East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 27, 1901, Image 4

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    TUESDAY. AUOUKT 27, 1901.
to write ads but
we are selling
the name
are giving
trie beet valuen
in town for
your money
r r
Practical Boot and Bhoe Men.
Jh, A. Howard. Kami loans.
Crane's A Hunt's stationery. Noll's.
Hack (or Teal springs, telephone
Main 79.
fl ihirt waists, now sc. Cleaver
Bra. Dry Goods Co.
duck Mite, now $2.98. Cleaver
Bra. Dry Goods Co.
Kirat class wheat pasture (or rattle
and horses. Inquire ol Peter West.
You can save money now by hn v i ok
your jars at the Htandard grocery.
For house moving see (ieo. Klsy or
leave orders at Newman ' Cigar Stun'
26c summer goods to close at U)i
per yard. Cleaver Bros. Iry I
You ought to see A. I). Nmiili &
Porter's red Hr wood, telephone BMlit)
Midsummer sale of wash gixxin, mi.'
half price. Cleaver Bros. Dry
Goode Go.
Lots 2 and .. in block 140, Reserve
addition above Ht. Joseph 'h acaileuiv
or sale cheap. Inquire of Peter West.
All persons knowing 'hemselvvs SO
rie indebted to me must call ami settle
by Keptember 1, or costs will lie added.
A. L. Beetle.
Crescent bicycles on the installment
plan at the Crest-em agency in the iMt
Oregon i an building, payments $1 a
week, no interest.
The homeliest man in PaadlajOP as
well as the handsomest, ami other
are invited to call on any druggist
and get free a trial bottle ol Kemp's
Balsam for the throat ami lungs, a
remedy that is guaranteed t MTV. ami
relieve all chronic and acute DOSjghl
asthma, broncihtis and consumption.
Price 26c and 60c. For sale by Tall-
man A (Jo., sole agents.
Well say it again
Because it's true
That our new line
of Men'a, LldiM
and Children
School BhoeK arc
unprecedented in
juality and price.
JuHt see them and
vuu will know.
The Pendleton Shoe Co.
Wm. PrTIOllALPi If llteWtf
in our old
we will allow you one-half the
price of the new books adopted by the
state of Oregon for the
1E are headquarters for all School
Books used in
Schools of Oregon and all kinds of sup
plies of use in the school room .....
Our prices are right
and the same to all
Leading Druggist,
653 Main Street
Drop Into Nntte'N. Call for Schlitz
Wanted A rouple of good bell boys
at Hotel Pendleton.
We are closing out fruit jars at cost
at the Standard Orocery Co.
Attend Kader's clearance sale of fur
niture. I'ricen -l.uw btered.
For llrst class rigs or Mb t( any
hour telephone DipOt stables, Klvin
Craig, Prop.
If you want to MS a nice line of wall
paper and borders t?o Ml ('. ('. Sharp,
Court street.
Work on the electric road between
Walla Walla ami Milton is to heiin
within a month .
For sale H-room house and 1 lots.
A (.-room bouse with tuttli lW0 blocks
from bridge tor lltWi K. I. Wa.le.
Marriage I lrenn was issued today
by the county clerk to Miss Norn Hren
er and Ora liolilinan, both of Umatilla
Will .lones. a drunken Indian, was
before City Recorder Beam and was
fined $.r). lie went to jail for not hav
ing the cash ,
The Dr. K. H. Beatie residence prop
erty, on Jackson afreet across the river
in North Pendleton, has been sold to
Ot K. Koosevelt for f'JoOO.
John F. Robinson betiins the re
unidel I lug of bis new resilience recent
ly bought from Jim Lindsey on Jack
son street, in North Pendleton.
W. R. Wlthee is agent for the Do
mestic ami Davis sewing machines. A
full line of supplies. Repairing a spe
cialty. All work guaranteed.
Kor sale House and two lots in
Fast Pendleton. House and lot in
sclnsil house bill, ami house ami lot
south ot O. R. A N depot. Inquire
Ol J. L. Sharon.
