East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 19, 1901, Image 2

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llfh beg to announce to the public that we hart
TT opened in the tax Baer building, known a- the
Blue Front, a complete line ol Mens and BoytV
'"lothing, QaU' Paraiahing Ooods, ! Vunki
and Valises. We invite you t Oall ami Inipeot our
goods (all nw) and examine ur price
.... ONE PRISE ....
Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters.
M ' 'MAY. ACt.l HT i. imn.
SSV Trie
Mast OnfonUn r-ohtlehlne; Company,
Dee . op7r
lf'l ..lactic...
D cr ee mr
t"! HtadKUl
- " .'
hit na airriuN iath.
i a
i fc
tiss-il to t in' same extern til aliusc. Yet,,
there a iicp cryiiiu need (or reform
trom 'he ne el iiiriine. utile. the
claim- of till hnineopattiiat he valid,
awl that i a matter fur the nmliral
Mhoost to MM a a bone of run tent ion.
Were treating ! iniiiiateii from the
liquor trattir. little nestl would eaist
for reform.
This, however, in soniet h inv: difficult
to ai fiitii..i;i. Perhaps it is practi
callv tmiHicaihle. The treating hahir
find it- streiiBth I n the apir it of "bon
homniie, " tfo'xl . wphip. aoriability,
iualttier in themselves far fmm harm
toli and ii the other hand adornments
of character, ami i-ontri btllorv to
brightnes in life and cheerfulness of
I'ortlaml. Anil. 1H. -It is now be
coming rwogulml by the politicians ol
the Willamette valley, ainre the agita
tion inaugurated hv the Kat uregnn- ;
IM, that the aertion east of the moun
tain MM be appeased at the nev N
publican state ronventinn hv a tob-
tantial nomination, tieoeraphy proni
IBM to he an all-important feature in
the make-up of the next tat ticket
I'rohahlv it i thi rapldlv Increasing
I ntinient that i causing the Rami
' of F,atern Oregon politician to be HI-1
cussed an freelv in this, the Bolitioal i
' headquarter of the Mate.
Among the men who have practical-1
j ly owned the republican party in (-e- ,
I (jon of late year and against whom '
I feeling i not ai,friemdly a it cnuhl !
I be, there i email ilea ire to give Kat
I ern Oregon anything at tlie neit con
j vention. These men. however, are
liming influence, yet are enfficently j
1 trong to make an interesting tight
' shonld cnmhined oppoaition be brought
j to bear Theee gentlemen, notninallv !
called leader which in the nat they
were eertamh have aerted,poaitive- I
ly, that the present inctimlssiit are on-
titled to a ei-ond term and thoiild he j
rc-mwmnated. In fact, they declare.
that deer, et al., are Id lie renominat-1
'. witli the -symg of which they con
sider the mutter settled flnallv Bet,
tfiene men represent the old ring and I
not the voter.
At an indication of the pub'ic pulse
with respect to renominating the lire
ent inenmhent. it i merelv nece-
ary to call to mind the large and
; growing Hit ot aspirant for state
othce If the people were o well con
tent with the arrangement now in force
these aspirants would not lie in the
' Held so earlv. A a matter of fact,
more K.astern Oregon nien are being
-poken ot for governor and secretary of
state than those from elsewhere. The
belief prevalent it that deer can he
lieateti in the convention by almost
1 any strong man. hnt if this nomination I
goes to east of the mountain then
I in n liar is considered a- practically j
tale -ucli action would imtare -ens-tor
Williamson' chance for Dunbar',
Eczema acts the skit; on fire. The arid poisons
the blood are forced out thmuf-h the pores of the skm.
causing intense redness, burning and itching. Sot
ia the Itching at times, especially when the body it 11
heated, thut the almost distracted sufferer feels tint he
eottld tear the akin to pieces, and that he must scratch or
go crazy. He knows from experience that this only
makes matters worse, but, made desperate BY the temt.ie
fiiiniir, .r.,1 i.,i,..,,. v.- j. .i... .,. tw.ir.rr iti.litTerent to after effect-.
are severnl forms of Hcema, the moist, or weening kind, that comes in little pus
tules which discharge a watcrv. sticky fluid, which dries and perls off in bran-.ike
scales. So profuse is the discharge at times that large scabs or cr isis form, whica
are both painful and troublesome, and not easi! v removed. Red, disngunng bumps
and sores are JaaPUlMU of Ecrema. The drr form usually attacks the hcail
hands and feet I Oie akin, becoming hard and rough, often cracking open and
bleeding, and attended with much itching Eczema depend upon a pi Am nrd con-
Oltion oi cue imoi.i, m.l i i. - ...
