East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 05, 1901, Image 1

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iuiru mm weather.
NO. 4221
A Eft at,
The Place
To buy Groceries
is where you can have a big
ock to l"m- Cal1
,nd see mr Mv stock is
ksaa both in fancy and staple
G. R. Demott
Prices Pushed Down a Notch
and httUMMd and slashetl until cost
and value are no longer thought f. To
get rid of summer goods is our idea and
to do it .juicklv we are giving such
values as seem almost impossible,
Alexander & Hexter
The Boston Store.
School Shoes Opening Sale Dry Goods
5 to 8 kid I ... $ .60
1 1- lli heavy .90
IS to heavy 1.15
Faie s1ks fr irli $1 . $1 .25
MOnd 11.76
Strong shoes for loys, made
12 l-2c
15 to 32'. c values. Plaiils and Novelties.
This covers the lea-t
;ike a man shoe, 11.26, 1.60
1.T5. 2.0(1. L86 and 2.50.
Big boys are young men.
Try the DoogUl shoe $8.00
ud ttj 1
This line of Plaid and Novelties ranuc in urn r from
K .
. -II I LS I J I L I .
2y- io 5"t; win now or unnni uuimi; tins aic at
this low price.
If these don't attract you prices don't count.
.".f ,51 to 75c vain- ol Una plaids, aovtltiaa ami plain
i9 co'ors alu' plents ol them This price is made (or
this sale only.
soc to OfC values and a nood assortment of up to-
, - r. - 1 . j u . . . . . . u
naif maieiidis. inn a lew jnei c- inn many 01 mem.
These are on centre counter counter, easily found.
A grand opportunity to get fall dress goods.
oc to f 1 values colored and black novelties.
75c to f 1 25 values colored and black novelties.
These can be appreciated when seen
The Boston Store.
What Parent
or Scholar::::
Will Overlook
These Prices
Pencils ... av.
II.' Lm.I d - ,
1, ra 4
JJJJ' Tablet. i,lggest wl
H Into.. 1
A Lover of Good UVaUg
demands good bread as the
Wading article of his diet.
When he has our bread he
has the best that is made.
We use the best wheat Hour
in this hread. and our every
process is the best result of
experience in bread making
5 Your Money
Wd School Books
P11 public And Bs.xtaaV.t
J vuuviiiiv
chol Books
Tt w,:k .
every Order
For Combination Folding CoU and
Chairs. Just the thing to take to the
mountains - - -- -- -- -- -- --
Next Door to Postoffice
"See Dem Freezers"
I huve a full line of
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
from one pint to ton quarto, will freeze cream
in from three to rive minutoe; also have a full
line of tiahiug tackle, hammocks, etc. See my
line before buying
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
lolnnel Kooaevelt said lie had re-
oalvod 0000 invitation to peaia since
Januarv 1, ami added: "mi see I
111 obliged to apportion my -1 -kn'-
o a not to (-aim too nincli offense tn
ny one section . "
Phi" 1'nited State government ha
tendered ita iiixxj oIBcm to ' miCMU
in! Colombia to jirvpnt wur be
tween IkCM countrien, hut the MtlOK
not yet ilvnoel to p. :ut where
till novcrnment hai Ih'iihii the work ol
ni ef itor.
DtaiBOBdl anil other vahmhlen worth
L'.'i.OW which were recently nhpiH'd
into the country hy prominent t in
cJo niHii on hin return from BtUOpt
without the pnvinent of ifiity, have
lieen eixel hy .f. t, I'rowley, necil
Hitent ol the treKiiry ilejiiirtment.
A I tOMtftakl event war the
prodOOtioa t the tVntrl theater lot
the timt time on any Mage of a bihli
cl uraiim hv Kilward Klaner, enlitlisl
"A Voice from the Wihlerneaa," In
Which John the Haptixt i the leailinx
character. The art ion of the play
take place 111 .hiilea jnt heiore the
a.lvent of Christ.
