East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 05, 1901, Image 3

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i I
r. 1
of Summer Goods.
Remnant Sale
CommencinK Honday, Sept. 2
Dress Goods, Wash Goods,
Table Linens, Muslin, etc.
isand ends of Clothing, Shirt
Waists, Underwear, Wrappers, etc.
cnt-Price no object W must neve room
ltThnto mods.
w - ,
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
Itoke to
I .MM own.rt T.itlfv to Th.lr
He "tlJ ; r 1. A:B.r.
: V . . h.n,l..lli.-
. , ti ....,.., ,v Vn:ll
ptnprriy . thr
nil ' TbO. 1 "T
. . i It.. -..,tt UBil
. mm mm " surprise-, uu .-..--
"... tOMki 10 thr donors in trw
.. ti . . ..aa n a
ord. Mf. rxarr.-i.
. L. .1 i.ri-riatn.n. lor.
ma I n . p emeu i , ,
... ... ..chairman 01 thr city
, b i t . mf niiiii".'
r r - i . ...
bwdJim th paving or Main
uid tt the ' HJB
.L. ...L . . .... Lit,..
to jt naiint me wra ... -
it citr inst.! H v cnntruci.
W Wiii.rd of Wall Walla was
. .... Tiiuailav
ri;:..u. in.'" ' ...
r Willlim Hrw-erwr If" TMUI
M. I ' I I . . ......... I IU1II.
u tor wii ,n .-
.. , , I . I .. l.i
tlr a" MM "II nniiiwi...
li. aea. an.l dauirtilt-r
Ui Miller of Wrstoo wan an
i fwttor on I ursday
Ttouuntt Sam Into Kail.
It? iw a Isr.- tiumbrr o( poor
.:, w - ir kh'I
! tub (OQtbi are urged to go to
rl;mite. Iim"; Ivan eulf
I Kmg'i New Iiiscovery for
uMioa will rure vmi at home.
till Ml infallible taadlcioa lot
colli, and all throat and long
oo eartti. liir urn uoae
Rsrtltft. Aitouii.iiuii i-aroa result
snittent ue rrial li i ! -
iiiTillratn i Co. 1'rice Sue ami
Ktrr bottlr Ktiirantee.l.
. w - -JtrS
llirwWiuilB raw Feat of Oasoltn
ill not be a aource of uiach
di to the ritiieu of 1'endletou
lUriuv moruiin! and tind that
itfu part of umu liaii entirvly
uft Hit- lace o( the earth
Itaabetoo late lur the tuavor
Ion ntacil to enfori e the hinld-
nil briei ftruiturr .urtirieiit for
I ChAkM . SI- 1
;aything in the
iFr .a h .. .....
- . luDVTUr
i "'"rajie
licwfkr and Optician
,4HlJMaaUr .ud Uaiter'i
the ftorairi' ! the Mmi.lar.l Oil unn
line tank. Only h- long ago at W.-.l-nemlay,
a iiiiiiiIht ol .la Imilt a tire
within eight or ten leet of enough gar- .
OliM to lilow thenieelve and a good
portion of the rotnmunity into etern
ity. They did nut know, of eoiiree, of
their close proximity to another
rorkl, hut that doea not alter the fact
that gasoline i a btftl Htploti. Ho
bo are iroutantl found lighting
matcheH againct the oil saturated
hnilding and throwing them careleBS
ly away, something should he done
and that quickly before disaster occurs.
City Couneli Will Act.
The matter was relerretl to the ordi
nance committee last night and will ba
acted uon at the next meeting.
H Kpt Hit Lag.
Twelve yer(i ago ,1. W. Sullivan of
Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg
with a rn-tv wire. lnHamniation an I
Mood poisoning aet in. For two years
he suffered intensely. Then the heel
doctor urged amputation, "hut", ha
write, "I used one bottle of Electric
Hitters and l' holes of Buckleri'
Arnica Halve and my leg was sound
and well aa ever." For eruptions,
ecseoaa, tetter, salt rheum, sore and
all blood diaorders Electric Bitters
ha no rival on earth. Try them.
Tall man A Co. will guarantee satisfac
tion or refund money. Only 51 cents.