Mr. L. lino, Esrondido, San Dlatro County
Cal., writea : "By body broke out with a rash
or eruption which In aplte of all efforts to curn
eoat.nt.od to it t worse. Ths itching, especially
at night, was simply terrible; it would almost
disappear at times, only to return worse than
ever. I had tried many highly recommends
Erwparatlona without bensflt. and hearing of B.
. at. determined to give it a fair trial, and waa
lnrxpn-aaibly delghtad when a few bottioa
curod me entir-1; . rumctrlng every blemish and
pimple from my body. I shall not fall to recom
mend S. S. S. whenever an opportunity occurs.
applications, while soothing
and cooling, and nmy to some
extent relieve the inflamma
tion and itching, cannot
be considered cures, because
external remedies do not
reach constitutional or blood
diseases. Salves, ointments,
powders, lotions and so.ips do
more h..rm than good, by
smearing over and sr ding up
the pores of Uie !-k;n. Uiu
i UWilW.rnis mwr.r.io
K a, srm-tninx U. l. Principal
A practical. gMfMatSI -hool inrspicumi
tin th.iroiiit) aerl- hun.lr.-.l St gsailnstr
,r iwaltloti" keofcaSStaUl iil tr!iot:rat.hrrii
Alrrrt .r..nl I hiKh lsn.lin wlierrvrr
known it IMaM) itrews better snr! tfttr
Otn sll thr yrar Stwlrnts artaiittr.1 utiv time
PTirst' or etaSI instruction Learn what ntnl
how wr trsch. nn.l wh.it N cost Catslogwr free !
Iitiaii ol Directors
p i- thom pwon mtnosNt
a solit- ooaaa - - tuum m doww I
UWON Pacirc
IpsuJs '
its a in
Vln fllinl
Tims Srhsduls
From Pendl.ton
ii ,JLM'' '"'locr. Pi
"orth. iiinaha. k,
laaesn.t Ksm ' a
The Pendleton icademj '
i a. m.
J Ukv, bi'uvf, y,
Worth, Oia.ha fca
-R" ni'i r.ai
forcing the poison baok into the blood. S. S. R. antidotes and neutralizes the acid
poisons and drives out of the circulation all imparities and humors, and the pure,
tich blood that i- I to the diseased akin quickly allays the inflammation,
opens the dogged Bp pot . ndthfl skin becomes soft, smooth and readr to perform
its pro;r functions. To I . r!Jof Ectama you must first p irr v and Suila up the
blood, and Dothing to H U 1 rfTecttuilly does this as S ,8 1 ( -r-guaranteed
purely cget.. t.l hloi 1 puilfitt, Scncl'for our book on bl 0 tl ;r. diseases,
snd aPritl -mr t !r i n ttv information or advice you n Medical
advia and bog . TML SWIf-T SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. OA.
aovawTimsi. i.ti.
I -
! fat
. ,'i
. :
I'm tkratawaai. at li par i' h pr a.nu i at
Crr fir a. m latUi urn Ihai Walli,
sa aoaaaarii MtatMaaia sai. tniii Wrulr af
wo laaanaaa. par aa.s
IPrrr thrar tacnr'. DMhr, pf Ink Ml m
irvrt inrraia. w.ia liiiiMdti.i,,r
aaia ....
pffinh pav
The Imker City Republican editorial
writer thinks that it is better that
there be no oil discoveries in hastern
Oregon, lest the consequent excit. n . r
inject too roach of illegitimate ape. o
lation into the comparatively steady
and sure development of Eastern Ore
gon mines.
