MONDAY. BEPTKMUEU tt. 1H01 Something new In ladies' and men' rubbers Thoy look neat and give good wear. ft CLEAVER BROS Practical Boot and Show Man. HRKVITIRS. Jm. A. Howard. Farm loans. Tablet, pencils, inks at Nolf's. Martin baa two delivery wairoriH and your goodi are delivered promptly. For flrat class rigs or a cab at anv boor telephone Depot stablon, Klvm Craig, Prop. If you want U set. a nice linn of wall paper and borders do wC. C. 8harp, 'cur! street. School suits at discount of 10 per cent during this week. Cleaver Brothers Dry floods Co. Smith v Porter have lought Allen Bros, business and have removed to their former office rear of Pendleton Havings bank. . W. R. Witbee is agent for the Do mestic and Davis sewing machines. A full line of supplies. Repairing a spe cialty. All work guaranteed. Norris Silver. North Stratford . N . H.I "1 purcnaeed a bottle of OM Minute Cough Cure when suffering with a cough doctors told me was incurall. One bottle relieved me, the second and third 1 1 most cured. Todav I am n well man." Tallman & Co. The Artisans are to have an ojmmi meeting on Monday evening next .it LaDow hall, the ttth inst. Kev. Dr. Grannie of Salem and Hon. s. A. Low- lel of Pendleton will deliver addreaHe. There will be an interesting program. First class music. Everybody invite.1 At bed time I take a pleasant herb drink, too next morning I feel bright and my complexion is better. My doctor says it acts gently on the stomach, liver and kidneys, and in a pleasant laxative. It is made from herbs, and is prepared as easily ax taa. It is called Lane's Medicine. Lane's Family Medicine moves the bowels each day. Price 26c and 50c. For sale by Talman A Co., sole agents. With every pair OF school shoes We will give a neat box containing A pen holder. Two pencils and a rule. just what every boy and girl atftdl The Pendleton Shoe Co. Wm. Friio kai.h, Manau i Now stationary ami labiate. Noll's, Vegetrtlilen of nil kinds, nice fruit , at R. Martin's. Aroinii Mffea, lit'sl on the tnnrUet, at Bawlay HroH. Scotch nntf and all kind- of mush at Hawley Bros. $1 shirt -.viust, now -t. I'l-nver BroH. Pry Good I Oo, Nicest eastern hams ami Imcon the city at K. Martin's Swift's preniiuni inline anl breakfast bacon Ht llawlev Itros. . Late Orawfotd peaches, line for can ninir, at llawlev Itros. Mchool handkerchiefs, Ic each Cleaver Brother- Dry Woods Co. Best school hose ever sold. L'.V pair Cleaver Brothers Drv Qoodl OOi First class wheat iiasture for cattle anil liorses. Inquire of IVtei Watt, ror house mm in.: see den. l.lev or leave order- a: Newman 's I'igur Store House and lot (r sale, corner LIN lith and Railroad streets. Inquire of Win. llirkcv. Dressed pottltfy, vegetables, fruits, and a flue line of fanc ttris'erles at the Standard gorcery. Ilous for rent and furniture for sale. Applv 701 Post, eorner Webb or postollice. Wi P. Pell. Housekeeper wanted. Covered wa gon and two horses for sale. Impure at K. Martin's. Lots '' and 3 in block 140, Ueserve addition above, st. Joseph' academy or sale cheap. Impure ol Peter West. Block 3 is a daisy, street all around it, very cheap. Two lots on corner, two block- from bridiie. I.. T. Wade. Nolle can tell von a!! about it; ho has Schlitz Milwaukee beer on draught. It is alway- nice and cool. For rent seven room DOOM furnish ed, with bath room, for seven months, from Septemlatr 10. In. nitre at this otliee. Stansborg llro, bae op, Mini the howling alloy in the basement of the ilendrick' hiiililnig him will run it In first-class shape. H. Martin is up to dat in the gro cery business. If there is anvthinu you want in his hue that he hain't in stock he will get it. ill!