wSlN( x OUT 1 1V 4 ond Uawna to go at C Vccf all and -5C nooda will be sold nt O Yhi-1 Summer Vests, to close Cleaver Bros. Dry uoods to. WOl. 8MB A PORCUPINE taggM l MX l Home on Farm l... .. .. f n . , l i . t 1 II UlJS Im in Hill t bON on SMI Ili'sr r. ii". pn.JI-t..t at the Wei ton , asm odlataf at MM Lake Union One partn'iilar itt)0j 01 inter- 'a. letter IK Ilia: nr. niJum" ir " tter li-altl' Hian (or never Itti pa. n'1 another in that , MM ne louii'l iiin kennal W - T 1 1 . . I uu.. 1 1 in hail mile. I ne lino . trouble Willi ii I'"" """' ta serf tliormigblv iiiiintiirHiJ .mill. The ilotl" belonging to Ltt am a fiitnntie an any in ST Tbey are gravuminda vita iti)ioo,' and that particular iou ii bulldog of ,-rr-at BOfM nscity ol purH)e. The hmiiuls ill.log nndeMtaml OM WOUW If when MO are hunting. It in fitted, and there i- no goml todciubl the assertion, tiiat the i will bring a woll or heur to !n wnd one ol their number ,. ... ; ! ' 'tlld int it 10 teeim. The necessity trite? Iruui ttie lact that the (it built hir fighting and h la ootcootorui to it racing model, it ronietUn hig game, however, ohony on the aiut. lie ilmis the : the Aghting lor I lie doge, while ttie raniiing. by crowd that quickly gathered, irntn them she learnetl he was not seriously injured. Thereupon she drove n. In toe meant mie ahe had reqiieated that a phyaician he summon ii i inn the man lie nr. in nt I v mid ' I'Brefully cared lor ami that ahe would pay the expense. SIllDiY IVININC'S AlCIUkNT. Barrett lororrnkiioii was rurnisnen 10 u Reporter. i: the mount of Sun lay evening 'a il MOOUaV. tin- null' Ill M il- Ult tlie lad lee driving the home DUISV wlncli ia-i"l over .1 limes i LiiiMii hil not even take the trou- pr u atop to ioiuire whether the map la . ..I I..., ... ..... Tl.t. AiA H u Wl I IIUI. Ul IIW. I HIP U 1, ' ' I r- 111 !MtUn.r I III' Ill tiniill aw obtained irntn .Mr. Lauiian pa"!., UUl Slliir,llll III' nHh HnillC- fimv 'Mini uum ui -ii m k aim oiner H aiut iliit L n. ... u l.ul v..ll.. I..... Hal. Mr. Polidore Mwim wue driv- '"MR. our Biiiiioi'O mc norm- 'H toe MM and wioil hm-lr ti, imu ii i iik, eiirrouiiueu THK HAIR BRUSH Breeds Dandruft. Which Cauaat Falling Hair and Finally Baldnaaa. Prof. Untia, llatnhurg, Oermany, Kuropean authority on akin diseases, says that dandrufT in aa contagion a any other' malevolent disease, and that one common aotirce of the spread ol land ruff in the one of the same hair bruah by diflerent person. The way to avoid catching dandrurf or any other disease from another' bruah, is to insist on the use of Newbro's Her I picide. It not only kills the dandrufT Igurui, but it is also an antiseptic that I will nrevent the catchinu of anv di- eaae whatever throuirh contagion of another's bruah. m m m Arrivals at Hotel Fondlston. lioHsic Mi I inn i"l , Portland 8 II Hoober, Portlaml. Wu Maber, Portland. (' M rim ith, Portland. .1 l Scha.ff, Portland. E K Mweetrer, M ninoHpol it. W L Marshall, I'ortlatid. Oeo T Coyne, Portland. Henry Malmgren, Houston, Texas. P C iierhardt, San Francisco. .1 I .-tone. K .lacobson, San Krancisoo. K C Thayer, (Spokane. J K Krause, Vacaville. J .1 Uurns. 1'ortlaud. A J Hall, Spokane T W Jackson. Portland. A 0 Kowland. ProrldoBM 1 1 1. Warden, Portland. ou are not prepared for HARVEST Mil run Iimmm raa..... .i ..t . mr imjiii it ''an m Colored Glasses . , 5 and 76c. aaJLIift uri..... - 1 tm coioreo iu, w and SOc. Eye Protectors all Ibl Ann r"Mg loaf t u,iK fr leuuk wajou. 