The body of John Tonkin wa- found
under a lot ol rock in the Virtue Con
solidated mini' near Baker Citv Sun
day. How the accident occurred will
never lie known.
K. J. Murphy has now the most
complete line of wall papers ami bord
ers ever shown in I'end letoti . All the
latest shades and designs. You
should set the stock.
The management ot the Walla Walla
fruit fair is having serious trouble to
get lumber tor construction oi the
buildings needed properly to conduct
the show, .uid the result will he much
additional expense ami delav.
General Roadmaitsr Bolloni R.arranass
Hit Dspsrimsnt.
liniinry was made at Ibe otllce of W
Hoi inns, general roadmaster of the o.
R, a V, in regard to the report tb.it
division road master' ollirei- had been
atsdisbed. and the lullowiug statement
. iii idi I'art ol the work done liv
these otllces ba been dispensed n it:
and some is now Iteing done bv the
ottiri' here and by the general oflices in
Portlsnd. This lessuiug of the work
ot the divinon ntlice- necessitated S
correspond I iil- reduction in the cleri
cal force, which was made. The di-
visiou roadma-ter- ami their oMicew
are otherwise not affected.
1.. . Peck, who has been stenogra-
pher to W Itollous, general roadm.tiler
ii tin (. R. , .., ha resigned hi Dil
ution ami gone to San Francisco.
hretl Van Horn, who mirieeded Bert
Covle as cashier of the O. it. A N.
freight otlice, has resigned his posi
tion, lie will leave t . r I'.. Miami in a
day or two. His successor is Otto
sin i tb ol that citv
Douglas Crushsd at Weston.
Weton, Ore., Aug. 27. I'rn-hed Ire
I neath a greet weight of earth and
, rock, O. Douglas, foreman on the Pine
creek oulkliead construction in the
main part of the city, almost met s
horrible death yesterday afternoon,
and as it is, lies at In I where
he may die. Douglas has been employ
ed in the culvert work for some time.
While giving orders and suterintend
ing the work he passed lieneath an
overhanging embankment which sud
denly collapsed, almost burying him
from sight. Ten minutes were requir
ed for extrication, whsn it was found
that Douglas' chest had leen crushed,
his side hurt, live ribs crushed in,
both i ullar bones and a shouldei blade
broken. II- will likely recover, though
terribly injured.
Par sals.
100 acres oi summerfallow, MOO acres
of stubble wheat laud ; all implements
and stock necessary to work the land,
inquire of Purl Bowman.
Sheep For Rent.
voting ewes. Address,
J. K.
smith Livestock Co.
A sensational hold-up and murder
occurred in Tacoma early Sunday
morning while the carnival crowd was
on the streets, two masked men enter
ing the Flk saloon and ordermg the
H'ciiutntH to throw up their bauds.
The proprietor thought the men were
i j ok lug and with the result they tired,
eTOOJ) I lllg h iin .
School Hooks to us
ensuing six years.
the Public and High
Booksellers, News Dealers
100 Alta Street.
James Derrick of Milton is here to
day. L. B. Reeder returned this morning
from Tacoma.
Donald Ross, a sheepman Oi Vinson,
is in town today .
Mrs. Charles A. Kppingeri visiting
friends at Lehman springs.
Miss Privett leads at Raker City in
the contest for carnival queen.
I,eo Ferguson, brother of Chas. Fer
guson of Walta Walla is in town.
H. C, Craig went to Adams this
morning to remain for several days.
S. Rader of Walla Walla is here to
day, a guest of his son, M. A. Rader.
Mrs. tieorge K, hash came home
Sunday from Hot Lake, Union county.
Al Jamison of l.a U ramie has accept
ed a position with the Domestic Steam
C. W. Avery, manager of Bingham
springs is in town today. He returns
there this evening.
K. Y. Judd left this morning for
The halles. intending to return to
IVndletan tomorrow.
