THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1901. TOO HOT to write adH but we are titling SHOES tlie name are j'iviui' JUBt and the heat valuen in town for your money ftZ CLEAVER BROS Practical Boot and Hho- Men. BHHVITI8S Farm loans. springs, telephone k: OlMfW Cleaver Jas. A. Howard. Hack (or Taal Main 79. $1 ihirt waists, now nrus. ury woods . to daok suite, now 2.m Bro. Dry Goods Co. We are closing out Irint jam at Mtl ai uie ntanoarti urocery Vo. First class wheat paature (or cattle and horM. Inquire o( Peter West Yon can save money now hy MyiBfl your jars at the Ntaniianl grocery for house moving mm (ieo. Kiev or leave order at Newmans Cigar Mtori'. 26c summer goods to rloee at UU per yard. Cleaver Hroe. lrv ikhkI- Co. You ought to A. I). Mnr A Porter's rml Hr wood, telephone inn in Ho. Midsummer aaie o( wath good, 0M bal( price. Cleaver Bros. Dry (locals Co. LoU 2 and 3 in block 140, Reaerve addition ahove Ht. Joseph 'a faadtmj (or aale cheap. Inquire o( Peter WfJtl Crescent bicycle on the installment plan at tbe Orescent sgency in the Kaat Oregon ian building, paymenUi $1 a week, no interest. Wanted To correspond with ltruiern that will have second and third grs.l.. wheat to sell this aaasnii. l, K. Addi ton, Portland, Ore. The homeliest man in Pendleton as wall as tbe handsomest, and others are invited to call on any druggist and get (ree a trial bottle o( Kemp's lialsam (or the throat and lungs, a remedy that is guaranteed to cure and relieve all chronic ami acute eOOgbt asthma, broncihtis and consumption. Price 26c and 60c. For sale by Tall -man A Co., sole agents. Pen-carbon letter nook. Nolf'e. I want to buy a resiilenco M or near Water or Iewis street. Box 417, Pen dleton. For sale -7 room house, fine shade ami fruit tree; 76 lots north side. K. T. Wade. For flrst t-laaa rigs or a cab al any hour telephone Depot, stables, Klviii Craig, Prop. When at Pilot Rock stop at the City hotel. Meals at all hours. Mrs. C. II. Beitel, Prop. W. R. Withee in agent for the Do mestic and Davis MWina machines. A lull Una Of MppllM, Repairing a spe cialty. All work guarantor!. Members of Integrity lodge No. ()-', I. O. O. F. are requested tn he pres ent at a sncial meeting tln- nvening at i:W o'clock. By onlnr of C. P. Davis Wanted Elderly man ho under stands gardening, raising melons and (ruits hy irrigation. Address giving particulars, K, Iv . Spargur, Kcho, Oregon. K J. .Murphy lias now the most complete line of wall papers ami bold ers ever siiown in Pendleton. All the latest shades and designs. Yon should see the stock. A competent woman housekeeper can find employment at good wages on a stock ranch near Beho. .nnlv at tin home o( Mrs. Haiti- St.uili-ld. Mail street, at foot of school house lull. Presiding Elder J. 0 Thomas of the M. h. i-huri-h, south, will he present III I'endleton on Mindiiv next anil will I preach in the morning al It o'clock and also in the evening at H o'clock. He will hold the Ini-ines session of the fourth quarterly conferem n Moo, I. iv. May M, at I o'clock p. m RLSTROOMS FOR FARMERS COLFAX INAUOURARBS A ARRAN08MRNT. VALUABLI ARRESTED FOR FORGERY Check of SI f on John Tlmnierraan Pasted at Baker & Oga's, i,. r. unowies ano .1 . ,i . Hreei were arrested on Wednesday evening lor (Up turning the mt'i't::;g o the Milvation Army. Alterwards I laorga UtOoogbt was arrested lor ttn same charge Later it was discovered that the first two above mentioned had passed check signed hv .lobn 1 itiiiiieriiiaii for flo at the