7,v. $.a.ri. $l.ft0. Inuor Mud ,, M pal) &u your MBBM 4a, ... r -wur aatialaction. L HUNZIKER, -v. anu upucian.., rtoAlMittl,ii..r ,v llexuir's Deatnen Cannot oe cured bjr i.. . ul ailli:atiuua, aa Uu- i annul ruacb tbe iloauaavd Hirliou ul llie uar. Tborti la ouly one way in l ure ituatlii'aa, auii .Ual la liy ruualllu liuual rained lua. Dealueaa la rauaud by an in llauiuil eoudlllou of thu inuroua liuiug uf ibv Kuatjubtau lubu. Wbou ibia tube gela in tlaiueil you nave a ruiubllug auuud or tmper luul bearing, anil wbuu It la eutlrely uluaed ilualneaa la tbe ruault, ale I UUluaa Ibe lullauiuia tlou cau be takuu uui aud tin- lube reatured m it uoruial eoudlllou, bearing will be destroyed lorever ; nine eaaea out ul ten are eauaed b ealarrb. wbleb la uolblug bul an lutlaiiied coudttluu u( tbe miieoua aurlaeua. we will five one bumlred dullara lor auy eaae ol dualueah (eauavd by ralarrb) tbal eaoaol be cured by ilali'a l aiarrh Dure, ttuud lor rireulara, free. T. J. C'HKNtCV A .. Toledo, Mold by all drugglala, 7n Ilali'a Family I'llla are tbe beat. Tna Klka Carnival Staaai Fair." Kur tbe above ttie Washington A Columbia river railway will sell tick ets to Tauotua and return for ft. Tick eta on sale August 16 good returning up to aud includiug the lUtb. The Northern Pacific baa declared the official route bv tlie Spokane Klka, aud a large excursion train will leave that city August the . .iu for Tacoma. Kor lull information call at tbe city ticket office. WALTKK Al'AMfci, Agent. Tblnk About II. If you will ouly tbiuk it over you will go to see Martin when you MBj to buy groceries. His motto is "lieat goods at lowest prices." His stock is very large aud well selected. Martin has the beat bakery department in tbe city. Working M Hours a Day. Tbere'e no rest for these tireiesa lit tle workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. Miliums are always busy, cur ing torpid liver jaundice, bilousueas, lever aud ague. Tbey uauiab aick headache, drive out malaria. Never gripe or weakeu. Small, taste nice, work wonders. Try them. -V at Tallman A (Ju. 'a. M PLEQED ARTICLES acludiu,, (juntlciiicn's and ladies' gold and silver watches, T0'1' k,,lJi. errings, chains and great variety ol Jewelry be sold at extremely low prices during tha inonlh of August. mly .or the bargains l a must complete stock of furniture, linoleum, stoves, JJJPa. crocket and carpets. m lor pliuabiguj and tinning given prompt attention. Joe Basler, Main Street, Pendleton. OIL STOVES - W.J.CLARKE & CO. Opera Huuue block. FuH Line of Tents, Wagon cvers, Anti-rust Tinware, General Hardware. ABOUT A WOODEN LETTER ROMANCE OF A FAIOUS MINERAL W ATBRS R If SORT. Mystery Unroldad at Bingham Springs oy a Happy Ending or a Courtship. Bingham Springs, A Iff, l:. Special t'orresnoiidence. I was inairn.-tn.l La tbe etlitor to searcii about this place in. i iearu some romance that would add interest to this spot where so manv persons Bpeml their summer davs. The idea impart, d to me lv the' man of pencil was this: Here where MMj (.,-..if nunr i,i iiusin among the pinev woods and sit in deen sbadowa ha.". neath the towering mountains, here should he romance of the kind to inspira poets and make fortunes for DOVWlltta, YesterdHv, Mon.lav. liter the Sunday guests Imd Jwpfarted and left us to a more quiet week, 1 found what you want. So here is the story: "Kvervone who has come here has noticed on a limb of a tree opposite the hotel a large wooden club and a peculiar growth of wood forming the letter "S." This " N " has a history, and the history was brought to I lght by the happy Itetrothal last week of two young people, and the announcement of their intended wedding. It seems that several years ago, these same young people were here from Portland, their home, and the young man follow ed the rule of all summer resorts and lei I in love with her. She was not re olprOOMl, or at least said she was not and he had not learned that a woman's 'No' means 'Yes.' He was a craiv sort of a fellow and resorted to a de vice to secure an answer to his pro pnttl, for' her mother guarded her so closely that he was unable to see her alone and he was leaving the following morning. "He cut Ibis wooden letter 'N.' Where tbe angles are there is such a format iou that were one of the arms cut ol it would leave a perfect 'Y.' His idea was that if she desired to answer 'Yes' she was to cut of! one ol the arms and hang the wooden thing on that very tree where it Inn- hung lor all these years. If IMo1 was to be the answer she was to hang it as it was, a letter ' N.' "She decided that she would not transform herself into a wood chopper for any man, and