- morning, a larmer who was leaving town, drove a heavy team ol horse- at a last trot over the Maui street bridge. The line i- flu. Kural Spirit: forty head ol horses mostly runners were shinpeil irom tin Butte meeting to Spokane where thev will participate in the races tin-re. Conrad I'latzoeder desires to sell his residence i.r. ,.rt two lot" '.ell im proved, corner of Webb ami Clay -treet- at a reasonable pri.e oi .-, term-. Lost Between Pendleton and Moiin tain Home, two rtillor-tii huggv wheel-, color green Any per- n person (hiding same will receive re ward by returning them to tin- OdsM A never tailing run for cuts, burns. scalds, ulcers, and sore" is DeWitt's Witch llael Salve. A most soothing and healing remedy for all skin al ections. Accept only the genuine Tallman A t 'o. hural Spirit: The new hall mile track at simkanc i. a:,l io i . .,n. oi the best in the west. Under eight in ches of clav loam i- a four inch laver of cedar shaviugs, which give- the re iitiirou spring ami the result is very gratifying. Thu county court this morning grant ed the liquor license petition ol .lack Touilinson of Umatilla. Little else was done other than the approval of a few hills. Thu court will probably adjeurn this coming evening until the next regular term. The man who orders his made-to-measure suit Irom us is saving nuney. He is paying a lair price for good ma terial, good workmanship, together with a lair profit to which we are en titled. That's all he does pay for, too. There are no fancy prices here. We don't charge lor oin name Alexander A llexter. Thu woman's committee who solicit ed for the Y. M. C. A. fund are re quested to meet at the t "imiiercial As. sociation rooms tomorrow afternoon at ' o'clock. Women who nave paid their subscriptions, may have the money returned to them by calling at tbe association rooms between tho hours of j and I "'clock. Mrs. ('lark, head of the i loak and dress department ol the Peoples Ware house, has just Ht line: iron, the east ern markets She has been absent for several weeks, thoroughly aopuaintiug herself with the latest styles in wo man's dress, lie fashions in vogue in the east Mrs. Clark found to be much as they were last year with a lew ex ceptions. The raiuv da Oxioril suit is much in use, hut is not worn with a plaited waist. The prevailing styles I in coats are the -J7 ami 'Js-inch for or dinary wear, ami the tliree-ouarter and long Uaglaus for dress. Mrs. Clark lias announced that the tail opening will take place on Saturday of this week ami .Mondav oi next SCHOOL BOOKS IN HAND PUPILS THIS MORNING WBNDKD I'll HI It WAY TO THB STUDY ROOM. Here sntl In Walls Walls Pall Terms Be gin Today or Next Monday. This morning school began at. the Pendleton academy, with bright out look and a bimxI year promised. The teachers were all in place and the at tendance good. The total enrollment was not ODMlnabIt owing to the hnrrv of the llrst days doings. The public schools begin on next Monday morning. St. Joseph's academy's school year data! from September last Monday, and up there all is bustle and hurry as the