East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 14, 1901, Image 1

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I ' r'B"
.....mr.Ii i""
lit"'' im.ii 11 " ' 71
""" .-Mil""""'.'- i-i
lonl.hi .nd IhnrMay prtl ilnudT I
X ltr;m.ln fhiirrsl., .f.(
No. 4901
The Place
To buy Groceries
., . ran l "i
ro srlrct from.
and "
it1tr hot'1 n
fanr ind staple
r, P npmott
A Mighty Clearance
Sale - - -
Cool and Pretty
- - At Half Price - -
Our Styles Are Better
Our Prices Are Lower
Than Anvwhere Else
Alexander & Hexter.
The Boston Store
Summer Goods at Small Prices.
Childrens Dresses.
31mi j i J I yeert. tattle, (MiighuD, OhsYmbiy ind ('overt Cloth.
13 off regular prices.
Women's Wash Skirts and Suits
of Linen, Covert, Piue, Dnek.etc
h regular price.
Shirt Waists to close 49c and 79c.
Pendleton's Big Busy Store
BOOKS .....
fiSiSfS lu,k$1.24
Al.cc ( old Vincennts."
Like Aaothcr Helen."
'N Turn of the koad," Etc. '
Heaiy Stui-c. ii
U -'- Si I I S
Cambridge Series
k , Uldweil Series,
aas iftit ni-i-'
y vj.ii;, looks at one-
Pitk Books SL to 3fel
ywiauii ,01 o BOOKS
" Tablets aud stationery
Uufiiey.- i;n f ......
"""" ul lauicis, witti en
B .,'n,lc1'' W !' hncst in
U Ulll IJ. L.t ...
Cod.' ..r i " "Uricntal
1,10 . J
3if IllOr.. J
- l illRlUIIIS
laS , h"uks" Memo.
- 3C to 7 5c each
Udtni'v ::t'y It:tived of
n hu"d M'orS 15c
'manj e,"ru"' fctor
' .nurllu splkea. Etc.
warranted goods.
in the latest patterns are bhown at
Kohman's store. Tier upon tier of
glittering glassware - ever use ful
and ornamental kind Handsome
In rr and water s.tt in every new de
lign Hand painted china, Thi
daintiest of porcelain wan What
ever you want for use or ornament is
I lie urn itr diuuer kU we ers show
11. 1 m nu.uukrc unt, rstas
MJ irliuw. K V" 4"
to maku gixxl bread line Bvrn' Fi Klnur. It took Hrt
premium at the Chiustto WorlJ't fair overall couieti
tiou, aud given excelleul aatmlactiou wtterever uaed.
Kvery Haca in guaranteed. We have the beat ISleam
Rolled Bailey, Seed Kye aud Beardleaa Barley.
W. S. BYERS, Proprietor.
llc rt
I have a full line of
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
from one piut to ten quarto, will freeze cream
in from three to live minutes; also have a full
line of fishing tackle, hammocks, etc. See my
line before buying
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
1'nitod Stat Senator B(vruiK h
arrived in Pekin for two days' visit,
tflsf traveling extensively in Man
churia, with the Russian OOBBMBdVt
Bear Admiral ktoftiSMf L. Johnson
iMiiiiiandant f the Port Royal naval
station has lieen selected to sin N I
Rear Admiral Sampson on account of
the latter's ill health.
Hie Bank Of Chi Idresd, .it Childress,
Texas, owned bv 0. W, Waddington,
failei) Monday. The aasfts and liabili
ties are unknown, but it is thought the
hank will pay its creditors in fiilf.
Btpsbstl Ballartf, founder of the Mal
lard srluxil for colored ersous at Lin
coln, (la., is dead at his home in
Brooklyn, from a complication of dis
eases, the result ot a stroke of paraly
sis. Commissioner Kock hill's advice
that cereals and tlour have bsM m
Slvdsd in the free list of tin- MH t'ln
neae taritt is regarded as an important
(irnvision, owing to the growth of
American eXorts of wheat and Hour
tn China.
Jospeh I. Adams shot and killed his
wife and a cripple named Charles
HotMh at 1 tie Ceilar STSOM SQinUMS SO
DrtlM Hill Park, Baltimore, Monday.
