East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 31, 1901, Image 6

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MTKDAY. AtOlST :tl . !
to write ads but
we are selling
and are giving
the best valuer
in town for
your money
Practical Boot an.! Shoe Men.
Jm. A. Howard. Farm loans
School books, school supplies. Nolf's.
$1 shirt waists, now 4 Cleaver
Bros. Dry Oood Co.
f dock soiu, now 12. 91 QltM
Bros. Dry Goods Co.
We are closing out fruit jam at ml
at the Standard Grocery Co.
First class wheat pasture lor catt .
and horses. Inquire of Peter West.
Yon can save money now by hnving i
your jars at the sutu'ltnl grocery.
86c summer goods t close at
per yartl. Cleaver Bros. Iry hhI-
Dtop into
Wanted A couple of good hell hoys
at Hotel I'endleton.
Attend Kader' clearance dale of fur
niture. Trice slaughtered
For house moving nee Geo. Kiev or
leave older a: Newman' I'igar Store
For rJrat elas rigs or a cal at anv
hour telephone Depot stables, Klvm
Craig, Prop.
If you want to see a nice line of wall
paper and border go nee ('. ('. Sharp,
Court street.
For sale H-room house and 1 lota,
lit), twi- tin- bunding sites, two
blocks iroui bridge. K. T. Wade.
W. R. Withee i agent (or the Do
mestic anil Iiavis sewing machines. A
full line of supplies. Repairing a spe
cialty. All worn guaranteed.
J Th" camera club are going to Bing
liam springs, tomorrow, on a piMM
eiL'iirsion. ftiev .-xiie.-f to taki a few
pictures iii the neitfiihorfiooii of the
K. J. Murphy has now the most
complete line ot wall papers and boni
er ever siiowti in I'endleton. All the
latest shades and design. Von
should see the stock.
s Mlty children a lu singing voire
are required tor the great school scene
in the graud cemc product ion
"Dsugtiter of the 1'ianmtui king"
Leave your names at Fraxier's store.
Condition a', the tegiuiiing of the
foartli vear of -mgar-uiaking at the ,.
Orande factory complete! v jnstily the
experiment of heetgrowiug in the
Grand Ronde valley, and furnish as
surances for the future MHaMH of the
heet-ugar industry.
A party of I'endleton people returned
frum Long Reacii thi ni irnl
Among then: were Mrs. Mary Kpple.
Misses Carrie and IMith Kppl'e, Mis
Rita Howland and Mrs. A. L. Storie
and childreu. They are enthusiastir
over the attraction and pleasure to
he found at the beach.
Preparation for the street carnival
and district fair, to be beld at The
Dalle eptembe' :ii t- "ctober i, are
in fuil swing. The determinat '
the executive committee to consolidate
the carnva with tlie Katern Oregon
Second district agricultural fair It re
garded a a happy conclusion.
A lawn sociable will he given tin
evening. Degmniug at 4 o'clock and
continuing until h or B o'clock. If the
ladies of the M. K. rhurcfi. south.
They will serve ice cream an-l cake on
the parsouage lawn by the church.
Member and friend ot the church
A. D. Smith A
telephone main
Inquire a'
You ought to awe
Porter's red fir wood,
Wanted Furnished
modern conveniancc.
Midsummer aale of wash good n -half
price. Claavar Bros. Drv
Oooda Co.
You want to lock at that fl solid
back bair brush, it i guaranteed,
koeppan'a drug store.
Lou 2 and 3 in block HO, Reaarve
addition abova St. Joseph's scsd-n )
or aale cheap. Inquire of Peter West.
Creecwnt bicycles on the installment
plan at the Orescent agency id the Last , '
oregonian building, payments 11 a
and the public are mvitel t" call.
Rev. R. A. Copple. pastor of the
Christian church, will go tomorrow to
F.ch to conduct the funeral services
over tne remains of .Mrs. Randolph who
died at Nye while being brought from
the mountain to her home. Her hus
band died on Joif 6, le than two
month ago. Mr. Copple officiating at
the fnuerai .
The man William an ''rdstran. who
wa bcuglit lieiore ,liitice Kitu tierald
vesterday morning for stealing blanket
was bound over BO await the actiou of
the circuit court. The defendant told
a plausible story in the morning, but
it wa found later in the day that oth
er had charges to prefer against him
ir the same offenses.
week, no interest The hand concert last evening euter-
The homeliest man in I'endleton a tamed a large crowd CollsCtSO at the
wall aa the hand so meat, and other i corner o: Wsbb and Main atrawta. It
are invited to call on anv druggist is snnoun ei that, to-realter, the regn
I apidts. He is about 50 years old.
