East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 19, 1901, Image 3

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picture Free!
WHEN your purchase
amounts to $2.00 or
over you will receive a
beautiful phototype
Twenty-four styles to
select from. Ask to see
leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co,
AUGUST 1!'. 1-
.era krt lxta" 0v'r
. iJantin, h tliHt the
I mistier MClirnirui r.
Unit TmoD county over its -ale
Utile OUIIiy ' "eiiii
" ... I tm hPnl i.
Mtt, aaiiruin " .
i ty n goVc-rniug vn.s
t.. hIm have tieeli going Oil
,...'';'. .Ihce Hi the . 'II.IV "eat
.,,.k withotii ciiftnif
fi,.tnr'nw nntil yesterday, when
lid sbc tlievrl they had jwr
cr ttlM luddenly (udJ ttiat j
rierties wad been sold lor a H
k ram, and in many rase a
nswr id sales are of pfOpMtj
i tbit citv. One man' home,
: d0, i fold l..r ItlJO.
r o. !nii.t equal value wan
amounting to flu. The
rr bnOM was bid id for
itiornev One man, hitn
iltt"Me without iiiians, was
lo nil lite on ins own lioine on
terrr i delinquency ot .W,
uu ( could not raise the money
fun to court bouse step and
srriooi ibreatijbave btafl. made
; it men have hid in the
A Dies Mif r
ai tilery why women endure
litudiche, iiervouanesH, 1
a. melaoehol , laiming and i
i when tii umandx have I
tint tlectru Hitters will
iran-ioch trouble. "1 eufl.-red
i titti kidney trouble, " write.
i Parte Ooerley of Ivtemou, la..
1 .IBs- hack tiailleit lilt) mo I
M drew myself hut h.lectrir
cured me, and, although 73
M. I am nuw able to do all uiy i
It .ittreomes constipation, iin-.
sststile, gives perfect health. ,
' Till man A On, drug store.
tu tat Pioneers Will Pla tor
load Funa.
raitiaf bad no baaehall (or aev-
tbe kuigliti n( I'ythiae
I ) K.
f:-r.K PORKS,
alii, ae .u i .. .
. - I WILL
UM. . .-. .
'aaa rants
PMd Optician
liiuii i
' ud Hell
and Pioneers o( tbe Pari He will come
together on the Alta street ground, on
Hun. lay, August 2."i. The net proceeds
will he used to assist in putting the
road (rolh Pendleton to Olney cemetery
in better shape. Manager Lee W.
Held of the Rhights starlet) the work
ol rising that road and does not intend
to relax His efforts until the work has
been accomplished, lieorge llartmau
will catch and Pete Marsh pitch for
the Knights. This will he Mr. Marsh's
tiist appearance in Pendleton a. a
pitcher lor several years. He used to
pitch for the Weston team, and the
P'-ii it-ton Ihivs know he is anythmu
hut an easy mark. Barlow will catch
and Chapter pitch for the Pioneers.
Jim Cos will play first, Red U I rich
second and C A. Maskrey third for
the Pioneetrs. The other who will
rarticipate on both sides will he ptib
ithed later.
Tot Causes Night Alarm,
"One night my brother's baby was
taken with croup," writes Mrs. .1. C.
Snider ot Crittenden, Ky., "it seemed
it would strangle la-fore we could get a
doctor, so we gave it Or. King's New
Discovery, which gave quick relief and
permanently cured it. Ve always keep
it ir the houai to protect Mf children
from croup and whooping cough. It
cured me a chmnic bronchial trou
ble that no. other remedy would re
lieve. " intalliuie lor coughs, colds,
throat and lung troubles. 50c and 1.
Trial bottles free at Tallman A Co.
Arrivals at Hotel Pendleton.
J L OeVerviae, Portland.
K A Si butler, city.
W K KurU, Port laud.
.) A Allison, Portland.
I blaster, Portland.
(' A Craft. Portland
Win Manor, Portland.
(' M Smith. Portland.
Ralph Wade, city.
eo H Kitzgibbon, Portland.
I W Wright, Portland.
Mrs L C Mieklaaon.
Julia M ickeleon.
1 Colin, -mi Kranciei n
P M Kwell. Spokane.
Oau ShulU, Spokane.
A P Hradbury, Portland.
MaUdle B Beattle, Wc-slmi.
Mrs J A Beattie, Weston.
W Hunt, Portland.