Carnival at Portland.
The hnsines men ot Portland have
fluhacritied 115,000 to guarantee the ex
pense of a carnival to be held in the
exposition building from September 1
to October 19
A notable exhibit of all the indus
tries of the Pacific Northwest will be
made in the big exposition building,
and athletic exerciaea, a horse show,
and a military tournament will be
Lei. I . n Multnomah h.-hl lj mimic
I Two full military hand have, been en
gaged, and there will be many tine
features in the amusement line.
The carnival is in charge ol a com-
' nntte. comprising representative
l i i. : i. , ! i
ousiiieas men, oi winco urn. cwni
ummer is president, I. N. Fleiach
ner vice president, A. B. Kteinbach
treasurer, and J. D. Mann secretary.
With such men at the head of the
affair, the carnival i ure to be well
worth visiting. .
Titer.- la murr alarm lu tUI, wcliuD uf (be
countr) thu all otUvr iIikuci put tuartbcr,
and uuill tie lwl lew jrsa.. It wa. .uppuMsd M
br iDi-urablr. for a irt-al mauy year. ductor
prouuunced it n Pa-al 1im?m? aud prewrilwl
,j. .1 r. til.-1 1.-- melio oti.tauily lailittK .
i-'ire wltb lis nl iruatiueiit (iroliuju. ft It .
rural. It a. leiue Ua. preveii ealarrb to be a
et.U.lllUlluUal IIM-ae. all ! tle relure requiring
iraaim.m Hall 1 aurrti ure,
J ' 'l.ele A I " 1 "i'-'l '
i . : hi . :. cure un lur
internally lu duae. of Iroiu
Sinful It acta dirretlx "li
Li. urfaf of tbv .y.tm
red dollar, for auy It
I r eiri ular. aud Ivatiui"
Toto. Ohio.
Mold by druggi-t.. 7 s .
Hall rauiiTy Pill, are tbe btl.
Arrival at Hotel Pandlalon.
Mrs M Warner.
J K I.athrop, city.
W K ileruf inning.
ieo Steven.
A L Siuous, Portland.
A Watt, Portland.
( has Hiom, Duluth.
v Ewing, Weattield.
Aim Kirk, Athena.
Menrv Dechant, San Kram HO.
J B Bac-he, Seattle.
J I 'avis, 8an Prone.
I A (Joull, Seattle.
O W Krack, Walla Walla.
S Hams, Portland.
H J Man, city.
T O liubow, Chicago.
far fcal.
1U0U acres of aumuierfallow, j acres
of atubble wheat laud; all implement
aud atock neceaaary to work the land.
Inquire of Purl Bowman.
leu dr
by t,
(Mi 1 aud mu( .
Lifter oue huu
Lo cure. Hen
Kmdiag gent 'ctiien s aud ladies' gold and silver watches,
r'Po' all kinds, ernngs, chaias and great variety of Jewelry
M told at extre.nely low prices during the month of August,
gl early for the bargains.
P a most complete stock ol furniture, linoleum, stoves,
'X,t0ck,tr and cw?
""sior plumbing and (inning given prompt attention
Joe Basler,
Main Street, Pendleton
leave youk okdeks with
us when in need ok any
thing in
(jran,teware, Tinware,
miilders' Hardware
plumbing or Electrical
Opera House Block.
Portland Ravlaw Glvat a Bearish Cat to
th Market PredieUng
Lower Prtee.
IVndleton, Sept. 5. l ocal wheat at
4."c or thereabouts sells alowlv. farmtrs
demanding .V)c for No. 1 cltib." Follow
ing early sale but little urain now
changes hands.
Bearish Portland Whsat Ravlaw.
Portland, Sept. 5. -The t'ommetcial
Review say:
"The wheat markets .luring the past
week have been rather xjuiet and there
is nothing new in the situation sittce
our last review. There is MM selling
oing on, hut not enough to cause a
flutter of excitement in wheat circles.
