East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 04, 1901, Image 2

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1 - l power w nl not Im a robber na- ,
School will open in a few days ami
will be looking about for clothing for their
Boys. They should remember thi ni
clothing house "Raer a Daley." We have
the largest and best assortment in lh ity,
our stock being new and this war I PBttenTI
Our prices are the lowest and th same to all
Boys' Long Stockings
We have a fine article, every pair gu ran tec I. I'nre per pan
25 Cents
hv Price Cloihier, Farn
'(-PAY. SEITKMRKR 4. ltl
Now that there has come home to tlie
poople of this town and county tbe
lawlaaanaaa of some of the owners of
livestock in the shooting of sheep an d
the apparent attempted killing of a
herder, aa related in yesterday' Ea st
(Jrsasnniaii.tbey will perhaps take steps
uun, . iu. aa-aaai
ttiat are contributory to .tba prerent
statu. Citiasna have been willing I
erini: ttie stockmen to
settle their
own affairs of trouble over division of
the range, hoping that opoa the prio-1
ciple of uuoM rale they themselves
best could adjust the difference But.
if berdars are to live in jeopardy of
their lives, and sheep or cattle are to
he destroyed by midnight marauders,
it is time some th may. were done to cor
rect .!i abuse.
Time come when patience ceases to
be a virtue if mors of such occur
rences are recorded, then so eh
a time I
win nave irriiyJ, raa aaopia 01 wis
refi in nroad of it rswonras and an x
iou to labor to develop them and make
it a pleasant place in which to at' Me.
are aot going to permit lawless men
to give it a name for terror to peace -to!
citisons, and a region in which
cowardly man resort to violence in the
protection of their presumptive ngbta.
l.very one will sympathise with the
man who sees outside owners of stock
crowding him and his herds off ttie
range that Ilea eoutigoo to. hi home
Staod. Kver on. will das ire that he
arrange matters go that he shall be
protected in hi inalienable right.
Every one will rejoice to see local as
sociation regulate matters pertaining
to the division of rang upon an equit
arile boais of the reeoan : 1 1 on of ttie
rights of all .
Hut. if those local association are to
retain the confidence of the peopie gen
erally they would tastier hunt down
thee midnight tbooiers and bring
tfaosa before tbe bar of the court that
proper punishment may be melad oat
to them
It should be said here, in order that
no m launders land ing arise, that no one
in Pendleton is diapued kt blame ttie
shooting to the Camas Valley Lire
stuck Protective sasoriation It atfMil
known here that the member are J
the beat citisenahip of I'matilia coun
ty. They are lawabiding men. clean
in morals as any others, and would not
perpetrate such outrages nor ezcosa
tbem. It is well koown bore thai they
are just aa indignant as are other
who nave learned of the affair.
It roots with the officers to ferrot oat
the thomer Lt tbem make diligent
anarch Let the case be thorough 1 in
rest iga lad. Let no effort be pared
And, lb tbe event of detection and con
vietion, let the gailty atoe be gin
the extreuM- penalty provided by la.
Thus, aud tbae only, may DajBstllla
coonly vindicate itself as a place where
nje.11 may abide in safety, and where
iawl iiasnas receives its merited re
wardhard work and close confine
mem in the slate pen Herniary , and
the contempt of all good people.
Who but the bold, brave Rougii
Rides would have the courage to take
public stand against the encroachment
of tbe trust, and speak in behalf of
organised . -tan,.; not man
candidates for IBB presidential nomina
tion. Thi Theodore Roosevelt did at
-t. Paul, when addressing the people
at Ham line. The vie president dis
cussed tbe situation of labor in a man
ner characteristic ot tbe map, an
no mean to please his politico! man
agera. Especially will Thouia C
Piatt rejoice that the Rough Rider ha
ahiad hi castor into the ring in a
luauuor to antagonise the big trust.
