East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 21, 1901, Image 1

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. - a Wal
'.'nlM,nit Ihnr-ls, tOkOOl Mi
NO. 4908
COL- '
iiiua I"
r.UBE tt
SSfS 1
m -'1
The Place
To buy Groceries
.'re von ran
have i big
nock m select from
M Mock is
inJ I" mf'
bp Mk ill IMC) a" sl,le
R. Demott
A Mighty Clearance
Sale - -
Cool and Pretty
- - At Half Price - -
Our Styles Are Better
Our Prices Are Lower
Than Anywhere El$e
Alexander & Hex ter,
Fall Clothing, Furnishing Goods,
Hats and Gloves Here
IK wish to thorn ever mi n
and hoy tin newest ami
Itobbteat line ol up-to-date
ti and fabrics ol Clothing
pt the fall trade. A lowej
Lri lor the same goods or a
ww article for the MUM
'EKCOATS here, but w.ll
id them later . .
QUR entire attention is cen
tered on the Furnishing
Goods line. We have the
most complete line and the
lowest prices
OUR STYLES art above sus
picion and we give correct in
formation on snles, ualities,
size, price, etc., etc
THE new block for (all, Igoii
ol KNOX 'S heie $.00
Also the latest ZEPHYR fi.00
STETSON $MB and $f
GORDON $4 and l.-o
oi k BRAND
$1. l.SO. 2.(M), 2.-S
A E bavo Uk i Han
sen Glove t 1 1 1
Vou know it.
I0STON STORE, The Money Savers
the ulatrlhutore of
'New School Books.
thereu,,, will be
I4 yif ..Id iH,k and we
' lH your money latek.
"' HiK Tablet
a PmumUmi le.
'"biuur ...v.
, "wriiii.,n r-r unv
WtllUHr ..r J
Jl i . ' It'll. I IH-!,.
Prompt .rvi,e
Be Speeial prices
lfw.- .
awa no, Uo fart U u,
in the latest patterns are shown at
Rohman's store. Tier upon tier of
iditti rinu glassware even usful
and ornamental kind Handsomt
benry and water sets ine.ery new do
silm) Hand painted clnna The
daintiest ol porcelain wan- What
ever you want for use or ornament is
I'll lull UK
luf si IIO.UU are uutxtiutllod valus
Jlly iltiM c per do
It is announced here that M. Lalmri
has promised lo lecture in America
Hill year.
BIS billion of dollar Invested in
Brit ipti railways have Ml fllVI any
dividend for MM tune.
Vic President Ronaevelt sta-nl Sun
ilay in New York city at th- hospital
where his daughter, Alice Kooaevelt,
is a patient. It in e. peeled UM young
lady will leave the Imtpital in a day
or two,
Kire Ml Richmond. Virginia, on Mon
day, destroyed tbe plant of ttu Amen
BU l'i(jirinmnv TliCrp were about
400,000 pounds of leat toltacco in tin
building. rtM total 1oii p about
.lark O'BriM, tb I'fiiUtielpliia pUK
iltit, knocked out DMo Plumb, of
London, in tb nixtli round of n t.
round Malawi at Newi'dtlt, Knitland,
Monday Dtght, Winiliag the IM-ponml
rtiampionvbip and :to0.
tBiptror k Wrn dan ImmI a
decrw potlponitiit the return of the
court to IVIcm until October 0, bMMM
of repi.rtu by the provincial autboriti
that the run (in are impaoaable. It in1
helieml, however, that the continu
ance o( the military occupation of the
capital in the true reason lor .the post
ponement. The American minuter, in China,
Mr. Conner, in Blglf Washington'
attention lo the peraiatent iH'Cupatiou
of Tien Tain university by the Jer
inaiiH, who refuse to vacate the build
in ur pay rent, thereby prevention Dr
Tenney from continuing bis educa
tional work, w hich the Chinese desire
hi in to resume.
The longest railroad tunnel in the
I lilted Mates, and OM that will bt
numbered among the four longest in
the world, wiil he built through the
Sierra Nevada Mountains of Californ
ia, if the present nlans of K. II.
Ilarrinian are carried out. If the tun
nel ia built train time between Obi ,
MJO at.d San Krancinco will he relni
ed to '"4 day.