W It Colwell, Arlington.
r S Younger, Monmouth.
N M Moody, Portland.
T H Bennett, Circle City.
John McMaster, Olasgnw, Scotland.
K V Martin, Boiae.
mm- -Oaatnats
Cannot Be cured
by local eppllcwtluu., - lUvy veuuul i.-o n tbe
lii'Mwwl portiuu of ilic war. Tbere oulx oue
I j to cure dual uu, ml tbai i. by L'uustitu
I tioaal remedies. lwa(ue ! I u4 by an in
i flamed vuudltluu u( tbe uiu- ou llulug ol tbe
ku.Uibiau lube. Wben lb. tubv gall in
'. you bav a ruusbling muuI or imper-
I lect buarlug, and a ben It Is uutlruly closed
, dimlDea. 1. tbe result, and units, tbe lutlAiuuia-
lion can be taken out and tbl. tube restored to
1 It uonual coudiliou. bearing wl.l bedc.iru)e'l
lorever ; nine caaea out ol teu are ciuwl by
I i.ittarrb. wblcb 1. uotbiug but an lullaiued
uoudliloD ol (be uiueou. .urlace We will give
one bundrrd dollar lor any caw ol dealue..
. (cauMd by oiarrb) lUal cituuot be cured by
Hall's 'atarrb Cure aeud lr circulars, tree.
r. J. CHKNKY A CO., Toledo, 0.
I Hold by all dnigglau. 7 .i
I Hall's l'aui;y I'.Tu ale tbe beat
For Sale.
About 300 bead of cows, calves and
yearlings, about 70 bead of latef cattle
in tbe baud; alto, the liuuat summer
range in the mountains fur sale.
Terms, half cash, balance in one year.
1 Tbia is a bargain. Inquire at this
P.T.Thomas.Sumterville.Ala.,"! waa
suffering from dyspepsia wheu I com
menced taking Kodol tiyepepeia Cure.
i I took several ttottles and cau digest
anything." Kodol Oyepepeia Cure i
tbe only preparation contain nig all the
natural digestive fluids. It gives weak
stomachs eutire reet.reetoring their na-
, tural conditiou. Tallman & ('.
nioUin!Dl'C"ien ' a( 'e' M d silver watches,
liso'd crr'l4. chains and great variety of Jewelry
Cas.. ,,t,extr,-',"el' low prices during the month of August.
ilZ y ''"c bl"
9 MM cumplete stock of furniture, linoleum, stoves,
' 'plumbing and tinning given prompt attention.
Joe Basler,
Main Street, Pendleton.
'Jpfra House block.
ul1 Line of Tents, Wagon
erS Anti-rust Tinware,
General Hardware.
tsmp Has Reen Lively During the Week
With Vintors From Far
And Near.
Bingham Spring.. Aug. IW.-One
could not in many a day search out a
WW place than this resort for
thorough enjoyment of the game of
lawn tennis, which now forms one of
ine cniet moans of diversion for the
giiesis. I Me court It Is lrn
er than the rules require, nd it is
ioukii ami oi onimarv .lirt. It ia nm
to be mentioned in' comparison with
a court properly prepared with cement
or even a rightlv finished dirt court
yet it is nsed probably with just as
mini phi aim certainly with M much
benefit to health as a't anv conn in
Oregon. A number of ladies plav with
great skill, indeed, holding the first
place over the men in handling the
Music by the Guestt.
One of the pleasantest features of
summer resort life is the entertainment
furnished by the guesta themselves. As
a rule, people need to be entertained.
Only a few live in this world who can
entertain themaehes. Of course, these
are tortunate, hecause they always en
joy themselves wherever they may he.
Here, as at all resorts, a number ot
guests have considerable talent and
kindly utilize it to ass'st in passing
the time. The musical matters are un
der the direction ol Mrs. Irvine, who
both plays and sings, and has most
excellent taste in musical affairs.
Miss Helen tioss of Portland, who ia
here with her parents. Mr ind Mrs.
John W. tiosw. has been the star at
traction since her arrival and the di
covery that she possesses a highly cul
tivated voice and handles it in a very
artistic manner. Sunday night's mus
ical program in the hall waa the oc
casion for repented encores for Si is.
(Joes, who graeelnllv responded. Mrs.
Haldane Dickson if Pendleton. Miss
Klir.abeth Paine, Mrs. Paine ol Walla
Walla, Miss Kraier of Pendleton and
others assisted in making the evening
pass pleasant I v.
