurt hi nisei! exhorting the voters
to cast the ballots for l uruish he pres
idential elector. Furnish was a demo
crat until IS'.io, when he supported Me
kinlev fur president.
Few' Portland republicans care to ex
press themselves in preference to Judge
Lowell's candidacy. Hi lu or lo iiarlv
leaders who were yesterday asked for
an opinion ol Judge Lowell s candi
dacy and Ins platform, few cared to
ue quoted. Nearly al declared it was
too earlv to discuss tin- matter as there
are other candidate), in the field, and
the sentiment of the pari y canuot be
known so far in adwnce ol the Hate
convention. Following are the com
uieuth made by those who had any
thing at all to say :
Judge t.eorge II. W 1 II lams J udge
Lowell is a scholarly gentleman, and
as tar as I kno w 11 I make a good
governor. I know of no objection to
Judge A. H. Tanner Judge Lowell
is an admirable caudidate, but as
there are a number of other candidatea
in the field it is dilhcult to express an
opinion as to his candidacy at this
Mayor H. S. Kowe As I know J udge
Lowell only by reputation I have noth
ing to say in reference to his candi
dacy. Deputy United (States Marshal Wilson-Judge
Lowell is a good man,
but as to his chances I don't know
It is too early to say where the govern
orship will go.
Donald Mack 1 chairman republi
can city and county central committee
As I am not acquainted with Judge
Lowell 1 have noouiuiun to express.
State Senator James h. Hunt Judge
Lowell is a good, clean man, as far as
1 know of him by reputation, and 1
think, issrhapa, he will rise up well
with the gubernatorial timber we have
had since 1 came to Oregou 1- years
ago. ho far as 1 have heard of other
candidates! don't know but that Judge
Lowell equals the liest of them. A- 1
have not had lime o consider the gov
ernorship question, however, it is pre-
(isorge Wellington, United States
senator (rum Msryiand, says he cares
not that President McKinley wss shot,
bsoause he ia opposed to Mr. McK in
lay and does not like him personally.
Senator Wellington amaaes everyone.
It is impossible for one to conceive ol
a man of intelligence and common hu
manity harboring such thoughts in his
innermost heart. And, as to expres
sing them, it is inconceivable how one
could have so bad taste as to toll them
to tbs public. No one in all the world
who feels a thrill ol sympathy, who
ia sorry for another's suffering, who
has a heart, and who loves any human
being, can learn of the striking down
of the president without feeling genu
ine sorrow, and regretting the act 01
always follow theUSC '! New
bro's Hcrpicidc, the n u w ien
tilic cure for dandruff and fall
ing hair. It jhjscss-s certain
properties that kill the genu
or microbe that causes all
the trouble by sapping the oil
opt of the hair bulb. With this
parasite destroyed, dandruff
and the falling hair cannot exist.
A thick, soft growth ol hair
springs forth where formerly
lliiii. brittle hail, or M-rhdps
total baldness held sv. a .
Olio bottle will comm. I
u'i of lis merits,
For Sal at all hirst. Class Drug Horn
mature fol DM to epress n decided
Portland Uvening Telegram Kdi
torial Kx-Judge Unwell of Psndleton
lias announced, or re-announced mort
formally, his candidacy for the repub
lican nomination for governor next
spring. He makes a number of dec
hunt puis regarding his position on
public affairs 111 general, with most of
which nearly every lindv will agree, as
there is nothing novel in them. Low
ell is undoubtedly a "good man,'' but
"there are others, anil he is not like-
to Mini it an easy matter to secure a
majority of the delegates the con
vent ion.
Telegram -In local columns -After
three months, Judge Stephen A. Lo
well of Pendleton has conHrmed the re
port published in the Telegram last
June, that he would be a candidate for
(O senior at ha next general election.
This formal declsraton, with the an
nouncement of his principles, was
made Saturday .