Jack Maile ! Salt Lake was given
the decision over "Kid" Ogleshy of
Helena at the end of a JO-rotind go he
(ore a Ilutte athletic association Mon
day n ight.
Governor 1'. I. tieer has remitted
the sentniie ol ,1. 11. Hardin, who
waa convicted June 10 in the circuit
curt of Klamath county, of it.,- crime
of ellinn liquor without a ho
IL- w.i- si-nteuceii t'i pay a tine ol f ,00.
The nrosecilt loir attoruev :ind the
trial judge were among the petitioners'
lor pard ii
W H Kahuesiuck lately irom Hay-I
ton, ()., was arrested at walla walla,
charge-1 w ith practicing medicine with
out a liceuse. lhe doctor recently ar :
rived am) opened an cillice m partner-
Inn with another physician. He was
placed under bonds in the sum of f 100 i
to appear in the superior court, to
answer to the charge.
I he Astoria citv council passeii an
ordinance granting a :-year franchise
tor telephone and telegraph lines to
the Pacific Coast Telephone A Tele
graph company, ami pr-vidiug that
ii-ten-1 . n i , --- t f.e v'oinpauy snail
pav to the city l-VJU within :UI davs,
I'JoO per auiium tor
ami I0I) -r aiiiiuui
;o years.
William C-n hraii, one ol I inn MM
ty'a moat prominent iitnens, died at
Itowlaud, Linn county, August 1,
aged H7 years. He was Isjru in P11S
ill KulitilckV. thence he .iiovu lo
Illinois, au-l later to Miasoun. iu
lM7.be came to Oregon, locating in
ls4U"uear Hroansvlile, wbee he ac
cumulated a nroperty ol over two
thousand acres, and was at one time
the county's heaviest taxpayer.
The delay of the department of jus
tne in ordering the prompt removal of
the lemer m i ted by the Jeaae Carr
Stock pom pan) around M,00Q mtm ol
the Mblie donaia la UMMTtbtn part
.,i ( alilorma and southern Oregon is
due to the riling of a flO.OOU homl hy
o -
President Wetmore of American
Bar Association
Al Ihc NH Annual Session In Denver H
Cites IncrMM In Capital
IVnver, Aug. 11. -The twint toiirth
annual session of the American IUr a
s- ciation opened this morning. Presi
dent Wetmore, in his address, said
that, while thirty states had adopted
stringent anti-trust laws, vet the
amount of capital emploveil in the
form ol consolidated incorporations
had in these states enormously increas
ed, which would seem to allow that
the form of tl employment of capital
is beyond reach of legislatures.
Legislation ol that character, he
said, i inclined to go to extremes.
Hi fact that nine in--re slates have
declaied for the election of I nitc-l
States senators by popular vote he
pronounced to be an indication of pop
ular distrust o legislative bodies.
Pleaded Marty From the Court tor For
mer Kallhtulneai.
Martinez, Calif., Aug. Jl. John
Winters thil morning was sentenced
to I i'i years imprisonment in the state
pooltontian at Koiom by loooriot
Judge Walls. Winters tatcd that In
had been a faithful empb-ye (or sev
en and one-hall vears, and asked lor
lb- requested that he l- --eiil
I, Hell tin. Kopp, the Selhy
supernilenileiit, corroborated
and also asked tor mercy.
He stated that u imluci-ment had
Ih"-ii ottered Winter,, to make the con
fession, which was given voluntarily
when he was informed that the em.
ployes of the smelter would have tu
stand the loss in part as the employes
OWI! a one-third interest. The judge
refused mercy. Winters was taken to
men v .
to Sau
he tlrst 15 years, j
lor the bilo ing
the company witn an apiieal to the de
POrtmaOl from Judge liellinger'a re
cent decisiou The department is now
endeavoring to ascertain whether or
not it would he justified in granting
the apnea! and affording lurtber delay.
Xj1 book, at Kaateru
' l'ff Hatu-r i,
! .UleClHUU.
IT Our 'U)re
uiiia.j " U MUM K
'".lasl la Kwu-rn
16 'Hices ni .-.
