1 Shoes for AT PRICES To Suit Anybody. . . SCHOOL SHOES. In Kid Calf and kangaroo Calf. Ne w ISM, welt soles, best to he had. All sizes and widths BrinR in the children and have then shoe propcrh fitted as one-third of the wear is in the fit of any shoe Shoes misfitted yet out of shape, run over and rum the shape of tin fool LADIES' SHOES. We have just opened our fall stvles in the FAMOUS QUBEN QUALITY SHOES price $.? in Enameled Calf. Welt boles, met kid tops, Mtenl leather with PrMCH heels; also Kiho kid with French beelt; in t u t dressy and as durable a shoe as i shown v anyone in the city at $4 to $5 I on't fail to see them before biyin We warrant all shoes bo1I and invite comparison of shoee ami price with any store in eastern Oregon. Our ruller stock is in our store ( unte ami look at the new things in ladies' rubbers. S n-i hingetyliefa CLEAVER BROS., The Practical Boot and Shoe Men PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIHAV. :i'TKMi:i:r 1901, HRKVITIKS Jan. A. Howard. Farm loans Martin baa two delivery wagons ami your good are delivered prompt I For ttrat clase rigs or a cub at uuv hour telephone Itupot stables, Blvio Croig, Prop. If you want to see a nice line oi wal pan--' and borders go awe C. C. Sn.n . (,'ourt street. -nilth V Porter have bought Allen Bros. ' business and iiave removed to their former office rear ol I'eudh-i u. Savings bank. W. K. Withue is agent for the ! tneatic aod Davis sewing machinea. A full line of auppliea. Repairing a I eialty. All work guaranteed The Artisans are to have mooting on Monday evening ttosi al IjIHjw hall, the Wtb mat. Ml ' . Orannia of Salem and Hon. - lei of Hendleton will deliver ad Irei- -Tliere will be an interesting prog run First class music Fver nody uivi tod At bod time I Uki a piMoaaut herb driuk, tb uext morning I (ed bright aud my complex mu is better. My doctor aaye it acta gently on the atomach, liver and kidneys, and is a iloaaant laxative. It is made troiu lerhe, and m nreitaretl as easily ur tea. It is called Lane's Meliciue tajo'l fMnih Modiolus movot the bowels each day. Price and AO:, t-ur sale bv Taluiau A Co.. I School B1 RING in your we will the new and price of state of Oregon for the ensuing six yeirs. are headquarters for all School Books used in the Public and High Schools of Oregon and all kinds of sup plies of use in the school room Our prices are right and the same to all TALLMAN & CO. Leading Druggist. Btsoksellers, News Dealers andJStationers 653 Main Street Everybody Hrop into Nolte's. Call fur Scblitx lieer. Vegetables of ali kiuils, nice fruits, at R. Martin's. Aroma coffee, best on the market, at haw toy BriNt. iMld oats and all kinds of mush at Haw ley llros. fl shirt wuistr. now 4Hc. Cieaver Bros. I ry (imalr I'l.. Nicest eastern hum- and bacon it. the city at R. Martin's SwiitV t reinium nam. und break (ant bacon at Haw ley llnw. Lute Crawford (mac lie- tine tor can ning, at Huwlev liro- 2Ac aumiuur gomls to route at l-tv nei vard. Cieaver Bros. Iry IkhhIs Co. House ami bit lor -un ruei l.il lith and Railroad street. Inquire of Wm Hickey Bioek ru: ts a daisy, street all around it, vet. cheap. Two lota ou corner, ! I oi kr from bridge. L. T. Wade. I ..i rein - .