East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 29, 1901, Image 1

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    e- L - L A
W TMii FACT. 1
bf "
- - "-eeseeee
... . .
roi ,4,
NO. 4215
the Place
where yon
can havr
aajaet from. Call
inJ c me. My stock is
tpM in Innry and staplr
L R. Demott
An Experienced Expert Teilor
Tailors, Chicago. Will he with us for
day only, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th
He will exhibit the nrwcst novelties and
choici-st creations in materials for fall
and wmtor for suits, trousers and over
coats in larun pattern lengths We will
be pleased to have you come and see his
display. Our guarantee of perfect satis
la tion goes with even order he take, or
Alexander & Hexter,
Fall Clothing, Furnishing Goods,
Hats and Gloves Here
WE wish tn show every man
and hoy the newest and
nobbiest line of up to date
Mvles and fahncs ol Clothing
lor the fall trade. A lower
pncr lor the same goods or a
bettrr article lor the same
III-ol tiiem later
but will
QU K entire attention is ceil
tered on the Furnishing
Goods line. We have the
most complete I int- and the
lowest prices. ... .
OUR STYLES are above sur
picioo and we give correct in
formation on styles, qualities,
size, price, etc., etc
pHE new block for fall, 1901,
of KNOX is here $S.(K)
Also the latest ZEPHYR 5.00
STETSON . . and $
GORDON . $3 and $3.SO
$1. 1.B0, 2.00. 2.B0
WE hav. tht celebrated Han
sen Glove thai wean so well
You know it.
BOSTON STORE, The Money Savers
W f ' -tin uistrlbutora of
"rnna'aNew School Books.
Pries, thereto, will b
tt i
r tack your old lxk and w
' pan your raoeay buck.
rfe-IWPi le, bik Tablet
m le. Penholders lc.
eaieH AutjNcies
I ., mtmm l . . .
Irak TipH'iu for any
I U.i ,;.. ST "uKiiie.
A Lover ul (iimm! LiviuK
demands good bread as the
leading article of his diet.
When he has our bread he
has the beat that is made.
We use the best wheat flour
in this bread, and our every
process is the best result of
experience in bread making
lieorge (i. Dickson wax nominated
for n'.'n. by the democrat of the
Tenth district of Michigan to till the
vacancy caused hy the death of Con
gressman t'mmp. '
It i announced authoritatively that
much ol Senator Manns' time during
the Ohio Mate campaign will be apent
on Hi" atump, especial attention being
given to the close counties.
At Imlianapoli, led., the vote at
tin' dOBMOfatto primariea to nominate
a city ticket will prohabh reach 10,
000. Ketnrna from 196 prwcinct give
Magniro, for mayor, a majority of 27 48.
At Roteman, Mont., the Hour mill
of Nelaon Story wa destroyed hv fire.
The mill had a capacity of S00 larrel
a day, and wa valued at HO,000. The
fire caught from an overheated tearing
on h shaft.
itetieral Falun r. Mead, a veteran
ol the war o( the rebellion, and a
friend of ttrsnt, Logan and McClellan,
died in Chicago on Tuesday at hi re
idence after a long i lines, Heath wan
hy consumption.
At ,aneville, (., Rev. Samuel Q,
Hette. a temperance lecturer, claim
ing to be from Morganstown. W. Va.,
wbn mobbed by SOOmen and boy while
speaking in front of the citv ball. He
made peraonal attacka on everal
.anesville aaloonit.
The controller ol the currency receiv
ed a letter from William Nelnon GfOBI
well, repreaent nig thoae in charge of
the effort to reorganise the Seventh
National hank, of New York city.
The plan contemplate the resump
tion of the bank with a capital of at
lesat 11,000,000.
Near Keii Lodge Molilalia, John
Andrew wa inatantly killel by Joba
Roger who mistook him for a U-ar
Slid sent a bullet through hi heart, at
abort range. The men were with a
party etijoviug an outing at I he Lewis
ranch, Andrew wa a well known
citisen of Carbon county, and nerved
a potmater at Bed Lodge under the
Cleveland administration.
