East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 11, 1901, Image 1

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...iiiimMi I "--
. rt fill U k III I II iu -m i ' , -gl
Ufa ii i .
? nV . m. ..Orpimtlisn lll. OtllT
ttlllacoanty fMfM.
tOL. I
NO. 42
I. . mam
The Place
To buy Groceries
g wIhtc you
can have a bin
stock to MlMl from. Call
At.. ... n I. la
me. IVIV Minn Hi
both m fancy anil staple
G. R. Demott
First Fall Announcement.
Fall and Winter Underwr
New Suits and Overcoats
"awes and Stetson Hats
Florsheine's Fine Shoes
Alexander & Hexter.
The Boston Store.
School Shoes
5 to 8 kid
i o 12 htiiivy
LS lo 2 hfltvy.
Opening Sale Dry Goods
Fine ihuM for girll 1, $1 .2o
lUOiad 11.78 ,
Strong shoes for lioys, made
like a nun v shot, $1.36, 1.50
1.75, 2.(10, llT and 2,"0.
Hi boys arc yoOAg men.
Try Dm Douglai hIk. $:;.oo
and 18.50
12 l-2c
15 to 32c values, Plaids and Novelties.
This covers the least.
This line of I'l.liil and Ninvtdtifu. rnni'i- in nriri. Imm
W I t I n . ... .
2Sl 10 win now ne oneien (luring tins sal' at
this low price.
If these don't attract you prices don't count.
i ii Ul 75 valuea oi fine plaid . novel tiei and plain
bWj, colon and plant) ol then Thii prici 1 madi foi
thil sale only.
yf 5l 1(1 s5 'altlW and I ROOd assortment ut up to-
j," data materials, not i lew piecei bui tnanj 1" thi
These are on centre counter counter, easily found
A grand opportunity to get fall dress goods.
60c to f 1 values colored and hlack novelties.
751: to fi-25 values colored ami hlack novelties
These can he appreciated when seen
The Boston Store.
What Parent
or Scholar::::
Will Overlook
These Prices
" Man Pattella..,, 5c
'' L-i Pan gc
Good Hens
hNarji Pencil. ....2 l-2c
Is to mm
Wl Straps
Nllfltt and Pen lc
Feoc Erasers ' ' ' . lc
Tabtot, Invest In
aj- lk 2c bottle.
On the Tr;i .
Sideboard or Table.
l ine chmawava if always attract
ive, and you never saw such tine
i hma otfered at such low prn at as
In our awannnt sale, a visit to
QUI sales counters will well repay
you iu the attractiveness ol the
display. 1 hen you can appreci
ate the attractiveness ol these
pric s. We want you to see those
117 piece dinner sets at $37 . 5'J
Half Your Money
jX I OR ::::::::::::::
u,d School Books
Public and Academic
rScHol Bag
sand Blotters
For Combination Folding Cots and
Chairs. Just the thing to take to the
mountains - - -- -- -- -- -- --
Next Door to Postoffice F'itr
"See Dem Freezers
1 have a full line of
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
from one pint to ten quarts, will freeze cream
in from three to five miuutes; also have a full
line of fishing tackle, hamtnoeks, etc. -See my
line hefore buying
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
A d ispatc h from St. Petersburg say
the Km-.- 111 government has decide, I
nnn Iba bnil.ling of five battleships,
Mrli of 20,000 ton.
At Omaha, Oenrge Kciihi i h. aged 22,
shot and kill mi Bertha Kirhter, hit
IH-year-nld -...! i.-wri and thon fatal
iy wonndpil hirnihplf. A ri(nl o( tht
firl to kopp a prominc to marry Kenc
i!e i mhI to have canmvt the ihootlog,
Aflnr h mii'CMaxlul trial opm of two
and onp-half hour on Tnonday, the
HhamriM'k 11 rtturntl to h-r inoorinitn.
Hit -i : en Hit- lain reai'li com-
iriK in from flip I ightdhip -van BndMBt
edly i.i.ii.. fourteen and aittaai
Thoman Kyan, a farmer renidin)
twelve lnileo MthWaal ol (iutlirie,
Okla.,' narrow! v ecaHHl BHOb violence
SiuhIhv hy declaring hiniKeli glad that
President Mckinley hal been nhot and
hoping that lie wmilddiH. 11 ie old age
alone waved him.