The Eaat Oregnman suggest tn,,t
the Republican roan need entertain n
fears of such effects being wrong lit
Oil discovered hereabouts will have in
very great signiHuanue uulea
standard Oil secure the control, and
then the only significance will lie that
ol potential wells never dug ami possi
ble shipment never made. What val
ue would oil deposit have bare in the
lace of opposition on the part oi tne
Standard Oil? Jutt now in C I
are vast deposits of an oil that con
tain something like kV per cent of
purity. The supplv is eiiormou
Claims by the score have been staked.
A little flurry has been kicked up OVCfl
the discoveries. Yet every man own
mg a claim there in those Colorado
hills is at the mercy of the Standard
tin managers, who will, if necessary,
sell oil for nothing with a chrome
thrown in, that all may how the knee
lor. them and worship them as the
omnipotent dispensers of oil aud all
pertaining to oil.
All over Oregon are oil deposits, or
indications that tend to show such gs
posits. Hut the Standard Oil ha so
powerful a hold upon the indutr
that few care to expend uionev in d.
veiopmeut, and the StanUant polic
hereabouts In noii-developmeiit
California is) red down to gaMMMM
supplies of ml. The Standard Oil
cuuuuauded sale to the compel
Nl.Hitiug refusal, the Standard Oil
ered oil for a 110 10 10 discount troin
nothing and owners were in a major
ity ot cusee compelled to submit.
Texas startled the world for g fa.
days with oil discoveries, and some
thought there waa to b repetition ol
reunsy I van is 'a wonderful excitement
of the days of "Coal Oil Johnny" and
his class. Uut the Standard Oil repre
sentative went down then- anil in
few week had virtual control of the
That's the experience awaiting oil
discoveries m Eastern Oregon. It
need not disturb normal condition in
other industriee and it won't.
-leaking oi L'overnnr i.eneral -iin,-J0R
CHAPPLt S GOSSIP. nier is out for tne nomination, lacked
bf In war record in the Philippine
If Miagh.il Chappie, publisher of State Senator Marster of Bte.ll.lg
the National Magnr.ine. thus chat who is said to he in the Held, ha no
with his reader ami fellow journal-1 hankering in that direction stall.
ists- according to a personal friend
Yon have ierhaps had people tell ) .Mar-ter desires to support Sgggggava, 1
you that it was a mighty good paper; A to Portland' timber volunteered -v
in pubiiahml. You know what an j it consists of o-nral Hummers and
ItsTptratio. such word- are. We met County Judge W. M Cake, principal
fa e ti face thousand- of our snbscrih- ly. with s few lesser lights. The gen
era from every state in the union, oral had, atone time, aspiration go I
where Wi ttlBled 0Of July issue on the' highe- than the sheriff's office, which
Pan-American exposition ground at by the way is superior in a financial!
linffaln. and the kind word- showered ' way to executive ol the Mate, hut hi ,
ilfsin u were indeed gratifvmg per- ambition i aimetl in a different diree-
itiin now. There i nn doubt that
i.eneral Mitnmer would have a big
; following, witii the member of the 1
flap vou were mee it ,, yon saw
a pretty busy staff of editor, artists,
priMfreaders. mailing cierk. advertis
, mg men they were all there in force.
We had a merry ami a htisv time. The
people had a chanre for the first time
in the history of an exposition to see a
I tn no te niagasine produced from start
tr finish. Yon, of course, can realiie
more than an ordinary person what
I this undertaking involved. Printing
' in a balloon is nothing in comparison.
In fact, the p-o.l. were so eager
I fur the July magur.i ue that they car
ried off the sheets as souvenirs from
the fires, before we hud rune to gath
er, toio ami stiteii tin in into covers.
Altogether, it was a tremendous suc
cess We met our subscriber and pa
trons face to face, ami the appreciatory
compliment- bestowed on "Ttie Na
tional Magazine" ioree are treasured
among the happy memories of the Pan
American exposition. Now, confiden
tially, we want to ktiow the truth.