Free delivery will lie ei tended to
Aberdeen, Waah., January I, 19U2 , two
regular carrier will be appointed.
A petition igned by 52 member of
the Nome bar, addressed to President
McKinley, aeking f r the removal of
Judge Arthur H. Noyea, of the Cnited
States district court of Alsaka, has ar
rived in Han Francisco.
Pacific county, Washington, bonds
will probably, Im' funded uexf Snvein
ber at a lower rate of interest. Thev
now liear A nr cent interest, and as
there is but 133,000 in the entire is
sue, and are me only county isuui
outstanding, it ia believed they ought
to be funded at 4 per cent.
Otticers of theateamer St. Paul bring
the informal ion thul at leeal 8009 or
7000 persons intend to come back to the
United State from Nome the preeut
season, though it ia doubtful whether
tbe steamers now plying in Alsaka will
lie able to bring such a large numlier
liefure navigation clones.
There i no doubt of the auccesa of
the Aatoria street fair and regatta.
Uu the second day, there were as many
visitor in Astoris a are uaually there
during the height of the regatta
I lie street fair wa crowded all day.
The buildings of the city are profusely
decorated with Mags and bunting and
the regatta color, blue and white, are
aeeu everwyhere. He vera I ol the Cali
fornia oarsmen have arrived, including
the Olyinpie and South Kud crewa, and
were ou the river training.
Whiinev wa atartled about 9
o'clock, Tuesday night by tbe tiring
ol 75 or 100 ntle bota two uiilea trom
town Courier were at once sent out
to learn tbe camte of the trouble, and
returned with the report that a gang of
about u doaee men, aupposed to be
cattle men, bad tired into a large
band of sin-. grazing ou tbe hill, in
charge ol Herder Mack Curren Tiie
sheep are the property of Heppner
people. I lie herder was uiiaDte V)
recognise any of the men in the moon
light, but was i ioae enough to have
the bullet whiatle atiout hi bead.
So lur as could tie learned in the ex
citement, l or JO sheep were killed,
and a large numlier crippled. A poaae
i talked of to bunt down tbe men do
ing tbe shooting At tbe first tiring,
it was thought the t'matllla Indiana,
in. I ttie stieep men known to be in that
wcmit) were having trouble.
uuano lino ft
Rsportasbyl. L. Ray Co.. randlsten,
Chicago aoarS of Trade and New Ysrk
Stoeh aaehangs Brokers,
New York, Vug. 29. 1'he wheat mar
ket was dull today without special
feature. Liverpsol openwi and closed
at ft New York opened at 77
anlcloael at 7.1 7-8. after aelllng up
to 77. Corn wa oft a half cent,
New York.
ri i a ! ill ri t;j!A
kid anai on wnv vom u an i nmg . h
r Stm-k teady.
Money, per cent.
Pay Frenchmen.
His Richness Wis Also Badly Advised
His SKretkTT, and II Mid tbe
Ruler Sick.
at Speeial Prices
flfkaau.1 Qo (JerSj fi.H6 to
"J Boy. Walking CW 10c u.
,l?yu,o'Naw R,sj at Kswtern
JBlcies , worth ajjo.
tt? Bnis. Qoeaba, Toilet Artl-
h ttr, u Lf.LI All
Ui,Wttre, Kloe China.
I i.,!." In uiinH ,
"WSSbma 7, "re llupirU)n
IjSlI C JS i"ios aud atouk
I Is. UUtatt ri... I 1 mm
-"fH"' n rjaataru
at - . .