And Malthas Quay, to Poauayl vania
boas, who boa as poo snd Kooeevelt'
cause a against Piatt's favorite 0BB
eruor Odell of New York, will curse
the bold talker lor exhibiting 10
If ' - ' "
lit: ignorance 01
the subtleties
it ics; rsmtulsi v .
pi Mr. K oevelt's friends iimat
take him in band. They mnxt tell
him that cajidi late shnold lie wise a
serpent vet Imr 111 lees as doves: that
ii,ev mus: talk swett notriina to the
people lost like a one dav lover in the
BsaoaltffBt B . --un ial, whisper
thing of no import to bi flirtatious
lady com pan 11. making her for the
moment trunk she is hi al! in all.
while yet meaning abetdutely n.nMng
Mr. Kooeevelt n mid learo Ir mi the
great man who stands jnt one step
ahead of blm in Wsshingtoti cultivate
the dear people with pleasant plati-
,odei, hu, MT:nf
tna c mvev. osjgttt StMa pat fa
rtoueeveit neeu coacnina. ne
needs to learn the rudiments of poli
tics Me ahoni 1 kn the doctrine of
Mag thjnp. ,0 al: m8n. I( b
acquaint i.inise t not with some 0:
these tundamental principles, be aili
see hi presidential tstomlet go a-glim-maring,
while some other fellow with
more tineas- lands in the big chair at
the White House
'displayed in vu gar and oflenie
The stated fuhjeet of Wame .Mai form, must ultimately rest. If tight
Veagb' noteworthy I'bi Beta Kappa ing und killing are to ne encouraged:
oration at Harvard was 'Ideal in 1: those who indulge in them are to tie
American politics." Trie more de-
1 1 1 1 a iiia Him TiF'tldfiulil IIm
put-ean. would te the pract ua. tiun-'
Bess valm-
if moral ideas and stand-
ard of conduct in public and corn
mercis life. Ttie speaker in this case
is not liable V tbe charge of being an
impracticable dreamer unacquainted
with the atom realities of life. He
come no to Harvard from the thick of
large lega. affairs in I'eunsvlvania and
witb a highly successafu! record in tbe
public business a attorney -general of
tbe I'm ted "-lata and embassador to
Italy. And tbe teachings of hi wide
reading aud experience are that the
moral law, no matter how much it
may b floated in this age of intense
materialism, 1 a tremendous living
and inexorable 'quantity which niay
not be transgressed with impunity.
Tbe immediate application of this
troth i not far to eek The nation
face- the condition of a dangerous
cleavage pera. ug th e wtio are con
tented with tbeir lot Irom those who
ore disrontentad and this 1 evidently
to go on, and if any doubt aboat it ag
isted among men accustomed to reflect
seriously upon political probisms it
should disappear in view of the devel
opment of tbe last two presidential
election, and the present startling
tendency of capita1 to consolidate more
and more cloasis a if 10 meet s com
ing conflict aud of labor to act Ilk
a is. Mr MscVeagh continued :
"In pointing out these danger 1 ac
cept to the ialleet extent the proposi
tion that ibis i an age of business,
and I am quite willing to admit that
the moral law 1 dinVul: of applica
tor, sa existing condition. It 1 very
apparent that difficulty 1 increased by
tbe condi'c: of other nation which
are no control lad by a consideration
only of tbeir materia interests, tbe
swearing by force of new markets, tbe
expansion of trade by war. sn, r -tion
of w sax or people to tbe a ill of
the stronger, and the ultimate parti
tion by blood and iron of the whole
habitable globe, for u to enter upon
a like course of expansion seem to
many sorcwasial politician and toj
many true patriots oar wisest pall
The gravity and the suddenness of our
ohsnge of view 10 these matter i
fitly 1 'lustra led bv tbe recent vovsge
of capita. 1st of few York to Lngiauei
IB indulge il expressions of sympathy
aud promises of alliance with a gov- I
ern matit slul bj nu uiainia.niug id
the Transtaa. camps of concantration
as unit an : a inexcusable as (hose 1
of Weyler il C'uue. tbe detealaiion of i
Wlejse borrufs '.!.. Itifee year age.