OaraHMjr ha carried out her pro
gram for the immediate utiject xhe
wet forth in China have all been at
turned. There were the rewrite of lega
tions, the exaction n( atonement, pe
Clirlty Mgainwt a riM'iirrence id the dis
orders, and the repayment of expetiweft.
The ast iflorts to aettle the steel
strike have failed. The general exe
cutive hoard of the Amalgamated anno
elation adjourned Tuesday night with
out accepting any of the peace proaooi '
lions that have come nulirectly from
the United States steel OOtpOfatfon Of
making auv rnpoaitinni, according
to an i'ncia siaiemeni.
Senator William II. K. Mason id Chi
cago in speaking of the enactment of
laws to prevent the gathering of anar
chists, said: "The man that attempt
ed to kill I'resident McKtnley is guil-The
tv of treason A .aw shmiid he enact- wise
ed hy the government that would pro
hihit the teaching i treason and ileal
with those gui Ity ol the crime,"
Although Vice President Kiaisevelt
Iocs imI kie it the iroverumeiit has
Naw York
They Must Put Up $25,000 to
Leave Jail.
Court in Her Opinion Has No Right to Hold
Her -Czolgosz Maintains Silence
is to Arcompllm.
Chicago, Sept. 11. Kmma tiohlmau
was arraigned this morning to answer
the charge ol conspiracy to assassinate
the president. I he case was continued
to September li. Mail (or Miss (ioid
man and the other anarchists under ar
rest here was tiled at 2',000. t 'out in
uance was granted because her attor
ney failed to appear. When asked
what she had to say to the charge pre
ferred against her. Miss Holdmaq
avowed innocence, and said the .mi
thorities had no riuht to hold her.
judge, however, thought other
and ordered her hack to her cell.
Kuffalo authorities are rc nested to
send extradition paer for all the an
archists under arrest here.
Was in Plliabnrg.
Hiiftalo, Hpt. II. 8tOM will Im un
made more adequate pre isnui tor his inediateh taken to have Kinma iold
protection than it did tor I'resident man drought here from Chicago.
McKinley. Whenever the vice presi-1 It haa laen learneil that Kmma Hold
derl leaves the oltice of Lawyer Ansley man held eight conferences last Kridny
Wilcox iu Buffalo where he is staving, ' and Saturday with si Looll auar
there are two or three secret service chists in the saloon ol Krnt kuren
men at hand to ward off auv attempt knahe, 202 South I'hird street, kuri-
that might he made on his life
At the request ot Mavor Tom L.
Jobaaoa of Cleveland, 1'rot, h.dward
W. He line, one ol the keenest practical
economists ot trie day, and lor vears
recognized as uuthnirly on ai matters
ot taxation, has just completed an ex
haustive report on the true vu lie ol
Ohio railroads. This report contains
the most astounding revelation! of cor
porate tux dodging, and, inferential!?,
of official connivance and corruption
Four unlet of kugene streets have
IMM dressed with 4ikMl ell I) I c yards of
crushed gravel at 77 rents per yard.
Next year M0Q additional yards' will
he Ued.
late Auditor Junes announces that
the total valuation of Idaho hy coun
ties, after the change made hy the
board, is 6l.l6t081.ia, as against
147,401.118 N last vear, am) a gain ol
about 14,000,000.
Colonel James liatniltoti Lew is of
Seattle has withdrawn permanently
(ruin couuael for the doftuisc mi the
Considine murder case, and his place
bus been tilled by ex-I'rosociit tug At
torney James Fi .McKlroy.
Tue utlendance at the lacoma
ai'h'iols on the opening da id the
school yeur shows a gam of 47b iupns,
or t mt cent over the enrolment on
the oiMtuiug day last year. Lout year'a
eurolluieiit on the tlrat day showed a
gain ul too over the record for l m.
hourtevn carloads of Hartlett pears
were ahipped Iron, the Medford station
ast week, says the Medford Mall, ill
hundred Isixes are Inadis.! in each car,
or s4ou Imxes iu alt, which quantity at
the price in oat of the fruit has tieen
sold, fl.M pf box, in Medlord, has
left I0,50n among orchardiaU.