Farmers' ideas of values are too en
hanced to permit any activity: verv
few of them are ready to sell, a most
ot them anticipate t'tmt they will ob
tain 80 cents in the OMR try. This
means from 60 to H5 cents iter bushel
in Portland or Tacoma. We do not
see anything emouraging in the situa
tion here that will give them these
figures, in fact, it looks as if prices are
going lower. The cargo market .luring
the week daollBWd id per quarter and
the freight market advanced for a spot
ship Is .id. Foreign markets are not
firm, aud we are guided here on the
roast by daily cables of the situation
abroad. This month will see a niim
tier ot ship in Mfs, but the exporters
have plenty of wheat for all chartered
tonnage xlnrim; September aud there
will be no delay in loading them as
soon as they arrive in. The activity
in dispatching vessels will lie in Oc
tober and November and by that time
wheat will I'e selling quite freely.
Whether the hour mills will be heavy
buyers of wheat is problematical, as
the outlook for this industry is not
very promising."
Wheat in San FranelMO.
San Francisco,, Sept. 5. The wheat
market here continues verv .lull and
there is hardlv anything doing. The
strike has hud a severe effeel upon the
shipping Lusiness, and the clearances
for the month of August have been the
small. st in the history of the trade.
There are plenty of vessels on lierth
waiting to i.e loaded, but labor i im
possible to he obtained and exporters
are doing nothing. Sales are very few
and can only ie effected when wheat
reaches tidewater. Stocks are lare,
hut not large enough lor the number of
vessel in port. Exporters are buying
in the interior of the date and storing
wheat until same can be used. Price
here show but little change. No. 1
California shipping is quoted at ttTc
per cental; milling, fl.0".' to 11. OA, ac
cording to quality.
Rastern Livestock.
Chicago, Sept. 5. Cattle Receipts,
20,000; market pinie, steady, others,
alow; good to prime steer, 15.40 to
fi.. . I ; poor to tned on,, , M.H 1" 15.30 .
tocker and feeder, i.'i! to4.'J6;
cow and heifers, 12.60 to 5 : cauner-.
fl.50 to 12.50, bulls. 12.25 to 14.50;
calves, t3 to 15.75; Texas steer. S.78
to 5.
Hogs-Keceipt todav. 25,000 tomor
row, estimated , 22,000 left over, 344 ;
market active 5c higher; mixed aud
butchers, 15.35 to 6.80; good to choice
heaw, $H.35 to fti.90; rough heavv,
15.90' to 10.30; light, 16.00 to $6.75;
bulk of sale, 16.16 to 16.46.
Sheen Receipt, 22,000. market,
stead ; 10c to 15c lower; good to choice
wethers, $.;.25 to 14.10; fair to ch in e
mixed, 6.85 to 3.75; Western sheep,
13.25 to 4 ; Western lambs, $4 t j 14. H5.
Wool Id Boston.
Hoitoo, Sept. 5. The wool market
here show a quiet tone this week, 0
far a the takiuif of large line i DOM
, emed, hut Hie smaller operators are
in evidence, ami nave picaeu up con
siderable wool. There i yet a con
tinued absence of speculative leeling.
I'erritorv wools continue to lead in
the boaiueac transaction, strictly tine
wool continuing at about 44c and 4c,
with tine medium at 40 to 43c, aud
strictly staples at to 44c. The
movement in fleece wool continues
verv uuiet, with price unchanged Aus
tralian wools are 'juiet, with small
general offerings available. .junta-
t ions :
lerritorf. scoured Lans Montana
tine, 14 to lttc; scoured, 44 to 4rtc ; fine
medium. 14 lo Ibc; scoured, 4J to 4.H ,
staple, ! to 17c; scoured, 4t to 4ac
Hah, Wyoming and idano nue, t.i
to 15c; aaoured, 44 to 4.r; tine med
ium. 13 to 14c; scoured, 40 10 CM;
staple, lb to 17c; ac.oured, 4 to 4,c.
Australian, scoured oasis n
uric: Combing tupertine, 74 to 76c ;
uper, 71 to 72c; g(.od, tin to To. ; aver
age, o5 to 07c.
