East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 14, 1901, Image 3

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    V , lyv,;
i picture Free!
HEN your purchase
amounts to $2.00 or
over you will receive a
beautiful phototype
Twenty-four styles to
select from. Ask to see
leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
uu Island Empire Raosat fan
diston'i Cry.
ijtf. " - . r ..,,.
I i' . i. i.iuh ,.rtlit
.DPMI ID the :arienteM of
" . C.. ulnl rin I
W I'! tow II' 111 nil- Illieuiw
, wii in most instances were
.1-1 ...n.niallt like til if : i
-- the same situa-
s, in- m - , , , ,
mi MfD(B a 1 1 W oiiuuinn
.ttimii .ccas. med by
taj iireruiiiau'a cgli ,or carpen
isi.peart that a iMiildinu boom
Vict the I' ''"' Empire, and
gt)ii rverywtierr are Nftgad II
ui hi dwelliii houses.
B " miJ Robert r 'ureter, of the
an i iik' .;. '- '"' 'ari
z smart I expectations earlier in
A le weeks ago, moft
ggejeil id the building trades
a Npplyiog niateriala tuought
r tuumier ae kuiiiK liw little
Hut, at iiiii- time, at the
narr tmt ai'le to keep Dp with
fin. lor the business MM aud
i aeii"pnl from Hie DtOaptctift
r;o orderf of a dull MM into
laiaf thlBtf tbat it ia bard to get
principal rraauii wnv building
00 a luJdeii a b.ioni is tbe i at
ai prusptcti lor heat y tel la. It
Mi a abort time ago tbat tnotit
RttUaNfht tlie crop would be very
at. ind this aitti pr wpecte for
il. priest, canted all farmers to be-
asrvatie. M hen tanner are
nitift and talk of withholding
IT traUc. then town tiennle liec.iine
rtalits. and tilan tor th- en neiifl -
i "! Du niurr uiouey tbati is hecea-
lllUil tinte, tlie I'Mii .r inii.'ctk art
tHaally good It is tbe common
n tlat lue yield will he a bumper
ud id consequence business of all
a if boaod to leel tbe result.
i'ju tiiuwD in the -taUjuients of
iit'ier regarding tbe building
lull be ielt later ,n all lines in
vLol Haodllaton. and ihrough
ti Inland Kmpire.
Arrival! at Hotel Pandlaton.
II It Travis, Chicago.
r P Minuauh, New York.
1 1 Mct.il very, Walla Wat la.
C O Arabs, Si Loui.
t V, GMMUd, Portland.
.1 K Krauae, citv.
II M Ogden, Portland.
(teo II Fitagibbon, Portland
I A Walkout, Portland
I Sbulta, Portland.
K B C'ooian, Portland.
M L Stanlev, Portland.
L w Held. in .
K R Harriet and MB, Spokane
Kd Ehen, city.
.1 DdfR Hartman, city.
Win Smith, Arlington.
W F Butcher, Baker City.
,lauien W Iavie. Portland.
W I Kurtt.
Deafness Cannot Da lurid
by local applications, they cannot reach tbe
Maieaatd iMrtion o( Ibv ear There la only one
way to cure drnfoeu, anil that It by constitu
tional remedial. Heafnu. I rauked by an In
Hanii',1 conilitlou ol the mu hi- llnlug M tlM
biiklai hian lube. Wbon tbl tube get in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or Imper
lect hearing, aud when it 1. entirely vlueed
ilcalueak 1. the reault, and uuleu tbe lurlauuua
Hon can be taken out and thl tube reitored to
lu uonnal condition, hearing will be destroyed
lorever , nine caaet out nl ten arc i aUMtd by
catarrh, wblcb l nothing but au intlameil
uoudltion of the mucou. surlacet will (lve
oue hundred dollar, (or any caae of duafuc
iiau.i'd b ratarrh) that cannot be cured D
itair. Catarrh t'ure. dend (or circular., (ree.
r. J. CHKSKV .V CO., Toledo, U.
Hold by all drugf tatk, 7 c
Hail'. Family I'll!, are the best.
i he Blka Carnival siraai fair.'