Sol Li lid ley, the leading gardener ul
this suction, breaks the record with bis
onion i Top ol this season, says tbe Le
banon I x press-Advance. A piece ol
ground, J'uxl."M P-el, yielded Ii2.''v
pounds. This la at tbe rate ol 1400
bushels to the acre. Twenty-four of
the on ions
and twe.w
pounds. On,
iuclpta around
enknabe savs she went on rimrsihtv
from Olnoinnatl and .0 i n led lor Chi
cago on Saturday night. When told
she was accused ol la-ing nndicated in
the shooting of I'resident McKiulev
(he laughed aloud. "Let's see them
prove what they allege," she said.
I'lttsburg, Kept. 11. Carl NoM and
Marry liordon, well known I'lttsburg
anarchists and intimate friends of lim
ma (ioldman, have lax-n arrested here.
It is learned on what is considered
goisl authority that the arrest ot the
two men was made upon a telegraphic
request from the poi,,. department at
Kmma I mlilmaii
-i.p'i :n .i-r 1, and
inettt nig of several
house oi liordon on
There is a strong
assailant ot tin-
was in this rltv
participate in a
anarchists at the
Wvlie avenue.
suspicion that the
president callle to
of them weighed 2U
of iheui measured 1U'V
. jr-J
oui oi sons. M
Nothing tastes good. Nothing give:
pleoMUxe, Tlic tiuud is dull aju slug
niab. Tin- will i waalr Will tinngi
cauwi it i vat irritation. What's the m .1
ti i f Tba pruUahilitiea ur that Um
Sloinut b fl deranged ami tin livci III
Jr I'ic-ee s tiolilt-ii Mcdieul Diaovery
uiukaa man uhu i run and dis-
jiciUil feci like a new Im-iiik. It cure
.li .-I- oi .e aloiuucli aul oUier or-
v.Oi oi uiei niton niio iioniiioii, Mic. me
aluggiali Uvai into aciioo, ami increoaaa
tin- activity of the blood -making ghinda,
M' thai Uk ic is an abuudaiit supply of
,. ...
pure, ii- .i on,
Mr. Kdward Jacobs of Mareuav. i'rjlul
Co . lUtlutUM wriU-s " Allrl Ibrtr ycr. A muf
Icriua willi Ion uoubli '! mslarin I savi up
all hope, ul evo x i'ii'k sloiii ugMln tli laaj
dia ik r It n yui m.ilniiM 1 I- ,.l oi.il
all Ih liiiiut tliji-tois mill irtvitnl lui lllllc
rrlief After Inking Ihrrc liU In li.o.
l..i. MritKsl Uloovry inl " vial ul liu
' Plcatuut fellei. ' I am stout wml hiaity It u
due cutitcly Ui toi aaaraWrful reitwliu
Dr. fierce' Common Stina- Medical
Adviser, COOUiulllg ioo Urge pax. in
paper cover, i ardl '" 00 receipt ol
31 oue-ccllt stamps to p.' MWUa of
mailing ml) Addrc lr. K . Wcrce,
Buttalo, N. Y.
I'lttsburg with Miss iioolman on her
last visit.
Knowledge ol the condition of the
president is kept from him. He knew
on Friday night that the president
was still alive, but'has been given no
I n lorioat ion since then .
Anarchist Arraslad on Suspicion.
Chicago, Sept. 1 Kdinuml Wol
czyuki was arrested lu re this afternoon
on suspicion ol being the man seen
with uOOlgOM in Kuffalo short I ia-fora
McK in ley was shot.
Oat Was Made in Lhicaao.
Chicago, Sept. 1 1 . I'llited Mates
siH'ret aervice otlicera in Chicago, hav
ing come to the conclusion that the at
tempted assassination of I'resnleiit Mc
Kin ley was the result if a plot arrang
ed III this city, have telegraphed Chlel
Wilkie, who is now in lluflalo, asking
him to send OaOjBOH'l t'oal to Chicago
llllllled latel y . The nlln ers bclo-ve I lie
coat was made hv a tailor who lived
near the bouse ol Abraham Isaak, one
of tbe anarchists n t being held on a
charge ol conspiracy. Ibis tact once
determined, the officers say, it will be
a matter of only a lew hours to .inicr
tain exactly where Cxolgos lived in
Chicago the names ol those with
whom he associated while here, and
the length of time he remained in the
Would-Ba Assassin !waaLd.