indignantly left it tloTe as her.answer of 'No.' "Last week they came back by a mere coincidence, she with her moth er and he with bis sister. They were assigned to the same Utblg BJ the man ager of the dining room, ami now they will end the roiuaiue of their lives witb the regulation denouement of all stories 'They married aud lived bap- pily, etc. 1 know that very many will Is- interested in this explanation of what that eculiar wooden thing means Mist hangs in (runt of the hotel." CITI WATER I 0R THRESHLRS Soma Fill Tanks Without Paying tha aupeeinteaaleBl Whet hi Pue. A citlaen notices that many tanks n conveying water to threshing machines uear Peudleton are filled at the city stand-pipes that have la-en erected for tbe uae of ttie aprinkliug cart drivers. Inquiry at the city re corder's office iou ud that it ia known there that water is lieitig taken - by some men who do not pay lor tlie same. Siiierintendent J im Brown, of tbe water system, stated that just five men pay for water to till their thresh er tanks, these being: I.. B. Hams dale, w. W. tiillett, M. T. Howe, John I'.agen and Prank Snvder. Ac (ordiugto this, ul I others who lake water ir un city statulpiies or hydrants are stealing it. Superintendent Brown aays lie is watching for those others aud proposes to make them march up to the office and settle. I he rate charged is 1. Ho for each tanks of average rapacity ol 600 gallons, some being larger and some smaller. If one tank ouly be taken, the charge is 'JO or '.'5 cents, according to tbe siae. Tin-re would be no objection to the taking of water were it not that every gallon of water used consumes a cer tain amount of fuel and adds just that much to the cost of operating the de- DOOM used, cording to the amount used, every one having in Ills teniae ..I store a meter I j measure the exact quantity used each mouth. And others using water for euy purpiee whatever should be compelled to pay for what tbey get. uieriuteudeut Brown also slated prosised at once to repair tbe slauu-pipes ao that no more water will leak out, as is tbe case at present time. . . " SBLF ISHNBSS AT HBACH AM. Pendleton Business Man Thinks Hurt Should a Change. Meacham has heeu quite popular witb Peudletou people as a camping resort, particularly on account of ita accessibility. Iiei fig reached twice daily by U. K. A N trains from here. But that popularity baa recently received a severe setback. Prom business men who returned from Meacham on Mon day a tale of interest is told The claim ia that the Meacham people, those who live there all tbe time, ana depend upon the visitors for much uf tbe revenue received, are exceedingly selfish aud even churlish. Suitable grounds upon which to camp are not to be bad. In i act, the gr uuda are cramped aud visitors are warued to keep away aud not pitch their tents in advantageous places. Another aub j . to which these business men called ait i.'. iou is the water supply. The DWBerl of wells repeatedly refused campers the privilege of using water therefrom, necessitating the carrying of water nearly half a mile lor drink ii g and cooking purposes. If Meach .im want the Pendleton trade tbey will have P. cbauge their selfish pol U y m e 9 LA UBAHI-S LKCTUIB COUBBB. Some ot tbe Details and the Men Who Arranged Them A correspondent aeuds out from La OrfjDdO the following regarding the lecture course that baa beeu m- nt- ! heretofore in the I. .ml Oregouian : A movement to organise a lecture associa tion in La tjruude.w ith a course cover lug the full and winter, has beeu suc cossfu 1, and numerous a ttractious ur now being contracted. The aeaot-iation was formed last spring by the election of nine directors, upon whom tne ac tive management falls. Ibe directors, selected from auioug the business and profesaioual men, are as lolluws: H C. Miller, president, Turner Oliver, secretary, William Grant, t reaa u rer , W. L. Van Nuys, Henry Heiisou, i. V, N. Molitor, George H. Ourrey, H. G. Stark weather and W I. Dodd. These men have at various times been engaged iu selling aeaeon tickets, aud