TitneH print, a ifmpatrh from QopOB
hairen miTt ni' that the remarkahle
coolneaa ol the (wniple in reuar.l to the
OSW'l Vint continue. Phl i (leclnr
el to he liniloiihtellv iliie to the Kin
nih qiieotion. KinUinl I regarded a
h part of greater wnchnavia. the
pail-Scandinavian feel mic heing never
more intenae than at the present time.
"Mr. t'roker tella me," aay a cor
respondent, "that he i pastoonati'ly
(ond of rural Holland, and that xonie
day he hope to settle down at a little
country bOMt in OM ol our most pic
turesque counties. I hope I am he
traiyng no confidence VDWi I remark
that he ii trying to prove himaell tit
(or ritiienihip with us hy an applied
studv of our manners and QMtOBM."
Ttie bla 'nK raft bjHt bWBt floated, and
will be towed down the t'olumhia river
as soon a repairs are made.
All the store in Astoria now cloae
at ft p. tn., eicept d Saturday even
ing. The new order of things is due to
the effort of the CierkV Union.
Of the Konanta mine August clean
up the figures could not lie learned, it
ia tealitVOd to he about t7.r),00U, or
bout equal to the banner month of
Work on the new eastern Mulln ninth
telephone llll I. a- Ix-eii com pleted H
far aa Powell's vnlley. The proposed
eichange at liresham will he installed
111 the near future.
At Astoria Miss I. aura ieiiex leve
(iray, sec.ind daughter ol judge and
Mm. J. H. D. (irtv, and Mr. Robtfli
t'atiin Wright ol I'orlland were mar
ried Tueadav attermsui at I i race
church, Kev VV. ey lr BbOft Oflol
-1 1 1 t . QaJ breath of the llregonasy
1 11 in for the insane says the itlieialt
there have introduced husehall as ail
outdoor auiUMOMBt, and tlnd that it
adds much to tin- pleasure ol the pa
tients, as manifested by their appre
ciation and applause some patients
taking an active part Ifl the game as
Tuesday night two masked men en
tered the Japanese ect i..n-houae of
the Q. K. 4 N. Co. near Kowena, s
few mile west of The Dalles, and
without warning liegan shouting at the
two Japauese section meu wlio were
the only occupant of the bouae at
timt time. Hobltery wa the object.
The Ja tied, the robber getting
Chief of Police Hal lock ol Asmria
say there were only ii robberies dur
ing the street lair. Several sure-thing
men were given the run, and the pick
pockets and other I ight-fingered gentry
took tie- tip and departed. The per
son who rohhed the jeweler ol a dia
mond ring, were two women, one ol
whom i known. She has not yet
heen arrested.
The census olhce ined a bulletin
tbovlai the division ol the population
ol tiie states of .North Dakota, Ohio and
Orsgon, and the 1'erntory ol Oklaho
ma, in respect to aea, nativity and
color. Oregon' ti ;,.Vii people are di
vided as follows: Males, le.
males, IVU. Vil foreign bom , 06,741 ;
colored, IVU'O I'he colore I people
include 10,:47'J Chinese, '.'VJ1 Jaauese
aud tW-01 Indian.
Xr Are
i mammk
If the EWWEain at work should UtlM
BSMEWf to lias olhei wolll II lie mK;Jl.
p.-rup- " Vou m v ' ha-l Uj -rub
an 1 . Inn when vour at W it Uefl Uiat
it welle d that evi ry tBOVaaH t uould
1,1. iV n IB two " lt' bad enough lor a
woman to surtt-r. But when -lie must
suffer and slave at the auu- lime she
res In Ilia Umit ot her cudurauie.
Weak women who have Urn made
atroiig b the use ot Dr Tier.. 1 avoi
iu Praacriptioa, rootnnaenl it m othf i
uagoaamd. It aEtabHahaa reguUrltj
tries weakriuug drains, lleils iiitiamma
Una and ulceration and curt female
1 bsvc Iwcu siliug mas lints sow belli
u.jul-lr.l wiili Inu.U- uku." write. Mm
Will H J . . i. uf AvoU'l.lr 1 h.-n i Cfl 1'.
