East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 27, 1901, Image 1

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B Jr newH,:,.. J
nwii"" RJ55K ,.0iiiity topt
NO. 4818
The Place
To buy Groceries
i, where you can have a big
,tock tn select from. Call
an.l see me. My stock is
tarKe both in fancy and staple
fl. R. Demott
Fall Clothing, Furnishing Goods,
Hats and Gloves Here
WE wish to sliow every man
and hoy the newest and
nobbiest line of up to-date
styles and fabrics of Clothing
lor the fall trade. A lower
price for the same goods or a
bettor article tor the same
OVERCOATS here; but will
talk of them later ....
BOSTON STORE, The Money Savers
We are the distributors of
Orsgsn'slW School Books.
War price, therefor., will ir
H'"K kMl paw old book aud we
l show part your tuouey buck.
r. Hbr
I'enholdera le.
NEWSPAPKK auhncies
JtJSfW "ulworiitiou for any
GSP!S L"wSWata marine.
"t price. Prtimpt .mrvbie.
JMU Lines at Special Prices
sd(Jo Carts $4.85 to
J Md Boys' Wttlklng Qggagi lu, to
LofNew Book t Kiwtern
JJicycleH lu, worth 35.
Pattern 60 eaoh.
P. Brushes, (.(Mub- ToUut ArM
1-2S, v boUl" Musohlne Oil
ulwware, Kine Chiua.
,u UiliL'0 'U'"d we " importers
0ftguu. ,mutr'PPd In Kasteru
An Experienced
Tailors, Chicago. Will be with us for
lay only, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th.
He will exhibit the newest novelties and
choicest creations in materials for fall
and winter for suits, trousers and over
coats in large pattern lengths. We will
be pleased to have you come and see his
display. Our guarantee of perfect satis
faction goes with every order he takes or
QUR entire attention is cen
tered on the Furnishing
Goods line We have the
most complete line and the
lowest prices
OUR STYLES are above sus
picion and we give correct in
formation on styles, qualities,
size, price, etc., etc
C OS wr.?
For Combination Folding Cots and
Chairs. Just the thing to take to the
mountains - -- -- -- -- -- -- -
Next Door to Postoffice
"See Dem
I have a full line of
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
from one-pint to ten quart, will freeze cream
in from three to live minute ; also have a full
line of fuming tackle, hammocks, etc. See my
line before buying
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
Expert Teilor
& Hexter,
"THE new block for fall, 1901,
of KNOX is here $S.OO
Also the latest ZEPHYR ft.00
S I KTSON ....$,$& and $0
$1, L80, 2.00, 2.S0
WE have the celebrated Hun
sen Glove 1 1 1 : t wears so well
You know it.
A Lover of Good Liv ing
demands nood bread as the
hading article of his diet.
When he has our bread he
has tht best that is made.
We us the best wheat Hour
in this bread, and our every
process is the best result of
experience in bread making
The money
quieted an. I
panic in Oermstiy has
confidence has been re-
Qold in paving quantities has been
found in Virginia, near Washington
city. The belt in Mid to he eight
miles wide.
The children of Vice President Kikw
velt are improving at the Roosevelt
hospital. The vice president spent
part of the day with them.
Colonel J. H. Haverly, whose fame
in ministrelsv is world wide, is dsn
geronsly ill at St. Mark's hospital, in
Salt lake City, of heart tronhle.
.lu pan has lodged a protest at Wash
ington against the system of medical
inspection at Hawafi, declaring that
this is incompatible with ttie (madly
intercourse between the two people.
Sir Frederick Robertson, baronet,
clerk of the surrogate court, Osgissl
Hall, and son of the late Sit Mucern
Koliertson, was drowned in F'airv
Lake, near Huntsville, Canada, where
he was spending the summer.
The annual average of our total im
ports the last four years shows that a
little over .V) percent of them have
been agricultural, last year 420,i:ir,
288 ol imports were agricultural out !
a total import bill of s4t.41 . is t
Major deneral MacArthur will leave
for Washington Wednesday to rewrt
to the war department. He expects to
stop at Canton tn pay his respect- to
Presidert McKinley. s. ptembcr 11 he
will return to his home in Milwaukee.
At the close of last week the jobbers
of stcH'ii pi(e In New York raised the
price of iron ;ipe 12 ier cent in con
seqnence of the strike. Today the
prices for this metal are 20 Hr rent
above those quoted lefore the strike
Robert li. Kvans, l iute.! Mates dis
trict Httornev for Minnesota, died sud
denly Sunday from heart disease, on
the balcony ol his home on Queen
avenue, Kenwood, near M nmrai" 1 1-.