KICHS Tn rinw
' ! ! : 1 ' S
For Combination Folding Cots and
Chairs. Just the thing to take to the
mountains - - -- -- -- -- -- --
Next Door to Postoffice
"See Dem Freezers
I have a full line of
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
from one pint to ten quarta, will freeze cream
in from three to five minutee; aleo have a full
line of fiahiug tackle, hammocks, etc. See my
line before buying.
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
Constantinople. Aug. Hi An si
planation is furnished why the aultan
failed to keep the promise In' made
to the Krench aiulwad.r and the
Krencli ijuay company to pav the latter
the eight million franc pledged (or
the company' property here, which
he Mas going to buy. The Ottoman
bank did not raise linn the money in
time for bun to fulfill hi promise to
the amhaador. The sultan is enrag
ed at the bank for its failure t. en
able hid to fulfill theae pledge.
Sultan Waa Badiy Advlaed.
Constantinople, Aug. 29. The aul
tan i nearly ill from his sntiety and
indecision relatiye to the rupture
with France. He ia furiou with the
Tiirlib lunhaasador to r ranee for ad-
viaing him that the French foreign
111 1 nister wa not mipporting Ambassa
dor C.nstaiis in hi demand on the
l'..rte and that nothing waa to he
feared .
etaaa Hi a Warlike Sosrotary.
fieea. Aug. 29. Tbe lee has in
lormation from ita t'onatantinople cor
reapoiident, who say the aultan' sec
retary is urging the aultan to precipi
tate a con Hid with France by espel
ling all Krench residents from Tur
key. The sultan, however, cannot
crew his courage up to this point.
The Turkish pros, according to the
correiondeut , ia inciting the people
against the "unbelievera, " and the
Human, Italian and British ainhasa
dura have telegraphed their govern
ment advising the diatcli ol war
ships to Turkish port where Kurop
eau reside.
toualana Beturna to Pari.
Pari. Aug. 29. -The rrencb ambas
sador to Turkey arrived In Pari thia
morning. fie stated he would nol re
turn to Constantinople until termina
tion of the trouble. I mined lately af
ter bia arrival be had a long conference
with the foreign minister.
Alter the conference Conataua said
ha was convinced the aultan would ad
mil the I rem h claims lie amie.
that there is not the remotest posihl.
i ty ol l.ostll it les
Lika a Whits Cbesk.
London, Aug 2t. "Before M Con-
tans left Constantinople," aay a dia-
Pitch to tbe Standard Iroin the I Ur
iah capital, "be received a .letter
from the aultan begging him to conaid
er his majesty's leelinga and not act in
a manner his majesty thought urn-Mile. 1
for. M. Conatana declined to alter bis
II yONM would hsik olii ad it
would Mjinetimis saxe llirin trom m-iiuus
coll: ion with tbe men tin marry. It
U here that ignorance u aliuat it t rime.
Tin young InisUm.! i.innot ondi-i stand
it when tin vuh cbangea lo .i pervish,
net'. i,n. querulous woman And the
vouna wifa does not usaWrataaa it baf
-h she asdy beeaai that she u vcr
mitt ruble.
It tvat there is a time when nature
needs help it is when tin oung girl is
adjusting heracll to tin new condition!,
ol wifehood, I r Pierce's Favorite Pre
acripttoe makes weak women stiong .Old
sick women well It promotes leu
lanlx. drias deoibtatiug ilr.iins, heals in
Humiliation and ulceration, and cures
female weakneab.
Mck women are invited to consult l)r
Pleice by letter, nr. All woinanlv
confidences are guarded with stint pro
fessional privacy. Write without U.ir ol
lee to Dr. K V. Pierce, HutTalo, N Y.
