East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 21, 1901, Image 4

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to write ads but
wt ar Helling
juBt the Hatnc
and are giving
the betst values
in town for
your money
Practical Boot ami Hhm Men.
Jm, A. Howard. Kami loan.
New $1.60 Hooks, now 1.24. Nnlf'-.
Martin'K in the place for mvf vw-
Hack for Teal ipelagjg, telephone
Main 79.
Kineet linn nf Innrli fOOlta in III"
,-itv at Martini.
$1 shirt waist, now 01 gavel
Bros. Ory Goods Co.
f( duck suits, now 2.W8. Cleaver
Bros. Iry Uoods Oo.
We are cloning out fruit jiirn m i -'
at the Htanilanl (Grocery Co.
First class wheat pasture (or Oftttli
and liomee. Inquire of I'eter West.
Y on can save money now ly mi y inn
your jars at the HUndanl (if r
For liouae moving eev QtO, Elej 01
leave order at Newman's Cigar Btbn
Kim imnnrtnl ami American cheese
at Martin's.
For sale 7 NMtD house, tine "limit'
and fruit trees; 7ft lots north side. B.
I Sn.le.
Kor Hrst c.lasn rig or a rah at any
hour telephone Depot stahles, Klvin
( raig, I'rop.
When at 1'ilnt Rotli stop at the City
hotel. Meals at nil hours. Mrs. C.
II. Beitel, I'rop.
Wanted Klilerlv man ho under-
stauds gardening, minui melons and
truitH nv irrigation, nuurai
particulars, k. K. W. Bpatfgff, Kcho,
E. J, Murphy has now the most
.vim-, 1, line ill wall . r and herd
ers ever siiown in I'endleton. All the
latest shades ami ileitis. inn
should see the itOtk.
A competent woman housekeeper can
ti tut employment at uood wages on a
stock tmnib DMf Kcho. Apply at the
home of Mr, flattie Stantiehl, Main
street, at loot of school house hill.
Walla Walla Statesman: Kohert.l.
Boddv of Athena, Ore., ami Mm t iara
Fmdley ot l.aiiHiiig, Mich., were mar
Ned at II o'clock this morning at the
study of the Itev. I.ee A. .lohnsnii.
Ilenrv Arlsiuast, jr. of Kilter,
Oram coiintv, snot ami killed a large
wild cat near bil (atlier's home one
dav last week. It la the only wild
cat killed in that section for a long
in mm of cough or croup give the
Utile one OlM Minute Cough Cure.
Then rest easv ami have no tear. The
child will he nil right in a little while.
It never fail. I'leusant to take, always
safe sure ami aleiot instantanteoiis in
effect, 'lallinan i Co.
At ld time I take a pleasant herb
drink, the next morning I feel hright
and ni complexion is hetter. My
doctor says It acts gently on the
stomach, 'liver nnd kidneys, and is a
pleasant laxative. It is inane irom
herbs, and is prepared n- easily as
tea. It is called Lane's Medicine
l-une' ! um i v Medicine moves tin
M i hh Stella Alexander came home on
Moinlav from a summer spent In the
east and on I'uget Sound with a short
visit in i'ortianu ai m. neiwu on..,
her alma mater, as she returned Iron
Port Townsend. There she was a gMe1
ot Mis Hastings for several Mil.
Miss Alexander went from here early
in the summer ml made Buffalo her
Hrst objective point. The Fan-Amen-
can exnosition was mine iin.i...iiei'j
"done" during a week
i..i... . ,iv In sneak mi'
American. Miss Alexander gives an
interesting description, indicating
dose observation. VololnjJ the gener
al expressions made by those who saw
the world's Columbian at Chicago in
lH:i she avs that the milium lair is
Of ooani much smaller. Home Men 01
the relative sir..- mav he gBinn irom
thi fact the entire Buffalo exposition
is but sliiilitlv lamer man ine ni.ne.-
eovorod By the mechanical displays at
OblOagO. Yet esthetically, the Hnffa-
fair is a womlerliil pr.Kiin'i oi ex
position-.. The color scheme is highly
artistic, and the electrical display is
nomethiiiK to remain vividly in one s
memory during all coming years, me
iniirrtnv was continued to New York
and other eastern cities, and was en-
joyed b her and the party witn wmcn
i.. I mi'liiiliiiu unite H mini
her ol Oregon people well known here.