It is said jealousy led to the shooting,
Adams gave h 1 msel f up to a policeman,
and expressed gratification t what he
had done.
Many InpSffiol yeomen who DOTS re
turned to Kngland from Soiitli Africa
are still complaining that they have
not yet received their arrears ot pay.
It appears that in the rase of more
than one yeomanry battalion 110 ac
count was kept ol advances Bads to
lbs rank and tile in South Africa.
I. Picrpout Morgan is to U- h tem
porary resident of San Francisco soon.
Ills agents have practically concluded
a lease, it is said, of the ohl I harh-s
Crocker mansion m I he northwest cor
ner of California and Tavlor streets.
The cause of his going to that city is
the RplsOOpol triennial to occur tln re.
(. h. kimi died Monday at his resi
dence in Kugene irum pneumonia, lie
was Isirn in Schulyer county, Missouri,
in IH45, and came t Oregon with his
parents in ISM.
I'he tlsliing masui on the Columbia
river will be closed promptly hi mid
night August 1". This detenu luation
lias been arrived at In Master Warden
Van Pusen of Oregon and hish Com-
niissiomr Little of Washington.
Jim Hedges, a well known charaiier.
Was killed III a Street dtlfl M lid I . at
Hlate Line, I'tali, by Jim (ilenden
ning, a niner, who was afterward ar
rested and placeil 111 jail at Cedar ( ity.
litxlges was "a bad man" and o li lted
1 1 leiideuuing to tight.
Icner KJ Martin aas awarded tin-
verdict 111 the Jll-round contest with
1 red iiuss.-i! at M-attie Monday night
in the 10th round on a foul. The light
hail lieeli scheduled lor Jo rounds., tint
at the termination of the tirst round it
was apparent that it would SOf go to
the limit.
iileiin liavidaon the ll-vear-old sun
of T. DaVidsOO of Independence was
badly powder-burned Monday. While
iilaying with a can of tfiinpowder he
dropped a lighted match into 11, and
the explosion blew particles o powdei
into us tace ami eves, rie pronamy
will not lose his eyesight.
The tirande Bonde river is lower at
present than it has been for many
years, r isliermen declare that tOOTS
is not enongn water himivh iingaro lor
a fish 1-- swim in. At Urn I'ell the
electric light plant has been wrated
for several days entirely by steam, in
pite ol the (act that splash hoards
have been put in to catch the overflow.
K. I Cabell, a miner of (iranite, has
filed a petition 111 bankruptcy in the
lederal court III l ortland. Ills liahili-
lien ate f ,4,VJ.r) -S , will no assets I In-
Cabell Mine, on Klk creek, was one
of the richest in the country at one
time, hut the lead pinched out, and a
fortune was unsiiccesslully spent in
trying to locate it.
Charges of dishonesty and fraudulent
misappropriation of iuuds are urged
against W If. Kernau, a Portland bi
cycle merchant, as the basis ol a suit
Hied by the Miami C ycle V Mauulac
turing company against (he I'nited
states Fidelity & tiuaranty company.
The amount mentioned in tin suit ii
IH37.iW. Kern 1 admits he owes the
company for bicycles purchased ol it.
Western Men Refuse to Recon
sider Their Resolution.
Some of 1 In Trust Mills Arc it WorK
Axain and Ottiors Soon
Will Be.
Pittsburg, Aug. II President Shaft
er has heard from Chicago ami Bay
view steel workers. The western men
will not reconsider their reiusal to
strike. They consider themselves
It rm I v hound hv liner agreement with
their employers. Shatter says he can
not decide up u what is to he done 111
the matter until he rcceves a report
1 roin his assistants in the strike who
are now in Chicago. Two hoop mills
were started at the Palatal plant this
morning. I'he police anticipate trou
ble at tins plant and special precau
tions are taken toip'cll possible dis
turbances. Until ItHkafS Ars Hungry.
Chicago, Aug. 14. --The Hell-ire mill
is closed tight and no attempt was
made to start this morning. The union
is now completely in control ol the
local situation, Olllcials 0 I the plant
say it will U slotsd until the strikers
are luiiigrv and when it starts it will
be non-union.
Halting Non-Union Man.
Cleveland, Aug. 14. OAaSfl of the
Crescent tin plate mill today smuggled
in more striker breakers and claim
thai will have enough BOM run the
mills to their lull capacity tonight.