Notes ol the Springs.
Kveryone here feels rather roud of
the remarkable eaploit recently retain
ed in the Kast Oregonian of tins
Stumbaugh in killing three bears with
a -'.'-calibre ritle in one hunt. They
point with pride to Stumbangh's King
ham springs beat killing as the high
record for the Pacific coast, which
means for the whole world.
Master Francis Jackson was the
prire fisherman on Saturday, catching
31', which wa four above Hal Oicksnu,
nest best. Francis was liberal with
his fish, giving them out to his friends
in true sportsman style.
Or. and Mrs. Van Patten have spent
a month hen-, and returned home In
Walla Walla Saturday last. The doc
tor probably caugnt more fish during
hia stay than anyone else of all the
gUeetS. It IS hinted that il VT',
healthful here that the doctor went
home disgusted, remarking that if all
places were like the springs physicians
would starve to death. Probably be
didn't say anything of the kind.
Saturday night the best dancing of
the season was indulged in. A num
ber of young people came from Pen
ileton, and, added to those already
here, made a merry part v.
Mr. and Mrs. T 0, Hailey ami
children and Mias Reach, win were
guests, returned to Pendleton this
A small boy among the guests here
paid a gallant compliment to a young
lady who had just sung a very sweet
lullaby Sunday evening: That isn't
a very good lullaby. Why, a baby
would want to stay awake all night
listening to it." The young men are
now taking lesson- from that small
boy in the art of paying compliments.
Recent Arrivals.
Mr. and Mrs. T. . Hailey, Mr.
and Mrs. H. F. Johnson, Mr. ami Mrs.
Haldane Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. J F.
BoblOeMSi Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Koep
pen, Mr. a'ld Mrs. F. W. KoepiM-n,
Sirs. H. F. Koepiien, Miss Harriett!
1'hompaoii, Mies Kibe Jean Fraier,
Mabel Nye, Flora Hallock, Edna
Thompsiii, Kaucbon Borie, Miss
Beach, l-avelle Moorhouse, Berkeley
Hailey. Ralph C. Ward, J. V. Drake,
Cbas. A. Cameron, jr., Mrs. Basler
and child, Oliver Kelsay, J. U. Welch,
Francis Norton, John K. Lathrop, J
W. Duncan. I.ee Drake, all ol Pendle
ton. Mrs Ida K. Pane , Kluabetn l ame.
Frances Paine, Charity Ankeny, I. all
Ankeny, Mrs. I.. II. ives, Dr. J. B.
Bingham and family, all of Walla
John W. QoM and wife, Walter Oose,
Miaa Helen tioss, Allatrl S, (iose, T.
F;. Raster, H. . McCnt dieon, all of
H. T. Booth, Baker City.
C. B. Smith, Adams.
I- . Kuseuwelg and wife, Athena.
Jai. M. Johns and wife, Arlington.
Mr. John ia owner and editor of the
Arlington Record.
Colored Clairvoyant, Kidnaped From
Hi Home In Africa, now in Pendlalon.
Prof. King, the clairvoyant, will ri -main
in Pendleton during this week,
and may be couaulted at his parlors,
at the (seuer lodging house, corner ol
Alta and Oarden street. People who
consult Prof. King and are not satisfied
w Mi their readings will be allowed to
g' t ttjeir money back. Prof. King was
k: ..taped from hi home uu the east
i-tof Africa, acroee from Madagas
car, and wa bruugbt to America aud
educated fur bis high calling by u
while man. He not only foretold the
Uaiveaton fiotxl but ha located many
article of value aud read the luture
correctly for hi patron, to their great
aatuniabmeut and financial benefit.
He i tbe iteveulh sou of the seventh
daughter, and was born on tbe seventh
day ol the aeveutb mouth . August.
He guarantee to lis up tbe worst
caaea of luatriiuouial troubles that mat
be brought to biui.
Jamee White, Bryanievlhe, lud .awy
DeWllt'e Witch Haael lajva healed
running eore on both lege. He bad
nolt.reJtj years. Doctor failed to help
biui. Oet DeWltt'. Accept no imita
tion. Tallman k Co.
Hanry U. . ta.cn Woeal Went Over 46
ubels to tbe Aer.