He had lieeii apparently in ihe Ih'ni ,.
health. His age was 47 years.
A private telegram Irom Char1. .its
ville, Va., announces the death of
Mi Maude Coleman Woods, in that
city. Miss Woods was pronounced the
most beautiful woman in America by
a c.xiimittef Irnni the ran-American
exposition, and her profile adorns all
the medals issued by tie laiaril ol
Ilcnrv Notes, the negro who shot to
death Mrs. Charles Williams, wife of
a prominent tanner near Winchester,
Tenn., last Friday, win canturi-l Sun
day ". ar Coan. Tenn. lie was taken
to Winchester by his captors and plac
ed in the county jail, and afterwards a
mob of several thousand meu assembl
ed, took him out of lail and horned
hi in at the stake.
raciriL northwist nbws.
Charles Hughes at Seattle, kicked
William Murphy in the groin and the
latter died irom the injury. Hughes
is in j. 1. charged with murder i 1 -
.1. s. Dilley, a well known pioneer
of 18fo, d cd SMdty at his home near
1'ortland. lb- came to Oregon in 1H.KI,
011 Ills wav to Caliloruia. Aiterwards
be returned to Portland.
4 bOWl 110.000 if needed, it is slated,
to prepare the iree library in the
Portland city hall and the Portland
library lor the use 01 the public as one
iree circulating library next year.
Owing 10 the delay in the receipt of
the new text-books, it has been decid
ed by the tsiard ol directors ol the
Aahland public echools to poelpoae the
opening ol the tall term one week, Of
unl 1 1 September H.
John Burns, 64 years old, until re
cently one 01 the stewards 01 the
steamer Halle City, coimuittod suicide
Sunday by hanging in a clothes closet
in the room he occuj led in the Kellve
dere hotel , Port lain)
Alter an illness 01 eight days, Oa
vid HiOMMli lather ol United Males
Senator Joseph Simon, diet) Huuday at
Ins home in Portland. His end was
peaceful, and he died surrounded by
Ins lauiily, aged Hi years.
K. B GjM 01 Kaker City who is an
old riatvd 01 Oir 'Imbum LiplMi the
gelitlemaii irom Kngland who baa
come over alter the America's cup,
lots received a pressing invitation Irom
s.i Thomas to BOJBI M York and
be his guest during the laces, which
will take place 111 September and he
will accept.
Dr. Pierce' h Fa
vorite Prescription
Doubles a Mother'
Joym mnd Halves Her
It doca tins by
Duration 111 wlixli
a pre natal p-
t lit - mot Ik 1 fuidh
bcrisell growina itnaiaw instead of
weaker With MCfa niontli ItLsteud
of nausea knd nervotianeke, there an
healths appetite, quiet nerve aid
fafrrabina itoap Tfan aund'i i n
tent kani 1 lite with tht Isxly's
comfort. There
it no an x it t'. no
dread of the
11 ti m. hniif tunc of
travail When the hirth hour
come it bj practical!) paiulcas, the
reeovt-rv is lajml. anil the mother
find-, her.sell ahundaiitls aide to
nurse her child.
"pavontc Pre- 11 t ion " lontaiiis
aoalcof! ' naitkar ooiuai, aocaiM
nor au OUMrl uaTOQUC.
Siek kVMMafl bfl mvitctl to ton
-.ult 1i Pierce l lettci jXe of
chargt, and mi obtain w ithout coat
the advice of a socialist in the
djpeaatt peculiar to woniiii All
curre.sxjudeinv strictl private am)
sacredh contideiitial AddrtSM In
K PiafM Buffalo. N Y
Mm. Auutr HUvkrr. 6ju Calhrrioc Street
ayracase N V . write " Voui aicdiolues rutt
tlunr woiutro. lor ntr Koi yrar- my ltt t,lth wit.
vett pANti I had toar lout ui riat lul liact
takilttf In Inrltr'p. Favorite Prt-i ri tion aitd
tolaru Mctluul D4scoetf I bave stuck battel
lit. .111 itittl now I liMtr fiur heultli baly 1
hevr irtoinmruilcd youi lutauiuyi. to M-versl
of ii. t trie ml- oi l llirv hSSS lrucblrrl by
Ibcin "
Di Pierce s Pleasant Pellets cure
dullness and sick headache
Hence French Ambassador Left
Storj ol NftftOtiltlODS With the Porto Which
Have Been Broken Off ty the For
elftn lloiMry Id Paris.
(Constantinople, Aug. 27, The Porte
considers diplomatic relations with
France broken. The Turkish ambasHa
dor to France who is away on a vaca
tion is instructed to rei,:m to Paris
and thus avoid having his passports
handed him.