have now eola about 260 at Ili.UU each. They expect to increase the number to 300, which will insure an ample number of attrac tions. Thoy are now negotiating some ul tin- heat lecturers aud musical troupes of the I'm led Slates, and have contracted with a few. Among others are General John B. Gordon, John It. Wendllng.John Temple Grave and the Clayton Jubilee singers. The conrae will have about nine numbers, dis tributed throughout the season. The directors are receiving valuable assist ance from tbe two Indies' clnba of the city. QUALITY OF THE WHEAT Thomas Campbell Believes it Will Be Mostly No. I. This Year. Thomas Campbell, a farmer who baa this year 1040 acres of land cropped to wheat In South Cold Spring, stated to day that the wheat in his part of the county will, in hia opinion, vield on the average, a tritle lege than :V) bush els to the acre. Many hVlds alroady thresbed have shown an average higher then .'tO, but there are large areas yet unthreaded that will vield leas, cut ting the average production to less thnn 30. "It is the quality of the grain thai pleases the farmers," said Mr. Camp bell, to the Fast Oregon ian in an ex tended conversation on the subject. "1 lielieve that the greater portion of this year's crop will grade No. 1 at the warehouses when sold. Of tbe w heat 1 have thresbod I have brought two loads to Byera' mills, and it tested o 1 Weighing tl Kunds to the bushel." Mr. Campbell thinka tbe acreage this season is fully as large as it was last year, ami that the yield is greater per acre. Hence, be thinka that the total amount prinjuced will be greater than in 1000. Items From Ridge. Knlge, Ore.. Aug. 0. After a long absence I once more take up my pen to write a few words to the Kasl Off MOM ian. Our vicinity is now IIMMM ing some very nice weather, after a .lege of very tropical weather The thermometer registered as high aa 101 on August I, and we had a nice iboWOt August 7, which cooled the air con siderably. B. K. and Tbos. Ogle and (ten. W. I.insner, farmers and stockmen ol this vicinity, were in Pendleton last week on business. Mrs. 0 R, Cate ol QurdMO, who has Iteen ill, is reported to be improv ing m tv HJOl h Miss Iva Ogle oi this vicinity, who has had quite a siege of pleurisy, is improving very rapidly. Haying is nearly over except some alfalfa Good crops all around Butter creek is breaking the record for dances, there being one everv week. rilK MOUNTAIN 100 M BR. An Automobile Raee. A feature of the Buffalo exposition will la- a race lie t ween automobiles, representing all nations. Although it is claimed that France is ahead of us in the construction of these vehicles, il is hope ! that American manufacturers will come in first. America generally keeps at the head of the procession in all lilies ol industry, science and med icines. No country in the world has ever produced so good a medicine lor the cure of stomach, liver kidney and tiowcl disorders as llostetter's Stomach Bitters. For over fifty years it has lieeu the standard medicine. It pro motes sound sleep, restores the appe tite and cures dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation and biliousness, also pre vents malaria lever and ague. Do not fail to try the Bitters, as it will surely do you good. Athena Notes. Mra. I. A. Kichard returned home from Hot Lake Friday. W. H. Pinkerton returned Saturday from the John I lav country. Charles Dunn left Saturday for Bak er ' 1 1 v . C. K. Jones of Weston visited in tins city ftaodoy. Slatt Mosgrove ol Milton was here Saturday. W. H. Heeder and family will leave Wednesday for Tacoma on a month's viait. J. C. Stamtier left tins morning for l.ewiton, Ida., to appear as a witness in a land contest case. William Willaby left Sunday lor Newport, Wash., where he will visit with his daughter, Mrs. F. M. Kuowlton. for a couple of months. Kev.L. P. Shearer of Weston was an Athena vieitor Ualay. a Fur Bale. About 300 head of cows, calves and yearlings, about 70 head of beef cattle in the liand ; also, tbe tluest summer range iu the mountains for sate. Terms, half cash, balance iu one year. This is a bargain. Inquire at this office. a W kays Hs Wn Tortured. "1 si'lfered such pain from corns I could hardly walk," writes H. Rubin son. Mi'lshorough. Ills., "bul Buck leu's Arnica Salve completely cured them." Acts Ilk,- magic on snrains braises, cuts, sores, scalds, burns boils, ulcers. Perfect healer of skin diseases and piles. Cure guaranteed by Tallman A Co. 