Buffalo, Kept. II. Colgo, the as
sailant of I'resident M.hn,.y, bas
gone through another lung examiiia
1 lion al tbe hands of the polloa olhcials,
bill emerged from it wilhoul having
added aiiythii.g material to then
knowledge ot the i aae. 1'be chlel ef
fort of the deled I yes was to draw from
the priaoxier some admission as to his
accomplices, hut tie iersisleutly stuck
to bis denial that be was assisted in
airy way in the commission of the
Oaolaatn ii still kept secluded
the letei'tives are the only ones who
have access to hliu. He Is still strong
aud heallhy and eats with a will.
L ItOlgOk l a "in. until .
Hutfalo, Sept. 11, OlOlpOM smj1 a
restless uight aud had little appetltt
for breakfast. I he tirst thing he ask
ed lor war a ciagr, which was given
auB It is the intention ol the polite
to tell Caolgoa of the arrest ol iold
lii a li It is tielleveti the news will
have the effect of making him tell
more. The prosecution banks strongly
on the elleet of this informal ion
Reported by I. L.Ray a Co..
Chleaao Board of Trade and
Stoek Richanaa Rrokar.
New York, Sept. II. The grain mar
kets were strong and higher at the
Oponlng this morning OB the govern
inent report which came out late v.
tenlay, showing a condition of ft per
cent on corn and H2 er cant M wheat.
These figures mere coimnlerabl v lower
than was expected tiid corn opened
nearly a cent higher than last night's
cio. LlvtfnaaJ was ap I "'.
New York opoaad at 7H "4 ami closed
at 7rt 1-H, the apanlMfl la'ing the high
point of the dav and the close the low,
Stocks were erratic and the whole
list closet) lower. Pork cloned ft to
7' lower at lift. 721 to 7ft for January .
W heal :
Clone yesterday, 70' .
i 'pen todav, U ,
Kange bslav, 7it -a to 7it4.
Close todav , 7l 1-8.
Mocks: Sugar, ttl steel , 44 ; St ,
Paal, irt,i'4 ; i . r., 7,4 .
Wheat In Chleaao.
Chicago. Sept. II. Wheat, 7 1 to
Mr K I N I. K V . SCOT! H -I R ISH Dlt RNT.
HORN N I LBS, 0.. 184.1.
Svrvsd Civil War, Klacted I'rasldant INHH
Re-Kiactad HiOO Lawyer
hy Profession.
William McKinley is an American
.. --cotch-lrisli descent, ami was born
at Niles Trumbull county, Ohio, Jan
uary 20. 184 1 llis father, William
McKiulev, was an iron manufacturer,
and his mother's name was Nancy C.
Allison, When I'resident Mckihlcv
was 2 years old his parents moved to
I'olaml, Ohm, and he received his ear
Iv ediicttioii at the I'olaud seuiiuarv
In IMOll he entered Allegheny College,
at Meadeville, I'a., but was obliged
to leave during his Hrst year mi ac
count til ill health, l or a while he
taught school at I'olaml, and in Join
v.i iii response to President Lincoln
call for triaips, he enhated iu th
i weiiiy-t niru tiuiu voiuuleers m
aiandad by aoloaal, afterwards gen
oral, Kusecrans.
t oiiug McKiulev serveil Ins country
in the lie 1. 1 throughout the war am
attained the rank ol captain, with th
Ul I of major. In IHttli be tesigm
Now Almost Assured, Say the
But lust Nrauia Id Buffalo Until Oclobar lit,
CommaBdi tbe Doctor The Palltit
Takea Some Nourlshinenl
ll'itfalo. N. Y., spt. -At 10;)
k "r M Hnn.ey, ,.) trif, wml
IN piaaMaat'i Hanch had It mini,
as was proven hv the fact that the
stomach ha resinn.sl fc tllgeativn
" Ha said tl. prealtleut
oonld u. mnml p, WMblrafton tonight
without great .langer (I .thsolutely lie
cessarv, hut he inusi nut return there
before t kstobor I . Iiillammat about
the pres., ,.,f- W0ad has subsided,
due to the removal of the stitches.