"I will drop you a lea lmr lu-ilay tu 11 yoli
knuw Dial I am feeling well sue arrilca lw
Anuii Slcplieiii. ..I BrIUvillc Wil Co Wcat
V "I feel like s uew wmiiaii I look iu'
tsatli-s of the ' Kuvorilr Co wrinli.'U anil c.uld
co Medical Discovery I have heatlaea
now. uu oaskaclM sail uu naia is HO suy
nwrr No beaiitig-tluuu uuiu aa uiue I
tbiuk llicir is u.i lucdicillr Ilk. In I'ltrci'.
lucdictuc I thank you un uiucli I'm what yiMi
oavr dour lot tie soui iiiiiticim ha- duuc uu
so much good 11
Dr. PtefCe' 1'lcusaut 1'ellelk cuie bil
louaucak and sick heudache.
Roumanla and Russia are Drllllns
Troop to Stand off Pranae.
K.i. barest, Koumauia, Aug. 29. - it
ia stated three huudred thousand Kus
sian troops are mobilisetl in Beaaaraiba
which is under tbe government of Rus
sia, t ooimaii lets are drilling inces
santly and telling the men ol great ei
ploita imminent Koiimama It is
said, is greatly agitated by fears that
Fram e is planning a Balkan coup.
City or Tranlon Horror Has a Mumfeeror
Philadelphia, Aug. 29. - The nuuilwr
killed by the esplueion of the Ixiiler of
the steamer City of Trenton may be in
creaaod to thirteen. Twu of the injur
ed am in the hospital, brought in in
a critical condition. It is also feared
that other budiea will be found in the
beached wreck.
Philadelphia, Aug. 29. Later esti
mates place tbe uuuilatr kuovtu to be
dead at ttTteeu.
Dautsehland cnp 16 Minutes From :ths
Pravlou Best Tlsse Mada.
New York, Aug. 29. The ...an
speed record was smashed this morn
ing when the steamship lleutacblaud
arrived off ISaudv Hook, clipping 24
minutes off the beat previoua record
between Cherbourg and New York.
Tbe voyage waa made in five days,
twelve hours, Ave minutes.
Tidal Caaal to a Built In Oakland Harbor
gy the Oaveraaseat.
Oakland, Aug. 29. Mandatory or
ders have boon received from Washing,
too by Major Heuer to proceed at once
With the construction of the tidal canal
in Oakland harbor. This enda a con
troveray that has been iu esistence
ainoe 1874.
Boys Pound 90.900.
Omaha, Nab., Aug. 29. Three boys
while playing iu a lumber yard found
three packages of paper money uggie-
gatiug 0O0O. It is thought the money
was stolen from the Pacific Egpraaa
company years ago.
Bmpreas Dowager Will.
Uamburrg.Aug. 29. The will of tbe
late Dowager Kmpreas Frederick was
opened. Her fortune totals ll.OUU.UUO
marks. Her six children receive 1,-
000,000 marks each.
Ch.se yesterday, 77 .
Open ttwlay, 77.
Kange ttslay, 7H4 to 77 v.
Close today, 7t 7-K.
StiH-k: Hugar. LW 1-8; steel, 4ft ;
St. Paul, trttt 7-8; V. P.. 102
Wheat In Chisago.
Chicago. Aug. 29. -Wheat 9 1 -H to
Wheat In San Franslsao.
San Francisco, Aug. 29. Wheal,
Itk) ft-8.
Stoddard of Taaa Urand Master Moul
ton of Chisago Deputy.
Louisville, Aug. 29,-The prim llpal
business of the last tlay of the Knight
l'euiplar encampment I the election of
Tonight the conclave closes with a
ball at which twelve thousand are ei
peeled to attend. Tomorrow countless
,'icnralon will le run to point- of in
wrest in the -tate. I nere is dearth
of applicants for the nest meeting.
The commit! n selection has nol re-
(lead invitations from Milwaukee
and St. Paul, as eipacted. lmllanaMi-
lia is now mentioned. Deputy ranl
Master Henry Bates Htoddard I
P-van, loans, waa elected grand mas
ter. Very F.mluent sir oeorgo room
lee of Chicago was advanced to deputy
grand inaater. tirand Captain-lieneral
Henry lluuu was made generalisation.