Clark Sturtevant ami wife ami his
mother, Mrs. A. J. Hturtevant, are
here today from Pilot Rock.
Mr. ami Mrs. William Blakeley
who have been on their ranch for i
few days, are expected home today.
Joseph Km I, was in Milton on Mon
day. He states that three packinc
bOMM are now busy putting up fruit
Mrs. R. M. Raley and daughter
MissCothi, are expected home Mon
day, September Irom a summer at
the seacoast.
Mrs. T. B. Nwearingen returned to
day Irom a visit to relatives at Now
Whatcom, Wash. She also visited
l amina and Seattle.
Mrs. Simnis, nee Keta Culp, i visit
tug in Pendleton Irom Spokane. Mrs
Simins is now a framed nurse ami may
remain in Pendleton
Charles Uardner, clerk at the Hotel
I "nil leti hi . ha- gone in tin i n,il tor a
vacation. His place is temporarily
tilled by Hen Burroughs.
i n l.ohen returned oslav Irom h
trip 10 Seattle ami other points, on the
Sound. Mrs. Cohen is at Victoria
where she will remain for some tune.
Miss l-anchon Hone is visiting Miss
Blanche Home at the latter' horn
I pper McKay creek. Ill" Home lias
i B here lor several days visiting
Dr. W. ', Cub- went to Wall i Walla
this morning and today perlon I g
surgical operation at the New W al In
Walla hospital. He will return Ibis
Mils Anna McOee arrived this al
teruoon on the Hunt train from Kllens
burg. Miss MoUm has spent the sum
mer visiting friends at hong Beach
Portland anil Klleiisburg.
v . i.. iirock nas returneii irom a
visit ol four ereexe at the seacoast and
in Portland. Frank (i. Mitchell m
the hrm of Brock A McComes Co.
ne- next week t' i remain for a short
t urn- at the coast.
Roy Alexander came home this morn
ing Irom a summer'.- visit m Haker
Cilv. He has gone from there on sev
erill hunting and (lulling expeditious
into Hie mountains and has enjoyed
his vacation very much.
Miss Nora Walkins of Portland, who
has been a guest of her grandmother,
Mr-. Miinra, at Meachum, will he here
as a guest of Mies Pearl l.uckey on
liniriin. An informal two-step will
bo given al the Armory on Thursday
evening in honor of Miss Watkins.
VY. II. Wilson, who was employed at
the O. R. A N. Co. 's otllces here fur
several mouths last winter, arriwil
this morning Irom Portland and will
go on to New ork, after remaining
here lor a few day's visit. He goes to
New York to remain permanent i
II. 11. Ames ami A. F Ranney of
S'ls.invil le .ire here Mr .Vine- I
manager ol the Stockton Mining C... .
and says that by a small amount of
work on the road beyond the John
Dav grade Penuleton would gel most
of the trade ol the Susanville district.
J. M. Hoar, who recently accepted a
Kisition with the wholesale tirm ol
-leischuer A Maver. Portland, leaves
at the end of this week to assume his
new duties. Wm. II. Dindiuger, who
has been here for some tun. coming
from Seattle, succeeds Mr. Ooar in the
charge of the dry good department.
Mrs. Samuels, nee Lena Inman, who
was the guest ol Mrs. Roue Campbell,
has gone to Lewistoii, Idaho to visit
her mother. Mrs. lnman, for a few
lays. She will go soon to Seattle
and sail for Nome Citv, Alaska, where
site ami her husband conduct a mer
chandising business. Mrs. sa-uueia
has been in Chicago, St. Joe and St.
Louis' in!', ing goods (or shipment lo
Nome. Sim says their business is
prosperous and the camp is sure to be
iiermaiient for many years. During
the coming year, more winter dig
gings will lie worked and the output ol
gold proportionately increased.
M. h conference In WslU Wslla lo
a Case Agalntl Ministers
Walla Walla, Aug. 7, The M. I
annual .-o::lereiice meets here ou Sep
tember ), Willi Miehop Mallei len pre
sidiug. The uouierente will have a
t'ase of some seriousuees lor three mem
bers inasmuch as charges have been
preferred at lpnfra.ee against 0t,
Henry Krown, presiding elder, and Dr.