Sultan Kept No Promises.
Paris, Aug. 27. The sultan has (ail
d to fulfill his promise to the French
ambassador to Constant inople ami the
situation is more critical than cmt.
Foreign orHcers --a; the French amluts
sador left Constantinople under orders
when it was found the sultan was nol
givinv satisfaction and that Ifca charge
d' affaires will not continue negotia
tions, but will simply await the -ill
tan's decision.
Details or the Negotiations.
Pans, Aug. J 7 mm ilo ml con,-
municalion regarding the status of the
trouble with Turkey was gi-en out to
day. It says:
"On August 17, an arrangement was
effected with the Porte with the ap
proval oi the nltaii. (In the nine
teenth, Cuostaus telegraphed Paris
that none of the promises had been
fulfilled. On the twenty-rlrst the
minister of foreign affairs telegraphed
Const an s in view of the complete dis
regard of promises, France could not
longer continue negotiations. He re
quested Constans to inform I he Porte
he had received orders to leave. On
the twenty-third, Constans made this
communication to the Porte. On the
tweoty-aixtb none of the promises
having been kept, Constans left Con
stantiuople. "
Strikers Osteal Plan for Taklns Non
Union Hen to Pittsburg.
Pittsburg, Aug. 27. The plan of the
steel trust to import man from the
east by wholeaale to the striking mills
of this city was frustrated, it is stated,
by missionary work of Amalgamated
uien. A scout of the steel workers re
turned this morning after an extendi I
eastern tour and reports that he block
ed several schemes of the trust officials
to iniiort large Isxiies ol nonunion
men. In every case, be says, the m.
have been deceived by trust agents re
garding the real situation.
Trouble In San r ranelsso.
"-an Francieoo, Aug. Z! . Thirty n-.n
union machinists from the oast were
met by the strikers' pickets this more,
i ng at the ferry and a sever basting
administered to a number of them de
spile the efforta ol the (Millie everal
were klduauped.
seventy five employes i Hunters
Point drydock went out tiaJay
'oiuinilteee I'om the -In
association and the county
are striving for (aiane.
gebwab Has Bethlehem Company.
Philadelphia, IV Aug. 27. The
Bethlehem steel company today passed
into the hands of ( nas m bwab. This,
according to a resirt circulated several
days ago, may mean his retirement
from the algal trust ami lead to a set
tlement of the strike.
Suspected, Cainese Inspector and Hit
Trae Death.
lilcaoii, aril,, Aug ! It ) , Jgge
aey, he Chinese lnsMM tor stationed
iiere, was instantly killed this morn
ing by the accidental disxharg. t ,,
shotgun while attempting to Sill a
skunk in his yard, according to the
coroner's verdict. Ilia tiamlaa claim
he committed suicide. Joeaey was
charged with smuggling Chlueae across
the ls.nl. u and w-uhi have been arroat
ed today . Juseey insisted lie was in
ma ent and said yesterday lie ouuld
disprove the charge i in plica ting him
With Collator of Cuklnuin lliaty lu
the gigantic smuggling scheme. I'he
deceaaed was appoinleil from Wasli
ingtOfl state.
Think It a (iigeulls Sahama.
Washington, Aug. 27. Met ret service
ithcials are working on the theory in
Han Prauclsoo that there has lateu a
gigantic Chlueae smuggling conspiracy
along the Mexican border It is a
well known fact that in Han Fran. Iggfl
what practically amounts to slave
traffic is being carried on with Chi
nese girls who are set apart for the
m'jat vicious iiurpoaes. It is learned
that of the Chlueae smuggled in at
Nugalee, Aria, the majority are women
sun young gins.
Hops tor Belter Terms Prom the Praash
Panama Cempaay.
Although the report of the Isthmus
caual oommlsaion is practically com
plete, there is little probability it will
he submitted to the president ladore
September 1. It is stated the delay is
due to espectatiou that a laHter propo
sition will be received from the French
company con trolling the Panama canal
Bobbed a Gambling Mouse.
Nashville, Aug. 27. Thomas Johu-
aton entered the largest gambliug
house in this city th
furctni the bokktH3ii3r avl that WaIuI 111 a
revolver to hand him the sack contain
lug b-jou. ue made his wiuis. from
the place, but was arrested a few hours
later with ail the money ou his uer-
- .
Reported by I. L. Ray Co., Pendleton.
Chicago Hoard or Trade and Haw York
Stoek Isehante Brokers.