-even 'oom house lurmsli ed, with batn room, for seven mouth., in -epiemlwr In. In.j ii ire at this office K. Martin is up to date in the gro oary buainoaa. If there is anythiug you want in bit Hue that he hasn't in slock he Brill feel it. Many phyiciuus are now prescribing kudol 1 'yspep. u i ore regularly hating found that it ir the Intat prescription tbog MU write because it is the one (grOPOratiOM which ioniums the ele ments necessary P digest lint only some kiiijuof food hut ali kinds and it then -fore cures indigestion and uyspep-.u no matiur what its cause. Tollman A Co. Books old School Books to us allow you one-half the books adopted by the . j.a ... e- . 1 1 III XltH StrfPfPl- V V m m w V Stationery anil school hooks. Noll's. fn ilink suits, lew 12.08. Cleaver Bros. Iry linml Co. First class wheal pasture (or cattle and horse. Inquire of Peter West. Fur house moving see (ieo. Kiel i r leave orders at New man's Cigar Si n Midsummer sale of wash bikxIs, one half prion. Cleaver Bros. Dry I MVI.IP CO. Pressed pouitrj , vegetables, frnits, and a line line of iancy groceries at tlir Standard gorcerjr. Lots 2 and 3 in PtOOk 140, Reserve addition aliove m. Joseph's academy 'or sale cheap. Inquire of 1'eter West. Itauil and kcliv pleaded not guilty to tfie charge of robbery liefore the rirenit court this afternoon. They will be tried during the regular term of circuit WMl in October. There will be a special meeting ol the woman's auxiliary of the Church of the Redeemer at the church immml iatelv alter the evening service ton gl.t which begins promptly at 7 :;I0 p. m. Lost Between Pendleton and Moun tain Home, two robber-tire huguy wheels, color green. Any person person rlniling same will receive re ward by returning them to this oifice. KM Darling, lull' Howard St. Port Hu ron, Midi, writea: "I have tried many pills and laxative but PeWitt's Little Early Risers are far the best pills I have ever used." They never gripe. Tall man & Co. A about s o'clock last night the hand came out on Main street near Hie I'endlet n hotel and began the regular weekly con ert. One number hail b -en played when the rain began to (all so Heavily that Hie band boys were driv en to shelter. The concert was not finished. It will be a relief to the minds of the people living near the railroad i track to know that the gravel trains have finished work in this iinmedia.e i vicinity. The O. K. x . Co lias Ihmmi graveling the road between i e-c and iayuse and at night, the signal whistles ol the trains have caused f'en dleton eiti ens a good deal ol unrest. Wenion Leader: The s etie of activ ity at the new normal school huildlB 'has temporarily- etideil Tlie eniiio forie has been laid off for a day oi two on account ol a delav in the r ceipt of window framea These hao i iieeti ontereil in plenty ol tune, nut lor some reason are not yet in evident-. Wciia Wa a "-tiileKmuti 'I ne Wal-'be nr. i saioon liuin of niauv mouias our- at 'on enoed yeslerdjy a ternno.i, woen ' Sain Asli wa. grunted a I 'cense to en- i duct SL'oon io ' oat place. A pet -tion K;;nd by thi-tv resiJun's was tiled With the con a - coniuiis.ioners objecting lo tiie - name m the I 'cense. 