East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 04, 1901, Image 1

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t AIM ...,r.oni
ah thr ool
. --- I'M"'"
MARK ini r.
j TmlhttiiiThiiM.r fair.
NO. 4M0
w m w w
ii i
The Place
To buy Groceries
mhen MM can hav- a big
sWck to select from. Call
Ml see me J stock is
,,rfe both in fancy and staple
G. R. Demott
Prices Pushed Down a Notch
and hammered and slashed until owt
and value are no longer thought of. To
l'H rid of summer goods is our idea and
to do it quickly we are giving such
values as et'iu almost inipossihle.
Alexander & Hexter,
The Boston Store.
School Shoes Opening Sale Dry Goods
I to I kid
I to 12 heavy
13 to 2 heaw.
$ .00
-lnjep f'r girls $1. $1 ,'2-
i SOeed 1.76
Strong shines for loys, made
.ike a man's shoe. $1.96, 1.60
: II, 2.00. 2.25 and 2.50.
Big boys are young men.
Try the DoOglai shoe t.00
and $3.5(1
12 l-2c
15 to ;,2'.c values. Plaiils and Novelties.
This covers the least.
This line of Plaid and Novelties range in price from
35c to 50c; will now he offered during this sale at
this low price.
If these don't attract you prices don't count.
A grand opportunity to get fall dress goods
jjc to 75t values of fine plaids, novelties and plain
colors and plentv of them This price is made for
this sale only.
50c to S.5C values and a uood assortment of up-to-date
materials, not a few pieces but many of them.
These are on centre counter counter, easily found
.oc to 1 1 values colored and black novelties.
-5c toll. 25 values colored and black novelties.
These can be appreciated when MMfj.
The Boston Store.
What Parent
r Scholar::::
will Overlook
These Prices
: Pencils ...
;LiPen. ...
NjePe.., 2 1.2C
Boxes... av,
.rv -' -
A louver of (iood Living
demands good bread as the
leading article of his diet.
When he has our bread lie
has the best that is made.
We use the best wheat Hour
in this bread, and our every
process is the best result of
experience in bread making
rKidT an(j Pen
Fttf Erasers
fDliwin Pencil..
Table,, bi
10 WD
ggest in
Ink 2c bottle.
Jklf Your Money
Uia School Books
jj plic And Academic
LO and Blotters
th Every Order-
For Combination Folding Cots and
Chairs. Just the thing to take to the
mountains - - -- -- -- -- -- --
Next Door to Postoffice
. Oref oa..
"See Dem Freezers
I have a full line of.
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
from one pint to ten quart, will freeze cream
in from three to five minutes; also have a full
line of fishing tackle, hammockn, etc. See my
line before buying
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
It is report! tlmt Consul General
Ho Yew will mmmrI Minuter Wu
Ting Fang, if tht latter is transferred
to lomlon, a change hinted at in lit
patches from Washington.
Sheepmen and i-attl.MiuMi are ai war
0VM range tnattKni to nnl. south 01
Lander, Wyoming, anl unless citisenn
who have gone to the scene to nettle
the difficulty arrive in lime there
may be blooushed.
Andrew Carnegie ban ifiven 100 each
to BbceMOa, l.aw, Jones and DnI,
four miners, who displayed conspico
OM bravery in retime of tneir comrades
at the time of the recent IVInihrintle
Pwthablrt Miliars disaster.
The Matin announce that it Ink re
ce.ie.t from a source alleged to b au
thoritative, in Constantinople, infor
mation to the effect that the sultan,
relying upon the assurance of a great
riwer that France will not proceed to
rce, will refuse any concession in
the Countana affair.
Dm prohibitionist of Mansachtlsetts
named the following ticket for the int
ending Mate campaign: For govern
or, John B. I I'm', jr., of Reading;
for lieutenant governor, William H.
Tatridge of Newton ; for secretary of
the commonwealth, Frederick W.
t'lark of Ronton ; for treaaurer and re
r.'iver general, ,'oe Hschelder of Lynn
field, for auditor, I'. W. Smith of
I'rtlton. for attorney general, tile
Coffen of Nantucket.
