I THIRSDAY, AUGUST K. 1D01. OUR CLEARANCE SALE STOP5 AUQUST 15 ft r Dont Fail to See Us and Get a Pair of Shoes for 50c For House Wear ft ft ft CLEAVER BROS Practical Boot ami htm. Men. BFBVITIKS Jaa. A. Howard. Farm loan Reliable bicycles 1 at Kolf'l Hack for Teal pring. telephone Main 79. $1 ahirt waiata, now 4U (.'leaver Mroe. Irry (rood Co. duck eoita. now $2.98. Cleaver Hroe. Dry Oooda Co. We are cloving out fruit jr at MM at the Standnrd Grocery to. Firat claa wheat pature for cattle and horaee. Inquire of Peter Weat. V on can save iimney now by imvin,' yoor jara at the Standard grocery. ' I nn" aoda ia delicious thi kind of weather. At Koeppen' drug store . iific Rummer gNMl all rhsse at ISJU per yard. Cleaver Uroa. I'rv Goodl Oo. Yon ought to aee A D, Mnitb Porter red Hr wood, telephone noun Ho. Midaummer aale of wash - In, MO half price. Cleaver Bros fry l.uo.1 Co. tl D f la A .- "ejretahlee of all kind and Sarvaol -uppliee. Big tock to aelect trom. Lota 2 and 3 in block 140, Reserve addition above Mt. Joeeph' MMdanj for aale cheap. Inquire of Peter Went. Ping Pang, ttolf ijaeen Bad Royal are new odor in perfume. You will find a tine -election at Kow pharmacy. Creacent bicycle on the inntal Kl plan at the Creacent agency in the hat Oregon inn building, payment 1 a week, no intereat. Wanted To correspond with ftflfl that will havr second and Ifaild grade wheal to sell this snmnnn . o. K. Add -ton, Portland, Ore. Wanted- Elderly man who muter Niamla gardening, raising melon and frnita by irrigation. Addres I i 0 particulars, R K. W. Hpargur, I cn tregon. K. J. Murphy ha now the most complete line of wall paper and bord er ever shown in Pendleton. All the latest shade aud design. Mhould aee the stock. 111 ! An aligator pons amount in silver. containing a amall I three kev and a number of postage stan.;-, wa picked up in front of tbe Kast Oregon lan other several days ago. Owner can recover same by calling at this office. The homeliest man in Pendleton a wall as the handeomeat, ami other are invited to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle ot Bonp'l Balaam for the throat and Imp remedy that I guarnntsed to rare and relieve all chronic and acute cough asthma, broticihtl and consumption. Price J.V and 50c. For le b I -man A Oo., sole agent. Tbe Northwestern Mutual Life In surnuce com pan v of Milwaukee Wi eousiu: Asset. u:.HM..-.u responsible efficient representative in 0 matilla county. Previous Life In surance experience not require)!. 1 th er unoccupied territory in Oregou tud Idaho. Applications for ftgi should be addreaaed to 8 T. LoMWOod A Hon, Ueneral Agent, Coasofd Building, Portland, Ore. Feather Dusters. Tlie. largest ami best Una of leather dusters ever displayed in Pendleton TALLMAN & CO BARGAINS V t- art- cIomul; out Ladies Orfords, Men's Tan Shoes and AH Short Lines 1 nun- svud exsuiiiiit gistdn and get piicea. THE PEMDLETOM 8NOE CO. Wui. Fitzgerald, Mauagei. When at PI MM IWk Mop at thi' alto hall. Menl nt all honr. Mm. ('. M. BeiUd, PtOp, KasttnanV man will be at Tall man iV Co.'s drug store tomorrow afternoon trim :' t 6 p. in. and In (he eveninu from I t" w p, in. am) will give a pub lic demonstration on velox paper Ki'v. 8, W. tirannis oi Salem, grand lecturer ol the Artisans, in in Pendle ton, and will inset this evening with Harmony assembly, No. US, and Al pha Astnibly, No. M, it beiin: the re gular meeting nigbtx of the order. AH Artisan? Il town are teojiested to le present. I'mlessnr King, the clairvoyant who ton-told thi' ialveton horror, in in Pendleton for a few day only. He give reading all through the day. Clairvoyant of thi tate have consult ad Profeaor King for pointer. He locate article of value, he is an au thority on matrimony. Profeor K ing guarantee atifaction . Hi par lor