grll beipml to drive U lioadluug I
into ear a:tt pain. I am not aaarel
that bistor otter auotiier exampls of
grave a change of opinion in ao
anort a time: but I cannot belt believ
ing that tbe destruction and dsuia. i
of ettuca. ideas. far a regro
American democrai . i vers poor re- I
llglob, very poor business and very I
poor politics
For, can tost tie gssl businass and
good politic which substitutes lis I
Mohammedan principle of torce and
cooousot lor the ethical ideals of'
Christianity T I tbe aslety of proper
ty to be promoted by the resort of
property and business interest g IB
rule of orate force, in which touiert
the waste of the people must nil.
male I y prevail aod most destructively j
prevail, if such a standard of condui t
and such a con teat are insisted oo Is
there no grave awl menacing peril uot
morel v to American respect for the
moral law, bat consequently to Ameri
can reapect for all law and the puhlir
pooes, "if clergymen are permitted
without rebuke to preach thenght-
eousneas of uiiuec-eaear;. or aggressive
warfare, tbe killing of weaker people
in order to reduce them to subjection,
and tb robbing them of their poases
lon?M If it be said that other nations are
Ogbtiug and killing for markets, and
that a a simple ho near proposition
ae must fallow the example or go
backward, kit. Mai eagh point to toe
material progress of the nation dur
ing the IB) year since th eivil war un
der tbe condition of a revived applica
tion of our democratic ideal, and asks
where it can la- duplicated and both
er the demonstration has not ueeu
complete, that m order to be a world-
power w
tion " But. on tbe other hand, there
romam the impregnable fart that thi I
abandonment of the old i leal" and
ItBia substitution at the law 01 the dol- 1
lar for the moral law mum work for
Ihe insecurity' erf property and life
ninng on ml we :
"It Mtiip In me qnite too plain for 1
dispute that no Ingle memher of
weaker race can be killed, no bat of
such rare, however humble, cah ;
; horned, no one ran he selected for sne-
1 rial honor for his nart in snch nitifnl
1 mtm 11 I ihm ... ;;,.,
' the torch which starts the fire b I
b Kiine tiaoless usgro m tone'
humeri at the stake in oar own 1 Nil
1 try. not only 111 defiance but n con
. tempt of law . and all sunn art most
he surely followed by greater inswrnr-
' itr fnr the iirnjill -e tl. arhinh the
1 oiitenteel ctaat nosseas. . . . While
Mohammedan ideal nf war on earth
and the snhjaction of the weak to the
strong most alwavs lessen the security
for prirate property in America, the
I'tiristian nleal of peace on earth ami
gtxid will to men will alwavs increase
We do more than tint against our
own boat interest when we join in the
movement to elevate the rale of blood
and iron We put physical courage -the
most enmmon thing in the world
a VI civil- courage and glory in our
prowe on land and sea anil in the
conquest of the pitifully weak in dis
tant islands, while moral courage BS
far fail us at home that corruption
and plundering stalk OfJBBl) in high
places at home not only without shame
hut without fear of punishment.
Here is another phase of the rouse
inenee of the nation's departure irom
ethical ideals and the political princi-
P' "'' fg "mque and great-
,.4t so. itiosr fi'ureal nf nil inr i hns.
Lrgie.P-d because of the recoaniie 1
force of righteous example working for
the uplifting of the masses of men. Is
it good business? Will, it be adjudged
so when the thieving and plundering
bicb our moral cowardice protect
have succeeded in inflaming the di
contenteel class to open revolt, as they
must sooner or later if suffered to go
on? We cannot forbear again quoting
from the addrass by way of enforcing
the g-et trutl. which it develops:
'I.et ii therefore ardently hope ttiat
the true American ideal of peace 00
earth and good will to men will
, attain take possession of our hearts
inn rusi'ir up, 1 !riiuiou inn iiiuiqii
aiike, to kolksve that it 11 not rob
bery , or conquest, or slaughter, or ex
pansion, or even wealth, out righteous
ness only, which exaltett a nation
for 1: in a free state like oars you ob
stante the Mohammedan ideal, which
now so popalar. or war on earth and
the sabjeetion of the weak to the
strong, you tielp to undermine the
very ground upon which respect for
private property, when gathered id
. great masses in few hand and often
especially honored, and if oppression
! i I t ha aaak I a I,, fw .l.a. laliail it will
oe difficult u prevent the class of the
: discontented from familiarising them-
selves too thoroughly with tight. ug
and kil.ing. and from lea'nng tocher-
ish in tbeir hearts a desire to oppress
tiie weaker but more wealths fellow
c t.sens."