The total of Secretary Hester's crop
reHirt on cotton of tho United Statex
shown that the total crop for IU00-0I
wan 10, 58:1,422 balen, againnt ',42(.41ti
lialex lant year, ami 11.274.H40 halen
the year before. The milln of the
South uned 1 ,H'.0,i30 balen. which w
MittlS balen more than during IH'".
1900. With the eicenn in bales over
lant year of "47,iK)fl, the KM lb ob
tained for the crop an increaau of
(Il.tU,.M', rw; the value of thin veer's
crop having reached 4v4,5ti7,A4l, more
in dollarn than hai ever before been
paid for anv cotton crop. Mr. Hexter
comparen the value of thin clop with
I that of the year before lant, 11,274,
j 840 balen, the Urgent ever grown, and
I shown that the south received thin
year for 81M.418 11 en less, $211 ,7t4,l0l
A lone highwayman on horseback
was the principal on Monday in three
holdups on a by-road leading south
from lluut'n station, on the Ashland
Klamath falls stage route.
Bills of two Montana hauks to the
amount of $300, ooo are in circulation
lacking the signatures of presidents
and cashiers. The bills were stolen
in the recent train robbery on the
(ireat Northern railway.
The Grande Konde Valley Agricul
tural association will hold a series of
races at the l.tt (irande fair grounds
Friday afternoon, September It, This
is the second of the series of races ure
liminary to the October fair.
John N. King, manager ol the Lew
istou Flouring mills, tiled a suit in
the district court against A. F.
Kroutinger, sheriff of Nes 1'ene coun
ty, I'laimuig damage of 915,160 for
causing MM to nwear to a false im
prisonment. Mrs. Marv Sui'ler. sister of Jude
Keuben 1'. Boise and for 12 years MM '
iiected with the state university, died
Monday luoruuig at her home in Al
bioa. Mra. HpTller was a woman of
ability and attainment. -h was
born Oclolwr 2J, 1KM, in Bedford,
Maas , and graduatetl from Mount
liolyoke 'Jolletfe.
Burdette Woll, a young law student,
who shot and killed his sweetheart,
Miss Birdie Morton, neat her BORMt
st Mount Tabor, 10 years ago. is au
thentically reported to be ill South
America. Wolf is einid'oyed as a loco
motive engineer, ami when last seen
was running on the road in I'eru .on
i-lructed by Harry Meiggs.
J- red Hardy was tried for the mur
der ol Cuu and Florence Sullivan and
I'. J. Koonev, Unimak island, Alaska,
August 28. The special iirand jury
taken from Nome to I'nalaska In
Judge Wickersham's court, brought m
an indictment for murder iu the tirst
degree against Hardy after lisieuing to
the testimony in the case. Hard)
claims to bt HM Btafjkv1 ol J OEM Wan
amaker of I'hiladelphia.
n i
Risking Life
To in.ile living ! And r kt.iud and
tare up at the man in the ilon U, won
drnug ihMt in) mail MM BE M RMs
haru nut wnal ol
the buninikh UI4U,
lEjEEEEM f IT no n.oi win. mi'
V 'jw .ii.au, ..
Ut , VJM V I UK a I ml -
' down h line b ol DtS
and nnlk III a few
RtiaUli ' He too, is
ruking bis lilt- to
nut .. I i , 1 1 . , I it
J ik kllt4lllnl DJ food
" J n puperl) diaeeled ami
,yA A. J I akiinildU-tl The re-
Mjea "'
urn h,
- las uiid .i M wfvak " kliiut.
h h Bieana . wi-uk
in. n When the
stomach is " .ik "
ih t"xl cat) n is not
I sassi) d i g t ed
and lalinol br lier
(m lly BJI .l . i tef, SO
tin t then u a daily lot of iiulrition,
wllicb iu lime uill rikult in physical
to ..