saloon of (taker .V Ogg. Mr. I i in mi . i in. ii pronounced this check a lorgerv. Rearrested, by Sheriff. Deputy. Knowles and Hreel put up u cash bond for their appearance, but skipped out. I boy were arrested at Havana, a mat ion on the O. I, A N. line this morning and placed in the county jail to answer to the more serious liarg- KACF MEET IN OCTOBER Promlnanl Citizen. Have Decided That It Will Occur. When the prominent citizens of Pen lletoii decide upon a .mention. It is practically settled even if it costs $10, 0OU. The street lair of 1U00 la a fair sample This vear, it has been decid ed that there will be a race moetinu. Several of the horsemen of Umatilla couutv. most o wiioin live in Pen lletoii, have decided that nothing would prove of such interest as fall race. Five men have already agreed to put up $IO apiece others will put up i.i" each, and the -mailer frv will contribute from $10 to $'Jo. There lus been mi suggest ion mad- ol any other means ol enjoyment, and it is lieliev I that th- rue- meeting will meet with enthusiastic support from -v-rv aide. Will Have a Plaee Which People Prom Country Can Make Headquarters While In Town Trading If a dozen Inland (Empire towns do not copy an idea (rom Colfax, Wash.. reatrooms (or people (rom the coun try it will he because that idea is very deceptive and is not so beneficial as it seems to promise. It would aeem to be the solution ol a problem that has lieen studied by every person who has at heart the interests of a town, the comfort of its ruatomers and who recognizes the obligation resting upon the business public to provide within reasonable limits lor the aecuirng of that comfort. Col lax proposes to provide a rest room, cheerful and commodious, to where i'lr from the country who have a few hours of leisure may go and rind comfort (rom the dust and heat in summer and from the cold and wet of winter. The rooms are to be pro vided with the materials of a read in u room, a toilet room lor women, with conveniences such as anv woman needs after coming over ilnslv roads to do a little shopping in town, and there will lie an attendant or attendants who will be always at hand, imagine an instance that is hy no means ilitli cult to imagine. A womat mes to town aith her babv and desires to visit the stores for shopping. She cannot take wi th her the babv unless she suffer inconvenience ami hamper nersell in looking at goods She can not leave the chill at hon:e, at least the majority jannot. The rest room provides just the place she needs, It wouni ne a ooon to ner sucn as m other arrangement would equal. furthermore, these reatrooms are not untried experiments. In the mid dle weat states they are used in many towns and now the people there would not do awav with them under anv con sideration. Some or the Features. The Spokesman-Review editorially advocates them, saying: ( ,,lt. i is to have a rest room or place where people from the country mav hml cheertul surroundings when thev have a few hour- on their hands. fhese reatrooms haw been main tained in some sections of the middle west and have proved moat attractive as well as a great convenience to peo ple who are visiting the city. Many tanners who are obliged to remain in town several hours while waiting to lo business find that time hangs heavy on then nanus ami as a rule there is no place to which they mav go for rest or satisfactory recreation. They must walk the streets or sit in their wagons when they might just as well be cm ploying