Have vou looked careful In and critical
ly over our July issue.' If so, I think
you wi.I find many good thing in that
number of iiuerett to your readers.
We want subscribers, still more sub
scriber, because, we may as well tell
you private!), that we expect, within
a very Hli'i-t time, t have the large!
number of subscriber of anv Ameri
can periodical, if hard work and ener
getic effort and a good magazine will
tiring this about. I cannot express
in word my appreciation of what the
newspaper boys have dune lor "The
National Magazine." They have
largely made it what it i todav.
a a s
There are tunes alien I have to lash
myaelf to a desk to write. The luxury
of it all is in the planning, dreaming,
revery, but to transmit all these ether
al ideas to paiNjr and do it to my own
satisfaction, I confess, is sometimes a
task. At other times the pen skips
along rapidly and manuscript pile up
like a haycock, and, alas much of it
i left in the stubble. Perhaps not
enough , but the belief force itself
upon EM that Bbo.1 one-half that au
ordinary person like myself writes is
superfluous. In reading over a proof,
under the necessity of pruning to make
even page aud compress six into one,
it ii Mtonifching how many sentences
and paragraphs mat lie lifted without
disturbing even the viumetrv of the
article. How ret real, ng it is under
these circumstance to rouie upon a
profligate paragraph or a aurplus sen
tence and make thing tit.
old Second Oregon as a foundation,
hut he l.wt the supfsirt oi many a busi
ness man when the troop returned
from the Philippine.
Arrangement were in progress at the
time ti give a gigantic marine recep
tion to the Oregon boys when the
came up the river on the "an ;
All these fine scheme were knocked
on the head when the troop elected to
disembark at San Francisco and spend
their money in the May f ity. While i
'eneral Summer may not have bean
responsible for thi action nn the part
of his command, a large portion of the
Maine was slutted upon his shoulders
to his political detriment.
' oncerning the hit four combiiiat ion
(lata, Bourne, Mci.inn. Matthew it
asserted that their design in uniting
: irees was for bringing admit the
downfall of Senator Simon at Salem,
at the next legislature. Matthew i
credited with having the mist friend
of the Igrgl and is the only one wtio
can bring much influence into thede .l.
They will be the leader of the anti
- mon push, yet all will not work ii.
harmony with the Mitchell interests
MoOinn ami olaaa with to brine out
Corbett , Matthews wishes to down
Mmon , and Moorne. well Bourne'
motive are not apparent for gggg0 hkf
the fourth corner.
Lonely Homes
A home o never (.omplcu vithout .ft :drtn.
Ytt many home rt chlldlcti. Minv vivr arc
drsoiat lor tht l.uk ol s child to WVt Thur
livts srs simlcii -void of the high motlvct of
motherhood. While barrtnnuM i caunns incal
culsbi udneu snd torrow. It cxim in molt
casti on sccount of tome little female trouble,
which Wine of Cardul would tpredllv ict r ht
Thki pure Wine rsgulitri the dnnrdcod frmalr
nrru by building ud the worn out ik-n ana
rcgulstln thr nwnitrua! flow It rtilorci tftr
fsllta womb te lit proper place Bv ltrtnlh
caing the gerwrjuvc organi It makes pre
nancy potnhlc whr bsircnaeii rxiib You
can depend on
Sttflartni women sll over thr land have httn
ucusatiing on rt fee tevcnty.fivt vesn. No
mot convincing proof can be given than the
testimony ol Mn Benson, who it onl enrol
thousand ol women lo v. horn Wine ol Cardui
ruu brought a permanent cur. Many casts of mis.arriagt tfia trouble
which robs mothers of their hopes have been svoidcd bv limelv use of the
Wine, ion art asked to try Wise ol Cardui and TheOford s Black-UraugnL
Its companion medicine. Nine out of ten cases o! female trouble, barrtrv
gggj included, yield lo them. All druggists tell S; nl hottics i f v in. of (artiui
. Vandsrroort. Ark.. April 2. 100
-ast ala I n.. misearrlajra, which waa fo e-wsil by toodlns. 1 ral
The ciifwical eotirwe pr-pare for en
trntn-e to Ff lllllRII nisi, in ROch college-
a- Vale. Princeton and Stanford.