P, A. Cool, rector of the First M. K.
church oi that city, ami Key. T. Q,
IliHlgson, pastor of the church ol
Coeur d'Alene. Additional charges ol
fraud and deceit are made against Dr.
Cool, these are the results of the
trial and expulsion ol live members
Irom the First M. K . church The
charges will be investigated by the
conference which will n et at Walla
Walla September 4. the charges are
maladministration against the three
Key. Perry Chandler, who has been
serving as Held agent (or Whitman
college, will take pastoral work, be
ing appointed by Bishop Mall. -In ii at
this conference. Mr. (handier has
been ouite effective and has done con
siderable lor Wiiilman college, accord
ing Lo a statement made bv President
S. it. L, Penrose before the latter 's
departure for the east last June, tie
has made Whitman more generally
known throughout the Inland honor.
anil the enrollment will show the
good effects of his work.
Maw Telethons Company.
There is talk here ot comietitiou for
the Inland Telegraph and Teieuhom-
Co. The Automatic Telephone com
pany, a concern said to be backed bv
eastern capital, is now coustructiug a
new system in Seattle, also holdiug
trancluses in Portland and Tacoma.
contemplates extending its sphere of
uilluence, and a local exchange is a
strung probability.
w. J. Barrett oi San hunciscu. uen
eral western mauauer lor Hih Humb
ling Brothers Construction company,
who is uow in Seattle, may be exueel-
ed here soon for the new combina
tion. With him may come officials of
the company.
The Antnmatic company entered the
I'arihY coast at Seattle buying a fran
chise there. It purchase)) the fran
chise of the Colntnhln Telephone com
pany at Portland a few week" ago and
Tscoma's council granted it a franchise
two months age. Last week the cum
pany let a contract for a fiO.iXHI build
ing to he used exi I n i vc I v lor its busi
nefl iii Seattle.
The Walla Walla OfBos ol the new
company would be but a link in the
chain of oflices the company intend
starting between the Pacific const and
the Rooky mountains.
Baksr City Man Thinks Ristsrn Orsgon
Can Well Have It.
QoOfgO L Haker, manager of the
Krazer opera house and also 'of "the
Baker 0119 theater, having returned
home had ibis to say regarding Rtetoni
Oregon reciprocity :
"The spirit shown l.y all of our
neighboring cities is verv commend
able." said Mr. Baker. "The people
there do not look upon w hat Haker is
doing with envyrr jealousy. On the
contrary there is a spirit ol pleasure
at seeing an Kasterr Oregon citv enter
upon work of this character with ener
gy. People ell feel a general interest
in whatever is do ie here If Baser
succeeds in giving a very sucresslul
lair and carnival, if is evident that
there is opportunity for others.
"Of cotme, in their interest there i
a spirit of reciprocity. While Pendle
ton, l.i firande and other ritie- down
Hie road are interested iii what Haker
Is doing, they OSBOOt Haker to ! in
terested in what tney may do. This
is right. An intermingling of the
peopleof this region wil1 he beneficial
to all. We of this part of the state
are more OlnOtly associated than any
pari oi tin1 region Is with the rest of
the world. We will he helped in ex
change of ideas ami business relations,
wherever possible. The peonlg of our
neighboring sltioi view ihe matter
with a broad comprehension of what
should In- done, and 1 am sure tint'
Haker will tind that cordial support is
given the fair enterprise."
Nswspapec Man Found One In the Lone
Star State.