. ; , . t -t-Vf JI.
ww 4kTIM
For Combination Folding Cots anJ
Chairs. Just the thing to take to the
mountains - -- -- -- -- -- -- -
rs the inolh- r hcarl like aoril
i (be mother who would ! vary
- ... the 1 it It- one lite lovc, , ut
iuipofc ut a help .iu-1 tn. -U no
in pbvaiciailk. Tluit was the taae
Mrs fliiucuii. who-r little oni If
tluwaH I'liud with
HLBa 4 .. ..
fjjffjfsaj i'N"-l
Next Door to Postoffice
"See Dem Freezers"
1 have a full liue of
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
from one piut to teu quartn, will freeze cream
iu from three to live miuutea; also have a full
Hue of rhmiug taekle, hammocka, etc. Mm uiy
line before buying
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
u ! m - tiled
the cliltd without
p. hi 1 on r.tion
purljinu popt-r-
I ti. i ol le. i'i '
(foldru lielicul
Sj III . mr . IUVI
sr ''.-en
und other diaean olikb ar ' 1 ,X
an imnure r mdniun oi lie Itlowd ft
Mtireh Mm Ufa tba (aliaoui which
feed ditoeas., and bull' uji the body
with urn"-! lie'lttt rlrsh
'U, lllt dtuslUtl IkCSIIU sllli. t I Willi
l.,. h ,,ri-.l,.l lui n. . ill.-a Mia
veiida wouUl hav t" 1
Lacoaw - Hu " th
recotvi lirr sic lit A I
wh-ui ur cHitil sppl
.ut I wrut lo yoiir t
Lallan to Da Made Publle as to Adimrars
Washington, Aug. 21. --Acting Hoi 1
retary of the Navy lit receive. I
to day a letter Irom Admiral Schlev'
counsel relative to the rcortod inter- j
view hy Admiral llowiaon, (MM "I the
members of the court ol inquiry. It is
p. the letter will l lorwardetl
to llowison with a reillest for u n-nlv.
A formal request for the list ol w:t-nesm-s
to lie suinin- n--l by judge n-1-vocate
was made, hy (Schley's coOMOl
today. The re-iiist will ta gran teal.
lill: OlJfcSTlON 1)1 likN WISN,
Iowa Democrats Slruaale Over Heattlr
mallon or KanaaaLlty Hlatform.
lies Moinea, la., Aug. '.'I. I'util an
early h -urthi- inoriiiug the -leuiocratn
leaders aoilgbl t' get together on the
platform to lai a-loptml hv tile coin- n
tiou which was called to order about
II -i'i i-xk, hut when the gavel lei I
they were no nearer together than II--
were yesterday, i'he light will he car
ried to the Moor ol the convention
w here the silver men are expected l-
Win iu their contention l -r reathrina
tiou of the Kansas ('Hy idatlorm.
Fast Mall Collided With irumn at Fran
llaa Mavaral Killed
I Jacksonville, Aug. IU. He- tlhnago
i and Alton's last passenger au-l mail
. . ... , - -a .. ....
train bctw I t im ag an-l Kansas uny
Wa wrecked at Prentice, near here
aburtly after luhluight in a collision
with a freight train. I'he engineer
and tireinaii ol the passenger train were
killed. Kive passengers were serious
ly iujunsl and Ih others slightly in
jured, None of injured will die. I'he en
gineer waa loutid -lead with his ham!
on the throttle.
I.ti. ' the bodiea oi l -ur tramps
were found under the engine lender.
amurais Oowaaar Uatlrad feci als Not lo
Leak Uul.
IdMtMi Aug. it is staled tslay
that the late llowager l.inpress Kreii
erica recently deatroyed her journals
and orresiiidence with (JjOMI VU
tuna ol Kugian-1, her neither, in Iit4t
to prevent the leaking out ot such
i re Is as were cxiUlainel therein.
Ktu.ti Not Tbrougn Wild ina aa
utaraabla Lasa.
rianklort, Ky., Aug. ll-lu ImIMN
iter tiie grand jury will bo called usui
In iuvnstlgaU) lurtber the aaaasslnatlon
of tiovernor Ooebel.
u it Willi Frasldam.
flMbMi 0i Aug. It. riei:retar 11-.
arrived here balay for a conle.- o.
with the ureaidetil. The uurtleu oi
the diacuaaiou, lie aaid, will Le on
the interests of the Dinted Mtate in
Panama and the heal way tu look alter
them. oueatiou concerning China
also will be considered.