Hops, Wool. Hides
Portland, Sept. 5. Hops 10 to
12c per pound. Wool Valley, 11 to
13'. c: riastero Oregon, 6 B0 12$c ;
moliair, 30 to 21c per pound, shaep-
skins-i Shearing, 16 to 20c; lavrt
woj1, 25 to 36c; medium-wool, , ga
oOc; long trooli 604 H 1 ROM
Hide Urv tilde, 30. I, l' jxuuos
aud upward, 16c, dry kip, No. 1, 6
to 16 pound, 16c par pound ; dry calf,
No. f. sound steer, o0 pounds and
over. 7 to 6a i do 60 to bO pounds, 7 to
7Uc; do, under 60 pounds, 7c; kip, 16
I.. :) oound. 7 to Hi- , do vea', 10 to M
bounds, " to Be; do calf, uuder 10
pounds, Be; green, uuaalte.1, lc per
pouud ies, culls, bull, stags, moth
eaten, badly cut, scored, hairsl iptied ,
weather beaten or grubbvi, oue-third
Tallow 3 to 4c, No. 2 and greaae,
j It JgC per pound.
i-eita--Bearskins, each, a to ie,
6 to H0, 8MB K l" v5' ''dger,
each, 10 to aoc: wildcat, to u oc ,
house cat, 6 to 20c; lox, common gray,
Mi to 60c ! do red, II .50 10 2 , do cross,
6 to 15; lynx, to 3 , mink, "ss 1 0
61.26, marten, dark HottbatM, 8 to
111! do oale nine. 11.50 to 12; musk
r.i At, 10 : akunk. 26 l 36c, otter
land , 66 to 7 , panther, with head
.ml ds perfect. 1 lo ; run-on
0to36c; wolf, ujouutaio, with head
i,rfe.ct 13.60 to 15; orairie
nrvaxnta till to 76c : wolverine, 14 V 7 :
beaver, per akin, large, 6 to ; do
medium, per skin, i W ft , do auiau,
per akin, i to 2 ; do kits, per skin,
60 to 7oc.
Mlbodlsl Minister Convene lo Walla
Walla oa Trials lo be Heard.
Walla Walla, Sept. 5 The Met!.,.
dial Kpiaoopal Columbia conference
has been in aeatiou two day, Bishop
W. F. Mallelieu presiding. His houie
1 in Auborndale, Maa. Rev. F. But
ter i atatiatiual aecreUry. C. D.
Nivbelaou of (ioldeudale, Wah., i re
cording aecreUry, with Kov. John
Evans, Milton, Or., aud Rev 0. W.
Miulxer, Pullman, Wash., a assist
ant. Rev. W. H. Fry of Kpokaue i
treasurer Sometime before uigbt
committee are to be named m the
Cool trial.
Tbe Cbureb Trial.
At tui conference must be tried
several uaaea involving the tauding of
a number of person, clerical aud lay,
much lo the regret of all the people of
that deuomiuatlou. luaamuch a they
will attract general attention, church I
people will read with interest the M
lOWfBg succinct statement of the issues
"lade bv tbe Walla Walla correspond
ent of the Spokesman-Review, C. V.
I'vnient !
There are four distinct and separate
trials, and POaaiblV 10. Aoainct Or.
Cool, Rev. Hodgson and Presidina
Folder Brown chargs of maladminis
tration are preferred. F'.ach of these
is preferred hv five iHrson-. but since
the grounds and testimony would be
the same in each case, Methodist
hero hare no doubt that one invastiga
tion will cover each. Then a charge
of immoral coniliiet in nreferre.l .u.iniit 1
i'r. t'-ool. ronatttutmg tbe fourth case.
Thr Method, of Trial.
The annual conference mav at it
discretion try an accused member in
either ol the three following methods:
Tbe entire trial, including the ex
amination of witnesses, may be bv
conference in full session.
The bishop mav appoint an elder as
a comtuissisoner to take the evidence
in the case in whole or in part. This
commissioner shall cause a correct re
cord of the proceedings before him and
of the evidence signed bv tbe witnes
ses, respect ively, to be laid betore
t lie . nfereni e. upon which evidence
ami such other as may be admitted the
case shall he determined
Or the conference mav appoint irom
its members a select number "f net
less th in nine nor more than 15 to trv
the aeeue.l, who shall have tbe right
to challenge for cause this select
number, in the presence of a bishop or
of a chairman wbotfl the president of
the conference shall have appointed,
and one or more secretaries of the con
ference, shall have full power to ROM
sider sn l determine the case according
to the rules governing annual confer
ences in such proceedings
Of the three wavs detailed alswe, it
is generally conceded that all four
barges will Ixo investigated hv tbe lat
ter method. The first would give too
great publicity to the proceedings, and
the second has become almost a dead
Trials Will R Long.