are on Aora treet. FUND FOR l HOSPITAL Ths Subscription Llit Hat Raeha th Sum ot 9417ft. In order h innire the biiiidiug in ; Pendleton of a $IU,(KKi hospital by (to Siller of St. I raiicin, the people here 1 must rnie MfJ0, The other (j.VMUl trill roine from the Mind of the Sister Tbe stibseription list wa placed in the hand of Justice Tnoma Fitx Herald for circulation. Mr. Fiti tierabl re ' ort that he i meeting with good uc- cess. At Ibt time of the lnt reHrt something like f.Ua hsd been tib i sen tied. Now the list contain Mb scription to the amount of fc17& The sum ol 8000 must he raised by Saturday, August 17, H that Mr. FlH ' (terald may telegraph the reault of hi 1 work to the mother-general ol the or ib-r at Philadelphia. The benefit, to ' be derived from a local hospital are limn v . ' i estimated that the sum I of fill, (UK would be pellt in tin city I annua1 ly which now I diverted to the other i-1 tie, paritcularly to hoiital of Walla Walla and Portland. Justice Fiu tierald is circulating the iubcriptioii list indtitrioiily, hut in the rush some person may he overlook ed. It i not the intention to prevent am iierson from subscribing to a I worthy object Those who have not Iliad the list presented to them are asked to call upon Mr. Fitt' terald and take a look at it. The nev. hospital i to lie of brick and will prohahlv he located on the 'sightly eminence eat of the Sister' Madnay, Arrivals at Hoisl fsndlslon. Marry P Lorick, Pasadena. Calif. Vt G llumbright, Chicago 1 Harris, Portland. Andy Ny lander. Henry Hepimer. henpuer. I' (ieobegan nnd wife, -an Fran cisco. .1 0 Lorengoii, Tacoma Kd Blackburn, Omaha. H P I.loyd. Cincinnati. Rayuiouu Lojyil, Athena. ' kM I Vt 1 1 1 lam. Portland Isaac Power ami wife. Norfolk, Neb. it W Hunt. - B Mantn. Portland. J M Rice, Portland C L I 'owner, Spokane I derteruian. T 0 Hatnawav, Tacnma. H It Rees. 1 'i Mcintosh, city. I. tleiidiiining, Portland. P V. Uerouid, Portland. N F. Linslev, Spokane, ('heater C. Robbin. Spokane. 1. Hammoiul. Portland. Brt Will Rocovsr,. bertie 8, Wills, altout 18 year oM son of M. t. Wills, formerly of Pen- 1 1 . t . . wa seised with sudden illness in Portland last Friday evening, and a physician wa summoned about mid night, who pronouno-'' the trouble to be appendicitis. satnrdav morning Ir. Rio-key wa called in consultation and on the pbvaicians' advice the youth wa- removes hospital, where, on to nt. lucent riaturilav. tailor msui, an operation wa rlormeil ami the vermiform apistiutix wa- removed The ly endiiretl the oieratlon Well, and Tuestlav on going home on ai. r rand, Mr. vVill wa surprised to nini hi son there, far already on the road to recovery, and feeling conif l'table and chatty, nil I Iwlieved to ite the iUicket case of recovery from such an oieration on record. Notie of Sals. Notice i hereby given that the undersign-1 receive sealed iid- a i his office, Front ami Ankein reet. until 12 o'clock iiiin ol Thursday , August T2, lor a certain stock of mer chandise, coiisiating principall of drygtssj, lurnishiiig gtMtds, ImhiIs ami shoes, ami hat aud cap, located ai Pendleton. Oregon, ptgether with a lot of atore tlx tore used in connect no with said stock. Inventory may he een a: tin r.-uu- oi tie an I rauciscu Board of Trade, at the Magu't store in Pnadietoo aud at my office. Ten per cent of the amount hid is to U imnl at the unit- ol making the offer 'and the balance on reeeiving the atiM'k K. L. sABIN, Portland. Oregon m s) w sioak Lands For Sal Lhaas The following land lyiug about ten mile east from Milton can lie pur- haaed at 1. 10 per acre: n -v of uel4, aw of nev. ; ue'j of gw; e1.. of sw'4; uw'4 tp i r . 