henr ennntv land. One man not inr
tons of alfalfa hay from one cutting off
40 acres. Another mini got from five
to seven tons of alfalfa per acre at two
AN alleged" rape fiend
Inwel" each tla . I'm
For sale bv Tal man ,
Ha and 5t)c.
Co., sole agents.
The Northwestern Mutual Life In
surance company of Milwaukee, Wis-
, Hiu : Assets, iUo.DOO.UOO. desires a
responsible efficient representative in
I man I la county. 1'revious Lne In
snrancB exiwrience not reiiired. Oth
er unoccupied territory in Oregon and
Idaho. Application- tor agencies
should he addressed to IS. I' l.ockwood
A Son. uencral Agents, Concord
lliiihliug. I'ortland, re.
An Indian Policeman Loiei HH Star and
Albert Itarnharl, an Indian police
Mrs. Ada Wallace 1'iirnh, known
tlOTI as a very eloquent advocate of the
cause championed hy the v . V. i. u.,
passed through I'endleton this morn
lag from I'ortland en route to Hutch
inson, Kansas. Mrs llnruh has but
lately returned from the east where she
has lalsired for several years. Hhe
mm .1 1 . l ,L .. I I 1 ...
lines to deorgia later ui me '
speak liefore the legislature on subjects
pertaining to temperance leyismi
that is to come up for treatment in
that stale.
A. D. Hmiib A
telephone main
'Jfw aiininier ui.imIh
trar yard. Cleaver Bros. Iry do.sl
Voll OUght to ei
Curler's red fir wood,
Midmiininer tale of wash gOOtW,
half orioe. Cleaver Bros.
Ooods Co.
If vou trade at Martin' von will lie
treated right and your orders will he
delivered promptly-
Lots and :l in block 1441, Reserve
addition above St. Joseph's a.ad
for sale cheap. Inquire of I'eter West
Crescent bicycles on the installment
plan at the Crescent agency in the Hast
Oregouian building, payment $1 a
week, no interest
Wanted To correspond with fannerr
that will have second and third grade
wheat to sell this season . 0. Ii. add I
ton, Portland, Ore.
'to close at man, cam. in t ' I'endleton this morn-
We are ...
Closing Out
Ladies' Oxford.
Men'H Tan StioeH,
All Short Lint's.
Come and examine goods
and get prices.
Pendleton Shoe Co.
Wm. Im iiii-.K.w.i', MananiM
..it drunk and short V alter 1
o'clock was arrested hy J. r. Brown,
a special ollicer. Mr. Barnhar'. had a
larue revolver strapped t" his person
and lajfnre his arrest had muttered sev
eral times, "Me shout white man."
i , . was iiilorineil that the In
dian whk in the rear oi the brewery
I saloon at the corner oi Court and
; Thompson street, mi went there ami ar
rested hnn In. revolver and police
man's star were taken Irom him.
Chief of Police Heathman says that
he will see that. Mr. Itarnharl is if
posed from his position as agency po
liceman. mm
Dynamite Kxplodsd.
Freight train No. was wrecked
about seven miles north of lilendale,
southern Oregon, at tunnel 7 on the
Southern i'acitic Saturday. The train
contained 2 cars, two of them carry
ing powder. An explosion occurred
at the north end of the tunnel, just
outside. The rear end of the train
,.Yi..iide.l throiiu the tunnel, which Is
about three car lengths. The crew was
badly snaken, but none were seriously
injured The surrounding woods
were all set KM fire. The train with
three engines was jiisi emerging irom
the tunnel, which is a short one on a
sham curve ami about 100 find long,
when the train parted, the air hose
breaking, and the sudden jar causing
i nv, re.il i ar loaded ill. dvna
mm in expbsle. The entire train war
demolished excep the engines and
they were Injured somewhat. Kleven
cars were blow n to atoms and cannot Is'
,.,!...! i.ii even their trucks are
Baseball Game Postponed.