Some Strlksrs Will Work.
Pittsburg, ug. II One hoop mill
and one cotton mill, at the Painter
1 1. mi . started la-fore main. Some of
the strikers announced their intent
of returing to work tomorrow. One
third of the Carnegie lower mill men
failed to come to work this morning.
rjSa aaaaf mill is running as usual.
Conditions at other local plants are
1.000 National lubs Man Uo Out.
McKeesport, Aug. u. Employees ol
the Butt Weld and I. an Weld depart
ments of the National Tube works,
about l"i 111 number, came out this
morning, completely lining up the big
plant. I'he best ol order prevailed.
Cannot Hoard Non-Union.
Wheeling, W. Va., Auk. " The
strike situation is unchanged today.
No attempt is Isong made to start the
idle steel plant and indications are
there will he none, as tin trust cannot
find Isiardiug houses (off the non-union
men. Shaffer arrived here this morn
That ' a tavontr attitude ol the small
lo And m this again "the child is
n- 1. tiler ol the man IDi nun nor-.
not astaj to walk thiough hit 00 his
hand-., lull in-create-, tor IiiiiimII 1 . n
ol totsn. -uirvv-
Mi turn. i"ghl
into d.l lie l . ir
MrdlssS of tune and
pll m al In ei I ' 1 1
ui.ikt-k a pleaaiirr
iiii-nii-v iui a
SUkllleSfe of his pleah-
no III tail lie et
fecluallv WVSfSSI IBS
order 01 BStUrsl llv
ing. Tin r ult w
pli -.icul di hi)Ry
ui-rally iiiHistui id
" weak " stoinai Ii
Tht loisl he 1 als does
not BOUfisIl billl la
the stoiuai h
its .: as m latad
are not able
to L-xli.e t tne lioul
f 1 P I
1 f I food. Hancs, llsa
veloisi in om form
..1 iiiolhe.
......... 1 ., .! 1. MmIii.iI 111 OVCH
smiss dissasss of Um sUMnsch and tnkm
orgatts ol digt-.tion and uutriiion. n
i-ur, through the atoiiwch oisrases
vbicfa oruhuatc in a diar..sel coinhtion
" . . iu.j
stouiacli alio ilfc aioeu i;aiis
11 .urc'weak" IniiK". "weak"
uKik" iierves and other tonus of
.o-c.il led w ai lies.
s had i. 1. iruuiikd Willi sstarsS aj iu
.1 .III. I. and katrl irouUU " wn. - Mi V l
Mcrrhaui ol Tylcrabwrg. Clsrhm Co Itust
"iid .l-.torid lor -'int mm- Kiihoiu n lief.
ihin I ocau lo Uki lir en 1. r (iuldu Ms
ItSl Uih.i I I""'' "' he"'" BW'.I. I
UtgSU l- l.kr II I wnglwl !'' "u u""
I wdgn : -
lik. m . II iii.u I uil you iwin tlwiikF
ii Marat's MaanMl KsMals eoai wu-
if the
f ieuci-,
heart ,
Dutchmen Mlstaks llisui tor English In
Ain.tsrdam Sslaluiii I'sopla, Too.
Amsterdam, Aug. 1 1. An American
faSSiljl touring the orovince ol Ksiea
land were mislakeii lor Knglish toda
and swbbadi Tb sMretary to K.ng
la . ol I of Belgium, who with bis wife
was slopping at the same hotel with
the Allium Mils, received the same
Ulsd in Astoria ruhlna Season Closed.
260,000 casas the Pack.
Astoria, Aug. 14. rrral Wickman,
water lailllfl Of IBS Oregon Kish torn
I mission, died suddenly tins morning of
! heart (allure
The hsbing seamui i losed tonight. It
is estimated the pack will he M 1,000
laatas, laisnles 'MM tons of Itah shlpxd
in cold storage.
Cvmiiiaiidsr Wl.s u Dead.
Washington, Aug. 14. The navy
department received a dispatch th la
morning announcing the death 11. Vo -'
kohama of ( oiiimander I rodorick Wise.
Wars and Uavls Champion..
Newport, R. 1., Aug. 14. - Ware and
Davis won the national tennis cham
pionship at doubles al the tournament
here this morning.