their tun- to some advantage In tins particular the reatrooms supply a long felt want. Here lanuers ar- able to meet and confer, they may read the newa of the day; thev mav eat their luncheons in comfort instead ii noiiing mum While perched on a cart; they may clean up alter a dustv ride or drive, their wives and ters may enjoy social converse after a day's shopping.' the body in its normal polae and give the carriage that is desirable not onlv from Ian aeathetic standi,.. mi. DO. I that shall enable the various organs to exhibit abnormal activity, which cm ititiites health." Dr. Seaver finds that, next to sco lioaia, inguinal hernia is prevalent among college men. In compiling his statist ie on the frequency nf this phy sical d((ec( he has relied not dloiM Ml hianwn researches among Yale men. but has been aided hycarefullv prepar ed records submitted by 20 of the lead ing American universities. A total of nearly 20,000 students have lsen ex1 amined, making the most extensive physical examination to prove a single point of scientific interest ever at tempted in this country. Students en rolled the past five years constitute most of th- number examined. Dr. Seaver aays of the experiments: "My own experience for 17 years at Yale shows that about :t per rent of the students ol the university have hrnia and that proper treatment by support and exercise lias relieved about 70 per cent of thtweases." Wtealeaa Telegraphy. Ton Cnnard line steamship Lili an in . Captain McKay, which aailed from Liverpool lor New York August 10, ' waa apoken through Hie in-drim of wireless telegraphy l,. the Nantucket lightship when within " miles ol New York. The Herald shore station, t,, which came the wireless Brassage from the lightship, is located at Sias- ' conset, a favorite summer resort on the! island ol Nantucket. The message! from the ship was as follows: "All I well on hoard. We are 287 miles iroin : Hook, and with clear weather expert to reach Now York harhor at urday. I'l-aae inform Cnnard agents. " ST. JOE STORE New Fall Goods Arriving Daily II .1 .1 her. wr botlL'llt L'OO'.is rr iiavi nut returned irom im - - t - MN . ' i i ... ii mi Wa-dntiL'ton. Montana lor cit: It tori-s l"i an i ... v. BOOT ' ., k.'i. c.ovhu' in such Itrire quantitiw for spol , '. .1, HtlTTOM I K IC:i:S. Our c.iisto- CASH enobles us to gel th. H() w w wilI mcn .hall hv thi buneflJ ol WIS M KC U as ;. w w all v.,,, ;eod good! cheaper than any More ... I endltton, C ome anil set' it tin- i not correct. w LYONS MERCANTILE CO., OREGON n Thinking About Christmas Already, daugl or rest I'KRSON AL MBNTION BAROAINS IN ...SHOES We are Closing Out Ladiurt' Oxford Men's Tan Shoe.-. All Short Lins, Oealh or Hri. Ulsnn. Mrs. (ilenn, wif- of .1, T. (ilenn, lormerly carpenter at the Umatilla agency, died al Meaebain last Friday night ol heart latlure, aged ol veare Her remains were interred at that place hesnle those of her two daugb tera, who died there several years ago. .Mrs. (ilenn waa Isjrn in Koine, (ieor gia. and was a daughter of (ieneral Wallace Warren. She leaves a husband and two Huns, ( rainpton ae. (i raves ilenn, one of whum is in the aervire ol tlie goveriiinent, in the geologic sur vey. Sirs, (ilenn came here about six months ago from the lllackfoot agency, where her husband has had a position since he left the Umatilla reservation, lor the benefit ot her health, which tailed P improve. Mr. lenn lollow eo ner annul a ago, ami was with her when the end came. He left on this morning's tain (or Hlackfont to reessiline Ills duties. AT COST Come and examine goods an. i got prices. 