There re 188 inetnlierH of the annual
conference. The trial will last prob
ably a week. This means that four
c iininittees, ranging from nine to Ui
members each, or from 30 to 00 min
isters, will not have a chance to hear
the business of the colifere ce at all
Thev will tie closeted ill secret .-
sum trying their brethren.
The individuals turned out ol the
Kir-t Methodi"! church of Spokane
originally A. O. Ansell and wife,
Stony Buck,.!. Wiliams and ,lese
Buchfiollx appealed from the ruling
of the church to the quarterly confer
ence. The quarterly conlerence over
ruled tbe appeal, and beyond this
there was no recourse except to prefer
charges of maladministration against
the alleged offenders at the annua, i n-
ference. That is how the case come ,
0 he tried nl Walln Walla. Action
Ixevotid this is rare aud procedure a
little uncertain. It is said tbe mat
ter ran be carried to the Meth.slist
church as a whole.
C.J. Bishop at First Didn't Pay His Rill
And Than Latr H Did.
TI'UPM U U k llttlM HI'HIIH 111 till" II. It.
xV N. baggage room yesterday alterniHiu
when C. J. Bihop, a traveling man,
wa arretted by the chief of police tor
refusing to pay a bill of .V) cents at tbe
Oolden Rule hotel. The hotel people
claim that Bishop owed 50 cent, ir
the hauling of his trunks, whereas
Bishop say, that they were aft pting
to charge him lor a sample r i that
thev advertise to be free.
TL.. nixirtitial took hi. nriNoller to the
Loiiaw of .liidx Iteain who was then at
supper an I the examination Usik place
on the front steps. Bishop was put
under 120 bonds to appear at the po
lice court at 10 o'clock mis morning.
Later in the evening Bishop went
back and paid the hill and was allow
ed t go upon til way.
RI0 Reward.
Taken irom my pasture, bay horse
iiranded I. with a bar over it on loll
.boulder. PETER WEST.
At Ihe Dalles on Tuesday night tire
broke out in the big livery baru of I..
A. Porter, at the corner of Igg06)d and
l.augh.'in -treet. Losne w re L A.
Porter, livery stable, 12000. (iilhert
, goo, lumber yards, AJ00 ; 1 liw.
Hullcs Me tric Eight Co , 60; MM
l.-rl .v. Cordon Telephone Co., 6.
5 YEARS, it 15. 25 vBAKa
a cm. l- t k.i VI .
01 rtuitiat-ii 1 itiiiiiic, ,,.'111x11
ter how long standing.
WILL CUki: 00000000
We waul lb weakest stomach to
treat. This remedy will restore tbe
,10111.' b lo uortnal and healthy
uu'Jltluu II you have born miff, r
lug wltb Dyauepaia begin taking
thU rindy. aad how you will
gradually Improve
Eor sale by Tallman & Co, anl
all first-class druggists, or send to
Erank Nau, Portland Hotel l'har
macy, Portland, Oregon. Price
i.oo bottle, i bottles lor 65.1a,,
express prepaid.
Rill wi Approved and Treasurer'
Report Submitted.
One of the most important matters
considered at the council meeting last
night wa the prohibition of oil and
faaoline tanks within the city limits,
he ordinance committee was instruct
ed to draft an nrdinance to that effect
and report at the next meeting. The
gasoline stored In the western part of
town has been a source of constant dan
ger to the people living in that locality
and it will be a relief when it is re
moved .
The ordinance committee was in
structed also to draft ordinances re
garding the building of new sidewalks,
the herding of cattle in the citv lim
its, and the grading of streets. The
salary list was ratified and the treas
urer's report referred to the finance
Treasurer's Report.