4 all in -eft ion J 4 . w. M : also, the lie-4 ot nw1, set- 25, adjoining: alao, of w-4 of e 41 acre A Birrell, lb tp o u r 3h e, conlaimiig mall. Addre Mai master Portland. Oregon Think About It. If you will only think it over you . .go o see Martin when you want t ' iniy groceries. Hi motto is "neat DOsil at lowest pricea." Hi attstk is very large ml well selected. Martin has the bent oaken ilepartmeiit in the city. United Fiiate District Atoruey Hall at Portland wired the attorney genera! .. ,i .. I-....U.I kl.li fj.p lutri) iw: nti to -..I.. I iLinntu niar.liul. tj. SmitliMrti I i .- . - gun to tear tl . the leucc of ttur Jesat- 1. L'arr laud company, in ac cordance with the decree of tile court. The court held that the (.'err lu.1 company had illegal under leucst aWtut MCl.UUU acre of laud in southern Oregou aud Northern California. IN SHOES ClOMIlg OUt AT COST THE CORNERSTONE WAS LAID DR. J. ft, BKATTII DBLI V BRED A BRIHF ADDR1SS. Masonic Work Was Condueisd by W. F. Butcher of Baker CUT. Dsputy Grand Master. Weston, Aug. IS. Special . The lav ing of the corner stone of the new three-story brick building for the nor mal school wa observed here appro priatelv this afternoon. Tbe fieri ie MMMMMMMWd at '.' ill o'clock. The pre cession of Mason formed at the ha1 1 and marrhefl to the ground headed by the Athena bra ban I. There were To Mason In line from Baker City. Walla Walla, Athena, Pendleton and thi city. James H. Kaley wa to have Iteen prent from Pendleton to deliver tbe address. In hie unavoidable ab sence Mr. J. A. Beattie. president of the Weston normal school, delivered a brief address, which wa followed by music, prayer wa offered by Rev. W. F.. Potwine of Pendleton, deputy grand chaplain , thi" wa followed by the regular ntl ilistic work of the Mason for such naoMions. conducted by W F. Bntcher of Baker City, depo'i Krand muster Many coins, souvenir-, papers, etc., were placed lienenth Hm stone. rKRSONAL MKN1I0S K A le lander ha gone to Tacotna h attend the Ilk' carnival. llenrv (iierlich, jr., has returned' from In vacation tiip. I I ton Bpike of Kcho was in PeMdln ion Wednesday aud Thursdav. H. P Lloyd of Milton was a gne! of the Hotel Pendleton on Wednesday. Mr. aud Mrs. R. (.' Beach of lewis ton. Ida., are viitiug in Pemlle.on. Most- I" r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 aiei M.I- A : Kcho are visitors in Pendleton totlay. Billy Krassig has returned fruui an outing on Wes'on nionnta in, eat of Weston. Mr. ami Mr. B returned from their on Vaiiiua bay. Kitvuioml Llovtl, V.. Kennedy have OHtllMJ at epirt, the nttoruev of Athena, was in Pendleton Wedtie-ia on a business visit I'r. F. W. Vincent lelt WajdMMMs) evening for Taeoma, tO join Mrs. Vin cent, who ha lieen there for several week. .lame Daniel i reported to be quite ill and feeble. He I an uld .iuier in this section ami HfW tt mile below Pendleton. ('tieier ('. Robbin of spokam . an instructor in the Spokane nusiness col leg. . registered ai th lion Pernio ton on A etlnesday evening Walla Walla Union: Miss Agne Fletcher, who ha- been visiting for some time in tin city, will return to her home in Pendleton today, Od Teal of Echo wa in Pendleton on Wednesday and attended the social session iti William Martin encamp ment, Pioneers ol the I'aciuc. in tne evening. V. 'i. Mcintosh returned on Wed uesdav veiling after a vacation plea .in 1 1 y spent at the ls-ach north of II waco. and at South Bend, where he ha huaim-s interests. T. (i. Hailey ha- returned :miii Boise. His tathsr, John Haib-y. -r , has recoveretl partially from the at tack ol illness that had prostrated him and that was the MJgMM "1 T. 0, Hailey going there. He DM boat) out of dsnger for several days. R. N. Beiitley of Modesto, Oat lit. a nephew ol John M. Bent ley . arrived in Pendleton Wednesday evening to remain for several months. He went out thi morning to take charge of tin warehouse of Walter McCormick, one mile froni Fulton st.ttio: OK th. W. a 0. K. Constable J. 1.. Smith of Athena came down Wednesday alteruoon with Mose Tompkins, win wa taken t the count hospital. Mr. Toaipkin is well advanced in years and un able at present to make a living, t his friends thought he had belter re ceive medical tr.