'Jhc For tale. For sale A five robot bouse, corner lot, six blocks from Main atreet, price I8.0. K. I. Wade. f YEARS io, 15. of Stomach Trouble. 2S YKAKS i mat ter how lon standing. NAU'S DYSPEPSIA CUkl: WILL U Id oooouuoo Mr Waul lbs weakest aUuosi lis U urai. Tbia remedy will restore tbe airmail, to Uoruial aud beallby condition II you bare Uen auflur lug witb byspepala bcglu taking ibia rt-uiedy, aad ae liuw you will gradually lui pruts. l or sale by Tallman & Co. and all first class druggists, or send to Frank Nau, i'ortland Hotel I'bar inac, Portland, Oregon. Price l.OO a bottle, t bottles for S."' express prepaid. "Nerve Waste." Oue of the uuwl belpful booka on nerve weakness ever Uwued 1 tbal entitled "Nerve Waste," by Ur. sawyer ot Sau Fram laco, now In lis bftn iaouaaii.1 Una work of au super uneniedeud reputable pbyalclau la In agree able coutraal Ul Ibe taat auui of false acblug will, h prevails op Ik la luleresllug aub,eol. II abounds Ui carefully cuuaidered aud practical advice, aud baa tbe two great uierlia of wl duiu aud sluverlly. It Is eudoraed by bolb tbe religious aud secular preaa. The 1 blcago Advance aa a "A peruaal ofathe hook aad Ibe application of lis prluclples will put health, hope aud heart Into thousands oi live tbal are uow auSerliig through uervoua linpareuxeul." Tbe book Is 1 1 .00 by mall postpaid. Oue of the most luleresllug chapters chapter xx, oa Ner viues aud Nerve Ionics baa beau pr luted separately as a sample chaplei, aud will be seut to auy address for a lamp by the publishers, lilt FAC'triC fUBUaUlNU UO box Ju.- Usui Franc isoo. AN AN0NVM0US CHARUI "J. N. C," WHOBVRR HS RM RR. AFFIANT. Ns Hides Behind an Obteura Signature and a Disguised Chlrography. The Kasl Oregonian was in receipt this morning of a communication from someone who makes a serious charge against a well known pereon living in Pendleton, ami closing with the re quest that tbe letter be printed com plete in this paper. This letter said that the people . f a certain atreet "is well aroused" over the ul legist boating ot a child, The signature to the letter was '.I. N. (."." Who this la no one appears to know. Several men have racked their brains in a vain attempt to unravel the mystery, but at this writing MOM bad reach e I a solution. "Who Is J, N G ' Rl UMI question ol the day, ill Pendleton, lor ".I. N. C. " is one .d those who make serious charges against the character of others and hide behind an anonymity, and ask someone si SB to shoulder the responsihi I ity of g' the serious charge to I he public. Tbe Kasl Oregonian has considered the ptOpOSiilOO of ollering a reward lor the detection ol tbe iiereon who adopts this signature, and making the reward autHcientlv large to attract the verv best talent to the taak. ".I V may N some lirave fellow who propos es to see that society is reformed, and that people who beat their children are brought to justice. He prooaee, iih nlentallv, that if there be any risk in the etpoae, be shall not assume it. This public service shall lc per formed by another, ami likewise the brunt ot making the public charge The Kast Oregonian will BS glad to go further into the matter, if ".) V C." will reveal III identity This is a rule that obtains in all newspaper offices, "not necessarily for publica tion, but as an evidence of good faith," to quote an old manner of expressing the rule. The Kast Oregonian suggests that "j, N. C. " call here, and m terview the editorial staff. His i!