Stiniiav Snnnun,amai,t.
('hnrch of the Redeemer Divine ser-
Ths Dsrsndant Dsnlas the Truthrulnss
or me Assertions Mads In
Previous Report.
Jack Dunning ton, conductor of the
W. A C. R. R. running between Pen
dleton and Wallula. statel todav to thi
Last Oregonian that in the justice
court at wallula. W. 0. Durham wa
hold in 28' bonds to keep the peace
The trial lasted for two days, and wa
the sensation of the week over there.
Mr Dunnington says that from what
he learns in Wallula the F'.ast Oregon
ian' statement made on Wednesday
was substantially correct.
Mr. Durham sends to the Kat tire
gnman the following letter regarding
the affair:
Wallula, Aug. tv, 1901. To the F.d
tor In your issue of yesterday. Aug
ust under the hold heading, "Dur
ham Went 'tunning," you have rack
lessly, mallei" isly and damnably lied,
a there is not a aingle word of truth
in the entire articla. I never at said
time had in my hands or possession,
nor did I ever in my life own, sui'b a
gun. Nor did I on "Tuesday" or any
other time act towards Sam Bowman,
or others, or this community, aa yoo
have stated. Furthermore, I feel inv
self fullv competent to protect myself,
in the right legal manner ami right
spirit, against your vue, reckless ma
licious, damnable slanders.
Will von be manly enough to pub
lisb thi in your issue of tomorrow,
jntt a written, and send me severai
copies toereof W. C. DURHAM.
zander is down from Athena
anu get tree a trial bottle of Kemp s
Balsam for the throat and lungs, a
remedy that is guaranteed to cure and
relieve all chronic and acute cough
aathma, broncihtia and consumer n n
Prise 36c and 50c. For sale by Tali
4 Co., sols agents.
We'll say it again
Because it's true
That our new line
of Men's, Laii'
iiid Children s
School shoes
quality and price.
Just see them and
vou will know.
The Pendleton Shoe Co.
Wm, Fmulhalu, Manager.
lar conceit will be held on Tfiursdav
instead of Friday evening. The danc
ing neason is coming on and a numiwr
of the hand men play at the dances
which occur moat frequently on Friday
night. Hence, the change
John HsCarlso Taken to Portlsnd Hos
pital Friday Nlsnt.
John McCarten, a switchman em
ploved in the ( KAN. yanl lisre
with the regular crew, lei' from a
freight car Fridav attemoon, and
broke b i wrist. Dr. f, W. 'incent.
the company' pnv-n-ian, attended the
man, and sent him to Portland on the
night train where he will remain in
the hospital unti. he ha recovered the
use of his arm. He wa climbing tiff
a car at the time of the accident, and
fall to tbe ground
Arrivals at Hotel Psndiston.
C 0 Berkeley.
Morton Dalv, Portlanu.
W I Mac iregor, Raciue.
N H Yarrett Portland.
W D Msani
j F. tteorge, -an Franciw-i
J A Allison, Portland.
.1 sakeman, Caldwali.
W K Kurt. Portland
P M Klwell, Spokaue
M Marcusti. Chicago
Mr M Carsen . Kereti, Waal.
M Whiting, Lverett, Wash.
B F Mott, -alt Lake.
I-red Graham, Boston.
R T Stewart, Boise.
lohn F Olsen. Portland.
if Karneld and wife, Painsville.
School Books
DRINQ in your old School Books to us
and we will allow you one-half the
price of the new books adopted by the
state of Oregon for the ensuing six years.
are headquarters for all School
Books used in the Public and High
Schools of Oregon and all kinds of sup
plies of use in the school room
Our prices are right
and the same to all
Leading Druggists, Bookttellers, News Dealers
tTglMgytationerA -
653 Main Street 100 Alta Street.
D. H
lodge Q. A. Hartman went to Port
land Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrv lemons of La
trande are visiting in Pendetnn.
T. B. Wells, deputy game warden
and Oeo. Adams are ilown from Dp
per McKay.
William Humphrey and wife have
returned from a summer's outing at
Lehman springs
Mrs. J. S. Mathaw and Mias Mabel
Mathews went to Bingham spring
last night to be gone two weeks.