Mr. MacVeagh ba g ven u tbe
weightiest and most needed woraot the
commencement season. Wh ie such
men continue to speak out aga.nst the
drunken, backward rush of the mo
ment, there 1 no cause for despairing
of tbe republic.
And every Distrvssing Irrtutrao)
of the Skin and Scalp I at tan fly
kclievcd b a Both with
And a single anointing with CLT1
CUItA Ointment, too groat skin
cure and purest of emollients. This
treatment followed by medium
doaes of tl MCI KA kESOLVENT,
to cool the blood is the snoot
speedy permanent . aod economical
cure for torturing, das figuring,
lulling burning, bias Blag, scaly,
(.rusted, and pimpty akin aod scalp
humours with loo of hair ever
U iluos I a ( i-ncra soar, aawsuHt bv
Caurioa ianin.oi. lur pssaervtag, guntnag
and baaattlyiag Uw skis, lar claaasiag lbs
'"luu saakftj ilUUiagasu, fur sun
aiag a hit alias, aad mwuuag rail ruuga,
aasl ort aaada. for faahy rasas, Uraiagi,
aad imiaUoBj. aad for all la gorpoaas of
0.r ksiwi, beta, aad buraerr MtlUoas ol
Wueasa as COTIcea soar u Bat for
of talks for aaauylag 1 1 1 IisSi m aad weak
'. aad asaajr aaaapO para.
SsM i,i ayil t Snass bns t Bae
usi i v... tsnnntisi tc jaa funas
in ... i iu in, .lairs).
dealer in
Wood and
Henry Kopittke
- mm
Rheumatism is due to an excess of acid in the
Mood. Vhm this escapes through the pons of the
akin, as rt often doe, it produce some form of skin
eruption -some itching disease like Eczema or
TM-, . V..O I,.... tl. . lliil. i t filnwir
1 ire suddenly closed by erposnre to cold and stinden
i chillme of the hod v. then the noisons thrown off bv
Ka- hl.ara.1 ..a1a ..' i
muscle, tiwies and nerves. These part become greatly inflamed, feverish ana
hot : dspy-vr-likr. maddminc roins follow in qun-k succession, the muscles bevoiiir
extreme lv tender, the nerve break down and the sufferer is soon reduced to a state
of helplessness and This acid poison penetrates the joints an 1. seems 1
dry OM ami the legs, arms and fingers become o tin and aora
that evcrv movement is attended with excruciating p.nns.
I in intents, plastc- My and hatha, while their use may give t:iporary
case, cannot be culled cures, for the disease returns witheverv change of the weataar.
S. S. S. cures lUientnatiam by
"Three years aro I had a ever attack of working a complete change in
la a-rippe. whirh left me almost a
wre k. To add to my- wretched condition, a
awvere form of Rheumatism developed. X
tried all t tie physicians In oar city, bat none
of them c on id do me any permanent rood. I
used all the rheumatic cares I could hear of,
but receiv d no benefit. After bea-innina' B. B.
B. I was r- ' rved of the pains and hare rained
la flesh and strength and my reneral health
la better than for years. I consider S. S. 8.
the e-randsst blood medicine la the world,
and heartily neon: nd it to any on aeek
lar relief from the tortures of Khaomatisn.
B. T. GREOORY. rnlon, 8. C."
to ruinous habits.