"stwry luouth 1 a ... I haw to Ui on mv k
I tnrj aiaay liff crut BMsliciae sml n -dimy
gave uw rrlii I aolil I -" !' HWru - iMadl
cjdc. a-iiis two iatla ol suvuriti ii. up
tiuu ' aatl two at OahUu Msdkal U-ovrry '
Thcas mcfllAii. i bv cured iur Wliru I iM-gau
ywu Ucsliut ui I uut sOlc tu.tuvrry iiiucb.
sit uow l do i lie urk (m mv Caajsily oi bum
sud feci tartti i la) il." ' av l year.
Dr. Kierir ' I'lrawnt I'ellets itire bll
louaucss and sick headache. TUey do
uot cicaic the tall uabit,
He Says Such Institutions Are
lo hlnhii Its Products to lfa World Great
Crowd Heard tbe Cblef F.xec
ullv SpMk
Uulfalo, Sept. :. President M. Km
ley this morning delivered an address
to the immense exposition crowds on
the Ksplanade this morning.
After the cheering had fiihsnled lie
U'gan his speech hy expressing satis
faction in meeting and giving VOloOBK
1 to the foreign representative present.
Continuing he said :
"Klpositions are the t imeaeepers of
progress. they record the world's ad
vancement. Phey stimulate tl ner
gv, entiypriBe mil intellect of people
and qahWM human giuiius."
The country, he said, is la a state of
unexampled prosperity and "by sensi
hie trade arrangeiiieni which will not
interrupt our home production we
shall extnd the outlets lor our increas
ing surplus."
Canton, O., Sept. '). Yesterday,
President and Mrs. McKiuley, accom
panied by the officials of the Canton,
Ohio, lair association, drove around
the grounds several times, stopping at
ditToront places where something at
tracted their attention hut did not
eave the carriage.
Phey watched one heat of a horae
ran' from the hack stretch, and the
president pleasantly greeted a number
of groups of children. I'repamt
lor the start for Ihiffalo this BOMlill
made it a busy day at the McKiuley
home, li is necessar) to provide a
sort ol travel ing execut I ve olhce so that
official business may he taken care of
during the trip of nearly two week
and the special trunks prepared lor
this purpose were made ready yester
day. I he president saw no caller dur
ing the day.
President and Mrs. McKinlev lelt on
a special tram at lu o'clock this morn
i ng (or Huffalo.
I'he prnsideut's party will leave Ituf
lalo on the return trip Saturday morn
ing an I will reach Cleveland in the
a Iter noon.
In Cleveland the president will be
the guests ol Colonel and Mrs. Mypoa
T Derrick until lues-lay, when they
will go to the home ol Senator and
Mis llauna for tfie remainder of the
The president will participate in the
exercises incident to the national en
campment ol the Q, A. K. They will
probably return to Canton Soptemhei
14, to remain a I, w days, alter which
they will return to Washington.
ticrman View on Koossv sii.
Iterlin, Sept. 5. Several pars BfJBO
meiit upon Vice President Hisiaeve.t'a
li at the Minnesota atate lair re
garding the part the I'nllrsl Mates
boa Id play among the great ual n ns
"line sees how leading American
politicians demand tn extension of the
-pin rr of the power ol the I'llllnd
States," ay the ViaiaiiH'he IvItUPf,
"Ott aaai this iiursjso more Mharply
emphaHlied III the CppOiiltOa oliered
to European inllueiices. One see also
how the USltod states claims domicil
iary rights in the internal and extern
al altairs ol all American countries
"We know ol no country that is try
ing to secure territorial extension auv
where in America unless it la Oratd
BrlbllBi which i insisting on the oh
aervatlon ol treaty rights in connection
with the Nicaragua!! canal. The only
country in the world now following
a policy ol expansion in America is
the Halted tate. The Aiiiericuir
think fit for domestic political reasons
to show distrust as regards Kurope,
m ItanopO '"" 's 'la i ground lor
observing the plans of the I int.il
state with a reasonable distrust."