voting neople settle to the work of the winter. The normal school at Weston opened today, with bright prospects. At a meeting in Milton to consider a high school for that town a motion was made to adjourn which was seconded and a vote being taken the meeting Bdjoarnad without date, thus bringing the business to a decided close before many could real l.e that things were diiing. This practically closes the matter. There will he no high school during the winter, and what, at this time, seems an unnecessary expense to the district will be averted. The Milton public schools will open on Monday, September HI, for the win ter term, with Prof. T. C. Salt a principal. Prof. Salt comes highly re commended as an instructor of wide experience anil will no doubt prove a valuable acquisition to the public school- oi this place, says the hagle. Upsnlnx of Whitman. St. Paul's Episcopal school in Walla Walla has been opened for a week, and Whitman college begin- the fall seme ster on Wednesday of this week. Con gressman V . L. Jones of .North aki- ma delivers the convocation Tuesday evening. Key. Dr. S. B. L. Penrose, president of the college, was rejsirted to be con sidering an offer of the presidency ol Williams college at Wilhamstown, Mass. Pro. Koss lltatton ol Whitman said regarding the report: I're-nlenl Penrose ha- I n ottered the -anie position in three different college- each with a salary of $40 a vear, ard ha r. lu-e.l in every case. "I have no doubt he would do so in tiiis one also had it been offered to liim hut I hardly think Williams would make that proiiositinn to anyone were thev not ure ol it being accepted. "Therefore I have serious doubts a to the truth of the reimrt at all." President Penrose when last heard from wa at Kaitem Point. Klmde I-- land, working on the f'J5,o00 collection lie e-arv ! -ecu re the A0,(MKI Pearson donation. He is not expected home hen. re November or December. BRISB0 ARRfiSTfil) P0R RAPI; Furniture and Undertaking. WILL HI BXAMINBD TOMORROW F0RB COMMISSIONS. BK- Says Charge is Part of a Conspiracy by Hit Wife to net Dlvorea. Bd Unsho was arrested last nigh I M he stopped off the train Irom Willi. Walla and taken to the county jail. A complaint had linen find agaittM him by J. liniment for attempted rape on less than Hi-ycnr-old girl Inula Hin- niont. The examination will he he1 tomorrow afternoon at '1 o'clock before United States Commissioner John Ha I ley, jr. Brishn still claims that ha is inno cent of the charge and that it is a MMI spiracy hatched by his wife to obtain a decree of divorce. He has employed District Attorney llailev toi'etend him If Brishn Im proven guilty, he wi hang, for the crime oi rape under the federal law is punishable b death, II the crime be cimmitted OB territory exclusively under federal control such as reservat ion-. The Racord of Monday. Chaa. Siiiires, who was convicted hv the circuit court for riiie at Athena and .1. .1. Hriel tbe lorger w.-re taken to Salem this morning. 