SCritrd. afTect the
add::., BBt that bur
Um no n-.ici- .; .
rem dt and the tr
BUtMua and wnte c .- ph i, i.mt if vou
be g.av; t otsau you .1 sn ; we charge nothing whaitevt: 1 : medical advi
-a, 44.
BaBaaokoasadBjal .aaaaaaaaaaaTsaaaaaatatal
To make good bread use Bvers' Bst Flour It took first
premium at the Chicago World' Fair over a! ! competi
tion, and givea excellent satisfaction wherever used.
F.verv sacs ir guaranteed. We have the best (Steam
Roiled Bat lay, Seed Rye and Beardies Ba-
W. S. BYERS. Proprietor .
The Portland Carnival
Ikm't hs? sight of the fa -t that the Portlaud Carnival wil la- in the
lug F'.x p etition Hullding and Multuoiuali field odjoiuing, and will run
afternoon and evening, from Hepteiule-r l to ,,,oer IP. It wil. is- one
of the grand ep Mitiotii that ever urred on the Pai'lfic mbsmI. and
all industries will i.- rvpresnted
Tnere v. II! be r uo full military bands, a c itiiplete Midway and a
Boat at apoclal attiaettooa, itiiuaiug a Military Tnarfitaaant AUtlolic
tiaiue-.. H 'in Sbna l-'ireworka, ett
All transportathin line will give pe -ial rwdin-ed rau-s, aud excur
sion ticket will BB 0081 for neveu days from all poiBBl
a. oLk
omci ik .'I'uu
building OBlc boar . u Us a.. I ss
OBI ..
ipboo J
V. W. VIM'klh'T. M ll. tKKI K tit A K
ol Plisi Kauoca. baas uSUs Sours lb to 1.
S. SB . 1 i P S3
hsod.ouio aav.sjg baas T,spooosll.
rss.'lctice U .cpOUUr i
H g. UAKKlkLU kt. U
u Huysiciao aad Itaxtn. ofi. , id Judd
ISiepaooe OSBcs
dat-. base tt
J. L. M
1.1. V
IPA.IK ULui kl,
juliisa. calarrba 1
ear. ug HaJSS
irsu aod i
ouadilioos w
property aiud
I 111 ll I U 111'! Ul M l W 17 tsUlM'll.
tiuu blocs Tslapboas at. saidsas bti
pboo blac
KOf ATBl i.Kb.
i' i ioibo.
' w
UK. LYNN t. H:..Kt.- ..i.i. UHBOMIO
aud arvou iiiaaass aod 'lisoaaa ol woaiau
(ii Hole. '.Of Malar aud Maiu Bis., reudic
aod Bul.uer Plaiu aud ipvciricauou read
Job aor a ipsijialty Suup on t.ollouwood
ire-.-i iieA'. lu lua- Juy bi:asui.tb abup
ueriou.od.ui. mus oumpi.U: aud rsllabla
plaiu lor bulldloss n.
koom 17. Juald salldiog
viij oi uuuu.r,
bondars gatnaataa furuisbisl oo a bar l so
Ues. Job aura a apauialiy Proaspt Samoa.
Hbup ou Bluff alrv.1. uaer Mala aUwrt
builder kMinaes luruubad on all kioda ol
aiaaoury oeiu.ui aalXa, aiuue walla, at. Ur
dais cau b. tail al tbe fcaal t)r.(uiau oBKc
a..-.,.!,.. CM'
physical , the blood : the acids are neutral-
bed, the circulation purified and
the rich, healthy blood that is
c.irried to the irritated, aching
muscles and joints, soothes aa
heals them. S. S. S. cures Rheu
matism even when inherited or
brought c excesaire use
of merenrv. Opium, in some
form, i the basis of nearly all
so-called Rheumatic Cures,
which deaden the pain bat do
not touch the disease and lead
'.ltnlies nnd the potash and niinr-.il remedies so pf'cc pre
nier lining ol the stomach an.', weaken the i.iirestion. thus
in to the already weak and impoverished blood. S. S. S. con
. -nu drug of any kind, but is n Bkuta, vegetable
- -t blotxl purifier known Send for our book on Kheu-
wish ac v infornta:: -n or a 1 r Wt wot
In Selecting a Carpet
Yon wii: r.n.l UN lafBSat assort
ment se,ect from t failing'
tore. Baa g-'i here ! al! the
latest pattern, the greatest vari
ety and 'tie best tato (at the
monei -m can find just what
im want here and jast what voti
SJtd. The lest carpet values
ever eflered :n I iregon Wall pa
per heaper than ever. The WOO
ierful tiiproved rotsrv White
swing machiue buy no other
until you try it.