UtW 'lie DOnsultatitin this morning
hr. Mvuter sHnl there was nothing but
go, MWI Phi nresLlent is doing
aoll iDa raort ooaAdwi loan ovar ot
reioverv rtie president now take
three leasissmflils of pure I .,..( juice
each hour.
Tbarerere Me Murdered His Wouldbe
Mrlber Arralgued la London.
I on. Ion, Sept. 11.- Iu Clekeiiell
court today Mars'tai 1-augiroi, a
frenchman, was arraigned for luurder.
it iv stated the crime waa promptud
iv an attempt of ilie victim to bribe
Pirn to kill tkacretary CnamOerlaiu.aMd
thai the dead man la a member ul
secret aociety.
his commission, returned lo I'olau
ami hegao (lie slmlv ol law. II. spent
a vear at the Albany law school, and
in 1807 was admitted to the bar.
He h.'gan the pr.tcti if law at Can
Ion, iihio, wihch .'.as ever since he,
his home. He entered politics at om
ami became an active political stuui
speaker In IHhM he was elect... I prose
filling attorney inr Mark county, Unit
in in" lie was eiecie.i to congress
ami re eleclau li IIIOMMIM term on
in wneli, upon a contesl , he was
unsealed near the end of the last ses
Sioll. He Was le-electisl in IHH4, IHHl
and isms, but iu IHIM) he was tie feat is
ow nig in no. op osu ion wnicn was
aroused upon the iassage of the M
Kinlev tarill law.
kleetad t.ovemor.
Ill IHUI be was elected governor of
ilhio and was re-clo. tod In I 'i by HO
'Msi majority. In lU2 he riueived
lMlf votes at Minneapolis for the repub
i lean presuieniiai mini mat ion , al
thoug i he was not a candidate ami
had made no canvass tor the uoiuina
lion In IHMi hi. wss nominated for
the president v on the lirsl ballot I
llie repuiillcau national convent ion
nehl at SI. I.oins, ami be was olOOtOU
over William J. Hrvan hv 271 electoral
. ityes lo the latter i, i,,. popular
vote was . in,!! lor McKiiib.v am
H,HOt,m lor Itrvan
II yents ol I'resident McKinley'
nrsi term urn still Irish in every
i. dv's mind. I he Npauish war, th
COaiiOa 01 forlo RlOU and the t ' J 1 1 1 1 1
pines, ine leinporurv proiecioiate tis
tablishetl over Cuba, the strengthen
ii.g of tbe gold standard, the return ol
prosperity, the extension of our mar
kets abroad, all there made his lirsl
term memorable. He was leiioonual
eo in itaaj uy act iiniiai ion ami was
again Oppoaod by William J, liryan of
Nebraska He was re elected by 20
voles in llie elettljral college to loft
cast for Mr liryan. Ilia poitilar pin
rainy at the polls was .2.241. n
largeat ever receive.! by any candidal
for the presidency. He was inaugural
. -I for his second term on tbe fourth f
Man i, last
I'resident MiKimey's projected trio
through the south ami to the I'acili
toast last Ma, was interrupted at Han
I 1 aic in o hy the serious illness of
Mrs MiKinley and the parly return
ml lo Washington without visiting the
raiijo noriiiwesi Mrs Mi-Kmley's
health impfovi-l ami In July Hit: presi
dent and Mm McKinley left Washing
Ion for Canton, where they spent the
greater portion ol the summer. I hey
went lo liuttalo lo visit the et position
on Wmliicailay , ami I hois. lay waa
I'lcndeiiCn day at the m position Mr
McKlnley's speech was one ol the si
notable and important utterances ht
bas ever made.
a.., nine Use ot k-Bay.
Uuttalo. Seut. 11. Dm. I'ark aud
McBuruey held a consultation this af
ternoon aud decided to allow I he pt
tdeut to decide whether the in, ap
paratus shall be used or not. No aer
loua complication lias aet iu and there
is uo need for tbe machine.
Maw r ... s Mewa Oureau Ma koine In
side loreroiatleu.
New York, Meut. 11. a local new
bureau iu uioee touch witli llie steel
oliicials say tbere are trust amrtliy in
diuatious that the eleel strike sellle-
.... .. i near.