This announcement on the part of
Judge Lowell is a sequel to a letter
which he caused to be circulated
throughout the eastern part of the state
last spring. In this letter the writer
endeavored lo teel the pulse nf the
leading republicans east of tbe moun
la ns. He declared that the section
east of the Cascades was entitled to re
cognition in the distribution of state
patronage, ami that eastern Oregon
should be given imminence in the
coming republican state convention
Incidentally he Inquired what the re
eipienl of the circular letter thought
regarding bll -Lowell's qualifications
lor the position 01 governor. What re
plies were received hv Judge Lowell
are not known, but judging from this
recoit announcement, they were satis
Kastern Oregon has other aspirants
for the nomination, however, IsBside
Judge Lowell. W. J. Kiirnish, also
Iroin Pendleton, has been arranging
his fences for several months. Kur
uish was an ardent democrat until
1180, and in 1000, be was placed on
the republican ticket as a president i.t
elector. There are some people who
believe that Furnish has been given as
high an honor as a party can confer
upon a follower by nominating bis as
Judge Lowell has served as circuit
judge several tunes, which is the ox
tent of his nflice holding record. He
has been a Uading advocate of the in
itiative and referendum, which fact
may strengthen his cause among the
tanners There was a tune when
Judge Lowell might have had the nom
ination lor congress, but he dec lined,
saying that the height of his ambition
was to be governor of his state or Unit
eil States senator, and that nc did not
wish to go to congress, as that was not
a dlgnilied hod
llaker City Herald J udge Htejdieu
A. Lowell of Pendleton is the lirat
man to formally announce himsell.
He states his candidacy and gives out
his creed Judge Lowell is not the
only candidate that Umatilla county
will present. William .1. Kurnisli, who
By the wav is a very stong 11.411, will
also contest the nomination, although
In- has not come out formally.
II'K ru ibu people and (ha only people In tbe
" Sa'Mlerv bualneea In Pendleton thai em
ploy a lull lorce of mechanics the year around
ami make our own Sa MIhi. Harness, eti . an.!
In noi ahip tbeia Iroin the faciorlea like some
Of our eomputitora an t than tell yon they are
a. gool aa noino made; but tbey are uot
Leading harness and Saddlery .
S T OR A (; E.
Call up:
No. 5
and Sand.
Heavy Hauling
aH)-ial attention liven
to !., I ills
Laatz Bros.
! ,
Scrofula is nn unwelcome legacy, but one which
the children of blood poisoned "parrntae muM
accept, with all Its huiuili.it log consequences. It is
an inheritance that makes one poorer; thnt bring
wretchedness nnd disease instend of health and
riches, for the child whose ancestr.il blood is tainted
with Scrofula or the loathsome virus of CoBtaJJsMI
Blood Poison is unfitted for the arduous dutttl pi
III , a . - --
mc w, uinj! as an v or ne ti ansmmeii poison irmaun . ( ,
in its veins. Scrofula manifests Itself in Various tonus; swollen glands aoout tae
neck and throat, I atafTa ol the In ad, weak eves, hip lcme disease, white wel'inF
and offensi,,. sores snd abscesses nr.- familiar avliiptonst, attended ustiallv Willi
loss of strength, pool digestion nnd pate or bloodless cotnpleiion. The skin if.
sometimes moat dreadfully affected, rniptionsbrenUuijs'utomillpsrtsorOietxxi.
Scrofula destroys bone, tissue aad flesh ; no part of the human stem escapes m
WU licnn";, iicuuiiiKiiis,
nun nineteen years oia, ann nnoac on,' y
after the birth of tuy first ohtld, the srlanda on
the left aide of ray naolt besran to swell. Pour of
tho places were I ancr.it nnd became open run n , im
sores; rlaings came under my left arm, and the
dtsoharsro Was simply awful. The (tnotora said I
had the worst oase of Sorofuls they had ever
aeen. I took iodide of potassium, but tlda ivu
thn other rtruirs (riven for this disease brouwht
relief. When the phyatclnns advised me to have
he sflands removed, I decided to try 8. 8. 8. A
few bottles cured mo completely; no elans of
the terrible disease am lnrt
Oolden Corners, Ohio.
Parents w bote blood is pois
on, d by their OWB misdeeds,
or who themselves tna be
suffering for the sins of sow
remote ancestor, must re
stora their own blood to Its
normal purity and strength,
or they cannot espt't
healthy, robust children.
S. S. S. cures Scrofula, liw.e
Otht r disease of l deep-
Fcit' il i onatitntloaal charac
ter, by rcstiuitiL' life and
puritv to tbe profoundly poisoned blood, and the rich, strong blood that Is carried
to the swollen nnd diseased lnnds absorbs and destroys the ttil i 1 1 uloiis deposits,
and the painful, disfiguring sores nnd other evidences of Scrofula disappear
s. s. s. should bo begun Immediately npoo ths aupaamnea of the first symp
toms, or where thee i l l Known predisposition to Scrofula. Our medical depart
ment tvill Ik- found ot n it help to those who nre struliiig with this wasting
disease of heredity or any other blood trouble, nnd we invite you to write ua.