Tin- InttltuUoti iin- is-en placed upon
tht Atwfetllted Ltal bv the Iftaic Bohrd
ol I iliiciitnin. to thai graduate- an- ad
milted to state cert ifieafe-..
A busltie. eourse '(iiul to tht lsst
luisiliew- college is ofetTed.
Kail term !epiii Sepieinls-r 9th,
Petidlen.i.. IrgfDstt. I'l iiieipKl.
St. f'alll
last Mail
..' a. St.
Waua Walla. Uwlsto, '
; '.. M:na,p. .
I'aul. Iminih. Mlwn
Ret, biraRi ana East
. i(an and Kiter Schedule
H p. in
- p m.
In . in
All sailing dates mhj-,1,
For Han l raui i.ru
Kail pvury t ta,t.
Coiumblu Rivsr
To Astoria and ,r
l ,il x
I lr..(oi
iveraty oi
'"Ity. ia .
aieiil. IIIilepBB)f,.i-l r.
si I w.s u . " lc
i. a. m
Tims Thr
slirl Msi.
orvalllt an. I Was
Mrr. I
llitrbes' -tan
i' Man Inn Ininilred
f, kBi i an '. lie Art, j
Tne alifl Music. New
nt. saves ass lustrui i
M sewtsi In library In
ritb t'tilvvrsity credit: i
isefi' rs, tor law ami '
iwrtuieut sf - '.inatioti
W illametta and lam-
hlll H urs
"regon City, lrt.,p
EM V j UnUinft
gaj kg
S4 Fr.
IHI in.
snaks Hlvsr
K'Pri t . Usuuiu
I Ullj
ersnieil clnlrlilp- in srge ei-ivrii mover-
MM nam to I r.snlent or liegtstrar fur
;n-umr srel catalos'.ias, Eusviie. ursguii
no itoctor.
for anss s
f-part ii-oi
i was loilnwsel by toodlns I rsad
m bushand trot m a a bottl of u Ina of Careful and It
ii and reatorad m faliac wocub kt Its p.aca. Now I am
on- thro bottles and bars another te take which I got this
ex "ting to become a mother and Wins of Cardut will be
Mrs atABY L HENssOS.
ft gMsttn . a l Jrsas. rrrna irssstami Tar ! adits' AdTJetrr
Tim CkaWaaaasw ateoMae OoaisanT. castataooaa Ttu.
Take the...
Washington &
Columbia kicr
The Portland Carnival
I Km t us., -.it'll! n! the taet that the Portland Carnival all Is- in the
lug Kxtswition Hiiilding and Mtiltnotimli field adioinliig und will run
ufteriiisui and eveunii;, from gsMSjttnhsV I- loOottttiei IB. It will be OEM
of the graiiiier.1 Msitioiis that evei is -urred on tin PsWlflc ' QtVtt an 1
all ItidustrieM will is represented
There will he two full military Lund-, a I ou.piet. Ktystaj ,! ,
bisit of apee-ial attraetPiiiK. including a Military I nurnatiien i . Athletic
iramesi. Horw Show, Kireworks. eti
All transMirtutioti line w ill give speeial redt.eed raw-, mid . x. ur
sum ticket will Is- gissl for seven day from all poi.ta
Vat lilflMpi i
sa I 'it y. St
Paul, St Ugh Ku-I
Joe, I hiiaha. and
ste srhrn.
Ins rn1 d.s
to n a.
shall sti
cats! .gu. and pamphiel contal
of test. more, etc., address.
J w.
P. inslpal.
P. (. ilitno 1 1
M. D
etrtlsa I. O'
41 Poinis hast anu outti
Portland and points
on the Sound
rr v MuuiUys. We lie'n.y. aadrnJtr.