-atm.-in until here ciiperatet. I.. K. Pehtaud i al home in Pendle ton from hi ranch near Helix, and will go hack to the tarm tin evening He ha lrU) acre of gram, hi wheal going M and In barley tin bushels to he aere. He say eery farmer in that vicinity I getting a log yield of wheai. aud that the crop of I matilla county this veer will certainly bft lb, lugged! Iti historv Lot Brown, the all around player of tin- Athena basohall club during tin spring aud summer, and who tor the past month has lievn with tin- La (traildt team, pained through Pendle ton Tuesday on In return to Athena. Mr. Urowu is one of the besi player in thi aectoin, hi heavy hat'iug be ing a n ature of hi work. The lalles ('hronicle- W,- luerda morn i UK A. I. Segus came down irom Pendleton having received a letter last night from Mr. White telling ot the I drowning tit his son. It will b re membered that a telephone mesaagi- failed to reach bun, to being a Strang- I er in that city, and those who knew i him .-opposing he wa nlill in tin country working He, how. ver, had been in Pendleton a week Mr. Ne gu, a might well Ite aupposeU, is doubly grieved on accouut ol the uii iortune which caused him to (all to be here at the burial of hi BOM K. M. 1. wins, presi ieut ol the Lyon Mercantile coiupanv, returns I on the W. A 0, R. train Wednesday alleriiuou from an Lantern trip, having been away TJ days. He apent the moat of the time at Chicago and his old hOMM at St. Jon. He wa surprised and pleaned at the business living done ami the improveme..t made at St. .lor. the popuiatmii there ha nig neanv doubled, accorduiK to the federal cen sus, within the past decade Mr. Ly un made the trip in the interest of the St. Joe atore articularly aud tbe result u( hi jouruey will be notice able later when hi immense pur chases com mence to arrive. OKfc OF THk MAXWkLL MINB. ft ... Uarnsd D Psndlston Met Said iv ksvs Snown ftlsn Value It i now cl;;oed mat the Max we.. none ownetl h aevcral I en lie! on men of whom two are W. M ,''ierce aud J. 1 A. Howard located in the rlaisley-1 Klkburu diatricl, ia been the stun. the uniovering ol a deposit of ore that 1 promise u. leltl S.i.i lu liie loll, Hit vein heiug live to bve and one-1. ail feel thick, ieet prove thai J h i cent of tlie gold value will In- aaved un 11. plates, aud 71 per ceut in the cum centrates, making a total tif 92 per ceut saved in nil. - Thi' Maxwell wa acquired several veat asm hv 1'ierce, Howard and oth er, nnd Hm have since tbe purchase Lauiieo consuiuraiUM deveiopmeui win a to be dune. A ten etauip mill i on the property. It ha het idl" h.r otue time, but the assertion is uuuii in Baker t'ty that the mauhinery an. he started iu n few wnok, with M men employed It i the eXclatlun that. then the Maxwell will become a pav mi mine, something very rare :in"'i .a all of I he hundred- of sncalled mine heard so mnch of, and IB out of evcrv lfk ol which are nothing more than tbe merest prospects. THEY CAME FROM ALASKA Mr. and Mr. Mallsek Return with Np of Formsr Psndletonlsns Mr. and Mr. W. F. Matloca nrrived home thi morning alter an absence of nearly three month at Rkafway, Alask. They foond the weather there cool, almost loo cool for comfort at times, but nevertheless had a pleasant trip. We M.itlock reached boms M ly alter hi visit in Pendieton and i now nnt pronpecling hit cla io- a lew mile from Skngwnv. Oaofft P Ro' en berg has bright prnjs-ct-. boiag one-eighth owner in some valuable mining property. Thi mine mav prove to lie very rich, in wliich case Mr. Koaetiherg will ronie in lot bea'H c mgralnlntion Irom hi Pendleton Iriend. Mr. and Mr-. Matlock brought bark mauv hand- n e i In granlis of imuortant MMMH in the vi Icinitv of Skngway. as well a a num- Isrr ot apecimen of ilinerent kmd-. in rl u.l: nit a chunk of whalebone from a whale killed ofl the beach at Skagwav. A I Pepsain i in Alsk:. and i with We V Matlock in pronpMtlMg SB IM priaa in QlMlet Baain, wnnlw) m in Junean when Mr. and Mr. Mat lock came away, rf COVwfing from a light accident. He will r.