Ir. Pierce ' k l.oldi n Mt-dn al Oiscovery
cum dikt-akt-k ol the ktoiuai b and other
organs of digt-klloii and nutrilioli. It
eiiablek the assimilation of all the nutri
tive value of the fool eaten, and ao
builda up the body into ouud lualth
ami ktrcugtli
Mr Nel NIjii tbr cclrtratril In.h Cuius
dlall kUil MlUO. "I 17 K MK il CauuUSj
N J Mrrtu " Wr lullilWU kit t-iigagt-iucnl of
twrlvc week xiitl il.' OOSMrteMl ovlmg k.v,
u.i ., UttU touvli "I lltal lrrk!ril dlkcakr .ol !
Jykprusis 1 tncJ rvcrylluug p,...iiu iu
ceir il till Uui -.k urnilc ilaiiuy al U V
Krtlti Bijou 'rivralri fhilaUeiubla tu the
Nrtkfu Trio k unjjraeioual fritua of none nd
vikcU uir lull, br firnr k l.oUlr II lic.lUal ln
mtV) I 'nl ' - '' lhauk Ood itk guud
rckulu "
Ir. Pierce's Conimon Sense Medical
Adviaer, m '' iwers, ik ta-nt free on
receipt ol n one-ctiu slaiupa to y
caucus ol mailing cy Addrcs Or.
at V r-ieicc HuJfalo, N V.
0. R. & N. and W. & C. R.
Have Misunderstanding.
To ihc Tricks it Wtlluli for TrtDsfer of
Sicks Bound for Portlind From
Willi Willi.
Walla Walla, Sept. 4. -The t'ninn
navn :
The railroad war tare which has ben
extinct, or at moat but BMoldaflng foi
the pant five years, has broken to the
nuriace attain in a blase For months
the mail service tietween Walla Walla
and Portland hxn been ol what is
termed the "cloned Hincli" order.
The bagn were cloned and locked at
the Walla Walla ottice and were dump
ed aboard the baggage cars ol I be Ore
OR Itailroad A N'avigatimi company
where they lay in state amid nth'
tbingn until thrown out at Wallula to
be turnixl over to the mail clerk on the
through train ffOM Spokane to the
mouth ot the I'nlumbta. The train
left thin city at'iln o'cliH-k p.m.
The mail in the local lMintolhVe closed
at 9 p. m. in order to give it time to
reach the train. Thin wan deemed
slow and not fraught with the eonven
iences which might accompany a
change. The change wan attempted
When the Wanhimrton , t'oliiiiibia
Kiver railway company inaugurated
it- "I'nget Sound tlver" mrvicetbe
postolHce department issued an order
that the mail for Portland leave this
city hy way ol the "Hint" road. In
thin manner it was inieaihle tor the
mail to be "worked" between Walla
Walla and Wallula, the closed pouch
in convenience wan avoided the mail
hags were constantly in charge ot a
government official, and Haylon,
Waitaburg and Pixie were placed in
lone touch with Portland.
Last Sunday the change went into
effect, the Miuches I mm Walla Walla
to Portland went out over tun Washing
ton A Columbia Kiver railroad. They
reached Portland but thev went to
Puget Soiiud to do it. the run to
Hunt's junction was made without
The Washington A Columbia river
railway conductor was intoriued he
would not be permitted the use ol the
Oregon Itailroad A Navigation tracks
and platiorma. At least that is what
the people at Wallula aay.
Alter due consultation and the usual
eiftendilure ol eipleti vea th Wanli ing
toit V Columbia Uiver train continued
ita way with th mail hags from
Walla Walla on board. The neit day
by telegraphic order the mail service
waa again cbauged hack to the closed
huh li and baggage car of the Orego'i
Itsilroad k Navigation company.
Coining ao shortly alter nlaciny in
commission oi the "Puget Sound liver"
by the Washington V Columbia Kiver
railroad the preeeut set-to is regarded
as significant m the revival ol war u
taeen the two companies and perhaps
between the two systems of wbicii they
i or in a part.
sums Work Today.