Reported by I. L. Ray Co.. Pendleton.
Clilraao Roard or Trade and New York
suu-h Rarhanae Broken.
New York, Aug. W. There was not
much doing in wheat today, but the
tone was tlrm and the close a half cent
K'tter than yesterday. LIVOfIOOl
closed b-wer, 't 7-S. New York
. -peii-'d a half cent lower. 7li t'Ot
there was a reaction Irom this to 7H ,
closing W I s-
Stix-ka are lower.
Money. .'! per cent.
Wheat :
Close yesterday 7-t 7-H.
Open tmlav. 7'i'T.
R mge today, r.v ti 7.
I'lose vna.terdav, 7H .t-H.
Btoekai sugar, MBM) NMl, 4t4
St. Paul, u.S'4 , U . P., W.
Wheat tn San Franetaao .
San PnUMUNOi Vug. 21. Wheat, HMa
Wheal In I hleaao.
Chicago, Vug. -.'l. - Wheat. 70 t.t
Seam t.i Hsvs Won In the Klaht Aaalnsl
l ut In Waaaa.
l-all Kiver, Mass, Aug. 21.-A
thorough canavss indicates that the
plan to cut the wage nl the cotton mill
-pi-rat i ves here will fail. The cut
will cause a strike of thirty thousand
No Developments.
Pittsburg, Aug. Ili I'he el eel strike
is barren of developments t-slav. In
.in interview Shatter elpressed himself
11- MM hjOOOlol than ever ol the re
sult, rbo situation iu this district ia
truil Mskai Denial.
New York, Aug, 'Jl - Keportsol set
tlement conferences stirred up the steel
IrtM magnates t-slay ami caused a
stati n - ut deiiving the report that
Uonpon was going to hold a confer
ence with J. P. Morgan in regard to
bringing about peace.
Cleveland Walerworka Tunnel Cauaaa
Several Mora Deaths.
( level. in. I, Aug. Jl I'ive men were
ki I lc. I laal night as the result ol an el-
plus at t he waterworks tunnel shaft,
the scene ol last week's horror. The
side was blown out of the sleel shall
and the water Hiurod in on the men,
drowning them like rata in a trap. It
will he aome ditvs lieforethe laslies
can Is. rei overed .
I'he dead are
James Williams.
Raymond T. Rieliard.
Inn A. Hurt .
Dm iiiggins.
a. Volooooorl,
About twenty men were fli the crib
house when the accident occurred and
tli. v nude Irani o efforts to coinuHini
cate with ibo shore, but tailed
There was not a single I lie boat at the
cril- puiOMN tug teas nailed at
davlikiht and informed ef the diaaster.
I'he in ws qoiokly spread ashore and
1. lo I lioats Were siant ult.
Former's Minister Leaves the
Sultan's Court.
Says tlx Crisis Is a lomromni Dor tad
Thai ih Uaspeakablt Roior
Will Soon Yield
Mi di. . IMacoveri
is u.t w you su-i
rra, '''
Jltjclni Picrn-'s Ph-.aslil PelleU ar
an oscalleot Laaative tot rhiMiea
They tic eaay to lake and .L-'ioUgt'
iu acli--ii
a LL THB MEWS! Take the Kaal
(X Oragonian. DaUy ) a year by
mail Weekly i )o, aud Beuii
WMkly a.oo a y(- SautUcvpy free
I ne kl. Louis Ksuosliiui
Waabiuglou, Aug. 1 The lureei
I dent's proclauiatl-stl o the Ut. 1-nula
Louisiana I'urcLase eapoeitioii waa 'a
ailed tuday. After reciting the pur
pajae oi the eibibtUoii, be hofiloa all
uatioua to take (tart ity afpoiutiug rep-
reaentalivea an. I noit-liug exhibits.