Henry O. F l.ggere, who live uear
Warreu eUtiou on tbe W. A 0. R
railroad, ie nleaaed to report oue ol the
largeat yield, in Umatilla county tbi
year. Henry Lorenaeii uia in uireaii
iug (or h 1 in aud Mr. Fggere ha now
sack of No. 1 wheat in the ware-
houae. Tbi i au average ol more
than 46 buahel to tbe acre. Mr F.g
gers i a young man, aud i coming to
the I rout a oue of Umatilla county'
moat eucceaalul farmer.
K. H. Hemple, wbo has eeu run
uiug header for Chris Brediug seven
and u. bail mile uortli of Pendleton
iu tbe Cold Spring oouulry, report
Mr. Brediug ie half through with har-
For Sal.
On account of departure otlr for
sale my private bouse, corner Johnson
and Webb street, containing eight
rooms, also a (our room cottage and
two loLs Hear school house.
a a
In eases ( cough or croup give tbe
Utile one One Minute Cough Cure.
Then rest easy and hate no fear. The
child w ill he all right in a little while.
It never fails. Pleasant to take, ai wave
safe sure and almost instantantins in
effect, 'lallman V Co.
fot sale- A five room house, corner
lot, six blocks from Mam street, price
fsjft). ft, I. Wade.
A delicious food
drink, which, as a tabic
beverage, is preferable to
coffee and tea.
The nutritive and delic
ious properties of California
figs, prunes and grains are
rstoi nsH iiu 1 1 1 r snecial nro-
cess i manufacture and
are fully extracted by
from 5 to
10 minutes
At All
a a s o
fje Yi: JS, io. 15, 5 V Y. A R S
of Stoinacli 1 roulde. No mat
ter how long standing.
NAU'S iysp:psia CURE
WILL CURE ooooooos
gJ a. i,l ibe weakest sUimaib U
Ural. Tbls remedy will restore tbe
aluuiacb ui uoriual aud beallby
I tiaflHaT U you bare been .uSer
lug wllb oyapepala belu Uklug
ibla remedy, aad see bow you will
gradually Improve.
p'or sale by 1 allman & Co. and
all first class druggists, or send to
Frank Nau, Portland Hotel Phar
mac), Portland, Oregon. Price
Ji wo a bottle, 0 bottles fur 5.x,
express piepaid.
vesting. He has Utwe,.n HQ And 7tX)
acres of wheat, which as far as thresh
ed has gone close io 40 bushel, per
SOME portla'nd uraftino
Found That There is "Doable Shooting"
in County 0rns.
Portland. Aug. 19. There is in this
city an organisation known as the
"Taxpayers' 1 eagtte," and it objects
are municipal reform. The league has
discovered inconsistancies in high
places during the past year and was
instrumental in tbe passsage ftf many
local law- at the lat legislature. Utit
the league has made another find.
An esperl was recently engaged to ex
amine the workings of several laws
anil among others, the operation of the
law covering the tax rolls. The book
are mi use during tbe days so that work
on them must !h carried on at night.
It was stated at first that five men
would he sutticient to makeup the rolls
and that more would lie snHrtluous.
During the aosence of the county
judge, the cierk force was increased
to almost a score and thev are all be
ing paid. The two chief clems are
nplojPfjd by the county in other ca
pacities. During the day thev receive
good saUry Irotn the ontity and at
night thev are paid H each for super
intending the preparation of the rolls.
These facts have just been collected bv
the league, which will soon make
public a report on the subject. The
"double shooting" by the two officers
io i)ttestion has been rumored on the
streets for several weeks, but the mat
ter lias not btW brought before the
public formally as yet.
Business Men Get Out and Solicit Sub
scriptions, Portland. Aug. 1!. An energetic
movement s on foot trying to secure
subscribers for the promised new daily
newspaper here. So much has been
published in the coast press oil this
matter that the scheme is gem. rally
known to the reading public. TbopfO
motors want Hl.iHKl guaranteed sub--rr
hers belore starting the enterprise.
A large number of business men ol
Portland have undertaken to raise
this numter. The town has been flood
ed with dodgers notifying the public
of the proposition ami it is the chief
lopii The name selected is "The
PcrtUUsd Journal." Having attended
to the missionary work iu the way of
hand circulars, delegations of business
men left their establishment- and,
armed with obacriptioa blanks, start
ed out into the highways. The citt
was mapped nut into districts mid a
bouse t" house canvas cimmcnced.