...... hi. i ue. .ii i au -1 o tad asltnh
at i : n a. ill
lt'rti ilallt i xi i-pi -lutelaj sKuHs a
rnr iaionaatioa mgarUiuti raws tuj a.
iii.soaiioii.. oau u or at tra.
w. Al'As- igaj
, li'Sdielui,
t H. UAl-l'tKlltAH, ti P. A .
alia w alia, Watk
White Collar Un
Portland-Astoria Route
Str. "Tahoma"
Tibs i ao' )Mn ,,,"' " '
l'. ; rwi.1
. - p- -
Bishop xmt icademy.
nanded lSTb
A home School for boy.
Military and Manual training.
t l.f.tVr A. tor
The Italics -Portland Koutc
"Bd 3y (iatzert '
ally 4! i
; . - M.v -I
Kiser. Wu.tv saiaos, U I
liave Hurtlatid ... .
Arrive The Italia
lasavt- The lisllet
Arrive i'ortland
. . dalles to I'urtlaud
t Halle, to forilaad aa
.Mt-tasi'. very Ipc
f 1
IIJH I 11 f
III II til
- I :
It will be a valuable
country. if the human Catholic lax. par
auce sss'letitt succeed in inaugurating
the movement for eradication af tne
treating habit. It is tbis that make
stroitg driuk a curse to the human
race. Rational men recognise that in is
it true. When those who i-oruposr our
great temperauce organisation realize
the force of thi truth, aud reconstruct
their reformatory method that they
may align to it, then will a genuine
correction of the abuse of drink he ac
complished. The force of the assertion that the
treating habit is the real curse, in the
very nature of things, will appeal more
strongly to men wi.u have mingled in
the resorts of men, than lo women who
Have been mostly within the precincts
oi tne home, or under the protection
of their male friends or relatives wi.un
iu contact with tne world To the
man it will need no argument.
And they will concede that when the
ireating habit be eradicated the uae of
liquor will no longer be au abuse.
There i no re. toil wby alcoholic
lujuurs snouiu not oe handled with a
much safety as is quinine. There is
not much doubt that the drug would
uauats luorw suHuriug than the liquor if
N te. or -r.ei. n.-- from an article are
one thing, writimi manuscript another
when typewritten it looks different,
in galles proofs the liuigiug comes
team lo stick out Eton than ever
Page prisif further reveal how dif
ferent. tould have aaid it. When
I read ot those authors w in never
change a lint or syllable, after writ
inghaving fl "ull thought out" I
earvicv to the. either think that truth is strained, or
th writing is of I it It- value, or the
author is a prodigy. It is only by
testing, trsing and re trying that the
painter obtain his beat color efieett,
why may not tne same he true of a
writer'. We aim at iw-rfection, lint the
hullseve It not always hit even with
moat caruful sighting along the barrel.
Joe Mitchell Chappie in the August
iiumW of "The .National Magatine. '
Soft White Hands
Luxuriant Hair
Hrudiurd ty
aTstt-saxsaxsllia. W
mm rT i
1 ( OMPLtTL rftgify Ifc.
:"hB.'j'of ml jf .1 J.""' ' -.jt
M 1. V. Wfa.. '.- 1
xV U ix ' ' j I
Im.ni I V1' I PUTSlCUMt.
I )m i i ' i I
aQ Eer I ' I I I I
I " I' - Wkm I "I u:
!: j l'i- -Mil ..KM- r. ...
Imkt L lelel.ei.il. s.xlug. Msi.s
I " aaal I
ImL I 't. t i. M.l M. b Huilr..'1'ATH-
n.wth iflBBtS) I 11 fhyticiai. aie a-.re..:. lee It Juu.!
Imvfia 1 I "ii"!"' r.-.-.uo.i. n., aiact r
ihic, Vnulv hair. SafflVv -Al " l" "
I U' Sal, al all I II -CtWK I
cZZrZm sie-i. II Wrl! '"";1"
fl VirlV I
1B'I BBB,,,,, I'l.
1 tloa bloct iviepuuae evanUuce Uile
pauue. biacS .
lo fC C 'in! L..IA I Hi. PHYtUClAMI
I 'n' mr UK. lvxs hi. ai...h.k.-i.hr. t
f. fm mtj
mjg ' 'p Hole. o. Water a.i.l Ma.' idle-
I PTSTfigmA v a, lf as- A- 1- MfcAI'lt. 1. I ii'i nVKK
I jEL&ammW --4 aar.uct hal.l da .li . i.i.ierod.