Miss Kna Klina, who has been the
guest ot Mrs. Joe Kline, will leave to
night lor her home in alem.
Hepiine' Oaiette: Miss (trace Til-
lard who ha beeu visiting friends in
' iregon C:tv, returned Saturday.
Mr. L B. Leetler an.: daugher
Luc lie have returned irom Tacoma
after a month' visit in that citv.
Mrs. rwaggart ol Athena wa the
guest of her daughter, Mr. I. Mat
lock. She returned home thi morning
W. J. Furnish and family have re
turned from an outing at Lehman and
Hidaway springs that ha- extended
throughout the Hummer.
Mrs. A. ft Hill ho ha return
ed from Portland reports the condition
of her mother, Mr. Marv A. Diso
way, a. coniderahl improved.
Wains Morton, who was formerlv
connected with tbe Boston store and i
now traveling lor a New York hrm,
is here on a short businsss trip.
Mrs. Lee Teutach, Mias Nellie Mi
Mullen and Lee Teutach, jr., arrived
this morning, having visited for two
month - in alem, Lugene and Port
land. Mrs. J . W. Dyus and son i.isorgs of
Milton nave been ill with typhoid
fever an are now recovered. ' Mia
Jennie Dykes, deputy postmistress st
Milton, who was not on duty during
her muifter' illness, has resinned her
position in the poatorhes.
ileppner iiaiette: Mr. Cass Mat
lock was in from his ranch in McDon
ald Canyon, near Butter Creek. Mon
da . .Mr. Matlock wa accoiiiiatnird
hv his father-in-law, t'nele Cnarle
Henrv Bennett of Laue cuuntv, who is
bare on a visit. Mr Bennett is M
years of age and is sti 1 ! spry and ac
tive. Ihe Millon Lag h- ii a, within the
last lew days, changed hands. Carl
F. Brown, who has bean in the employ
ol F. ii. Hull, the former proprietor,
is the pnrchaear of the plaot W
limwn, hmtber ot the present owner,
has been in Milton for a abort time
assisting hi the transfer. He is ei
pected to return to Pendleton tonight.
Ainena Psrsonals.
From tbe Athena Brass: Mis Be-them-
waggart, daughter o: Mr. and
Mrs. A. L. Swaggart, will take up
studier at St. Joseph's academy. Pen
dleton. Homer Watts, who has been attend
ing the University of Oregon at Fo
gene, will tins year attend Idaho uni
veisity at Moscow. Mr. Watts has an
enviable reputation aa a football play
er, ami lor a tune contemplated going
to Berkele California
Misr I van t al tender has been gf
in' led to tin position of head nurse in
the head surgery departineni ot the
ikmmI Samaritan hoapital in Portland.
Tbe poaition i an important one, and
' .-- ' a o nder' promotion t it i- a
deserved tribute to her ability and
SpBj tomorrow at hour a follows:
Sunday school at " :t' a in ( elehra-
II OS of the Holy Communion at II a,
m. F veiling prever at 7:;o p n.
Midweek meeting and services will he
held as lollow: On Wednesday after
noon the monthly meeting o: the Par
ish Aid Society; on Friday evening at
7:' evening prayer, followed by a
special meeting of the A'omau' auxil
iary. The regular meetini of the ves
try will be held on Thnrdav at 5:Sn
p. m.
Christian church Preaching strives
tomorrow evening. subject, "The
World's Conception of the Christ."
In the absence of the iiator there will
lie no service at 11 a. m. Sunday
shots' a usual. R. A. CopnU
Congregational Chnrih The Y. P.
B. 0. K. service at 7 p. nt. Snbject,
"Spiritual ArqiianitMiice. " Job 2:
1 -L'.; Mr ' ierman, lea er Al I inter
ests I iu the Congregational church are
requested to attend a business meet
ing at the church prayer room on Tues
day evening, September :,at I o'clock.
M. F". church, - 'ith -The last ser
vice of the conference vear, will he
held neit Sunday Preaching in the
morning ami evening at the usual
Thompson street M. K church Rev.
F. R. Spaulding of Hood River will
preach Sunday morning and evening.
First Preslu tei isti church 11 a. m..
"A Refiner of Mlver." p. m., "The
Fmptv House." The -acrament of the
Lor-I's supper Will be administered im
mediatcly after the uinrning wmiin
granger in the city are very cordially
invited to these erviree. Robert .1
Diven, pator.