It is said that the result ol the first
dav amounted to :l5,0ik), which, if
true, is almost half the a i'oiint de-
msnded by the proinotors.
Furliand loung r'oopl Run Away to
Butane. Oregon.
Portland, Aug. lit. Another scandal
is being hushed by the police which
concerns a member ol the shm iuI force.
The I'i-year-old son o( a special ollicer
ran awitv with a l.Vvear-old girl, the
children going Io I ngetie, or. It ia
said that tbe Ihjv made au ailidavit
that his mother gave him .VI with
whirh to defray the expenses of the
trip When the girl's mother went to
-ee the oltber, liie latter became im
pertinent and defied her to make com
plaint at the office of the district at
torney, declaring he would spend every
dollar he had to defend the sou, no
matter what tbe bov had done. The
bluff failed to work, for the woman
laid the matter belore the authorities,
who, in turn, notified the duel of po
lice Io bring the siecial to terms or
there would he something unpleasant.
The special alter being lectured by bis
suerior conlerred with the girl's
mother, and, his anger taking another
direction, turned against the hoy, who
was turned out of home.
They War Caught Sunday Morning in
Day's Barn, Wast Pendleton, En
gaged In Saeklnw Wool.
Oeorge K. Haigh and J. Frank I 'ay
were arrested at 10 o'elock on Sunday
morning, August IS, bv Peputv sin-nil
0. P. Davis and taken Io the OOUDt)
JStli The arrest was made in Dot'l
barn, in Weed Pendleton, between lt,
and Webb street, where the men ar
resttsl were engaged in sucking wool
stolen from the 1 Melon scouring
mills. The tacts in connection with
this case are as tellow and ecnat ional
as those which emblasou tbe pages of
dime novel history. The (act that par
ties unknown have been stealing wool
Isith from the Pendleton scouring
mills and the Furnish warehouse for
vears has lweu known, and it is sus
ected that wiatl has la-en stolen also
Irom Frm' W. Ilctiillcy' I nd 'pendent
warehouse. Other arrfsts have lieen
made in previous years, hut there has
nothing come out like tbe (acts in this
Haluh Confesses His Guilt.
Tbe Pendleton scouring mills were
built and commenced OpOMttOM in the
spring of I HIM, and one of the first
men to be employed was lieorge K.
Haigh. For eight years he has worked
lor tbe company and has heretofore
sIimhI well. A reporter (or the Kast
Oregonian ha I a talk with Mr. Haigh
this morning. He told the story and
confessisl his guilt, but exonerated I .
Frank Day. Mr. Haigh said thai the
wool had been stolen at different tunes
over a perns! of aln'ilt five weeks, and
that the last lot oi it was taken about
a month age. Mr. Haigh hired the1
team and wagon of J. Frank Dav to do
the hauling, and rented the Dat barn '
for a warehouse. Wool to the total
amount of I fast pounds had been taken.
On Wednesday August 14, Mr. Haigh
went to Jack Brown, who is in the em- i
pliivment ol W. J. Furnish, and he-;
gotiated tat the sale ot the Wool, which
bad in the meantime been sacked,
having been taken loose.
Taken While Handling the Wool.
Mr, Brown took tbe subject under ml
visement, and two or three days Inter
informed Haigh that he would buy;
the wool. The time set (or the Iraes
fer was Sunday morning. Align,' IN.
Mr. Brown in the meantime informed
the sheriff's office of what was in the,
w ind, and just as Haigh, Day and '
Brown were engaged in re-sacking the
Wool, to hide its identity and prevent ,
it from being recognised, the deputy
-heriff appeared and took Haigh ami
Day into custody. The reporter asked
Mr. Haigh during tbe course ot the
interview if he was going to plead
guilty, and be answered: "I guess I
will have to. I don't see that I i an
do anything else. I wouldn't have
taken tlu wool, but I needed the BOB I
et . I have worked at the scouring
mill ever since it started, and this ia
the first time I have ever been in ant
trouble of this k lad. I was the first
sorter to draw money al the mill. )(
course, this is bad (or me, and until
ing that can Ih sa d will make u
worse. Day wasn't iu with it."
The Wool Recovered.