Managers I.ee W. Held and Hoy Hit
her of th. Knights of l'ytbias baseball
team ai d PtojMtffa of the I'acitic, re
' ipaetiveljr, held an earnest .consulta
tion tins forenoon. Later thev an
nounced that the game of baseball
winch was to have taken place on Hun
dav, August 26, will nut occur until
Sunday, No lumber 1. Jim Cox,
.manager and hrst baseman lur the IV
oncers is sick, lie is very anxious u
tie iii the game, and if is thought he
will not be well euough by next Sun
dav, heme the nstpoiicmuilt.
DRING in your old School Books to us
and we will allow you one-half the
price of the new books adopted by the
state of Oregon for the ensuing six years.
117E are headquarters for all School
Books used in the Public and High
Schools of Oregon and all kinds of sup
plies of use in the school room
Our prices are right
and the same to all
Leading Druggists, Booksellers, News Dealers
and Stationers
653 Main Street 100 Alta Street-
Uev. I'errv Chandler, field aitent Of
Whitman college, is in I'endleton again
iirginit the claims of that institution
among the vnung people Mr Chand
ler states that the enrollment last MM
WB" J,7 . I HO lad IM IVbO attended the
sun mier school held last year. This
vear no summer school was conducted,
to that the attendants who would bav
been there will lint appear in the en
rolled "tiidenis Notwithstanding this,
the prospect is for fully BOO students
during the academic year ot I001-08.
Whitman college is making its bid fur
students bv holding up the literary
standard to a level enabling the gradu
ate to hud admittance class lor class
hi eastern colleges. This is not the
, as. in inanv schools in the territory
occupied bv Whitman that claim the
inline o( college. An lustai is cneo
bv Mr. Chandler ol a voting man who
w..s matriculated as a freshman in lne
classical course in a certain college
haviuu had only one year of Latin.
u - , like ai slim lard col leucs.
reqnlres lour years of Latin before en
rolling a stuileni in me cumuni
course. I bi" is a criterion nv which
m nidge the difference in scholarship
reoiiirements between Whitman and
.utile ot It" ipetttors. I he ueicrin-
InatlOD of the Whitman noma ements
is to keep up the standard, and ask mr
young is-ople who desire genuine train-
not mere v a irooil time ami
ease work.
A. Kod Urant. representing Bluin
auei Prank A Co. ol Portland, has Just
...i.,. . (rum a trio to I'riueville and
other Interior towns and has a stnrv of
prog parity and gii trade eBMOf, im
merchants of that region.
K. C Brown, one oi the Held super
intendents oi the Oregon Fish commis
sion, I here todav He inspect""! the
tisb rack below Pendleton at the mouth
.il the Mck.n creek, and found It III
good condition, although the water in
the I mat ilia is now too low for the
ttsh to run up the stream.
K I'. Marshall and James H. Haley
returned on Tuesday irom a trip to
Baker countv. Their jouriiev was on
husines- and they visited the Cornu
copia district. Cornucopia is the horn
of plenty, so they say. A representa
tive d the Kast Otegonian had a pleas
ant talk with Mr. Marshall as to the
ohkMi ol the trip, hut that gentleman
with that delicacy oi defense which has
ib.tracterued his conversation on num
erous occasions evaded the main issue
ami rtilneed an ecphasis It is sufh-
, n ot to stall- that the ride ol ho miles
from Baker Cilv to Cornuc una was ar
pleasant as could have been expected.