LoiiiMisinl.nl Oaad.
Jagereloiitein, Orange Bivitr Colony,
Aug. 14. ( ' jiniiiaiidaiil Pretorias was
1 1 1 1 -1 I v shot through the eye and IS
dead .
Upton I. Now Sn Souls.
I. union, Aug. 14. Mr Thomas I.ip
ton left ha America 1 U. He was
given an euthuslaslic seudoff.
(iUS kll.l.l l) THREE BEAR
Ml Slauioaugh Has Eslaolishad a Nsu
ord With a Callfeff Hin.
John V BobiiiMon, who has been al
Buigliam Springs lor a tew days, re
turned on the delayed train this mom
J lie states that ius btaiubaugh
killed a she-la ai and two cubs on
Tuesday evening, August IJ. m Boh
sled canvon two miles west 1 the
springs lie made the killing With a
2Z-cellber rule, thus udl.bl ishiug a
new record. He first look one shot at
the old bear and she keeled over.
Then he shot the two cubs, liciug
all. ild that till- Old heal Was lUollllg
him, he took two more shots at her
head. lie then went to He- springs
and got assistance Au inspection ol
the old bear proved that Mr. Slam
haiitfh bad killed her at the first shot,
winch hit her high uu back of tiie
shoulder. The two shots al her bead
never touched her The OOPS were
beauties, weighing about no pounds
each. They nail Iweii dressed and
, bung up at the springs ready to lie
cooked when Mr. Robinson Urn,
President Francis at St. lajuis an
nounced that John Barrett, formerly
ol l ortland, hail laien appointed com
luiaaiouer general of Asia aud Austral
ia for the world's fair. Mr. Barrett
will pra:ed directly to the Off.
lent at an early date for a brief visit
to the principal uouutriea.
Rsportsd by I. L. Ray Co.. Pandlaton.
Chleago Bears or Trada and Naw York
Stork Exchange Brokers.
New York, Aug. 14. The wheal
market opened higher this morning on
the better cables, hut Bold oft sharply
on the break in corn, which went off
IS,. LlVOrpOOl cloaed ft s higher, lV
New York opened SC higher, ittS,
sold down to 7H 1-H, and StSOad iH M
Stocks higher and all closed at the
high poiat
Close yisterday, 79.
Open t.slay, 7W Si .
Range t.slay, 7H 1-H to 79 S
Close tislay, 7H It-H.
Mocks: Sugar, M , steel, M
M, Paul. lt4 1-H; U. P., 7.
Mli. Rows, of Tacoma Nawi, Was Crown
ad as Ouaan.
l a 1. Vug 14. I'he carnival, giv
en h the I Iks OpStMd iti doors tilts
afternoon. The festivities were inaug
united by coronation of the QttaM of
the carnival. Miss Rditb Rowe, so
Siat reporter 00 the I'acotim News.
WM elected hy isipular vote for the
honor. I'here is a large attendance
and the affair nr. muses to be a gigantic
success. A number of special dSTS
have bsan selectel and there will al-
wavs be something doing worth seeing.
I'he lllks bars raised $.!U,iSkl for the
carnival .
Portland Rieurslon Uoas.
Port land, Aug. II. An excursion un
der the auspices of the Portland Klk
goes to the carnival at I'acoma hndav
morning. There will be two trains
each containing a doxen cars, and
alsnit 'JUtkl iieople. There will he 17 i
Portland Klks in uniform, who will
enter the coin .et it I ve drill. The a
lem delegation ol lllks, P.',') strong,
will pass through here Thursday night
and he entertained rovallv bv local
Almost Lost His Lira Warned Again To
day There Would Ba Another
Itaker City, Aug. 14. poisoning
case ol peculiar malignancy has do-
I I I L. I ' ...
.. .pe-l 'i- re. i , .1. SSWISli son "I
a well known laiuiiv, was accos eu
on the street Mindsv b a stranger,
and after a lew moments agreeable BOO
versation, was given a piece ol tally
oaad) in a court is way, which he
ale Shortly allf retards be felt severe
nains, and medical attention was sum
monod to hi- home, which be re,,, hod
in an unconscious condition, l or the
day il was thought bit I lie could not
he RBV0d l"lt IDS Worst Is HOW passed
and Ihl POOBja man is out of danger
Ii apaars thai he had bsaa making
friendly calls mi a certain young lady.