For tbe above ttie Washington dt
Columbia river railway will aell tick
eta to Tacouia and return lor $K. Tick
ctx on aale Auguit 16 gixal returning
up to aud including tbe IWtb. The
Northern Pacific baa been declared the
otiicial route by tbe Spokane Klka, and
a largo escaraion train will leave that
city Auguat tbe IMfa for Tacoma. For
lull information call at tbe city ticket
! an Dot prepared (or
im have bought a pair uf our
Colored Glasses
- , 6 and ,
White or c,.,re.i 10, 40
uxl .'ax.
tve Protectors
W CLOCK 5. aM I ... tkuMi (,,.
1 75c, $l.5, $1.50.
,n""t ",1 Ma M will (ill your
' ?waiafactioii.
and Optician...
Tbink About It.
If you will only think it over you
will M to aee Martin when vou want
to buy gruoeriM. Hii motto ia "beat
pootta m loweat pricea." Hia atock i
Very large and well aelected. Martin
: baa the beat bakery department iu the
Working 24 Houra a Oay.
There 'a no real for theae tireleaa lit
tie workere Dr. Kiug'a New Life
I Pilla. Milliona are alwayt huay, cur
ing torpid liver jaundice, uuouaiieet
fever and ague. They bauiali aick
tmaduche, drive out malaria. Never
gripe or weaken. Small, taete nice,
work woadere. Try them. Ufa at
Tall man & Co. 'a.
For Sale.
About 300 bead of cowa, calvea and
yearliuga, about 70 bead of beef cattle
in the baud ; alao, tbe tiueet aummer
rauge in tbe uiouiitaina for aaie.
Teruia, half caah, balance iu oue year.
Tbia ia a bargaiu. Inquire at thia
a m a
baya Ha Waa Tortured.
"i ai'flereid aucb pain from corna 1
could hardly walk," writea H. Kobin
aoii, Hillaborougb, Ilia., "out Buck
len'a Arnica Salve completely cured
them Acta like magic on anraina
bruiaeii, cuta, aoraa, acalda, burua.
boila. ulcere. PerftN't healer of akin
diaeaaea aud pi lea. Cure guaranteed
by Talluiau 6c Co. 26c.
-Iter 'a
For aala.
On account ol departure 1 offer (or
Mlf "y private bouae, corner .lobueou
aud Webb atreet, containing eight
rootna, alao a four room cottage and
two Iota near acbool bouae.
r,aK aK,gent''luens and ladies' gold and silver watches,
toi IH " ls' err'n8 chains and great variety of Jewelry
tnm dat Wtranaely low prices during the month of August.
Wly for the bargains
"Ubt L J,plcte stock of furniture, linoleum, stoves,
I M puirubing and tinning given prompt attention
Joe Basler,
Main Street, Pendleton
Opera House block.
Line of Tents, Wagon
JVrs, Anti-rust Tinware,
General Hardware.
Funeral to Be Held Tomorrow at aeho.
Ha Wai a Native or Butter
I.'tw Kranklin Moore, aon of .leaae
Moot, aged 18, rcaidctit of Butter
creek, died at the Pendleton aanitar
mm Una morning, from hl.xi.1 poison
ing, reanltant from a wound canaed b
the explosion of a gnn barrel. The
bodv waa taken to Kchn on the Over
land PMMMjM train thia MonlMJ,
which being late paaaeil thloagh Pen
dleton abort Iv In'fore noon. The funer
al will be conducted in Kcho tomorrow
aftwrnooo hi i o'clock. tiu Ban w 0
Miller, of the M. K. cbatwh, aouthi
official ing.
Born on Butter Creak.
Krarikiin Moore waa horn in Septem
ber. 1RH;1, on ltuttcr ,reek. on the
ranch owaw aad Mad now tn hit fath
er, .leaae Moore, a Well known ami in
fluential livestock man of that region.
He would have been eighteen yeara old
neit month, and baa spent bis life on
the home ranch assisting Ins father
m the conduct of the extensive bwt
neas he conduct!.