I'he Uerliner Tageblatt sav "the
speei'h ol tbe American vice president
is a reassertion ol the Monroe doclrliie
in the Jingo sense and shows bow
widespread in tbe United ii is
i mora ol Kuropeau powers seek
ing territorial expansion in the west
ern hemisphere. "
Will a Hsld Tomorrow in Cbleaao to
Porm Union
Chicago, ,-iept. '. Tbe preaideo's
and iiiagnales uf all the minor bane
ball leauges, including represon ts
tives from tbe Pacific coast organisa
tions, were scheduled to meet here to
day to discuss the advisability uf re
new nig the uroUtctiou agrsaimaut with
the National league, or of going over
to the American league. Hut they
failed to arrive and tbe meeting was
postponed until tomorrow.
Salt Lake, Sept. 6. Interest in liar
r'rtlTT't tight against the Clark road
centered here today in the arguuieuta
in condemnation proceeding against
the Sau Pedro, l.oa Angeles Salt
fatke right ol way through Lincoln
county, Nevada. The oroceedlugs are
before Judge I'albert. of Nevada, here.
Eoidiers Mava r torn alas Poisoning.
Atlanta, Sept. 6. Two hundred and
twenty-six enlisted men ol tbe .'lb
infantry stationed at H Mcpherson
are iu quarters at tbe post hospital ou
account of iilueas caused presumably
by ptomaine uoiaooiug, but which is
not yet definitely determined.
Rsportsd by I. L, R Co.. Psndlston,
Chleaao Board or Trade and Now Tork
Stoek Bsshanaa Brokers.
New York) Sept. lY --The wheat mar
ket had a U'tter tone today on Isitter
cables, good export demand and in
xvitipathv with tbe strength ot corn.
Liverpool closed M 1-8. New York
opened at Til 7-8. Docemlver, and alter
selling at 7 -8, advannxl to 77 H-8.
Corn was strong and a full cent blgh
r.0004 DaoaStbar, January sirk was
r.",c higher, II.Vn7V
Stocks lower.
t'loe yoetenlav, 7 7-ft.
open tislay, 7tl 7-8.
Range hslav, 7ll 00 to 77 00,
Close toitay, 77 H-8.
HfMMkai Sugar, 100 00 1 ltWl,40 1-8;
st. Paul, ltt'. C. P., 100.
Whsat In Chlaaao.
Chicago, Sept. !. Wheat, 71 :l-8 to
Wheat in Nan Franlsso.
BM H rancisco, Sept. ft Wheat,
100 7-8.
omrlally Sslsstsd to Salt Aaalntt Lip
ton's Rhamroek II.
Newport, K. I., Sept. I . The yacht
t'olumhia, which succssfullv defended
the American cup against rUiamrnck I
two years ago, lislav was selectwl to
d. lend it again against sbamriM-x II.
The sap challenge committee of the
New York Yacht club spent the great
er part of last night ami all Ibis morn
ing iu discussing the relative merits of
Columbia and Constitution. t noon
it was olllcially announced Columbia
mi- chosen and that Oiere would he no
more races between the defender and
Constitution. Columbia will betak
en so soon as possible lo Itristol and
overhauled, and then will be taken to
Lake Hasin. There she and Shamrock
will be measured (or tbe cup races.
Columbia will he captained by Charles
Has Two Wssk In Whloh lo Kssp Prom
ise to Praneo.
Paris, Sept. 6. A fortnight's grace
until after the cxar's visit has been
given the llltau for the fulfillment ol
promises to the French ambassador to
Purkey. Meanwhile three warships
are being iilietly prepared at Toulon
for emergencies. It is reiairted the
sultan intends to make Mini l r Hev,
Turkish ainhasMailor to K ranee, the
scapegoat ol the whole affair which
he is now eager to aettle heiore the
other powers join witli France ill
a demand lor general Turkish relorms.