1 hey are in the mated of Deputy Sheriff J, A Blakley. F. W. WAITE won V.EDAL Has Now Hold It Four Times -Hamilton Sseond. A fair attendance was at the regular BOOth ly shoot ot the Pendleton Sports man 's MQCial ion wheb took place Sun day afternoon in south Pendleton. Kverything was favorable tor a good afternoon's sport and tin- events passed off sharply. There were 1;; shooter entered, some of whom were new men. f, W. Waite won the medal again with a score of 1 11 killed out of a pos llble IM In nle. which gave bun an average of 88.8 per cent. D.J. Ham ilton as a close s ml v. ith 88 ont of 107, an average of t;.'J per cent leav ing him onlv .1 per emit behind Mr. Walti d& w IS, i 1 AH J fC.eK- li VI, -4 Ml BBBB1 r aw. aas mi tlin manv nice I li of the liirt- liiiruains In Uncle Sam: 1 Btetr toward Lftdar'a Furniture Store, cornel 1 I A tl : Mniii :nnl w eoD mreeie, ren Mfik dlfton, ( iregon. wh I'ilot: "Why gothtre?" 1 . . r i Uncle am: uecause ne has tin. liip st line ol v urmture iiii - foiiml in hasteni wregtni want to feast our and secure some ;ii we urniture raationi g offering." ( lorner A. RADER. Main and WeM. Htrt'cts, School Books Exchanged We Hike the old and give new one- Rl PIII0MAL MKNTION. home School Books lr. William House returned to lleppner this morning. lolin Smith is down from l.e (trow 'a sheep camp at lilack mountain. Misr semele oroateof pokane is the guest of Miss Flora llallock. Mrs. .1. K. Slaughter is here Irom hale to obtain supplies (or the winter. Mrs. Herbert Thompson t Uaker City is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Kust. T. 11. Wells and family have return ed from their summer's outing on the Pnper McKay. Mr. and Mrs. V. Y. Shuck have re turned irom llingham springs, where they spent the summer. It .1. Hean and family have return ed from Alba, where tliev have been luring a par' of the summer. Mrs. .1. S. Matthews and Miss Mabel Mattnows are at home ..gain after it two weeks st.iv at llingliiiin springe John Wheeler, formerly court report er here, has organized a class in short hand and typewriting in Haker City. Maker City Herald: Miss May Ki- pie ol Pendleton, a visitor attending the carnival, is a guest of Mrs. Uutler. K. If. Conklin. principal oi the Pen- lieton scohols. has returned from iiis summer vacation to begin the year's work. Mrs. J. K. Krause and daughter I tse have returned from California, where they have been for several months. . .-el Cohen went to Portland Suudav night to meet .Mrs. Cohen and accom pany her home irom a summer spent on ruget Sound. Mrs. Augusta Kimball, lady com mander of June Hive No. 10 laidies of tin- Maccabees, returned aturdav evening irom a visit of seven weeks at Hlaiiic, Wasii. Douglas belts, president of the sheepman's convention was in town today. He has returned to I'ilot Kock today and will go to the convention at lleppner on Monday moruing. H. II. Kd wards and Miss Lillian M. Nichols were married on Sunday evening at M ..' Pick at n,.- ; tl... ; bflda'l mother on Water street. Kev. i ti ' a a . . iv. n. tv.iug perturmeu the ceremony It. C. (lUernsey and family returned home Sunday evening. They camp ed twu weeks near A Ilia, where Mr tuernsey in partnership with Kobei watt owns a stock ranch on wind they hate 1U0 cattle and 100 horses lhey attended the roundup while Mr. (iQerusey was there. A Bicycle Man Advised the ptfople of I'en dleton to hns- their hardwiire of a hardware store, their drv goods ol ;i dry goods store, etc. He Was Right A man who expends his on -trgiei in one direction la more Competent to satisfy your wants than anyone else. Remember this in buying tea and i-oll'ee. Owl Tea House. Stone Jars 15c por gallon. Half price. L. Q. FRAZIER, School Hook Agent and Distributor for U mat ilia ('ounty Hooks