Naw York, Aug. 27. The wheat
market had abetter tone Msg and
closed a half cent lietter than tester
day. Liverpool closed ft 7-H. New
York opened at 7ft 1-8, and chwed
7ft ft-8. Corn was strong and advanced
I c to 110 V September
Stocks all lower.
Money, H er cent.
Close yesterday, 7 1 ,
Open today, 7ft 1-8.
Range today, 7f I -8 to 7 lad
Close today, 7. :-8.
Mocks: Sugar M) ; steel, M r4j
St. Paul. mi. ft-8, II. P. lOllt.
Wheat In Chlaaao.
OhletfO ng. 17, Wheat, n :t-H to
In L. Tallraan Appointed.
Walla Walla, Aug., 27. -L. I.. 1'all
inan ol Walla Walla, a well km iwn
druggist and business man, has Uteu
appointed a member ni the state board
ol pharmacy. I'he apHiintmenl came
as a go... i deal of a surprise to Mr
in loom, as he had not asked (or it
and did not expect it in the least. He
has decided to accept and esiects to
meet with the oilier members ol the
Hoard at their next session. .1. II.
I lay of liavtmi, president of the board,
is hit predecessor. Itefore he takes up
his duties, however, Mr. Tallman will
make a pleasure trip to Alaska, go
ing with a patty Ol friends who are
pinning to make the trip about the Hrst
of next month lie will he gone a few
Must Serve In Navy.
Seattle, Aug. 27. -Fmssett A. Nea
Ion. I must serve the term for which he
enlisted in the C inted States navy.
Hrnught heforo the ledcral court on a
writ o batatas corpus young Nealond
was unable to substantiate his claim
that he hail been coerced into enlist
ment ami had been kidnapped Irom
Portland at the instigation of his fath
er. Judge llanford ruled that the en
listment was valid and that Nealond
must remain in the servo c
Survivors or Perry Expedition.
Han Francisco, Aug. 27. Among the
passengers arriving from the Orient to
day was Hear Admiral t A. Hear. Is
lee, U. H. N., retired. Admiral
Iteanlslee is the last survivor ol the fa
mous Perry expedition to Japan in
In.i! and he attended the unveiling of
the monument to ('omuualore Perry at
Yokohama recently.
His Son Shot Him.
Walla Walla, Aug. 27. Peter Perrie
tMJ years ol age, is at his Inline on the
lllalock fruit farm, three miles west of
tills city, suffering Irom a painful
gunshot wound in the left thigh. The
wound was purely accidental and wa
in (lie till by feme's 12-vetr-old son.
The weap'-n was a .'12 calibre r 1 lie
Haiard Makes s Csplure.
Manila, Aug. 27. I.ieut Hazard,
1'hird cuvalry comuianding a troop ol
MucalM-rte scouts, captured (he Ameri
can deserter Howard, who ii the leader
ol the Filipinos and had been annoy
ing the Americans lor many months
uiitovaav op acbtv Lgwa.
list Makers Paid B6.000.0UO to tna Man
Who Pound the Seerel.
In the heat of the electric luruace,
lime and coal combine to form calcium
carbide. This, slacked with water,
resolves itself into lime and acetylene
gas. Acetylene is one of the moat fas
dueling of 1 1 loin Hiatus lis flame,
ciimpiNrmI almost entirely ol pur
d IS
rays, glows white to the eye, am
many tunes as hrilliaul as that ol
street gas. Yet no way has been
luund to make it available log general
lighting. It IB used III isolated plants,
bul l..-it. -r appliances are still needed
to reuder it safe and satisfactory.
Mr Wilson, al his old mill in Vir
ginia, made calcium carbide by ggg
di.nt, and discovered it only when a
piece, kicked into the stream, began 10
huhhie furiously.
' a- natters paid I half a million
dollars for his patents, hel.eviug that
no'tdl'lli could he usn.l as a Sllhslllille
lor naphtha as an muicher for water
gas. They were dlsapiMiHite l Ih. r,
are millions still walling for the man
who linds the needed substitute. Wa
ter gas costs null ahoul gig n uts a
th. usaiel Mbit (eel to manilla. I n re .
but until It is enriched by hylr.sar
buns it gives no light. Four In six
gallons of naphtha to the thousand
feet is cooked into It to make it an II
I ii ui I Da it Naphtha coata almul six
cents a gallon. Fyeryls.dy - Maga
zine The torn Crop.