Mfinterasielli Bras.
Marble GraaiteWoilcs
We do our own work and guaran
tee the tame at lowest price.
Kstimaies given on all kind of
cut stone. Full stock on hand
It will pay yon to see our work
and got pri iarg BlBBaa
vour oreler.
Hotel SI Gill
bliftnUy Parai.btd S'.mi Hiated
European Plan
Block aid a ntlf froo depit.
Saospic M lorat la coaastioa
Kuum kite
50c. 75c. SI. UU
to Judd buioiiug
A. L. UkATIk
aaviag Bans
1. li. b. OKH'-E UVKk
oas sdsataasuirso
B. A M AN H ligNTIrir IM
uoi Black, over F B I'losmo oglus
Urt. urogoo now a aaasra. ban. ma
titia llaaaSat at W. . iSnaa i..aai -
i . uxt saaeai aas asb) ,..
.a-.nuui prunri.7 iuaf: lO Affov.r it ma
aal rag i sojai v uu'J.
a..iUU ii'. lo rvbaarLclJ itan
' - '.uiuaa.iwr u: respuar L.e ''Itlleu.
uoi' .ti a ismsaoi. brssiOcni a
Hriruaui fict jrsaiitn. C U fimm
1 K Kllarers. aaauiaui caaaiar ji.u.
b A
Haruaao a g Jooo T I h, a p
bras J
Xllagor- Botwri JaaPawo. o
r.tte'I B'ATlOSAL SASKor AlUfcs
Orsgoc. Caplul. aBVO: arpla sod hiUdu
MJBB. loiarsst oo tin. deouaiu bsaj lL
ZS&t .uaada" H,T
ISSnSSt ?!LtlAtmL c
nsli. sssaaisr; Mrs E I Baruatl j....
iou Capital $7ujm, aurtuu SV.lu. I rau.
act a teoaial bausiug Coaiua.' gaieaaaai
aud leiagraobic traualen aool wrtllu ,J'
rrauciaeo Ksw York sod pnuciba iaj.uu .
til. Norlkwssv bralu bra.L oj. U,L
aud Xuru t Mas uoiiacuou ul rsaauusba.
lucrmej aasialaot eaablsr
- i'tAf. a.
.uu -aw. ou urn,.'. us. u.nu. T. Z
ujaueo giveo u, uou a j .
aSrtTssoakw a" ' '
P0B SALB 01 AiUANug.
A SEW SIX HoKbh ejV, th
liu. .uglu. uiu all niluraa
SSSIte. LsuXa
log, oausry ami .i.cin
uric ur will exebaug. lur cor iluu.l
park.r al . !
duul J i u.
r.UUIBUlU COogui.
rasa amp taauauMM strkkts
portlanh. oaitooK
V v ntiimnj. II Principal
A prsrtlcsl. progre-trt school rorapk-oou.
. fot thorough waft with hundred. ! rra""
In posit"' llllln stirt tr noRrorher.
Atrrsd priHi.'. of nin
knows. It wen.tily stow hettrr nd hrttet
Otr .11 the year Students .dojnled ny timt
rrtrstr Of cl instractloB Lesm wh.l nd
how we tech. B.! wht it ro Caulogae fte
Heard ol INrertees
Ti . Jl.lrt I MrlAflin
111V IVWUlVlt'll ivuvituii
The ImIbbI course jBJIBBre for en
' trance to Frexliinan lass in such col
mm - Yale. PrUMBtoa and Stanford.