especially for INmdleton Acailomy now ready. .cv Goods Coming 14 line ivons line f .sponges, tablet!, pencils erasers, etc., otc HEATING STOVES Ihtfon ptirobuiii coma and look over our large and com pli!t line ol heating stoves which wc are Mlling at a ver) , Kure HANSFORD &. THOMPSON, Tho Leading Hardware Ulan. gRING and price of us in your old School Books to we will allow you one-half the the new books adopted by the Oregon Lumber Yard WO()I (tUTTKHs For hams sml dwelling Cheaper than tin. Lumber, Lath, Sh mulch, Buildiuu Paper, Tar Puper. Lime and Cement. AlouldiugH. PickiBta Plaster. Krick and band, Screen l)oois& Windows. Hein and Doors. Terra Cotta Pine Borie & Light, Prop's A!ta St., opp. Court House. MARBLE ako GRANITE & MnainuruTC iTiuiumui iu. &- r 3LsssBslas-T, Monlerastelli Bros. Marble" Wc il ir own work m:il trmiruii. MM Ust MUM at lowest iirice. I'.Ktliu.tleM t! 1 veil 'HI all klllilH of cut stntie. I'nii HtiH-k mi baadi It will pav vnii tn mr work itml (fet prii-es lielore pliti-liiK your order. Si.. lien 0. K. I N. dtpot, I'cii.lictori state of Oregon for the ensuing six years VVE are headquarters for all School Books used in the Public and High Schools of Oregon and all kinds of sup plies of use in the school room Our prices are right and the same to all TALLMAN & CO. Leading Druggists, and A Stat loi ici Booksellers, News Dealers 653 Main Street 100 Alta Streetj Arrivals at Hotel rsndlston. .M I Marcun, QaittgOi Joiia Crews. A A iSiusheiuier, I'ortlan.l . .Mrs A M (Jlark, city. K A I'enii, Boston. I' simlts, Kpokane. i Wahiiusu, Portland! Mrs K A tstailord, Dulles. Miss Htaffonl, Ualles. G S Vuiiuguian, I'ortUml G W (isle, Hot Lake. Iaioii Cohen, Pandlalon, Riobard I Cox, Huftulo llomp. B H rhoinpsoM, Chicago. Arthur A Kice, New York. II II Kees. Mien Irene Strouif, l'aleriiKi. William Mufir, I'alerue (' l smith, Palermo. Martin Murray, Louiavllia. Kiluiuud Hray. .1 C Kv.11, Chicago K V Ulakley, I'oftlan.l. K K I'etersou. (' s Downer, ISpokaue. Thus A Taanart ami wile, Chicago. 11 SIcDouahi and wiiu, Wallowa Bdn in Kioii, La Granue. M H .Macklin, Portland. A V ralan, New York. J A Allison, Portland. W kunU, IWtlaud. .1 K Lathrop, city. Low Hale to Spokane. On Wedneadav, Sunieinher 11. and Saturday. September 14, the O. K. A N t o. will tell tickets 1'en lleton to Spokane aud return, includiUK a tic k et to the industrial (air. fur In rm These tickets expire September lti. otner seliiiiK dates, (September 16, lli, in anil Al, On I rnlay, Hpetember 13. the round trip rate will be li.ft(J tiokets good until September 17. WI are tut) pouplu mi, I ihu uuly people 111 iliu ' HaiMlsry Iiukiiiu.. 111 I'eudleluu (hat em piuv inn lore.' ol iuo limno ttic year arouuS H U11411" our own iw,i,iia, llarueaa, eu i 1101 11 1 1- mem Irom t'c- Iv lunr- lik Uil ome I oui ('oiiipelitorii u ilien lell you lhay re (wi mm uouie uj((i ; uui loey are uot JOSEPH ELL, Loading Harness and .Saddler TRANSFER TR LJC K 1 N(i, ST OR A n K. CR0WNLR & SON. The Portland Carnivai Don tlOMltafa of Um hel thai Um I'.irihui.l Carnival will is-in M Kx,Hit.,i BuUdlngand Multuomali Hold tMUohYuig mA wUT jMwnoon and avouliur. iron, in uifKitobar it-! it win u- 11rr.1l on the Paolttu ..r 1 1 ... .. , 1 1. . 1 . w, mr HKIKiir-.! 