1 here will tie a football meeting to night at o'clock ui the council chambers. All who arc anyway iator t Med ill football are requesteil to nt ! nd The purp.ise of the meeting is lor the organization uf a team. The local players are desirous of getting un early start an that tney be in at the tin lab. w "I i; s. MKN TION . China iioiMlles at Ooedecke's this evening. Mrs lis llMMa Iiun ri.lnriiM.I Irom Hidaaay springs. Hit. W. H. llabb returned to her home in Lcbo this morning Frank Light's new house has been cnuipo uh! and is now being BOOBS ... W. Ii. Butler lias left lor spani'li tiiilch. near Anioue. Wheeler coiiioy. Mrs. Lot Livermore is back from Portland She came on this morning' train. Misa Harriette Thompson went to We urn this afternoon to visit Miss Christine Porebstel . l)i . Win. House amtej IfUBx He, p. ner Tbursils'' evening. He leturn home on Salu da.. Weston Leader: Rev. R. Haireave and family left Wednesday lor their new home at -eattle. Mrs K W. Viucout returned laat uiglit i rom Tacoma w oe re she nas been spending me su miner. J. E. Piersul of Kilter, tirant coun ty, left here this morning for an ex- tended i-it ;n Ku.i.ur Mrs. Lillian J redericks is a visitor in Pondietuu today. Sno is OB tbe way (ft) IB Htdawoy to her home in a eslou. Jerry Mono, the well known farmer of the Athene neigh tmrhood, is lu town. He will return borne on this ii iter noon's traiu. A marriage license was died at the clerk's office yesterday. The parlies concerned ore Fred L. Raytant and Hullie M. Oibbou of Alba. Walla Walla Statesman : J.l. Kirk lund of Milton, mho had a purtiuu of ins tongue removed at Walla Walla hospital Tuesday, is doiug nicely. li.i M .se one.- ami Blanch Mays of Lostllie are tlie gueele ul their un cle, W. H. Fowler, l'hev will attend the Weston normal school thin yesr. A teleph me message wa. received here today thai Chief bd Bri.bo would arrive in town on the afternoon tram He has been iu Montana lor u week. otto A. Hauerhacii, pBolaOBOf of elo cm ion mud rhetoric in Whituiau Bol lege, passed through here last night on bis way to Walla Walla. He hu been apeuUmg the summer in bal: Lake. Tbe Rev. John Warren, who has been a guest at the vestry ot '.he Kpis copal church fur a tew days, left for Baker City this morning, where he will orhciale on tbe ooBjing rtuuday in m. Stepbeu'b church. L C Prestuu aud sou, Will freatou, Ktaried lueaday ior Lu Aogeles, Call I Mr Preston lias invented a touibiuatiuu well drill aud reamer -designed lo facilitate tne drilling of w ells aud leeaen the cost -tpat from tne appearance of loe mudel should certaiuiy prove a treat iu iprt vemeut oi. the pieaeiit luetnud West, n , Prof. U. W Muni- cal, bo lately resigned the chair of scieuces iu the easleru Oregon state normal school, is now city koperiu icnduut of public acliuulsat Paris, HI., a good aised city near the Indiana Hue Prof Muuical's valuable work iu tn school nere occu. loued much rearet at 1 mam . wot ... a.- . ...wa , uui , dbi ' 11 . irieud wish him well iu hi new field Dr. Rosalie Slaughter ol Ly nch! uig, Virgisia, arrived in Peudleton on lat evening's nam from I'ortland, and will make a abort visit with frieuds here Dr. Slaughter ba iust ietui ti ed from B throo years' re, abroad, arriving in 8ai. Frai iruui China and ludia a lew day ago, coa. ng troiu that uly lo "end eion She koeut i-uoaiderBule of iter time kg lue govetuuienl huapi a. ol tiermai, , Kusaia and ludia lo better hi tier ior tlie pi acme uf bar profession a a suigeuu aud physician. Sue is eu uuU) lo ner home iu i.'