Six yeara ago his mother died. He
was a dutiful aon, and won manv
friends bv his pleating manners anil
excellent character.
0, K. Thompson, MigBDM and life
long friend, came up to Pendleton in
reaMnse to a message, and attendeil to
the details of the funeral here and at
A Gunthot Wound.
Heath resulted from blood poisoning.
Moore, as was related last week in Iba
Fast Oregonian. had been hunting
dtii ks at a pond near hia home, halt
a mile away from the bouae, and had
killed several. He pMMMdMl ti reload
the nie-e, an .ild fashioned muxale
Mdat, and while a bov was using
the ramrod to draw tbi dead ducks
from the water, Mo, tc. having ram
med home the charges of powder,
poured in the shot, placed wadi in tbe
ends of the barrels, raised the gun and
placed caps on the tiring tubes, and
then was letting down the hamuieia,
making the mistake of holding one
hammer an I releasing the trigger con
trolling tbe other, the expl sion of
tbe charge bursting tbe barrel.
Used Smokeless Powder.
Moore had run out of the ordinary
black powder, and had opened some
shells which were charged with pwder
of the amokeless kind. This had been
placet) in the gun for the new loads.
It was reported ahoiit town that thia
su.nkeiess powder is more poisonous
than the common black and was re
sponiible for tbe blood poisoning.
This Dr, Cole said cciild not Ite au
thoritatively asserted, and added that
from any gun ahot wound blood poie-
oinng or gangrene may at any tune re
suit. Thi la recognized in tbe cases
of wounds on hattletielda and accidents
on Fourth of duly celebrations.
Metal Waa Rum.
It ia alao learned tbat tbr piece of
the exploded gun barrel taken from
Moore's arm waa rusty, aud indicated
ttiat the barrel waa defective and had
been cracked lor some time prior to tbe
accident. Thia waa the element of
danger, rather than the auiukeleaa pow
der, which according to report caused
the poieoniug.
Dudley New and Mlaa Pott Skip to San
Port'aud, Aug. 14. An elopement,
the priucpais of which are both well
known, is oue of tbe leading to nice of
conversation at preaent. Dudley New
ami Miss Helen Poet are the star ac
tors. Miaa Post ia the only daughter
of Fd i'oat, one of tbe beat known ho
tel men on tbe Pacific coast. New wan
a member of the Second Oregon and
served in the Phiiippinee. He has
held a number of excel leut tstaitione,
but failed to accomplish much. Of
late he worked aa clerk iu various
cigar atorea. New was married about
a ..ear ago to a young Portland girl,
whom be deserted to elope witli Miaa
Pott, Huriug the Flka' Caruivai here
last hlli Mra. New waa one uf the
leading candidates for queen. Gamb
ling occupied a large part of Naw'i
attention aud be IrequeuUnl tough
daucea. When he skipped mi be bad
practically no money, i-inancee for
the trip were raiaed by Miaa I'oat, alio
borrowed mouev from acquaintance.
The young couple ded to au Frauds
co. No attempt baa lieen made to lol
luw them, ami Mr. New will petition
for divorce,
George Story Wat Playlnc Fireman
Down In Portland.
Portland, Aug. 14. While playing
ti reman, lieorge Story, 11 yeara old,
fell and cracked open hia head. The
accident waa peculiar. The story fam
ily live on Fourteenth atreet. Iu
company with other youugatera of hia
own age, lieorge waa playing fireman.
A ladder wa placed agamat a tree aud
up thia lieorge climbed. From the
tree be crawled, where the imaginary
conflagration waa raging, to tbe bouae.
Huriug thia feat he lost hia balance
and tell to the ground, atriking upon
hia head. With moat b tbia would
merely have resulted iu a severe shak-ing-up.
but tbe reault waa more serious
with ItOfj Ilia head, apparently,
waa not very hard, for the bone waa
, letely cracked around the top.
re perfect circle could not have
made by a surgeon. Medical at
tention was at once summoned, but it
is feared that recovery is impossible.
Combination Formed to Control Republi
can Parly In Oregon Neat Campaign.