Balance on baud Julv 81, 100:15 67.
Balance on hand Anugst II, I7.ltri.is.
1 HMMMNtl fund warrant pai l. 11273.44.
Distribution of cash on hand:
In general fund, 660B6.76; called
warrant fund, 33l.06 levee sinking
fund, 14f)9.55; general sinking fund,
Received front licenses during Vug
ust. I'joi ' 66
Hills rtveivable on hand September
51. i:i.2B.
I'ounty warrants redeemed, I'ais.ss
Balance bills receivable on ham!
..gust 81, ll'J.WOO.II.
Balances OB treasurer's hooks.:
Cash, I7;t!it :tS; hills receivable, 12, -660
III I'matilla county. 67616.86 :
general fund. loOtW.?'. called warrant
fund, 6881.06 1 levee sinking fund, f 14
42V. 07; general sinking fund. $.'a0 ; as--essmenl
roll, IKrtH, U68 "H: 1S04.
1401.70. iHi;,, 6580.75; 1606, 647 6
ih7, 72H 46; isms, 6610.05; I860,
1787.861 BaW- !6Jo.S.
e a. e
For sal.
On account of departure I offer (or
sale my private house, OOfBMf JobllROtl
and Welih itrWRt, containing eight
rooms, also a four room cottage and
two lots near school house.
Rldno for Sal.
A nice house and lot on Alta street,
south of the conrt house, Pendleton,
for sale cheap. Address. A. F. 1100
First Avenue, Spokane, wash.
I flBf ATfU e.T I (F fMfjT I
rjLjAWAN Ct.il D I
(LMiitfeti.Mi w.s as Jm
' T'VJTWm. MLlS.liRl'i
I'll K
First Ever in Pendleton
ffrpi 1 PORTBB on DRAUGHT.
LUNCH KB ::.:::::::
n( II LIT. ATLAH MUUk I'l'e riii-
ent '.1. w of tile PMRBRMRJ Milwunk.-e
firm; never here la-fore ::::::
1 in
ANIt H 1 v 1 -o.
I'ltK Mm:
Ely's Cream balm
Kav i. l ,' -'' 1 tO
URH. 1 "l.'rt I - UG lli
iurtou orur
It u ,ui kl iiw,f t 4.
jilVe relh'f til O&i I
ll fl(Mi. atlid Lltnlia;!
Heal, and niotc U lb Membrane Ke.tor
the Seoae. of la.le aud Lmell l-arge Sue, oOc
at bruggi.laor It) mall, Irial U, l's i) mau.
KLV BKOI UKfta, s. Warren Hi.. Sew
"Nerve Waste.
Oue ol Ibe moat belpful book, ou uere
weagueeseier laaued Is tlial eutllled "Nerv
Waate." b) Li Sawyer of Hsu Pram tauo, iow
lu its dltb tkouaajid ibis work ol in espef
srieuced aud reputable pbyelclau I lu agrea
wLla voulrasl U toe veal sum of laiac aeblng
wblcb provallsoo IkU luUirMUug subwt. It
abouud la carafuily coualdered aud practical
adrlca, and aa tk two rat msrlu of wis
dom aud slnoerlty.
It U eudoreed by bulb lb religious aud
tax li la r pre. Toe Cbiuago Advauce says : "A
ueruaai ol tbe book aud Ibe appllcallou ol ll
urluclpla will put ueailb, bope aud beart into
tbouaaiid of Uvea Ibal ax now aulcrlug
tbiottgb uervou Impwreiaaut."
1 Lc book Is f 14u by uiall isjawpaid.
Uueof tbe Bkoat iuleieaUug cbapfao. cuapur
si, ou Nervlue aud Nerv loulii ba been
prluted separately a a aampl cbaplei, aud
will U evui 10 auy addiea for Maatp by tbe
B01 Md. Hwu Prautiauo
Manhattan Shirts
For Fall 1901.