1 he Pendleton Shoe Co. Wkl. I' 1 TliKKALLi, ftlMMgl Melons and Veasiablet. K. Martin receives every la fresh shipments oi vegetables and melons and they are the best on the market as they are specially selected l,,i Martin hy guol judges ol melons and vuget i ablea. If you need any good peaches lor canning you should leave your or ders at Martin's. He also lias jars and extra caps and rubbers. ror Sals. Hii acres of stiiuuierfallow, ti acres i of atubble wheat laud; all implements and stock necessary to work the land. Inquire oi Purl Howiuan. Li Ki u in your oia cnooi nooks to us and we will allow vou one-half the you price of the new books adopted by the state of Oregon for the ensuing six years. YyfE are headquarters for all School Books used in the Public and High Schools of Oregon and all kinds of sup plies of use in the school room Our prices are right and the same to all TALLMAN & CO. Leading Druggists, and Stationers -3m 653 Main Street Booksellers, News Dealers 100 Alta Street Col. William Carson- was in Athena today on legal business. Miaa liesie Hicks returned on Tues day from snouting at Lehman springs. N-wton Johnson has returned (ruin an outing in the wilds of Union couutv. lack Clarey is back at Ins place of business after an alieence of two weeks. Little Jack accompanied him. Carey A. Keves of the I .on v re re. lunred on Wednesday from a pleasant trip to lat'oma and other places. Kd UupuiH, (ternie Hays and Al Stevens have returned from a visit at I Chilian springs. They had an elegant time. I' r.iucis Jackson has returned from liinghain Springs, having spent a verv pleasant week's vacation thare bailing ami hunting. Mra. John I-. Uohinsoii and Uouald Kobinaoi. and Mra. II. I Johnson and laughter liarriette returned horn- (rum Hinghani springs Wednesday evening. A Waugh oi li Jot Book bal return ed (rum a viait to Mra. Will Ntimsoii his daughter, o. Mountain Home, lUa lio. He reports people ol that section prospermia. K. I.. Smalley and family o( Milton aere 111 the city this morning on their way home irom the sea shore Mr maney 1 a in tlie urug liilsmess n, Vtalia Walla and Milton. Miss hthel I'araons arrived a. lem on Wednesday eveuiug (rom Boise she has I)hii a guest of Miss Mabel Cerltine during the iiaat lew months and has apent a very pleasant summer. Mrs. K. B, Ind.l and son, Mias Marv L. Koberta. Mrs. I. C. Taylor and Miss Ma Thompson return.-. on this morning s tram iron, aeveral week- -uminering at the sea coast resort, principally at Long Ueach. Word has been received ol the ill ness of Miss bell Hiahop at Victoria, U. C, whence ahe went from Cen.Iieton for a month's vacation with Mrs. K. I' Marshall. Her early recovery and return is unpen lor hv tier many mends. Mrs. Oi C. Nanoradall will leave on the tram this evening lor Tacouta and Seattle, via Cortland. She will at t-iid a logrolling at lacoma on satur day, August 94, and another at Seattle on August JU-J1. It is tlie intention io initial- hm vv.Hsjuien at lacomu on th- .Mtl, Mrs. VauOrtsiall will at tend a Circle meeting at Seattle on the 2d of September, and return to Pandloton in two or three weeks. VALUE OP PHYSICAL CULTIKL Reaulla or inveallaallon or 120,000 Caass Among College Students. (ieueral interest in tbe various sports in I cicllc ton ha- opera ttl to create intereat in a statement regarding an investigation conducted bv In . Mav W. Seaver, director of the