Shortly alter he laigau he received an
anonymous letter warning him lode
-ist or leave the city V .econd soon
billowed, when he placed the mailer
I adore the police, Sunday was the
fjHffj effort to BBffff the threats IBSO
execution, and ibe uiethisl was so sim
ple thai it excited uo suspicion. Yes
lerday a third letter was received,
stating that the lirst ellort had failed,
but the writer would give the young
man until tislgv to leave the city,
or desist in his attentions Ktfnrts
Will he made Ut determine who the
dastard Is, especially today Wedn.-s
day, the date Hied for the second
A Hsport of a Sale of second Hsnd Xaok.
for Naw Unas.
As the threshing season progresses
MM demand lor wheal sat ka increases
Tblfft days ago (he farmers general ly
thought that their wheat and barley
bad been badly damaged, some put
ting their hiss at as much as H l- l per
cent. The week following was very
tavorahie to the damaged grain in rjl
Kain n il, d got warmer gradually ami
lbs gram tilled out in a manner to
please the tanners ami knock their
prey lolls pied it I i.ins into a linked hat.
it is now I reel y estimated that the
Obsal crop of 1U0I will la- greater than
that of IWO. With the change in esti
mates i BBSS the demand for sacks
Farmers who bad ordered their sup
plies have in many instances lawn
p. ! to order the second time.
The ipiahty ol tie- aacks is luferior
this year.
In ibis connection cornea a story
Iroln Adams A larne r there retelyed
Ins sacks, and upon opening the ban
thought tie, did not liaik as .tout a.
tliev should. Several buret when fill
ed with gram, finally one ol the
men turned one ol the satks Inside out
and found wheat clinging to the inner
Miriam. They had laatli re-baled and
.r. BOVSffsd with a I 'abulia wrapper
Ihi- price ol sacks is H ,vc, and lite
OSrsllOIIBSinSB and farSMffS alike oo
not want 0 buy any more lhau Ihey
tan use this year, as they do nut wish
I., carry any over until next year al
that figure
Burt of U. P.. Hughltl of C. N. W . Huh
isr of 0. B a N.
President A. C Mohler of the O. B.
A M Uo, accompany ing President M.
i, Burt al Ibe I'. P , ami I'reaideut i
Marvin llugbitt of the I'hlcagu ami
North a eater n ( u , and ' r. Illot, ton
suiting engineer ol the Northwestern,
rods mlo Pendleton at I o'cha-k this
afluruisiu, and then rods out again,
coming Irom the west and going to the
President Mohler was escorting the
..il. i i presidents on their return from
the coast, President Burt having come
west from Chicago over the Northern
PastAs route to meet President
Hughili, the latter having been Sajo)
ing the hree.es of the 1'acilii fur a few
They relusod to asv any tiling lurlher
than that it is a pleasure llrp, ami ha.
absolutely no buaiuwaa significance
Mrs. S. H. u i port Johnstown, Pa.,
says: "Our little girl almost strangle.!
to death with croup. The doctors said
she ouoldu'l live but she was instantly
relieved by One Minute Cough Cure,
lalliiian v Co.
In a Waterworks Tunnel at
toolrictON ind City OIBclilt ftfaj a lor
Udjum, Perhaps PtiilsdinrDl, fsr
RbJM to Prirldf Botl
Ulasalaod) ug.
Sllflocated in the
14. Kive men were
waterworks tniinel
itsell will he held for criminal
genre in that no Isials wern provuleil
ami three dffOWOsd earlv this morning
t'nb number two of the tunnel . ansht
fire and destroy, , ih,. bBBSSB of three
gangs ol the tunnel workmen living al
I he crib who were caught like rats in
a trap and either had to pimp into
the lake and BOffMbll drown or arish
One sh ft of th,. men war .leeptug
in cribs when the lire broke out and of
the number eight BOfflsbsd and twenty
two were rescued, some baiOB hatllv
bOffaadt Knottier shift of thirty men
was at work la the tunnel, which was
supplied with air (rum pumps and it is
was impisisihlc at lirst to tell whether
tln air remained pure enough to sus
tain life or whether thev were ufTo
cattsl .