The I.'mH) pounds ol wool stolen was
brought from Day's barn Minda, after
noon iu two express wagons under di
rection of Jack l.ycetle, and stored lor
sale-keeping in the warehouse of tbe
Independent warehouse i pink
Mr. I'aigb is a young man, was on
several occasions a member ol the
Pendleton hose running team, and a
nieiulsHr of the glee clilo The arrest,
charge and confession have liecn a
great shock to bis many acquaintance
and friends. When informed that il
me. nit a term of a couple of years in
the penitentiary, he said he l oped it
wouldn't be as bad as that.
I SALE a a I
As kfttr a nz lir you'll find iuapH of
asht'H, so during our siile v' havt ao
otinitilatad lot of .
Calioo, Bingham. Outing
Flannel. Dress Goods and
ilu.tMis (f diflfennl kindi oi nttt
Tht'v an1 pilrtl on OtMf lartrr iniildltt
oountor in tho Diy Qoodi section.
The pries! on theno uiftko lalwnioo nn
noooiiif j.
Adults Buttorwiok i pAtttrnt,
Mormon msiiopa Pills
Curat Coet skanhooel, lm-
1 ' . Pejno
rvoua Da
f s-ii -ii-, -iu.-i .con
potnn. , Lost Piii,r, S4lttht-Loeees, Bnarmiiiorrnoaa Ineomi
Innnt K.Kvil itir e. O.imlnal imleeiona. i.nma ilacs, Na
hlllty, Hr .ul vciie.Untilness to Marry, i-ps of fnFfl amn, variooeeie,
or Consiin.iiioo, atone Oulckneea of Dls- ITTI oharaa, atopa Mar
voua Twuohma or t ,. Iitia. ' tSMm L"t!"n" '"'
. I a." t nHn -
Mv.i.a kit . , I
Basi Auursta, Sunup Remedy Co., San Prancleoo, OaL
VOH x I,K li I l,M N CM)., nill iiolsls, I'KN Kl.RTON. OIIBMOI.
Main Street. - Fendleton, Ore.
Oregon's Must I -'anions RlOOft,
The Hotel Flavel
Is iuv opta 'or the 0MUMM
Klnust eiilpied resoit nuitli ul Monturay.
Kvery rtsiin I'li'ctrlr lighted ami en-ain hi stad.
yiin-al liatlllllg liearll on Ninth 1'iu-irh nail
LuxartOUl club lluiise, im hillng IsiwlltiK al
leys, billiard balls aud aid bar. Ten,
courts end many eirrlleui sura, lien, inn
buuilri'd risie-s, nrusael -arM-led and itiulalii
lug beet turnlture money could buy Cong
li.iatu-a teleplioue In omi e
Hotel uadef management ol Col J K lltr
vey. gor ratee, en- . addruss. lintel Klavel,
Flavel, Oregon, or address J. I.. MIP bell, ace
ratal r. cl . Man,usiii Hiiildlug, HortlaM,OM gon
Oregon Lumber Yard
For barn and ilwellings.
(Jhewner than tin.
litiildiiiK Pit pi i ,
Tar Paper.
I.I iiu- ami ( icinent,
Brich and Sand,
Screen l)oi& Windiiw
Sitah and Doora,
Terra 0ttu pun .
Borie & jhU Prop's
Alta St., ui. Couit llouac.
Beat stock on the
Talophona oonneotion tl nuioh, A l
droej PiUH KiM-k or PondaOloii.
Ghae. Cunningham.
Hotel St Geome
I .ijaai am ir j ,
Olio UAMVhAll, Hrep
Klendotly YmM Stum Hutad
I uiuucau Mian.
Wo. k and a hall Irooxi uWpwi
Sample Wuuin In vvnoeKtloa
Rouin Rate
Slk. 75c. $1.1
Hotel Pendleton
Under New rianaicenient
I u. Ray ft Co.,
Buy aud sail
stock a. Bondej
Mini .i.mi
lor oaeb oi uu merg-lus
Nw York atovh hachange.
Chicago Stuck hachange.
Chicago tioai -i l Trade.
Utuuirt a I . i
ewdltlna, tre,
Strictly FlrsFCiasb
uujllbot Cnlsioe.
Kvery Modern
I Giif Ui i Trlil.
Rittt $1.00 i (Uf
Spwltl Kite, by
Weet or moo in
Hr and KIHUrd Uouina Hdqurtr lor Iravellnu Men
Th Best lime in BUrnjOrgon.
Van Dran Broa.. Propa Succoaaora to J. e.Moor
For Health, Strength and H
I l, ia ii I JiiiiL I I
s ivu.nu v I llirv sea,
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.