Yale uni versity gymnasium and a world au thority on anthropometric.! subjects. Alter giving tables supporting his the ories Or. seaver claims that the proot of tlie ellicacy ot systematic physical exercises, at least for college men', lies in the results obtained irom iiis experi ments which sliow that an alarming ly high figure of the students are ouuu in nave sconoeia, which is spinal curvature, but that athletes are almost entirely free from it and that tbe ordinary student is not troubled with the disorder enough to make it dreaded. It is tbe student of very close application lo study whom it attacks and one out of every hv- close stu dents at Yale the past five years has oeeu a victim ot it. Dr. Seaver says, referring to the statistics and to the prevalence oi the physical defect noted: "These figures constitute a strong argument in favor of such exercise, during tbe rapidly growing period, as shall keep tbe mus cular and ligamentous (issues in healthy aud atroug condition to bold see. Wh arc; are you'' Wc have displayed in our west window our first lot of Xinas goods. An exouisitc line ol nianufact urer's MmolfM of s ( 'liiini 'uffpidoif, Some are a gorgeous com lunation ot colors almost too pretty to le upat upon. Owl Tea House. Jelly Cilasses ;i doon. l 'oli-s. Mirrors. Our midsummer Furniture sale is tin center of attraction and de terVM unusual attention, W'heth Bi you intend tO furnish your house complete or lust contemplate the addition of I low necessary pieces, I i- B . vhur opportunity. Iivi different stv Irs ii Shades, Curtain Undertaking I'arlors in Connection this t twent Iron Beds Dressers, Coniniodcs. Parlor Pur niture. Cati ts. Mattings, VVinilow Picturers, llahv Cahs, (io Carts, etc A. RADER Main and 9 Webb SALEM, Sept. 23-28, 1901 Great Agricultural Industrial Fai BIG LIVE Sift SHOW Good Racing m Afternoons tfi I.VTKHl RORJUM IN(i, WITH ' tit a nn.v. o iuiiini, mat , " '1 -Ml.' Heaiitlful ( :im. ((round, taajasi nt.- rm IlUe an.l Mrln Ynur raam,, Reduced Kates on sll kn For Furthor funicular, VI V HMl . .... " s.., yomtM Sis. A. t. SHAW k CO. W. J. HKWKI.L, Mana(r. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER DEALERS Yard on Wehh Htrt Opposite Hunt Kreinht Iit W. nr.- prepared, Ui furnish anythinx in th. luiiilwr lint, ami uau Kiarantei priceo tu Imi as cheap, if not cheaper than others. We also carry a Isrui line of I.hts, Windows and Moulding Parties oonteuiplatiiiK huildiux will do wall to see ua Iwforx pla.iiiK orders. We also carry (Jascade lied Kir wood. Plioue Mam M, r THI First Ever in Pendleton I M I'OHi'KI) KNtH.IHH DOUBLE HTtM'T IMiri'Kl; ON DUAI (iHI i.i. KIMOI o K I M PO It i i i LINt'HKS Kt HUT ATLAS NWR Htf im et hr-v of tin- KailliiUa Alilwiillki-.. tlnn; never here before :::::: THE MAZEPPA 821 Main 1 You get Good Beer. Btartinft on a Drive you n.'.'.i to as mrr tii h i fosjs sarrtasM i aer. II tbt-r.' in aiivltiiiiv the niAtt-i oi iiir ii to im Mr repair. ,.tii r, pair prompt Iv i,,rk itrl th III or with II r M.ilk ie lowe.l prlci for s.vl NEAGLE BROS. GOLDEN HUE IKITEL Cor. Court and Johnson Sts PENDLETON. OREGON -'.