Ihe torn crop ia the ileal valuable
crop in the OOUntrj! I he crop ul lt
was the largest, except that of IHW7,
in our history. The total product was
2,078, Ml M, hiiBhels. Ol this opfy a
little more than 10 per cent was export
ml The wheat product ol the same
year aggregated 6t7,:iOS,84A bushels
til this M per cent was sent abroad,
ihe cotton crop for the year amounted
to i o Hi pounds, of which more
than Ho per cent went abroad. The
value ol these crops was as follows:
Corn Itf-tl.OUU.iJUU, wheat MU,UUll.UUU
cotton .'167,utlU,UOO.
0 wilt a S all road,
ihe only electric street railway lu
the world owued ami operated by a
single uiao is in Columbus, Ind.
John H. ('rump owns the system singly
aud exclusively, lie huilt the liae In
ls.su with his owu capital, and baa
made a success of It It ia the only
unincorporated street railway iu In
diaua. Mr. Crump also owns a theater,
a hotel, a park aud a cemetery, as
well as the only safe deposit vanlt iu
Southern Indiana
NeBllgenee Impute.
Negligence ou the part of the Pen
noyer Mctiride-Metachau school laud
board is strongly imputed m the stipu
lation recently tiled in (be Davis de
ielcatiou suit by Bondsmen Bingham
and McCoraack, and Attorney (ienora!
Hlackburn. the attorney general has
.tii.au cuargSM negligence in his suit
against the board, but it remained for
me oondsuiau to poiut out more de
finitely wherein the board was negli
Twenty Thoasand Marched in
Louisville Today.
V. C. P. BrecaioHdftc GlTss tb WelcomlDX
Addrm gad tbc urtad lultr
KspoDds to Him
'""vile, Ky., Aug. 27.-Tllb
isimp and pageantry herltting the or
der, the Knights Templar today m
corted their grsnd eiicsin.ment through
the baaallfally decorateil citv tn the
grand aiylnm, where the twenty-eighth
annual conclave was formally opened.
It was an impressive and stalely sight
us the white plumed knights with ban
ners living and hands plaving man-had
thruugh the streets Iwtween laackad
rows of humanity. The line of march
was miles in length and the parade
was so long it took honra to psvas a
given pgtlM, filly twenty thousand
Wire in hue I'he Weather was all
that could he desired ami the parade
Ihe most imposing ever witnessed In
Louisville. Alter '.rsnd Msster l.loyd
has reviewed the parade, and encamp
Oient, the ..Hirers pro, ceded tn t''0
girls' high school which hail Issen
ahosgfl as the grand asylum, were ex
Cotigressuisu W 0 P. Hreckenridge
ih 1 1 v.. red the address of welcome. The
response was by Orsnd Master l.loyd.
The conclave thus was formally open
ed. There were MO mounted knights
In line. V artifuhir)y striking body
wss thai of California ninandery.
No I. The sixty knights were on coal
black horses, while Commander C.-.s
was mi a pure white steed.
Has killed Pour Man Immense Output
Meant t, lexas, Aug. 27. Two
more men were killed Ualav by the
great oil gusher that was struck on
Monday and which caused two deaths
at that time. They were attempting to
shut nil the immense output ol Ihe
well, alien thav were overcome by gaa.
The well still is spouting immense
Humilities of ml. Over one hundred
thousand lutrrels has already (towed
and Is being wasted.
Lives Ware Lost and Shipping Wreaked
in s Msrbor.
leuiis, tug 27 cyclone attend
ed with heavy damage lo shipping and
lose of lile passed over Fmuio today.
Fughteen coasting vessels were wrecked
in the I. art.or anil sunk, 2T. persons .a.,
mg drowned.
ksblsy Witnesses Summoned.
Washington, Aug. 27. Judge Advo
cate l.eniley ol the -m hlev tourt of
Igxjgjiry, may furnished -ch lay's
counsel wiih a list of (he witiieasea to
lie aniline ne.l In testily. I'he list will
he made p ihln tomorrow.
Vaisntlna Unitsd Slates AlMraay.
Washington, Aug. 27. The appoint
ment ol I. II Valentine to be united
Hlates attorney in the southern district
of Caltlornla was announced today
In an article describing the great iu
dustrial i hanges since IW3, Carroll I).
Wnghl. i oininlsslousr of labor, calls
SUaatiOfl lo the lacl that in the basic
industry ol the country, agriculture,
there is increase in the number of
(arms in the country Irom t, MM, 401 in
lak to over .'i.isj.oOu at preeeut.
It fit Mil
Ft i v it tihlc
We have tham
in all aiaua and
widtha aud they
run iu grioa
from UOc in the
children', tu $2
in ladiaa' aiaea.
We absolutely Guarantee
every pair of
Shoea that we 5ell
The Peoples Warehouse
tub piTTeaa op pbbt.
76 Main SUael. feuainloo, Og.