V j y I a -t3 s -i-' "'" 9 K ' ..mon - omem
From Palace to Cottage
von will Huil our lo.-k of carpets ,utti
eiently eiiiuprehelislve to luee! all spec i
laMttODt, The Kngllsli Osf thai tBlf Ixtll
is tin-: We . an tupplv jrotl with mat
tiiig-; rug and eurpets titr g M""TrTT cot
Usgvore winter maiision, .-an furnish the
very to he had anywhere, and wili
.'hurgvyou little more than von w ill ia
elsew here for luferior grade '
Agent for White sewing urn. h me.
rti.lertaker -up.lie. alwa- 08 haiitl
r i
MA "if I' I N Ml LLKIt. . u 1
and Uuil.isr i ... am , . al
Job work a perilM Hi.i.p ud '
alraet. next to aa. oj - bMoaemiti i
u i in iov pta ii pu.ilt
j.nucipa. and Ivai'h.rt It to
.-.. a. in prepare bo
""' the proloeaioinil and buslDesa
lis- an s-.;.g lUu-iiugbly r.-no
e ue-t spi.-ioe.l ta.slvru luu'.UucU
J boy rtsiiv caruful atieutluti
paSJt.1 liialnin
ralcil cataiusue wrili. lu
U'lLSTI a ail. ki.
.7. Tr- -- r-til'NuKli Iw i
A Home and l)a School foriirl
MlolC. AKT AS It ELOt'fllu.V
lileaoor lebbett. Ph. I).,
A. J
Hood hlvsr.
Lamliug-r'ooi ul Alter tinsi
I'liunes Mala Hil. fu-tianJ.
I V VI.'. K. Ast.
J'.U.S l HIXui.N,
.l.l .1:1 .v w vtl
J c w v.n. Ai..
K V. , . Ri H InS. ,
, ut he.!t, ort
.uu. Ukil au
TL. Uru
",a. 1st-'
.riuu:ua.m. raate. cunn,..ve ud rlib.t
Efu ,',u,.bd"1f' iu city or clua.r,
soon 17 JuJ'l buwUiua '
fHttk A I ULt. i OXTHAl TiiKtl t vi.
bunder. htiiuiale. IxitwJtaaael . .
- ' ' . uu
--' ...) rroiuyt ismas
ebupou Uluff slteel uear
Salu i'. loci
1 A. MAY. CO
stuluer aalttuata. lur
oiaauur) letueu; welaa.
Uurt a tst left al Ihe ha.
Utbed ou sll EiacU of
tloiie walit, au or
I urenouiaii olh e
w. la a
ha tiuO. is.
Meoal Avsn! le
ftca sstSasat;
ttu.d by JOUK sr'MMUrt
The Louvre ialoon
Tlit rvatvat
.' a.1 j.1,1, ,
T "4LT!" UKV' lol."iJ. all tin PK.NptiTod
kt, I SJ1 A 1st
mure, toe ciiili.
iial car ami iu
lu on
THfc t iKMKli'B bAMv t,l watl lis
JtT 1""" teue... oaus.ut
uu-:ue a,xt:iiaiia i...jiu .....
e ..out prorutil j aiuauiled Wj a
-' etui uuudit.uu. autl eu reporu
..i ...sat. on cuBffllihK o! letpuu.i
Otl'.-n: a. Jameauu. ureaiOeu
rruubale. riot e-reajdeul C W
i- i- Jtlllatoftj, aas.tiaui caaaier
0. A Hartausii At H Jouiu 1 j
Graw, J. F E.hgor-- aotstiri Jam.
rr.su u 11.
- Mluu
irt..i .