-.. i .... Klv.'tll, Llahtr Aiuerloan Clan. rate. Ii.r. to II.AOadar Kuropeau plan, 60c, 7.V, ll.otl Special raiea by week or moots. Free Bub Heats all 1 rains. Commercial Trade Solicited. Floe Sample Kooins Special Attention Oiven to Country Trade. CONRAD ROULLK When you drink PILSNER BEER. I rntmntttd not t oaun boevdaoho or (ii..intHH AhIc for it. Schultz Brewing Co. BERKELEY Km tin- folhiwiti", bargains 890 Acres Wl.tuif LsWdJlfiOO lUm stock and Mry BtADofa in Oamai Prtrit, Cheap. I kwd House, 8 hots, HI(K). OREGON DHOIp LIN PROP Very Verv Also l)esiral)le ( 'lieaj . Etesidenot man U10S PACIf 1 suit Lake, Dnssa n C.irtlen.t World, iidihIi kn psclal , im City, muuli, mkm ni : .'MKoati'l Kail. vIr Hunt- 1 1 IK I" Atlaiili, Hull Uu, lnn. N Kxproa. Worth, Oaibi. k. ii l . m. (Hy si Urnn,!!!-, via Hum- ago CM Hut. mucin. si. Caul Walk Walk. UsimmJ Kaat Mall Spokane, v. lluf,riU- a. in i,, a,,. Mini. la I'aul, Uulutb, Milam Spokane kc, i Incago and tail Ocean und Kiver Sche Kill IX I'UKIUNU :l p. in. Hall) except Mill, I p. Ul. MMtlir.U) 1" p. ei. All mil I no; .latea aubec: lo dian Ha,, I ramiHu yt on I , ,'UT) , Columbia Hivar ! o asterls u,i aj Lait'llng. llalh x Sa in. Willamalta Klvar iUimkoii Lily, N:alri Hak'iM, luoeptsdriivriil I and .. ,. Lan lliifi I a. in Tnei llir- am I Sal. ' Corvalllt SSS S'a; ! 7 a. IU luea Tlira. anil at Klparia :f :uo a. ui. Iially r, k Wlllamellaandtaa- hill Rlvsri iirtroi, i ll), UayWD .in-1 Wa Uiln,p bnaka Mlvsr III par,.. 10 UlleD ,'!-.: AK.L I liK list of town and county property cheap. The Place to Buy : : : : Call up No. 5 for Wood, Coal, Brick and 5and. Heavy Hauling Hi pal al alteullou f lvu The Columbia Lodging House NKWI.V KIKMHHKI, BAR IN CONNKfriON IN ( ENTER up BLOCK HET. AXTAaWBBH'l F.X. SCHEMPP. Prop. Is JTblfSJ you can Kit quick ...,', me). pricuM. fut your orUer (or lieujor wster tank - ami BHtt I.U.- of III llixlh rsi-ka. Ui i ontinuuiruia Laatz Bros. The Uast Oragomau la Kasiem Ore goo'a representative paper. It leads, and the people appreciate it and show it by aeir liberal patronage, it is tbe silver -isiuk medium of tbis section. Lumhtr, Uth, BhiaglsM, Build ing paper. Tar paper,Um unci cenient. Pickets Plutar, Briok, Sand iloulding Wintlowti, iSush A DOON, Terru ( ttu Pipe. WK are the Sa.l.lWri llerv 1.... ... V. "' Copo ni II... uI.m a In 1 (., "x.vioil T IL ''llrtl 1, s I uuronuM.Mlca, Itarn mat cm year aruane, au.l arc and uiak .1.. iinl .ho. .K... rT. '.',"' ."rn, T - -a- aevui IIIJIII II... Iai,..i . ,,. St our coinp. iuora an, I il,. 71! "r " s. a-00.1 .. laaM o.j.: ou', ' JOSEPH ELL, I cadiuK ruroeaa and Saddlery. Mill and Lunber lard, FOBSTER, - Proprietor. '"'HANSKKR, trucking; STORAG K. CkOWNER & SON. IKLMCdONK MAIM . Take the... Washington & Columbia Kiver Railway Pot I Halaaao. HI Paul. It nas CitN Si J.-. Uuilia.i All Nltl l ast and Portland aad poiau un the Sound Arrive" tttduaaJajn sal's 1 1 iV. a. lu. Tuo-I , TSurdaw li. pari .lain . P- -.audaji ir..r lnl.,n.ll.,i, .. j.r.l.UH US' 1 uiudaliou-, cull en o. yfinkHil mm 1 H U UAl.DfcKIIKUM.'f-':! . Walls all. -l White Collar I Portland AstorU rahotiiu Str. law' ,10.1 'I'l M a ,,,.1,IS"fWla' lias i.4hu( UjVi. A,lu,u .. The Ualles-Hortlssd K Sir. " Bailey Gauert ' i . . . . . ... . i..ii -' Vancouver, . -rr . HprliiK", Hood llivor, tt uilo prliigx. 1 111- llall. 1'lMi CASP Leave 1'urilau I Arrivo Tbe Dalie lantv, 1 lie Halloa Arrive 1'orlUu.l " i j" "UK; h i-.TrliauJao-l' Uea.e. Ik. fSWlfJ liaa tue grau,la.i eseoio '-"" ,,n TickeUlor ootl. beacueioaa" Uudius-Kooiol AlZJ U...I. Ul - li.ii, i,L yl AS Gloria. in ahi , ".r. .1 A. J. TAYt.'K JOHN M Fll.l.ii.i- i A'ol.KulU. a W tue. a,u"u,JJ on . Ill Ifli A. UA UN hit. Al" 1 "J, J. 0. N ITATT, Agt , aii..;u K W. CIOBH, Agi - jrmm'M cure ran 4,pppJsasfl i m m amm ,' aTSBW ua u mi.,"" pjata,!1 15aliMqi3fc-.ta ni. 'ImSS WAoiaoiaaii'.u JPJB mt, ,. v Daily Earn OiH""