-iuia, wheie she will visit ior aouie time beiure de- cidiug upou a MMjatiuu, which she tbinks will be weot ol tbe Rockies, aa "'Je more li.au pleased will, lb L particularly with what iie na fcBJiJ o( Uraktuu and California Athena Personals. Athena, Sept. II. Ira Kemp and C. A. Barrett, visited llelir We,,ne ' day. Mr. and Mrs C. C. Sargent went to I Wsila Walla this evening. H. B Allen was in Walla WalU Wednesday. Will Wells. John Ktes and .lame Feeler are Pendleton visitors today. Kd Mti"hy who ' a been a resident of Athena for the nat fourteen vears. halt -fterday for the Orande Ronde va lev, where he will locate in hnsi ttv . Kd Zimmerman was a Walla Walla visitor Wednesday. Jehu Hrinkly of Pendleton was here v dnesday. Will Knox of We' 'on was hereon Wednesday. W. H llawes and wife returned home Wednesday from an onting at Bingham springs. Born. Sunday, September I. to Mr. an. I Mrs. WtlldBaandert, a son. John McLean ol Peml'it ti was an ti ena visitor Thnrailay. Kil Rush shipped his hie threshing outfit to nave-port. Wash.. Wednes day. He has about eight W'ek' threshing con ra'td in that, Mfb boT !iool. Mrs. O. M. Castleman of La 0 ItHlt is visiting her pan- ns, Mr. an. I Mr. W. P. Willnlr , here Hill k William Willaby letumed Tuesilay I from a visit at the hOfM of his ifangh- ! ter. Mrs. F. M. Knowltni. at New pott, Wash. Miss Alma Kirk left Wednesday for Portland where she will visit relatives. 1 Mr. and Mr.. C. Fish were Mil- I ton isitors Wcdnesdnv. On Tnes.lnv ti e fi-mnnth-old dnnch ter of Mr. and Mr. .'paper Bell died. i'he cause of d"a h was rbnlera infao- turn. Mrs. A I on so I.eRoy who las con ducted the F. neb resfaiiinut here for 'the iiast year, nei r mpauied bv her famnv, left lor North Vukima. WtMh., i tP.wl 1 .1 III I... r-f illl.'Pil.lt , Miit-rt- . I't-v will IIIHKV their fntnre home. AN 0RI0INAL BEAR STOKY Col. J H. Rsv ' un in'. On For the Bast Oregonisn Readers, .lame. H. Halo and fimily have Just returned from Flv Valley. Union county, whoso tbe l ave been on a ten clavs' camping IrBOOslOB. Mr Ralev aavs that In enj .veil rare sp -n dur in tne niontitains and that the latl and game that he jng ),,. P(11V found a i could use. Amon bis OSfaoriofOM at F'y 'al ley. Mr. Ralev has a be r nm- I'ne l substance of it is that he killed an enormous ciiinam m Iwar. When he found tnat tin. clnnutnon was deal he started utter the gib and killing that, he went back to look for the hear aud found that it had enti.elv disap peared. Thinking that the cub would at leust prr ve a good Mory, he return, ed to the spot where he hail lett it. and to his intense d i .appointment tbe cub also had gone. "That is why," ssv. Mr. Ralev, "1 didn't bring a huge bear skin home with me. ' ' TH HOSPITAL IS ASSURED sutar Slaiiilaut Hat ths Coroplsl Ai. thorltv to Prooaeu With ths Work. Com mu n leal ion ha been received at bt. Joseph acsdeuiy from sister Stanislaus regarding the' new hospital. The bospi al hoard at Philadelphia ha entrusted the matter entirely to her discrete u and has BBSidod to fur nish (he BOBBOBBrjl fund over snd above the I'KliKl Imw u: lined. It is e.lliuated that the hlilld'.ug nl.il. com. plete will cost somewhere between 1)0,000 and 116,000 Si.ter Stanislaus left Philadelphia ou Monday ami is paying visits to the mission at Raw lins, Baker City and La I i ramie. Sfie w i'l probably srrlve hee some time next week. ENGLISH MADE "a CAP i IRE Roars LoM Htavtly Nssr fstsrsburg in Killed. Wouudsu ano Ciptursu. , Mlddiebur, I 'ape Colony, Sei.i. Col cuhell a co uiun ha.