.LAWAf bAkSklU A I h c. N A
lorelgu sue: aoeatHiH .achaiia? c .i f Iu
p.ouiwlT alMteieat H,T
Ideal T J kirt riw-wstlilBBi T 7
au istultr Mr. E. T toT,, ... .h..''
mm -. Hauiku;
The most ffacliteakin purltjiiag ami laawsu
fying u ia the world, as well as i ureal and
sweeinat for tollat, bulb, anil uurser. IU
only iireveutlve of piuiplea. hlas'Slwstoa, red,
leagb, and oily skui, red, rough band wna
Itching palnia and sbaiwlsas lulls, dry. thin,
awl tailing hair, and simple Uai.y hleuiubaa,
lieuuus Ibe only preteutite of the cauae. u.,
UitLiuiiuatiuu aud cloggiug of the foasu.
Safcl skttt. JNirrat D a C.C'.s.. Pssa. hw
ksu " - Hft-r Hatiilirir Stu . Htnii.uiJ tLu l.r
j I Three-lourtba oi the utrume iu t usalllia
I oouatr are utiua owr baraea. and ta.l Ilea sad
; the other fourth baa just euainiaoie.1 to use
itb.m. All tb.tgoaa lo show thai ours are all
r"IKn.('l.Atie aud tUlVIU IUIjHT . We carry
'intlen Hock of Collar. Spur, hru.li.--
w hip. aw ea I uadt. pack saddle, bsgt, string
.eatti.r leubs. wagoa covet, eaavaa, all kiu.lt
Leadiag rtarnca and
Farmers Custom Mill
Pre. H alter. Hroprtetor
l AUTKIi st I ... i V . A rTUKNK YK AT
L ot in Saving, bauk EuildiDs
Hh.tN A 1WKU
lata. Eoom te Aat
lou I'leguu
.!.. a Peudl.
Ntrtllatt. iiregon
Judi! ttundla
N. atUkELKY AT 1'i.iUN'aCY AT i.AVV
' isacv IU Aaaoeiallou U.ock
'Otirt tl.
capacity, UW bsurslsa day
tloar ucbaaattd tsar vasal
Floor, Mill Fesd. Chopped Feed.
tel.. slw.yi
reuuieiou, oreguu.
Ml, feuera. Uauxiu. lj?u . f
snd usiagrapau if.u.(7. w" oT. nwt!: mU'
Fraouuvoo, New York au.1 nnuriul: L
lue Northwest Orain l... J,. ... ,r" Plu-Ui u
auU k.uroue MaAas ,i . ,.... utUa, Jai
terau Levi tus..,. :'uaii.
e-i.iui . a Had.
nierasey , sasisiaai oatniHr
KHHK1 l a, prlu
a. m Sfg a, theuurthouJupou WeULa3
lion lou.rt tswsaea on dale ol 0,110
Pendleton. Orsgou August I,'., "Jul
. K. YATKe
Treasuter ol l inatilia Couutj
Hvfalor in
Wood and
Henry KopittK
-1 tin 0.1
Ma' .. .
cashier; U
reuaietou Ore,oi.
wa.M., ss.imi, turp.
...we.. u Hint UcputlU
au,. vu.u ou a.
UAVlNlta mvi'
- aaito 1
mjv luu-i
taat an
Stclial. t V
u.'m.'Mi . ' -a" v
tou'.ion ivsn to i-olloi'uouT "ejc'ai al
president J K 1 VnTu, .J Ku"''
atom. csbler "-pet dent -( j
at law Mr Htilltnau baa been admitted to
liraetn. iu I llll. d male, lutleal ufflrn aud
makis tpei'ialiy ol l aleul Law Koonta lu, II prloe, or will ex. Uau,
as auu 1 - Aaaoeiallou UIOCX I ....wwu, vsiegou
SALE UH miiiiL...
A NEW 81 X Huti.,,
Mi.U'l-u . .
line eugiue and all rixiure. ...... 7, UABJ-
ualtory au l nZ .TLJT"" "
English and Busine
a J I
ll. W
lur 1
parier i
istaorsad ay tnfl
raeinc North wats Thorouahly
sjivll. aUDHVlCK
er lo actraon
itsaual bustoaas man srho employ iu gradusta.
train, young man and women
for V
salst CaHalaesava avavA teli
'" Oi I
I ketp 4
aai u