Portland, Aug. 14.- There is a new
couibinatiou being foruiexf for control
ling the politics of the state that is
the reuublicau brand according to ex
cellent authority. This combine
said to oonaint of lirahaiu (ilasa, Jr. ,
Jonathan Bourne, jr., Waller Mat
thews aud Henry K. McOiuu hath
member ol this quartet is well known
throughout the state and require no
further identification. Ibey repre
aeut different shades of political be
lief, or rather are affiliated with the
several republican factions.
(ilasa. who has been secretary ol the
gil) aud county central committee, for
Mulluomah, is "out" with Senator
riifltOOi aud, it is alleged, is trying to
cause a separation between muiou and
H W. Corbett. Meetings have been
held by theae four men and the fact
has been noted by those to wboae iu
tereat it is to watch theiu.
The aupposition if that tbe quartet
are out for moue , although in tbia it
is said that Mcliiuii aud Matthews have
ulterior motivaa. (ilaaa, goes report,
will induce Cornell to come out for
aenalor again at the next legislative
miiou aud will also try to have the
ex-aenator delray tbe expeuavw of
lilass' campaign for stale printer,
should the latter receive that nomina
tion, which appeare very doubtful at
tbia stage uf the game.
Chrlt Raniev Took a Trip to tha Farm or
Robert Latnt on Tueagay.
Chrla Kanley took a trip out to the
farm ol Robert Laing on Tuesday and
watched the big combine at work.
The power is furnished by '-H horses.
Mr. Kan lev was delighted with what
he saw. it being his first inspection of
a combine while in operation. He
rode around the field and took particu
lar note of what was going on. His
opinion is that the I.amg bovs are
adepts in the matter of running a com
bine and that not enough wheat is
wasted or lost to make it worth while
mentioning. Mr. kanlev is like a
great many others when seeing a com-
nine lor tbe nrst. greatly surprised at
ti,,. am,, in, I rvl v,,,rL lhl ..a,, l.. aa.
OOBpl labfjd ami surprised the MOORtj
time that he had lived in a wMelt
country for so great a length of time
witnont having seen a combine at
work .
Holland Archibald Will Harvest No More
Tnii Saaton.
John Archibald and his son, Holland
Archibald, own a large engine, a Pitts
120-horee, double, tsSM, Tlx-v were at
work on Mcl'ii I lough's place in Oold
Spring, near Pave Cargill's, on Tues
day, August IS. At about 0 o'clock in
the morning Holland Archibald was
oiling the engine while it was running,
lie fell hetwiH'ii the boiler and the th -wheel
and caught hia right hand in
the machinery His thumb, knuckles
and the bones in the back of his hand
were broken and crushed. He came
at once to Pendleton and lutd the
wound dressed by Or. W. QL Cole.
The injury is so severe in character
that the victim will not le able to
render much assistance running engine
for the remainder of the harvest .
son Had Holland Archibald not
grabbed tlm machinery and threw him
self to one side he could very easilv
have la-en killled, and was therefore
lncky in a way.
In cases of cough or croup give the
little one One Minute OOMfO Cure.
Then rest easy and have no fear. The
child w ill he all right iu a little while.
It never fails. Pleasant to take.al wavs
safe sure and almost instaiitaiiteou in
effect. Talltnan A Co.
Happenings ai Lehman Springs.
Lehman springs, Aug. 13. Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Furnish and a few friend
enjoved a very pleasant whist party at
their summer cottage I r n lay after
noon. Those present were Sir. and
Mrs. W. J. rurnish. Mr and Mrs.
Wm. BlMbor, Mr. and Mrs Lm W,
Held, Fred Schineer, Miaa Slark
weather, Allen SI usher and H. H.
Harrington. Messrs. Slusher and Har
rington won the greatest number of
games. Kefreahmenta were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Kurniib went to I'kiah
Saturday to visit friends.
Mr. and Mrs. II. Warren are rll
it inn relatives at liranlte
Wm. Itaker and Tom Hovlen arrived
vundav morning Ironj Pendleton.
Will Kaker was robbed of a I ox of
apples Isidore he wa- on the grounds
ten minutes.