Should you or any mi mbt r Ol your family need advice, our .hn ian will cheer
fullv eive the Information itui , -ire, for which wc make no charge. Book on
Blood and Skin in: i fret
A. I. ArssMfsngi U Principal
A prsctlcul, pUSJUSSlra school, i-orsplcuo.is
f,,r Ihetwasti work, wttn assorsoa ..i Rrn.uinie.
In poaltli.n!. n- l,..kk. , ,.. r nn.l slcnographcr.
AlftSd) prtssd f n hlnh StSasttei wherever
known. It Mrsdlly grows belter nnd lelter.
Open .ill tin vent BtsdeatS n.tmllle.1 siit time
Meats o. i1i ISStiaCtMaii beam whal nnd
how we teach, Bad " hat II costs. Catalogue free.
Hoard ol Directors
Monuments. & 5
L tamzid
Monterastelli Bros.
Marble""1 Granite Works
We do our own work and gMfejl
tee the SUM at lowest price.
BstltMtSS lvsn on all kinds of
cut stone. Kill I stock on hand.
It will pay you to see mir work
and ifet price- before placing
fOUF order.
Main St.. near O.K. I x. depot) Pendleton
Best stock on the
Telephone OOllIltOtioil at rtnoh. A.I-
drotM Pilot Rook or Pendleton.
Chas. Cunningham.
Spokane Excursions
. k THE
Industrial Fair
M HATES via. 0. II. k I LINES
For lull particulars call at tin () K ft N. tickot cMVA
I'. 1- WAMSLKY, ARcnt.
k Sir---'
lfjj.iUj. . ' 1
at .i arue n D.i parapl
if i Hi many, n
. . . - - phlUI
fur honnflns and S)
mititlv -rrirr
fur nilmls'liili to ll
irtenttnc achool oi
, ,, . (l . and for lus.
n i h 'rw.
mnlctsly .iiipi"
hullAtna Thorouflj
Instruction areoroins
xlt. ri'i mri,
rjoeal l.il.er.ii.iriep
M rum' tiiilulns
fwrntv-three N'.'f.
fstrUnei In lyri
Isnd omee nop?,
I M a. M . ami I
. .ii at r,.r I
pill ,
, i intalnlna I
sddr as.
j v HILL, M. :
Of i? ' ,r"
Bishop Scoti Acadeiny.
A Home School lor Boys.
Military and Manual training.
Ptll term opens Sopt. 12, iyot.
with a faculty of tsjslve Staipstsal teachors
whn uii'li-rataiiil i,.v . an I lake mi lotereat Ixitli
In tin- work met III tluiy lay of pupils.
The aim of lha principal and loach la to
iloveloii eiiarai tir an well a to prepare bojm
for colluKu nn.l tin. tirofraalon.il ami liuilnvaa
aroeallona of life.
Tho tiiiliiiis are Ikiiii ihnruuauly rami
vale, I on 1 tie moat approve ! taoilvrn iiii'llnula
Sad sre lUtitivl by flvi lrlclly.
the yoiuiKtfr boy reciMTo narclul atlonllon
from a compottMit matron.
Fur llluntrated catalinine write to
altfllUK U. NKWILL,
Diiiveisitv oi Orron.
fiuxene, Oreson.
Illshoat alaii lanl In tho late. Two linn tre.l
l onraoaln Ulcraiure. .ein-,. ami I lie Aria,
riclnnua ami Kukiuwuik ami Mualu. New
buil.llua. aii.t u'jtupmeiit, .ven unit liiMlrucl-
efsinaany ' rtiiaain a.t.ie.i u library in
can Suunaar School wlib I'nlverally rodlt ;
apeeial courao for leaeai fa, for law ami
laedloal tuilanla department ol e lnealion
for toachara, prim lpal an I aiiiH-rliilrniK'Uta.
l uitiou fro, eoai of Ilftas low Three itadeaU
sranlml acholaraUlpi 111 lance unaivrn uulvur
HID, in ItsNi
Semi name to Presides.! or Uealnlrar for
i lrculara and uaulosno. hiisvuc. reson
roUNOKIt law
A Home and l)a School for (iirls
lileanor lebbctt. Ph. I.,
I ,nl,r- t., ,irl. , i.mal an I tliurouuli
.1 it ,11.11.. i., ml, mi) I with Hi,- .vaniasauf a haaltli
lul aii.l ruilnu.1 ihiui- Ir ,a-i:upiD , lar- an i at
Uavtivii iiuil liiii in tli. iiuuiu 11I tin. City Hark.
llli .,llltarv cull III .1 II,,- irrliilai'. 1144 l,,ii
iiuili' i. mttii'r uf apucial letaejfSeB Tile BSsi
' ti . tut. it., cl. .,11 I ri'i'lUtitiii r.M.iu, ,r. I ini. tint
Umreiiaiiiy veaettsssdj tad sal saassruatioii "t ih
leill.lln.' 1, iucIi l 1 it i-,rr rtailn la inoi U. Ulu ami
' " ! . le all Hi.