-sire for the retiirtnation of society will find more effective expression, and the crv ing abuse of winch he writes will be brought into the public notice. The use of MOSS de plumes is regard ed as pcrinissable when the character of the 1 Humiliation is not such ks to involve I'm repntAtionof someone else. But, when citl .ens desire to correct abuses, it would Im brsver on their part were they to ngr bear al least a portion of the ressmsihilitv. .'ns "J. N. C." ia of Josh Hillings' elSSS, (or Billings was wont to sav that he was so patriotic that be was willing that all bis wife's relations go o war and ahid their 1 in defense ol their dear country. For sale. On account of departure I offei for sale my private house, 1 urner Johnson and Webb street, 1 taming eight rooms, also a four room cottage and two lots near school boost J. SHE! KKMA N 1IAT "YOU CAN WON. JUST THINK OF IT! I Throe-foil rtlia of the Hiph- In Umatilla iMiuaty are using our harin-aa ami saddles and the other fourth has Juai aasaStSMSSS ua Ibein. All Ibis goes lo show that oara am all riKar-n.AHMainl I'ltK'Ka IIIOII I . We carry a complete stock of Collars, rlpura, Bruabna, Whips, Sweat pads, pack saddles, bags, alrlug leather tents, wagon covers, canvas, all kinds. JOSEPH ELL, Leading Harness and Saddle r Call tip:' No. 5 for Wood, Coal, Brkfc and Sand. Heavy Hauling ttspcclal siu-utluu glveu u, (.oualguiuaula ., Laatz Bros. I. L. Kay it Co., Hiiy sud sail StockH, Hoi.i find . imii. lor cash or ou luargiua New York Mock I Ixxhange Chicago Slock tUcnanga. 1 Imago Board of Trade. Uuurt eua.i -....!. .1 ... 1 r. MIDSUMMER SALE A titer a big firo you'll And hetpi of iislics, so tltiring our salt- vt VTt ir oumulAtod rt t t z lot of REMNANTS Calloo, Gingham. Outing Flannol. Draus Goods m l ilo.IJIlS of Uillvftnl killil- it M):lti Thi' sVT8 pilt'd OU our IftTgfl middlfj counter In tht Diy Goodi seotioti Th' prifi's on them muki' MlfJinitn nn MOMMafJi Mai. Wh BEE THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE figmti Butterwiok - Pattorm FORKS LOW-DOWN lANk PUMPS. LACE LEATHER Sic HON NOSE ROPES, STEEL CABLE, liTC : : EVERYTHING - FOR - HARVEST HANSFORD & THOMPSON, AMDWAm mi- Ken VMS Main Street, Pendleton. Ore. BOLTS mgm MANHOOD RESTORED SBMM nla niiiiri.r, ttn iria.-ii mfafim . m, w"i -i " , 1 .1 ail SI' in rums 1. r Ul aa...l lh. . an. Ii an l.oal WaolcaS. la.aaial MSf JUS I'alMa in ,1,.. Haak, Saaalaal Ii n.i.illi, riaialaa V .M I ..ii i . - ,.. .1 .., , . , i... . io Bn. v i.. nallpa(lM. SJMB SSJHW 1 1 an. . a all l..anca Ii v ili,r or 1. 1 1. 1. . . . .1 a i,i, i. if mil i ii.a-k.Ht ' SJtsssf bm la in Niii riiiaiiirrliii.a ami ml llm Imrnira of ti n .. . I IM litl t'. . leauaaa Ilia "' .ty W.alilala i I i-i III nUi'llgUnag anil rnatnri-a amai I WsaB maana, I ... ! .ii nh . i a a t mrad tiy V Inpa la lfai.i. !! psf eewl arn tnail.lml a ill. rrMlalllla C't'l'l IO N K ll.a only known r. ln. .1 , I rn wiltlinllt ml iaral I. .,u Ailtl liUnixnUla A errlllna gnaraiiuieglvi ii an. I in n lurn. .1 if a ,i, ail aaiuul t Ula.1 a i n I i ura. II i a UuX4ic (ftSt by mall Ki n. I f r rnaa i In niar an. I n-i nn'.ni la, Address ISA vol. ssfglist INK a t.. P. u. lloa am, Han FrauiSkuetsa. volt nll.KHVTll.l.MINAl'ii.. ft HI flMt I Ml I III RTON . OMJMMMf, AMERICAN PLAN. $3.00 per Day and Upwards. I in. -I Mvlel In the i'a. in. Morihwsal. gsaMgisM THE PORTLAND i ' k I I A N I ' (IKKIIDN lor tourists and commercial travelers Spscial Mates to fdastern Oregon people visiting Portland, haatdttaartera n ih BUWHKa. naatir. il m OAUVHAU. Hrvp KltMotly.FurDUuftfl StM0HMted Luropsan flan Hlotik and a hall Irosa depwt. Mittpl Kooni la oiutociiou Kudin Rate 54k, 7Sc, II. M Hotel Pendleton Under New riana;t.ment 1 Strictly nr. i tin. KiuIIodi Colbioe. Kitry Modern looreoloutt Farmers Custom Mill PreSJ Waller a, PreprtaHexr. 1 1 1 1 dm ar act Uuoms. oapacicy. U barrels e day. y. r ..,n i axchauged fur ... a uai, Mill Ifesd. oaeppsd fees, els .. elw.y. Vjk. ij,, Bro, rODIJ oa liand. fill J laSsi I 1 GUf u i Trial. Kales $1.00 i diy Specltl Kite, by wen or moDiti lleadguartere lor Iravcllny Mso Hots In BaaUrn Orofoa. Succaaaora to J. E. Moore For Health. Strength and (1 lri.,L II i ivcsoui w ii inrv Polydore Moens, Proprietor. u