- captured the whole of LoUor'l commando near I'et fsnhsrg. The Boer lost VJ killed, 4h wounded ami 109 taken prisoners. Two hundi ed horse were al" 1 captured . Cspiurso son I oiamandants. Louuou, se.t ti Lord K tihener in iMOfrnBg BboBbII'i mmbbh at Peleisburg syr C'ouiuiandauls l oiter nd Breedt, IWQ Bold cornet, and oue Itetileuanl are among the captured Rritiafa iu. unities were ten killed and Oigbl wouiuled He also report three honored Bier crossed to the south ide of ihe Orange rifBf on Thuroilsy and that the Bri'i-h are in pursuit Athens kxamlnaiiont Atbena, 8ept. tl. On Friday morn, ing, September Li, at t' o'clock', exam inations will be conducted in the 4th, Mb and 7tn grade. Thi is done for Un reason that school closed last year before final examination. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Miller and son returned Irom Portland luetday . Mr. i .uiuer anu uu hpeiit lau week at the lcoat. While iu Portland Mr. Miller purchased a large bill of furniture for hi Athena sture. Mr, ti 0 Ochuru relllinei Wednes day fn.iii a Uiuutl.'s vist wan relatives iu ihe Willamette valley. ADuueisd Leaders Bstura. New. York, Sent. l. A siMH-isI to the Heiahi irom Key Wet ssv: thir teen uf the ab Hicled leader of the Blriklaj cigar makers at Tuiia, Flo., have e in tied . . om exi:e. 1 uey arriv ed en a smsi. o ut Hcboooei. Ma i 'Milled ou a bal, en, linii'hsl.i'eil ikie .1 Him eo. at of Houdurss. Inev bad. bv e.i . oexoe led 'uiu of fuuuue, eec oeatn i mi siarvatiou. J tie su . oi Hie. el Wasliiu'' on DBtfB iu- i'i i .ed t he L uited Male, district at Um ay at Jackaouvlile, Ha , to make au iuveii"atiou. A rw Maliv. Kmploysd. Tbe i .in Oregouiau i iu receipt of B letter ( f. W. Vaille, asaistaut auperinteudeut uf the railway mail service. Fort laud, in which he .i.u. kllUt M .lidlkl HHI u - M.lli in .1... I - -- - - VSB... .. w .'..... iu im text of a recent interivew printed in this pajier. He said: "No native re employed in the Pb 1 1 1 ni.n.i,. 1., hmulLrU k - - u,i ...i ..:.. ..I l.n.ri,..,, L,.. make the distribu tion We hove tut 10 clerks, about a mny a there ate Americau clerk, hut tbe. have never been employed iu separating o a 1 fOBB the Utes." J. F. Mahuii say that beeves are 111 tine condition in Haruev valley, that bay ia plentiful, aud buyers are al residv ou tbegruund. He say the geu eral outlook lor a guud fall market for all kind of ttmk i good. The Brit ish have bought up about all of tbe cubby tmreos for the Suuth African war, and that uotmng but good huraea remain, a eel the scarcity ha raised the price. Assspl Ih Protocol fukiu, Sept. ti Ths foreign taiuis- tel have BBBBOIBd th- Uiinorial edictH aud arrange! lo uul tomorrow. sign the peace nroto COIN! MOM SOLD YACHT Sssilcknsia Was the ftasion He P' Not Keep Craft. Londor,. Soot, U.-The Far of Craw- (..,.1 k.. lion . it the anx.'iary ni-... yacht V.a. -a' r nwe.l r anTI I'oi'e'e.s Boni ck Cacte llm Vrlhail. i" bei't the Count ' ano. Ml hv ihe Coon' rn Coomess Hen ,i,. c ate I ane in 1MB. it wa sold al t ie n ne lo It one O r raot of toe .o rt anion ns verhlman bol his OBI W mnste uscea .1 tv to ea.icKtie n Prv ren e h : n om ne's nail" ns "je in - - r h f earr. m I t or a p , fi.v 1- Oil a . Be o e hMi? bou iv the C.t.n '-wie.