First Baptist church subject of the
morning sermon "The Bone of Jo
seph." The ordinance of the Lord'
siipixr will Is' observed after the
morning sermon. In the evening the
ixth ami last sermon in the series of
"Our Inheritance. " The uhject will
lie "The Power to Knj v ' ntr Inheri
tance Anywhere."
Anothsr Air Ship Invsnisd.
Another inventor claims to have per
fected an ;;'L:p It is to he hoped
this inventor has at last 'ved the
prohlem successfully, and the launch
ing of tin ship into space will be
looked forward to with cor.si lerah le
eagerness. 1 hi mode oi travel will
doubtless 'iipplant anv other mean of
tranportation, the same as Hostetter'
Stomach Hitters ha supplanted infer
ior medicine in the cure ol stomach,
liver and kidney disorder. The effect
this medicine ha upon the refractory
stomach l marveiuu. and when taken
faithfully will cure dvspepsia. ;ndi-
feation. hiliousnes and sick headache,
t is a good medicine to take, as it
will keep the bowels regular and ward
off attack of malaria, lever and ague.
He sure to give it a trial.
Clrsull Court Proceeding.
Yesterday tbe divorce case of tier
trude i reel: vs. Charles E. I treen had
a hearing imiore the circuit court.
The defendant did not appear and the
plaintiff wa granted a decree of di
vorce on the ground o! desertion ami
war allowed to assume her maiden
name, Gertrude Hunt.
District Attorney Hailey has yet
three men to arraign before the circuit
court. They are .1. J. Bretil, J. Frank
Day and C. E. Koowlss. The plea
will probably be heard on Monday.
The uueii or Orocon.
The Oregon commissioners to the
Pan-American eipositiun have secured
the content of Colonel William Han
cock Clark of New Y'orx city, to lie.
come the guest ol nouor at the exposi
tion which is proposed to tie held in
Portland in lVtro, in celebration of Ihe
Lewis and Clark expedition, by which
the Northwestern territory was opened
for settlement. Colonel Clark is the
oldest surviving relative ot Captain
William Clark, of that famou expedi
tion He is a nephew of the late Col
one, John O'Fallou of St. Louis, aud
until gf year ago was a resident of
that citv.
New Fall Goods Arriving Daily
tor tight storei located inunt,on. w-' . ngsoT
1 . . . . .. . .., it lard- duantities for SI U 1
idann nnviua in '"o. -, -
: unTTOM PRIUB9. vfiir ciisio-
CASH tO.bl.-s ... to c-f the T ;M rchSE. We will
and see i( this is not correct
School Books
WV ;ak" the old and give new 0BM H
Half price.
School Book Agtnl and DiftrihotOT Pof I mat ilia County.
Bookl Mpteittly for I'endl.'ton Academy imw readv.
We have them
'"all size jfti
widtlipand thev
run in j,riCe
from HOr i thf
children's to $2
in ladies' sixw
We absolutely QUaranl
every pair0f
Shoes that Wtitgj!
The Peoples War
(. Mini - .. ti i,
, . renoietct
New Goods Coffling
line ot tablets, pencils,
so )iiifr, crarters, etc., ttc.
w. j.
To make fjagd tiread use Bvers Bsst Flour. It took 8rst
premium at the Chicago World's Fair overall cotnieti
tion. and gives excellent satisfaction wherever need.
Kverv sari if guaranteed We have the Iwst Mteam
Rolled Batlev, Sssd Kve ami Beardless Barley.
W. S. BYLRS. Proprietor.
New whe't is iiitginuing to (-owe into
tbe Heppner asrehouses Wheat is
turning out b-t:.-- than wa espt-. tni
Last year larmers came back with
empty sacks, but ibis year they art- in
a git-at tnnii v rase. . i nk- u tin- arr
noiisi'iiieii lor more sacks ti bold their
lies'. The uality is very goal,
rhreeiiiug is well aiong anu hauliiut
market will b- general in a short
The Columbia
Lodging House
F. X. SCHEMPP. Prop.
The Place to Buv :: :
I where yon can get quick
anil cheap prices. Put in
your order (or header lied
water tank and feed racks.
Best line of
Lutu her. Lath.
ShingleK, Build
ing pajmr. Tar
paper, Lime and
cement. Pickets
Platter, Briek.
Sand. Moulding
Screen I or? A:
Window.-. Sash
A Doom, Terra
I 'otta Pipe.