Arc now here
your inspec
witliout sny
arc aptodtii
vcr w 0 r fl
how good
h 0 w well
your laundry
tow it' you
to ask him
no other shirt
holds its color
well. This
make them
bototui, with
cuffs attached
short bOtOUal
in all ies.
t h c prettj
don't have lo
m 'sip
I 1 I
"wwyeMi? wiRpT RRB
and rady for
Hon. itooes
ing that they
I' VOU have
"ii" you know
thev look ami
tbfV lit ami
man will tell
take trouble
that theft in
made that
noason they
with h o r t
antl without
white 8hirtt,
and full drttM
I loniC and M 0
styles, y 0 1
The Peoples Warehouse
Rellabl Clothlera and Hattera.
ff a famous f riorh .i
Thh graa.1 Vagfat.
is ti .tix.s (an, will
s " .ejwwl
".in. r l m p lew
on. VwrlraM-eleMaia.aaallaaillNB,
. I . .. . ( ,1 h.il- t,li h If imlrhMWfW
: ,' ! ' rioreK,IM,IIHIM
W 7 aaTB 1-l.I". I
RrV' jai ellias..larr., . a
fXSX SMRRRV 1 1 i"i all low. Iiy tlar or iifiiL i-re
TV ZtRl leu In In Miernialnrrl'iea ami a I I In. I
llverttb aiilneya ami tlio urlnwry orutif ail lupurtliaa.
aim rwssseeal Bewwi i xx run "iifiini
r the ie ii oo li .... ,, .-. . .
he Maxell. Me aw t I . mi I. ali.ua. n l.rhun, .?
. k.
I riUKMKHreu(UkM
"mil. Wen. I f"f k '
I in r, ii. i hi aiitferi-re are not cured hy ronorslhrrane n at r oent are tmnhird win, ,
it r.'iiniiy (...tire wltl ( i ier.e i,,n. Vlii iMiinnn uii
etnrne'l if s :..i ... . !... nut tlxcl a
or ilk M tn-iiiixr at Ml (. mm ii i,. t,i .la.
aiMreaa 11 Vol. HBItK IKK .. I u Bo i an. Hwii PTanranaafwL
roit s i.r hv r m.i.m a n itni.. nut mo is 1
Ct'l'l I'KNK Hie enlr k mii
f'mmiihxu iiix-. n ami in y retnrne'l I
I'Mimimlala. A, wrllMe
ivure. LiiuabvavllBta3(
pwiiurrna, tiRRuiiN
VVi' will oiion wild a i;oiiii. tf line ol staph
and fancy nri i-ties in llie -.tutc liiitnerls
known as tin: White Hun -- on fttttrtdajr,
September 5th, 1901.
Having ptirchasctl tin- lama 60BM tune
we have been fttlarninK. painting, lU . to
act omoil.itt: ur new In-sli stork winch ta
on the road
We hope we may merit a continued patron
atfe ol all former 1 ustomera, and Rrl also
trust that a nrc.it many l those whom wi
dow do not know, may 60 ItVOf ns wrth a
trial that at tins tinn next yen w. may
lie intimately .t ipiaintcd with thcin
1 1 A HOW A It r MKUl'IIANi'S I I II I
Main Street, - Pendleton, Ore. 1 W J 1 1 kJ
Oregon Lumber Yard
Kor harua aod dwalliuga.
Ohaawr tltau tin.
I. umber,
Huildinu Paper.
Tar Pupcr.
I imc aud licuieut,
Piatt ter,
Hrick and Saod,
Screeu 1jmmmI( Wiudowii,
Satth and Doom,
Terra Cotta Pipe.
Borie & Light, Prop'?
Alta St., opp. Court Hodnc.
Beat stock on the
Telephone connwtion at ranch. A.I
dreHH Pilot KiM-k Of Pendleton
Chui. Cunninghi
Hotel Pendleton
Under New. nanateenieiit
Help or Situation
C. F.Cook's Employment Agency
Cumer Maiu aud Alta na.-.-.i
Strictly Flnt-Clioh
Excellent Cll8il6.
Every Modoru
Bar aad Billiard Uooma.
I h Bait
Van Uran Broi., Props
Glff Us i Trill.
Kits, $1.00 i day
Special Kilos by
feu or moBtb
HaadquarUra for Travallng Maa
Hot la BatteraOrgoa.
Succeaaort to J. E. Moora
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Mucus, Proprietor.