- the Val'ia !.t i'ongeil to I i re. en k l.svc an me:i .. ... ,n Va. Y rk barb .r OHIO I- ' " " " I t toe t me of :li nice. for in" Amen-ta'-cnp la I ween the Vi kvne JII an I le'e..der Tr... . h Will I O'll l l' V eo.'t 'i-di itm o l.i.es v.ssei .f her ik r ' i.i tee met Id," mil deeem's ;. ! most en'irr'v en her seia. She was leOBvtra ed -n i92 ano is a very ha nl jaome ship. Ut llMi o ner l ow M eg 'et-pe- Ullf irtMl Id She I . ,,,,,,-.1 an is 2:t H :ee' ve - icet beam and m.7 -t l e; ih. Her llOW I is'.i eat long and her mainmast lit o . OEOROE O'BRIEN PROTESTED When Hancsd That H Will Innoesnt or Murdsrlns tlvon. Rlf rr Olson Seaille, Sep', ti Helails of tne hanging of Heorge O'BrtOB st DbWBOB August lo have reached here. At the t ine oi the execution O'Brien m de the fol lowing ante-mortem di clBfBtion : 'Statement , (if . O'Mrien W. II Bleecker, bis advocate , Angnct tj HBJl.-l denv having murdered Freil H ( lavson. I.miii Wall.e Relfe or one Olson, a charged against me, and for one of which ni orders I am o n demnixl to deato. My defense as writ ten by me an.l delivered 10 one Oeorge, to tie puhl isbed, true in all particu lar. 1 make th is deelaraf inn as my last statement on I he dav orevious to the day appointed for my execution, und I "pn Nut wiih sll my jsiwers that 1 am innycent of the crimes charged against me and that I am to suffer for the deeds oi other.. t.KO O'BRIF.N. "W tnesses: GEO. H. TWBBDT. John CONNOR." Bl .ins Not lo Ba Anntxsd. New Whsiconi, Wash.. Sept. rl The repoii .e.it out (riim Vancouver. B. C, .jiioting Knjrinoer McAr hnr of the He oiuion hni.nilarv oniinissiiin, as say -in i hat "The reiivev of toe irlerna . at hi.un.lsrv line bet weea this s'aie und British Columbia might result iu placing the greater portion d the ci'v of flame. Woih., in Canadian l-rti-lor ,'' l said to ne the IMBjl MSB BO iu.'. Ibo boiunlcrv coniiuisrions of ne ino governnieiits ore charge i si'n i'lv With Hie work of selecting tne line in ) laces wneie the lapse of year hss deinsi '-.en it, snd hey are ves ed wi h lo iMiwer whatever, to mske a new mi. vey. Sullsn Takt Nsw Taek. Constant inople, Sept (i The ultaii ha taken a new bMB in 'he effort to get .un uf the i)uatil If w ith France He is uow trying to deal dirctlv with the Free ti danuant, hoping thus to depiive PrSdOO of its ground for act ion Mlidorary Carried Away. Boston, e.'. The women mis sionary reported in the dispu'chc last ii'gt as ha vug been carried off by origands in Macedonia is Kilen Stone of Roxbury. Mass. She ha been in Macedonia since 1878. Wat a Famous Prosecutor. Ixmdon. Kep. H. -Justice Murphy of tne Irish supreme court is dead He was the crown BTOBBBBlOf of tbe fa mon Phoen x I'aik muruer tl la's A never tailing cure for cuts, hum, scalds, ulcers, and sore is I eWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve. A most soothing snd healing remedy fur all skin el ection. Accapt only the genuine. Tall man A Co A Bicycle Man Advittd the people of Pen dleton to buy their liardwure of a hardware More, their drv jri ii it I 1 a dry ";xd8 store, etc. He Was Right A mat) who expends his en