...iii'iii, 1,1 . ,,l , wi H ..Uipp,.. at-hool,
ii'urt l.u-illlv tin 11, nun., pilplla In
r.ivii-l mi'tliiMl, Tim aim ui tim avlioul
ronsii aii.i wait sassrsd Isssfwsiiaasi le
'in.- a, urn 11, rtliin,' ti,,. in (or . ..1, ...
luairuil, ai, Ui all In (Ii. .lu vvlopliiunt
nmaiih i liaracUtr.
1111 ukii iv nUjium r In, l:aul. A hs,
1 'n 1 maul 1, inr wnilil-
I'll .11 ..Ml M Il.l.l..l ..
Z7ZTi ,w,,i.i.i.i i4i .111,1 111
alruvtliiii iii cuaaarv Ui Uio Iwat laanlu.
r' 'irakillel Icaclur. ... III. Mlialc U
laSfT.'i. iit al.,111, aK;ctallaU 111 Art ai,l oraUirv , aJHl
aSMrsaatsaiieta Praaa dUerauu
ftot lalon a !U.,. Uir all atlilctlc Kainaa amulilu
t.. ,.i, 1,, , i, ,,, Muitoat, i.a.k tbaii, tMayclias
au iHaravlawk riuiiia. A tfiuiiaMntiii, .'aivlnu lt ia
plamisl tut ' .iiwtriKtuni, wliicli aill ,,9,-r aUll uioru
iipM.rti,mlitia lur liualUilul i-M-rcia.-Fur
illtuuati it uataioiiu apply u,
KlaB VNOH K. t BHIIBrra, frlu.
.oil 1.1
win 11
ul tni
The Portland Carnival
Don't low Matin of ItM fci that tlie I'.rtluud Carnival will la- in the
but KspoalUoa BulltllUg nnd Muliiiouiah Held adjoining, and will run
ansraooa and evMlna, from ispumbw i toOetaobof 10! it will bs oim
of tliMraiidt M exiiiwilion, tln ,.y,. , , uired on the I'aeilie t',,at and
all ind iMiie- will he reite-ieiited
Tlif re will be two full military bands, a cmpleie Midway ami a
hist f ssrH-ial attraetioiii, indu.liiiK a Military fa uuumi , AUtlstki
(iumei. Horse Show, Kireworkx, etc
All tmiiiirUtiou linei aUI five) speolftl reiiuced aafjfJL Wl exclu sion
tickets will he k id I'm xeveu dHyslroiu all point,.
Hotel Pendleton
The Pendlewn Academy
Gullege, Teaohing.
The 1 lain, , oune psjafMpsj f,)r am,
run.e to Kreiliiimn . la.i in ,ueli eol
I0M .. I'nii. eloii and KLanfortl
I ne luaututiou luv-t la-en ukoed upon
tlie AcertMlteil List l.y the (Stale IW.I
or Bduoatlon, .. thnl gmdtm ur. u.i-
BUUSbI lo itule eerlilK-Hteaj.
A busliuav, OOUIW e.Uai to tlie bl
bllslllean college , olt'ered.
Kali term bsfflna tdsptasUbsr 0th,
KBV, K. L. KtlUHKH, M. Ph.,
I emlleton, Or..K., PrlUOluni,
SHoicjr Line
Union Pacific
Tims Schsduia
Prom PsndUtsB
(t,l... a... at, -
IMrllamt W ,T ",''!"!, .K
.1?" , ... I ",, l Ka.t. mm
h X 1 1 1 )-
n 1. a. m
via Hum
Ina: ton.
l.akie haaaaaa. m
Wnrlh ii... ,."rJ
eafoaN Katt
Rt. I'alll
Kail Mail
1.1 . a. in.
1 M M VVll- t
IW I n,
M.Ka.i.Tallare,rl .'
man, Minnrapol, a,
mcago and aaii
Ocean and River Schedule
- il le in.
- p. 111.
le (. 111.
All aalllns late t,)Ki
Kor M Kranclseo
"all uvery , dafi.