The Hard l imes Masquerade to be
given at Lehman springs, Saturday
night, ugiist 17, is looked lor ward to
with much pleasure. A large attend
ance is expected from Hidawaj -prions
to Camas Prairie.
Last night some of the hoys moved
the piano to the Imwluig alley net
the balls, pins and blackboards to the
dame hall. The card tables and cards
were put on top of the card room,
every body was properlv obbod in a
general way.
Some one helsl themselves to Mrs.
Slnaher'a chickens last B? log but
did not have them five minutes until
sol ne else borrow. -, them again.
If the action Of your bowels ia not
easy aud regular serious comp nations
must lie tbe dual result. DeWitt's Lit
tle Farly Kisera will remove this dan
ger. Safe, pleaaant and effective, rail
man A Co.
Kor Sals.
For sale five room house, corner
lot, six blocks from Main street, price
IWO. F. T. Wad.
Kruptioiis, cuts, burns, scalds and sores
of all kinds quickly healed by DeWitt's
Witch liaael Salve. Certain cure (or
piles. Beware of counterfeits. He sure
you get the original HeWitt'a. Tall
man A Co.
Cere Ski
The most wholesome and
nutritious substitute for cof
fee and tea.
Made from the choicest
California figs, prunes and
selected grains.
A delicious, strengthening
beverage holds its delicate
flavor to the bottom of the
Physicians recommend
All grocers sell it
(- YKAKS, IQ, 15, ;s VKAKS
of Stomal li 1 rouble. N mat
ter how long stainhng.
WILL CUkl oooaoooo
Vv e want I lis weakest .Uiuia. lis Uj
treat. Tills rsuiedy will restore lite
.. . 1 to norma! aud tiealtli)
loudilien II rou MM oeen .urlef
lug win, liyspepsia Ueiu uaiug
11,,. remedy, aad see how you will
gradually luiuro.v
For sale by i allman & Co. and
all first class druggists, or send to
Frank Nau, Portland Hotel Phil
mais, Portland, Oregon. J'ip
J1.00 a bottle. U bottles for ts.j,
express prepaid.
Staadard rsaiedj luf 611
Seaorrhuta and Ruaaisat
IH 4R HOURS Cures Km)
ar aad 8 leaser Ireehss.
WANT &0.000 IN
R. R. Wilton, or the Rurllnglon. states
That Hit Road Hat Shipped
K. It. Wilson, the able NptVMVMa
five of the Bvrlilatton company, .tale. I
in Pendleton tislay tbat it they can
Ih found. ,"0,iHXi burst's will be bought
in this section (or the Knglish cavalry
service. 'Already," said Mr. Wilson,
"our people have shtpvsl out more
than re cars, anil the nunilver will
BsVrl readied ltki cars within a very
ahort space of time.
"The horses needed are those from
lonrlcen-two to fifteen -one handr high,
and an otherw ie not valuable. Those
desired for the South Alricau war wr
vice are lighter than the Kngliah gov
ernment would use for their regular
cavalry, or the American government,
either. Hence, their purchase il ol
especial value to the livestock owners
of this regio'i. In the first place, they
cannot lie sold to others to anv advan
tage, and in the second place they will
be removed from the rtnge ami will
therefore leave it for the other classes
of livestock that are more valuable."
Oi It. Wade, cashier of the First Na
tional bank, iu discussing the matter
with Mr. Wilson, stated that these
horses are of a site that decreases
their value, inasmuch as Ihev are
onlv good for use as "cow hor-es."
and tt.e demand for such animals is
rather limited.
The feature of the removal of the
horses from the range is of value be
cause MM range i just n. vv OBlM small
111 comparison 'to the number of live
sb ck banda that are owned 111 tin ter
ritory. Throughout the prcecut sea
son, anil all of last winter and spring,
there ha- been much talk about the
shortage of feed, ttid the dilhcilltv
in finding range to keep the bands go
ing. Anything thai will remove from
the range a large number of animals
that are now eating up the grass will
relieve the situation from its present 1
strained condition and be of hem-tit all
O.O.Htick, Reirne, Ark., says: I was
troubled with constipation until I
bought HeWitt's Little l.arlv Riga It,
Since then have Ihwui entirely cured of
my old complaint . I recommend them.