ergies m one direetion in more couipeiont to satisfv your wants than any.. Kemeinher this in hu' aud coffee. iig le.t Owl Tea House. Stone Jars 15c per gallon Telephone 72. ALLEN BROS., Wood and Posts. Ue.iMirwt erompi:. fnett BBaBS rirand 1 1 lauiuiarack I ,..1. ool uloe ud dr OrEc rear of Saving Bank . PKNIll Kfi ' 'KKliiiM a ful: uiak. uui in.,. ...r"' "Vb.uii.il,, ,-, ! . .u.y luoui iruui IUk mU mm A Ol UUI ,'uuilKil.Uiii ....1 .Z. . I'I'wii.i; 1 u Lomu uuAk : b.,i ,h. i.0 bul Ih.v .,m .... JOBEFNELL. 1 - mi ST. JOE STORE w .,11 u'i tarn !.i i It 1 .in wiiK PALL GOODS. Cheapet than ever 7 showiog tin- LARGEST arid BEST SS0&tb5 STOCK of GOOD IN UMATILLA COUrS New dress rooiIs, notions, hosiery, corset! ticckwrar. hanlkerchiets. line pearl (km? t;loveB, tho, prettiest line ol imported yi,t VfJ! fof ladies in the city. W'r have ' . tt!in. .veils " ' " " ".su iu-w, iirtfi.. lailK-i. " " 7"" '", 01 11110:1 Po not loret our til(.)( I K as wc sell the best RTOCCfies at all times. LYONS MERCANTILE CO Furniture ana undertaking, mm m m . . sb1 -vsy h - 1 eyes on tin1 many nice furniture rmtion of Ihe rare bargains he is offering Corner Main ami Webb street!, School Books Exchanged We take tin ilil ami Live new DM Half pre. L. Q. FRAZIER, . . ' , . . . . . 1 11. .... .1... i' . n a Ir I 11.. t 11 11 . ... a i KiinK.s vi let iaiiN Kir 1 1 n !! 1 n '.nicinv 1, w hv (i(M)ds- ( orninr a fine orftvonc The Columbia Lodging House NEWLY FURNISHED BAR IN CONNECTION I N 'ENTER OK HI (i K BUT, ALTA 4 WERR HTH F. X. SCHEMPP, Prop. Wliolenale lealer in . Ice, Wood and Schlilz Milwaukee Beer. Henry Kopittke What Every Farmer Must Have tutu JJtfW.1 "1 '"If "hUoai. la a moo.I ,::" , " w"ii I n atoiigLlou rarm ?uV..,c.r.Mr,"tht'rUfll BsriaoU, auj ,1 NEA8LE BROS. Farmers Custom Mill WaiUrs, FroBrlstsjr QBBBBMs;, IB) ULmia s a., Siubi ii u.umwI Wr .Lu.i SW Mill esi r.umpumi immi. u... aJwkj a .rr r m i.-1-.inr I'TAKTMPvt I ...... w; v 111 in 1 ''W... .-1.- aJL i:i'lt'r s h urnitur.. ii Main and vVebb strvet. rreooo. "Why v4mm lie e 8m; "htm lias tlif tl lit -St lina rvl' L" .. 1. r Iti ne liilllli 1 a in Kasiem anu we 'II want to k Mini j A. RADER. line I "Hi; of tablcu erUecrri A NKW SIX HuftSK I'.l'.l... ..." .J rice, ur will virlisufr lor niris r..ii.i.-i..ii Mrictii fHIMlUil in- w u 1 tiLK. orriil p ta. IvlrplluDf T, t. k . LIT U II ul Fir.i N.nuckl Skit s. m. ; 1 10 1 p m. li; ... - MIIll of rlil ! I'tu'il.iuii riarlsss fMai s r. ..i-u , u .ipliuui 1 H. h. 'iA KKIKhU. M. II jj 1 , las and utita M .1 itlu Klr-)tl0Dr 0B si dSOl ' I. ' -' Ml 1. 1. hit. Jl.l..hWU ih n,l . .irrr II rSl UtaSS 1.., 1,. .u.l uiM.rnl MSB) in .,11 I " l" 1 I .'"st iw rvisicaw jilt. II. J. M f ACI-. HAW" nou blix'k 1kssaat B. bllUU-, bl.! 1 141 OBTIfcOFATsill HM K. .... B kiyr. o" l uiu iiur Hi:. l.l'NN K Hl.lKt-U anil uroiu aftfUUBIIfl "l HOI.' lull. OfS, AgLMirHlti kss It r 1. Unii'i all Al maiiij Xui Wai- !-! ..1-... ... i.niid'iiai II Us 1 1 Ko 1: Jwl HSUH IrJKfsK bun-ltrt lit. Jul! ..,rk . mmz ai,uj( un Blutirisii.e l A. iKlr M A V OjBTj . .... 1 -' , ilcLI Ski .lislUiolkS1 pwrtev l i I iiHAS l! K A IB J .M Bulidlag a I UKATIK l).i Mviugi Bau. MSBS K. A Uul HANK llfcNW rf I I u li, the lolloat AMI Auret Wli!l Raul Stuck and A in OaintJ fm nl Very lTt py I Ihtsf bi If 1 Also Ml I count) prefeBl ka .t