Pittsburg, Sept. 4.-Between three
and four hundred men resumed work
in the plant of the National tube works
at McKawapurt this morning. The re
turn did not cause any excitement,
whatever. It is becoming a conviction
here that the atrike ia about over and
the belief ix eiproased that a lull foffM
at tb lobe mill comprising sis to
seven thousand men will be at work
aval n on Monday.
National lube Men Resume.
Pittsliurg. Hept. I. The real test ol
'he steel strikers' strength is now be
ing made by the truata. With more
than one-half of the local mills in op
eiation and the prospect ot in ire re
MEtlSf xliortly, unity ol the strikers
alone can save the strike troiu a dia
astroua flnish. AiiialgaiuaUid officials
nay there is not tbe alightat break in
the ranks ol tbe strikera.
Hoi ..noun lO W m
McKeeaport, Sept. 4 -It was report
el this morning that fully two-thirds
of the old employees at the Deuimler
tin plate mill will return to work this
uvauiug or tomorrow uioruiug, under
the protection of the sberiR and a
foroe of deputies. Mayor Black has la
sued a proclamation to the strikers,
cautioning them agaiuat violence,
rrcparlas te Resume.
Putaburg, Sept. 4. - Indications
point to an end of the eyiapathetic
strike hy the worker iu the Pommy I
vania tube works. Thia uioruiug 16u
went to work in the mill getting
thing ready for resumption. Mi
hundred strikera will bold a meeting
this alter u.., i, to disc us tbe ijoeatiou
of returning and it i believed will de
cide iu the affirmative
New York, Sept. 4 Samuel (iow
per, John Mitchell, president ol the
United Mine Worker, Harry White,
president of the garment makers, ami
Italufi Kaaley, secretary ol the Nation
al Civic Federation are said to have
been in conference with Schwab la
the latter' office this morning, but all
knowledge of it ia denied at trut head
Ta arsgeasM. salaTey.
Buffalo, Hept. 4. -Every care will be
taken to asieguard President McKiuley
when be outuee here tomorrow. From
the time be arrives until be departs ha
will never be without a guard of secret
service men, police or soldiers.
aleae te Sua Tar Diverse.
Loudon, Hept. 4. Announcement
was made today that Lord Hope, bus
baud of May Hope, tbe actress u..
in the Orient with Captain Strong, in
structed bis attorneys to begin proceed
lugs tor divorue.
Rsportsd by I. L. Ray a Co.. PsaElston.
Chloato Board or Trade and Nsw Tsrk
Rtosk Baahanta Broknrs.
N i'ii York, Sept. 4. Tbe grain mar
kets nrt extremely dull trxlay and the
prices scarcely changed. Liverinnil
was 18 higher, ft 8. New York BfMB
el unchanged at 7tl4, and after mIUiik
at 7lka, BlMBHj 7i 7-8. Corn continues
strong at til :1-B New York, ftri Obi
Stocks higher.
Money, I per cent.
Close yesterday, faff.
i pen today, 7rl4i.
Kange today. 7tl to 77.
Close toilay, 7t 7-8.
Mirkm Sugar. 134 7-8 ; steel, 4o ;
st. Pan I, IrWt, ; IT, P., 1110 7-8.
Whsat in Chisaco.
Chicago, Sept. 4. Wheat, Ml1 to
' ' 'i
Whsat In Sat: Franelsso.
San Francisco, Sept. . 4. Wheat.
liKi'j r cental.
Methodists Nasi In Chapsl Namad for
Foundor of ths Dsnomlnatlon.
I. on. Urn, Sept. 4. The ecumenical
Methodist F.piecooal conference ofiened
this morning In Wenley Impel. Blabop
iu i missionary bishop of Africa,
making tbe opening nrayer. There in
a gixnl attendance 1 he king and the
president were prayed for. Bishop
lialloway of Jackson, Miss., preached
an eloquent sermon. Friendly men
suites were received from tbe Arch
l-'shop of Canterlierry and Bishop of
London. Three hundred American
delegates are present.