Tall man .V Co,
sot) .
The greatest natural wonder of the
Pacific coast is the Josephine caves of
Southern Oregon, 4'J miles south of
1 rant's Pass. These were discovered
only a few years ago hy a hunter, who
pnrsncd a bear to its den in the en
trance to the caves. They are situated
in the heart ol Oravhack Mountain,
surrounded by the iiigged ranges of the
Cascades and are said to he the larg
est caves iu the w orld .
As after a iin Ufa you'll And Keapi of
ighat so during our sul' wt havs r
ouraulatad a. big lot of
Calioo, Gingham, Outing
Flannel, Dress Goods
doMiM of different kind ol m.u'
TIh'v in piled on our lane middle
counter In the Dry JimhN section.
The prices on then make salesmen un
necessary. i
i l.l, ANI SEE
Agents Butterwiok i ratterm,
Tha Latest
UInim-iI on the principle.
"le-tioj the MM . ).n
reniov e the effect."
liarptt ide kills the
germ lluil iiniM' (hoi
drill! hy digging Up the
sculp us they burrow
their Mtlfcrons way o
the hair nsil.w lu re tin v
in. . iii v djsatroy tin. bail
wltbouj danurufl ihi i
hair will i;roW luxuri
suit ly.
:'i daadruR. mel full
ing hair, und Starts hair
rowing vv in, in tod,
One Ih it t It- will convince
you o this.
For Sals et all I n.t via.,
llrug Mures. ti
Mormon Bishopa' Pilla
.1 ,j saws sa e. ws
i. In "M sn.1 , sSSt
Ouras Lost m ,
Bloom n o r i.oan Insomn
rvous Dm-
Li'.W Rjfaca, Bl DeetreL sVamlnalimlaeione. lama sjacs, sjer.ou.
g or uoni nni ina aiuDi uuiuHnwRsj w as. a -
W vou. tw por ,.i.aa ,
m r i.i ....i.j. whs Essasi cm . a.i. has. Audreee, Wiehop Heniedr Co., gun franoteoot OaU
WH WAI.R BY 1 'AI.I.MAN Al'tl., DRITMIITa, liLrrTOM . nRRSJaftSj
Main StTfft. - Fcndlclon. Ore.
$.100 per Day end I pwards
l lnrat Hotel
In tha Hacltk
Call up:
No. 5
and Sand.
SaeKUl Wale, to HaMtgrn Oregon people visiting Mortigatl. Ileaduait a
lur tourlate and lommenitl travelera H. C BOWHMti, Haoager.
Heavy hauling
K.s-cial s ii given
to iilislguiurliuj ,
Laatz Bros.
v Kirnl w
m LysMflg II ke
(It'.O. OAstVhAIJ, Hrvp
KlttKdoiit Furolsbod S(Mm Heated
l .uiupcaii IMait.
Hlotk and a half fruaa depot
Sainplr w. mm in tiaititBis
Room V nil-
SOc, 75c. $1.00
I L. Ray Co,,
Huy aud tell
Stocke, HoikIh
Hotel Pendleton
runt .l.ini
lur caaii hi uu uiaiglu.
Naw York Stock fcatlignge.
clihago Stock I . ban.
c in. ag.. I ina J vf Trade.
Farmers Custom Mill
PrS W altars, Prwsjrtotr
;aiaclty, loo barrels a day.
riour eubauged lor waeal
rioo, miiessl,Jaoplaairal, ale aiway. y j. nrflfl. Drfinti
Ob h.u1
Strictly kim Ua.
uicelleot Cuhiae
Kvery Modero
7 4
Bar and Billiard Uooma
Tha Boat
Under New nanagement
Gltf lli i Trial.
Ritas $1.00 I day
Special Ritss by
fas! or moatb
Hadguartra for traveling Man
Hota la fcaaten, Oragon.
Succeaaora to J. e. Moore
For Health, Strength and H
ire llr,.,L II
I ItUilUI V 11 IIIIA s s s s s
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.