Tim institution )ia lsen placed upon
:he Aoondltad List by the state l..anl
of Bdooatian, so that graduate- an- ad
mitted to stale certificate
A liusinese course eolial IB I BO BffM
oii-mt-i- college is oft'enil.
Kail term PBjhal September Mtb
Pendleton. tregoti. Principal.
l iiiversity ( Oregon.
Kig hu: stab lard In tbr state
Tim hundred
iHiurats in LJlersiurt. seivu
and Iks Art,
d kiiiit Bsa
n ass instruct
ed to Ubrar id
ilversily credit ;
rbi r.
fur lsw and
ns-ituent o( education
I lur teachan. prin 'tpsii and uier;nitidsoU.
I Tuition Ire cost ul living low Th toOSOBl
i-n,ed scboiarskis in iatgr vnnisrn un.vcr-
a . "- . 1 . ' .
Band aaat to rrSStdsal or Hci;rr lor
. at. I catalogues. Kuir
A V '
if M . st 3'. Mr-
, trer rj
tai gu nd pampM' ' ntainms -
. n.or . .ic. sdCr. .
J V HILL. M. r
" e- IT. fprtlm '. 0
AHumcand l)a School lor(iirl
M si' A III A?i KLuCl'TIO.N
fileanor lebbetts. Ph f..
sa 'tfr la. girt, a itfuad aad assiwask
H'i"0"""" aWMSafB4 ksaBB
rslaad rslaal 1,'HBs li rasaw lrg tao at
' ' ' le 1 ' fira
a .J tb
tar suii
Saw ir ru-
A taa
hi cm lil
u. an ixl m
h M .... 1
M 'ntair, aad
t: l.g.UtUB It. rBBBrris. Prln.
Disliop Scon Academy.
A Home School tor Boya.
MiliUry and Manual training.
-aii terni ni Mm i2- goi
..0U u.:y ul iws: uasaatUul laiaan
taVrstK? i 'Jband ' "-t totb
dvlub cblr-iaa, o le,'Qra it lo
lor ul? . u. 1 m , "1" lu t""!' y
atu.al.uiu ul
Tb builditu
.. ua .(,. u
Sbd are llgi.br
Tbs uuLsr
O) ul li- -.-..-a. uu uus.uea
a Kssf
IrUUl S '.tlllllja-la-li
uoivv canilul ailsuiiuu
,,T """e":'o inairon
for UlusirapKi uHu-u wr. w
0 d TO r(ri MBBB CAB
V,U n ala aala. or
as Jo!, rursosaa
Newspapers L'siarrir oU;!S
r:i aoi ismku laar
f.J a r-vat srhnoi
f a BI 1S
r s. . al n..r.,i. iti,r
tfor "a.mlslon to an)
scientific ai hool or
, . - bus
. ', Nw and
. m. ..! rqulpp-il
M nua: train: ( Th
Enish and Business
cava, ummricm JTZT '-a at wmmm
Union Pacific
Tlm Schssm.
From Psndlste.
Chlrafo. felt Lake. IT
! Speel.t w ily. at ui. tS?V-
;pm ,-airo and Ksit "i. ,
is Rant
Atlantic Isall Law, Pvnv,, .
1' I - m
.... 'ia.,1 a;,.
Ssaa and kaut "
via Hunt
ington f 1 aui " it 4 1 n vi a,, a atajlii
Fast Mail t.k.,.w...Vr
ui nisi,. Mlnsespoii.
Hpoksne. J k.e-h,casrauJaa.
Ocean and River Scbedyit
u, i. ..1 ta 11- aaa. .
Allsailint dttatiubjsn
I rti p. m.
For s Iraocino L..
aUsvan .rt.
ni-eiit I Columbia Rivsr
p. a. I To itori nd .
satumsy Umllan
in a av
- .. Wlllamstt Riv"r
-iiuitay Oregon City. Svwktsi a.