1 "H llillt all iuduitrie- will In- ri-pni-uleil Then- will in- two full military bands unit ot ipaoiai attractloos, luciudiutr '' Horse Slum . l-'ireu.irks afa All iraiisporialioi. Unas will give i,t reduced siou tickets will i- go,,,! fr Htvoa dayaTroni all i Ill Hie run one I loaol . mill U eoiiuilele Mi, I VC II V It 1 1 1 1 II a Military rottnuuoaat, Athlotte r.lle null Pree Bus 'H8i til Trtlg, Commercial TradeSol Pine Sample Special Attention 0,vtn,( Country Trsds, CONRAD K0HI.FR PR km;: . Mo.d by JOHN m The Louvre Saloon PKNDLsrrON il The Place to Buy:: Is where v..ii ) wltl an.l cheap priest. Put u your order lor htsailer tdi wajer tank- ami fsel rvu Hest line of liuinlior, Lath, HblngltBoili iii' jaH)r, Tar paper yLoiM and otmrat, I'icki N Plaiter, Brick. Sand, Moulding ScrtHtn I )oors A Windows, BBSs & Doom, Terra Cotta ttpt. tadleton ItaiiiR I LiiiiiIrt lard. R, FORSTER, - Propnel Call up. No. 5 You get Good Beer. When you drink PILSNER BEER. hurintud not to cause headache or diistinflfj The Columbia Lodging House gfWLY KURNIHHBD v 1 . vN ' "N N K( "I'D 1 N KNTKKOK BLOCK DKI . Al.TA A WKHHSTH I . X. SCHfcMPP, Prop. for Wood, Coal. Brick and Sand. Heavy Hauling KaiwM-lal atu-ntioa r" 10 i .iiiiif umesli. Laatz Bro J it, mKm iuarauu BBBL. .BBT IKI.Kr-IIONK MAIN . CURE YOURSELF! BERK I m .li.: U for UULsllUfU 'lift hurgi'n, lUlllsMUUistllvUa, uritssliuua ur uK-rttoua if UlUCuUl lueuibf aUi-s. atattia aaataflo. I'inltart, an I m, fcalriii- Of a. lit in fliin Mfapvr truss. irruaiJ. Un i.uu, .-t a ImiUm. 12,76. f'iicuUr a-ui uu niqucaa, Farmers Custom Mill Prod Walton, Proprietor. (Jspaotiy, lou bsrrels &J. siuur oicu.uiwi lor wheat, riour, Mill 1, uaupped VesO, sic., always Ask for it. Schultz Brewing Co. ELEY Has the following bargains :t2o Acres Wheat UndJlSOO liost Stock and Dairy Ranch in Caiiiaw l'raric, (.'lu-aj). Good House, H 4q(S !OjQQ Very Doiirable Very ( 'heap. Buying a Gold Briok. - 'in)iuiiu. r. .ultlLs llicrafmm la "Hi.l wh... tt. ' ""t'V" "".'fUM,i,0,,,r - .1011 1. amiiiable. h'sidcuce ..Ork. tn-ea nan ,,,1 r u.trh "gin su.l our arQal S,u tlai) NfcAULE BROS. Also a lug list ol county property cheap town and Help or Situation Wanted. C. F. Cook's Employment Agency Corner Main ttuii Alta (Street. PJkNDLKTOti . ohkuoN FOR SALK 0 -XCHAMl A N ft W SIX H0B88 IQWstJ Uus susiue sad ail M?gJ3B '"V,- ..(uresis l-.lll- liaugt 1)K. W. Ulllhllllkl Iclcpliouc 7, .1 ,:.IU IIKVIl'K w. 1 r..-, i. a urhi. ,ourt !.-- I) ui w uiui iiST il I). 0KKM ot Firsi Kaitoaa c' s. m.; 1 to s p. w DK. 0, J. BMITH, OKKI08 I'm lull. 1, ii navnw. Saul roal.louce Wleuuouo J. U U HA kk' Kl.ll 1 - v TeIpli"i'B ic Physician " ' ""VZl ,,a - - Hull. 11. ,K Usuce, black it . .L.rl : I I.. IflLLKK, M "'..T1 1 . ... truuuH' irwala au.t currocw "r i-ouauiou. au.t '"'''Y'variun ur.ilN.rl ntlc.l lur rc u.mW 1T.ABH DK. 1). J. sri-ai ".. jtf Hull blooa ici.-puuu. phuue. lilact io 1 ... l5 OSTKOI'AIHI- ,'tn.0',r,.S.l mum aaroi 1.1. . Ml.irM .. . TT. L-ji.lik' IS OK. I.I NN h. ti- ami iic-iv.iu. .li-at y..u rfi. Iluu. Iluuil. cor SiUtmU Uiu. lire. kuil"' J 1111 HI l b. 1 ' A"" . 1 Jfl AKCH''al sal ........ .I.. , 1 ui.iti r"L,.a ."T. , in a" T. V- UUWAKH ... 1. 1. Dlaua lor a kooui 17, JuJi' SHKKK A ' '"-' biill.iura h.uuiai ...... ...II . Bhop 011 Blufl strsol. ucaM" 1 1 iNTKA A. mai. yyZmMd ml ...v.'TKAt. D uiaaoin y. tern can b MAY.!'" lhhudUI sr I loll sl l'n litraaa Ika .101 Kal' US oaNTist, VAIIUHAN, 01 at A. ,.. 1. ..1. 1 HuilJiua k. a. MANN, UKNTlgjy! ...... D I ' 11U1 Diwai -