U uc ititiio;. w.ha , r
wrsppms purpose!
iifs.paiwn lu larf
lis ol uur miuilrxl
ai-h .1 26 rent. . hntM
St THI k AS I OKXnuKIAN OCrii'lt pii,1
tin iitvrtin
BEWKLL, Bflgasj
Yanl on Webii Strsst
Opposite Him' FmKht Dssstl
We are preiard gj (urniM.
in the lumlier lm and eatii
prices U In- as cheap, if not
than others. We also cam
line of Doors, Wiudowrand M
Parties contemplating boiidmi
wall to see a liefors alsaat
orders. We also cam Dates I
Fir wood. Phone Maio K.
Call up:-:::::
No. 5
and Sand.
Heavy Hauling-
lUpwis. sttsstios fl"
in i tinatfiimtiiu
T ' sta'h fal A
Mm Haninu Mill and
LuiiiIht V;inl.
R. FORSTER, - Proprietor. Laatz Bn
Announssrnsnu tor Sunday Ssrvissi o
Various Psodlsuio Fsstors.
The Last Oregonian will tie glad to
maae public items of usws psrtaining
to the local churches, fas tors aud
members can send 10 such Heine or in
tify Ibis otbee sud s reporter will give
attention to the matter. Kd .
hev. W. t'.. Potwine. rector sj tin
Church of the HedeeuitT, is atiout to
secure a fund ol $ 17ft for the purchase
of a baptismal iont to replace tnat oue
sold to tbe church at Heppner. It a ill
be haudaouiely uiade, and aid U the
furnishings of an alraad well turnish
ed house of worabip.
t. P. Marshall has iiifurmed Mr.
Potwine that he will present to the
cnun-li a solid silver cunimnuion ser-vKt-
of four pieces, iu memory of ti is
father, mother and brother.
Hev. Andreas Bard has returned to
Walla Walla from the roast, and in
forms his parisioners tnat be intend
to remain there. It had beeu reported
tnat he would leave (or some other
place, and, indeed, offers had beeu
maue to him by several large oil) par-im,e-.
Tbe people of Walla Walla will
be glad to learn of his intentions M
Pauls cnurch, over which he preside,
is to build a handsome stone structure
to cost about flo.uoo.
A Bicycle Man
AdvUed the ieople f I'en
dleton to buy their hardware
of a hardware store, their drv
goods of a dry irL store,
etc. He
Was Right
A man who expends his en
ergies in one direction It
more competent to satisfy
your wants than anyone else.
Remember this iu huyinsj: tea
and cort'ee.
Owl Tea House.
Stone Jars 15c per gallon.
Uev. 11. J Talbott. I). 1)., for two
yearr pastor of the First Methodist
church 01 r.vanaville, lod., has ac-1
cepled a call to the Methodist church
01 I'ortland, to succeed Kev. II W
Kellogg, who will leave Soptuiuber 15
lor Indianapolis, lit. Talbott is e- i
pected about October 1. He comes
well recoumeudsd ss a praacher ol )
sbilits and as an enthusiastic
church worker. before going to
Evauaville Its was pastor 01 the Mend-
What tvory Fl
Must Navs)
and srhal be u I (si uaui wtiassA. Is muoO.
truug. wsll built wasoti The ft to us ti tun lar a,
tSui i. itic bssi iuUe tiuil upufi lioner, it
is ssi up bssors stitppiuf. sud wusu rscslvvd
qy the purvliuv. tse part St iwrlsciljr aud 11
' uus imuotaiy.
Save Your Money and Buy a Rand
T11U is good udviee. The a-iest and heat way
to save money if to- attend
...Rader's Clearance Sale of Furniture.
1 1 you cau get hargai us such as are not
found .-Isewhetv, en in the large cities
You never saw the like.
Your neighhors uever h-ard of such.
For thin nice
Golden Oak Cobbler Seat
ftala "AJJ that you graap MP of bjfl
fcbtl a.e m your reach, fiuoh ODDorti.nWisU -111., i.u, a few davn
I a-wu wsjia oill tact - - -
s? l ... mf
while thev Hl'e I li " 1.
rn mJiZi L, if. 'v"- ouon opportu
ZL uA .k tor h...Vy fall shiument. Come
" tt,,u m a eWttM on the $60.00 premium to be given .way
1 ollTf for iittriruinu
Corner Main and Webb.