Kalssr Rssatvad Chun.
Potsdam, Sept. 4. Kaiser Wilbelm
received Print! Chilli, head of the
Chinese eipiatorv mission, at 12:30
o'clock todev. The mlniatnr of foreign
affairs, Kicutbofen, and the imperial
statf attended the audience.
A guanl of honor received the (tarty,
and on ita arrival at tbe castle they
were conducted to the hall of shells
where the kaiser, holding a field mar
shal's baton, received them. Prince
Frederick and other member of tbe
royal family attended tbe kaiser. The
minister, principal court dignitaries
and generals also were present. When
be had been presented to the kaiser.
Chun read bis letter of apology.
Amsterdam, Sept. 4. Tbe Boers
here are unable to eiplain the arrest
ol Dr. Krause, ei-governor of Johan
nesburg, on tbe charge of high treason.
They have always regarded him as
pro-Knglisb and have bad nothing to do
Willi him no e he surrendered Jobau
uenburg. Kruger when be beard el
the arrest aaid : "What! That Brit
isher will tie arresting Cbauilierlaiu
for high treason) neat!"
Swirtwater Bill attested.
San Francisco, Hept. 4. "Swilt
water Bill" Oatea, who eloped irom
I in in ten dava ago with bis 14-year-old
niece, coming hers under an as
sumed name thia morning, waa arrest
ed and charged with abduction. He
waa confined in the city prieoo. at
the request ol I'acoma authorities.
Tbe girl has diaapeered.
Took Second Race of the Se
ries of Three.
Tb Record Hoi Studs Too lo Kbl for tlw
Kolln Pralinlurr Srlw of
F.lnhlm Rirn
Brenton, Point, Hnpt. 4. -t'oltiinhia
aMf. Thin givM her two ol the three
linal cup tnal sens ami make her the
dele BOW BfBlBdJ Shamrock II.
BraaMa'i NUm, k. i , se,,t. 4.
Colombia and fjoaailtailoa contrary t4
etjiectutions sUrteil nnt on another
trial race this morning. There waa a
dead calm early, hut SBOM mxin the
wind r t and thehiMt were aent
lndpndne Bslng Olsiaantlsd.
Honton. Sept. 4. -The yacht Inde
MMB4M8 with everv Hag living started
Iron, t. Hull for this city this morn
NBg Upoa arrival the work of din
matitliiiK imineiliately begun
Wants to l)rr Crisis umll BfMB Ihe
Ciar'i Visit.
Pari-, ept. 1. The French govern
ment by no means is so iiillv occupied
ill. preparation mr the instivities
incuieiil to inn visit of the csar as to
kgaora tba dlBpaiB with Turkey. In a
lew days, it Turkey does not give the
sstlstacti lemandad, further meas
ures will be taken in the matter, al
though efforts will be made to avoid
the efiBfl until a ler the csar's visit.
Hsvs Not Sppsslsd to usrmaay.
Berlin, pt. 4. -The tiermau go -eminent
in ignoring the Franco Tur
kiah dispute. The torelgn office this
morning declared Turkey had not ap
pealed to lieruiany regarding the matter.
Berlin, Hept. 4. The navy depart
ment wa notified today that tbe third
dasa cruiser Yacht ia aunk of! Arkoua
alter colliding with the battleship
Machaeu. It la not known whether
there waa loss ol lila.
Absolve Train Crew.
Kalispell, Moot. .Sept. 4, The cor
oner' jury iu tbe Nvack wri ck cans re
turned verdict abaolviug the train
i rew iron, responsibility.
Thompson ktrosl Pastor Will Barve An
other Year.