A former citir.cn and publisher of
the local paper of a little town down
in Southern Illinois, but now residing
in the Lone Star state, writes hack
to his friends that be has discovered in
i'exas a lake oi lemonade. It was not
simply it lake of acid water, but a gen
nine lemonade lake, the water ol
which, sugared to the taste, iloated
slices ol lemons in the most tempting
fashion. The lemonade in the hike
was ice cold, and sometime took on
the most attractive circus hues and
tints. The Texan writes that the only
tilings lackinii lo make the lake com
plete were straws ami easv chairs. T
procure money to siipplv these, Hills
enabling him to open the finest lem
onade stand in the world, he bored
lor oil in the vicinity and struck it
Hut the gusher Hooded the country
the oil Mowed into the lemonade am
be became a ruined man. ( 'aintal il-
wlll not touch the lemonade la-cause il
has oil in it, nor the oil because it
has lemonade in it, ami there seem
in he iii means nt separating the i.
I n' tin re.i-' ii tne discoverer would
prefer to return to Illinois (or (he pres
cut. and il was in a letter akmg lor
assistance to enable bun to make th
trip that he told the I tor) nf his hard
luck. John (. Wright ol Harbor
Springs, Mich., should send Hind lor
this man s return at once ami place
him on the staff of the l.vre.
- m m m
Mr Psnnoysr's correction.
Writes Kx-I invernor Peiinov er to the
Portland Telegram :
Portland, Aug. 23. To the Fditor
in your yesterday's issue, referring
to the famous case of Peunover vs
Neff, it is stated that I brought suit
again"! Nett for a debt, and that bav
ing aoiuired the proierlv Neft tendered
me tlit- inline', lor tin deht and wanted
the sale set aside. Both statements
are erioneous. John II. Mitchell
hr. night thi suit and the property was
sold to him at sheriff's sale, and
bought from Mitchell Neff never tend
ered me the money. On the ciaitrarv
Mrs. Neff came to Portland after tin
sale, ami I gave tier a written agr-e
meiit, good for 0U days, to deed back
tb laud on the payment to me of the
money invested, with simple interest
The Neffs did mil pa me, hut the
I'niteil si. tie -iipreine court gave back
to them the land, while 1 had paid the
Neltn ilelit to Mitchell lor them .inn
have never got my money hack. Tim
court held that the law ol the state
had been complied with in the sale of
the land, but that under the I Itl
amendment thai wa not sntticient, as
there should have tieen an attachment
of the property. The sale was made
ugust ., lrttiti, wlille the I Itl amend
men- was adopted July lHtM.
Thinking About
We are; are you.'
baWfl displayed in our west
window oar tirst lot of Xlttll
goods. An exquisite line of
niuiiwiact lifer's samples of
( faint ( 'uapidort.
Bonkt are a KMTgOOUl OOltt'
bilUVtiOD Of colors almost
too pn tty to le spai upon.
Owl Tea House.
Jelly (ildsses iu a dozen.
Help or Situation
C.F. Cook's Einplojfiiient Agency
l ' ii ne i Main and Alta Street.
lard mined, lor Gleet
Uunerrhuaa and Hunniegt
IN 4a HOUR!,. Curat Kiu
Key sad HlaSSar Iruublet
New Fall floods
i iMm
have just rrmr. cu
i ......... ftiitrina iti
t L I I OBMelKlita IK t() L'I't the
,iiim lumivi "
man shall have lha btiient ol
II you tfooil gOOai cneepwi t
if tin- is 001 nrn-ci.
.'-IS. "SS"."4iS7jy .
Shailcs. Curtain Pules
. Mirrors.
Undtruking Parlors iti Connection
To make gool bread use llverc' Hsst Flour. It took first
premium at the Chicago World's Fair overall competi
tion, and give excellent satisfaction wherever used.
F.very ears i guaranteed. We have the best Steam
Rolled Harlev, SeeJ Rve and Ilea nil ess Barley.
W. S. BYERS, Proprietor.
Cor. Court and Johnson Sts,
ii'n, beat Klvi'irlr LlahU.
A merl. au Hlau, retea ti.it Ui li.Wailay.
Kuroueeu plau, Ms, ,
mmi'lal relea by week or uiuutb.
Free Bus fleets all 1 reins.
Commercial I rad. Solicited.