Sa m. SSm, Ia.irad.as.siia2,
I sua ey Un jinn
u. Osrsatti ud Baa
rail rbs undmg. 7
u i bm " pa
aa ir
Wilismtt nnni.
rasa.Thfs ursgoi. cnj. iyt iai'ti
slid Sat aM ) Uiidings.
Kill . .. L..
Uavs ,
kiparts ,
I.ona m
Ialiy. I
Snaks Blvsr Lm
itBa a
l..r.a I U.,U)C la,.
r. F AAMsLtY. Agssi, rsaikax
rTytrf trtliCk
1 II lL IMC...
Washington &
Columbia Rier
For OUbmb, Bt, I'aul. St. Iaooo, ta
a- i ity, St. Jis-. i imalia. and
All Points las snd Soutfc
Portland and points
on the Sound
TIMg CAkb, ktl TkMBEk L BM.
Meal Hound- Lssvv v.i, Wtlue as N
dlrluU " plU . SaKale , Arntr Tisw
M sm .-wattle v aiu .
iM liuuml - Laaw Sssttl IBtaai Tea
:ls ptu ; Arrivr Walla Malis pa. NsBaa
V am ; Spokane :V am
For inlurmaluin rsgardiug ri tail 4
niielslloD. call "L or . i .
Al.ASS. AfMl
'SlUUK. www,
S B. CALPEKHtAb. 1. f A..
Walls M alia, V, uk
White Collar Line
Portland-Astoria KuuU
tr. "Tahoma'
ImIi; mM lt.
,. , .an L"' patiaal .. .: t. a
! l.osv Astoria .. f K I
The Dnllcs-Portland Mouu
StP Ruilsv r.ait7St " I t"f rssal go
Vancouver, (.'ascadr Ueks.
iu. ua sst
r,NK Hiatd I;, vvr. w nu,
1 Dt Hsllva
Laass I'onlaad
Arrive Tks UallM
hasvs TUv balls
Arrlv funUad
. a, a . ball U fo-ilau J
' i a
Uallss u I'ortiauJ sua i
V !, tbr -
Huuday trips a Isadius Is
bs- tut srsuils! scmuii stln
T.rtsu fur taiil' Isiai b ud iai( si Tks laja
sod llussl Kivsr
tauding -r'ool u; A.dsiMisst.
Sotli Pkouss Usui ail. furtasad. or-
A.J TA VL"h. Agt.. Asuirav, ra
John a kill i la, ac. ra im;.. '
' ll.KoKl. A VI. I.- MaliU WIU
fKATHKi: HAHN 11. A(U . Hwsl I aajBO
J t. VtY.TI. a: Vaa "'Uier Matt.
K W. caiUBTuK, Aft . furtlaed. or.
t redcrlck NoU. Agt., Pcndlctoa. Or
I U. Hay Co.,
Buy aod 1.
and Grain
i or on oisrgi
Now York Stock Egcaaags
Cbksogo Mock Exchange.
Chicago Board of I red.
vswun atrMi.
Oregon's Most I amous Hfiffl
. a
The Hotel Mavel
Is now open 'or the sea"
riuoai equipped rvaurl ...yiSat
Ploasl bmlhlua LJ-h UU Nufttl IWS.'T"
Luill'ium i;lut, Hl.lUK UlLlU'llllS
lava bllllmrd halls anil aids
courts aud aiaoy sxcelirtii a.ir
buadrad ruoou, Bruaae. ca.'oiJ
iu boat lurultura uiuuo uuel
disiaace uilspboa lo otto. it BS
Hulel uoder mauagsuiaDl ol COJ
sy Kur rata. sU... sddr uJrLlim
r. . lircguu. or addroai i "'"l ,v
ralary.M;. Marguaie Bulldiii ' j-jagf
Ma araBiaaias. all '"
tar BUSlassw'
IsaurooUas " '