-tnrti to ' lacier Baain soon ft Mittiork will go again in annul a month. SAD HfUTH of D0TTO KISH ThDsuahtr ot Mrs. Mnrtha Rush nd ? ister ol Ed Rush. Tl sad new- i BalMMUMgd ol the death of Mi-s Dot! if Rush, daoghter of Mr- 'hirthii P.ush and si-tcr of Bd Rush. 1 in end came .it the home of the mother of deceased .it !' 'i hrk on the eveiiiut: of Wednesilay, Aungst 14, after an illne- of is. week. The cane of denth wa typhoid ("ver nnd brain complication-. Mrs Ruat re sides on her larni two nnd one-hnli mile northeast of Balls. M Kush was :n her sixteenth year ami w DMiti well known in Pendleton among the Voiinifer element, hiivmg fttftM the pllhl ic school- here last year The funeral will take piacr from the late home id th. deceasetl. I ntermunt will lie nt Ralls. Rev. 0. W. Righy of thi city ha been requested to con duct "he er ice. The death 1 n sad beri aveii t her relntive and many friend" !'"! f ION PHOTOGRAPH CLASSES. How th Portland lomml'.ts Hv Ar- ransad th ( ompstllion For the Portland exposition, the clnssiflrutloD ol photograph in the oonpet iti"i nnd displny will lie n follows: 1. deneral to! lection of photo graphs variety of print, style and finish by Amateur PfftOt ajraptoli - -ciety. ". leiiernl collection of photograph eariety of prints, style and finish by individual amateur. 3. Specimen of InadMMM pbofMIgn phy fl print by imlividual amateur. 4. Specimen oi marine photogra phy 12 prints by individual am.. 4 Stecimen of idiotngrah o. I citlc const Horn and fauna w ild and domestic animal, tree, plant', (low ers, ft :., CIS print . by in l'vidiiiil nmntenr. ii. Scimen of meehanicai and in dustrial photograph MIMflhlMMrj . etc., fnrmiug, logging, stnckraisinir, horticultural, etc., subject- Q print, by individual amateur 7. iecimen of astroiiotmca. ph tograpy by individual amuteiir K. Specimen ol tranparencv ami lantern slide work dividual amateur M riieciuiei) of phv print h III. tecimen photogrnphy, cb ordmnry and mi 1.' print by Hid II. Collection 11' subject I iii- lUihligbt photajra individual amateur, oi miscellaneotii iracteriatic , extru icellnneous subject vnluul amateur. 1 1 1 list rat i iik VariOM style of photographic printing e. etc., by individual amateii- tastssi lorpadu Boat Ossiroysrs. lialtimore, Aug. I'.--The tor undo Iniat destroyer Trunin. Wordeli and Vl.ipple were lauiiched here ... Thev will be the swiltesl vessel ul their class III the I'uited State ua d an anil be ill) hour. t" siean. thirty ten Tgot Tauis Non-Hllltarv Rssolulion. Hirmiiighaui, Ala , Aug II The International Typographical I i, I cuuventiou today tabled a reso.i.'nui prohibiting tbe member of the union oelnngiltg to the national stuard or oth er military organiiation- SELLING OUT We will close out our WHIM NJOl STAIN and AHCTIC let Creiii Fro d discount ol 25 per TIk Whit. Muuntan. is so well advertised tlirodigh all the IsMtdiAl lliagaiues that it lieeiU no (urtlier 1 oiiiuciit. Owl Tea House. Jelly (j lasses j doai Telephouf ALLEN BROS. Wood and Post,. iohrvial I ...1.. HI Klf su.l Tsmuiars' k 1'i.u Wtaxl ulce .uo dry iidi.. 