Walla Walla Lic.ua.a
Walla Walla, Aug. Ut. -Without
even eu uiucb aa a siugle voice raise-1
id opposition the common council uf
the city of Walla Walla laat evening
lataaed an ordiuauce providing that
lor the pm ilege of aelllug iutosicaliug
iiijuora luaide U.e city liwila each sa
loon man uni.li pay yearly the aum of
Hat a' Rellrsmenl Means Heirenah.
New York, Aug. IL The t'oinluer
cial Advertiser says The ret iremeiil
of Char. ex M. Il.tys (ruin the preai-i-ii.
v ol the Southern I n. ili railway i
will bt lollowttil by numerous changes
Ii that road. A OOMbof high sal
aried ageiila v 1 1 1 lai -I ispi-nse-l with, II
said, and the Southern ami I'lin-u Pa- i
Biftfl oltices Will he - oils-.hdaleil wher-
eve prOCtlooblo, A yearly saving .1
several hundred thousand dollars, it ia
estimated, will Is- effected by such con
sol ulation
Naphaw ul U. S. Senator.
Dakar l ily, lire.. Aug. 1, Krunk
Mi llride who is said to In- a son ul ea-Ju-laie
Mellri le I the supreme . mirt
I tali and nephew of el 1 1 n lied
Stales Senator M llride of Oregon .1
wan arrested hen- yesterday charged
with aoaopliailf in the p-iMolbce roll-
beriee at Salt l.ukel itv in Jult last
He OOatod all the .i I legal ions.
uraiid Ooura Daslroyed.
si Louis, Island Marie iialanle,
lrei.-h West Indies, Aug 21. -Kire
m-arlv dealroye-l liran-l Itourg, the
l-riii-ipal town ol this Island, with a
population ol I.'i.iMMI. the conilugra
t ion Is supp-isi -l lii have been of III
ii ndiary origin, due lo male volence.
r'our thoiisaild laeiple are homeless.
Loss, MU,UQQ
a aia snow Coinina
hrank K iiriswold's I'ncle Toui'a
I'abln company will npp.ar in Pendle
ton, fin Monday evening, August
I'll la com i.an v in their own cur carry a
carload of special scenery and median
leal a SOI Is due of the lineal bands nil
the fOOd i and will give w band parade
at noon. rtils . .iu, .any has lieeii Of
ganlaed at an actual coal -.1 $lu,uai and
should not lai fkloloilWllon wllh other
so calltat I nOlliaoioi playing thia piece.
Mr, UfiaOUM was the Hrst and the
only manager to pnslute tho piece lo
the south, being mi 1 1 vi I v cnuiiocleai
with the day lor over 2tl years. !,.
has pluytsl the piece In all llnj large
- in- in Ann in a Im ludill - I .. ,. l.u.J,
ludiaiiaiolis, (Ihliago, M , ,,uis, lle
troil an-l lau Kruiuisc, I'he aauie
i-nii,auy will let ueu ;n the play here.
Li member Ibo tlAlO, M .n lav evening,
August 'an.
riie Clinton, Mo, I - In- aava:
"iirlawohl't I'm In Tom's Cabin Co
gave the lieal performance laat night
ever aeeii in the city. The teul waa
crowded an-l a Letter plaoaatl audience
never aaaembleil in OlioMk, Mr.
QriMoM wan DON a'-iail a year ago
but the iviiupanv could not do justice
I" Hi- play n aOOOOOl ol the stage be
m lo" nuiail an-l in. scenery This
lime, however, it is different They
have a Ihfp lent, with the luteal stage
au-i im -t n, nifty ever seen uUlaMu the
large cities, and ,, ray the players Uld
wen ia piming ii mini. All we can
say la we hope to see tbeui back
again " Keuieuiber the date at Pen
ii. i i. Mouday, Auguat 2tt.
aa- - i ,
Kliig Uacar lo vim Ohalma.
Paris, tut i King Oscar ol Nor
way ami -.linn baa accepted Preai
denl Lou bet's invitation to witness
IbO oloao Ol toe grand maneuvers of
the rrtoici. army at Hbeiiua. lie will
enter lid.,..- at I'uukirk, having pro
viouhU wituesaed, with President
l..-ui..i the review ol the nortberu
isiuadroo, winch will welcome bin to
i F rench walera . "
Pan., Vug M It is iemi otlicially
annooncod thai tho F roach BioioM to
Tnrkoy iia brokoo of -liplomatic reia
tioni with the I'-.rte
rba minister sent a note to the sul
tan which was praitn-ally an ultima
tum insisting on an answer to the
French demand bj a totbtf. Thia
was not lorthoomiOl and the miiiistur
nollfled Ibo Mltao'l secretary that din
Inmatli rolal - were broken oft.