Old Met atari m. Work.
l. he. spoil, ,S.,pt iJ So attamnt
was made ibis morning to start ih..
si... I department of the Nsinuisl lube
plant as announced yeelerday Kires
were 'irawn last night ami the men
sent home Strikers are out in force
tbi morning.
Amalgamated Wen'l Talk.
Pittsburg, -lepl. 11 . Amalgamated
olhcials this morning refuae eltuer to
. on 11 1 111 or di.oy thai Shatter I work lug
toward a eoltlement ol Mie strike
li.dleatloni today are Thai Ra.ovary M
Almott ClUalOi
Batala. lopt, II, I a. at, The phy
sicians' bulletin say: "The praal
dent passed a very cmnfurtahle night.
Pnlw, ISO 1 1 pantoro, iisi j, rpi
ratloa, 2ti. "
Bafalo, s,.pi. II, la. at. -The lal
lowing was lauad I "TI resident
nwtod ntortahly during the night.
Dooidod lo ui iii nllovad droning ol
the a I ii Bih '. stomach
I ''critics I I pine m ail I this ia
taken with great satisfaction. Ilia
condition this morning is excellent.
Palaa, lift) latapwotvfo, uto.a.
llultalo, Sept. At ..' 20 o'cliH'k
Mr. Mllbara i"'i the boaai Mnoklng a
cigar and smiling pleasantly. In re
spouse h, 1 1 1 1 r 1 .h regarding the (ire
idofll he -will "lie is rusting coin
fortahlv, doing as well as could he
ei led . new developments 111
the case. "
llultalo. loot II, I: 0 . m. - An
ottelal ballot In is m h Fha presi-
.lent BOntlnaOl to gain and the wound
II becoming more healthy. The Hour
Ishiiieut taken 111 th -tuinach is being
gradually increased I'ulse, 120; loin
peralure, 100,"
gfaataor rvorUI This Morning.
Hull.tlo, Sept II. - The prealtleut
Ih is morning appears to have aultere.1
no ill effects (rOM last night' minor
operation fur relief of intlammallou
around the oilier Wound. The presi
dent alks far lea in the sick naiin
than many supiaass. Weather contin
ues lavoiable for the patient A cool
breed, wa blowing tin morning llr.
KllOt Mid alter the Hrst bulletin waa
issue I laat night that the uperation
should fause no appreheiisuin
Beautiful Skin
Soft White Hands
Luxuriant Hair
Producad tiy
aaalalaJ by CutUurm Ofnliuanl. W
beeaulifviaa Ifce ahia. tor t,Uaaeiar
Hie atsalp an J the stopping o ftt
Jag hair, for aofiening, n nttawloaT.
and auolhlug rail, rougli haavtle, htf
baby rash, iuhiugn, aavii chal
lug., and for ail the purpuea f tW
loitat, oata, aao amraao
ul wonsM waa Ctrl ICI'I
1.1 1. u i..r mmmavlmm Irri
rUmuiatiuoa. vmvorUUom. or IM
waainM) tor taVaratlvo weakay
aud tor mmm aaaMtlvo. aat4
turwm which raoillly oh
free or ultamlvm
reree to Land at Mlo Maefaa.
Washing ton, Meut. :!. A dienatch
(HMO the United Stains consul at Car- A epecial tommiitee ul tbe Lewistou
acas aays: "The Venezuelan navy 1 Litv majucii fiaa reiRN'ted in favor of
preparing U laud a force at Kio ilaciia, redjeiua water rates l k per cent
Colombia, lo asamt tbe Colouibiau re- Tite beld ti.st tiie unmpauy araa reap
y.dulioiiieta at Uiat place." I iug exorUitaJit .roiii
voo to snail aual
CmMVill TrwUskSl Srsr varjr Wm taser.
Oioi'Mi aki-, to else use taa kJH ur iruM
keaUs. aud uleu Ilia llil. kene.l uuMaMb
aid I 1 11. 1 a. Iiimiiui ui luklaully alias
Boalug, Inrikiiiiiiklii.i., n.l iirllalii.il, aikfl
ats.ilie aud heal, ami ( i ru)i ak HaaoLvairf,
aU COOJ IMAtul LAataaiwkadU kaM) lijgiaj
re with Every Order