'ear Jo' having bang. KNi! KTi Old Newspapers TO en I'NPKH I'Ak i uiU, 1111 shulvv.. walls, 01 1 fur wr!iius purpoae , Old u.' w.pfcptsr. iu lsrg buudlu nl out- hundred , oJli sl U twliU s buudle l tHt .4.1 UAHxilVnU OVVM'K, t-sudi ( taa. oi ST. JOE FOR BARGAINS tfjtfl 273 FROM 11.50 T) SALE PKK I THIS WEEK ONLY thin 1 i not miss LYONS MERCANTILE CXL, Vaifr Sha.lt Undertaking Parlors in Connection. A. K'llMN i (IN AIM NCAOLC BROS. TRANSFER TRUC KI NG, s I OR AG E. CROWN ER & SON. Cor. Court and Johnson Sts PENDLETON OREGON Msg lot. vj.,iy. Tic, I..U0 mi ur inuuut s(mjcibI rtj, t) Frnc bus nCeU all 1 rains. Commercial Trade Solicited. ' on Samp.v kuoin 5pectal Attention Ulven to Couutry trad. CONK l K0HLEM, PiMP Oregon's Most I amous kesort. f The Hotel Navel I now open for the seuhou Mi M bumlr, 1 iic t dl.nn. lhi. o slid Id buy uulaki,. lAii.K r GOLDEN RULE HOTEL PUvttl rol-y. STORE LADIES, MISSES AND .. . it'. vtl'IM I 50c golden opportunity Our midsummer Furniture sale thi ceotes tl ittrtctlon and dc rven uinwwal atttntion, Wheth voo intcsd to furnisti your booM itnnleM 01 jn! contemplate the iiimoti of a lew Decettary pieces, ii hj votti opportunity. Over c:it fivr ditferent m1-s ol Iron Bedft mnn q rntno I Parlor Fur ton . Carpets, Mattings, Window in or-. Baby Cubft, 0 - Carts, etc RADER Main and Webb Sts. From Palace to Cottage . a will Bud oarsitwk uf carpet urtl ntlv oompreheiiiive I o meet nil pet-i . atioii. TbcVttgllftll of lhi--tiitemelit this: We cull Mtpptyyotl Willi mill Ms; rug" and cn-,o :- lor a uiiiiuer cl iu'i -ic a winter uiuti-ion, OMB furiiisli the -r b.-t to bad tiny li"ie, uhd will largi you liiih- in ire tliuii you wflJ pay geut for White ew ilig limcliltle. I mlorltiker- 'iipplie ulway on blind. JESSE FAILING. ou get Good Beer.. When you drink PILSNER BEER. QlMTsUltStd notr tu fuuse lieadiK iif or 'Jizineus Ak fjr it. Schullz Brewing Co. i i Shaw i oi. w. j. SXWKU Manager. AM) RETAIL Yard on Webb 8treet Opiawitt Hunt Hreight leit we are preparetl ti, furnish anything W MM kaakhftf line aud nu guarantee prices to be a cheap, if not cheaper than other. We also carrv a large uue uuun, w lndow aud Muulding. '"hteuiplating bmldiug will do weil to see u bftlwi placing their order. We also carry Cascade Ke.1 eir wtssl. Phone Main Wi. tS5 , s t Wmi YOU C AN UPON. ; JUST THINK OF IT! nKim in fiustUU nfUi n '''dltjs sod JU.l cuuiuit-le-cd lo UM i Sbuw thai our. are aU 1 11 sassy odr npur., Hruabs, '' ssuidiiM, bttg., stria u-evers, isuvss, all kiads. st Llilil H lustb sr. tsuu, wssuo JOSEPH ELL, Leadiog harneaa and baddlery. lih.lLEKS G CURE YOURSELF! "'' uM aatriu- ia U 1,, u(li.u, - "i ib pi. ,1, iSMar I ''Ibf-faa ... 1 . , . , .111. tor OREGOIG iAUni, Sept. 23-28,190 Great Agricultural nd Industrial Fair BIG LIVE STOCK su i flood Racing Afternoons. ... in the "i iiiUlM, KvlgY INQ. WITH UO ID Ml sic m saailfal 0aasaaea4i Ftw Mt. Msalal Rslss or rsmpe' Tklm Ontataafl Mrtn rear Reduced Rates on all Rahrxtatfe Tur rtirther IVrtiiulsrt AiMm, The Columbia Lodging House NEWLY FURNwein I: K IN i in NKiTKiN IN KNTEROF KLOI'k BKT A 1. 1 A at WKBh! F.X. SCHEMPP, Prop. The COMMON! Issued Weekly. William J. Bn tailor and 1'uhlnher Lincoln. Neiiri term Payable in Alvia One icar. M Six Month Ihrec i in' Sinfttlc Copy No traveling, canvassers utl oloved. Terms lor local will be sent on application money should tt- Mat D) I order, BuMTMH Offdftfi or 0J draft on Nev. York 01 Chi Do not send individual th stamps. The Commohcr per year Weekly East Oregoman... SfftflsJ VVW Id) kat Orcjiuni Daily East Oregonian sVddMM Lasi Oregonian i'chdietOD, LOANS on WHEAT LAN At lowest rate J.K.DICKSO Laat oregonian buil-M fcndleton Mgai LOT FOR SAJ BLOCI 81. j at Per al.-. lot i ID bl0Ck ' ' , nnd r,.L,.l..in i' nl at a 10 ' ply to C So JACl Subscribers to in .. a o. S, Magazines you USS III bavv It will n "' """Tin ' "'- .j, mm ruW ll OtUM ' ildius, fur tuuid.Ortitjuu Addrt.. KAirt OK sou. untui-