OiBalala loUroota ttw orloli will law of
short duration.
I 00 Ion. uii , BOfdioa to press
diapotcbua from Paris during the oast
week the breaking off ol .bplouiatu
rololiona wllh tba Porto by the riaoab
mi alitor bod i i aaponod alooo too
controversy regar-ling ownerahip of
the qnO - in Couatanttnnpla tiaik a ear
loOl turn.
I'he qOaOtiW with Turkey is purely
a lommercial OOO, including such
laottora II tba dotl conceaaiona and
Mums duo for awolr) porobooad for
the late tultan's harem The crisis ia
not reg-ir-h-it as sermus. The sultan
is pretty sure to climb down
lUlajOVta After the Sullaa.
OoBatOOtlBOplOi Aug. lis The Bul
garian dloloaolltl agent here aaya re
Lit a with the Porte will he broken
' oft if lit r k i nli troops are nut with
, drawn Irom the llulgarian frontier
I aaya aunreme ( nun ( annot NulllTy Law
by liaalarina Unaonilliullonal.
Portland, Aug II, Ki -i inventor
Sylvester Pelinoyer is a landldate lor
I lie DonitMlinn lot lllireme judge,
find In. to. K I, Mean's term -i
pin- neat ami h is successor will be
el- - lad in June. Thia uiilcMcted ac
tion -.ii pari -l Pelinoyer will come aa
a coinplele surprise to the silltlcian
at well aa the voters ol Oregon Pen-
noyor'i platloroi is- ' That the was
preme court has no right or authority
la do 'are an aol ol the legislature un
constitutional " He lailievee the
c-iuri arrugatoi t.. iia,-ii powoi obiob
the i unai Itut ion -bs-s not gram ami
that it a lime the -iiestioii waa raisml
and iihiU'ihI, the attention -d the mm-pi--
called and Iho wrong rigbttsl. Aa
rootlora Hood, Iba doom practically baa
a vet-- powei on all legislation.
Peniinver is umler the luipreaalun
that Ins candidacy will challenge at
tention to he lact that i Ins ia a real
IMM t'. I Mm ptofalo ahoiild be aliva
to i he fact thai this is nut a govern-
in- nt oi taw euat'teil to Hie legislature
..I hy . ngiea- l ot a goVMrnmelil ol
MiUrla; thai tin- court baa taken the
old place of the king or oligarchy,
au-l that this oligarchy should be re
linked hi tba people Ilia candidacy
w ill ba II - in Hie relinking.
POHMyOf lias given this subject tain-
I- - -I le ilioughl and wrote a 0001 DOf
ot arli-I--a l -r legal uiagaiinea that
rolood poolfoworay throughout the
OOOOtry rbll matter boi rankled ill
bin hreaat ever since the decision of
tha I nite l Males noproi urt iu the
I Neil, a caee (a-
miliar i-- the attorueyi ul the North
Walla Wans lounlt Has a Ola Road
Oaklna Bee.
Walla Walla i 0t bojd Ha "atraw
doj nil Im-Mlat I larae iiiiinberol
farmers tod .ll... rs turned oat a lid
placed si raw mi many uf the soualry
mads It was a mad making bee thai
was oi I.- in-ill I the people ol that
OOOUty I' riles were ottered for Ilia
Leal job I straw lug done by auy uus
Jiersnn an-1 judges were aisiliited tu
awar.l I., ibe successlul coluietlttira.
W i.i.i- just o)cned up
. i in large cua of school
It a In tl' uarly, but wa
wunt to lut you know whura
yon can gut tliom
yyi carry the boat
look lag, the beat
Httiog, and the luiigeat
wcariag ohoc made.
Bvery pair of Shoes
we sell guaranteed
The Peoples Warehouse
I lib I 1 1 1 1 K Ol- fUHT.
Mam Sliraol. I'euUioltttt, O.