The rest ue party gut into i ha tunnel
shortly baloffS I o'clock aud I id
one of the men dead The others
were taken out slid revived. The
cause of ibe lire is a mvslerv. The
property loss is placed at .tUI,!l0U.
Probably- t he i oiifrarlor and the city
Baal I
at the crib in case of accident The
new cribs and tunnels have eosj twen
ty lives during the two years' work of
construct ion
School taashsri Are Present rroni Oir
rarant Part, of the County.
reseller's examination is in progress
at the court house, with the regular
Is.ard ol examiners, as follows: J. K.
Now I in, county superintendent of
schools, li.v I 1. Korbes, president
of the rasaltl Ol the Pendleton acade
my; J. S Cherry, prim ips of ibe
Ailamspubin school, i im saasalaa
lion has rOBObad that stage where it
can lay told whether Off not the uiies
tlons htralshsd by Ibe slate '....rd are
part loalarll dltH coll.
Pol. owing is a list.. I thorn, taking
lbs sEBJaiostion, laajslbsf with the
grade ol certificate lor which applica
lion is made :
Kiral grade Seltn t'annou, Athena:
K Ilia both Warner, Pilot MOS8 0, W
RtavbSS, Weston, Klushetl, Hauier,
Milton. Rasa Carrier, Pendleton: Net-
tie Blarkbara, Milton. LawUIV Kaal
er, Pendleton, Mrs. I- lurence Kelley
BOMVad grade Nellie llerndon, He
in , Lin y k MosbIb. Ukiafc
Third grade I stirs liilseui. Pilot
Rasbl Laala 0. Marp - Meat bam ,
lona Mult Inns, Pendleton; Beta
aaaadsis, ttbaaai U w kretser,
Pentllelou , Kdna Moulton. Weston.
Primary grade HI Isabel ii Mi Knnsie,
tin grade l.ucie Cbaiulatrlain .
Mate .ertimate l.ilella It Cralgen,
Weston, Jelinetle McKlllPou, Weston
' I
And Cleanse tits Scalp of Cffuata
dtalvs. and Dandruff by
Shampooa wilt)
And Ii, hi drssalnga with clUICHHA.
fairest of emollient skis) cvfes. Thla
treatment al oms slop talllug hair,
reunite, -rusts, scales, and dandruff,
aouihsa Irritated, luhlog surtaxes, stlin
ulatea the hair fullklea, suppliaa the
roots with nourUhoasal, aad aiakea th
hair grow upos) a sweet, wbslssunis.
hsallhy s. sip wheat all aU ffsils.
Millions Use
t urn caa HoAP, saauied by Cuticuma
OlNTMHatT, for preserving, purifying, and
buauUfylug Ibe skiu, fur cleansing the
st alp ot crusts, s ales, aud dandruff aud
llio stooping of falling hair, fur stiftoulng
i iiaiiugs, and fur all the purposes of ibe
ig i..l. rough, ami
sore hands, fur baby r annua, llehtuga and
wiilUaiing, and msiI
bullet, hath, and nursery. Millions of
women uae UoVBOOaA HoAP tu the fiirm
of hatha for suoioyiiig irrllalltrus, mil on
uiatiuiis, and chatlngs, or ttsi free or ofTeu
alve purspiiaiiuu, in the form of washes
lor ul. t rally s weaaueasea, and lor uauy
sanative, antisoptiu purpisies wliiob reatlily
suggest theiusulvus to Woiuou. especially
uiuthera CUTIOUHA HoAP ouUiblues lu
Omk Boar at Oas Pun a, the a war skiu
and coiupluxiou soap, and the aaar Uuloi
aud baby soap in the world.
Co si pis ta TrsAtsasat ... Bvsry Hesaur.
iiii. i'm Boar, to cleanse thu .km of cru.i.
ami stales, and sufKiu the din keueu UUtlole,
(i in i at Oisruasr, l" install Hy alia) I toll
iuu. Sitlauiuiauou, and liillatlou. and stioiuu
and lioal, and him u HkaoLVkUT, tu cool
and cleanse the blood.
suvd Uuoaxkuut Ut. wurld. anult UstsH. V. Nsar-
s Bust. V CluoUikutuc t . htailou foil. a
0st.t.4SiCaaa Coar . a. iti, Isstsa, ti S a