Large expanses of sky, uountrv ami
other scenery were olieerved. hut they
did not bring any of it away with
ihem. As a matter ot fact, it was
business with them, and they didn't
think it was necessary to take the pun
lie int.. their confidence at present
I or the enlightenment of a busy
reading public who will not want to be
under the necessilv ol running to a
.1 .. ,...ivv I.. uu,srla 1 1. the inttMIl 1 lit
oi the word "ecphasis," the lexicogra-
. . . . . . . i ..i..
pineal editor here gives me worn s -m-iiilicance:
-'Kephasis, an exidicit de
. m -9
Wally Junes, the threshing macluue
man, is in town todav .
Tom McMahou is reported on the
sick list among the Bednien.
K. K. Beitel missed the morning
host for Pilot Hock, aud is in town to
day. J. J. Wiuatoii has returned from
i'ortland, where he has .en enjoying
himself for several weeks.
Miss Celestiuc Moorhousr has enter
ed the tnilliuery store of Mrs. Hose
Campbell, to remain fur three mouths
Miss Delia Beagle leaves tomorrow
nioruiug fur Porilaud to remain for a
brief visit and also to consult an ocu
list. Chris Simpsou returned on Tuesday
from Tacoina, via I'ortland. He at
tended the l.ik- carnival and the
Miss Level le Moorhuuse came home
this morning from Bingham spriugs.
Hhe was a guest there of Miss Laura
Chapman since Haturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Johns, who
have been at Bingham Springs tor
some time, passed through I'. ndiel.il.
this morning to their home in Arling
ton. tddie Qigfltthi the young son of
"Little Henry" is getting along nice
ly He was accidental h shot by Ins
brother Oswald with a 'JSi-caliber rille
in the knee on Thumduy evening, Aug
ust 16.
li.e (ieoriga Kolsom of this city ysgj
Miss Hate Huncaii of Kcho left on the
train this morniiiu for Astoria JAM
will remain there fur a month or six
weeks as the guests , Mrs. l.viiian
Kinney, sister of Miss tolsoui
Haldane Dickson came down from
Bingham spring, this murmur II.
will return there on naturday evening
.tie) come home on Monday briuglllg
his family who are encamped on the
Hiugham springs hotel grouuds.
William L. Ciibson of Nyssa, Mai
hour couuty, is iu l'eudletou to remain
fur a few days. He tells wonder In I
sturiee of the productiveness of Mai
Saulrai BrouRht From
to the Jail Hers.
Athena, Ann. II. About I o'clock
Monday evenint! Citv Marshal McHon-
spent in the aid arrested i;harle tvjoiree, wno ai
of the Pan- one time was hrakeniHii on IM Iron
Mountain .. Henver railroad, hut WOO
has been following the harvest in this
viclnitv this season. This morning
he was taknti before JOItlOS J. W.
Hmitfi, to answer 10 the charge nf as
sail It with intent to commit rape II.
waived examination and was hound
over in the sum ol f 2fil, in delimit of
which he was taken to Pendleton on
the noon train and couimitted to jail.
The (acts in the case are as fid lows:
Sonires was sitting in front of the St.
Nichols hotel and was talking to Dav
id Love's two little children. Stewart,
six years old, ami Kva, three. Kvb
was sitting on his lap and Squires
waf talking to them of candies and
oranges. He got up and started down
the street with them, the little Oft OS
thinking that douhtle.s he was going
to purchase candies for them at the
Blue Front grocery store. He patted
this store and sat in iront of R. K.
Cox's hardware store Sipiir '- ti
gave Htewart a piece id inoiiev and sent
him up to-1 ii for cimdv. and at mice
took the 11 tie girl down to an old
livery ham located on the corner ol
Neoad ami Main streets. Marshal
MoDotwId'i wrloilty wa gronted md
he lOllOtlred tin iii. Seong Niuires
going into the Imni with the child,
he quickened his puce and retnned her
Irom the fiend.
Search was then made for the scound
rel n,l I... was discovered hum in the
dark corral hlungalde oi the I rench
reslauraiit. and on being discovered
. , ..... ..I .1 .
wss landed in the citv jbii. wun sn
above result.