The Kev. John Uien. pastor of the
Ihoinpsou street M . K. church lelt
thin morning lor Walla Walla. He
will attend the sessions ol tbe Co
lumbia river annual conference, over
which Bishop W. K. Mallelieu will pre
side. Mr. I run eapecte to return lo
Pendleton for another year. lie has
xernxl the church here for several
years, and there is not iu tbe town a
persou who will not learn with pleas
ure that be is to lie sent back. Ao
cord lug to the economy of the Melbo
dist K pi co pa I church, the pastors are
"itinerant " that is they are appoint
ed by tbe bishop who presides over tbe
sessions of the auuual conference, the
nistioo having absolute appointive pow
er, although al ways of course consult
Mf w'lb tbe preeldiug elders and
keeping in mind tbe local couaidera
tiona of success aud tbe pastor's MM
larity and efficiency for tbe place be
occupies. The return of Mr. II ran,
under the Hedble system of this
church means that his relatious are
pleasant ami satisfactory and that his
people endorse bis pastorship.
He is to be absent for a month. Af
ter the conference adjourns, be will
go ou lo Hecrameulo, where he has a
brother. It Is bis intention to leave
Walla Walla ou Monday aud go to Cal
ifornia via Portland.
wbmtb in c.us aaca.
Or. In J. Parkins Will taturn Pram too
Dr. I.. J. Pei k urn, who served as
agency physician at the Umatilla re
servation here lor a uuinber of years
will leave tba Philippines suou for the
Mtes. He has bean there for just
una year today, having gone as a con
tract aurgoon iu tbe servloa of the fed
eral government. He oontractad for
one year, aud, according to word com
Ug from him to Pendleton, will not
waut anv more. Hi contract espiriug
today, September 4, it ia uuderatood
here that be will board tbe very uest
tranaport that sails from the shores of
tbe Islauds, aud come to Peudlutou.
His family u now in lies Moines,
Iowa. Dr. fortius will probably go
mere alter arrival In Pendleton
Bid Darling, lou Howard Bt. Fort Hu
ron, Mich, writes: "I have tried many
pills aud (amative but DeWitt's Little
Rarly Risers are far the boat pill I
i.ave ever BsssJ." They uever gripe.
Tel I man A tV
They Stoppd Coltoa Bait Trsln and Took
ub Maooy.
Texarkana, Sept. 4. -A posse of nity
men lelt this morning to intercept lis
rohlxars who held up the cotton belt
train at Kvlau last night. The out
laws are know i. lo be In the Sulphur
river bottom, heading lor Louisiaua.
Kailroad official still reiuae to make
public the amount secured tiy the rob
ber, but it I thought to reach into
tbousaiidn. The iaseugers were no
tlorm la Tssas.
Corpus t'hristi, Texaa, spt. t
terril le storm passed over an liiego
aud vicinity Tuesday aftsrnoun. Five
were killed and two fatal ly injured.
syor Vlossnl Will Rid lbs City of
Mayor Vincent has issued an order
directins' the duel of police to arrest
all vagrants or iersoiis who Ita ""
visible means ol support. 'The city is
BjfflB4ad with hums and loafer, who
will neither work nor get out of Iowa.
It i true, that there are aume wbo
work loaf aaoastfa lo nam a dollar In
order to net drunk. Thev have M fear
ol the citv jail, for it aftorde them a
flace to sleep and souiethlug to eat.
he mayor is growliur tired of tbls
condition ol affairs ami has determin
ed to rid the city of the grafters ll he
has to keep them Iu Jail ou bread and
water for ten days.
Many physicians are now prescribing
Kadol DySfMBaia Cure regularly havine:
ItMBsJ that it is the best prescription
they can write tatcaiiee it is the oue
preparation which contains the ele
menlH necessary to iel not only some
kiadd ol fOM butsll kinds and II there
lore cures indigesllou and dyspepsis
no matter what its cause. Talltuaii A
School Opens
Monday, Sept. 16th.
gi mil ramiajdai tu parents tu
tu i all (Ol a M ul our school
-.In. , (oi Ihc Inlilrcii Wl'.
Every pair
Absolutely f.uai.tiiUiit
wi: puknish ONI LP til N
The Peoples Warehouse
l Mr! PtrraRS OP PfdfJT.
716 liaiu Street. Peadlaion, Uc.