-. ..r-f . ... i i
teo. Melllsli ol tMlicinnaii was uiwir
grand captain-general, and Joeaph
Ticke of Portland, Maine, grand eenmr
Frank Thomas ol Washington, D C,
is grand junior warden.
San Franciaco wa decided BBSNI as
the nest meeting place.
Is Ueneral Pretght aaent or the . P.
Portland, Aug. 29. The Oregon Ian
aays: K. B. Miller has been appoint
ed' general freight and passenger agent
of the Southern Pacific' Oregon lines.
William ! dinan haa been appointed
aaaitant general freight agent of the
Oregon Railroad A Navigation com
pany. 0i II. Markbitm, prcaeut general
freiirht ami nasaeuger agent ol the
Southern Pacilic'a Oregon line goes to
Han Franciaco a assistant freight and
traflic manager.
People Will Need AaaUtanao at Onae in
Zapata Countp.
Fort Worth, Tea.. Aug. 2.-Word
reaches here of conditions in Z.epata
cotntv where tbe long drouth haa de
prived tbe inhabitanta ol all lOSM, that
c.ndil ions are growing worse ami BB
lees help reaches the people at once
great lose of life will follow.
LaaafcBBi Aug. 29. A diapaleh Imui
I'ekin says: A telegram haa been re
ceived Irom Prince Chun stating that
(iermany has determined that he,
when he ia receive! hy l.mperor Wil-
1 1 in . shall bow three times anil that
he secretary of the mlaaiou ami other
siibonlinatea ahall pnaitrale tiiemaelvea
and kuo. k their heatls niue timea uu
the Door before the emperor. The
Chinese envoys here appealed to tbe
I iafasan minister to secure change In
this plan, hut he replied that the ar
raugemeut had lieen made hy hie gov
ernment and he could not act .
Knights of Labor President
Favors Settlement.
New York Trail Offlclili. Hivnsr
nor All Prapostls- Policy is
BeihlftiPm ANrptlorj
f lav
l ion
trust has re-
s. I.wal.
plan oi arb.
O'Brien Died LaughlnB.
Seattle, Aug. 9. Geo. Obrieu, con
victeti ol the murder ol Boll ti.Ole
aon uu the I law sou trail in lleeeuilier,
1H99, was hanged at Ilawaon on August
2:t. He died laughing and protesting
Zaehello kiseirosuiad
Osiiiilug, N. Y., Aug. 29 -Joseph
.a. h.-ih. waa electrocuted in Slug Sing
prison this morning for murdering hi
mother in law
I or the street fair and carnival to lie
held at Baker City, Heptemher : to 7
inclusive, the (). H. dt N. Co. haa
named a rate of to for tbe round trip
Irom Pendleton. Tickets tu be eold
Keptemlier M, 4, .' and tt, limited to
September tt On Muuday, Heutember
I, in keta will be aold at 1:1.75 for the
round trip. Tickets good going ou
train No. a, which leaves the O i,
A N dei-it at n:16 a. si. . aud return-
iug on No. 3, which leaves Baker
City at 5:2ft p. BJ,, and theae trains
Indiauaisilis. tns m
PllirilS. I leu. lei. I ..I ll... L . . .
I ..l'..... . I .'.." Ol 141
' ," "V" ' worssr. Internal
ai .in. on, ftlllliillliceil t,,y
o.-.o uwaii in Hi,. ,.
: . . I 1. 1 .
...n ,.,..,,, , arbitral Ion of
. ,.e -.e,., wursrr- tnks. II. in.
-u oiu ii auuinxr prnmsntmn p,
tomorrow, inirn' Hrt
v an"" was HMMSJ to Srhh ,.
..... . weii.T-ursi, lllll recentsl
... ....... vroteruay. Hums say if
tbere , anything ubjectioDahle in bis
proposition it ,-aii he nindined.