Brouaht In Jswals Surreptitiously
Chicago, Sept. ft. - .1. Ogden Aimoiir,
head ol tbe great Armour industries,
has been lined nkiu and assessed futrjo
as duty on $7ft,lkM) worth of jewel
brought into this country and which he
tailed to declare to the customs olll
cials. Armour said be did not know
he violated the laws.
armored Train OaralUd.
Pretoria, Sent. 6. An armored
tralu was derailed at Tauuga, Bech
uaualaud, today. Three were kills.!
and ' wounded, including an officer.
Bishop Maliellau Asslana Plaaas to Idaho
Contsrsnse atember.
Pocatello, Idaho, Sept. 4. - llishop
Mallelieu made the following ap it
inents at the M. K. annual conference
nara vestenlav for this dlaii
W. W. .in I ns. ii, presiding eblei
Albion To he supplied
iiaker City ( . K I'.mIiIs
lilacklont . 1". Hawkins, transfer
rd from Nebraska conference
lloiae 1. K. Koa. b
Caldwell c K. rJolmaa.
aluhria-J. I.. priuger.
De Lamar Po he supplied.
Kmmett K. K. Damon.
'loiin'a Kerry and BboaboM C. K,
llailev D. M . MbaMMB.
oi lier .1. M. HIlOO.
Haines, i re II h . tlradley
Idaho City . . Newman.
Idaho Kalis N M 1'empl. .
Junction To he supplied
Lost Uiver J . I,. Kendall .
Meridian A. W. Hartshorn.
Mnhihton w M Orowlbrr,
tularin W.J. Harvev.
Payatta J, D. Hir.is
Nampa N. M. Long.
I'o.atello-J. D. Oillllau
8f0MM Oily U. H, Pemherton.
-alm.in Olty C A Win!,
umpter. re J. M. Wilder.
W.user and Huntington W. W. Deal.
W W -wilier and L. W Wbeallev
were led without appointments p, ttt
lend school and t!. A. Kdwards, Pbom
as John, Samuel Allison, A. N.
Bnsiks and II. W. Parker were appoint
ed missionaries in Utah.
Deacons orders were conferred on
Prolessor C. . Kdwards of Mercury,
(Tab, II. II. Newman of Vail, Ore.,
and J. L Springer ol Caldwell, Idaho.
Sows tbaove Proposed.
Maker City, Sept. 6 Phe Uupubil
csu IS i. -sponsible for the following:
"An effort is Uj lie made to enlarge
the Idaho conference ol the Methodist
church hy wilding to ( Umatilla coun
ty, Oram, ITiioii and Wallowa conn
ties ol this slate 1 be latter three
were lormariy a portion of this confer
ence, but UpOII petition ol the Colum
bia river conference, were auded to
the domain of that jurisdiction. With
these four good counties added, it ia
tba parpoau to divide the Idaho con
ference into two districts, with a pre
siding elder in each.
"Hev. C. K. Todd, pastor of tbe
hirst Methodist church, returned yes
terday from I'ocatello where bu has
been attending tbe annual conference
held there. Mr. Tiald ami Dr. W. W.
Van Duseu. presiding elder of this dis
trict, and the two coiouilttswuieu ap
pointed at PiMiatello to pi, Meed lo
Walla Walla, where the Columbia riv
er conference is to be held this week,
and place the matter of division be
fore Hishop Mallalieu and tbe mem
bers of that body. Should the Colum
bia river and the Idaho coulereucas
both petition for tbe change, tbe alter
ation of boundary lines would certain
ly be mails, and another presiding
elder would be added to tbe Idaho oou-
icreuce. formerly Uraut, Cuion and
Wallowa counties beluuged to the Ida
ho conference, but ware cut o0 at tbe
request ol the Columbia river body.