New Fall Goods Arriving. Daily
,1 s where wt: bottghl floods
WB htv oi wtunied Iron, nj Washinl0n. M'""
fm ,,, , s,r,.. k .tui . o -ko qoaotitiei lot 8P01
, USH entblcg ns to u; t t , I i f ,., KCHASK. Wr will
m(jrs shall hV '''m than aivMorc.n IVtullt'ton. Come
sell vou fs'oo.l Hoods -.'I"''
,(( It ttll IS O'o
W. F. Matlook MlRhi Msv B.en In the
Islander Wrack.
Some men are horn lucky and some
great some have greatness thrust
upon them and others are always in
the wav, so that the c.Muettish smile
of tickle Hanie Fortune will fall lull
upon them. Oil. V . F. Matlock is
congratulating himself upon two im
portant things, good luck ami good
judgment He returned last week al
ter an absence of several months ill
Alaska When he decided to return lie
secured passage for himself and Mrs.
Matlock upon the Islander tieneral
Iv he has made the trip Iron Skagway
tii Seattle, but Mr-. MatlOO. never
having visited at Victoria, B. ('., and
other places of interest ill that country,
expressed a desire to Come home that
way. A htielneee matter came up
which made it necessary lor Mr. Mat
lock to hasten with all speed to Seat
tle. He learned that he could save a
few davs' time bv sailing on the old
Humboldt, so cancelled his transporta
tion on the Islander and cam. on n
advance. That was all that kept Mr
and Mrs Matlock Irom neing passen
gere on the ill-fated veesel. Mr. Mat
lock in referring to it said that it
might have he. n had fur them if they
had remained for the sailing of the
Islander, as they might have got wet
That is putting it mildly, lor in ad
dition to getting wet they might e.isiiv
have been drowned It was a combi
nation of good luck and judgment.
ITv'v'WAl ir I
' if"
Our midsummer
Furniture sale
... thi ran rat o( attraction atul le
nnanai attention. Wheth-1
,., , .,, iotend to fufnigh yooi iionse
omplott or juti oootemplete tiie
addition of i Fen neceitery (ieces.
tins is onr opportunity. Over
twtnty Ave dUtaroet ityloi of
Iron Beds
Pressers. Commodet, Pwrloi Put
...tore riroeu, Mattingt, Window
Curtain Poleg, Mirrors. PietOtOCI, Boby Cabs. Go-Carts. etc
Sept. 23-28, 1901
Great Agricultural
Industrial Fair
- vi
Uodortokini Parlors m Connection.
Main and Webb &ts.
Good Rating in the
Afternoons t
i.vTKsr at rrtAcriovs is age ....
rroEnm toiLnma kvky iv,v
geaetllel Outf Bieaati tm imu
Hh.'cIiiI knh- on Csmpen' Tlcnu
OaaM a4 Mag Ten rsmiiiw ..
Reduced Kates on all Ktrorts
For Furtliur Nffgrgnggj i : ,,.
Mi i. WlOWnt, HeeM NreaM
Sheep ror Rent.
ihihi yuung ewes. Address, .1. K
Smith Livestock l'.
Thinking About
The wiuvl tliiit is sk n
high in iUiility
PrloM range from 122
u 5ii(l; tonus t SVllt.
The Celebrated
Stoughton. . . .
Wagons and
Benicia Hacks
You get
Good Beer.
rn First Ever in Pendleto
t MOte . 1 In ili'lMMi tv .e.
I.IM'HKS ::::::
. . f I.I. la . .' Ills. L.t...lt- M
(Inn ; MVIV lir- Mbn
i hi: mazlppa s-2 m
We are; iii vou ' Wt
havt dilpltytd in OUT wt-si
window our tirHt lot of XjBM
oodft, An txqilitdiO line of
inanuiat'f urer'n ItmpVtt t
China ItupidOM.
Some are a gorgWOt com
hination of Ooion almoHt
too pretty to bt Hpat upon.