Trust Will Rat Arsitrat
New York, Aug. 2.-Ti,,le.. BS
is.ration views with indiflsrence .he
burn p an to eiejdlto a sattleu i .,1
the steel strike hy arbitration. They
understand there i no .triks. therefore
""thing til arbitrate. Wall .treat lb is
morning i nmte.1 m the belief that
the trust will take no rensjnisanr-e of
Will Ivad Trust Law.
Pbiladslphis, Aug. 29.-Th',ntigh the
absorption ol ti... beUilel.mu steel
OOnpaay, the l nite.1 States Steel wir
poratmn now control absolutely the
armor plate output ,, i. ,.,lniry C
order to avi id kMiuI friction with
the government in conampisnce ol tin
mon..sdy the c.riratiou may .ussrate
the Beth let , . i,niiany through some
other concern, alHioagh trolling
us i v. a
Shatter said tin morning he had Tin
information M the r r that the Fed
eration ol Lalsir intends u ,,,,,,1 ,D,.
atrike to involve fifteen thousand more
To aaadamui Sltsrnay-uaaaral.
Washington. Aug. 29. Application
lor mandamus to compel Attorney
tieerall Knot to show cause why lie
does not proceed against the ateel trust
miner ine nnertuan anil trust law will
'" i n cuurt within a few
Work on the big petition begsn
nay .in.i i ai lie .si niHilied.
Shaffer Dsnla ihs Report.
Pittsburg, Aug. M,. Ibafaf also de
nied the report that tin Amalgamateil
aanct miiad any effort In Inrce arbilra
Ilea by an appeal to th. irts.
Waal to Return Wtrk.
MiUuilkee, Aug. 211. - Represent .
tive of the I. sal tsel strikers have
gone to Pittiburg to ask Shaffer to per
Bill resumption of work at Juliet and
Bay View.
Congeillon of freight la rnao.
IM Francin'o, Aug '.V-Negotiation-
are progressing fur a peaceful
settlement of the strike hut there i
1 ilile hope ol an early settlement
Nearly too vessel are nils in the har
bor the iu uu, being unable to on
load cargoes there is great congestion
ol Height mi tlni wharl, elan uu lua'
d car. Kinployers report that more
men are working. Minor distiirbam
es are increasing. at"
Dsauuns Blaklliaad aorsott aad an
dor Worklngmea Ualsas.
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 29. The repub-
lleae aaMa eaaseatlaa Isaiay nominat
ed this ticket :
Justice ul the supreme court 8am-
uel Sedgewick. ul Turk county.
Kegents ol the state university Carl
J. Krueat ul Laucsstor, ami II. L.
iould of Keitch.
I he ri. hi i iaaUaei were without fnc
tion Alter highly commending the
policies, purpisaw and achievements
of tin national administration tbe
platform says:
"The right of every luau to eujov
the Irell ul his own lais.r should be
iiiaured b every known safeguard.
"its invasion, either hy blacklist or
!,.., i oil is contrary Pi the spirit ol
Auiericau institution- We recisguiae
the right ol wage workers to organise
lor mutual protection but we draw the
Inn at inlence and law leaaneae. "
to Baward.
Taken Iruui uiy pasture, hay hurae
branded I. with a liar overlt uu leil
.i,ouidr. PaTTlB WKbr.
- w m
The preeeut fruit aeaaou now gives
every promise uf being the must profit
able one in ba history ol the industry
iu the Itogue Kiver valley.
Frazer Opera House
One Nlajkt Only
Tuesday, Sept. 3rd.
tiari UbUr'a bsmatllul -eulc
Knur taiautilul tag pl uuu Iu lb
all Aumrlcau illrl.
Ills oi
riupportsd by
ll, Perslgu Aufubats, Oluwus aud Juafl.i.
I as Leutea Trio
l bs N.w York Ladle Qalulslte
lA vfitLLt. AURETTE. J im-
A Moral, Ulgbclass gutsrumuurai
and 11,00