Columbia Rivar
To Antorla ami v.. J
i....n' iaaaa
Ijii Huta
D.ill.i as.
Sa. in
Willamette Rlrar
lOn-uon ciiv. Noiai
Ui .
sa, m. !
Tiien inr
ami Sal. '
7 11. in.
1 aee, riira.
aSM Sat.
.l:mia in.
I'-Jrvailla ami Way
Mill Rlvari
'irmoii t ity, Kaytnn
aim WSJ hainliiifi
Snaka Hirer
Hlparl i to Uwlitoo.
Mi p. a
ait M
sal a .
r. r WAM8LKY.A.nt, l-wdUsa
Take the...
Washington &
Columbia River
toGhleauao, Bt RanL Si. UuI,,Km.
" t'lty. Mi. Ja., Otnalis,ani
All Points liast and South
fort html and polnti
uu the Sound
TIM It OAltl), ShTI KSIBKK 1, 11.
Weal lionn.l iiani A alia Wallal pa m
dliMon pmtHpokaie pin; Artltt lmnu
ii. a in . lealtlo am.
Kan Hound latavu Seallle Itlita; Isaet
1 110 pm; Arrive vtalla Walla am: riaalaM
i . .i am , Spokane ,;l i am
for luforiiialion rritanliuK ra(Sa aa4 acaav
uioilatloua, call mi or address
I'HliJlaliin linaaa
a i. OAlaDKKHKAD. Q. P. A
Walla WalU, Waib
White Collar Une
Hurt land- Astoria Koutc
Str. "Tahnnu"
1 1 m Casu
i ia,,) raual ins
leapt Sublai
i..-.. fotllaod 7 a k
l.u.ive Aaunia .,, 7 f. I
The Dalles-Portland KeuU
Str. "Bailey Gdtzert " 1 1:Z'
Vancouver, Caacade Lockt, St. lunui
Sprhua, ltoo.1 Uivrr, White aauaoa. LjU ad
TOu ha ilea.
lAjavu I'ortlaU'l
Arrive Thu Ualloa
beavu Tliu Uallua
Arrive I'orllan.t
if i in .1 ballea to I'orllainl
ranr. . I U4lie to 1'orllau.l ami rtlutn
Mualea I lie very ueai
Sunday Iriua a luaillUK laatura. Ikn aa
iiaa tlie grainlaat Kuol.t allraclloDiaaavw
1 H'ki la lor tail ii U a liotu aalf ai laaa-
ami llool Hlver
lj,n.liuK-tooiol Al.le: iuaai .
Hoth I'ni.nea Mam ill farUaaa. yiw
A.J. TAYIaDK. A(i-. AiUirat, ure.
JiHIN M Kll.l.iiilN, Asl ..TosOallawit.
WOI.KOUH ,v WYKM.alfMUa, klut uuai
I'KATilKK 4 HA UN tOi, AftaV, nSMlBBSaB
I ,. ,av avr t , V'-.. iwai MB
at. W.OHIOHriS. Al . 1'uriland. 0"
I rctlerlck Nolf, Agt., Pendleton, On.
If. a.
I- '
First Ever in Pendleton
luiMiiiTk'n i.iil.lKH IML'BLl
s i t il r I'lili'l'i:!; ON l)KAllr'
I , I l I a I a ' i ' I
MMUm ATI-AH Blasft
eaat brew of tile hauioUa "
firm; nnver here before :
. Ha-aal k. . 1 1 H AIM
1Mb Si.i:rri -
ilt'uler in
Wood and
Henry Kopittke
U-itler New (iMftftlll .nt
Strictly mu
Kxcelleot Cuisine.
livery Modern
Daily Kaat Oreaonkau, delivered by
Catmer, uuly ij cents a woek.
WLffc- saaaaaL " la .fleas. 'SBBBBBBaLaBsa.
Civp Us a Tridl.
Hdte . $2 00 a day
Special Kates by
Ween or uioutab
Bar and Millard ..: .. H adquarters for Travallng a en
The Beit Hole In EatUrn Oregon.
Van bran Bros., Props Successors to J. E. Moure
si ))
THOKOUOHNBBS 1. the k.ynot. of tbs Holmes method.
U tk. Ol,j;t o .pLl siuiulon. To ika. aairneat boya and "
mak. of them Mlf-r.ltanr busluaaa m.n and womexi la thr work t"
UoUooi has aaj doln. with frmfyl suoows, tor fourtssn ea
r ott II.I.UI II.tllaU UATALOUlk.