It la understood that they will readily
be transferred back now. Kev. Todd
will leave Haker about Thursday on
tbe mission "
Want Schwab and Shaffer to
Tbf Strike Smut it h oa thr Win ud I
S(lllirit)ot in tbe Immediate Fu
lure li Imminent
I ittshurg, m,.,,, ..-. rhe IMtsj,
board Ol the Ainalaiuatel were la OM
" bora tins in,, ruing t.,r the pur-
PP nsiderniK a iwace ptQpnalUaa
I be -aine as tbat .'.m.i,,.re, vestenlav
at New S .irk. It is undent...! the
Amalgamated poapHI have M hours
irom vesterdav in wliicl, t accept ,,r
reject the prop.,..., fTl11BHa plan,
tountsr Proposition Wat ads.
It is raportad this nmrning that tbe
alv s,rv MNttmiMaa has made a counter
proposition to the ultimatum formulat
ed by Schwab. It i, nnderstassl to he
an agreement to re-open the mills
pending a settlement hv arbitration,
which has Keen Shaffer's hohhy since
the strike was declared The Isatrd
this innrtiiiiK finally rejected Schwab's
proposition and notice to that effect
and tl onnter prafJOaltlotMl have lawin
laid before the steel trust president
f o, In V
Later, the adivsorv Issxrd and Fed
eration uf Labor representatives went
into secret session. Action ol Import
ance with relation to the strike wai
expei tud t,, he taken
asn Bsiumlni at asKssxport.
McKe. sport, boot, Three hundred
men went to work this morning in the
1 imler tin plate null and the plant
is now in operation for the first time
"line lulv I. All the men now at
work are old employes. Alaiut live
loin, lied men returned to work at the
National tube works tin morning. A
crowd ol strikers were around the
Idaot, but no attempt was made to
ieep the men from going tn work.
New York, Sept. ft. I'mlaunted by
Shatter's reject i I the Schwab sace
proposition, the Civic Federation com
mittee again met tislay to devise wuue
means ol bringing the strike to a
close and to discuss the rejection ot
Schwab's pfOpOSiUoa and the Amalga
mated 's i iiuutei prosisltioii Tie com
II. It tee declined to sav one word on the
Tbe con lereuce broke up at I o'clock.
Shatter was immediately called up on
the long di shone telephone hv in
pers BOd Mitchell, but neither had
an v thing to say lor publication
lino 'im.thsrssni.
iM .ranclsco Sept. ft. Tbe propos
ed union lalsjr imlitical party conven
ed tins inoriiing, two huiMlre.1 dele
gate pre.,. nt I'he slate prepared by
the organizers was smashed Timolby
Murphy o the tesmsters' union waa
elected chairman N inationa will
not be made hslay. Walter Ooff,
president ol the lals.r council, and Ku
gene Hal t. bead ol the inuilclan's
union, are candidates lor the imuiina
tiim for mayor.
Board of Hsslui ordsrt MsrlllxaUon ot
All i iist Bkrbsrs Uss on tutlsasrs.
A spe, oi despatch from Itoslon ,
May ft, I'), to the M. Yi Sun gives
as new regulations ol the Uoeloii
board ol health as to barber shops:
"Mugs, shsviug brushes and rasora
shall be stcnlued alter each separate
use tbereoi A seiarate, clean towel
shall he useil lor each person Mater'
ial to stop the Boa oi blood shall is
used only in BtMPtlaffad form, and BBS
plied on a towel. Powder ports are
prohibited." Wherever Newbro's
"Herpicide" is used for lace or scalp
alter shaving 01 hair culling, there is
no danger as it is antiseptic, and kills
tbe dandruff germ
School Opens
Monday, Sept. 16th.
A gantla rviiuihr to larents to
to call 1 01 a pair ol our school
abi h l bu the i Inlilrcn WK
HA P. )l M II t Vol
I very pair
AhaMtlutcly (lUttrttutcetl.
Tk Peoples Warehouse
716 Main Street. Fentlletoa, Or.