Owl Tea House.
Jelly Glasses 531 dozen.
For sale, lot 4 In block Hi, line
residence lot at I low price. Ap
ply lo
W. J. IIWBLL, Manager.
When you drink
fiuaranteed not to
cause htitjiflhn or
Ask for it.
Schultz Brewing Co.
Yaril on Wtilili Strwi
0iueit) Hunt Freight IeHii
1 u
lias tin- following bargains
kom vvhrat LandJlSOO
A. are remrtl to furiiidli anytliin
in the lumber Hue ami can guarantm- Bfjlt StOOJa and DaifV Kail.h
jiricw n lie an cheap, if not clnior 1
than others. We alao curry a large ill ailias i'l'tlt'le, Clli-ap.
line of 1 ..... WimlowH ant! .MoiiUtiti.
Partier couiemplating bmUdlggjwill do Uood House, H Lots, I'JOll,
well to ee im liefore placii the -
The Place to Buy:::
If where yon can net quick
im. I chcik. priced. Put 111
your onler (or hemler lil.
water tuukf gad iee.1 rm'k.
beet line ol
Lumber, Lath,
Ph Infill) Uuild
inj; paper. Tar
paper.Lime and
trement, Pifllntl
Plaster, Brick,
Sand, Moulding
Screen I h r A
Windows, Saab
A- Doors, Terra
Cotta Fite.
Pi.ii.il.!.. n IMiniiiii Mill ill':
1 nun 1 on 1 laiiiui; mm
Lnber fari
K. rUKSItK, - Proprietor.
onlerti. We aim) carry Chscm
Kir wooti. Ptiooe Main Ul'.
N'erv Lesirahle
Vny 'heap.
JHuluvjliU Igflggflggagggu
Also a big list oi town and
; county property cheap.
ST OK A(; E.
Wt. are Hie .nil tbr only (wopl in Ibr
Sm.l.lUry buaiuos. In reuiiltftun Ibal ui
plu a lull force of invctiauioa I In' year aroun4.
ad uk our own Sail. lie., lluruuw, eie., aa.l
do not 9i.i, tben. front llix u. i...-i. like
ol our eoiniH.'luor au.l ll.n Mil yuu tliay ar
a- goe.l aa bouic alade; but Ibey are uol.
Leading harueaa and addlcr
Cor. Court and Johnson Sts.
Mleaui heal. Kleetrii LlgbU.
Atuerlcau Plan, rale. . i". u ' SOauar
Kurouean plan, tte, TV, i.ou
Special rale, by week or mouth.
Free Bus fleete all I ralne.
Commercial Trade Solicited.
Fine Sample Koonie
Special Atteotlon Uiven to
Country Trade.
Telephuue 12.
Wood and
fteli.ered Hromuily vtiMm Klgul
r ii ami lauiiuaraak tuu
Woo.! ulce auu dry
Help or Situation
C. F. Cook's EmprOjne&t Agency
Uoruer Maiu ami Alta Street.
; in ' i.,uiuu
Hn. t.i N 1 Ml NT Win
Him li..0lu
itckiua i-iic..i
tii. li.muri ai-
Oftice rearjoljbaviugu Bauk.
The Columbia
Lodging House
P, X. SCHtMPP. Prop.
Call up:::::::
NO. 5
and Sand.
oi rui:vr
WWW1HIII lur files aul 1 1 lllun
..VI, U. I, W4IU1U9U i ,liuarfi- un.
l 1HI
I ' . . l.k. hi. AMI 1
Ever.- bun U warranteU. b.'l,l
u. lujit.m reet-ii.i bru .
WIl.l.lAUe II I 1. Cl
tor Sale by Talluiao Vo., Pandlaioa.
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred Walter., Frepieter.
' ia. 1 . n barrel, a day.
rioor exeliauiied or wbeai
Heavy Hauling
KapMlal alieiii'."' t,M
lo i;ouiluuieuW ,
Laatz Bros.