Fine Sample Rooms
Special Attention Ulven to
Country Trade.
The Columbia
Lodging House
F.X. SCHhMPP, Prop.
Call up:
No. 5
and Sand.
Heavy Hauling
Kji1 tiieiitlou (lieu
i" uuaixuuieuu
lLaatz Bros.
Arriving Daily
the Mil whm we bought
Ill V H IL Oil t V n '
lUCh mW
quantittei tr sru i
BOTTOM PRICES. (' -"to-,i
miis PURCHASE. VVr will
I IB-' -
;l,u store in I'flKlH-liin
Com i
Our midsummer
Furniture sale
Bn Ml ol ettniction and de-
iei vet
iiniisiial attention. v lioth-
i t you intend to furnish your house
complete oi mst eontamplite tin-
addition of a few necessary piectes,
this is your opportunity. Over
twenty live different -.tyles of
Iron Beds
Dressers. Commodes. Parlot Fur
nltore, Cttrpeti, MettinfeS Window
Picturera, Bab) Cabs, Go Larts,
Main and
A. C. SHAW k CO.
W. J, SKWKI.I., Manager.
Yard on Webb Street
Opposite Hunt Freight lepot
We are prepared to furnish anything
in the lumlier line and can guarantee
prices to be as cheap, if not cheaper
than others. We also carry a larg
liueof Doors, Windows and Moulding,
i'arties contemplating building will do
well to see us Imfore iilacing their
orders. We also carry Cascade Rod
Fir wood. f'houe Main IKi.
Ever in Pendleton
i.Mi-Mti Kit i:iii.isn imm rBLE
i,i. iv i. mis or IMP (IR IK I)
t brew oi the Hmem MUwtuikM
lm never w hefon- :
Telephone 72.
Wood and
Dellf.reO . Wouwuy. Hrtoe. Klein
i-" eud I'ainmarack Pueu.
Wuoti nice eua dry
'Mine rear of tsaviugs bank.
1 HI. KCH us h MAIN 4.
LL THE NEWti! Ti. the Keel
Otegomen. Dally 95.qo . yMt by
mail. wakiu a.
Sept. 23-28,1
Great Airrin.it...
iiiiiii ir
lllli. i n
1 1 XI 1 1 XI ri a I I
Good Racing
Afternoons. ..
i.i imi ri'HiiTi.i...
........ .., ,,, ii. iii ,
IT..., M M .. .. . .
IN(i, Willi
wew MHtc
' "u,r meexej r,,
Hpi'i lid Hull', nn P. '
It. . . : i i ...
' " """I Your rB1M
.... r i
kedtn I'd U. .11 n
vii Bill efei
... in inn i Nriirii ... ....
i. wisnov. a
You get
Good Beer.
Whm you drink
iuurauteftl not
MUM headache
Ask furjit.
Schultz Brewing
II, 8H
I l.i I be lollnivini' lurt
320 AOTM Wlu'ilt afjl
liost Stock and Mr)
i ii V
Il 1 uiiiur luuv, vh
I II.. ,wi. K I ,if. 1
Ifauaai ll.ienhU
Very ( 'ln;ai.
I 11W II 1 ' I K
county prapwtjf cheap
The Place to Buy
I.. ...I...... .... Jr' Il
in nrii i am R .
ami cheap pricss.
your nnli-r lur lieeirf
u......r Idllb. A 1, IMI1
n.ii-i . -
Rent line ol
Lumber, Uk
in; par, Ttr
cttiueut. WA
u.. .
rlaswr, oll'
Sand, Mouldmj
Screen DW"
Windom. N
A- Ihiurti. Term
( '(.ItajV-
Lumber ian
p mRQTFR. - Pro
u.,t .-.I to L.I' ni' . . ik
der 11 lUcr, m '-,
brius H lo u ii" 'r ,.i
i.r.milillv Jlrl luc
A1 L.I. . ' J". .U OOI11I-
a.uo a year
iieiBBlecerpy ftee